Tuesday 31 May 2022

The Thick Of It 65.


After glancing at Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who nods his hooded head.
Tovis the war engineer turns to his right and gives the order of "Shoot them".
The pair of ballista, on a wagon each. Shoot at the enemy who have made their way into the city via a rift up on the south wall.
The heavy weapons are shot off in unison. And with good reason, as there's a chain attached between the pair of ten foot long heavy spears, missiles really.
The ballista shots go flying across the square, on the way to the gates. The middle set of the three gates, along the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
The missiles miss the half a dozen rebel soldiers running across the square towards the Farqian engineers with the heavy weapons.
They weren't aimed at them. They're aimed at the more than a dozen, nearly twenty rebel soldiers.
Who have made their way down from the top of the wall, and are at the gates, trying to open them. After killing the eight or so loyalist soldiers, who were defending the gates.
The two missiles hit the enemy soldiers, with fairly, and not to mention, messy results.
One of the ten foot long heavy spears, hits one of the enemy soldiers, in the head. Turning it into a spray of red mist.
It didn't even slow the momentum of the missile down. What does slow it down a bit. Is it going through another of the rebel soldiers. Cutting him in half. Before the missile slams into the wall, right next to the gates.
The heavy ten foot long spear on the otherside, the left side, is just as destructive.
It clips one of the enemy soldiers, ripping him apart at the back of his shoulder, down to the waist on his right side.
Before it too, cuts another of the rebel soldiers in councilman Hirrye's army, in half at the waist.
Then with momentum slowing, it slams into a third of the enemy soldiers.
Hitting him right in the middle of the chest, picking him up off the ground, and flinging him back a dozen feet in the air.
Before the missile slams into one of the gates, pinning the dead body to them.
But what's really destructive, is the twenty foot long heavy link chain that connects the two missiles.
Body parts go flying as the chain whips through the rebel soldiers who are trying to open the gates from the inside.
At least two more of the enemy soldiers are cut in two by the heavy link chain, as the missiles hit the wall and the gates.
One poor fellow, who saw it coming, tries to duck the heavy long spears, and the heavy link chain connecting them.
No such luck, as the chain decapitates him, taking most of his right arm off too.
As he was holding it up, just as he was ducking down trying to avoid the flying destruction of wood and metal.
Most of those killed and horribly injured. Are slammed up into the gates by the chain.
At least eight of the rebel soldiers are either killed or badly wounded in this way.
One of the injured is pinned up against the gates as the chain is taunt between the missiles.
One of which is stuck deep into the gates, and the other into the wall to the right of the gates.
His screams can be heard for a fair distance over the noise of the battle, as the tight chain slowly digs into his flesh, where it's across his upper stomach while he's pinned to the city gates.
Of the twenty or so who attacked the defenders at the gates, just three of them remain unscathed.
Though they're in shock as the look around, wondering what the hell just happened.
On this bright, sunny though cold winter's morning, here in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy shoots off an arrow, sending it flying into one of the enemy soldiers running across the square in this direction.
The spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland.
Quickly takes another arrow from his quiver, puts it to his bow, and shoots. Dropping another of the rebel soldiers crossing the square, mere moments after he killed the first one.
The spy Tanith who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Has shot down another of the rebel soldiers hurrying across the square, before the remaining three get to the position of the Farqian engineers, and the elven company commander with them.
Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as more often than not, he's called by the others in the group.
Is of the opinion that you have to be an absolute idiot to take on in combat, engineers from their corp in the armies of Farque.
As his personal opinion is that they're just as, or even more destructive in armed combat than those you find in the heavy foot troops in the armies of Farque.
Proof of that is that the engineers, continue doing their main job. Loading the pair of trebuchet, as well as the pair of wagon mounted ballista they have.
As the remaining three rebel soldiers who have crossed the square, get to them.
And only one from the corp of engineers steps forward to confront them.
It's their commander, who is a captain in the armies of Farque. The war engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, Tovis.
The young engineer, who wears a long, heavy leather smock, similar to a blacksmith's apron but way thicker.
Has taken his heavy hammer from his belt loop, and swings it at the first of the rebel soldiers who have made it across to this side of the square.
The spy Tanith winces as Tovis slams his hammer low at the first of the rebel soldiers, smashing the man's legs, dropping him instantly.
At the same time, the Druvician born war engineer, has stepped and spun to one side.
Avoiding one sword slashed at him, while the third enemy soldier also swings a sword at him.
That blade slides along the front of the war engineer's heavy leather smock, barely even cutting into it.
Tovis chokes the haft of his hammer, and punches it forward. And the heavy head slams into the face and side of the head of the third enemy soldier. Who drops to the ground, with a shattered skull.
The captain in the armies of Farque is now directly behind the second rebel soldier, the only one still standing.
Who is now indecisive, as the spy Tanith is less than five yards infront of him.
While the war engineer, who previously served a baron Harkonin in the kingdom of Druvic before joining the group. Is directly behind him.
And he stops, not knowing what to do. That brief stop seals his fate.
As the young engineer swings his heavy hammer again, catching the enemy soldier, right in the middle of the back.
The soldier fighting for the cause of the rebel leader, the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Drops to his knees screaming in pain. And before he topples over as his back is broken. His screams are cut short, when Tovis slams his heavy hammer down onto the top of the rebel's head. Absolutely shattering apart that enemy's skull.
As the spy Tanith shoots off another arrow, this one to near the top of the wall, as more of the enemy who have entered city via the rift, are coming down the set of steps closest to these particular gates.
Sending a rebel soldier toppling down off the steps to fall to the cobblestones below.
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who is now a captain in the armies of Farque, steps back beside the elven spy who is his friend.
"More of them coming down the steps" calmly says Tovis war engineer, who isn't even breathing that heavy after quickly dispatching the three rebel soldiers who made it across to this side of the square.
"Yep" is the reply of Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who after letting another arrow fly from his bow.
Nods his hooded head up to the top of the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
The young engineer looks up to the top of the wall where Dalin has nodded to.
Then Tovis sees a number of the enemy lying infront of the rift up there, either dead or unconscious.
The next moment he sees why, as another rebel soldier runs out of the rift.
He's barely taken a step, before he drops down, and falls amongst the others on top of the wall.
The captain in the armies of Farque sees Beldane the cleric up there with Tamric Drubine the field commander next to one of the small catapults above the city gates.
And as another of the enemy soldiers who has just come through the rift, drops unconscious.
Tovis figures the powerful cleric has cast a spell of some kind, a sleeping one by the looks of it. Right infront of the door sized rift.
The war engineer originally from the kingdom Druvic sees that most of those rebel soldiers who have already come out of the rift.
Have either come down the steps, which others are doing at the moment.
And the rest, the majority of them. Are on the top of the city's south wall, behind the actual rift.
Where they're locked in combat with the defenders there. Who Tovis sees includes some of the group.
"Hectic up there" says the captain of the engineering corp with a nod of his head up to the battle on top of the wall.
"Sure is" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the company commander, who has another arrow to his bow.
The elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae, draws his bow back, and takes careful aim.
Dalin waits a moment, then releases the string, and lets the arrow fly, it's target is up on the top of the wall.
Amongst the enemy on the backside of the rift, a rebel soldier has just lifted his sword.
He's struck in the side of the neck by the shaft, and with blood spewing out of his mouth.
He staggers sideways, and falls over the low section between two of the crenalations, and he disappears from sight after falling off the top of the wall, without a doubt ending up in the river that runs along the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
Both Dalinvardèl Tanith and Tovis the war engineer see Lisell Maera the scout glance their way and nod in thanks.
As she was facing that particular rebel soldier up on top of the south wall of the capital city.
As Dalin takes another arrow from his quiver, the war engineer next to him, turns to the right, where one of his engineers says "Both loaded captain".
"Target the ones coming down the steps" orders the commander of the engineering corp.
Who then quietly says to the elven spy next to him "Hope they don't punch a hole in the wall".
As Tovis has told Dalin, and the rest of the group for that matter. That the south wall of the city of Kuradum is the weakest wall by far.
Especially around the gates, in particular these set of gates, the middle one out of the three.
For the simple reason of the river that flows along the south side of the capital of the city-state.
"Think they will?" quietly asks Dalinvardèl Tanith, next to him the young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, shrugs his shoulders.
"The wall should hold up" quietly says the captain in the armies of Farque, who after a slight pause, murmurs "I hope".
The ballista, which are on wooden swivel mounts in the beds of the two wagons. Have been turned to face their new target.
And another heavy link chain is connected to the pair of ten foot long heavy spears that have been loaded into the heavy weapons.
As the trebuchets continue to lob loads over the wall at the enemy outside the city.
The elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Is already wincing in anticipation as to what's about to happen when the ballista are shot off.
There's quite a few of the rebel soldiers who have made it down the steps, to see the devastation wrought upon those who came down first.
And even more are coming down the steps, so many infact, that they're backed up and are moving slowly.
And with the almost simultaneously thunk of the two ballista firing off their missiles.
The pair of ten foot long heavy long spears, and the heavy linked chain affixed to them.
Fly across the square at an angle, and hit amongst the rebel soldiers coming down the steps from the top of the wall.
And brings absolute carnage amongst the enemy soldiers on the steps.
On this cold, but clear and sunny winter's morning here in the city of Kuradum as the battle continues . . . . . .

Sunday 29 May 2022

The Thick Of It 64.


