Wednesday 14 April 2021

The Find 19.


The northern half of the pit. More widely known as the City of Ruins.
"Have Uren come up here when she gets in" says Maygam the mercenary captain.
Tolmac nods, then crawls backwards across the roof for a bit, before getting up into a crouch, and moving towards the steps that go down into the ancient building.
"Jarnok's sending more men in" quietly says the lookout at the right hand corner of the building.
"Twenty, maybe twenty five of them have just come up from the underground water tunnel" quietly continues the lookout.
"He wants this over" says the mercenary captain, who then mutters "The prick".
Maygam, doesn't particularly like either Jarnok and Hamblett. For the simple reason the two of them have two of the largest mercenary companies.
Living and working down here in the giant hole in the ground, within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, which everyone calls the City of Ruins.
But out of the two of them, he'd rather see Hamblett victorious as they fight over the site, of the newly dug up ruin.
Due to Maygam and Jarnok serving in the same mercenary company over a dozen years ago.
Until they were both kicked out, due to a violent argument they were in. Where they nearly killed one another.
Something Maygam has never forgotten, or forgiven.
"He has the knack of getting away with things doesn't he?" says the effete sounding elven voice to Maygam's left.
The mercenary captain looks at Lolmildíll, and sourly smiles before telling the elven magic user "You don't have to tell me that".
Maygam briefly pauses before continuing with "That bastard used to be my friend".
Then more out of spite than anything else, the captain of one of the more successful mercenary companies down here in the pit, asks the elven spellcaster "Where's that damn brother of yours?".
"Damned he is alright" quietly says thin, pale elf from the principality of Alínlae, who then adds in a mutter "How the hell should i know?" followed by "I'm not his damn keeper".
Maygam just grunts and let's it go, as he and maybe Uren are the only ones in the company, who vaguely understand the elven twins.
The mercenary captain knows that they belong to one of the noble houses in the elven principality of Alínlae.
For the simple reason they're spellcasters, and the only elves who practice magic, are the elven nobility.
Maygam also knows that for all the depraved behaviour that Lolmildíll, or Lolm as he's more commonly called by those in the company, does.
He's basically a saint in comparison to his twin brother Gilvanéllé. Who is a walking nightmare if there ever was one.
The only reason the mercenary captain allows Gilvanéllé in the company.
Is because the deranged elf is loyal to his twin brother Lolmildíll. And likewise for Lolm to Gilvan as he's also known by.
And though Maygam finds Gilvanéllé absolutely abhorrent. He can't fault him when he fights side by side with his twin brother Lolmildíll.
The two of them and their magic, along with Maygam's leadership and tactics. As well with his second in command, Uren's practicality.
Is the reason the company is as successful as they are, especially as they're only about half the size of some of the largest mercenary companies operating down here in the City of Ruins.
Maygam, a man of average height, in his mid thirties, who has been a mercenary nearly twenty years.
And the captain of his own company for the last decade. The last five of which, has been exclusively down here in the giant hole in the ground, that's the City of Ruins.
Pops his head up, after there's a flash of light, and the sound of an explosion from near, or within the fighting, that's just a couple hundred yards away.
As the week long battle between Jarnok's company, and Hamblett's company continues on, this cool autumn day in the ancient city of Dalphene.
The mercenary captain glances at the elven magic user beside him, who quietly says "That sorcerer in Hamblett's company" Lolmildíll continues with "Kilfin".
"Hmmmm" murmurs Maygam as he thinks about something, as he has plans for later today, as well as tonight and tomorrow.
"Those two pet wizards of Jarnok's about?" asks the mercenary captain, who has had a fairly successful run of things of late, down here in the pit.
"One is, the other isn't" is the reply of Lolmildíll, who like his twin brother Gilvanéllé is a supremely talented spellcaster.
Maygam nods, then from the back of the roof, the lookout with the eyepiece says "That wyvern of Jorkamin's is up in the air again" followed by "Heading up this way from the neutral zone".
