Sunday 28 February 2021

To War 121.

Summer. The Province Of Moleau.

After walking up the hillside and coming to a stop, Lisell Maera the scout says "They've moved on, headed north of the town, what's it called?".
"Shelmane?" says Tamric Drubine the field commander, who then adds "Or Shelmarne?" followed by "I'll have to check on the map".
The scout Maera nods her head, and says "Arveem's coming back" she continues with "He says Dargarven is keeping close to them, and watching to see if they'll head back this way".
The young field commander in the armies of Farque nods his head, then looks down to the road, where the army he's in charge of, are heading further north into the province of Moleau.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin then looks at the scout he's known for at least half of his life.
"One more defeat for them here, and they'll retreat even further" says Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
"Probably up into Olind by the way things are going" adds field commander Drubine.
The scout Maera nods, then she gestures at the packet ship that's heading back west, the way it came from.
The fast moving single masted Farqian airship, didn't stop long as it delivered missives to one of the three field commanders of the first army of Farque.
"What was it?" asks Lisell Maera or Lis as she's called more often than not, by those who know her well.
"Messages from Jarjin" replies the son of a previous knight of castle Drubine. A castle and its surrounding lands that can be found in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"The west of the province is looking a lot like here" continues the young field commander who follows that with "After they wiped out that army last week, they've got the others in the area on the run".
"They're falling back right across the province then?" says the tall, young attractive looking woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury.
"Looks like it" says Tam, who continues on with "Even in the east, they're bottled up with what's happening in the Corlinda Corner".
"We heard anything from there recently?" asks the scout Maera, who then adds "With what's happening at that castle you sent Dorc and his battalion to defend?".
"Nothing recently" is the reply from the nobleborn teenager who is a field commander in the first army of Farque.
"I sent out some roving squads yesterday, to go back there to the east, and see how it is" adds Tamric Drubine who follows that with "Should hear something back from them in a day or two".
Lis nods, then as she continues to watch the packet ship disappear to the west in the afternoon sky, on what's been a mild summer's day here in this area of the province of Moleau.
The attractive young woman in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque, quietly asks "Jarjin hear anything about what's going on in the capital with the others?".
"Nothing" replies field commander Drubine who got a message a few days ago, that most of the rest of the group who travels with lord Farque.
Had set off to the capital city Calinar, with the enemy prisoner, general Sumic. Who was captured in a battle against the forces that Tam leads.
In an attempt to win the war, or at least bring it to an end. With lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who has hired the first army of Farque.
At least getting the terms he's wanting if the war between him and the crown comes to an end.
The scout Maera who like field commander Drubine, is speaking in the elven language, quietly asks "Think they can do it?".
The nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. Only has a basic idea of what the others are attempting to do in the city of Calinar.
The message he got from the councilor, Jarjin Littlefoot wasn't exactly specific.
So he shrugs and quietly says "Who knows?" he briefly pauses before continuing with "But with that lot, anything is possible".
Lis nods in agreement with the young field commander as they both look westwards as the packet ship gets further and further away.
Then the son of a previous knight of castle Drubine, turns and gestures down the hill, and says "Let's head back" followed by "The pace we're going, we'll be at that town before nightfall".
The scout Maera nods in agreement with the young field commander, then the two of them head back down the hill, to rejoin the army that's heading northwards through this area of the province of Moleau.
Once they're back on the road, they jog ahead to where Tam finds his subcommander and others of his staff. Including his lover, Saanea the witch.
The nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, has a quiet word with the witch who is from the Maldin Hills.
A short time later, a bird of prey can be seen in the afternoon sky, winging it's way northwards.
Lisell Maera moves further forward, to where she finds the undead heavy foot trooper Arveem has come back.
Who is near the front of the line of march, walking behind some of the forward elements of the cavalry.
The scout Maera nods her head in greeting to the young teenager, Hamblin. Who is the undead heavy foot trooper's assistant.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury. Whose mother was a street prostitute, and whose father. A man she never knew, or for that matter, met. Was a sailor, who plied his trade upon the Great Western Ocean.
Knows that it can't be easy for the young officer in training. And at fourteen, it's surely difficult to be an assistant to one of Farqian undead.
Who doesn't exactly need an assistant of any kind.
But from what Lis has seen, the young teenager who hails from the northwest of the lands Farque.
Has been doing an admirable job in assisting the large, heavily armoured undead being.
"They coming back south at all?" quietly asks the scout Maera as she walks alongside the massive undead Farqian.
"Nope" is the reply of Arveem the heavy foot trooper, who at near seven foot tall, and in excess of three hundred pounds is the largest of all the undead from the lands Farque.
"They're still heading north" continues Arveem, who then adds "Though they're leaving squads behind to see if they're being followed".
The undead heavy foot trooper follows that with "The first lot of them are a couple miles north of the town of Shelmarne". 
"That's the name of it" mutters Lisell Maera.
The attractive young woman who is from the coast of the Southlands, the city-state of Brattonbury to be exact.
Waves over a runner, and gives her a message for field commander Drubine.
The youngster runs back to inform the nobleborn teenager who is in command of this particular force of the first army of Farque.
A little while later, and Tamric Drubine, his lover Saanea the witch. The field commander's subcommander as well as his assistant and others in his staff.
Make their way forward to where the scout Maera is walking with the massive undead heavy foot trooper.
As the army continues on it's way northwards, Lis after listening to Tam and the others for a while.
Heads forward, and soon gets infront of the van of the army, then gets infront of the forward elements.
The scout stretches out her stride as she runs, and a few hundred yards forward of the bulk of the army.
She comes across the first of the scouts and rangers who are out infront of the army.
The attractive young woman who grew up in the poorest of areas of the city-state of Brattonbury.
Who at a young age, was found by lord Farque and the others, and joined the group that travels with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Has a quick word with the scouts, before continuing forward. Moving at a constant and steady pace.
Lisell Maera who at near enough six foot, is fairly tall for a human woman.
Quickly covers ground as she heads north, occasionally stopping and chatting with others in the scouts and rangers division, which she is part of.
It's later in the afternoon, that the scout Maera who has spotted the town of Shelmarne.
Runs up a hill on a farm less than half a mile from the town, to where a couple of Farqian scouts, are observing it.
After she gets her breath back as they stand beneath some trees, the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury quietly asks her fellow scouts "Where's the scout Dargarven?".
As one scout remains silent as all three of them look at the nearby town, the senior of the two quietly says in elven "North of the town" followed by "He said he'd be close to them as they continue to head north".
The scout Maera wryly smiles, as she wouldn't put it past the undead scout to actually be walking with the enemy as they retreat northwards through the province of Moleau.
"Probably in the middle of them without a care in the world" dryly says Lis.
The senior of the two other scouts chuckles, then says "Probably".
Then in a more serious tone, he nods at the nearby town, as he adds "We might have a bit of a problem".
"Oh?" asks the young woman from the coast of the Southlands, who then asks "What is it?".
Pointing, the senior of the two Farqian born scouts quietly says "You can see them, there and there".
Lis nods, as the older scout quietly says "They left their dead and dying behind so they wouldn't slow them down".
The scout briefly pauses before he adds "There must be over a hundred there who are too injured and wounded to continue".
"Closer to a hundred and fifty" says the other scout, a young woman around the same age as Lis.
The scout Maera nods, then she wonders why Arveem didn't tell her about this, or inform field commander Drubine about it.
For he surely would of sensed the the enemy dead and dying who were left behind in the town of Shelmarne.
Lis suspects he kept quiet about it, so he could see what Tam will decide to do with the enemy who have been left behind.
The younger female scout, points in the sky, and the three of them spot a bird of prey winging it's way southwards above the nearby road.
"The witch Saanea's familiar?" asks the senior of the two Farqian born scouts.
"It is" says Lisell Maera the scout, as she figures Tam probably now knows the situation in the nearby town if Saanea has told him what she's seen through the eyes of her familiar.
Lis remains on the hilltop with the other two from the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Waiting for the army to arrive, and to see what field commander Drubine will do with the problem of the enemy injured and wounded who have been left behind in the town of Shelmarne.
The scout Maera suspects the enemy who have been left behind, won't survive the night.
On what's been a fairly mild summer's day, here in the middle of the province of Moleau . . . . . .

Thursday 25 February 2021

To War 120.