The adjunctant Morris frowns as he looks back towards the south wall of the city.
"What is it?" asks commander Tracklen who has noticed his adjunctant has stopped shooting his bow, and is looking towards the city's south wall.
"Not sure" is the reply of the adjunctant Morris, who is a subaltern in the loyalist army.
There's a slight pause from the junior of the two officers, then he continues with "Is that a rift?".
The senior ranking officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum looks to where his adjunctant points to.
"That's a rift" says the junior officer Morris with confidence.
Nodding his head in agreement with the adjunctant, commander Tracklen quietly says "Yeah, that's a rift".
As they see from where they're on the city's east wall, away in the distance on the south wall.
There's a rift on top of that wall, along the stretch of the wall, where the middle of the three gates in the south wall is located.
"Shit" mutters the commander of the loyalist army as they watch the enemy hurrying out of the rift.
And attack the defenders upon that bit of the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
Even from this distance, they can see the large green figure of the ork mercenary, has engaged with the rebel soldiers who have suddenly appeared on top of the city's south wall after coming through the rift.
Commander Tracklen who knows that those here on the east wall, will be overrun with ease.
If the enemy were to put a rift up here on top of this wall. The defenders, who aren't many, would have no chance against them.
Quietly says to his adjunctant "They'll have to deal with that over there".
The junior of the two officers nods his head in reply to that. As they watch a number of the enemy soldiers, hurrying down the set of steps, that's the closest to where the rift has been positioned on top of the city's south wall.
"We have to deal with that we've got over here" continues commander Tracklen, who is facing forward again.
"Keep shooting at them!" shouts out the loyalist army commander, who follows that with "Especially those carrying the scaling ladders!".
As the senior most officer in the army still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Continues watchting the enemy who are attempting to top the city's east wall. Or take down the set of gates in this particular wall.
While next to the loyalist army commander, his adjunctant, who is also facing forward again.
Has taken an arrow from his quiver, and puts it to the belly of his bow, and against the string.
Morris, who is from one of the more successful trading families in Kuradum.
Draws his weapon back, and takes aim. All done effortlessly, and smoothly, without a hesitation.
The subaltern in the loyalist army lets the arrow fly.
A rebel soldier, who is helping to carry a scaling ladder to the east wall of the city.
Drops to the ground screaming in agony, with an arrow in his stomach. Tripping over a couple of others, and forcing the rest to come to a stop, as they've dropped the ladder.
Another of them drops when he's hit in the small of the back with a bolt shot by one of the crossbowmen defending the east wall of the capital city.
Commander Tracklen, who picked up a crossbow as well, nods his head to the young runner who has loaded the weapon for him.
Then the runner, who is looking northwards along the top of the wall, spots something and says "Commander, something's happening up there".
The young runner in the loyalist army continues with "They're looking at something".
Commander Tracklen after shooting off the crossbow, getting a rather fortunate hit.
As it hit a hired mercenary in the thigh, dropping him, screaming in pain.
Looks along the top of the east wall to see what the young runner has spotted.
"They've seen something" says the adjunctant Morris who is also looking along the top of the city's east wall.
They see a few of the defenders, a couple of soldiers from the city garrison, and a guard of the city watch.
Are looking away to the north, though into the city more than anything else.
With one of them pointing as he says something, and another one nodding his head, as if agrees with him.
They look around, and seeing their army commander looking in their direction.
One of the soldiers, starts making his way along the wall, to where the commander Tracklen and the adjunctant Morris are above the only set of gates in the east wall.
As the young runner goes about reloading the senior officer's crossbow.
The adjunctant, who is a subaltern in the army loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum, as he takes an arrow from his quiver say "I hope it's not another rift".
That's exactly what it is, for when the soldier who ran the fifty yards from his position, to just over the east wall gates.
He tells the two officers, that he and the other two with him, saw what appears to be a rift in the grounds of the ruling council.
Which is just over a mile and a half away to the north, and can be seen from further north along the top of the east wall of the city of Kuradum.
"Are you absolutely sure?" asks the commander of the army that's still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state.
"Yes commander" replies the soldier from the city garrison, who pauses as he's hesitant to continue, but he does, and says "We saw a couple of the enemy being thrown up into the air, a couple hundred feet at least".
The loyalist army commander shares a look with his adjunctant, who quietly tells him "Could be one of those meecs from Farque there".
"More than likely" says commander Tracklen, who then nods to the soldier, and tells him "Return to your position".
The soldier from the local garrison nods, and starts making his way back along the top of the wall, to his position over fifty yards away.
While Morris, quietly says "Hope there's not anymore of them". Referring to the rifts that the enemy are using to bring in their soldiers. Like they're doing on the south wall. And by speculation more than anything else, within the grounds of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
"So do i" says commander Tracklen, who takes his crossbow from the young runner, who has reloaded it for him.
While next to the senior most officer in the loyalist army, his adjunctant, the subaltern Morris.
Lifts his bow, he already has a shaft to it, and he draws it back, taking aim with ease.
As a lot of the enemy on this side, the east side of the city. Are bunched up as they rush forward towards the wall.
The adjunctant Morris nods in satisfaction, as the arrow he just shot, takes an enemy soldier in the throat.
While next to him, commander Tracklen is taking aim with the crossbow he's using.
The senior of the two officers shoots off the bolt, and he gets extremely lucky.
As the bolt shatters apart the skull of one of the enemy soldiers. The one to the right of the one that the loyalist army commander was actually aiming at.
"Good enough" wryly murmurs commander Tracklen who hopes that the defense of the city walls is good enough too.
On what's a cold, but sunny and clear winter's morning, here in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
Over on the south wall of the city, a growling Dorc da Orc spins around to hit an approaching sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
But before he's able to, an enemy soldier who has come through the rift, stabs the large ork in the back of the leg.
"Bitch" mutters Dorc da Orc, who grabs the rebel soldier who just stabbed him.
Picks him up by the right arm, breaks it with his strong grip, then throws the enemy soldier off the top of the wall.
To the inside, sending the rebel soldier to the bricks of the square behind this section of the south wall of the city of Kuradumyr.
The ork warleader grunts as he pulls the sword out of the back of his leg. And throws it at the enemy who are rushing out of the nearby rift.
"As for you, ya cunt" growls the ork weaponsmith as he looks back at his bitter rival, the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic.
And he finds sir Percavelle Lé Dic standing there, with the visor of his full helm up, grinning as he looks at the ork who is a general in the armies of Farque.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, goes to take a step towards his bitter rival.
When he stops, as he spots the former paladin is holding the sword of knockdown in his right gauntleted hand.
"Cuntface" growls the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who then turns to confront more of the enemy who have come through the rift.
That's been placed here on top of the south wall of the city, near the middle of the three sets of gates that can be found on this side of the city.
"By the gods" mutters Beldane the cleric who is looking to cast a spell at the enemy, but is unable to because of who is in the way.
The fighting cleric who has just yelled out to both sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Dorc da Orc, to get out of the way, to no avail.
Turns to his left, and says "I can't do anything else with those two idiots in the way".
Knowing exactly who the powerful spellcaster is referring to, Tamric Drubine the field commander rolls his eyes, before calling out "Dorc, Percy get out of the way!".
The young noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now a senior officer in the armies of Farque, then shouts "Pull back, and move to the side!".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, briefly pauses as he sees he's being ignored, then he yells "Now!".
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who heard that from field commander Drubine, mutters "Oh bother" followed by a "Wot".
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the southeast of the kingdom of Druvic, rolls his eyes.
Though he does step back, and out of the way, to one side, up against the crenalations there.
And for his troubles, an enemy arrow shot by a rebel archer just across the river.
Clangs off the full helm of the tall, large heavily armoured knight. Causing Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
To stagger to the side, muttering "Saint Mar-che". Before righting himself, next to a crenalation.
As for the former paladin's bitter rival, the war leader of the ork race.
He ignores the order from field commander Drubine, until Tam yells at him again with "Dorc you big fucking lump, get out of the way of the rift!".
"Fucknuts" mutters Dorkindle who has just kicked a rebel soldier in the legs, shattering them.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world does take heed of the young field commander's words.
The large ork takes a few steps back, and one to the side, so he's up against a crenalation, here on top of the wall.
"Finally" dryly says Beldane the cleric, who now has an unobstructed path towards the rift that's here on top of the city's south wall.
The member of the church of Glaine, a god predominantly worshiped in the north of the fighting cleric's homeland, the kingdom of Nastell.
Has been reluctant to use his powerful mace, as it still has a mind of it's own at times.
So he now casts a spell of his own at the enemy who are coming out of the rift.
The rebel soldiers, who for the most part, have either gone down the nearby steps, or gone back around the rift, when they catch sight of Dorc.
Now the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world, is no longer standing right infront of the rift.
The soldiers in the army of the rebel leader, the self styled duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Start hurrying in this direction when they make their way out of the rift.
The cleric in the half plate armour casts, and one after another, as they appear out of the rift.
The enemy soldiers start dropping after taking just a few steps, one after another they fall flat on their faces unconscious, as the sleep spell cast by the powerful cleric takes effect.
Though a few take a couple extra steps, staggering to one side, and fall off the top of the wall to the cobblestones of the square over forty feet below.
"The more of them that come through, the less time that spell will last" says Beldane the cleric.
Tamric Drubine the field commander nods, then says "It's stopped the flow of them for a bit, that's good enough".
The young noble who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, then adds "Just tell me when it's going to stop".
The fighting cleric nods that he will, then field commander Drubine calls out "Dorc, Percy get ready to attack them again!" . . . . . .

Thursday 26 May 2022

The Thick Of It 63.


