Wednesday 12 August 2020

The General & The Knight 53.

Spring. The Border Region.

He falls backwards, narrowly avoiding a hit to the head by one of the raider's swords.
On the ground he kicks out, connecting with the raider's shin. Causing the man from the unruled lands to mutter a swear word, and stumble forward.
Where he ends up skewered on Hamblin the teenage recruit's sword, which he shoves up at him as the young Farqian lies on the ground.
The unofficial leader of the first group of teenage army recruits.
Who spent most of the winter living and training in the forest town of Gildin Dale.
Before heading out to the coast, and the bordertown of Halmard to complete their training.
Rolls to one side, as the raider falls to one side, grabbing at the sword that's through his guts, and out his back.
Hamblin looks to his right, and sees his fellow recruit Golmard grappling with another of the raider's.
The largest of the teenage recruits in the first group. Is taller than the man who has got a hold of him. And he's got the raider in a bear hug.
Golmard head butts the shorter man in the face. And the two of them, still holding onto one another, drop to the ground.
Halmard looks beyond the pair rolling on the ground, trying to punch one another.
And sees another of his fellow recruits from the northwest of the lands Farque.
Jinsa, who stumbles backwards after getting hit in the face by a raider throwing a punch.
The teenage girl, who is already bleeding from the corner of her mouth. And has a bruise that's showing along one side of her face.
Whips her shortsword up from down low. Slicing open the right leg of raider who just punched her.
With his right leg above the knee cut open at least a good six inches.
The raider takes a step, and grunts doing so. Then he yells in pain, and drops to the ground when Jinsa kicks his badly injured leg.
Another of the raider's from the unruled lands to the north of the lands Farque.
Jumps over the fallen tree, to try and get at the teenage girl from the northwest of the lands Farque.
Hamblin as the unofficial leader of the first group of teenage recruits, would like to help both Jinsa and Golmard. But he's got his own problems to deal with at the moment.
The thirteen year old from the farming village of Polsten, which lies about forty five miles to the southeast of the two of Gildin Dale.
Gets up off the ground to confront another of the raiders. This man, one of the crew. Who has just climbed over the fallen tree.
While two more of them, are running around the end of the long, fallen tree. To try and get at the trio of teenage army recruits from the northwest of the lands Farque.
Up on the brow of the hill, amongst the clump of trees there.
Maselle the teenage army recruit drives her sword into the guts of a raider who has just wildly swung an axe at her.
Then Lamis the teenage army recruit comes up beside him, and whacks his shortsword into the side of the raider's neck, killing him instantly.
Maselle, who pulls her shortsword out of the dead man's stomach.
And Lamis who picks up that raider's hand axe.
Haven't been as hard pressed as the rest of the group of teenage army recruits.
They're up on the brow of the hill, amongst the smattering of trees. And not that many of the raiders are making their way up here.
They're too busy attacking the other members of the first group of young Farqian army recruits.
Who hail from all across the northwest of their lord's lands.
So the two teenagers, Maselle and Lamis. Start yelling and calling out to the raiders further down the north facing side of the hill.
To get them to head up to the brow of the hill, to attack the two of them.
Some of the raiders do. But most of them head off to where the other recruits from the first group are scattered across the north side of the hill.
A hill that's right on the border that the lands Farque has with the unruled lands to the north.
Furnid the teenage army recruit grimaces as he snaps the arrow through his left bicep in two.
He takes just behind the arrowhead, where it's come out through the inner part of his arm. And pulls what's left of the broken shaft through his arm.
As blood squirts from the wound. He figures the arrow barely missed the bone.
For if it did hit it, he knows he probably would of fainted due to the pain.
The pain is bad enough as it is. But at least he's still conscious, and still standing.
He wraps a cloth from his pack around his left bicep to try and stop the bleeding.
Dammis the teenage army recruit steps back behind the large boulder, and hands him a quiver.
And without a word, does up the cloth even tighter around the left bicep of his fellow teenage army recruit from the northwest of the nation of Farque.