Summer. The City Of Calinar. The Capital Of The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"What are you going to do" whispers Narladene the ground pixie as they watch a number of people enter the antechamber from the massive chamber where the king's court was just held.
"Let things play out" is the murmured reply of Helbe the elven thief who is in a corner of the antechamber.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel has just had a quick look at the map table the king is looking at.
Now the blurred and shielded elven spellcaster watches general Sumic come in through the door, alongside lord Tulbart and the dowager queen.
The elven masterthief can't help but grin at the gumption of the general in the King's Own.
Then after king Harmard the Third of Melaurn has a quiet word with the queen.
And she makes her way out into the massive chamber where court was just dismissed.
The king waves over his friend he's known since childhood, general Sumic.
The highly talented elven magic user decides to get in contact with the common born general, who grew up here in the Palace of the King.
General Sumic almost jumps in fright when he hears the voice in his head.
He immediately recognises the voice as one of his captors, the elf named Helbe.
The general in the King's Own slightly nods his head in response to the elven voice in his head telling him to stall as long as possible, as he wants a number of people to incriminate themselves.
The general, a commoner, born and brought up here in the capital city Calinar.
Stands alongside king Harmard the Third of Melaurn, who says "Exactly where Sumic?" as he points at the map table.
"Here, here and here as well" says general Sumic, who then adds "And there's heavy fighting in the Corlinda Corner as well".
The general, who is the highest ranking commoner in the army of the king of Melaurn, continues with "Around, or at a lord Measum's castle i believe" followed by "I don't know how things stand there at the moment, as i left before hearing anything about the fighting there".
The general in the King's Own, as the king of Melaurn's army is more commonly referred to, then points westwards up into the province of Moleau, northwest of the border it has with the province of Corlinda.
"A significant force made up of both the King's Own, and our allies here in the west of the kingdom were basically wiped out to the last man, after they lost a battle against the enemy in the border region" says general Sumic.
"Those mercenaries from Farque?" asks the king of Melaurn.
"Yes, they lost the battle against the mercenary army" says the senior most common born officer in the King's Own.
Who pauses for a moment, before he continues with "But as they retreated to the northwest from the border they were wiped out by another army".
King Harmard the Third looks up from the maps, and looks at the general who he has known since childhood, and asks "Who?".
"They were mainly from the southern city of Ramgee" replies general Sumic, who then adds "The lord's of Selvah Na have entered the war".
The king of Melaurn looks around at those gathered around the map table, and the others in the antechamber and scowls.
"I told you this is why i didn't want to get involved in the border conflict between Corlinda and Karricaw" says king Harmard, followed by "We should of left those brothers alone to sort their differences out".
The king of Melaurn, briefly pauses before he continues on with "Now it's spread so much that the most rebellious lords in the entire kingdom are involved".
Harmard, the third monarch in the history of the kingdom to be named so, then says "You know they've been itching for a fight for years against the crown" followed by "Hell, for almost a century since the winter shipping rights to the southern coast was changed".
Some of those gathered, who are the advisors to the king of Melaurn, nod in agreement with him.
Though they are in the minority, as an equal number are quite neutral on the matter with the shipping rights to the port city of Ramgee.
While the rest, those loyal to the faction at court that the dowager queen leads.
Are vehemently against changing those shipping rights. They are also the most vocal in support of the war against lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
Chief amongst them is the powerful and influential city lord Tulbart. And since the dowager queen can't actually speak up in such meetings, or at court.
The king allows her to attend, but he will not have his mother speak during court, or in meetings like this he has with his advisors and others.
So it's lord Tulbart, who says "Majesty, can we corroborate what the general is saying, is in fact true?".
The city lord who called general Sumic a traitor just a short while ago in the session of court.
Knows that the general was here in the capital just a week and a half ago.
After all, he along with the dowager queen and others, had sir Jurshwin and his guards, take the common born general prisoner, and put him into the old dungeons.
Which are located underground of course, on the otherside of the barracks, here in the palace grounds.
"I'm just going to find that out" says king Harmard the Third, who nods to the door they came in through.
Which has just opened again, and the queen comes back into the antechamber. And holding onto her arm, is the old court wizard.
"Samaellé, if you could do me a favour" says the king of Melaurn.
"Of course Harmard" says Samaellé the court wizard, who must be near eighty years old.
Who previously served king Harmard's father, and grandfather.
The old wizard, who is the only who doesn't call the king his majesty. And Harmard the Third is fine with that.
As Samaellé didn't call his father and grandfather your majesty as well.
Sits down on a plush seat along the back wall of the antechamber.
The queen pats him on the shoulder so he doesn't fall asleep. For though he's still active, and has all his faculties. The old wizard does like to sleep a lot.
"What is it Harmard?" asks the spellcaster who has served as court wizard to three generations of the royal family.
Indicating the general next to him, the king of Melaurn says "Has Sumic here just told us the truth of what's been happening in the war down in the south of the kingdom?".
The king trusts his childhood friend, but he knows many here don't. For the simple reason the general is a commoner.
The old wizard clears his throat, looks at the general in the King's Own, then casts.
"He speaks the truth" says the wizard Samaellé with a shrug of his shoulders.
The king of Melaurn nods, as do a number of his advisors. While other look disappointed. With a few including both lord Tulbart, and the dowager queen have sour looks upon their faces.
For though Samaellé the wizard is old, his spellcasting abilities are still as good as they've ever been.
"Well, that settles that then" says king Harmard the Third, who after a slight pause, adds "We're in the shit down south for sure".
The king is silent for a little while, standing there looking down at the maps and counters on the large table.
Whilst others in the antechamber quietly chat amongst themselves.
Among who, lord Tulbart listens to the dowager queen, who stands next to him, whispering him instructions.
The influential city lord slightly nods as the dowager queen whispers to him "You must not let that son of my call off the war".
The old queen goes to say something else, but she suddenly goes silent.
As she sees the queen, who is sitting next to the old wizard Samaellé. Is looking straight at her mother inlaw.
General Sumic also sees this, and he like many here at court and in the palace.
Know of the dislike between the current queen, and the old queen. Who has never liked her daughter inlaw, even before her son Harmard married her.
The general in the King's Own looks away from the queens who are silent and are staring at one another.
And he looks at his childhood friend Harmard, who quietly asks him "That missive you sent the other week?".
The common born general nods in reply to the king of Melaurn quietly asking him "Those terms Gormica sent still offered?".
"Well isn't that something" murmurs king Harmard the Third of Melaurn.
Who then looks over at sir Macell, who is standing at one end of the large map table, next to his assistant, the underlord, sir Dalacain.
It was the two of them who delivered the missive from general Sumic a couple of weeks ago. On the day of the disturbance here in the palace grounds. When the old dungeons on the otherside of the barracks, were destroyed.
Then the king of Melaurn, looks across the large table, towards the other end.
Where his mother is standing, with some of her loyal supporters at court. Chief of whom, is lord Tulbart who is standing right next to her.
King Harmard after deciding on something, speaks to the others again.
"I've made up my mind" says the king of Melaurn, who like his childhood friend Sumic, is around forty years old.
"It's time for us to bring to an end the war the crown has with the Karricawian lord, Gormica" says king Harmard the Third.
There's a moment's pause, then the arguing begins. Mostly between the dowager queen's faction. And those led by the city lord, sir Macell.
Even those who are considered neutral here at court, get in on the arguments.
As people yell and shout for either the war to continue, or for it to end. Now that they know what's actually happening down in the south of the kingdom.
The king shares a look with his friend, general Sumic. Then he looks back to where his wife, the queen is sitting next to the old court wizard, Samaellé.
The current queen of Melaurn lifts a questioning eyebrow, and her husband the king, replies with a shrug of his shoulders.
King Harmard the Third lets the arguing go on for a bit more, then he calls for silence.
"Your majesty i must protest" says lord Tulbart once the arguing has ceased.
Holding up a hand, the king of Melaurn says "It was my command to go to war" he briefly pauses before adding "And now it's mine to end it".
Before anyone else can say anything, the king says "We've been offered terms to cease all hostilities" followed by "And for the most part, they're fair".
The city lord sir Macell, and his assistant, the underlord sir Dalacain nod in agreement with their king.
As does, the general in the King's Own, general Sumic.
The general looks over at the dowager queen, and the influential city lord, Tulbart. And those standing with them.
None of them look pleased. Infact more than a few of them look angry.
And to the eye of the common born general, it looks like the old queen who is the angriest.
Then general Sumic spots that the dowager queen is clutching something in her right hand.
Sumic doesn't know what it is, but for some inexplicable reason, the dowager queen. Much to her own surprise, drops it.
General Sumic sees that it's a glass ball, the size of a small fruit as it rolls along the ground, before weirdly it rolls back to the feet of the old queen.
The general isn't the only one who spots it, sitting on the plush seats against the wall behind where everyone else is gathered around the large map table, here in the antechamber.
The queen of Melaurn, along with the old court wizard saw the dowager queen drop whatever it is.
And Samaellé the wizard, does know what it is, and he says in a clear voice "Why that is an influence stone your mother just dropped there Harmard".
"Huh?" says the king of Melaurn, who looks to where the old spellcaster points.
The king pauses, then he asks "What does it do Samaellé?" followed by "And is it magical?".
"Very magical" replies the old court wizard, who continues with "You don't have to be a spellcaster to use it".
Samaellé clears his throat, then he says "It influences those around the person holding it, to do what they think".
There's a moment's silence in the antechamber, then king Harmard the Third as he looks at his mother, and says to her "Care to explain yourself mother?".
As magic is forbidden at court, and in meetings such as this, with the exception of the court wizard, Samaellé.
When his mother doesn't answer him, the king looks at the influential city lord standing next to her, and says to him "Did you know about this Tulbart?".
"I" says lord Tulbart in a hesitant tone of voice, he's silent for a moment as he thinks of what to say.
Which is a clear sign that he indeed knew about the magical item that the dowager queen just dropped.
"What the hell?" mutters king Harmard the Third, who then shouts "Silence!". As his mother, the dowager queen goes to speak.
After a moment's pause, the king of Melaurn quietly says "If you're been doing that, what else have you been doing?".
The king waves over some of his guards, who are at the door, and gives them an order.
One royal guard takes a hold of the dowager queen, while two others take the arms of lord Tulbart, and firmly hold onto him.
"Anyone else?" says king Harmard the Third.
The rest who are loyal to the old queen, step away from her and the city lord, Tulbart.
Then the king of Melaurn says to the old court wizard "Samaellé, there's something i want you to do" followed by "Something i want you to find out" . . . . . .

Wednesday 24 February 2021

To War 119.

Summer. Calinar.