The mercenary captain nods, then quietly says to the elf from the principality of Alínlae beside him "Coming up to check on his rivals".
"No doubt" quietly says Lolmildíll, as they and the rest of the company.
Knows that there's very few mercenary companies down here in the pit, that can compete and compare to the companies led by Jarnok and Hamblett.
But one that can, is Jorkamin's mercenary company. As he has a trio of wyverns at his disposal. As well as a small fleet of airships, a few of them being warships.
"He might finally get involved" quietly says the effete sounding elven magic user.
"Maybe" says Maygam, who briefly pauses before continuing with "Let's hope he does to be honest".
Lolmildíll glances at the mercenary captain, and lifts a questioning eyebrow.
The elven practitioner of magic doesn't press Maygam on the matter. And nor does that captain of the company care to elaborate.
Though Lolm can guess that Maygam has worked out some half crazed plan. That knowing Maygam's luck, will probably work.
"No use trying to hide from it and the rider" says the mercenary captain to those on the roof.
Maygam who has a bit of a reputation of being irritable. Which is an earned reputation, that's clearly correct.
"Jorkamin's flyer knows we're here, as well as every other company up here in this part of the pit" continues the mercenary captain, who has spent most of life between the triangle, that's made up of the city-states of Eweteets and Kuradum, as well as the City of Ruins.
Maygam shakes his head no, when Lolmildíll quietly asks him "You want me to get rid of it?".
As the effete sounding elf beside him, nods at the approaching wyvern that's flying over the giant hole in the ground.
The mercenary captain shakes his head no again, then quietly tells the elven practitioner of magic "No i want to see what he'll do" followed by "If he can attack either Jarnok's or Hamblett's companies, or even better both, then that'll play into what I've got planned".
Lolm nods his pale head, as he suspects the mercenary captain has devised something that will give them an advantage.
The elven magic user from the principality of Alínlae is fairly lucky dealing with Maygam.
As the mercenary captain is usually gruff, and annoyed when dealing with anyone in the company.
The exception being Lolmildíll, his twin brother Gilvanéllé, and Uren who is Maygam's second in command.
Apart from that, his orders are usually delivered in an annoyed tone to anyone else in the company.
Lolm figures Maygam is in a fairly good mood today, as he sent Tolmac off to get the incoming Uren without any annoyance in his voice at all.
"Circling around up to us now" says the lookout with the eyepiece at the back of the roof.
"Come on you overgrown buzzard" says Maygam in a quiet voice, followed by "Here we are".
Watching the wyvern and it's rider with his naturally enhanced eyesight, the nobleborn elf from the principality of Alínlae says "The rider is definitely taking note of everyone's position up here".
Maygam nods, for they suspect there's at least six or seven other groups from various mercenary companies.
Watching the ongoing battle between Jarnok's and Hamblett's companies.
"Hopefully that rider finds all of them" quietly says the mercenary captain, whose company has been one of the more successful ones down here, in the City of Ruins over the last five years.
Then the lookout at the back of the roof, says "Airship just flown over the eastern edge" he briefly pauses before adding "Same one that arrived just after dawn this morning".
"Real one from Eweteets?" Maygam quietly asks Lolmildíll "Or a fake one?" adds the mercenary captain.
The elven spellcaster spots the airship in question, then he quietly says "Want me to find out this time?".
Lolm briefly pauses before continuing with "You know if i cast, it'll give my location away to every other spellcaster in the area".
Maygam thinks about it for a moment then he says "They know you're in the area anyway" followed by "So you might as well".
The captain of the company then quietly adds "Will anyone know if Gilvan is around?".
"If i don't know where he is, then i can guarantee no else knows" sourly says the elven magic user.
Maygam grunts at hearing that, then he tells the elf from the principality of Alínlae "Go ahead then".
Lolmildíll is silent for a few moments as he looks towards the airship in the distance away towards the neutral zone.