Then Dammis, who is one of the smaller teenage boys in the first group of recruits.
Who spent most of winter in the forest town of Gildin Dale, where they lived and trained.
Before they made their way out to the coast, and the bordertown of Halmard to complete their training.
Steps back around the large boulder, holding his two long daggers. As more of the raiders head in their direction.
Furnid picks up his bow, which he hasn't used for a little while, since he ran out of arrows earlier.
Then takes out one of the arrows from the quiver Dammis got for him. When he killed the raider who shot Furnid.
The teenage Farqian army recruit puts the arrow to the plate of his bow.
Then glances around the side of the large boulder. Picks a target, and there's plenty of them.
Steps to the side of the large boulder, and grimaces in pain from his injured left arm as he draws back his bow.
Furnid then lets go off the string, letting the shaft fly.
Which barely passes over the head of Dammis on it's way to slam into the chest of one of the raiders running at the small teenage boy, who is the quickest of the recruits in the first group.
Who doesn't even pause as that raider drops to the ground, and five more continue running towards him, as he moves towards them.
Further down the north face of the hill, the last two of the teenage recruits in the group share a look.
Markell the teenage army recruit just shrugs his shoulders. While his fellow army recruit, Marshay shakes her head.
As more of the raiders who are on the ground, start heading down to where they are.
Markell flips one of his shortswords, catching it by the blade. He flips it again, and catches it by the hilt.
Next to him, Marshay picks up a bailing hook that one of the dead raiders nearby was using.
She looks at it, and wonders if she should throw it. She decides not to, and uses it with her off hand.
While Markell next to her, is like Dammis in their group. They're truly ambidextrous. Able to use a weapon in both hands. Just as good in both hands too.
Flipping the shortsword in his right hand again, this time higher.
Markell quickly takes from his belt, one of his throwing daggers he's retrieved from one of the dead raiders lying nearby.
And biffs it, then catches the shortsword before it hits the ground.
Then faintly smile as next to him, his fellow young army recruit Marshy, calls him a show off.
When the dagger takes one of the advancing raiders right in the throat.
Dropping the man to the ground, as blood sprays from the ghastly wound as he rips the dagger out of his throat.
Markell steps forward and to the right. Marshay who ran out of bolts for her crossbow some time ago.
Steps back and the left, giving her fellow recruit as much room as possible.
And though Golmard the teenage army recruit will in all likelihood be a blademaster or swordmaster one day. As he's that good with the broadsword he uses.
Markell with his shortswords isn't too far behind him in his ability with blades.
Marshay again lets Markell take on the raiders who rush down the hill to attack them, first.
She will move in, to help him out whenever she can. As she knows, that even outnumbered. They still have the ability and skills to hold off, and kill the raiders they come up against.
Raiders who have made their way down off their badly damaged airship. That's stationary above the north facing side of the hill.
A hill, that's along the northern border of the lands Farque.
Onboard the raider's vessel from the unruled lands, a converted cargo ship.
Dorc the Orc and his bitter rival, sir Percavellé Lé Dic. Have decided to get off the raider's airship.
Separately of course, as they hardly ever decide on anything together.
The ork general and the foreign born knight. Head forward along the deck, that's no longer tilting to one side. As the airship is once again relatively level, as it's no longer listing to starboard.
And though they've decided to somehow make their way overboard. For the simple reason so many of the raiders and the crew have gone over the side. Raiders and crew members that the teenage army recruits down on the hillside will have to deal with.
The large ork and the former paladin will go about getting off the stricken airship in their own way.
After all, either one of them doesn't want to do what the other one will do.
As they head forward, the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world heads port side.
While his bitter rival, the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, makes his way to starboard.
The ork warleader heads forward to where the sails, and some of the sheets on the main mast which he's knocked down.
Are either bunched up, or partially hanging over the port side rail.
