Monday 6 July 2020

The General & The Knight 26.

Winter. The Town Of Gildin Dale. In Northwest Farque. The Southlands.

Two airships arrived in the forest town of Gildin Dale last night.
A twin masted frigate, a human designed warship.
While the other is a contrast in difference, as it's a krean strikeship.
Both vessels which are in the fleet of the lands Farque are crewed by krean.
From the small city of Mosqeyn, which is found in the Krean Protectorate.
Which is located in the northern mountain range of the lands Farque.
Dorc da Orc who didn't even sleep last night, as he was too excited to. Is up and about early, well before dawn.
And is waiting near the airships that have put down on the south side of town.
In the early light of predawn, on a morning that's only slightly foggy.
The large ork is walking back and forth in anticipation.
The ork warleader doesn't actually know what he's supposed to be doing today when it comes to the training of the recruits.
He doesn't care. What he does care about is going up with the airships. That are in town to help with the recruits in training for air to air combat. Where fighting onboard is a distinct possibility.
The ork weaponsmith grunts as he smells Tamric Drubine the field commander and a number of the recruits approaching through town as dawn breaks to the east.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grins when he sees them come into view.
And spots the sour looking smile upon the face of the young field commander when he sees the ork general waiting by the warships.
"Dorc you're supposed to be with the third group out on the grounds this morning" says Tamric Drubine the field commander.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who has brought along the first, and second groups.
As well as Sarill the mage, and Alisian the water elemental, then adds "Not here with the ship training".
"Nah fuck that" says Dorc da Orc who follows that with "Some other cunt can do that shit".
The large ork, who is a general in the armies of Farque, and actually outranks the young field commander.
Which nobody actually bothers to remind him of, continues on with "Me going up with these cunts". As he gestures at the two groups of recruits, and the two airships.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, rolls his eyes, and dryly says "Obviously".
In response to the warleader of the ork race pointing at the krean strikeship and saying "Me goin' on that fucken one".
Knowing that he'll probably end up in a long argument with the large ork if he refuses to let him come along.
Field commander Drubine relents, and says to the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks "Fine, you can come along".
"Sweet" murmurs a grinning Dorc da Orc, whose given name is Dorkindle. Which nobody calls him by nowadays, with the exception of lord Farque, who will occasionally call him by that name.
"Stay out of the way, and do what you're told" adds the young field commander who is a senior officer in the armies of Farque.
The warleader of the ork race grunts that he will.
While the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin figures the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world will ignore that fairly quickly.
Field commander Drubine tells the ork general to wait with the two groups of recruits.
While he goes over and talks with the two airship captains, an air marine captain, and a couple of krean navigators who are waiting next to the two warships.
Dorkindle is a little annoyed at first as they don't immediately take off onboard the airships.
As this morning's training starts on the ground. As the teenage recruits of the first and second groups, learn how to quickly board both vessels. As well as disembark quickly.
The large ork sits on the ground nearby, waiting impatiently as the morning fog quickly burns away. To reveal a fine, and sunny winter's day here in this area of northwestern Farque.
The son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. Who he killed, which was only fair. As she was trying her best to kill him at the time.
Interactions between orks can be violent to say the least. Especially amongst family members.
Watches as the two groups of teenage recruits repeatedly board and disembark the two warships.
Both with their heavy packs they've brought along with them, and without.
All under the watchful eye of field commander Drubine, the two airship captains. And the krean air marine captain, and a pair of marine sergeants. As the three of them are actually doing most of the instructing so far.
The ork, who was named warleader of his race by lord Farque a number of years ago.
Is just wondering if they'll ever go up into the sky this morning, eventually mutters in the ork language "Fucken 'bout time". When Tamric Drubine calls out to him, and waves him over.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world gets up from where he's sitting, and hurries over to where the young field commander is standing next to the krean strikeship.
The ork general boards the mastless airship when a section of it's port side hull opens up, and drops down to form a ramp.
