Wednesday 26 February 2020

The Lost Ones 74.

Summer. Falmare. Lowlands. Southlands.

Spranen the mercenary grabs the knight's shield as he lies there on the ground after getting hit by the backdoor of the safe house.
As he does, Halnard the mercenary stabs his sword down at the prone knight, aiming for his head.
"Damn it" mutters Halnard the mercenary as his blade slides along the side of the large, heavily armoured knight's full helm.
"The eye slot!" says Brossic the mercenary who points to where Halnard should stab.
While Spranen, who like Halnard, is from the port town of Gilsom, grunts with exertion as he tries to rip the large shield away from the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
Who maybe battered, bruised, and slightly disoriented. But he's hanging onto his footman's shield for dear life.
Then as Grunna the sorcerer steps forward to help Spranen get the large shield off the left arm of the heavily armoured knight.
Halnard from Gilsom puts a foot on the prone knight's chest, pushing down on his steel breastplate. And lifts his shortsword up again, and stabs it down again, aiming for the eye slot in the downed knight's full helm.
Halnard suddenly grunts, and staggers backwards a couple of steps.
And as the other three look at him, his shortsword drops from his right hand, and he grabs with his left hand at his stomach.
That Brossic, Spranen, and Grunna all notice that there's a crossbow bolt sticking out of it.
The youngest of the four mercenaries, who is the most cautious of them, groans in pain as he drops to his knees, clutching at his stomach.
Then his head snaps back, as his face shatters apart when another crossbow bolt hits him in the head.
Both Brossic and Spranen dive to one side, away from the hole in the back wall of the safe house.
Though the mercenary from the port town of Gilsom, Spranen. Keeps a hold of the knight's shield, still trying to pull it free from the downed knight's left arm.
"Fuck" mutters Grunna the sorcerer who steps away from the hole in the back wall of the small abode, and the open frame of the backdoor, which lies off to one side after he used it to hit the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
The powerful spellcaster from further down the coast of the Southlands, grimaces as he looks at Halnard, who lies there dead on the ground with most of the front of his head missing.
The sorcerer, who along with the others, have plans for creating their own nation up in the Maldin Hills.
Briefly thinks about peeking around through the open back doorway. But decides not to, as he knows whoever it is that's using the crossbow, will shoot whoever shows themselves.
Just inside the safe house, in the front room, Lisell Maera the messenger is kneeling, with her armed crossbow up to her shoulder. Looking through the small abode, through to the back room. Where there's a large hole in the back wall, and a few feet to the side of it, where there's an open doorway, with no door.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, who has just killed one of the mercenaries. Who she believes is one of the two from the port town of Gilsom.
Sees only the dead body of the mercenary on the ground at the back, and not far from it is sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who she sees is trying to move.
The messenger in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque slightly furrows her brow, and narrows her eyelids.
As she realises someone is pulling on the left arm of the prone, former paladin.
They're trying to get his shield off him, Lisell Maera the messenger thinks to herself.
Then the attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, whose mother was a street prostitute, and whose father, a man she never knew or met, was a sailor. Sees the former earl of Lé Dic is being dragged that way.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group, looks carefully, and sees how thick the back wall of the safe house is, especially near the edge of the hole in the wall.
She shoots off the bolt in her crossbow, and grins as she quickly reloads when she hears a yelp from outside, and sees that sir Percavelle Lé Dic is no longer being dragged to one side.
Brossic the lowland mercenary grimaces in pain, then mutters "The same fucking arm". As another crossbow bolt has just hit him in the left arm, though this one has just grazed him, and left a bloody streak, compared to the previous one which actually went into and almost through his arm.
The lowlander is lying flat on the ground, trying not to make himself a target. While next to him, Spranen sits there, still trying to pull the large footman's shield off the left arm of the downed knight.
Meanwhile, Grunna the sorcerer has creeped forward, to be next to the open doorway at the back of the safe house.
Brossic thinks he's crazy for doing so, for whoever it is that's been shooting at them with a crossbow, could very well shoot through the wall right next to the doorway.
Then the three mercenaries, Brossic, Spranen and Grunna. The three who are still alive out of the five of them who have plans of creating their own nation up in the Maldin Hills.
All look at one another as they hear a roar nearby, from out on the street infront of the safe house, that they're behind.