"He's with me" says general Sumic to the guards at the entrance of the main building of the Palace of the King.
When they greet him, after being surprised that he's here in the capital city of Calinar, and not down in southern Melaurn where the war is.
The general in the King's Own, who hopes he doesn't run into any of the guards who captured him last time he was here in the capital.
Then tells the palace guards "He's from the province of Mofosild, serving in the army of one of our allies down there".
Sumic, who is the highest ranking commoner in the entire kingdom of Melaurn.
Nods his head, when the sergeant at arms in charge of those at the front doors of the main building here in the palace grounds says "It's good to see you back general".
As the general who grew up here in the Palace of the King, where his parents were servants.
Makes his way in through the massive open doors, with Beldane the cleric beside him.
"This way" murmurs general Sumic to the fighting cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell.
Who is glad he's never worn either the black tabards and cloaks of the armies of Farque.
For if he did, he'd immediately be recognised as one of the enemy, that the crown and king of Melaurn are at war with.
General Sumic, who is pretty certain he just has to avoid any soldiers from either lord Talbot, and the recently deceased sir Jurshwin's garrisons, who maybe in the palace grounds today.
As he's sure that it was them who captured him, and put him into the dungeons here in the Palace of the King.
Gestures to a hallway entrance, which he and the powerful cleric make their way towards.
As they enter the hallway, the general who is the highest ranking commoner at court, and one of the king's advisors, as the two of them grew up together.
Quietly tells the member of the church of Glaine "You won't be allowed into the chamber where court is held".
Sumic, who grew up running and playing through these hallways here in the main building of the palace.
Where his mother was a chambermaid, and his father worked in the royal stables.
Quietly adds "Only the old court wizard is allowed in there".
"I'll be close by" quietly says Beldane the cleric, who in an even quieter voice, adds "And Helbe will be even closer".
Beldane, who belongs to the church of Glaine, a god worshiped predominantly in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Briefly pauses, as he hears Narladene the ground pixie whisper something to him.
The fighting cleric, who has never set foot in the lands Farque, but is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque.
Quickly and quietly repeats to the enemy general, what Narladene just told him.
The general in the King's Own scowls at hearing that, then he quietly says "Typical of lord Tulbart to make up things".
Then general Sumic points, and quietly adds "Around the corner here, and down the hallway".
"That sorcerer is down there" quietly says Beldane the cleric, who senses the spellcaster in that direction. He also senses the old wizard, who must be in the chamber where court is held.
"Garbén" quietly says the enemy general, who follows that with "He can be right dick at times".
"I'll take care of him" quietly says the fighting cleric as they round the corner into the widest hallway in their entire building. Also one of the busiest too.
Both general Sumic, and Beldane the cleric spot the distant relation to the dowager queen, standing with a number of others outside of one of the open double doors alongside the long, wide hallway.
The sorcerer Garbén has turned, as he sensed the cleric in the church of Glaine approaching.
As Beldane didn't bother to hold his power within himself, so other spellcasters are able to sense him.
The two of them, the general in the army of the king of Melaurn, known as the King's Own. And the cleric in the church of Glaine.
See the sorcerer in his middle years, looked totally shocked when he spots Sumic with the fairly large cleric, in the halfplate armour.
The common born general who is in his uniform, which was freshly cleaned yesterday.
Murmurs to the powerful spellcaster walking beside him "This should be interesting".
As a few others near the sorcerer Garbén, have turned and are also surprised to see the general in the King's Own, here in the palace grounds.
"You could go in through one of the other doors?" quietly says Beldane the cleric.
"Best not" is the quiet response of the enemy general, who is actually a prisoner. Though he isn't treated like one.
"Make more of an entrance down there" quietly says general Sumic, who quietly continues with "Court is actually down that end".
He briefly pauses before adding "The chamber is massive" quietly followed by "That's why this hallway is so damn long".
As they continue down the hallway, general Sumic is sure that the sorcerer Garbén, knows that he was captured the last time he was here in the capital, less than two weeks ago.
And that the common born general in the army of the king of Melaurn, escaped from the palace dungeons., obviously helped by someone.
That's why the sorcerer who is a distant relation to the dowager queen.
Looks a little nervous, as much as he does shocked. At the general in the King's Own showing up. With the powerful cleric walking beside him as they walk down the long hallway.
When they get to the wide double doors, general Sumic says "Greetings". To the palace guards on door duty.
"I'll just wait out here" says Beldane the cleric, at the same time, the sorcerer Garbén quickly says to the common born general "You can't go in there".
"Oh, is that so?" says the enemy general with an upraised eyebrow as he looks at the sorcerer, who is distantly related to the old queen. "The general may go in" says one of the palace guards on duty here.
"You, cleric" adds the palace guard as be looks at the fighting cleric who is from the kingdom of Basel
"Beldane" says general Sumic, who continues with "He's from Mofosild". Which is a lie.
"He's been fighting down on the border of Moleau and Corlinda" adds the common born general. Which is true. Though he hasn't been fighting on the side of the crown.
"You'll have to remain out here cleric Beldane" says the palace guard after nodding in thanks to the general in the King's Own for telling him who the cleric is.
"It'll be my pleasure" says the member in the church of Glaine.
As he puts a hand on the end of his mace as he stares at the sorcerer Garbén.
Who looks like he's going to complain again about general Sumic being allowed to enter the massive chamber where court is held.
"I'll just keep an eye on things out here general" adds the fairly large spellcaster in the halfplate and chainmail armour as he continues to stare at the middle aged sorcerer who is a distant relation to the dowager queen.
"I was rather hoping he wouldn't" loudly murmurs one of the other palace guards to another.
As he doesn't fancy the idea of being around the two practitioners of magic, who look like they'll start chucking spells at one another at any moment now, with the way they're staring at each other.
The palace guard who is speaking to general Sumic, smiles in apology at Beldane the cleric because of that from his fellow guard.
Then he steps aside, so that general Sumic can enter the massive chamber here in the main building of the palace, where the king of Melaurn holds court.
"Luck" murmurs the fighting cleric to the general in the King's Own, who nods in reply before he steps through the open doorway, and enters the massive chamber where court is held.
Beldane the cleric watches as general Sumic make his way across the chamber floor to where the row of seats where a number of people are.
Behind whom, the cleric assumes is the public and others.
The member of the church of Glaine glances sideways at the sorcerer Garbén, who he easily out powers when it comes to magical strength.
Beldane is also pretty certain he's had way more magical combat experience than the sorcerer.
Who is at least fifteen years, maybe twenty years older than the he is.
The sorcerer, who is distantly related to the dowager queen. After trying to get someone's attention inside the chamber, and is unable to.
Waves over someone in the hallway, who Beldane works out is a court official.
Garbén the sorcerer quickly and quietly speaks with the court official. Who nods then enters the massive chamber. As the guards on door duty don't even question him.
By this time, general Sumic has been noticed by many in the chamber where court is held.
The fighting cleric originally from the north of the kingdom of Nastell, sees who must be the dowager queen, at this end of the row of chairs, turn and see the general in the King's Own.
To Beldane, the old queen looks both shocked and furious at Sumic showing up at court.
As is the nobleman who has the floor at the moment, who is addressing the king who sits upon the throne.
Until he turns and sees what's all the commotion is, as the public are all chatting furiously, and so are most of the nobility.
"Sumic!" says lord Tulbart in surprise as he turns and sees who has walked in, and come to a stop behind this end of the row of chairs.
Not far from Tulbart's empty chair, and where the dowager queen is sitting.
The general in the King's Own, who has a slight smile upon his face has good reason to of stopped there.
"Traitor" quickly adds the influential and powerful city lord who has the floor at the moment.
Lord Tulbart turns to the king of Melaurn and says to him "Your majesty, the general is a traitor, and should be taken away, in irons i say".
"Sumic?" scoffs king Harmard the Third of Melaurn.
"A traitor?" adds the king with a shake of the head, who continues with "I rather doubt that".
The king of Melaurn, who by speaking has got those in the massive chamber to quieten down, briefly pauses before he says to the nobleman who has the floor at the moment "Tulbart, you're more likely to be traitor to the crown than Sumic could ever be".
The city lord nervously smiles, and stammers "You jest your majesty?".
"Just a little" replies the king of Melaurn from his throne, who then adds "But all the same, the general is the most loyal of our officers".
Lord Tulbart, glances back and sees one of the court officials is crouching next to the dowager queen and is whispering something to her.
"I assume the general has returned to the capital because of something important" says king Harmard the Third, who then says to his friend since childhood "Sumic you have the floor".
Though lord Tulbart actually has the floor at the moment. The king can always supersede who has the floor, and replace them with another.
So the city lord with a tight grin upon his face, bows to the king, before he turns and takes his seat next to the dowager queen.
General Sumic steps forward, going by the dowager queen and the city lord Tulbart.
Both of whom stare at him, for less than a couple of weeks ago. They were part of the group that captured him, and put him the palace dungeons without the king knowing, when the general last came to the capital Calinar.
The common born general, who has only taken the floor at court a handful of times in the past.
Infact he's the only commoner to do so in recent memory, apart from when there's public submissions once a month.
But even then, the member of the public submitting, usually a grievance about something.
Has a court official, usually a lower ranking noble, speak on their behalf.
Not so general Sumic, who is the highest ranking commoner in the kingdom.
Who bows to the king and queen of Melaurn before he speaks.
"Your majesty, i bring word from the war down south" says general Sumic.
King Harmard nods, and says to his friend the common born general "Speak freely Sumic, the throne and crown wishes to hear what's happening down there at the moment".
After a glance back and to his left, where lord Tulbart and the dowager queen are sitting at the end of the line of chairs the nobleborn are sitting on.
General Sumic says "Of course you're majesty" followed by "I don't know what you've be told of the situation down south recently".
The general in the King's Own briefly pauses before he continues with "But whatever it is, it certainly wasn't true".
The king's eyebrows shoot up, then he looks to where lord Tulbart is sitting. As the city lord a little earlier gave a brief update of the situation of the war in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Our forces, those allies to the crown, and even the King's Own have suffered a number of defeats in battle over the last week and a half or so" states general Sumic, who follows that with "Particularly along the border with the province of Corlinda".
He briefly pauses before continuing with "In some places our forces have basically been wiped out, and in others they've been forced to retreat back northwards, mostly into the province of Moleau".
There's a collective pause from everyone in the massive chamber, which is quickly broken by nearly everyone starting to talk.
With many shouting wanting to know what's going on with the war between the crown and lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, down in the south of the kingdom.
After looking sharply to where lord Tulbart is sitting, the king of Melaurn shouts "Silence!".
Those in the massive chamber quite down, then after king Harmard the Third has a quiet word with his wife next to him.
He says "Court is dismissed for the day" followed by "Advisors and senior officials, we meet in the antechamber now" as he gestures to a door in the wall that his throne is up against.
The king and queen stand, so does everyone else who is sitting, with the exception of the old court wizard who is still fast asleep.
Everyone bows to the king and queen, who make their way to the antechamber.
As do others, including general Sumic, who has a slight smile upon his face as he walks next lord Tulbart and the dowager queen, who are also making their way to the antechamber . . . . . .