The ork weaponsmith boards along with field commander Drubine. As well as the teenage recruits of the first group, and the mage Sarill.
Who are glad to be coming onboard this way. Instead of scurrying up the cargo netting over the side of the warship, as they've done so far this morning.
The second group of teenage recruits based here in the town of Gildin Dale this winter. Along with Alisian the water elemental spouter board the frigate.
Though they have to climb up the cargo netting that's been draped down the starboard side of the twin masted airship.
Onboard the strikeship, the recruits and the field commander and the general make their way up onto the deck.
With Tamric Drubine keeping a close eye on Dorc da Orc. Making sure he doesn't wander off, and start shooting off some of the magetubes that are below deck.
The large ork, who wants to do exactly that. Grunts as behind him, field commander Drubine constantly tells him to keep moving.
Until they make it up on deck of the mastless airship.
The ork warleader grins as he sees that they've already lifted off, and are heading up into the morning sky.
While below them, the twin masted frigate is lifting off from the south side of the town of Gildin Dale.
Dorkindle grunts, as Tam quietly tells him "Pay attention". As the recruits line up on the order of the krean marine captain. Who has one of his sergeants with him on deck.
With the ork general standing off to one side, the young field commander joins the krean air marines.
Like all air marines in the krean forces. They're tall, standing around six and half foot. And usually broader across the shoulder than most other krean.
And unlike most other krean, their wings are longer. And usually tapered to a finer point than other krean.
Even for a race that spends a lot of time airborne. Those krean who are air marines spend even longer in the air. Either on ship, or under their own power by wing.
Standing next to the tall air marine captain, field commander Drubine says to the recruits "Some of you may end spending some time serving in our lord's fleet, on a patrol ship like the frigate over there". As he gestures over at the other warship.
The nobleborn teen who is the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which can be found in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
Looks at the young mage amongst the recruits as he says "Sarill you will definitely serve time on a patrol ship or two".
The young spellcaster from The Winter Palace nods in understanding to that.
As she already knows most practitioners of magic when they finish their training, and join one of their lord's armies.
Are usually assigned to work on a patrol ship for the first few months in their tenure in the army.
She has seen numerous young spellcasters back at her home in The Winter Palace, come into the citadel on one patrol ship or another.
As The Winter Palace is the most important, not to mention largest population center in the very west of the lands Farque.
"Today you will start to learn how to board a potential enemy ship" says Tamric Drubine the field commander, who continues with "Listen carefully to what the captain and sergeant have to say" followed by "And be careful too".
The senior officer in the armies of Farque briefly pauses before he says "The crew don't want to be diving down after one of you if you accidentally fall overboard" followed by "Nor do the navigators want to waste their time saving one of you if you get careless".
Looking over at the ork general, field commander Drubine tells him "That goes for you Dorc".
The krean air marines share a look amongst themselves. To say if that was to happen, none of them would take wing to save the large ork. He's just too damn heavy.
If the ork weaponsmith was to fall overbosrd, it would have to be one of the strikeship's navigators to save him.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of the Sarcrin nods his head to the senior most air marine, and says to him "Captain they're all yours".
"Thank you field commander" says the air marine captain, who is a darker coloured krean, a dark brown, greyish almost black colour.
Who like all krean, his dragon like features, are very expressive to say the least.
The air marine, who is the captain of the detachment of marines from Mosqeyn in the Krean Protectorate, who have accompanied the two vessels to Gildin Dale.
Looks at each of the teenage recruits of the first group, along with the young mage Sarill, before he says to them "Right then, let us begin".
As the marine captain speaks with the teenage recruits, one of the ship's navigators makes his way out of the low wheelhouse at the stern of the strikeship.
Dorc da Orc eyes the krean spellcaster. And if the large ork thinks Sarill the mage reeks of magic. Then the navigator absolutely stinks of magic as he's that powerful.
He's here to keep an eye on the young mage. As a lot of spellcasting is going to take place throughout the day.