"They'll come out" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie as she stands upon the right shoulder of Helbe the elven thief.
The tiny winged creature who is from the Sunreach Mountains, pauses for a moment or two, before she adds "Right".
There's another pause from the naturally magical creature, who then says "Now".
Just then, across the street, in the grounds of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum, where a rift has formed.
Soldiers in the army of the rebel leader, councilman Hirrye. Start coming out of the rift.
The first of them move to the side of the rift, and look back in this direction, across the street.
And in the building, that the elven masterthief is on the roof of. A rebel spy, sitting at the window, directly beneath the blurred and shielded elven magic user.
Gives an all clear, and a proceed signal to those who have just come out of the rift.
There's nods from a couple of the rebels who have just turned up in the capital city of Kuradum.
Then they turn, and lead the others who are making their way out of the door sized rift, across the grounds to the main building of Kuradum's ruling council.
As they do, the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, and the ground pixie who is attached to him, both grin.
The first of the enemy soldiers barely takes ten steps, when suddenly he's cut in half at the waist as he runs into the first of the hidden spells cast by the highly talented elven magic user.
The second one fairs no better, and he too is dissected just above the hips.
The third one, seeing what's just happened, tries to come to a stop. But another of the rebel soldiers who has come out of the rift, runs into the back of him, sending him forward.
The third one staggers forward, yelping in fright, holding his arms out infront of him, trying to stop himself.
But momentum carries him forward, and his arms get sliced off just below the elbow.
He briefly screams in agony before he's cut in half at chest height as he falls forward.
"That's messy" murmurs Narladene the ground pixie as the fourth of the rebel soldiers, turns to the side, hoping to avoid what's infront of him, that's killed his fellow soldiers who have proceeded him.
No such luck, as he's sliced at the hip, all the way through his body, and the top half of his body drops to the ground, before the bottom half topples over sideways.
The next of the rebel soldiers come to a halt, and yells at those who have just come out of the rift, to slow down and stop.
Then as the enemy soldiers start waving their weapons out infront of them, to see where it's safe or not.
Helbe the elven thief, who has made that first hidden spell, just twenty feet from side to side.
And expects those rebel soldiers to get around it fairly soon. Infact he rather hopes they do, as they'll run into more of his hidden spells.
Steps to the front edge of the roof, and looks down.
And he sees an incredulous looking enemy spy, leaning out of the second storey window below, wondering what the hell's going on across in the grounds of the ruling council of the city-state.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who is member of the royal family that rules that particular nation.
Faintly smiles to himself as the rebel spy leans even further out of the window, to see what's happening across the street, in the grounds of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Then with a single thought of his mind, the elven spellcaster sends the enemy spy pitching forward, and out of the window.
Falling to the ground two storeys below, the ground which he hits head first, killing him instantly.
Then the elven master assassin, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque looks across to the enemy who have come out of the rift.
When Narladene the ground pixie quietly says to him "Some of them have found a way around it".
"Good" murmurs Helbe the elven thief, who watches one such individual, who calls out to the others to follow him, as more and more of their number, make their way out of the rift.
That particular soldier in the army of the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, takes another half a dozen steps or so.
When the ground suddenly disappears beneath him, and the others who are closely following behind him.
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel doesn't even bother to watch the ground reappear above the five enemy soldiers who disappeared beneath it.
Instead he's casting a spell upon one of the rebel soldiers who has just stepped out of the rift.
That rebel draws his sword, and shoves the blade into the back of the enemy soldier directly infront of him.
He yanks the bloody sword out, and slashes open the throat of another rebel soldier to the side.
Then with a shout of anger and rage, the bespelled enemy soldier, spins around, cuts down the rebel soldier who has just stepped out of the rift behind him.
He jumps over that body on the ground, and jumps back through the rift, swinging his sword, and angrily screaming in an incoherent manner.
"Bet he kills a few of them on the otherside of that rift" quietly says Narladene from her position on the right shoulder of the blurred and shielded elven magic user.
"Let's hope so" quietly says the elven princeling of Laerel, who along with the ground pixie attached to him.
Watch another of his hidden spells, attack the enemy soldiers who have come through the rift, that's located on the grounds of the ruling council of Kuradum.
On what's a cold, but sunny and clear winter's morning, here in the capital of the city-state.
As one of the enemy soldiers goes shooting up into the winter's morning sky, screaming in fright as he does. Even more when he suddenly stops about two hundred feet up. And screams again as he falls back down to the ground.
Before he hits the ground and dies. He sees a fellow soldier in the army of the rebel leader, councilman Hirrye.
Going up into the morning sky, just as he did a few moments ago, screaming in fright as well.
Mira Reinholt the mage, turns and looks at lord Farque, and quietly asks him "What is it?".
"Helbe" is the dry sounding reply from lord Farque with a nod of his full helmed head to the right and behind them.
The once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil turns and looks away in that direction, and wryly smiles at what he sees.
A few hundred yards away, back near the grounds of the ruling council of Kuradum.
There's an enemy soldier flying up into the air, and as he falls back down and disappears behind some buildings.
The mage Reinholt spots another of the rebel soldiers go flying up into the morning sky in basically the same spot.
"Inventive" dryly says the Vexilian spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
Then the mage in the black hooded cloak, turns and looks forward, when the undead warlord quietly says "There".
The large heavily armoured deathlord follows that with "There must be a lane, or an alley there" he continues with "That's where it is".
Referring to the third of the three rifts the enemy have used to enter the city, on this cold winter's morning in the capital of Kuradum.
The two of them are silent for a few moments, then the lord and ruler of the lands Farque quietly says "Mercs".
The practitioner of magic, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, nods his hooded head in agreement with the tall undead being standing next to him.
They're on a rooftop, in the one of the neighbourhoods in the north of the city of Kuradum, not all that far north of the city center.
The streets here like elsewhere through much of the city, are fairly empty.
As people take shelter, as the southern rebel army of the self styled duke of Kuradum. The ex councilman Hirrye, attacks the capital of the city-state.
But Draugadrottin as the people of his lands also know him by, along with Mira Reinholt.
Watch as about a twenty mercenaries hurry down the street to their right.
Then turn onto the street, that the building they're on top of, is located.
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Until he was stripped of most of his powers, when he went offworld through a rift/void spell he accidentally cast a number of years ago.
Glances sideways at the large, heavily armoured deathlord standing next to him. The undead warlord shakes his head no.
And they watch the hired mercenaries in councilman Hirrye's army, continue down the street.
"To that counting house?" quietly asks the swordmaster Reinholt with a nod of his hooded head away to their left, to one of the buildings at the end of the road.
"Definitely" quietly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who has the elven name of Des'tier, which in the common language means, The Destroyer.
The deathlord of Farque nods his full helmed head in the direction of the next street over, the one directly to their north.
And he quietly says to the mage who is a member of his personal council "More of them".
The practitioner of magic, who is in exile from his homeland. For a treasonous act during the Battle of Vexil when he was teenager.
Spots more of the hired mercenaries in councilman Hirrye's army hurrying along that street. Where another of the city's counting houses is located.
Infact all of them, are situated in this area of this particular neighbourhood, just to the north of the city center.
For good reason, as the ruling council's treasury building is located here too.
"Think they'll send mercs to the treasury building?" quietly asks the highly skilled swordmaster.
"Do you?" responds the lord of the death realm who glances down at the once powerful mage standing next to him.
"Probably not" is the quiet reply of the Vexilian mage in exile, who then silently adds, that Hirrye doesn't trust them that much.
"He's probably letting them take the counting houses to keep them happy" quietly says Draugadrottin.
The undead warlord briefly pauses as they watch the hired mercenaries on this street, barge into the counting house at the end of the street.
"As for the treasury" quietly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who follows on from that with "I bet he's got his best troops for that".
Councilor Reinholt nods his hooded head in agreement with that as they wait.
The highly skilled swordmaster knows they're waiting for who could be coming out of the rift that isn't all that far from the building they're standing on top of.
And the exiled Vexilian mage knows why exactly the two of them have come to where this particularly rift is.
It's because of the city-state's council treasury building, the building that the payments to the Farqian mercenary army comes from.
"Must be rebel soldiers coming through now" quietly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque who can sense everyone coming out of the rift that's in a nearby lane between two rows of buildings.
"They're coming this way now" adds the undead warlord, who gestures southwards, and not westwards the direction all the mercenaries who have come through the rift have gone so far.
"There" quietly says Mira Reinholt who is a member of one of the most successful, not to mention, most wealthy trading families. Not just in his homeland of Vexil, but the entire Southlands.
The once powerful spellcaster nods away to their right, to the closest street that goes in a straight line, north to south.
There you can see soldiers in the army of the rebel leader, councilman Hirrye. Are quickly making their way southwards.
The mage Reinholt knows that they'll turn in this direction fairly soon. Because the treasury building is on the street right behind them. Infact it's the largest building in the neighbourhood.
The one directly opposite the building the Vexilian mage in exile, and the lord and ruler of the lands Farque are on top of.
Then Des'tier glances down at the mage Reinholt, and quietly tells him "Get ready".
"You want me to destroy it?" quietly asks the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, referring to the nearby rift.
"No" followed by "We're not certain he will actually come through". Though they both suspect that councilman Hirrye, will indeed come through this particular rift.
And not the other two rifts, that they enemy are using to enter the city of Kuradum, on this cold but sunny winter's morning here in the capital.
For the simple reason, if he takes the ruling council's treasury. He won't just control the city. He'll basically control the entire city-state. 
The deathlord of Farque suddenly says "She's coming through". The Vexilian mage in exile nods in understanding.
And the next moment, Mira Reinholt senses the sorceress named Losmena, come through the nearby rift. The next moment he senses the rift disappear as the enemy sorceress drops that particular spell.
"Coming this way alright" quietly says the once powerful mage, who is safe in the knowledge he can't be sensed due to the amulet he's wearing.
Which gives him something similar to the shield spell that Helbe the elven thief can cast.
Where other practitioners of magic are unable to sense you. Both your magical power, which you ordinarily have to hold within yourself to do, which is a difficult skill.
And you casting a spell. Which is basically one of the first skills a spellcaster learns.
Infact it's an ability that comes naturally to pretty much all spellcasters with a bit of talent.
"They're not on that street" quietly says Draugadrottin gesturing to the nearby street that goes north to south.
"The last of them who came through?" asks Vexilian swordmaster in exile.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his full helmed head, then he quickly says "They're using the lanes and alleyways to come this way".
The undead warlord briefly pauses as he looks behind them at the treasury building opposite the one they're on top of.
Then he quietly tells the mage who is a member of his personal council "They're going to come at it from the east side, or the back".
The both of them completely turn and look at the treasury building, now looking away to his left, Mira Reinholt quietly says "Here comes that lot".
As the first of the rebel soldiers who have come through the rift, hurry onto the street that the treasury building is on.
The once powerful mage in the black hooded cloak, nods his head when Draugadrottin quietly tells him "That sorceress just hid herself from you".
He follows that with "She's still with the others going through the alleys and lanes".
The mage Reinholt who can no longer sense the enemy spellcaster, watches as more of the rebel soldiers appear on the street below, and hurry towards the large building that contains the ruling council of Kuradum's treasury.
"There" quietly says lord Farque, Mira Reinholt looks to where the lord of the death realm points to, as Des'tier adds "They should come out there".
It's the mouth of an alleyway, and the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster gets ready to create a mageglobe.
As he along with the undead warlord wait for the enemy sorceress named Losmena, and whoever it is that's with her, to show up . . . . . .

