Sunday 19 July 2020

The General & The Knight 35.

Winter. Garcyl. Northwest Farque.

Garcyl is a fishing village along the coast of the lands Farque. In the northwest, about forty miles south of the border town of Halmard.
It's on a small, crescent shaped bay, where the water is a little bit deeper than much of the coastline along this part of the coast.
Even so, most of the bay has a sandy beach along the length of it. With the piers of the village situated towards the northern end of the small, crescent shaped bay.
As some of the fishing boats go out just before dawn. On what looks and feels like is a mild, almost spring like morning.
About halfway along the beach, a figure sits cross legged in the sand, facing out towards the ocean. As behind him the first rays of sunshine can just been seen as the sun starts coming up in the east.
The figure sits there in his strange looking white clothing. With his eyes closed.
While beside him on the sand is a strange conical shaped hat. Certainly the only one of it's kind in the nation of Farque. And in all likelihood, probably the only one like it in all of the Southlands.
Yawning as he looks out the window, out towards the ocean. Tamric Drubine who woke up as quietly as he could. So as not to wake up his lover Saanea the witch.
Looks down at the beach, and away to the right at the nearby piers.
And sees that most of the fishing boats have already left. While onboard one of the two patrol ships in dock. The crew is preparing for this morning's training.
The second and third groups of teenage recruits who have been living and training in the forest town of Gildin Dale this winter.
Are here in the fishing village of Garcyl. Where at the end of winter, they're finishing off their training.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. Yawns again, then looks the other way down the bay.
Where in the first light of day, he spots a figure sitting about halfway along the white sandy beach.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque. Who is in charge of the training for the young teenage army recruits in this region of northwestern Farque.
Slightly frowns as he looks at the lone figure sitting on the beach. Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Nods his head as he realises it's Shur Kee the monk sitting on the beach by himself.
Field commander Drubine isn't surprised at that. As the short, statured monk from the far east coast of the continent is often up far earlier than everyone else.
As he meditates every morning before the first light of dawn.
Though what got Tam frowning is that he's pretty certain that for the briefest of moments.
He saw the figure of Shur Kee not actually sitting on the sand. But just above it, floating.
And that the physical adept who is a member of the philosophical order of Bru Li, was within a sphere of almost, clear white light.
The son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is found in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
Blinks a few times, then after yawning once again, shakes his head.
As he must of been mistaken. For with it getting lighter outside as the sun rises away to the east.
He can clearly see the figure of Shur Kee the monk sitting on the sand. Eyes closed no doubt, facing out to the west, out at the ocean.
Tamric Drubine who is a senior officer in the armies of Farque goes to turn away.
But he takes one last look at Shur Kee down on the beach. After he does, and sees that the short, statured monk is still sitting there on the sand.
The young field commander turns, and goes to wake up his lover Saanea. As the teenage recruits have another long day of training ahead of them today.
Later, and the second group of recruits are on the beach. Running back and forth to either end of the crescent shaped bay.
To the more open, curving southern tip of the bay. Back to the northern end. Which is tighter in, and where the water is deeper. The reason why the piers are at that end of the bay.
The beach is about a hundred and forty yards in total. And the recruits of both the second and third groups.
Especially the second group, as they're on it this morning.
Absolutely hate running back and forth along the white sandy beach.
As it drags down on the their legs. Especially considering what else they have to do after they complete their run.
The recruits who have been here in Garcyl for about five days. Are glad about one thing since being here in the fishing village.
They're glad that they've been part of the winter intake of teenage recruits here in the northwest of Farque. Who are based in the forest town of Gildin Dale.
As they've found out that those who do the training in the summertime in Gildin Dale.
Spend nearly a whole month out here on the coast. Which might sound idyllic and tranquil considering the surrounds.
But considering the training they've undertaken over the last five days here in Garcyl. That couldn't be further from the truth.
Halfway along the beach, not far from where he saw Shur Kee the monk sitting at dawn.
Tamric Drubine waits for the second group to run back this way. As they're a loose bunch towards the docks at the moment.
And they'll soon turn around, and head back along the beach in this direction.