While the nobleborn knight, heads to one of the ropes the raiders have tied to the starboard rail, which they've used to climb down off their badly damaged airship.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name. Stops, and picks a raider with a leg wound, who is crawling across the deck.
The ork weaponsmith throws the raider overboard, calling out to him to enjoy the flight.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. Chuckles as he hears the raider's scream come to an abrupt halt as he hits the ground.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks continues on his way along the deck of the converted cargo vessel.
On the otherside of the raider's airship, sir Percavellé Lé Dic or Percy as he's called by those who know him well.
Sourly smiles and shakes his full helmed as he looks across to the port side of the ship, and sees what his bitter rival has just done.
The heavily armoured knight continues on his way, picking up a dropped wooden mallet as he does so.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who is a member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che.
Throws the mallet, which hits the side of the head of a raider on the starboard rail about to climb overboard. The man falls off the rail, screaming as he does so.
The nobleborn knight gets to the rope tied to the rail the raider was about to climb down.
Percy looks overboard and down, and sees two other raiders on the rope, climbing down to the ground below.
One of whom is looking up, wondering what just happened.
The former paladin steps back, taking his hand axe from his belt, which he uses to whack the heavy rope tied to the rail.
The rope breaks, and with a grin upon his face behind the visor of his full helm.
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
Returns his hand axe to his belt, and continues along the starboard side of the converted cargo vessel until he gets to the next rope tied to the rail.
Sir Percavellé Lé Dic looks overboard, and grunts in satisfaction. He takes a hold of the rope tied to the rail and yanks on it a couple of times, wondering if it will hold his weight, hoping that it does so.
The nobleborn knight shrugs his broad, heavily armoured shoulders.
Quickly looks across to the port side of the stationary airship, and shakes his head when he sees what his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc is doing.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic then as he holds on tight to the rope, climbs over the starboard side rail, and starts climbing down the rope to the hill below.
On the otherside of the raider's airship, the ork general Dorc da Orc who has just stomped on the head of wounded crewman who got caught under some of the main mast when it toppled forward along the decking.
Is gathering up the sails, lines and sheets still attached to the downed main mast.
The warleader of the ork race as he does so, looks over the port rail and down, scowling and muttering away to himself in his native language as he does so.
Then the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world looks to starboard, and scowls even more when he sees his bitter rival, sir Percavellé Lé Dic climbing overboard.
Grunting to himself, the large ork throws the sails, ropes and sheets over the port side of the raider's vessel.
Making sure they're still attached to the main mast of the stationary airship.
When he sees that they are, the ork weaponsmith grabs a hold of some of them, bunching them up tight as he does so.
Dorkindle scowls after he lightly tugs on the sails and the like he's holding, then he gingerly climbs over the port side rail.
He grimaces as a rope amongst the lot he's holding snaps as he has his face amongst a sail as he starts climbing down to the ground below.
On the hillside, to starboard of the raiders airship that's stationary in the air.
The teenage army recruit Hamblin falls over after cutting down one raider, and another one without a weapon, tackles him.
The unofficial leader of the first group of the recruits grimaces as the man on top of him, throws a short punch that hits him in the side of the head.
Hamblin whacks him in the side of his face with hilt of his sword. The raider on top of him, one of the crew, is dazed.
Then he passes out when the young teenager from the farming village of Polsten in northwestern Farque slams the hilt of his sword into the side of the raider's head again.
Hamblin grunts as he rolls the unconscious raider off him.
Then as he lies there on the ground, breathing heavily as he gets his breath back.
And away to his right he hears his fellow recruit Golmard yell out their lord's name.
Hamblin frowns as he hears something in the distance.
The teenage army recruit rolls over onto his stomach, lifts his head up, and looks away to the west.
As he lies there, Hamblin who is certain he hears something thud in the distance.
Suddenly blinks in surprise as he spots something down off the hill to the west.
The unofficial leader of the first group of recruits shakes his head, and as he gets up off the ground, he faintly smiles to himself as he sees what it is that's away to the west quickly approaching the hill . . . . . .

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