Tuesday 24 May 2022

The Thick Of It 62.


Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit is talking to Saanea the witch, looking along the top of the wall, to where Tamric Drubine the field commander and some of the others are near one of the catapults.
When he suddenly sees a slight shimmer in the air not all that faraway from where he's standing.
Saanea the witch who is infront of him, suddenly says "Rift".
And spins around to where the magical doorway is forming, just thirty feet from them.
"Oh by the tundra gods, hell" mutters Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who inexplicably speaks in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra as he realises what's happening.
"Can you get rid of it?" quickly asks the halfling former air sailor who has switched to the common language.
"Unfortunately no, if i hit it with any magical energy it will explode and blow us up in the process" is the reply of the pretty looking spellcaster from the Maldin Hills.
"It's on the otherside" adds the witch referring to the opening of the rift.
"Back up" orders the hobbit who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
As he realises that although the opening is on the otherside from them.
The top of the south wall is far wider than the rift itself, and that whoever comes out of it. Presumably the rebel soldiers in councilman Hirrye's army.
They can run around it, and come in this direction as easily as they can go the other way. Or down the set of steps that the rift is right next to.
The hobbit who hails from the Sultanate of Dreese, which lies on the far east coast of the continent.
Looks back, and sees Lisell Maera the scout with loaded crossbow in hand, and Zam the ex mercenary backing up.
"Bloody hell" mutters the halfling who isn't what he appears to be as he almost trips up over something, more precisely someone.
It's Shur Kee the monk, who is still sitting there, eyes closed, back to one of the crenalations, oblivious to all around him.
The hobbit who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Jarjin Littlefoot.
Rolls his eyes as he looks at the state of the short statured monk, who without a care in the world. Is indifferent to the battle they're in the midst of.
Then the halfling who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque who heard screaming from around the otherside of the rift.
Sourly smiles as he clearly hears Dorc da Orc roar. And figures the large ork has done something predictably violent.
"Lis, Zam see if you can get him up" says Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman with a nod of his head at the acolyte in the monastic order of Bru Li.
Then the hobbit, who was previously an air sailor, who served in the air fleet of the Sultan of Dreese.
Shares a look with the witch from the Maldin Hills when they clearly hear a squealing yelp of "Fuck" from Dorc da Orc.
Followed by what sounds like the large ork hitting a number of bodies.
"Poor bastards" mutters councilor Littlefoot who has some sympathy for the enemy who happen to find themselves facing the ork warleader.
Who would be an absolute nightmare if he's the first thing you see if you came running out of a rift.
Then as Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson sees enemy soldiers running down the nearby steps, presumably to get to the middle of the three gates in the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
And behind him, Lisell Maera the scout and Zam the ex mercenary, are trying to lift up Shur Kee the monk, to get him to at least stand.
The halfling from the far east coast of the continent, sees a number of the rebel soldiers in councilman Hirrye's army, who have come through the rift.
Have turned, and gone around it, and are coming this way, rushing towards him and the others, who are the first of the defenders in this direction, along this stretch of the wall.
The hobbit former air sailor, lifts up the traditional black hordes cloth he wears loosely around his neck, and quickly wraps it around the lower half of his face and head, just below the bridge of his nose.
Jarjin aka Zubutai the son of Timagin draws one of his long daggers as the first of the enemy runs at him and Saanea the witch.
The halfling grunts as the first enemy soldier gets to about a yard infront of them, suddenly fall backwards on his ass, looking completely dazed.
It happens to another of the soldiers in councilman Hirrye's rebel army.
Councilor Littlefoot looks quickly at the pretty looking witch and nods in understanding when she quickly tells him "That won't last forever".
After another of the rebel soldiers falls backwards completely dazed, the spellcaster from the Maldin Hills, adds "Especially if they keep on doing that".
After the fourth enemy soldier in a row, falls backwards, completely dazed.
Another of them realises that there's a barrier spell across the width of the top of the wall right here.
So he jumps up onto the lower part between the two crenalations to the side.
Hoping that the barrier spell doesn't extend up and along the crenalation, it doesn't.
But he doesn't get the chance to find out. For as he takes a step up from the lower section to the crenalation.
He's hit in the side of the neck by an arrow, accidentally shot from the bow of one of his fellow rebel soldiers.
Who is down across the river, with the bulk of the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum's southern army.
It's then that rebel army trying to storm the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
Realise what's happening up on the top of the city's south wall. And that there's fellow rebel soldiers up on the wall above them.
Many of them start cheering, yelling and hollering in encouragement to their fellow rebels who are on capital city's south wall.
And it spurs them on more, to cross the river, and try and get to the top of the wall themselves.
Or to some how get the gates open, along this stretch of south wall of the city of Kuradum.
As another of the enemy soldiers runs face first into the barrier spell that Saanea the witch has put up, and falls backwards on his rear end.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group.
Briefly stops trying to get Shur Kee the monk to stand up. And she lifts up her loaded crossbow, and leans to one side, and lays it on the crenalation next to them.
The attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, shoots off the bolt in her weapon.
It slams into the gut of another of the enemy soldiers trying to climb up onto the same crenalation.
He falls off the top of the wall, clutching his stomach, screaming in pain, until he hits the water below.
On this cold, but sunny and clear winter's morning, here in the city of Kuradum.
As the attractive young woman who is a scout in the armies of Farque hurriedly reloads her quick loading crossbow.
Another of the enemy soldiers has jumped up onto the low section between the crenalations.
And before Lisell Maera can reload her weapon, the rebel soldier hops up onto the crenalation and runs along it.
He only takes two steps before he runs smack dab into the barrier spell that Saanea the witch has just extended up onto the crenalation.
The rebel soldier yelps in fright as he staggers backwards, and off balance, he falls from the top of the wall.
And screams as he drops to the surface of the river that runs along the south side of the city.
As some of the enemy soldiers who know what to do when you encounter a magical ward, in particular a barrier spell.
Start hitting it with their weapons, those with blunt weapons being more effective than those with a bladed weapon.
Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who has just yelled out to other defenders along the top of the wall "Get over here!".
Quickly looks away to the right, to across the square behind the gates along this stretch of the city's south wall.
There he spots Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy with Tovis the war engineer, next to one of the two trebuchets over there.
The halfling who is a member of lord Farque's personal council sees the spy Tanith shoot an arrow from his bow.
That goes across the square, and hits an enemy soldier hurrying down the nearby steps.
While behind the elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae, and the young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
A pair of wagon mounted ballista are being rolled forward, no doubt to shoot at the enemy who are going down the steps to attack the defenders at the gates.
Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman certainly hopes that's the case.
As he's sure as hell hopes that Tovis the war engineer doesn't have those ballista shooting up here to the top of the wall.
Where the shots from those heavy weapons are just as likely to kill the defenders on top of the wall, as they are the enemy soldiers who are pouring out of the rift.
"It's not going to last too much longer" says Saanea the witch.
The halfling former air sailor nods, then says to the local soldiers, city guards, and a small number of black clad Farqian soldiers, who have hurried along the top of the wall to here "Get ready" followed by "They'll be at us soon".
Then the hobbit who is really an outrider from the pony archers horde, one of the many hordes to be found on the southern tundra.
Looks over to where both Lisell Maera the scout and Zam the ex mercenary have been able to get Shur Kee up, and now the short, statured monk is standing.
Though the physical adept in the philosophical order of Bru Li, who like Jarjin Littlefoot hails from the far east coast of the continent.
In the case of the acolyte of the Jade Warrior Bru Li, the kingdom of Wah Lee.
And sees that Shur Kee, who is the honorary member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Still has his eyes closed, as he stands there, with the scout and the ex mercenary standing to either side of him, keeping him steady.
"Hell" mutters Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson as he quickly realises something.
"Slap him or something" says the halfling former air sailor to Lis and Zam.
"Er?" says the scout Maera, who continues with "I'd rather not". As she knows that by far Shur Kee is the most enigmatic member of the group with the exception of lord Farque.
Who even Dorc da Orc is wary around, for the simple reason the strange powers that the short, statured monk possess.
"He could get rid of it" quickly says councilor Littlefoot with a nod of his head to the nearby rift, here on top of the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
Lis who grew up in the poor districts of the city of Brattonbury, where her mother was a street prostitute.
And her father, a man she never knew, or for that matter, never met. Was a sailor who plied his trade on the Great Western Ocean.
Nods her head in understanding, then slightly grimaces before she slaps the physical adept, who is shorter than her, across the face. Hoping to wake him up out of the meditative state that he's in.
"Bloody hell" mutters the scout Maera as there's no response from the honorary member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Then the tall, lean attractive young woman who is in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque slaps Shur Kee the monk across the face again.
As she does, the barrier spell cast by Saanea the witch fails due to it being hit so many times.
And the enemy soldiers fighting for the cause of the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Attack them and the other defenders along this stretch of the city's south wall.
Here, on what's a cold, but sunny winter's morning in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum . . . . . .

Sunday 22 May 2022

The Thick Of It 61.


Beldane the cleric swings his mace, as rebel soldiers run out of the rift and onto the top of the wall.
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, is careful not to use the magical weapon's powers that involve energy.
As energy if it would hit the rift, would likely result in an explosion that would be devastating to all in the immediate vicinity.
Both the enemy running out of the rift, and the defenders along this stretch of the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
The first three enemy soldiers who have come through the rift, stop in their tracks.
They drop their weapons, scream and clutch at the sides of their heads. As the magical mace, which often has a mind of it's own, attacks them.
One falls off the top of the wall. Fall being a more sympathetic description. As he basically runs off the wall, and falls to his death.
The second drops to his knees, and topples over onto his side, still holding onto his head, screaming in horror.
As his mind is attacked by the powers of the magical weapon that the powerful cleric wields.
As for the third of the enemy soldiers hit by the powers of the cleric's mace.
He runs, screaming, holding onto his head, along the top of the south wall of the city.
He runs until he basically runs into a wall. A big green wall, that roars, grabs him by the head. And flings him off the top of the wall.
Down to the river below, that other rebel soldiers are crossing, as they continue to attack the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
After throwing one of the enemy soldiers who has come through the rift, off the top of the wall.
Dorc da Orc, who has an axe in one hand. Throws it at the rebel soldiers pouring onto the top of the wall from the rift.
The axe slams into one of them, chopping through his body, and hitting another rebel soldier directly behind him.
Even so, more and more of the rebel soldiers fighting for the cause of councilman Hirrye.
Run out of the rift, onto the top of the south wall of the city of Kuradum. On this cold, winter's morning in this part of the city-state.
Not to be outdone by his bitter rival the ork warleader. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, runs at the enemy coming out of the rift.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic, goes by the large ork from the southern polar region of the world.
The large, heavily armoured knight is grinning behind the faceplate of his full helm as he goes by the ork weaponsmith.
When suddenly the former paladin in the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che.
Is yanked off his feet, and falls backwards onto his rump with a clang.
As the ork general grabs the Druvician nobleman's white cape, and pulls on it.
"Nah cunt" says a laughing Dorc da Orc as he looks down at his bitter rival, who no way in hell, is going to get to the enemy before he does.
The large ork steps by the prone knight, and heads towards the enemy who are running out through the nearby rift.
As for the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who is briefly disoriented as he wonders what just happened.
Scowls as he realises what's happened, he gets to a knee. Then the former earl of Lé Dic, who is still holding the weapon he drew, when he first saw the rift appear, grins.
"Take that you evil beast" mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who up on one knee, stabs forward the weapon he's holding.
It's the magical sword of knockdown, and it hits, barely. The ork warleader who has walked by, in the ass. With predictable results.
"Fuck" yelps Dorc da Orc, it's more of a squeal than a yelp, as he's suddenly lifted up off his feet, and propelled forward at speed.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world, whose ass stings like hell.
Is pretty certain he hears his bitter rival sir Percavelle Lé Dic, laughing like hell behind him.
As he goes flying forward, just a few inches off the top of the wall, a good thirty feet, before he crashes into the enemy who are pouring out of the rift, that has appeared on the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum. Tamric Drubine the field commander rolls his eyes as he sees what happens.
Though he must admit, Dorc da Orc flying through the air, and smashing into the enemy, dropping a fair few of them.
Briefly stops the flow of the rebel soldiers coming out of the rift, that's appeared here on top of the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
"Shit" mutters Tamric Drubine the field commander as more of the enemy start appearing out what's essentially a magical doorway.
"Can you close it?" asks the young nobel originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin as he looks over at the fighting cleric who is standing nearby.
"Not without blowing us and the wall up in the process" is the quick reply of Beldane the cleric, who sourly smiles as both Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic are in the way.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque grimaces when he hears that from the member of the church of Glaine.
Then Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Grunts when the powerful spellcaster from the kingdom of Nastell, who technically isn't a member of any of the armies of Farque.
Infact he's never stepped foot in the lands Farque, as clerics are banned from there.
Quickly tells him "Best thing to do to close it, is to kill the caster". Beldane briefly pauses before continuing with "Or i could try and dispell it".
Field commander Drubine, who knows that dispelling any spell is difficult.
Even for someone powerful in magic like the fighting cleric in the half plate armour is.
Sees that many of the enemy soldiers coming through the rift. After taking one look at Dorc da Orc, who angrily roars as he gets to his feet amongst the pile of enemy soldiers he went flying into.
Either head down the stairs, the rift is right next to. Or they go around to the backside of the rift, as there's plenty of room on either side of it to do so.
As the top of the city's walls, essentially what a parapet is if it was a castle, is fairly wide.
It's why there's two small catapults here on top of the wall, above the middle of three sets of gates that are located along the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
Tam who figures it's no coincidence that the rift has been placed where it is, right next to the set of steps, which are the closest set to the gates below.
Is a little concerned that the group here on top of the city's south wall has essentially been split in half.
With himself, Beldane the cleric, sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Dorc da Orc on this side.
While the rest of the group up here, Lisell Maera the scout, Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, Shur Kee the monk, Zam the ex mercenary.
Along with field commander Drubine's lover, Saanea the witch are behind the rift.
The senior officer in the armies of Farque, sourly smiles to himself as he realises he's got the biggest problem on this side.
To be precise, the two biggest problems, the bitter rivals. The ork warleader and the former paladin.
As they're just as likely to fight one another, as they are the enemy. Who have suddenly appeared on top of the south wall of the city, as they come through a rift that's been cast for them.
"Do your best to close it" says Tamric Drubine the field commander to the powerful cleric.
Then as other defenders along the top of the wall, run by the young noble who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
The senior officer in the armies of Farque starts shouting out orders as to what he wants done.
Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy is down in the square, across from the gates when the rift appears up on the top of the wall.
The elf who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, is talking to Tovis the war engineer when the rift appears up on the wall.
"What the hell?" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy as the two of them stand to one side of one of the two trebuchets on this side of the square.
"Shit, a rift" says Tovis the war engineer when he looks up to the top of the city wall, where the elven spy is pointing.
"Well, we thought something like this would happen" quietly says the spy Tanith who like the captain in the engineering corp is speaking in elven.
They watch as enemy soldiers pour out of the rift, and they see one get grabbed by Dorc da Orc and get flung off the otherside of the wall.
Then the two of them share a look after seeing the interactions between the bitter rivals Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Which ends up with the large ork go flying through the air, barely above the top of the wall.
Before he crashes into a number of the enemy who have just come out of the rift.
"Get the ballista up here!" calls out Tovis the war engineer as he sees quite a lot of the rebel soldiers who have come from the rift.
Are making their way down the nearby set of steps. Then lead down to the side of the gates in this stretch of the wall.
Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
Has put an arrow to his bow, and let it fly. Hitting one of the enemy soldiers hurrying down the steps, knocking him off.
"We're going to have a problem there" says the spy Tanith with a nod of his hooded head to the gates across the square from them.
The young war engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic, where he previously served a baron Harkonin.
Nods in agreement with the company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
As there's only a small number of local soldiers from the city garrison, and guards from the city watch, behind the gates.
Then as the trebuchet launches a shot up and over the city wall, at a high trajectory to hit the enemy on the otherside of the city's south wall.
The elven spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae.
Takes another arrow from his quiver, and puts it to his bow, saying "And here as well i guess".
"I would assume so" says Tovis the war engineer, as Dalin lets the arrow fly from his bow.
An arrow that takes another of the enemy soldiers hurrying down the steps, in the side.
Sending him tumbling forward down the steps, knocking two other rebel soldiers off the steps, to fall to the ground below.
Then as the first of the enemy soldiers get to the bottom of the steps, and engage with the defenders stationed at the gates.
The captain in the engineering corp of the armies of Farque looks back up to the top of the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
Wondering what else he can do to help them up there, where the enemy have placed a rift.
A rift where more and more of the soldiers in the army of the rebel leader, councilman Hirrye.
Are coming out of, on this cold but clear and sunny winter's morning, here in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
The war engineer looks behind him, and nods as he sees the two wagons from the side of a nearby building, being pushed forward by members of his company.
Tovis then looks across the square, and sees that the defenders at the gate will soon be overwhelmed with the number of the enemy making their way down the steps.
"That's a shit load of them coming down the steps" says the young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
"They don't want to face those two mad idiots up there, that's why" dryly says Dalinvardèl Tanith referring to Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The captain in the engineering corp grunts in agreement with the company commander in the scouts and rangers division.
Then seeing the deteriorating situation at the gates across the square from them.
And that some of the rebel soldiers who have come down the steps, have noticed them.
And are now starting to head across the square, in this direction.
Tovis the war engineer calls out the order of "Chains!". To the crews manning the wagon mounted ballista.
Next to the young Druvician engineer, the spy Tanith winces when he hears that order from the captain in the engineering corp of the armies of Farque.
"By the forest gods, things are about to get messy" murmurs Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, as the enemy continue to come out of the rift up on the top of the south wall of the city of Kuradum . . . . . .