The recruits of the second group, along with the third when they've done the beach run.
Have learnt not to get too far spread out. And to keep as a group.
If not, their instructors will prolong their efforts on the beach. And make them run it again from one end to another.
Which is more than annoying, considering each time they do the beach run. They have to run the entire length of the bay, back and forth at least ten times.
As the recruits of the second group turn and make their way back this way.
Field commander Drubine takes a quick look out to sea. Where about a half a mile from shore.
Is the patrol ship that the third group of recruits are onboard this morning.
They're learning to stop and board other vessels.
Practicing on any of the fishing boats that come back into the bay from checking their nets and pots.
The locals take it in their stride, and with much suppressed laughter. As the young teenage recruits, a couple of whom are actually from here in Garcyl.
Learn to stop and search other vessels. As this is a task some of them may have to undertake if they get assigned to the ships that patrol along the coast of their lord's lands.
Tam then looks back at the beach, and sees the recruits of the second group approaching.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who is only five years older than the oldest of the young teenage army recruits.
Points to the water as the recruits of the second group get close.
"You'll find the marker to the south" says Tamric Drubine the field commander to the recruits after they come to a stop infront of him.
The senior officer in the armies of Farque who doesn't tell them exactly how far away to the marker it is, continues with "Alisian will be there, to make sure you all complete it".
The teenage water elemental spouter is also there to get any of the other recruits out of trouble if they get into any.
Tam and the other instructors want to push the young army recruits to their limits, and beyond them.
But they don't want to drown any of them. Which is a distinct possibility with what they're about to do.
Alisian has already saved some of the recruits of both the second and third groups so far this week.
Especially the first time they undertook this training exercise. One of the most physically demanding they've done all winter.
The teenage recruits know they don't have a time limit on what they're about to do.
So they all take a bit of time to get their breath back after the beach run.
Eventually one of them makes their way down to the water. Followed by another, and another, then another.
Eventually all ten teenagers in the second group make their way into the water.
And though it's still winter. The water in the bay isn't particularly cold. Just like most of the beaches along the northern end of the coast of the lands Farque.
The sandy bottom isn't that deep in this half of the beach. And it takes quite a few steps to even get to waist height in the water.
The teenagers, all thirteen and fourteen year olds. The oldest of whom will be fifteen in the spring time.
Stop and look down into the water. Where they find ten large rocks, roughly about the size of a small cask.
The recruits each bend down, and pick one up. Which weighs between twenty and thirty pounds.
They carry the rocks with them, heading deeper out into the bay.
One by one, they all take a deep breath when the water is about to get head high.
Then each of the teenage recruits of the second group. Duck down below the surface of the water.
And start running along the sandy bottom. Heading south as they keep parallel with the beach.
Tamric Drubine walks south along the beach in the bay. Keeping pace with the ten teenage recruits in the water.
One by one they resurface, to take a quick deep breath. Before they duck down beneath the surface of the water, and continue running again.
The young field commander who himself did this training exercise the first time one of the two groups here in Garcyl tried it.
Can attest to how difficult it is. Infact Tam found it excruciating painful.
Holding one's breath. While trying to run along the ocean floor. While carrying a twenty to thirty pound rock.
And like him, they all drop the heavy rock. Which they have to pick up again. As they're carrying the rocks to an underwater marker.
This particularly training exercise. Which is actually devised by, and used by water elementals. In their human forms, when they're very young, toddlers, or small children really.
And though they have the advantage of breathing below the surface in their human form.
When you're only four years old. Carrying a rock underwater that weighs just as much as you do.
It's a very difficult task for a young water elemental in their human form.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
Whose father was a previous knight of castle Drubine. Which is located in the forested north of that particular nation.
Winces in sympathy as more than one of the teenage recruits burst up through the surface.
Gasping for air, and who no doubt their muscles are burning like hell from what they're doing.
Trying to carry the heavy rocks beneath the surface of the water out in the bay.
The teenage recruits of the second of four groups, who have been based in the forest town of Gildin Dale this winter.
Know that the marker must be some distance from where they began. As the distance they usually go along the ocean floor. Is between thirty and fifty yards.
