Tuesday 31 May 2022

The Thick Of It 65.


After glancing at Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who nods his hooded head.
Tovis the war engineer turns to his right and gives the order of "Shoot them".
The pair of ballista, on a wagon each. Shoot at the enemy who have made their way into the city via a rift up on the south wall.
The heavy weapons are shot off in unison. And with good reason, as there's a chain attached between the pair of ten foot long heavy spears, missiles really.
The ballista shots go flying across the square, on the way to the gates. The middle set of the three gates, along the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
The missiles miss the half a dozen rebel soldiers running across the square towards the Farqian engineers with the heavy weapons.
They weren't aimed at them. They're aimed at the more than a dozen, nearly twenty rebel soldiers.
Who have made their way down from the top of the wall, and are at the gates, trying to open them. After killing the eight or so loyalist soldiers, who were defending the gates.
The two missiles hit the enemy soldiers, with fairly, and not to mention, messy results.
One of the ten foot long heavy spears, hits one of the enemy soldiers, in the head. Turning it into a spray of red mist.
It didn't even slow the momentum of the missile down. What does slow it down a bit. Is it going through another of the rebel soldiers. Cutting him in half. Before the missile slams into the wall, right next to the gates.
The heavy ten foot long spear on the otherside, the left side, is just as destructive.
It clips one of the enemy soldiers, ripping him apart at the back of his shoulder, down to the waist on his right side.
Before it too, cuts another of the rebel soldiers in councilman Hirrye's army, in half at the waist.
Then with momentum slowing, it slams into a third of the enemy soldiers.
Hitting him right in the middle of the chest, picking him up off the ground, and flinging him back a dozen feet in the air.
Before the missile slams into one of the gates, pinning the dead body to them.
But what's really destructive, is the twenty foot long heavy link chain that connects the two missiles.
Body parts go flying as the chain whips through the rebel soldiers who are trying to open the gates from the inside.
At least two more of the enemy soldiers are cut in two by the heavy link chain, as the missiles hit the wall and the gates.
One poor fellow, who saw it coming, tries to duck the heavy long spears, and the heavy link chain connecting them.
No such luck, as the chain decapitates him, taking most of his right arm off too.
As he was holding it up, just as he was ducking down trying to avoid the flying destruction of wood and metal.
Most of those killed and horribly injured. Are slammed up into the gates by the chain.
At least eight of the rebel soldiers are either killed or badly wounded in this way.
One of the injured is pinned up against the gates as the chain is taunt between the missiles.
One of which is stuck deep into the gates, and the other into the wall to the right of the gates.
His screams can be heard for a fair distance over the noise of the battle, as the tight chain slowly digs into his flesh, where it's across his upper stomach while he's pinned to the city gates.
Of the twenty or so who attacked the defenders at the gates, just three of them remain unscathed.
Though they're in shock as the look around, wondering what the hell just happened.
On this bright, sunny though cold winter's morning, here in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy shoots off an arrow, sending it flying into one of the enemy soldiers running across the square in this direction.
The spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland.
Quickly takes another arrow from his quiver, puts it to his bow, and shoots. Dropping another of the rebel soldiers crossing the square, mere moments after he killed the first one.
The spy Tanith who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Has shot down another of the rebel soldiers hurrying across the square, before the remaining three get to the position of the Farqian engineers, and the elven company commander with them.
Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as more often than not, he's called by the others in the group.
Is of the opinion that you have to be an absolute idiot to take on in combat, engineers from their corp in the armies of Farque.
As his personal opinion is that they're just as, or even more destructive in armed combat than those you find in the heavy foot troops in the armies of Farque.
Proof of that is that the engineers, continue doing their main job. Loading the pair of trebuchet, as well as the pair of wagon mounted ballista they have.
As the remaining three rebel soldiers who have crossed the square, get to them.
And only one from the corp of engineers steps forward to confront them.
It's their commander, who is a captain in the armies of Farque. The war engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, Tovis.
The young engineer, who wears a long, heavy leather smock, similar to a blacksmith's apron but way thicker.
Has taken his heavy hammer from his belt loop, and swings it at the first of the rebel soldiers who have made it across to this side of the square.
The spy Tanith winces as Tovis slams his hammer low at the first of the rebel soldiers, smashing the man's legs, dropping him instantly.
At the same time, the Druvician born war engineer, has stepped and spun to one side.
Avoiding one sword slashed at him, while the third enemy soldier also swings a sword at him.
That blade slides along the front of the war engineer's heavy leather smock, barely even cutting into it.
Tovis chokes the haft of his hammer, and punches it forward. And the heavy head slams into the face and side of the head of the third enemy soldier. Who drops to the ground, with a shattered skull.
The captain in the armies of Farque is now directly behind the second rebel soldier, the only one still standing.
