Monday 19 April 2021

The Find 22.


Morning. In the pit. Where the ancient city of Dalphene is located.
"Shit" mutters Lisell Maera the scout who dives behind the broken wall, that Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy is taking cover behind.
"Fucking hell" mutters the attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury.
"I thought it was supposed to be safe here" says Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group.
"It is" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy as another arrow clanks off the ruins behind them.
"You could of fooled me" mutters the scout in the armies of Farque.
Who doesn't know what the ancient building is behind them. But whatever it was, she's sure glad that there was a wall built infront of it.
One that's giving her and the spy Tanith protection at the moment.
The elven spy who is from the principality of Alínlae, glances through a rather large hole in the wall.
Then turning his crossbow sideways, after collapsing down it's extendable arms.
He shoots off a bolt through the hole in the wall, aiming for the second storey of a rather dilapidated building opposite the wall they're behind.
"Get him?" asks Lis as Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, loads another bolt in his quick firing crossbow.
"I did" is the reply from the spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae.
Who is now a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"Unfortunately they've got more archers" adds the spy Tanith just as another arrow clips off the top of the wall just above Lis, who mutters "Fuck".
As chips of stone fall upon her, and the arrow clanks off the front of the building behind the two of them.
The scout Maera who knows it's a waste of time with her trying to take a shot with her crossbow.
As there's a good chance she'll get shot if she was to stick her head up above the broken wall.
Shakes her head, then sourly says to the elven spy "So much for being a neutral zone".
"I don't think we're quite there yet" says Dalin who like the attractive young woman originally from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, is speaking in elven.
"Figures" mutters Lis, which causes the spy Tanith to chuckle before he takes another quick look through the hole in the wall just infront of him.
Meanwhile the scout in the armies of Farque, looks back in the direction they've come from.
And she spots Tovis the war engineer glancing around the corner of an old ruin, looking at her and the elven spy.
The scout Maera nods, and the young engineer who hails from kingdom of Druvic nods in return, before he pops his head back around the corner.
"What is it?" asks Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit as he looks up at Tovis the war engineer, who tells him "Lis and Dalin are pinned down".
The hobbit, who isn't what he appears to be grunts, then he steps forward, and glances around the corner too.
The halfling, who is a former air sailor, who hails from the far east coast of the continent, the Sultanate of Dreese to be exact.
Spots Lisell Maera the scout and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy taking cover behind an ancient, and by the looks of it crumbling wall.
The hobbit, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Can't clearly see who is shooting at them, but he can just see the end of the building opposite, that the archers must be in.
"Opportunists most likely, being this close to the neutral area" says the halfling, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson.
Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of the hobbit from the Sultanate of Dreese.
"Keep an eye on them" Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman says to the war engineer who is a captain in the armies of Farque.
Then the halfling turns and trotts back to where the others are approaching.
As they continue to head northwards, to the area roughly in the middle of the giant hole in the ground, which is considered the neutral zone of the City of Ruins.
"What?" asks lord Farque when Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson comes back to the rest of the group.
The halfling who is a member of the undead warlord's personal council informs him and the others what's happening just up ahead around the corner of an ancient ruins, where they can see Tovis the war engineer standing.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord rolls his eyes, and looks at the others to see who is best suited to deal with this problem.
"Mira" says lord Farque who quickly makes up his mind who is best to deal with the situation that Lis and Dalin find themselves in.
"Send a mageglobe into that building" adds the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, whose people also know him by the name of Draugadrottin.
"Will do" says Mira Reinholt the mage, who flashes a grin from within the hood of his cloak.
Then he along with his fellow councilor, Jarjin Littlefoot jog ahead, to where Tovis the war engineer is standing at the corner of one of the many ancient buildings in this part of the City of Ruins.
"The building opposite them" says the young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic, who steps back and out of the way, so that the mage Reinholt can glance around the corner.
Knowing how his fellow councilor can be at times with his magic. Jarjin Littlefoot tells the once powerful mage "Careful" followed by "That wall they're behind doesn't exactly look all that solid".
The spellcaster who is from the city-state of Vexil, his homeland that he's in exile from, grunts as he's come to the same conclusion.
Nevertheless, the practitioner of magic who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, quickly creates a mageglobe in the palm of his gloved right hand.
It's dark red in colour, about the size of a small apple. And before it shoots off and away from the exiled Vexilian mage's right hand.
Both Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, and Tovis the war engineer. Can clearly see the redness in the mageglobe swirling around inside of it.
"What's that?" mutters Lisell Maera the scout who thought she saw something small and red streak around from the corner where Tovis is.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands. Whose mother was a street prostitute.
And whose father, a man she never knew, or never met. Was a sailor who plied his trade upon the Great Western Ocean.
Quickly realises what it is, and more importantly, who created it, and she says to Dalin "Stay down".
And before she can tell him what it is. The sound of an explosion can be heard from the ancient building the mercenary archers are shooting at them from.
Both the human scout and the elven spy grimace as bits of the broken wall fall down, around and on them.
Nothing big, but chips of ancient stone fall on them, as they lie flat on the ground that briefly shakes beneath them.
Then the two of them get up into a crouch, with Lis glancing over the top of the wall, and Dalin looking through the hole he was previously shooting through.
