Tuesday 16 February 2021

To War 113.

Summer. The Province Of Corlinda. In The South Of The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

Tovis the war engineer is woken up by his adjunctant who shakes his left shoulder saying "Sir you wanted to be woken at dawn" followed by "It's almost dawn".
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic yawns as he sits up.
Then Tovis who is the commander of the engineering corp of the first army of Farque.
Gets up and makes his way over to a water bowl here in the tower room. After splashing water over his face and head.
Tovis who holds the rank of captain in the armies of Farque takes a full water sack from his adjunct, and ties it to his belt.
The Druvician war engineer, who previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin in the east of his homeland.
Then makes his way out of one of the open doors of the tower room, onto the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
He's followed by his adjunctant, and a couple of runners in the engineering corp of the first army of Farque, who have just woken up too.
Leaving the northwest tower behind him as he walks along the parapet of the west wall of the large castle, that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
Tovis looks quickly to the east across the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
And on the horizon in that direction, he sees it's slowly starting to get light as dawn on another summer's day approaches.
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic then looks to his right, to the west.
And sees that some of the enemy are still continuing to attack the west side of castle Measum.
The enemy, allies to the king and crown of Melaurn, predominantly from the provinces of Mofosild, Moleau and Olind.
Have been attacking this side of the large castle since dawn yesterday morning.
When Dorc da Orc goaded them into attacking the west wall of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
As he walks southwards along the wall, Tovis sees that much of the fighting that's taking place is down on the southern half of the wall.
Infact there's very little combat on this half of the wall, north of the gates.
He passes where a couple of archers, and a crossbowman are shooting at the enemy down in the moat who are bringing a scaling ladder across on a raft.
Apart from that, there's nothing at all happening along the parapet to the north of the gates, on the wall that's over five hundred foot long.
The war engineer spots the subaltern, the sorceress Heinë not far from the section of the wall, above the gates on this side of the large castle, that's been the ancestral home of lord Measum's family for centuries.
"Busy down there" says Tovis the war engineer after he meets up with the powerful Farqian spellcaster and greets her.
"Sure is" says Heinë the sorceress as they look southwards along the top of the west wall of castle Measum.
"General Dorc is letting some of them get up onto the wall on purpose" continues the attractive looking subaltern who is from the capital of the lands Farque, The Citadel.
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic frowns when he hears that.
And the practitioner of magic tells him "He said it's so they'll be occupied here, and not pull back after fighting for a day straight".
The sorceress, who was assigned to the engineering corp of the first army of Farque just before they came here to castle Measum, then adds "Giving them a bit of hope, thinking that they'll be able to fully breach our defences i guess".
She pauses for a moment, before she continues with "Well, he didn't actually say it like that though" followed by "You know how the general speaks".
The Farqian army captain who is in charge of the defence of castle Measum slightly nods, and dryly murmurs "Do i ever" then he says "Makes sense i guess".
The commander of the engineering corp of the first army of Farque quickly glances eastwards before he says "And yeah they've been attacking for a full day now".
As the first rays of sunshine can be see to the east on the horizon, as the time known as false dawn commences, while dawn approaches  on another summer's day here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
In the northeast of the province of Corlinda, in the area the locals call The Corlinda Corner.
The catapult behind the southern half of the west wall of castle Measum launches a load of rocks and debris over the wall, at the enemy who are on that otherside of the moat.
Some of them scatter, but others are hit by rocks and bits of broken masonry launched by the catapult manned by the Farqian engineering corp.
With the sky in the east starting to get lighter, Tovis can see a bit more out to the west without having to get out his eyepiece, which has the ability to see in lowlight conditions, and in darkness.
"Seems not all of them are attacking" quietly says the young engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic.
"Looks like there's a couple hundred or so back there in their camp" adds the commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque.
"Some of them pulled back during the night captain" says Heinë the sorceress, who continues with "Most of the remaining nobles, and their personal guards".
The attractive looking spellcaster from the lands Farque who like the engineering corp commander, is speaking in elven, then says "Probably went back to get some sleep while the rest of their army fought through the night".
"Makes sense" quietly says Tovis who is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque.
The war engineer watches the enemy camp in the distance for a few more moments, then he turns to one of the runners and says "Inform that spotter over there, that the two trebuchets are to fire upon the enemy who look like they're about to leave their camp, and come back to the battle".
"Yes captain" says the young messenger, who then hurries along the parapet to speak with one of the Farqian spotters in the engineering corp, to inform him of the young engineer's command.
"They're definitely not retreating, that's a good thing i suppose" quietly says Tovis, whose orders was to defend castle Measum.