Standing next to the ork general, the young field commander Tamric Drubine is just glad the captain of the strikeship is flying his vessel at a slow and steady pace. And a level flight as well.
Tam who has flown aboard krean airships before. Knows how quick they can be. And how wild their flights can be.
He watches the teenage recruits who are paying attention to what the air marine captain is telling them.
As the mastless airship is flying at around fifteen knots, about five hundred feet above the forest below.
Keeping pace with the twin masted frigate that's away to port.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. Knows that today's training for the recruits, is more for the benefit of the young mage Sarill than anyone else.
As he knows she will definitely be on airship patrol within her first year of joining one of the armies of Farque.
While one or two of the others may have a season or two of similar duties once they're in the armies of their lord.
Most of the teenage recruits who are living and training in the small town of Gildin Dale this winter.
Won't spend any extended time serving on an airship. For the vast majority of them. The time they'll spend on airships, is when they're being transported on them.
Under the watchful eye of the navigator, who is much slimmer than the air marines, though just as tall as them.
Whose lizard like, or cat like pupils, are a shade of dark green, that Tamric Drubine hasn't seen that often amongst the krean he's met before.
The mage Sarill teleports herself and one other of the recruits. Hamblin in this instance.
Across to the deck of the frigate, that's about a hundred yards off the port side.
Over there, she speaks with another air marine officer, a subaltern, or in the krean language, a lieutenant.
She and Hamblin come back to the deck of the strikeship. And tell the air marine captain what she spoke about with the subaltern on the other ship.
"Good" says the tall krean who is in the air marines, who follows that with "This time quicker, with another of the recruits going with the two of you".
Sarill nods in understanding, as teleporting quickly and efficiently. Is what is needed when it comes to a spellcaster who is on airship duty in their lord's fleet.
And since teleporting is dependant on weight versus how powerful one is at magic.
The small, teenage girl from The Winter Palace. Can teleport herself and quite a lot of the recruits in the first group across to the deck of the nearby frigate.
Especially as both airships change their altitude and the distance between both vessels quite often.
As the young mage practices her teleporting from ship to ship.
It's only after Sarill teleports herself and half a dozen of the first group of recruits across to the twin masted frigate and back. Does the navigator finally say something.
"Take the general with you" says the krean navigator to the young mage "He weighs about six of you recruits" adds the powerful krean spellcaster as he gestures to where Dorc da Orc is standing at the edge of the deck, looking down at the forest below.
Tamric Drubine the field commander looks at the navigator, who quietly tells the senior officer in the armies of Farque, in the krean language "If something goes amiss, i don't have to save so many of them".
Tam who started learning the krean language a few years ago, nods his head in understanding and quietly says in the same language "Makes sense".
Then in the common language, the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, calls out to the ork warleader with "Dorc come over here!".
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who has always enjoyed standing along the edge of a krean airship, as they have no rails.
Turns and makes his way back to the others, where Tamric Drubine tells him "Go with the young mage".
The ork general shrugs, then stands beside Sarill the mage, and the next moment they disappear.
Then reappear upon the deck of the frigate which is lower down in altitude, and further away from the krean strikeship.
They return to the mastless vessel in two teleports. As Sarill is unable to see the deck of the strikeship from down on the frigate.
So she teleports herself and Dorc da Orc to midair, much to the delight of the chuckling ork general.
Before she teleports the two of them onto the deck of the krean strikeship.
The warleader of the ork race, who has always liked the sensation of flying, and being in the middle of the sky. Either onboard an airship or not, he's not too fussed, just as long as he's up in the air.
Spends much of the rest of the day being teleported around by the young mage Sarill.
Who has to complete a number of tasks set by the krean air marine captain who is instructing her and the teenage recruits today.
The large ork especially likes it when they board the frigate in a mock attack. And he gets to scream and roar at the recruits in the other group upon the twin masted airship.
The day is one of the more enjoyable days that Dorc da Orc has had so far this winter, as he helps to train the teenage army recruits who are based in the small town of Gildin Dale, in northwestern Farque . . . . . .

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