Tuesday 23 February 2021

To War 118.

Summer. The Capital City.

Glancing down at the influence stone he's holding, Helbe the elven thief slightly grins again before he murmurs "Go and warn the others" followed by "Tell Beldane to be ready".
"I will" is the quiet reply from Narladene the ground pixie, who disappears from the right shoulder of the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel.
The highly talented elven magic user then looks over at the dowager queen.
Who is sitting there with a hand in one of her pockets. Holding onto the influence stone that's twin to the one the blurred and shielded elven magic user has in his right hand.
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel slightly grins again as he leans against one of the columns here in the massive chamber where the king of Melaurn holds court.
"Think he'll make an example out of her first?" quietly asks Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy as they look across the square infront of the grounds of the Palace of the King.
"Knowing him, definitely" dryly says Mira Reinholt the mage as the look at the main building of the palace.
The once powerful mage briefly pauses, before he quietly says "Though i wouldn't put it by him to kill her in public infront of everyone".
"Sounds like something you'd do" murmurs the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
Which causes the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil to frown. As the spy Tanith speaks the truth there.
The mage, who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil, is just about to say something in response to the elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
When the two of them hear an invisible Narladene the ground pixie quietly say to them "Get ready".
The naturally magical creature who is hovering between the mage Reinholt and the spy Tanith, adds "He's going to start putting things into motion".
The ground pixie then heads up, and wings her way through the building Mira Reinholt and Dalinvardèl Tanith are standing infront of, on this side of the square.
Narladene comes up through the roof of the building, and heads to a nearby three storey building just a couple of streets to the east of the Palace of the King.
Here in the port city of Calinar, the capital of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Looks like the normal patrols they do around the palace grounds" quietly says general Sumic, as he and one of his captors, continue to look out the windows of the third storey room they're in.
"Everything important is happening on the inside, not outside" says Beldane the cleric as they look at the palace grounds.
That's just a couple of streets away from the three storey building, that spies from the land Farque use as a safehouse.
The fighting cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell, is just about to say something to the enemy general.
When he suddenly hears Narladene the ground pixie whisper into his right ear "Get ready".
The member of the church of Glaine, a god that's predominantly worshiped in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Nods his head, as the invisible ground pixie tells him "He'll tell you when".
As Beldane, quietly says to the enemy general "Get ready" followed by "You could go at any moment".
Narladene wings her way out of the open windows, and quickly heads back to the nearby palace.
In the massive chamber in the main building of the Palace of the King, where court is held.
Lord Tulbart, the city lord says "Furthermore, what was the point of going to war in the first place?" he briefly pauses, before adding "It was to stop the ambitions of that rebel Gormica, who spread the war between Karricaw and Corlinda northwards into other provinces".
The king's court was fine with the border war between the neighbouring provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
But once that war went north across the border into the palace of Moleau.
Which wasn't even lord Gormica's doing.
The court, specifically the crown, was dead set against what was happening down in the south of the kingdom this summer.
Even the king himself agreed to going to war against lord Gormica, though reluctantly.
As he thought there was other means to stopping that war from expanding beyond the borders of Corlinda and Karricaw.
Lord Tulbart, not just an important city lord, but also one of the most important and influential nobles in all of Melaurn.
Feels like pacing, but refrains from doing so, as he knows the king dislikes it.
So he just takes a step to one side, and back, to stretch his legs as he's had a long day.
The city lord glances to the chair at the end, next to his. Where sits the dowager queen, who he hears murmur "Keep going Tulbart".
The influential city lord nods, then just as he's about to continue as he has the floor at the moment.
One of the other nobles in the slightly curved line of chairs speaks up.
One can speak up when someone, like Tulbart in this instance, has the floor.
But there has to be a significant pause in proceedings to do so.
And with lord Tulbart stretching his legs, and looking at the old queen, and what she had to quietly say to him.
That was plenty enough time, for someone else to speak up.
"That might very well be" says one of the noblemen further down the line of chairs in the other direction.
Lord Tulbart sourly smiles, as it's sir Macell who has spoken up. Who along with the underlord sir Dalacain.
Are the ones this morning who brought up the submission, to end the war in the south of the kingdom.
Where the crown's forces are battling lord Gormica of Salmah Forest and his forces.
"But i have it from very good authority that things aren't going particularly well with the war down south" says sir Macell, after the underlord, sir Dalacain who is sitting next to him, leans over and whispers something to him.
"The crown's forces are being routinely defeated by the enemy" says sir Macell, who is one of the more senior members of the Melaurian nobility.
"And even the King's Own are barely holding up against Gormica's forces" adds sir Macell.
More than murmurs go through the nobleborn seated at this end of the massive chamber.
While there's chatter amongst the public, who are attending court today, here in the main building of the Palace of the King.
The dowager queen as she sits on the chair at the left end of the line of nobles.
Looks sharply towards the open side doors at this end of the massive chamber.
Where she sees her distant relative, the sorcerer Garbén who is standing there, looking into the chamber where court is being held.
The old queen frowns as she sees Garbén standing there, with his hands to his sides, and a worried look upon his face.
Hands that are empty, which the dowager queen thought they'd be.
But she was kind of hoping they weren't.
As she has her right hand in her pocket, holding the influence stone she still has possession of.
The clear glass, small fruit sized magical item just felt warm in her hand. The sign that it's twin stone has just been used.
The king's mother duly took note that it got warm as sir Macell spoke up, and when there was the murmuring and chattering from many of the nobles and the public, after they heard what the senior nobleman had to say.
The old queen, who just returned to the palace a short time ago. After returning to the capital Calinar after traveling down the coast of the province.
Where she drummed up more support, in way of troops and coins, for the war effort.
Looks along the line of nobles who are at court today, wondering if one of them has her other stone of influence.
Then as lord Tulbart says "Your majesty may i continue, and sir Macell can have the floor after I've finished".
The dowager queen looks over at her son, and his wife the queen, who is sitting beside him.
The king's mother narrows her eyelids as she looks closely at the royal couple.
And though the king's hands are empty as he sits upon the throne.
The dowager queen isn't so certain about the hands of her son's wife.
The old queen, who has never liked her daughter inlaw. Simply because she's from an insignificant noble family from the south of the kingdom.
Who her son married, against her and the previous king's wishes.
And though the last king of Melaurn would go onto forgive his son for doing that. And would actually end up getting along with his son's wife before he passed away.
The same can't be said for the dowager queen, who has never forgiven her son for doing that.
And forgiven the current queen for actually marrying Harmard the Third. Who has been the king for the last decade or so, even since his father passed away.
The old queen sees that the new queen has her hands in her lap. Together, as if she's holding something in them.
The king's mother wouldn't put it past the queen to go into her suite, search around, and find the other stone of influence, then take it.
With her hand still in her pocket holding one of the two small, glass balls that the dowager queen purchased for an exorbitant amount of gold a number of years ago.
The old queen thinks of one thing, and thinks it into the influence ball she has a hand on.
The thing with an influence ball, is that it's a magical item that you don't have to be a spellcaster to use.
Anybody can use it, just as long as you know how. And the dowager queen knows exactly how to use it.
So the next moment as she sits there at one end of the line of chairs, that the nobility here at court today, are sitting on.
The old queen blinks in surprise as absolutely nothing happens after she thinks a thought into the influence stone, that's in her pocket, which she's holding.
Helbe the elven thief grins as he watches the dowager queen, who is sitting there with a stunned look upon her face.
She gathers herself after she's unable to get the influence stone she has to work.
Then the king's mother looks around again, to see who might have the other stone of influence, that was hidden on a drawer in the bedroom of her suite, up in the royal living quarters.
And once again, the dowager queen's eyes fall upon the current queen, who sits up on the chair next to the throne the king is on.
The young elven noble then looks at the city lord Tulbart, who is saying "I rather doubt that Macell". As he looks at the other city lord who interrupted him.
Lord Tulbart who is the dowager queen's staunchest supporter, continues with "You are mistaken surely, for if it was true, we would of heard something of it from the south".
The influential city lord who has the floor at the moment, then says "No, we the crown has the rebel Gormica on the run" followed by "And will have him back to Salmah Forest in no time, that's if we don't capture or kill him in battle".
"Time to get him" murmurs the blurred and shielded elven magic user, who then shifts away.
The elven master assassin isn't gone from court for long. Just long enough to shift outside.
Where he heads up into the air, looks east, and casts a spell, so that he can speak into the mind of Beldane the cleric, who is in the three storey safehouse a couple of streets to the east of the palace grounds.
The young elven noble quickly returns to the massive chamber here in the main building of the palace, where court is in session.
As he does, the prisoner, general Sumic, along with Beldane the cleric, disappear from the three storey room they're in. Then reappear in the palace grounds after the fighting cleric teleports the two of them away from the safehouse.
The enemy general, shares a look with the powerful cleric as they walk to the front of the main building of the Palace of the King, then head up the steps and make their way into it.
Where inside, Helbe the elven thief waits for them to show up, as he continues to watch what's going on, here at the court of the king of Melaurn . . . . . .