Thursday 19 May 2022

The Thick Of It 60.


"Looks like things are picking up over there" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage with a nod of his hooded head to the east wall of the city.
"That commander Tracklen is over there" quietly adds the once powerful mage.
Next to him, here on top of the watchtower of the city guard, the largest structure in the south of the city of Kuradum.
Lord Farque who is looking in the same direction, slightly frowns. Before the undead warlord sharply turns and looks towards the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
The mage from the city-state of Vexil, his homeland that he's in exile from. Is just about to ask the large, heavily armoured deathlord "What is it?".
When lord Farque says "Shit" and points to a spot on the south wall of the city, and quickly adds "Rift".
The mage Reinholt who is just about to teleport the two of them to the city's south wall.
Holds off from doing that, when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says to him "Wait".
The lord of the death realm, spins around and points again, this time in the direction of the council buildings, and says "Another one".
The Vexilian mage in exile isn't surprised at both, as they were expecting attacks there.
But he is surprised when the undead being, who has the name of Draugadrottin that the people of his lands also know him by.
Points to another spot in the city, not that far from the council buildings, just a bit further north of them, and quickly says "A third rift".
"What the hell is there?" mutters the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
Then as the first rift starts to form on the south wall of the city, the deathlord of Farque quickly recalls the layout of the central city, and he says "The treasury" followed by "And the nearby counting houses".
After blinking in surprise, the practitioner of magic, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation.
Until he was stripped of most of his powers when he went offworld through a rift/void spell that he accidentally cast a number of years ago, adds "Makes sense".
Then the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, nods his hooded head, when the undead warlord tells him "Get us there".
Mira Reinholt, who knows that Helbe the elven thief will have to deal with whoever it is that turns up on the grounds of the council buildings.
And that the rest of the group, and the other defenders on the city's south wall, will have to take care of whoever comes through the rift that's formed there.
Drops the invisibility spells upon himself and the lord and ruler of the lands Farque as he wants as much of his limited power available to him as possible.
Then much to the surprise of a couple of those up here on the roof of the sixty foot tall watchtower, who are looking their way, and suddenly see the two of them appear in the sunlight on this cold winter's morning.
The once powerful mage teleports himself and the undead warlord away, heading towards the treasury building near the center of the city.
As he teleports himself and the lord of the death realm away. The once powerful mage can't help but be impressed with who he assumes is the rebel sorceress, Losmena.
Who has cast a trio of rifts, one after the other, here to the capital city of Kuradum from elsewhere.
A feat of spellcasting that would tax the most powerful and skilled of all practitioners of magic.
Here on this cold, but clear and sunny winter's morning in this part of the city-state of Kuradum.
"Rift" suddenly says Narladene the ground pixie.
"Where?" asks Helbe the elven thief as he looks over to the council buildings, here in the center of the city.
"It's going to form on the south wall" is the reply of the naturally magical creature as she stands upon the right shoulder of that elven magic user she's attached to.
"Another one" suddenly says the ground pixie who is from the Sunreach Mountains.
"Here" adds the tiny winged creature as she nods towards the grounds across the street from them.
"And another" quickly says Narladene, who looks away to their right, and points in that direction as she adds "A few hundred yards away".
After the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel mutters "Hell, that's three rifts in quick succession" followed by "That young sorceress is talented".
The elven masterthief briefly frowns, then he nods to himself as he realises what's in the direction of the third rift.
"The treasury" quietly says the highly talented elven magic user who is a member of lord Farque's personal council.
Then after Narladene says "Mira and lord Farque are heading that way" and she adds "The one on the wall is complete".
The elven master assassin in the white hooded cloak, who is blurred and shielded, and standing upon a rooftop, quietly says "There it is" followed by "Right where we expected it".
As a rift starts to form directly opposite the building they're in, a building that has an enemy spy sitting at the window of the room directly below them.
The elf who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
Faintly smiles to himself, as he has already cast a number of spells in preparation of this eventuality.
Meanwhile in the south of the city, up on the wall, above the middle of the three gates.
Beldane the cleric, who has just been discussing with Tamric Drubine the field commander what the plans see him doing.
As more and more of the enemy, break off the attack upon the south wall of the city of Kuradum, and head around to the east wall of the capital city. Suddenly spins to his left, as he senses something.
Unlike lord Farque and Narladene the ground pixie. The fighting cleric, along with every other spellcaster.
Doesn't have the ability to sense magic like a rift, before it actually starts to form.
He, like other spellcasters can only sense a rift or similar spell as it's forming. So he has less time to warn the others.
So Beldane the cleric shouts "Rift!" and points with his mace to where it's forming, here on top of the south wall of the capital of the city-state of Brattonbury.
The powerful cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell, briefly thinks about hitting the forming rift with a blast of pure energy, which would destroy it before it's complete.
He only thinks about that for a mere moment, as doing that will result in a large explosion.
Which would destroy a large chunk of the wall, also killing everyone close to it.
So the member of the church of Glaine, a god predominantly worshiped in the north of his homeland, Nastell.
Waits for the rift to completely form before he casts a spell at whoever comes through it.
From the time Beldane sensed it, and for it to completely form isn't all that long, about five heartbeats is his best guess.
Which from experience dealing with rifts, and casting the cleric's version of it, a gateway.
He knows the otherside is less than a hundred miles away, probably around fifty to sixty miles away is his best guess.
The powerful fighting cleric in the church of Glaine as he watches the rift stabilize as it forms.
Senses another rift away to the north, somewhere in the center of the city, most likely the council buildings.
And he immediately senses a third one, just to the north of the grounds of the buildings used by the ruling council of Kuradum.
As he senses this, and thinks that's some pretty impressive spellcasting, no doubt from the young sorceress by the name of Losmena, who is working with the rebel leader, councilman Hirrye.
The first of those coming through the rift here on top of the south wall of the city of Kuradum, start appearing as they run out of it onto the wall.
The same time Beldane the cleric senses the rift forming on top of the south wall of the city. Saanea the witch senses it forming too.
The attractive witch who has wandered along the top of the wall, to where Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit and some of the others are.
Finds herself on the otherside of the rift from where the fighting cleric is, who is closer to one of the small catapults.
Where her lover, Tamric Drubine the field commander along with Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic are located.
"Rift" quickly says Saanea the witch to the halfling former air sailor standing next to her.
"Shit" mutters Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit as he looks to where the spellcaster from the Maldin Hills points to just over twenty yards along from them.
Here on top of the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum, on this cold, but sunny winter's morning.
As they watch the rift form, Zam the ex mercenary who is behind the pretty looking witch, and the halfling who isn't what he appears to be, asks "What is it?".
"Company" replies the hobbit who hails from the Sultanate of Dreese, which lies on the far east coast of the continent. Basically on the otherside of the world from the Southlands.
As the teenager who was born, and grew up here in the south of the city of Kuradum.
Looks behind him, and finds Shur Kee the monk still sitting there with his eyes closed, and his back against one of the crenalations here on top of the city's south wall.
Oblivious to everyone and everything around him as the enemy continues to attack the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
Jarjin Littlefoot, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, quickly says to the practitioner of magic standing next to him "Anything you can do?".
"I can, but I'll blow us up and everyone else in the vicinity of it" is the reply of Saanea the witch who has sensed two more rifts form, somewhere in the center of the city.
She figures one is at the city council buildings, and the other one feels like it's just to the north of that one.
And can't help but be impressed by the casting abilities of the enemy practitioner of magic, who she assumes is the young sorceress Losmena.
The witch from the Maldin Hills, the hobbit from the Sultanate of Dreese, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of the halfling, who is a former air sailor.
And the ex mercenary, from right here in the south of the city of Kuradum.
Along with others here on top of the south wall, watch as the rift not far from the two small catapults above the middle of the three gates in the wall. Solidify, and come to a completion as it forms on this cold winter's morning in the capital city of Kuradum . . . . . .

Tuesday 17 May 2022

TYOFT - Author's Note.


Happy birthday to the Ye Olde Fantasae Tymes. Thirteen years old today.

Author - CJM.

The Thick Of It 59.