Lisell Maera the messenger looks behind her when she hears the familiar roar.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury mutters "Oh hell" as she sees Dorc da Orc run from the house directly opposite the safe house she's in.
The large ork is followed by Shur Kee the monk, Tamric Drubine the field commander, and Saanea the witch.
Lis drops flat to the floor, as she sees the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world is heading straight this way.
The messenger or runner as they're sometimes referred to grimaces and hopes the ork warleader doesn't run over him.
As she does, the tall, lean, athletic, and attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands.
Lifts up her crossbow as she lies there on the floor in the front room of the safe house.
Lisell Maera points towards the rather large hole in that back wall of the small abode, and the open doorway, going between the two as she waits for movement.
"Not this time" murmurs Grunna the sorcerer, who stops holding his power within himself, and says to Brossic and Spranen "Get ready".
The powerful sorcerer then casts an energyball, glances around the side of the open doorway, and sends it flying through the safe house.
He yells in pain, and realises he should put of up wards too. As he falls backwards onto the ground, with a crossbow bolt through his right leg.
The spellcaster from further down the coast of the Southlands, grimaces in pain as he rolls to one side, so he's not lying infront of the open doorway.
Then he grins knowing that his energyball is going to hit someone, hopefully whoever it is that's using the crossbow. Or even better, the large green creature, who he figures is running back into the safe house.
That's exactly what Dorc da Orc is doing, as Lisell Maera hears him shout "Get some!" as he runs in through the hole in the front wall he created previously.
The messenger in the armies of Farque grimaces as the large ork runs over her, barely missing her.
She also grimaces as she sees what looks like is an energyball coming straight towards the ork general, and where she's lying on the floor in the front room of the safe house.
Dorc da Orc who is well and truly a complete psychopath. Is also not entirely thick. Well at least not when it comes to combat.
And the warleader of the ork race, who has fought numerous spellcasters in the past.
Knows that what's coming right at him, probably won't kill him, but it will incapacitate him for a short amount of time.
Does what one wouldn't normally associate when it comes to a pig headed ork.
He steps to one side as he runs, and runs into the side wall of the safe house, as the blue coloured energyball narrowly misses him.
The ork weaponsmith smashes through the side wall sending wood and debris flying, and goes outside in a stumbling run.
Meanwhile in the front room of the small abode, Lisell Maera grimaces again as the six foot wide energyball passes just a foot above her.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, is glad it's not a fireball. For if it was, the liquid fire of that particular spell would of dripped on her as it passed over her.
Then as she lies there in the front room of the safe house, Lis hears a familiar voice outside on the street shout "Bru Li spirit!". The messenger in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque rolls away to one side.
Tamric Drubine the field commander grabs Saanea the witch, and hauls her to one side down the street.
After he sees Dorkindle disappear inside the safe house the mercenaries they're after are behind.
And infront of him and the pretty looking hillwoman. Shur Kee the monk suddenly stops and goes into fighting stance.
And as he drags the spellcaster from the Maldin Hills to one side. The young field commander in the armies of Farque who sees the short, statured monk quickly grab the jade pendant he wears on a silver chain around his neck.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin briefly catches sight of what's coming through the safe house, heading this way towards the street.
Then Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, hears the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li shout "Bru Li spirit!".
Out the back, behind the safe house. As he lies there on the ground feeling a little worse for wear.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic who clearly hears a roaring Dorc da Orc, followed by a crashing sound nearby.
Then hears the distinctive voice of Shur Kee the monk shout "Bru Li spirit!".
"Narille" mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he knows exactly what that means. As he himself, has been on the receiving end of it, about fourteen years ago. It's something he'll never forget. And he's kept well clear of it ever since, whenever it's happened.
The large heavily armoured knight, who clenches his right hand, and is surprised to find he's still holding the sword of knockdown.
Who feels someone trying to take the shield of Saint Mar-che off his left arm, says "That" followed by a brief pause, before adding "Is mine you thieving villain, wot".
Then as he lies there on his back on the ground behind the safe house. The former paladin swings his right arm across his body, and stabs at whoever it is that's trying to wrench his magical shield from him.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic grins behind the faceplate of his full helm as he rolls the other way, as he knows the sword of knockdown has just hit someone.