Monday 22 February 2021

To War 117.

Summer. Calinar. Melaurn.

One of the carriage door opens after a footman puts down the step box.
He holds the door, as a man in his middle years makes his way out of the carriage.
Once out he steps to one side, and helps an older woman out of the carriage.
It's the dowager queen, the mother of king Harmard the Third of Melaurn.
Narladene the ground pixie watches the old queen as she chats with a couple of other people who have gotten out of the second carriage.
And as most of the horsemen who accompanied the dowager queen on her journey, head to the barracks on the other side of the palace grounds.
The ground pixie who is invisible to all, except for the horses.
Looks across the courtyard, to beyond the main gates of the palace grounds.
And she spots Mira Reinholt the mage and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy on the opposite side of the square infront of the Palace of the King.
The naturally magical creature from Sunreach Mountains then rises up into the air.
And she sees the safehouse just a couple of streets away, and spots Beldane the cleric and the prisoner, general Sumic.
At the windows of one of third storey rooms in the safehouse, watching what's happening here infront of the main building of the palace.
The tiny winged creature drops back down towards the ground as a number of people make their way outside from the main building of the Palace of the King.
And though most stay up on the steps, waiting to greet the dowager queen who has just returned to the capital.
One of them hurries down the steps, and makes his way to where the carriages still are.
He has a quick word with the old queen who steps aside to hear what he has to quietly tell her.
Narladene sees a look of anger briefly cross the face of the king's mother as she listens to what the court official is telling her.
The ground pixie slightly smiles, and watches as the court official makes his way back inside after the dowager queen quickly tells him something.
The naturally magical creature sees the old queen share a look with the man of middle years who was in the carriage with her.
Narladene knows it's the sorcerer who is the distant relative of the dowager queen.
One of her cousin's sons, who she brought into her inner circle a number of years ago.
The tiny winged creature watches and listens as the old queen, says some quick pleasantries to those in the other carriage.
Before she along with the sorcerer, who Narladene recalls is named Garbén.
Along with a few of the dowager queen's retainers, who rode back to the capital with her.
Make their way inside the main building of the Palace of the King.
The ground pixie from the Sunreach Mountains, follows them. Keeping close to them, so that she can watch and listen to what they do and say.
"Dismiss them, i have no time to go to my rooms" says the dowager queen to one of her retainers.
As a number of her personal servants who didn't travel with her, are waiting for her in the entrance hall.
The old queen, who is in her late fifties, who apart from the king, is the most influential and powerful figure in the kingdom of Melaurn.
Would very much like to freshen up after her journey from down the coast here in the province of Calinar.
Where she drummed up, and got further support for the war in the south of the kingdom.
The war the crown is in, against the Karricawian nobleman, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
But the information she just got from one of her loyal officials, does away with any hopes of freshening up after her journey.
Walking beside her second cousin, Falacíll's son, Garbén. The dowager queen quietly says "Trouble".
In response to Garbén the sorcerer quietly asking her "What is it?".
The old queen, then quietly elaborates with "That fool of a son of mine, has allowed the topic of calling off the war, at court today" followed by "He's granted a submission".
More than a few frowns and scowls appear on the faces of the dowager queen's retainers when they hear that.
"They've just reconvened court, and no doubt that's the only topic being discussed" quietly says the king's mother as they head towards the massive chamber where court is held, here in the main building of the palace.
"Tulbart's tried to get it dismissed, but he's been unable to" quietly says the mother of the current king of Melaurn.
"He's distracted about something that happened at his townhouse first thing this morning" quietly says the old queen, who follows that with "He thinks it might of been something to do what was done yesterday here in the city".
"That was successful then?" quietly asks one of the other retainers.
"Some" says the dowager queen, who looks at her retainers, including her distant relation Garbén, warning them not to talk about that in public.
The sorcerer nods his head, then quietly asks "Tulbart been stalling them then?".
"He has" is the answer from the old queen, who is still allowed the title of queen, even though there's a current queen of Melaurn.
She's allowed it until she dies, or it can be stripped from her, only by the king, her son.
The old queen, who is referred to as the dowager queen, quietly says "We have to stop it before it gets any kind of momentum in court".
She follows that with "You just know some of the southern lords will be for it, even those who are against that rebel Gormica".
At court, it's the nobility from much of the southern provinces, who are the bane of existence of the dowager queen.
They always have been, even when her husband was the king of Melaurn. They pretty much go against everything the crown suggests, and goes for.
Even the aloof provinces along the eastern border with the Great Southern Tundra aren't a nuisance like the southern nobility.
At least the eastern dukes keep out of everything done at court. As it's a miracle you'd ever find one here in the capital as they're so independent.
As they approach the massive chamber where court is held, the king's mother, glances sideways at the sorcerer Garbén who dryly says to her "I can't go into court you know".
As the king has banned the sorcerer from entering court. Infact the only spellcaster allowed in there, is the court wizard.
An old man who served the grandfather and father of king Harmard the Third.
The dowager queen loathes the old wizard, who pretty much sleeps through the court sessions. Often snoring as he does so.
"I know" quietly says the old queen, who then tells her distant relation "Go up get the other one" followed by "It's up in the bedroom in my suite, you know where it is?".
"I do" is the reply of the sorcerer Garbén, who then turns away and heads to a nearby stairs after the old queen quietly tells him "Use it through the one I've got" followed by "It should easily sway what's going on in there".
In the massive chamber where court is being held after the midday break.
Helbe the elven thief wryly smiles and shakes his head as he looks over at the old wizard asleep on a bench in a corner behind a pillar.
The old man, well old for a human, especially in comparison to a two hundred and twenty five year old elf.
Which is relatively young for a royal elf like the masterthief from the island principality of Laerel.
Is now snoring, much to the annoyance of some in attendance in court today.
One of whom is the city lord, Tulbart. Who at the moment has the floor, and is arguing for the dismissal of the submission to end the crown's war with lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user faintly smiles as the prominent city lord, scowls as he looks over at the snoring wizard in the near corner.
"As i was saying your majesty, this seems to be a waste of time all things considered" says Tulbart the city lord, who starts to pace again infront of the other nobility who are seated.
Until he stops, as he recalls the king dislikes it when people pace back and forth when they have the floor.
Lord Tulbart smiles apologetically as he looks over at the king sitting on the throne.
The prominent city lord refrains from frowning, as the queen is in attendance now, when she wasn't this morning.
The queen who sits upon the chair to the left of the king of Melaurn.
A chair that no one calls a throne, but its sure looks like one. As it's on the same level as the king's throne.
Which is half a dozen steps up from the floor of the massive chamber where court is held.
Helbe the elven thief looks to the side entrance in the chamber, the one nearest this end.
After Narladene the ground pixie who has just appeared on his right shoulder, nods to it.
The elven master assassin who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
And is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Nods his hooded head after the naturally magical creature whispers something to him.
As the two of them watch the dowager queen enter the massive chamber with a number of her retainers.
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who has sensed the sorcerer Garbén going upstairs.
Slightly smiles to himself as he figures why the distant relation to the old queen is going upstairs. No doubt to the royal family's living quarters. Specifically the suite of the dowager queen.
Those seated, with the exception of the king and queen, and the sleeping wizard.
Stand at the appearance of the dowager queen, here at court today. After journeying back to the capital city, after being down the coast, here in the province of Calinar.
After a nod of greeting to her son the king, the dowager queen takes the empty seat to the left of the row.
The empty seat next to lord Tulbart, who after the others take their seats again, says "If i may continue your majesty?".
"Of course" says king Harmard the Third of Melaurn with a nod of his head for the city lord to continue.
Next to the last pillar at this end on one side of the massive chamber, the blurred and shielded Helbe the elven thief sees the dowager queen put a hand in a pocket of her jacket.
As she and the others listen to lord Tulbart argue for the dismissal of the submission for the war against lord Gormica to end.
The young elven noble shares a look with Narladene the ground pixie as she stands upon his right shoulder.
Then the two of them glance up at the ceiling of the chamber, as they both sense the sorcerer Garbén running from the living quarters of the royal family, up on the top floor of the main building of the palace.
The highly talented elven magic user, and the naturally magical creature share a look again, then grin.
Then they wait as lord Tulbart continues to speak as he has the floor.
"Those in the minority wanting to end the war down south, will put aside all that the crown has sacrificed in this endeavour against the rebel Gormica" says the prominent city lord, who follows that with "Soldiers, camp followers, not to mention all the resources we've spent so far fighting this war".
Lord Tulbart briefly pauses before he adds "All for nought if we pull out of the war now, especially considering the number of victories in battle we've had of late, we're we've pushed into the provinces of Corlinda and Karricaw".
"Now that's a lie" murmurs Narladene the ground pixie.
The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel nods in agreement with the tiny winged creature.
As they know that lord Gormica, thanks to the Farqian mercenary army he's hired to help win him this war.
Has defeated the crown's forces in every single battle of significance over the last week.
While many of the nobility nod and murmur in agreement with lord Tulbart, as do those of the public who are in attendance in court today.
The king, along with the queen are silent as they watch proceedings.
Then both the elven master assassin and the tiny winged creature look to the side door on the opposite side of the chamber.
And they see a court official hurry inside, while just outside the double open doors over there.
Is a nervous looking Garbén the sorcerer, who is looking into the massive chamber with a worried look upon his face.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril watches as the court official goes to where the dowager queen is sitting.
Crouch down next to her as lord Tulbart continues to speak, and hurriedly whisper something to the mother of the king of Melaurn.
The dowager queen turns her head as she looks sharply towards the open doors over on that side of the chamber.
Where she sees her distant relation, the worried looking sorcerer Garbén shake his head.
A look of shock appears on the face of the old queen, followed by anger, which quickly disappears, as she quietly tells the court official something, before she goes back to listening and watching lord Tulbart who has the floor.
As the court official hurries out the doors to speak with the sorcerer Garbén.
A grinning Helbe the elven thief looks at the dowager queen as he takes something out of a hidden pocket in his cloak.
"Now what are you going to do without this then?" murmurs the elven masterthief.
A grinning Narladene looks down at the small glass ball that belongs to the dowager queen, that the elven princeling holds in his gloved right hand.
Then the ground pixie nods her head, when the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerele quietly says to her "Get ready, things are about to get interesting" . . . . . .