Dark red flames are shooting out of every window, gap and hole in the ancient building opposite the wall they've taken cover behind.
The scout Maera grimaces as a burning body falls from a gap on the second floor, and hits the ancient path with a clearly audible splat.
The flames are so intense and burning so rapidly, that both Lis and Dalin don't expect the body to burn for that long.
Someone on fire stumbles from out of the hole in the front of the building, takes another step.
Before falling to a knee, then toppling over as the intense flames engulf the body.
While up on the second storey of the building, up in a window. A burning figure has tried to climb out the window and jump.
But they've only got as far as leaning out over the window. Half in, and the other out.
Totally covered in the intense red flames, that will quickly consume that person.
Then as suddenly as the flames appeared, they disappear. Going out in an instant.
Except for those bodies that are still on fire. For though the flames aren't as intense as they first were.
They're still burning strongly, burning up anyone, and everyone the fire came into contact with.
Lisell Maera and Dalinvardèl Tanith share a look, then the attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, dryly says "Mira".
"I figured as much" says the elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae.
The two of them stand up from behind the ancient, crumbling wall. And they spot the mage Reinholt, along with Tovis the war engineer and Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit.
Make their way from around the corner, and head this way.
"You could of warned us" sourly says Lis as she looks at the Vexilian mage in exile, then at the two smoking corpses on the pathway.
Shrugging his shoulders, Mira Reinholt says "You were fine" followed by "I know what i was doing".
"At least you didn't blow the place to bits" dryly says Dalinvardèl Tanith with sideways look at the once powerful mage.
Then a look up at the burnt body hanging halfway over a second storey windowsill in the building opposite.
Then the elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque, frowns as he notices something.
"Why isn't that building burnt at all?" asks Dalin, as he can't see any scorch marks at all on the ancient ruins where the mercenaries who shot at him and Lis were in.
"Magic" replies Mira Reinholt, who then chuckles as both the spy Tanith and the scout Maera sourly smile at him.
"I told the mageglobe i created to only set flesh and cloth on fire" explains the once powerful mage, who then adds "So that's what it did".
The rest of the group make their way around the corner, and head towards those already on the pathway between the two ancient ruins.
As they do, they clearly hear Dorc da Orc say "Oooh that smells good" as he spots the two charred bodies lying on the pathway.
"Leave it" says lord Farque who doesn't even turn around, and he knows the large ork has stopped next to one of the burnt bodies, and is drooling as he looks down it.
The undead warlord then nods his full helmed head in the direction they're going, and says to Lis and Dalin "Move out".
The large, heavily armoured deathlord continues with "No one else is around here, you should be fine until we get to that neutral zone".
"I said leave it Dorc" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque without looking back at the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
Who was rather hoping no one was paying attention to him. So that he could sneak one of the burnt corpses into one of his sacks.
Without looking back at the ork warleader, the lord of the death realm points back at him, snapping his fingers as if he wasn't wearing steel gauntlets, then pointing in the direction they're heading, and saying "Move it".
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, sighs in disappointment. Then heads along the pathway, loudly muttering "What a waste of good fucken meats".
The other person who was paying attention to the ork weaponsmith. Was his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Who shakes his head in disgust as he thinks of what the large ork was about to do.
The large, heavily armoured knight walks with Shur Kee the monk as the two of them follow behind lord Farque and Dorc da Orc.
As they group head northwards towards what's considered the neutral zone down here in the giant hole in the ground.
Out infront, the scout Maera and the spy Tanith are heading directly towards the massive pyramid.
Which takes up a lot of the view in this part of the pit. A pit that has the ancient city of Dalphene in it. Or as it's more commonly called, the City of Ruins.
The ancient pyramid, that stands over five hundred foot tall, and must be a quarter of a mile square in all directions.
Dominates this part of the the City of Ruins, so much so, that both Lis and Dalin can't see the two warships that are flying around, further north in the pit.
The two of them, along with the rest of the group following them, can definitely hear the two warships though.
As in the distance, to the north in the pit, the sound of magetubes firing can be head every so often.
"Play for keeps up there" quietly says Lisell Maera to Dalinvardèl Tanith.
The elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae, nods in agreement with the attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury.
Then just before the company commander in the armies of Farque can say something to Lis, he spots something up ahead. To be exact, someone.
"Helbe" says Dalin, who along with the scout Maera jog forward to join the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel.
"Good you're here" says Helbe the elven thief when they get to him.
The highly talented elven magic user gives them some instructions. As the elven masterthief does, the spy Tanith frowns as he notices something.
Lisell Maera notices something too, she doesn't know what, but there's something not quite right about the elven master assassin.
"You're not here" suddenly says Dalinvardèl Tanith.
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, chuckles then says "Well done" followed by "What gave it away?".
"The light on you, doesn't look quite right" explains the spy Tanith, the scout Maera nods in agreement, as she realises that's what she noticed was odd about the elven master archer.
"Damn morning light always does that" says Helbe the elven thief, well the illusion of him says it.
"Where are you?" asks the elven spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland of Alínlae.
"In a tavern of all places" is the reply from the greater illusion of the elven princeling from Laerel.
Who then nods his hooded head in the direction that Lis and Dalin have come from, and he says "Here comes the others".
Helbe the elven thief, well to be precise, the image of him created by the unique greater illusion spell, he has cast, says "Lord Farque will know where i am".
The highly talented elven magic user briefly pauses before continuing on with "I found out some rather useful information, which hopefully will help us find the one we're looking for" . . . . . .

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