Thursday 25 February 2021

To War 120.

Summer. The City Of Calinar. The Capital Of The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"What are you going to do" whispers Narladene the ground pixie as they watch a number of people enter the antechamber from the massive chamber where the king's court was just held.
"Let things play out" is the murmured reply of Helbe the elven thief who is in a corner of the antechamber.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel has just had a quick look at the map table the king is looking at.
Now the blurred and shielded elven spellcaster watches general Sumic come in through the door, alongside lord Tulbart and the dowager queen.
The elven masterthief can't help but grin at the gumption of the general in the King's Own.
Then after king Harmard the Third of Melaurn has a quiet word with the queen.
And she makes her way out into the massive chamber where court was just dismissed.
The king waves over his friend he's known since childhood, general Sumic.
The highly talented elven magic user decides to get in contact with the common born general, who grew up here in the Palace of the King.
General Sumic almost jumps in fright when he hears the voice in his head.
He immediately recognises the voice as one of his captors, the elf named Helbe.
The general in the King's Own slightly nods his head in response to the elven voice in his head telling him to stall as long as possible, as he wants a number of people to incriminate themselves.
The general, a commoner, born and brought up here in the capital city Calinar.
Stands alongside king Harmard the Third of Melaurn, who says "Exactly where Sumic?" as he points at the map table.
"Here, here and here as well" says general Sumic, who then adds "And there's heavy fighting in the Corlinda Corner as well".
The general, who is the highest ranking commoner in the army of the king of Melaurn, continues with "Around, or at a lord Measum's castle i believe" followed by "I don't know how things stand there at the moment, as i left before hearing anything about the fighting there".
The general in the King's Own, as the king of Melaurn's army is more commonly referred to, then points westwards up into the province of Moleau, northwest of the border it has with the province of Corlinda.
"A significant force made up of both the King's Own, and our allies here in the west of the kingdom were basically wiped out to the last man, after they lost a battle against the enemy in the border region" says general Sumic.
"Those mercenaries from Farque?" asks the king of Melaurn.
"Yes, they lost the battle against the mercenary army" says the senior most common born officer in the King's Own.
Who pauses for a moment, before he continues with "But as they retreated to the northwest from the border they were wiped out by another army".
King Harmard the Third looks up from the maps, and looks at the general who he has known since childhood, and asks "Who?".
"They were mainly from the southern city of Ramgee" replies general Sumic, who then adds "The lord's of Selvah Na have entered the war".
The king of Melaurn looks around at those gathered around the map table, and the others in the antechamber and scowls.
"I told you this is why i didn't want to get involved in the border conflict between Corlinda and Karricaw" says king Harmard, followed by "We should of left those brothers alone to sort their differences out".
The king of Melaurn, briefly pauses before he continues on with "Now it's spread so much that the most rebellious lords in the entire kingdom are involved".
Harmard, the third monarch in the history of the kingdom to be named so, then says "You know they've been itching for a fight for years against the crown" followed by "Hell, for almost a century since the winter shipping rights to the southern coast was changed".
Some of those gathered, who are the advisors to the king of Melaurn, nod in agreement with him.
Though they are in the minority, as an equal number are quite neutral on the matter with the shipping rights to the port city of Ramgee.
While the rest, those loyal to the faction at court that the dowager queen leads.
Are vehemently against changing those shipping rights. They are also the most vocal in support of the war against lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
Chief amongst them is the powerful and influential city lord Tulbart. And since the dowager queen can't actually speak up in such meetings, or at court.
The king allows her to attend, but he will not have his mother speak during court, or in meetings like this he has with his advisors and others.
So it's lord Tulbart, who says "Majesty, can we corroborate what the general is saying, is in fact true?".
The city lord who called general Sumic a traitor just a short while ago in the session of court.
Knows that the general was here in the capital just a week and a half ago.
After all, he along with the dowager queen and others, had sir Jurshwin and his guards, take the common born general prisoner, and put him into the old dungeons.
Which are located underground of course, on the otherside of the barracks, here in the palace grounds.
"I'm just going to find that out" says king Harmard the Third, who nods to the door they came in through.
Which has just opened again, and the queen comes back into the antechamber. And holding onto her arm, is the old court wizard.
"Samaellé, if you could do me a favour" says the king of Melaurn.
"Of course Harmard" says Samaellé the court wizard, who must be near eighty years old.
Who previously served king Harmard's father, and grandfather.
The old wizard, who is the only who doesn't call the king his majesty. And Harmard the Third is fine with that.
As Samaellé didn't call his father and grandfather your majesty as well.
Sits down on a plush seat along the back wall of the antechamber.
The queen pats him on the shoulder so he doesn't fall asleep. For though he's still active, and has all his faculties. The old wizard does like to sleep a lot.
"What is it Harmard?" asks the spellcaster who has served as court wizard to three generations of the royal family.
Indicating the general next to him, the king of Melaurn says "Has Sumic here just told us the truth of what's been happening in the war down in the south of the kingdom?".
The king trusts his childhood friend, but he knows many here don't. For the simple reason the general is a commoner.
The old wizard clears his throat, looks at the general in the King's Own, then casts.
"He speaks the truth" says the wizard Samaellé with a shrug of his shoulders.