And for any of the enemy who came along, to stay involved with any battle that might break out here, in the Corlinda Corner.
As the enemy away to the north of the gates in the moat, attempt to put up a scaling ladder against the west wall of the large castle that's the ancestral home of lord Measum's family.
The Druvician war engineer, looks down behind the wall, and sees the trebuchet crews are looking over their war machines as they prepare to fire upon the enemy again.
The young engineer who is a member of the group who travels with lord Farque.
Quickly looks eastwards, and sees that false dawn gives away, as it's now slightly darker on the horizon than what it was just a short time ago.
A few moments later and away to the east, the horizon starts to lighten up again, and the sky above it slowly does so too as dawn breaks upon another summer's day here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Tovis looks away to the west, and as Heinë the sorceress hits those on the raft to the north of the gates with a blast spell.
The commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque. Spots the first of the enemy who went back to their camp during the night.
Leaving their camp, and are heading back this way along the road, towards the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum.
As the raft in the moat to the north of the gates breaks apart. And those of the enemy who weren't hit directly by Heinë's spell, wade back to the otherside of the moat.
While the others are in the water, either dead or injured from their injuries.
One of the two trebuchets launches a load, sending it flying out of castle Measum, towards the enemy on the road, heading towards the west wall of the largest castle in all of southern Melaurn.
The enemy on the road scatter as they see through the gloom of dawn, what's coming flying towards them.
The netting rips apart as it's intended to do. And rocks shower down upon the enemy who are slow to scatter from the road that leads to the west wall of castle Measum.
In the first light of the day, there's at least ten dead bodies lying across the road, and just off it.
There's also just as many who are wounded and injured, as rocks hit them as they were scattering.
The captain in the armies of Farque spots more of the enemy leaving their camp away to the west.
And heading back to the largest castle to be found anywhere in southern Melaurn.
They immediately spread out, as they saw what just happened on the road, to some of their comrades, who like them are allies to the king, and crown of Melaurn.
The young engineer who is in command of the defence of lord Measum's ancestral home, looks at his adjunctant who quietly says "More of them have topped the war towards the other tower captain".
Tovis looks southwards along the parapet of the west wall, and sees that indeed some more of the enemy are on top of the wall, down near the southwest corner tower.
The commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque, then looks down at the enemy in the moat in that direction, and those across from the west wall of castle Measum.
He spots some of them in the water heading northwards in this direction.
While across on the bank, some of the enemy are breaking off from the attack down at that end of the wall. And are heading northwards in this direction as the sky away to the east continues to get lighter, as morning breaks here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda.
"They're spreading out again" says Tovis the war engineer, followed by "Trying to get us to do likewise" he continues with "They definitely don't intend to call off this current attack upon the west side of the castle".
The attractive looking Farqian sorceress nods her head in agreement with the young engineer.
Then the subaltern Heinë says "That's a good thing i guess" the fairly powerful spellcaster then adds "They're doing what we want them to do".
Heinë briefly pauses, before she says "Pity not a many of us got a lot of sleep last night".
To emphasize her point, the sorceress who holds the rank of subaltern in the armies of Farque, yawns. Which causes both Tovis, and his adjunctant to yawn as well.
The young engineer who previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin in the east of his homeland, the kingdom of Druvic.
Grunts in agreement with that assessment from the powerful spellcaster from the lands Farque.
As the other trebuchet launches a load at the enemy who have left their camp, and are heading this way to rejoin the assault upon the west wall of castle Measum.
The next moment, one of the catapults launches a load of rocks at the enemy who are closer.
Those across the moat, from the west wall of the large castle that's been in the Measum family since it was first built.
"Get those locals up" says the war engineer, pointing down behind the wall, where about twenty local soldiers from here in the castle garrison.
Are sleeping down at the base of the west wall, just to the north of gates.
The adjunctant to the young engineer, waves over one of the runners, and gives the youngster an order.
As the messenger hurries away to the nearest set of steps that lead down off the parapet of the west wall of castle Measum.
The sorceress Heinë, who can be temperamental at times, though first thing in the morning, she's more calm than she is at other times.
Says to the commander of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque, who has been tasked to defend castle Measum "Looks like it's going to be another day of battle".
"Sure looks like it" says Tovis the war engineer in agreement with the subaltern.
The captain in the armies of Farque continues with "That's what we want i guess".
He briefly pauses, then the young engineer who is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque, quietly says "I hope we can hold them out for another day".
As the current attack upon the west side of castle Measum, that began yesterday at dawn.
Goes into it's second day as the sun rises in the east, on what feels like it's going to be a fairly mild summer's day here in this part of the kingdom of Melaurn . . . . . .

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