Thursday 27 August 2020

To War 8.

Summer. Melaurn.

On the second morning after leaving the lands Farque, and traveling over the southern tundra. The fleet approaches the kingdom of Melaurn.
The fleet from the nation of Farque flies at the speed of it's slowest ships. The massive four masted transporters carrying the equipment and war machines of the engineering corp.
The exception to this is the command ship, the krean scoutship that lord Farque himself is onboard.
Which has already gone ahead, and is somewhere in the kingdom of Melaurn now.
As the fleet nears the eastern border of the kingdom. To be exact, the province of Orrinda.
Onboard the flagship, the triple masted battlecruiser in the middle of the fleet, Hamblin the adjunct quietly says "I wonder if they think we're invading them?".
"It might look like that truly" says the runner Marshay as they stand in the bow, looking to the west at the kingdom of Melaurn.
It's easy to see the border, one moment it's the undulating tundra, with it's green summer grass. With hardly a tree to be seen anywhere.
The next moment, there's suddenly trees, with undergrowth.
Marking the border between the Great Southern Tundra, and the kingdom of Melaurn.
Turning, and looking back through the fleet, Hamblin asks "Were you able to speak to Dammis or Furnid?".
"Dammis i did" says Marshay, who with Hamblin, is from northwestern Farque, where they spent the wintertime in basic army training together.
"He's with the engineers i take it?" adds Marshay, a lean young teenager, who has a crossbow strapped to her back.
"He is" says Hamblin, who is from a farming village in northwest Farque, called Polsten.
"So is Furnid" adds the teenage adjunctant, who continues with "Dammis has been assigned to their commander, a captain by the name of Tovis".
"The war engineer" says Marshay with a nod of her head, as she has heard of captain Tovis who leads the engineers of the first army of Farque.
As Hamblin looks forward again, the fourteen year old teenage boy from Polsten in northwestern Farque, says "It's interesting".
In response to Marshay asking him "What's it like being an adjunctant to one of the undead?".
As he's an adjunct, to be exact an officer in training. Who has been assigned to assist the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem.
Not that trooper Arveem needs assistance with anything.
For though the undead who have come along with the first army of Farque to the kingdom of Melaurn. They won't be in command of the army.
That's a job for general Salmic and a trio of field commanders. One of whom is field commander Drubine. Who was in charge of Hamblin and Marshay's training back in the winter. Up in the very northwest of their lord's lands.
Marshay is a common runner in the scouts and rangers division of the first army.
Who has been assigned to the senior officers in the command staff, many of whom are traveling onboard the flagship of the fleet.
The two teens from northwestern Farque turn as they hear loud muttering from somewhere behind them.
And they see a yawning ork warleader, Dorc da Orc has made his way up on deck.
The large ork, who is a general in the armies of Farque. Who has a battalion of his very own.
Who are traveling on a couple of nearby airships.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, is swearing to himself in his own language.
Most likely about being awake, when he spent all of last night drinking and talking with the pair of undead onboard. The brothers Arveem and Dargarven.
And it looks like the ork weaponsmith has come off the night of drinking a little worse for wear.
The ork, who is actually the highest ranking officer in the first army of Farque alongside general Salmic.
Nobody bothers to tell Dorc da Orc this. As no one wants him making any decisions of importance. 
Spots the two teenagers he recognises, and makes his way forward onto the bow deck.
Glaring up at the sun in the clear summer sky this morning.
Dorc da Orc grunts then mutters "Yeah cunts" in reply to Hamblin and Marshay saying good morning to him.
The large ork looks around, then asks the two of them "Any more of you little cunts from up north here?".
Referring to those who were recruits alongside Marshay and Hamblin, up in the northwest of the lands Farque. Who undertook the basic army training during the wintertime.
"There's a few from our group general" replies Hamblin, who names the others from their group, who are with the first army on the way to the kingdom of Melaurn.
There's the two of them, along with Dammis and Furnid, as well as Maselle.
Though neither Hamblin or Marshay have seen Maselle yet.
The warleader of the ork race, who is absolutely useless at remembering names, grunts then says "Well, you cunts do what ya told, and you gonna be fucken fine".
The ork weaponsmith looks around at the surrounding airships, and soon spots the two vessels his battalion are on.
And he says to the two teenagers "The general might need you cunts to send messages and shit, so be readies when we in the fucken war".
He waves vaguely in the direction of the two airships that his battalion are on, and adds "General Dorc's army will be in the fucken shit soon" followed in a mutter "We fucken always are".
There's a momentary pause from the large ork, who then chuckles, before says "That's what general Dorc fucken likes".
The two teens from the northwest of the nation of Farque share a look. And Marshay, who after all is a common runner. And is most likely the one who will end up running messages for the ork general, and his battalion.
Asks the warleader of the ork race "What's it like having goblins to command in battle general?".
As she and Hamblin have heard about the battalion of goblins within their lord's armies. But never actually seen them.
They like the rest of the teenagers in northwestern Farque they trained with during the winter.
Would often talk about the ork general and his battalion of goblins. Who frankly sound like an absolute nightmare to be both against, and be around in a time of war.
"Fucken goods" says Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name.