They're waiting in and around a village about fifty miles to the west of the capital city of Kuradum.
They've been waiting well over a day now, ever since they left the army as it was approaching the capital from the south.
They don't know how much longer they'll have to wait for. But they know it won't be too long, as they've been told they're to go sometime today. Most likely this morning.
It's closer to mid morning than it is to dawn now. And subcommander Phogarn makes his way back to the small inn they've been staying at over the last day, after checking up on those they brought along with them.
The assistant to the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, makes his way into the inn.
And in the common room, he finds councilman Hirrye sitting at a table with the sorceress Losmena.
The subcommander briefly pauses as he watches them. As they're sitting close to one another on the same bench seat.
Phogarn, a pragmatic man to say the least. Isn't at all surprised the married Hirrye is trying to get close with the young sorceress. Close as in intimate.
As the self styled duke of the city-state, who has been married a number of years, and has two children.
Always had rumours circulating around him of being a bit of a womanizer.
It was always ignored in the past. After all for a number of years he was the most powerful and influential member of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
And things like casual relationships outside of the marriage didn't exactly illicit much in the way of disapproval. From either the citizens who actually cared about such things. And the other members of the city-state's ruling council.
But this is a little different, as the sorceress, at eighteen is over half the age of councilman Hirrye.
And as far as Phogarn knows, she hasn't been in any relationship of note in her lifetime.
And the fact that spellcasters in general, especially powerful ones. Tend to act first, and suffer the consequences later.
The subcommander who is the assistant to the rebel leader. Is more worried about what Losmena might do if she takes the advances from councilman Hirrye the wrong way.
Phogarn crosses the common room, and sits down on the bench on the otherside of the table from councilman Hirrye and the sorceress Losmena.
"How are they?" quietly asks councilman Hirrye as he looks at his assistant.
"Wanting to be off" replies subcommander Phogarn, who is feeling the same way.
The assistant to the rebel leader, continues with "Can't blame them i guess".
The self styled duke of Kuradum grunts when he hears that, and the sorceress Losmena nods.
Then the subcommander says "Wonder if Ukaj has been successful in anyway?".
The councilman, or to be exact, the ex councilman, shrugs then says "Who knows?" followed by "The general might of been successful".
The rebel leader briefly pauses before continuing on with "But i doubt he has, especially as it's still not midmorning".
The rebel army officer nods in agreement to that, then he quietly says "Like you said, who knows".
The subcommander in the rebel army follows that with "If Ukaj has been successful in anyway, then that's a bonus".
He continues on with "But I'm guessing he will be once we take them by surprise".
"That's the plan" says the man who intends to rule the city-state of Kuradum by himself.
Councilman Hirrye grins as he looks at his assistant across the table, then at the teenage sorceress sitting next to him, and he quietly tells them "Think it's about time to bring our plans to fruition".
The self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, continues with "And bring about our victory in this war".
They get up, and head out. With subcommander Phogarn waving to the others in the common room with them, to follow them as he tells them "We're going".
There's an air of confidence from all of them as they head outside. Once outside infront of the small inn.
Councilman Hirrye tells them "Gather them up" followed by "And go to the meeting point".
The self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, pauses for effect, before he adds "We're going to the capital".
The morning here in the west of the city-state is cold, but sunny. Not that they know it yet, but the weather is near identical to what it is fifty miles to the east in the capital.
The rebel councilman, the subcommander and the sorceress make their way through the village.
As they do, others join them. Soldiers and mercenaries both. Who were part of the councilman's southern army. Who left with him yesterday morning, through a rift that the sorceress Losmena cast.
And now they're about to leave. Through a rift again. To be exact, a number of rifts.
There's just over five hundred of them, and they start making their way to a field just outside the eastern outskirts of the village.
There's about four hundred rebel soldiers, and a company of over one hundred mercenaries.
They've gone over their plans a number of times since they were told of them yesterday morning after they left the southern army of the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum.
"Have the officers and mercenary leaders gather" quietly says councilman Hirrye to his assistant.
"A final word with them, about what we're about to do is needed i think" adds the man who wishes to rule the city-state of Kuradum by himself.
"Yes sir" says subcommander Phogarn, who moves off to give some orders, and to gather the officers and the mercenary leaders.
As he does, councilman Hirrye quietly says to the young, attractive spellcaster standing next to him "You've only been with the cause a little over a year Losmena".
The practitioner of magic who nods her head in response to that. Knows the self styled duke of Kuradum wishes to impart something important to her here.
As he usually calls her by the title of sorceress, or the sorceress Losmena, especially infront of others, including subcommander Phogarn. As well as his personal guards. Two of which, are standing off to one side.
"And I've asked a lot of you in that time" adds Hirrye, the rebel leader.
"But what we do today is the most important thing we've done so far in our efforts to rest control of our nation from that pack of incompetent assholes" says the self styled duke of Kuradum, referring to his ex colleagues on the ruling council of the city-state.
"Kuradum deserves leadership of significance again" continues councilman Hirrye, who follows that with "And with your help today, we will make it happen".
The rebel leader briefly pauses, before he tells the teenage sorceress "What I'm asking of you is a lot".
He briefly clasps the right hand of the spellcaster in the blue cloak, and tells her "I will make it up to you, no matter what".
For a moment there, Losmena thinks the ex councilman is going to lift her hand to his lips, and kiss it.
But he thinks better of it, as his personal guards are near. And instead he gently squeezes her hand before letting it go.
"I'll do what's necessary sir" says Losmena the sorceress, who has her own motivation for seeing the end of the ruling council of Kuradum.
"You can count on me" adds the attractive young sorceress, who was born and raised in the first few years of her life, in the city of Kuradum.
Before being taken to the northwest of the city-state to be raised by her extended family there, especially her grandmother on her mother's side. The side of the family that she gets her magic from.
The ex councilman nods, then he quietly tells the spellcaster "Once we've taken control of the capital, and after that the rest of the city-state".
He briefly pauses before continuing on with "I'll do everything within my power to get you whatever you want".
The teenage sorceress, lifts a questioning eyebrow at hearing that. As the self styled duke of Kuradum hasn't promised anything to anyone if he's to take power.
His only stated goal is to dispose of the current ruling council, and to take over the rule of the city-state.
A city-state he hopes one day to be a larger nation, a kingdom. As he has his eyes on expanding the borders of Kuradum into the unruled lands that surround it.
"I'm honoured sir" quietly says the sorceress Losmena, who hears councilman Hirrye murmur "Anything for you".
Then the rebel leader turns as some of the officers start arriving. As the men, both rebel soldiers, and hired mercenaries form into ranks here in the field just outside of the village.
Once subcommander Phogarn is at his side again, the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum says "Good, you're all here".
As he sees that all the rebel officers, and the mercenary leaders have gathered before him.
"What we're about to do today men is monumental in the history of the city-state of Kuradum" says councilman Hirrye, who has been preparing for this speech for a number of days, once the plans he and subcommander Phogarn, along with the sorceress Losmena devised, were put into motion.
"We will be the catalyst that will change the course of our nation forever" continues the rebel leader, who then adds "You all know what to do, and i expect you to do it, to the best of your and your men's abilities".
The ex councilman looks at each and everyone of the rebel officers, and the trio of mercenary leaders.
Then councilman Hirrye tells them "You know your specific targets and goals".
He briefly pauses before continuing with "Some of them by themselves might not seem all that much, but as a whole, they'll be devastating to our enemies".
The rebel officers and the mercenary leaders nod at that, as they figured as much.
"We suspect some of what we'll do will be easier than expected" says the ex councilman, who follows that with "As we expect most of the city's residents to be indoors, and taking shelter with the attack upon the city".
The self proclaimed duke of the city-state of Kuradum then looks at a few of his officers, and says to them "What you are about to do will be the most difficult thing we do".
He continues on with "You'll be thrust into the midst of the battle" followed by "Maybe general Ukaj has already breached the south wall of the city when we arrive, and your job will be easier".
The rebel leader then says "But i wouldn't count on it, so what you're to do, will be to get our army into the city at all costs".
Those officers nod in understanding, as they volunteered themselves and their men for this particular task.
Looking at the others, councilman Hirrye says "What the rest of us is to do, will be difficult and dangerous in it's own right".
Followed by "Just because we're not going straight into the battle, doesn't mean it's without it's own threats and dangers".
The ex councilman briefly pauses, then asks them "You understand?".
They reply with a chorus of "Yes sir".
"Very good" says the self styled duke of the city-state of Kuradum.
Then councilman Hirrye says to them "I wish you all the best in what we today" followed by "I will always remember the sacrifices we're about to give as we undertake this".
The rebel leader then says "For those who believe in them, may the gods protect us".
The ex member of the ruling council of Kuradum then shouts "For Kuradum!".
It's repeated a number of times by the officers, and the mercenary leaders, as well as the waiting ranks of rebel soldiers and mercenaries.
Once the shouting has died down, councilman Hirrye looks at his assistant and nods.
As subcommander Phogarn tells the officers and mercenary leaders "Have the ranks form up into their lines" followed by "We're about to go through".
The ex councilman quietly says to the teenage spellcaster "Ready?".
"I am" is the reply from the sorceress Losmena.
Then as they wait for the ranks to form into orderly lines, subcommander Phogarn says to the rebel leader and the powerful sorceress "Ukaj is in for a hell of a surprise when we show up".
As the rebel general has no idea of their plans. All they told him yesterday morning, was that were leaving the army, and that they will return.
When, and how. They didn't discuss that with general Ukaj or anyone else that remained behind.
"And so will they" adds the subcommander referring to the enemy defending the city of Kuradum.
"And so will they" repeats councilman Hirrye with a grin upon his face.
Then seeing that the ranks have formed into their lines, the rebel leader says to the attractive teenage sorceress "You can begin whenever you like".
The sorceress Losmena nods, then she closes her eyes as she prepares to cast. This will prove to be her most difficult casting yet.
For she casts three spells at once, a difficult task in itself. Made even more difficult, as the three spells are rift spells.
And one after another they start to form infront of the lines of rebel soldiers and mercenaries.
Three rift spells that go to the capital city of Kuradum, on this cold, but sunny and clear winter's morning in this part of the city-state . . . . . .

Sunday 15 May 2022

The Thick Of It 58.