Spranen the mercenary only sees it at the last moment, as he's too busy trying to pull the knight's shield away, as he wonders what that shouting is about from around the front of the safe house.
He briefly sees the knight's weapon, a strange looking shortsword. It doesn't stab Spranen or cut him. It hits him with the flat of the blade.
Then it feels like the mercenary from the port town of Gilsom, has been kicked in the chest by horse. As he's suddenly lifted off the ground, and goes flying backwards with force, tumbling through the air, narrowly missing Grunna the sorcerer, who sits there grimacing in pain, trying to pull a crossbow bolt out of his leg.
Spranen tumbles head over foot, barely able to scream, he's too disoriented to do so. As he goes flying backwards nearly forty feet, before he slams into the side of the house next to the safe house that belongs to Sharnd the merchant, who lies dead out on the street infront.
The mercenary Spranen hits the side of that house so hard, that he goes through it feet first, shattering his feet and legs. He goes through it up to his waist, when he comes to a sudden and violent stop.
The top half of his body continues it's momentum forward, and his chest and head slam into the side wall of the house, shattering his face and head against it, before the top half of his body falls back.
The mercenary from the port town of Gilsom is wedge into the side of the house, with broken limbs, shattered ribs, back and skull. With half of his body inside the house, and the other half hanging outside.
Spranen tries to groan in pain, but all that comes out of his mouth is blood as he dies stuck in the side of a house.
Holding his bloody left arm with his right hand, Brossic the lowland mercenary sits there in disbelief as he looks at Spranen stuck halfway into the next house along.
Nearby sits Grunna the sorcerer, who briefly forgets the pain in his leg from the crossbow bolt that's in it.
As he too is dumbfounded as to what's just happened to Spranen. Then the spellcaster from further down the coast of the Southlands frowns, as he realises his energyball should of exploded by now, and it hasn't.
And as Brossic the mercenary scoots to one side as he sees the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che attempting to sit up.
Grunna the sorcerer drags himself forward and to one side, to peek through the large hole in the back wall of the safe house.
"The fuck is that thing?" murmurs Grunna in surprise as he sees a strange white ball of something coming through the safe house, heading straight this way.
The sorcerer senses, and he doesn't sense anything magical about it as the ball, about the same size as his energyball, comes flying through the back room of the safe house.
Grunna frowns, then rolls to one side, yelling in pain as he does so, as he didn't lift his injured leg clear of the ground, and the crossbow bolt digs into the ground.
The sorcerer hisses in pain as he tries to roll clear, he rolls to one side as the strange white ball of some kind of energy comes flying through the hole in the back wall of the safe house. He doesn't roll far enough, as the strange white ball hits him.
Brossic the mercenary sits there in disbelief as he sees Grunna the sorcerer enveloped by the strange white ball of energy that comes flying out of the back of the safe house.
The lowlander blinks in surprise, as he sees a stunned Grunna looking around as he's inside the ball of white energy as it continues on it's way.
The sorcerer is pushing out against it to no avail, and his mouth is open as if screaming. But from the outside, Brossic doesn't hear anything from the spellcaster from further down the coast of the Southlands.
The white ball of energy, with Grunna the sorcerer floating around inside of it. Goes across the grassy yard behind the safe house. Until it hits the next house behind it.
There the white ball of energy dissipates, as Grunna's body hits the house, not particularly hard, but hard enough. As he hit as he was contorted inside the ball of white energy, and he hit it head first.
Brossic the lowland mercenary, sees Grunna the sorcerer drop to the ground at the base of that house. The spellcaster isn't moving, as he lies there with his head at an odd angle.
The flatlander then realises that he's the only one still alive. Sharnd lies dead out on the street infront. Halnard lies close by, missing most of his face where he was shot by a crossbow bolt. Spranen is stuck halfway into the side of the next house along, obviously dead.
As is Grunna, who lies against the base of the house across the grassy yard behind the safe house.
Then as the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che sits up, and looks in his direction.
Brossic the lowland mercenary clutching his bleeding arm, gets up off the ground, and turns to run away.
As he does, he catches a whiff of something that smells absolutely horrible.
Then all of sudden something grabs him just before he turns, and he hears a deep, growling voice say "Got ya cunt" . . . . . .

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