Who is now indecisive, as the spy Tanith is less than five yards infront of him.
While the war engineer, who previously served a baron Harkonin in the kingdom of Druvic before joining the group. Is directly behind him.
And he stops, not knowing what to do. That brief stop seals his fate.
As the young engineer swings his heavy hammer again, catching the enemy soldier, right in the middle of the back.
The soldier fighting for the cause of the rebel leader, the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Drops to his knees screaming in pain. And before he topples over as his back is broken. His screams are cut short, when Tovis slams his heavy hammer down onto the top of the rebel's head. Absolutely shattering apart that enemy's skull.
As the spy Tanith shoots off another arrow, this one to near the top of the wall, as more of the enemy who have entered city via the rift, are coming down the set of steps closest to these particular gates.
Sending a rebel soldier toppling down off the steps to fall to the cobblestones below.
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who is now a captain in the armies of Farque, steps back beside the elven spy who is his friend.
"More of them coming down the steps" calmly says Tovis war engineer, who isn't even breathing that heavy after quickly dispatching the three rebel soldiers who made it across to this side of the square.
"Yep" is the reply of Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who after letting another arrow fly from his bow.
Nods his hooded head up to the top of the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
The young engineer looks up to the top of the wall where Dalin has nodded to.
Then Tovis sees a number of the enemy lying infront of the rift up there, either dead or unconscious.
The next moment he sees why, as another rebel soldier runs out of the rift.
He's barely taken a step, before he drops down, and falls amongst the others on top of the wall.
The captain in the armies of Farque sees Beldane the cleric up there with Tamric Drubine the field commander next to one of the small catapults above the city gates.
And as another of the enemy soldiers who has just come through the rift, drops unconscious.
Tovis figures the powerful cleric has cast a spell of some kind, a sleeping one by the looks of it. Right infront of the door sized rift.
The war engineer originally from the kingdom Druvic sees that most of those rebel soldiers who have already come out of the rift.
Have either come down the steps, which others are doing at the moment.
And the rest, the majority of them. Are on the top of the city's south wall, behind the actual rift.
Where they're locked in combat with the defenders there. Who Tovis sees includes some of the group.
"Hectic up there" says the captain of the engineering corp with a nod of his head up to the battle on top of the wall.
"Sure is" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the company commander, who has another arrow to his bow.
The elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae, draws his bow back, and takes careful aim.
Dalin waits a moment, then releases the string, and lets the arrow fly, it's target is up on the top of the wall.
Amongst the enemy on the backside of the rift, a rebel soldier has just lifted his sword.
He's struck in the side of the neck by the shaft, and with blood spewing out of his mouth.
He staggers sideways, and falls over the low section between two of the crenalations, and he disappears from sight after falling off the top of the wall, without a doubt ending up in the river that runs along the south wall of the city of Kuradum.
Both Dalinvardèl Tanith and Tovis the war engineer see Lisell Maera the scout glance their way and nod in thanks.
As she was facing that particular rebel soldier up on top of the south wall of the capital city.
As Dalin takes another arrow from his quiver, the war engineer next to him, turns to the right, where one of his engineers says "Both loaded captain".
"Target the ones coming down the steps" orders the commander of the engineering corp.
Who then quietly says to the elven spy next to him "Hope they don't punch a hole in the wall".
As Tovis has told Dalin, and the rest of the group for that matter. That the south wall of the city of Kuradum is the weakest wall by far.
Especially around the gates, in particular these set of gates, the middle one out of the three.
For the simple reason of the river that flows along the south side of the capital of the city-state.
"Think they will?" quietly asks Dalinvardèl Tanith, next to him the young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, shrugs his shoulders.
"The wall should hold up" quietly says the captain in the armies of Farque, who after a slight pause, murmurs "I hope".
The ballista, which are on wooden swivel mounts in the beds of the two wagons. Have been turned to face their new target.
And another heavy link chain is connected to the pair of ten foot long heavy spears that have been loaded into the heavy weapons.
As the trebuchets continue to lob loads over the wall at the enemy outside the city.
The elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Is already wincing in anticipation as to what's about to happen when the ballista are shot off.
There's quite a few of the rebel soldiers who have made it down the steps, to see the devastation wrought upon those who came down first.
And even more are coming down the steps, so many infact, that they're backed up and are moving slowly.
And with the almost simultaneously thunk of the two ballista firing off their missiles.
The pair of ten foot long heavy long spears, and the heavy linked chain affixed to them.
Fly across the square at an angle, and hit amongst the rebel soldiers coming down the steps from the top of the wall.
And brings absolute carnage amongst the enemy soldiers on the steps.
On this cold, but clear and sunny winter's morning here in the city of Kuradum as the battle continues . . . . . .

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