"That's more of them going" quietly says commander Tracklen from his position towards the eastern end of the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
"Heading for the bridge no doubt" adds the commander of the army loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum.
Towards this end of the wall, the attacks by the enemy have been pretty much nonexistent of late.
As most of the action is towards the middle of the south wall of the capital city.
Definitely to the west of the first bridge that was destroyed earlier in the morning.
For the last little bit, the loyalist army commander has been watching a number of the enemy moving off.
Heading east, to the bridge about a mile away from the city. As more of the rebels attempt to cross the river that runs along the south side of the city.
The commander in the army still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum, spots more of the enemy breaking off their attack upon this side of the city, and is just about to mention this to his assistant.
When the adjunctant Morris says to him "Another runner coming this way".
The more junior of the two officers continues with "Another one of their's".
Referring to the mercenary army from the lands Farque that has been hired by the ruling council in their war against the self styled duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Tracklen, the senior most officer in the loyalist army looks away to the right along the top of the wall.
And he spots the young black clad mercenary soldier hurrying along the top of the wall in this direction.
"Commander Tracklen" says the messenger in the armies of Farque when he gets to the two loyalist army officers.
"Field commander Drubine says you're to go to the east wall as planned" continues the runner in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"Very well" says commander Tracklen who was expecting that order, though it's a little earlier than he expected.
"We'll be off immediately" adds the senior most officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
The young teenager in the light black armour and uniform, nods then turns, and heads back along the top of the wall in the direction he came from.
"Let's go" says commander Tracklen to the adjunctant Morris, and the two of them set off in the other direction.
And make their way to the east wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
There's no guardhouse or tower where the south wall of the city meets the east wall.
And true, there's a large platform where the two walls meet. As if a guardhouse would normally be on city walls like this.
Not here, where the south and east walls of the city of Kuradum meet. Even though two sets of steps make their way up to the stone platform.
One along the south wall, and the other along the inside of the east wall of the capital city.
"Two of you archers with us" orders commander Tracklen as he and his adjunctant hurry across the wide platform to the east wall of the city.
Then the loyalist army commander, who has a quick look at the growing number of enemy soldiers who have made their way around to the east side of the city.
Calls out as he hurries along the top of the east wall of the capital city "Target their archers and crossbowmen!".
There's only a small number of defenders upon this wall of the city, but quite a lot of them are either archers or crossbowmen.
And commander Tracklen who has seen that the enemy don't have any battering rams as yet on this side of the city.
Or very little in the way of scaling ladders, he's only seen two so far. And no way can they get any of their siege towers across the bridge to the east of the city, as it's too narrow for them to cross without difficulty.
So the main threat for now, are the enemy with bows and crossbows.
The commander in the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Has one of the archers take position about twenty five yards from where the east and south walls connect.
And the other about another twenty five yards further along the top of the east wall from the first.
While he and his adjunctant continue along the top of the city's east wall, in the direction of the gates.
Moving along the top of the east wall is easy, as there's few defenders on it.
And the commander and his adjunctant are soon above the set of gates in the east wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
The gates aren't in the middle or center of the wall. They're definitely in the half closest to the south wall of the city.
And commander Tracklen who picks up one of the crossbows leaning against the parapet, and the quiver next to it.
Sees that the majority of the enemy who have made it around to this side of the city.
Are either at the gates, or are back from it. Though roughly in line with it.
After the loyalist army commander loads the crossbow, and once again calls out the order to shoot at the enemy crossbowmen and archers.
He nods his head, and says "Yeah i noticed that too".
In response to his adjunctant, say "Those mercs of their's are standing back letting the rebel soldiers attack for the moment".
As there's at least one fairly large mercenary company who have made it around to this side of the city.
Who are standing back, a good seventy to eighty yards from the wall.
While local enemy soldiers, are predominantly those at the base of the wall, and at the gates in the east wall of the city of Kuradum.
The loyalist army commander, rests the crossbow upon the crenalation he and his adjunctant are behind, and he takes aim.
While next to him, Morris who has put an arrow to his bow, draws the weapon back.
The commander and the adjunctant must of been going for the same target.
A crossbow bolt slams into the side of an enemy soldier, standing next to an enemy archer about thirty yards back from the east wall of the city.
While the archer is dropped, when an arrow slams into his gut, going through his leather armour fairly easily.
"Close sir" says the adjunctant Morris with a slight grin upon his face as he takes another arrow from his quiver.
Commander Tracklen sourly smiles, for though he's absolutely useless with a bow. He's an okay shot with a crossbow.
Though not an expert of any kind, he's just glad he got that shot as close to his intended target as he did.
After the adjunctant Morris lets another arrow fly from his bow, which takes an enemy crossbowmen in the side of the neck. Definitely a fatal shot.
The loyalist army commander says to his adjunctant, who is a subaltern in the Kuradian army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum "Come along Morris".
The senior of the two officers points over to a few of the defenders who are directly above the middle of the gates on this side of the city.
There's no small catapults on top of the east wall of the capital city.
And there's just two trebuchets on this side of the city to help protect it.
And though those massive war machines are manned by engineers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Not so the top of the east wall of the city of Kuradum, as it's predominantly loyalist local soldiers who are on top of this particular wall. As well as a number of city guardsmen.
The two officers join the trio of local soldiers, who are lifting up a basket full of rocks.
One of many scattered along the top of the east wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
They lift it up to the lower gap between two of the crenalations, here above the gates.
And tip the contents of the large basket off the top of the city's east wall.
Sharp, jagged rocks, predominantly off cuts and pieces from the road making process.
Rain down upon the enemy gathered infront of the gates here in the east wall of the city of Kuradum.
Dropping a number of the rebel soldiers, wounding some, a few quite badly, and killing a number of others who weren't wearing helms.
"Hold off from doing that again" orders commander Tracklen, who then looks at the gathering enemy on this side of the city.
He looks to the southeast, in the direction of the bridge that's about a mile to the east of the city.
"Save it for that" says the loyalist army commander, who points to the bridge.
There the enemy are using a number of horses and riders to bring over a battering ram.
Commander Tracklen points again, this time, closer to the city, as he adds "And that".
The senior most officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Has just pointed to some of the enemy carrying a scaling ladder towards the city.
They should be here fairly shortly, as they're only about a quarter of a mile from the east wall of the city of Kuradum.
On this cold, but sunny and clear winter's day in this part of the city-state.
The trio of soldiers in the loyalist army nod to their commander that they will.
Then one takes up his crossbow again, and reloads it. While the other two wait for the enemy scaling ladder to get here.
The senior officer and his adjunctant step out of the way, and move a bit to the left of the trio of soldiers, here above the set of gates, here on the city's east wall.
As the adjunctant Morris takes an arrow from his quiver, and puts it to his bow.
Commander Tracklen looks along the top of the wall. And though he's seen it a number of times before the battle commenced first thing this morning.
It's reassuring to look at them again. As what's up here, might very well help stop the enemy's attempt to take the capital city of Kuradum.
Along with crossbows, bundles of spears, as well as polearms. Placed along the top of the wall, more or less evenly spaced out.
There's also a large number of baskets full of rocks and stones to drop down upon the enemy.
As well as barrels full of pitch, and even a number of barrels of naphtha. Though not too many of them.
And there's covered firepots every so often, behind the crenalations. Away from the barrels of naphtha.
All these things outnumber the defenders upon the top of the east wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
The loyalist army commander sees a couple of the defenders who are not in his army.
They're black clad soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
One's a spotter, and the other is a signalman, who has just given a number of signals as he looks into the city.
Commander Tracklen, along with his adjunctant Morris, who has just let the arrow to his bow fly.
Taking an enemy crossbowman in the leg, the right thigh to be exact.
Look back into the city, and they see the nearest trebuchet. Well they see the top of it.
As it's behind one of the houses, across the street, behind part of the east wall of the city of Kuradum.
The trebuchet must of already been loaded. As from the time the signalman signaled to the trebuchet crew.
It's just mere moments, before the massive war machine, sends it's load flying.
Up and over the house it's behind, and up and over the east wall of the city, not to mention over the loyalist army commander, his adjunctant, and the other defenders along this section of the wall.
They watch the load, a loose netting full of large rocks, and big bits of broken masonry.
They watch as the netting breaks apart in flight, and scatter it's load down upon the enemy.
To be exact, those rebels nearly five hundred yards away, carrying a scaling ladder towards the east wall of the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
"Shot" says the adjunctant Morris as they watch the enemy drop to the ground, killing a number of them instantly. Badly wounding others.
As well as shattering apart the scaling ladder they were intending to use on this side of the city. Hoping to gain the top of the wall.
Which isn't going to happen now. Well not those rebels, and that particular scaling ladder.
"They're going to need more soldiers" says the adjunctant Morris, who follows that with "And ladders".
The loyalist army commander nods in agreement, then he points, then says "There you go".
The more junior of the two officers in the army to the loyal to the ruling council to the city-state of Kuradum.
Grunts when he sees what his commander has just pointed to.
The enemy carrying the battering ram have made it across the bridge to the east, and are now heading back this way.
While more of them have reached the bridge, and those rebels are carrying a couple of scaling ladders to help them gain the top of the city's east wall.
"Well, things are going to get interesting along this side of the city fairly soon" says the adjunctant Morris.
"As lord Farque planned" quietly says commander Tracklen of the loyalist army.
And though he wasn't told all of the plans to defend the city of Kuradum against the enemy.
The local army commander does know far more than the ruling council of the city-state.
And he, along with his adjunctant are expecting this build up by the enemy, and attack upon the east wall.
Just as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque has planned it to go. On what's been a cold, but sunny winter's morning so far . . . . . .