Not this morning. As the recruit in the lead as they make their way south.
Has yet to even spot the marker beneath the surface of the water.
And he, like the rest the ten recruits of the second group. Figure the marker must be at the southern tip of the bay.
Over seventy yards from where they got in the water. And started this part of their training exercise this morning.
They're not far wrong with that. For indeed the marker is near that end of the bay.
Where under the surface. A glass buoy attached to a rope, which is affixed to a fairly heavy rock. Is floating beneath the surface of the water.
As the surface for the most part is fairly calm here in the crescent shaped bay.
Where the water is clear blue, and not that cold, even though it's still actually winter.
Not seen by the recruits, is another of their fellow recruits. The water elemental spouter, Alisian.
Who is in his favourite form at the moment, water. That matches the water here close to the shore in the bay.
The young water elemental is always amazed when they do this exercise. At how difficult it is for his fellow recruits.
It gives him an appreciation of the advantages he has over them. Even in his human form.
In his water form, roughly man shaped at the moment.
Alisian winces in sympathy as he watches the teenage army recruits struggling beneath the surface as they head his way.
And though the water elemental spouter is here to see if each of the recruits of the second group make it to the glass buoy floating just beneath the surface of the water.
He actually has a more important task. And that's to keep his fellow recruits from drowning. And to keep them alive.
Alisian watches as many of them drop the rock they're carrying. And head up to break the surface of the water before they run out of air in their lungs.
Heads above water, they take in deep breathes, before diving back down. Retrieve their rock, and run along the sandy bottom of the bay again.
Those who know how to hold their breath the longest under water. Are the ones who don't have to go up for air as often.
Though they're the ones most likely to keep into trouble beneath the surface of the waves.
As they hold their breath for too long. And before they know it, they start to black out. Which will lead to them drowning if Alisian wasn't watching them, keeping an eye on them.
Fortunately this morning, none of them black out. Though a few come close to it. Before they quickly drop their rock and head up to the surface for air.
But eventually, one by one. They reach the underwater marker. Where they drop their rocks for the last time. Then head into shore. On what's a mild end of winter's day.
Here on the coast, it feels more like the middle of spring than it does winter.
Much to the relief of the recruits of the second group. Who struggle back to the beach at the southern tip of the bay.
Some of them stand up and stagger through the shallower water to the sands of the beach.
While others once they're in the shallows, crawl to the beach.
Where they lie on the sand, gasping for breath. As Alisian the water elemental spouter walks out of the water behind them in his human form.
To join field commander Drubine who is standing higher up on the beach.
The senior officer in the armies of Farque glances at the water elemental spouter. Who informs him that all the recruits made it to the marker with their rocks.
Tam nods, and later will have Alisian take all those rocks back to halfway up the length of the bay.
As the third group will do the same training exercise this afternoon when they return on the patrol ship that's out about half a mile from the shore.
Looking at the teenage recruits in their under clothes, trying to recover as they lie there.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin has sympathy for them.
As they're in their last week or so together. Where their training is more difficult than ever.
The only advantage being the weather is nicer, and warmer out here on the coast.
Compared to what they've endured throughout the winter in the forest town of Gildin Dale.
The young field commander looks back up the bay towards the village of Garcyl.
And spots his lover Saanea's familiar. An osprey at the moment, as that's the form it favours when it's the air, here on the coast.
Fly into the village from the north, and drop down out of view.
Tam who has Saanea keep an eye on the other two groups of recruits here on the coast.
The fourth group down in the fishing village of  Paserin Bay. And the first group up in the border town of Halmard.
Knows that it's just come back from checking on one of the other groups of teenage army recruits he's in charge of.
"Get your armour and gear on" says Tamric Drubine to the recruits of the second group.
"Then head into the village for the midday meal" adds the young field commander, who follows that with "You'll be out on the patrol ship this afternoon with councillor Kee".
The recruits of the second group are relieved to hear that. And as they get to their feet. And start heading back to the village.
Field commander Drubine is already heading that way, in search of Saanea the witch.
To see what her familiar has been watching of the first group. As it's just come back from up north along the coast, back from the border town of Halmard . . . . . .

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