"Never lost a fucken battle we beens in" adds the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, which is infact true.
The large ork who is actually in exile from his homeland, the Ork Range. For killing his mother, the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe. Who at the time was doing her best to kill him.
Gestures towards the kingdom of Melaurn the flagship is just about to enter, and says "The general first gots his fucken army there".
The ork warleader continues on with "Years ago now, me fucken forgets how long ago it was".
It was about fifteen years ago now, during a winter war between neighbouring nobles in the province of Sorros in the kingdom of Melaurn.
The scout Lisell Maera makes her way up a ladder on the port side in a midships.
The lean attractive young woman, who originally comes from the city-state of Brattonbury, once on deck.
Looks around, and spots who she's looking for on the bow deck of the triple masted battlecruiser.
Seeing Dorc da Orc chatting with a couple of young teenage soldiers. One a runner by the looks of it, and the other an adjunct who the scout Maera has seen with the undead trooper Arveem.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well.
Looks around, and quickly finds the ork general's bitter rival, sir Percavellé Lé Dic.
Who she knew would be fairly close by. As he's just infront of the forecastle here in a midships.
Acting as though he's looking where they and the rest of the fleet are heading.
When infact he's actually watching his bitter rival, the warleader of the ork race.
Lis slightly shakes her head, then she makes her way forward along the deck of the flagship.
The scout makes her way onto the bow deck, where the ork weaponsmith is chatting to a pair of young teenage soldiers.
Dorc da Orc grunts, and turns when Lisell Maera the scout walks up to him, and says "General you're wanted below".
The lean attractive twenty year old woman then adds "Field commander Drubine has called a meeting".
"Fucken who?" asks the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world.
"Tam" says Lis after she rolls her eyes.
Dorkindle grunts, then mutters "Why you not fucken says so".
The ork general in the armies of Farque who has known Tamric Drubine for at least a decade. And infact helped raise the nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. Often forgets peoples full names.
He turns to the teenage runner and teenage adjunct, and says to the two of them "See ya later cunts".
The ork weaponsmith briefly pauses before he tells the two of them "Oh, me will fucken asks for ya, if me need messages sent during the fucken war".
Both Hamblin and Marshay nod, and say "Yes general". Then share a look, before they watch the ork warleader walk away with the scout in black leather armour who has come to fetch him.
As they see the two of them head below deck. The teenage runner and teenage adjunct.
Spot another of their instructors from their basic army training in the wintertime. The foreign knight, sir Percavellé Lé Dic who is in a midships.
They see the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic, head below deck too.
After he spots his bitter rival, general Dorc. Going below deck with the scout who has come and got him.
Lisell Maera and Dorkindle make their way to aft below deck. Going along a passageway on the starboard side of the flagship of the fleet.
With the large ork having to duck his head as he walks, or he will hit it because he's too tall for the passageway.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world scowls as he follows behind the scout who is originally from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks smells his bitter rival sir Percavellé Lé Dic below deck as well.
The nobleborn knight is in the port side passageway, heading to aft too.
The warleader of the ork race sourly smiles as he realises the former paladin is heading to the same place that he and Lis are going.
The scout Maera leads the ork general to the captain's stateroom, at the very stern of the ship.
Which Tamric Drubine the field commander has taken over for the journey to the kingdom of Melaurn. Which the flagship of the fleet has just entered.
The lean, attractive young woman who hails from the coast of the Southlands.
Whose mother was a prostitute on the streets of Brattonbury. And whose father, who she never knew or met, was a sailor.
Opens the door to the stateroom, and nods for the large ork to enter.
The ork warleader grunts, ducks down and enters the massive cabin that takes up the stern section beneath the wheelhouse up on deck.
The large ork is just glad to be able to stand upright below deck, now that he's in the stateroom.
Lisell Maera keeps holding the cabin door open, as sir Percavellé Lé Dic comes into view.
She follows the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic into the stateroom, and closes the door behind her.
Inside is field commander Drubine, his lover, Saanea the witch. Along with the war engineer Tovis, and Beldane the cleric. As well as Mira Reinholt the mage, and Shur Kee the monk. And the undead brothers Arveem and Dargarven.
Who are sitting off to one side, while the others are all standing around the large map table.
Helbe the elven thief isn't present. As he left with lord Farque on the krean scoutship.
Which is already here in the kingdom of Melaurn. Where exactly, no one is quite sure.
Looking at the new arrivals in the stateroom, Tamric Drubine the field commander says "Good, you're here".
Then gesturing at the map table, the nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin says "Let us begin".
Meanwhile up on the bow deck of the triple masted battlecruiser, the runner Marshay turns and looks at her fellow, former army recruit from the northwest of their lord's lands, and quietly asks him "Wonder what they're doing down there?".
"Probably going over the plans of attack" is the reply of Hamblin the adjunctant as the flagship and the rest of the fleet from the lands Farque flies into the kingdom of Melaurn . . . . . .

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