The king of Melaurn nods, as do a number of his advisors. While other look disappointed. With a few including both lord Tulbart, and the dowager queen have sour looks upon their faces.
For though Samaellé the wizard is old, his spellcasting abilities are still as good as they've ever been.
"Well, that settles that then" says king Harmard the Third, who after a slight pause, adds "We're in the shit down south for sure".
The king is silent for a little while, standing there looking down at the maps and counters on the large table.
Whilst others in the antechamber quietly chat amongst themselves.
Among who, lord Tulbart listens to the dowager queen, who stands next to him, whispering him instructions.
The influential city lord slightly nods as the dowager queen whispers to him "You must not let that son of my call off the war".
The old queen goes to say something else, but she suddenly goes silent.
As she sees the queen, who is sitting next to the old wizard Samaellé. Is looking straight at her mother inlaw.
General Sumic also sees this, and he like many here at court and in the palace.
Know of the dislike between the current queen, and the old queen. Who has never liked her daughter inlaw, even before her son Harmard married her.
The general in the King's Own looks away from the queens who are silent and are staring at one another.
And he looks at his childhood friend Harmard, who quietly asks him "That missive you sent the other week?".
The common born general nods in reply to the king of Melaurn quietly asking him "Those terms Gormica sent still offered?".
"Well isn't that something" murmurs king Harmard the Third of Melaurn.
Who then looks over at sir Macell, who is standing at one end of the large map table, next to his assistant, the underlord, sir Dalacain.
It was the two of them who delivered the missive from general Sumic a couple of weeks ago. On the day of the disturbance here in the palace grounds. When the old dungeons on the otherside of the barracks, were destroyed.
Then the king of Melaurn, looks across the large table, towards the other end.
Where his mother is standing, with some of her loyal supporters at court. Chief of whom, is lord Tulbart who is standing right next to her.
King Harmard after deciding on something, speaks to the others again.
"I've made up my mind" says the king of Melaurn, who like his childhood friend Sumic, is around forty years old.
"It's time for us to bring to an end the war the crown has with the Karricawian lord, Gormica" says king Harmard the Third.
There's a moment's pause, then the arguing begins. Mostly between the dowager queen's faction. And those led by the city lord, sir Macell.
Even those who are considered neutral here at court, get in on the arguments.
As people yell and shout for either the war to continue, or for it to end. Now that they know what's actually happening down in the south of the kingdom.
The king shares a look with his friend, general Sumic. Then he looks back to where his wife, the queen is sitting next to the old court wizard, Samaellé.
The current queen of Melaurn lifts a questioning eyebrow, and her husband the king, replies with a shrug of his shoulders.
King Harmard the Third lets the arguing go on for a bit more, then he calls for silence.
"Your majesty i must protest" says lord Tulbart once the arguing has ceased.
Holding up a hand, the king of Melaurn says "It was my command to go to war" he briefly pauses before adding "And now it's mine to end it".
Before anyone else can say anything, the king says "We've been offered terms to cease all hostilities" followed by "And for the most part, they're fair".
The city lord sir Macell, and his assistant, the underlord sir Dalacain nod in agreement with their king.
As does, the general in the King's Own, general Sumic.
The general looks over at the dowager queen, and the influential city lord, Tulbart. And those standing with them.
None of them look pleased. Infact more than a few of them look angry.
And to the eye of the common born general, it looks like the old queen who is the angriest.
Then general Sumic spots that the dowager queen is clutching something in her right hand.
Sumic doesn't know what it is, but for some inexplicable reason, the dowager queen. Much to her own surprise, drops it.
General Sumic sees that it's a glass ball, the size of a small fruit as it rolls along the ground, before weirdly it rolls back to the feet of the old queen.
The general isn't the only one who spots it, sitting on the plush seats against the wall behind where everyone else is gathered around the large map table, here in the antechamber.
The queen of Melaurn, along with the old court wizard saw the dowager queen drop whatever it is.
And Samaellé the wizard, does know what it is, and he says in a clear voice "Why that is an influence stone your mother just dropped there Harmard".
"Huh?" says the king of Melaurn, who looks to where the old spellcaster points.
The king pauses, then he asks "What does it do Samaellé?" followed by "And is it magical?".
"Very magical" replies the old court wizard, who continues with "You don't have to be a spellcaster to use it".
Samaellé clears his throat, then he says "It influences those around the person holding it, to do what they think".
There's a moment's silence in the antechamber, then king Harmard the Third as he looks at his mother, and says to her "Care to explain yourself mother?".
As magic is forbidden at court, and in meetings such as this, with the exception of the court wizard, Samaellé.
When his mother doesn't answer him, the king looks at the influential city lord standing next to her, and says to him "Did you know about this Tulbart?".
"I" says lord Tulbart in a hesitant tone of voice, he's silent for a moment as he thinks of what to say.
Which is a clear sign that he indeed knew about the magical item that the dowager queen just dropped.
"What the hell?" mutters king Harmard the Third, who then shouts "Silence!". As his mother, the dowager queen goes to speak.
After a moment's pause, the king of Melaurn quietly says "If you're been doing that, what else have you been doing?".
The king waves over some of his guards, who are at the door, and gives them an order.
One royal guard takes a hold of the dowager queen, while two others take the arms of lord Tulbart, and firmly hold onto him.
"Anyone else?" says king Harmard the Third.
The rest who are loyal to the old queen, step away from her and the city lord, Tulbart.
Then the king of Melaurn says to the old court wizard "Samaellé, there's something i want you to do" followed by "Something i want you to find out" . . . . . .

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