It's similar in appearance to another small airship, that's floating around near the southern end of the giant hole in the ground.
"Yeah it's from Eweteets" quietly says Lolm as he casts, he pauses for a moment or two, then he adds "Wait a moment".
The elven practitioner of magic is silent for a little bit, then after he drops his spell, he quietly and quickly tells Maygam "It's a sightseeing ship from Eweteets alright" followed by "But apart from the crew everyone onboard is a merc".
The mercenary captain's eyebrows shoot up when he hears that, and he mutters "What the hell?".
"Someone's hired it?" asks Maygam as he looks at Lolmildíll, who nods yes in reply to that question.
"Let me guess?" dryly says the company captain, who continues in that dry tone with "Someone from here in the pit?".
"Indeed it is captain" quietly says the nobleborn elf from Alínlae.
And though Maygam wants to says it's his former friend and colleague Jarnok.
He knows the mercenary captain he was once friends with, and fought alongside with. Isn't that smart, or subtle.
"Jorkamin" sourly says Maygam the mercenary captain.
"The very one" quietly says Lolmildíll the elven magic user.
"Well i guess that ship will wander up this way" says the mercenary captain.
"More than likely" says the spellcaster who hails from the elven principality of Alínlae.
"Damn" murmurs Maygam, who continues murmuring with "I hope they don't make a move before we're ready to act".
For though he'd welcome that Jorkamin and his company interfered in the battle between the companies of Lolmildíll and Jarnok
Maygam doesn't want it to happen too soon. As that could totally bugger up the plans that he has thought out.
With a nod of his head at the wyvern, the mercenary captain quietly says "What's a bet that's picking the target for those onboard that ship".
"Not much of a bet captain" says Lolm who continues with "I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they're doing".
"Jorkamin is a number of things, and clever is definitely one of them" quietly says Maygam the mercenary.
Who then falls silent when the elven magic user quietly tells him "Tolmac is back with Uren".
A few moments later, and Tolmac returns to the roof, followed by the second in command of the company.
"How did it go?" quietly asks Maygam after his second in command crawls forward, and ends lying next to him, after Lolmildíll makes room for her.
"Quite well actually" is the reply of Uren the mercenary, who follows up with "Infact better than expected".
The second in command of the company then explains what happened early this morning.
When those she was leading, ambushed a band of mercenaries.
After hearing what his second has to say, the mercenary captain grunts in satisfaction.
Then Uren says "So what's happening up here?" followed by "Those two still trying to wipe one another out?".
"They are" replies Maygam, then he nods at the wyvern circling around the northern part of the giant hole in the ground.
Then nods at the small airship in the distance, down near the neutral zone, flying slowly northwards.
"Think someone's going to get involved a little bit later" quietly says the mercenary captain.
"Oh?" says his second in command of the company, who then blinks in surprise when Maygam tells her about those onboard the small airship, that's out of the city-state of Eweteets.
"That sneaky bastard" says Uren in a tone of admirationg.
"Trust Jorkamin to do something like that" adds the second in command of the company.
The mercenary captain grunts in agreement, then he quietly says "If he does it sometime later today, or tonight it could very well play into our hands".
Uren shares a look with Lolmildíll, the two of them get along fairly well. And they both have the exact same thought, wondering what Maygam has planned.
"What's that?" quietly asks the company's second in command.
"First thing first, how many did you bring up with you?" asks the mercenary captain.
"Including myself" says the woman with a scar across he face "Fifteen" adds Uren the mercenary.
With a nod of his head, Maygam quietly says "That might make a difference".
Then after a little bit of silence, Maygam the mercenary quietly says to Lolmildíll and Uren "We have a good chance of upsetting all three of them".
He briefly pauses, then Maygam the mercenary quietly explains to the elven magic user and his second in command, what his plans are for later today, and into the night.
Down here in the giant pit, within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, or as it's more commonly called, the City of Ruins . . . . . .

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