Sunday 21 February 2021

To War 116.

Summer. The City Of Calinar.

Mira Reinholt the mage looks away to his left down the main street that goes through this part of the city of Calinar, the capital of the kingdom of Melaurn.
The once powerful mage, who is from the city-state of Vexil, and is now a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Looks across the street, and spots Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy walk from a lane over there.
The elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae, who is now a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Sees the Vexilian mage in exile, and crosses the road and joins him.
The two cloaked figures stand back in the shade along the front of some of the shops here, as they look to the left, southwards along the main street in this part of the city.
"Anything?" quietly asks Mira Reinholt the mage in the elven language.
"Carriages and an escort of riders have come in" is the quiet reply of Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy in the same language.
The elven spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland, Alínlae.
Pauses as a couple of people walk by them, after they're out of hearing, the spy Tanith quietly adds "It's definitely her".
The spellcaster, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, nods his hooded head, then quietly says "We wait".
Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, nods in agreement with councilor Reinholt.
Then after he looks away to the right, northwards along the street, the direction the Palace of the King is.
The elven spy, along with the human practitioner of magic look southwards, and wait.
Nearby, in the three storey building not far from the palace, that's used as a safehouse by the Farqian forces who happen to be in the city.
Beldane the cleric quietly says "It's definitely them" he briefly pauses before adding "Well, i should say her".
Next to the fighting cleric, the prisoner, general Sumic nods in agreement.
Then the powerful spellcaster who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell, says "Let's go back to the other room".
The two of them, prisoner and captor, make their way from the corner room, here on the third storey building.
And head along the hallway, until they get to the room, that offers them the best view of the nearby palace.
Which is just a couple of streets over from the safehouse, predominantly used by Farqian spies.
In the room opposite the Palace of the King, the powerful cleric and the enemy general stand near the windows, waiting for what will soon happen.
General Sumic who knows he may very well have a part to play in what's about to happen, quietly says "In the grounds itself?".
"In the palace itself" is the reply of the member of the church of Glaine, a god predominantly worshiped in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Beldane nods to the main building in the palace grounds, as he says "Maybe in the court itself".
Sumic, who is a general in the King's Own, who isn't privy to all of today's plans, lifts his eyebrows in surprise at that.
"We'll just have to wait and see, at what he finds out" says the cleric in the halfplate armour referring to Helbe the elven thief.
Inside the main building of the Palace of the King, Narladene the ground pixie pops up through the floor of the massive chamber where the king's court is held.
The naturally magical creature looks around, and spots the hooded figure next to one of the many columns that run down the chamber on either side.
A hooded figure, that only she can see, who no one else in the chamber knows is here.
"They're heading this way" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie after she lands upon the right shoulder of the hooded figure leaning against the side of one of the columns.
"She should be here fairly soon" adds the tiny winged creature who is from the Sunreach Mountains.
"Good" murmurs Helbe the elven thief with a nod of his hooded head.
The shielded and blurred elven magic user quietly continues with "This lot is just getting back from the midday break".
As people are slowly filing into the the massive chamber where the king holds court.
"Will she come here after her journey from down south?" murmurs the ground pixie who is attached to the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel.
"Who knows?" quietly says the elven masterthief with a shrug of his shoulders.
"But I'll make sure she does" quietly adds the member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, then adds "Besides, she might come here on her accord when she finds out the main topic of what they've been discussing so far today".
Narladene nods in agreement with that, and she does so again when the highly talented elven magic user quietly tells her "Go and check if the others are in position before she gets here".
The naturally magical creature attached to the elven master assassin jumps off his right shoulder, and dives into the floor.
While the elven princeling from Laerel continues to wait in the massive chamber, as people continue to come back in before court gets underway again for the day.
Being the taller of the two, Dalinvardèl Tanith can see more easily down the long street, that goes through this part of the city.
The elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae who is looking southwards, glances to his right.
As he hears a quiet, but familiar voice say between him and Mira Reinholt "They're almost here, get ready".
"How far?" quietly asks Mira Reinholt the mage.
"Not far" is the quiet reply from Narladene the ground pixie who is invisible to the spy Tanith and the mage Reinholt.
There's a brief pause from the tiny winged creature, who then says "There they are now".
The elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Looks away to the south, and in the distance, almost three quarters of a mile away.
He spots the riders who have just made their way onto the street, from the connecting street that goes straight to the south gates of the city.
"They're here alright" says Dalin as he sees a couple of carriages turn onto the long street, followed by more riders.
The spellcaster who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil, quietly murmurs "I could just end it all by blowing her up in her carriage".
Though Dalin doesn't necessarily disagree with that, he does says to the practitioner of magic "Killing her like that, wouldn't accomplished what we're trying to achieve".
"I know" quietly says the spellcaster who was once more powerful than any other mage, to be found anywhere in The Southlands.
Until he accidentally cast a rift/void spell that sent him offworld, where the vast majority of his powers were stripped from him.
"Unfortunately" dryly adds the exiled Vexilian mage.
Almost leaning out of one of the open windows, as he tries to look southwards.
Beldane the cleric quietly says "I think they've got here".
"A  couple of carriages?" asks General Sumic, who continues with "She always travels with a pair of carriages".
"Yeah two carriages" says the fighting cleric, who isn't a member of the armies of Farque.
But he is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque.
Then he adds "They're coming up the street now".
As he leans out the window too, and looks south, the enemy general nods his head as he spots the riders and two carriages in the distance.
On the long street, that heads all the way up here, to where the Palace of the King is located.
Then the prisoner, who is the highest ranking commoner in the king's court.
Slightly frowns as he's sure he hears a tiny voice, female at that too. Speaking with the fighting cleric in the church of Glaine.
The general in the King's Own, doesn't know what was said.
But after he's sure the tiny female voice is gone, Beldane the cleric quietly says to him "Time to get ready" followed by "She's almost here".
In the main building in the palace grounds, Helbe the elven thief watches the city lord, Tulbart.
One of the more influential and important nobles, not just here in the capital Calinar, but in all of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Has cooled down somewhat after returning to the capital early this morning, finding his townhouse almost completely destroyed.
And nearly all of his garrison here in the port city, wiped out after his residence was attacked just before dawn by Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, in retribution for what happened yesterday.
Though the prominent city lord has cooled down somewhat from this morning.
He still looks to be annoyed with things, and not just because his townhouse was attacked.
The proceedings at court so far today have not be to lord Tulbart's liking.
As a suggestion of the war in the south of the kingdom should come to an end has been put forth.
A suggestion that the king himself has allowed to be discussed when it was put forth.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user walks behind the columns, and makes his way forward.
At one end of the massive chamber, there's a number of seats, where the nobility sit. Seats that face the raised throne, where the king sits when he's at court.
Behind the seats, stands the public, both court officials and palace workers and servants.
The public who attend court, are usually those who work here in the palace grounds, when they have a bit of free time.
It's rare that the public from elsewhere get to come into court.
It's only when important declarations are made from the crown and king. That the wider public are allowed to attend court.
Most recently just a few weeks ago, when the crown announced it was going to war against sir Gormica of Salmah Forest.
The nobleman from the province of Karricaw, who was accused of expanding the border war between the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda into neighbouring provinces.
The young elven noble stops next to one of that last pillars on this side of the chamber.
Where he watches sir Tulbart take a seat. The influential city lord is seated with others who are more loyal to the crown than they are to the king. While other lesser nobles, stand behind that faction at court.
The elven masterthief then waits for the king of Melaurn to show up so that court can resume.
As he does, Narladene the ground pixie appears on his right shoulder, and quietly tells him "Almost here" followed by "Just coming up the street now".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril nods his hooded head, then continues to wait here in the massive chamber where the court of the king of Melaurn is held.
Mira Reinholt the mage and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy watch the riders and the pair carriages go by.
The Vexilian mage in exile, and the spy originally from the elven province of Alínlae share a look.
Then the two of them start walking, as the riders and carriages aren't moving that quickly.
They keep pace with them, as they head up the long street, to the Palace of the King.
Looking out the windows of the third storey room they're in.
Beldane the cleric, and the enemy prisoner, general Sumic.
Watch the progress of the riders and the two carriages coming up the long street to the left.
The two of them spot the mage Reinholt and the spy Tanith on this side of the street, following just behind the carriages and riders.
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, glances at the prisoner.
The enemy general in the King's Own, nods his head to confirm that it's who they've been waiting for.
Then the two of them watch the riders, and the carriages, make it's way to the palace grounds, that's just a couple of streets away, opposite the three storey building they're in.
Out of the corner of his right eye, Helbe the elven thief sees Narladene the ground pixie tilt her head to one side, then she quietly tells him "They're just coming through the gates now".
"Good" quietly says the elven princeling from Laerel with a nod of his hooded head.
"And even better" quietly adds the elven master assassin just as king Harmard the Third enters the massive chamber, and takes a seat on the throne so that today's session of court can get underway again . . . . . .

Thursday 18 February 2021

To War 115.

Summer. Northeastern Corlinda.

It's only the second time since the battle for castle Measum began.
That the enemy, who are allies to the king and crown of Melaurn. Predominantly from the provinces of Mofosild, Moleau and Olind.
That they've sent men around to attack the south side of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
They don't send a lot of them around there this morning.
But enough, that Dorc da Orc has to send some of the defenders on the southern half of the west wall.
Over to the south wall parapet, to help the small number who are defending the south side of castle Measum.
In the early morning sunshine, the large ork scowls in disgust as he sends five more of the goblins in the battalion, to help those on the south wall of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
The ork warleader is already stretched defending this half of the west wall of castle Measum.
He doesn't want to send anymore soldiers from the long west wall, to the south wall anytime soon.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts as a Farqian ranger walks by and nods to him, after he shoots off three arrows in quick succession.
All hitting an important target amongst the enemy attacking the southern half of the west wall of castle Measum.
An enemy sergeant at arms from the province of Moleau on the otherside of the moat.
Who was organizing men onto rafts, has fallen into the water with an arrow through his neck.
A young subaltern from the province of Olind, on one of the rafts in the water. Is knocked off the raft, with an arrow in his side.
While further back, about fifty yards from the bank, a nobleman from the province of Olind.
Who is watching the attack upon the west side of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of lord Measum's family.
Who thought he was out of range of any of the archers upon the top of the wall.
Drops to the ground howling in pain, with a yard long arrow in his belly, that's sticking out of his lower back.
Up on the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum, Dorc da Orc with a chuckle, says "Dumb fucken cunt".
As he watches the enemy nobleman in the distance howling in pain, as he writhes about on the ground with the last arrow shot from the Farqian ranger's longbow, in his gut.
The ork general in the armies of Farque shakes his head, and mutters "Shoulda had better fucken armour ya cunt".
As the howling nobleman about fifty yards back from the moat, is only wearing leather armour.
Some of the enemy nearby, rush to the downed nobleman, and pick him up as he continues to scream in pain.
They hurry away, heading back along the road that goes westwards, towards where the enemy have their camp.
As they do, the ork weaponsmith suddenly grins as he hears the nearest trebuchet behind the wall, launch a load at the enemy forces.
Dorc da Orc, or Dorkindle which is his given name. Which no one calls him by, with the exception of lord Farque, who will occasionally call the large ork by his proper name.
Doesn't even turn to follow the path of whatever it is the nearby trebuchet has just launched.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world, grin suddenly gets broader as he sees it come into view.
The warleader of the ork race bursts out laughing as he sees rocks from inside some netting that's just split apart in midair.
Rain down upon the enemy carrying the wounded nobleman along the road back to their camp.
Not a single one of them is left standing as they're pelted by the shot from the large war machine, manned by some of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque.
And though most of them are instantly killed by the hail of heavy rocks that's just hit them.
A few of them survive, lying there injured, moaning or screaming in pain.
One of whom is the enemy nobleman from the province of Olind. Who miraculously didn't get hit by a single rock from the load, launched by one of the two trebuchets inside castle Measum.
Though the wounded nobleman, is still howling in pain, louder than any of the others in the middle of the road.
For when he was dropped, the arrow through his gut, went further out his back, and broke part of it off.
The ork general laughs even louder as he sees that enemy nobleman is in even more pain.
And those who rushed to help him, are either dead, or dying themselves. Which the large ork finds absolutely hilarious.
Until Dorkindle's head snaps back, and he winces, and mutters "Fuck".
While he rubs his forehead, where he's just been shot by an enemy crossbow bolt, that bounced off his thick skull.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, steps forward, and pounds his right first down upon the head of an enemy soldier who has just ducked back down behind the top of the wall.
That soldier from the province of Mofosild, drops his crossbow as the top of his head is caved in.
Just before he falls off the top of the scaling ladder that's up against this section of the southern half of the west wall of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
"That'll fucken learn ya" mutters the large ork, who quickly rubs his sore forehead again.
Before he leans over the top of the wall, grabs the top of the scaling ladder.
And hauls it up and over the top of the wall. While one of the enemy, who was climbing it, clings onto it as tight as he can.
He doesn't cling onto it tight enough, and he falls from it even before the ork general gets it clear of the top of the wall.
That enemy soldier falls to the water, from a a height twenty feet above the top of the thirty foot tall west wall of castle Measum.
Dorc da Orc biffs the scaling ladder down to the ground on this side of the wall.
Then looking around, the son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks says "Hey cunt, send some of our cunts that way".
As he waves a big, meaty, skillet sized hand northwards along the west wall parapet.
"Yes boss, er general" replies Teabagger the Goblin Cunt who then tells a couple of the battalion, as well as a pair of local soldiers.
To head northwards along the top of the west wall parapet, to where there's some heavy fighting towards where the gates are located.
The ork general in the armies of Farque looks the other way. And he sourly smiles, as predictably as ever, his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic isn't all that far from where he is.
The former paladin has just kicked an enemy soldier off the top of the wall.
Sending the man falling to the ground behind the west wall of the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
The ork weaponsmith shakes his head in disgust that his bitter rival hasn't got himself killed yet.
Dorkindle was hoping he would of during the night, but no such luck as as the nobleman originally from the kingdom of Druvic, avoided death like Dorc avoids baths.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts as Shur Kee the monk walks over as there's a lull in the fighting along this section of the wall after the large ork hauled up that scaling ladder.
"They seem unlikely to stop friend Dorc" says Shur Kee the monk, who then adds "They have not stopped since dawn yesterday".
Though the enemy hasn't attacked with all of their army all of the time since dawn yesterday.
They have been attacking the west side of castle Measum continually since then.
And now this morning, it's pretty much all of them, who are left. Are attacking this side of the large castle, with the exception of those around on the south side of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
"The cunts got fucken nothin' better to do" says the ork warleader in his deep, rumbling, growling voice.
The son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. Who he killed, which was only fair. As his mother was doing her best to kill him at the time.
Says to the short, statured monk beside him "They gonna attacks us now until they fucken get in, or they all fucken die".
The ork who was named warleader of his race by lord Farque some years ago, continues with "Dorc can fucken tell".
The ork general in the armies of Farque has been in so many battles and wars, that he can predict, fairly accurately, how an army will act.
And from what he's seen, and what he's seeing now from the enemy attacking castle Measum.
Is that they're going to keep on attacking the large castle no matter what.
Dorkindle figures they've gone beyond the point to fall completely back, and wait for reinforcements from elsewhere.
They're now so desperate, that they will either breach the defenses of castle Measum. Or they'll basically be wiped out in the attempt to do so.
The ork weaponsmith has seen it before, and he's sure he's going to see it again, with these allies to the crown and king of Melaurn.
The ork warleader bends down, picks up a fairly large rock from what's left of a pile.
Steps to the side of a merlon, then throws the rock away to the right, off the top of the wall.
The large rock lands amongst a group of the enemy crossing the moat on one of the makeshift rafts they've built.
The heavy rock kills one of them instantly, breaks the bones of two other enemy soldiers on the raft.
Before it smashes through the raft, forcing the others to jump off it as it starts to sink.
"Get wet ya fucken fuckhead cunts" mutters Dorkindle, who thinks getting wet is worse than dying.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who was sent into exile from his homeland, The Ork Range.
Due to killing his mother, the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe.
He was to be killed, but some quick thinking by a couple of his friends. Saw him exiled, instead of killed.
Steps back from the side of the merlon, and says to the enigmatic monk "They not gonna fucken stop" as he reiterates his point.
The physical adept who isn't from anywhere in the Southlands, but is actually from the far east coast of the continent. The coastal kingdom of Wah Lee to be exact.
Nods his head in agreement with the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, who has spent much of the fighting that began yesterday morning at dawn.
Keeping an eye on Dorc da Orc, and the large ork's bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
As the two of them on a couple of occasions since dawn yesterday, have come close to blows.
Looks at the remaining enemy forces attacking this side of castle Measum. While a wounded local soldier who is carried by a couple of the townfolk who live in the large castle.
Go by him and the ork general towards the nearest set of steps.
The living incarnation of the Jade Warrior Bru Li, or to be precise, the conduit of power of the long dead founder of the philosophical order that Shur Kee belongs to.
Sees that though the enemy force, that's predominantly from the provinces of Mofosild, Moleau and Olind have been decimated since the battle began earlier in the week.
They still heavily outnumber those who are defending the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
As another newly built makeshift raft is put into the water, and some of the enemy get onto it.
While others nearby wade into the water, and start crossing the moat that runs alongside the west wall of castle Measum, and goes around to the south side of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
Shur Kee who is the honorary member of the personal council to lord Farque, asks the ork warleader "Do you think we can hold them out friend Dorc?".
The ork general who has the natural ability to see the patterns of a battle, grunts before he answers with "Fucken maybe".
Though the enemy has been decimated since yesterday morning, when Dorkindle goaded them into attacking this side of the large castle again.
He knows the defenders of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn have steadily been losing numbers through injury and death.
"Fucken maybe" repeats Dorc da Orc as another scaling ladder bangs up against this section of the west wall.
As the battle for castle Measum continues, on what's a sunny, though mild, temperature wise, summer's day, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda, in southern Melaurn . . . . . .

Wednesday 17 February 2021

To War 114.

Summer. The Province Of Calinar. In The Northwest Of The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"Wonder who that is?" says Beldane the cleric as he looks through the eyepiece that belongs to Mira Reinholt the mage.
"Whoever it is, he's pissed off for sure" adds the fighting cleric who is from the kingdom of Nastell.
"Hmmmm probably that lord Tulbart" says Mira Reinholt the mage who shares a look with Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy who is to his right.
The spy who hails from the elven principality of Alínlae, nods his hooded head in agreement with the once powerful mage.
"Is that him?" asks the cleric in the church of Glaine, who hands the eyepiece to the prisoner standing to his left.
Looking through the leather wrapped, brass cylindrical eyepiece, general Sumic nods and says "That's him alright".
The prisoner, who isn't treated as such by his captors, continues with "That's the city lord Tulbart".
"I think he might of stopped by his townhouse before coming to the palace" dryly says Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others who know him well.
"Sure looks like it" says the mage Reinholt as the four of them stand at the windows of the third storey room, that gives them a view of much of the east side of the Palace of the King. Here in the city of Calinar, the capital of the kingdom of Melaurn.
It's early morning, and the sun is up on what's a sunny, but pretty mild summer's day, at least temperature wise, here on the coast of the province of Calinar.
In the palace, a number of horse drawn carriages have just come into the grounds.
And when they've stopped infront of the main building of the palace. One of the occupants has got out yelling and shouting.
While others try to calm him down, as he's obviously in a fit of rage about something.
"Well he's obviously fucked off that he needs a new townhouse" says Mira Reinholt, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
The spy Tanith chuckles at that, for just before dawn, he was the one who attacked lord Tulbart's townhouse here in the city of a Calinar.
Destroying much of the city lord's residence with a couple of mage canisters.
Because lord Tulbart was one of those responsible for the attacks upon some of the safehouses used by the Farqian spies here in the capital of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Is she back as well?" quietly asks Beldane the cleric, referring to the dowager queen, the mother of king Harmard the Third.
"It doesn't look like it" says general Sumic as he continues to look through the eyepiece that belongs to the mage who hails from the city-state of Vexil.
Once the last of the passengers get out of the carriages, the general in the King's Own hands the eyepiece back to the powerful cleric, and says "She's not there".
The member of the church of Glaine nods, while the mage, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, grunts as the fighting cleric gives him back his leather wrapped, brass cylindrical eyepiece.
"The old bat probably didn't want to travel at night" says the Vexilian mage in exile who steps back from the windows.
Then he looks at the prisoner, and asks the enemy general "Does she have any spellcasters amongst her retainers?".
"She does" is the reply from general Sumic, who grew up in the palace that's just a couple of streets away from the three storey building, that's used as a safehouse by the Farqian spies on duty here in the city of Calinar.
"Powerful enough to get her from where she is down the coast, to here in the capital in no time?" asks the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Until he was stripped of most of his powers when he went offworld through a rift/void spell that he accidentally cast.
General Sumic, who is the highest ranking commoner at the court of the king, frowns as he thinks about it, then he says "Like through a gateway?".
As he nods at Beldane the cleric, who has cast a couple of gateways that the prisoner has gone through since he was captured.
"Yeah like that" says the mage Reinholt, who follows that with "Or a rift".
The enemy general shakes his head no, then says "That sorcerer who is a distant relative of hers, isn't that powerful from what i can tell".
"Her side of the family?" asks the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
As he hasn't heard that magic runs through the royal line, and family.
"Yeah her side" says general Sumic, who continues with "I think Garbén is the son of one of her cousins".
The prisoner, who was captured in battle in the north of the province of Corlinda, then says "What i do know is that Harmard, i mean the king, doesn't like the sorcerer Garbén".
The enemy general who grew up with the current king of Melaurn, who he had remained friends with, continues with "Even though they're very distantly related, the king has banned Garbén from court".
General Sumic nods to the palace grounds that's just a couple of streets away, and he says "He's allowed into the palace, but not at court".
"Hmmmm interesting" murmurs Mira Reinholt has he thinks about the magical stones of influence that the dowager queen has in her possession.
"He's somewhat calmed down" says Dalinvardèl Tanith as they see the city lord who is one of the dowager queen's staunchest supporters.
Being led inside after he calms down a bit, when a couple of court officials come outside to speak to him.
"I've got a feeling he'll lose it again when he's told his lackey Jurshwin is dead" says the enemy prisoner, general Sumic.
Whose words just a few moments later, turn out to be prophetic and highly accurate.
"What?" says the city lord Tulbart in a tone of shock, followed by "How?" then "When?".
"Yesterday my lord" says one of the court officials who went outside to help calm down the influential city lord.
"His heart gave out on him says the king's physicians" adds the same court official.
The city lord stands there in the large entrance hall of the main building of the palace, at a loss to what to think, and what to do.
First was going by his townhouse after getting into the city just after dawn, and finding his home badly damaged. With most of his garrison here in the capital dead or wounded.
Now here in the palace, he finds that one of his main offsiders. Not to mention the person he gets to do a lot of his dirty work, sir Jurshwin is dead.
One of the city lord's retainers clears his throat, and the nobleman gets out of the shock he's feeling.
Lord Tulbart nods, then asks the court officials "Is court in session today?".
"Yes my lord" says the court official who informed him of sir Jurshwin's death.
"The king will sit in at midmornig" adds the court official.
"Very well" says the city lord, who after nodding to the court officials.
He and his retainers, and his men at arms he's brought along with him, continue on their way.
Heading through the entrance hall here in the main building of the Palace of the King.
As they walk, the city lord, one of the most important nobles, not just here in Calinar, but in all of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Quietly says to one of his retainers "See if you can find out from any of the others about what happened yesterday".
Lord Tulbart, a man in his forties, medium height, who is going to fat after spending his twenties and thirties, in the saddle, fighting battles throughout the kingdom.
In the name of the crown, which really meant the dowager queen. Even before her husband, the previous king died. A death under mysterious circumstances.
That even lord Tulbart didn't poke his nose into to find out the truth. As he like many others at court, have a sneaking suspicion the old queen had a hand in her husband's death.
"The message we got on the road last night, was that they were successful" says the powerful and influential city lord.
Who then angrily mutters "And find out anything else about our home" followed by "And who might of had a hand in that".
Lord Tulbart, who allowed some of his garrison here in the capital city to undertake an attack on a number of locations throughout the city of Calinar.
On behalf of the dowager queen, and a number of others who are supporters of the crown's war against the nobleman from the province of Karricaw, lord Gormica.
The city lord who had sir Jurshwin remain here in the capital to help run things while he was away with the dowager queen down the coast.
Drumming up support, and funds for the war against the lord of Salmah Forest, lord Gormica of Karricaw.
The retainer nods, and hurries back in the direction they've come from. While lord Tulbart and the rest of those with him, continue on their way.
Heading to offices here in the main building of the Palace of the King, that the city lord has use of.
"What did they do exactly?" quietly murmurs Helbe the elven thief.
"It was Dalin" is the quiet reply of Narladene the ground pixie, who is standing upon the right shoulder of the blurred and shielded elven magic user.
"He used a couple of mage canisters" adds the naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel winces when hears that.
Then the elven masterthief asks in barely louder than a murmur "What was the results?".
"The barracks in that city lord's townhouse was destroyed, and the stables next to it quickly burnt down" is the quiet reply of the tiny winged creature, who then adds "And one side of his home has been destroyed too".
"No wonder he was so pissed off" murmurs the elven master assassin who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, follows after the lord Tulbart and his retainers.
As he does, the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel who is deciding how he'll kill the city lord, reads the mind of lord Tulbart.
"Interesting" murmurs the elven master archer.
"What?" asks the ground pixie who is attached to the member of the royal family that rules the elven principality of Laerel.
Helbe the elven thief quietly tells the naturally magical creature what he's found out.
Narladene nods, then murmurs "Interesting alright".
She nods again in agreement with the elven masterthief when he quietly tells her "Think I'll keep him alive a little longer".
"At court maybe?" quietly asks the tiny winged creature with a wide grin upon her elfin looking face.
"Maybe" murmurs the elven princeling with a twist of his own lips as he slightly grins at the idea of killing lord Tulbart during the session at court today.
As they follow the city lord and his retainers and men at arms to a series of rooms on the ground floor of the main building of the palace.
Rooms that a number of the nobility share when they're here in the palace doing work on behalf of the crown.
The naturally magical creature from the Sunreach Mountains, who first met the elven master assassin in the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
Quietly asks the elven practitioner of magic "The old queen?" followed by "Where is she?".
"Still making her way to the city" is the murmured reply of prince Helbenthril Raendril.
"She left later than this lot, as she didn't want to travel through much of the night" continues the highly talented elven spellcaster who then adds "They're expecting her back sometime later this morning".
The member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque goes and stands in a corner of the room, that lord Tulbart and his retainers have come to.
As the blurred and shielded elven magic user watches, listens and reads their minds, he quietly tells the ground pixie who is attached to him "Go and tell Mira and the others what's happened".
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, that lies across the Kuyriers Straits from the kingdom of Melaurn, then quietly adds "And when the old queen is expected back".
Narladene nods, then she hops off the right shoulder of Helbe the elven thief, and dives down into the floor.
"Doesn't look like anyone of importance on the main street that comes up through the city from the south" says Beldane the cleric as he walks back into the room, after going up onto the roof to look south across the city of Calinar.
Mira Reinholt the mage nods, then as he's about to say something to the others, he pauses and glances to the side, above his right shoulder.
The exiled Vexilian mage nods his hooded head again, then says to the others "She's expected back later this morning" followed by "She didn't travel through much of the night, and left later than the others".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster is silent for a few moments, then he murmurs "Interesting".
"What is it?" asks Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who can hear that the once powerful mage is listening to Narladene the ground pixie.
But she's speaking in a whisper to councilor Reinholt, that even Dalin can't hear what's she's actually saying.
The mage Reinholt looks at the spy Tanith, then Beldane the cleric, and lastly the prisoner, general Sumic.
And he tells them what Narladene the ground pixie has just told him what Helbe the elven thief has found out from reading the mind of lord Tulbart and his retainers.
"That's interesting alright" murmurs the fighting cleric Beldane, while the spy Tanith nods his hooded head in agreement.
They all look at the prisoner, who slightly grimaces after hearing what the mage Reinholt has just said.
"Holy shit" quietly says general Sumic who shakes his head in disbelief after finding out what the dowager queen and her supporters are planning to do . . . . . .