Sunday 29 May 2022

The Thick Of It 64.


The adjunctant Morris frowns as he looks back towards the south wall of the city.
"What is it?" asks commander Tracklen who has noticed his adjunctant has stopped shooting his bow, and is looking towards the city's south wall.
"Not sure" is the reply of the adjunctant Morris, who is a subaltern in the loyalist army.
There's a slight pause from the junior of the two officers, then he continues with "Is that a rift?".
The senior ranking officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum looks to where his adjunctant points to.
"That's a rift" says the junior officer Morris with confidence.
Nodding his head in agreement with the adjunctant, commander Tracklen quietly says "Yeah, that's a rift".
As they see from where they're on the city's east wall, away in the distance on the south wall.
There's a rift on top of that wall, along the stretch of the wall, where the middle of the three gates in the south wall is located.
"Shit" mutters the commander of the loyalist army as they watch the enemy hurrying out of the rift.
And attack the defenders upon that bit of the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
Even from this distance, they can see the large green figure of the ork mercenary, has engaged with the rebel soldiers who have suddenly appeared on top of the city's south wall after coming through the rift.
Commander Tracklen who knows that those here on the east wall, will be overrun with ease.
If the enemy were to put a rift up here on top of this wall. The defenders, who aren't many, would have no chance against them.
Quietly says to his adjunctant "They'll have to deal with that over there".
The junior of the two officers nods his head in reply to that. As they watch a number of the enemy soldiers, hurrying down the set of steps, that's the closest to where the rift has been positioned on top of the city's south wall.
"We have to deal with that we've got over here" continues commander Tracklen, who is facing forward again.
"Keep shooting at them!" shouts out the loyalist army commander, who follows that with "Especially those carrying the scaling ladders!".
As the senior most officer in the army still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Continues watchting the enemy who are attempting to top the city's east wall. Or take down the set of gates in this particular wall.
While next to the loyalist army commander, his adjunctant, who is also facing forward again.
Has taken an arrow from his quiver, and puts it to the belly of his bow, and against the string.
Morris, who is from one of the more successful trading families in Kuradum.
Draws his weapon back, and takes aim. All done effortlessly, and smoothly, without a hesitation.
The subaltern in the loyalist army lets the arrow fly.
A rebel soldier, who is helping to carry a scaling ladder to the east wall of the city.
Drops to the ground screaming in agony, with an arrow in his stomach. Tripping over a couple of others, and forcing the rest to come to a stop, as they've dropped the ladder.
Another of them drops when he's hit in the small of the back with a bolt shot by one of the crossbowmen defending the east wall of the capital city.
Commander Tracklen, who picked up a crossbow as well, nods his head to the young runner who has loaded the weapon for him.
Then the runner, who is looking northwards along the top of the wall, spots something and says "Commander, something's happening up there".
The young runner in the loyalist army continues with "They're looking at something".
Commander Tracklen after shooting off the crossbow, getting a rather fortunate hit.
As it hit a hired mercenary in the thigh, dropping him, screaming in pain.
Looks along the top of the east wall to see what the young runner has spotted.
"They've seen something" says the adjunctant Morris who is also looking along the top of the city's east wall.
They see a few of the defenders, a couple of soldiers from the city garrison, and a guard of the city watch.
Are looking away to the north, though into the city more than anything else.
With one of them pointing as he says something, and another one nodding his head, as if agrees with him.
They look around, and seeing their army commander looking in their direction.
One of the soldiers, starts making his way along the wall, to where the commander Tracklen and the adjunctant Morris are above the only set of gates in the east wall.
As the young runner goes about reloading the senior officer's crossbow.
The adjunctant, who is a subaltern in the army loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum, as he takes an arrow from his quiver say "I hope it's not another rift".
That's exactly what it is, for when the soldier who ran the fifty yards from his position, to just over the east wall gates.
He tells the two officers, that he and the other two with him, saw what appears to be a rift in the grounds of the ruling council.
Which is just over a mile and a half away to the north, and can be seen from further north along the top of the east wall of the city of Kuradum.
"Are you absolutely sure?" asks the commander of the army that's still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state.
"Yes commander" replies the soldier from the city garrison, who pauses as he's hesitant to continue, but he does, and says "We saw a couple of the enemy being thrown up into the air, a couple hundred feet at least".
The loyalist army commander shares a look with his adjunctant, who quietly tells him "Could be one of those meecs from Farque there".
"More than likely" says commander Tracklen, who then nods to the soldier, and tells him "Return to your position".
The soldier from the local garrison nods, and starts making his way back along the top of the wall, to his position over fifty yards away.
While Morris, quietly says "Hope there's not anymore of them". Referring to the rifts that the enemy are using to bring in their soldiers. Like they're doing on the south wall. And by speculation more than anything else, within the grounds of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
"So do i" says commander Tracklen, who takes his crossbow from the young runner, who has reloaded it for him.
While next to the senior most officer in the loyalist army, his adjunctant, the subaltern Morris.
Lifts his bow, he already has a shaft to it, and he draws it back, taking aim with ease.
As a lot of the enemy on this side, the east side of the city. Are bunched up as they rush forward towards the wall.
The adjunctant Morris nods in satisfaction, as the arrow he just shot, takes an enemy soldier in the throat.
While next to him, commander Tracklen is taking aim with the crossbow he's using.
The senior of the two officers shoots off the bolt, and he gets extremely lucky.
As the bolt shatters apart the skull of one of the enemy soldiers. The one to the right of the one that the loyalist army commander was actually aiming at.
"Good enough" wryly murmurs commander Tracklen who hopes that the defense of the city walls is good enough too.
On what's a cold, but sunny and clear winter's morning, here in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
Over on the south wall of the city, a growling Dorc da Orc spins around to hit an approaching sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
But before he's able to, an enemy soldier who has come through the rift, stabs the large ork in the back of the leg.
"Bitch" mutters Dorc da Orc, who grabs the rebel soldier who just stabbed him.
Picks him up by the right arm, breaks it with his strong grip, then throws the enemy soldier off the top of the wall.
To the inside, sending the rebel soldier to the bricks of the square behind this section of the south wall of the city of Kuradumyr.
The ork warleader grunts as he pulls the sword out of the back of his leg. And throws it at the enemy who are rushing out of the nearby rift.
"As for you, ya cunt" growls the ork weaponsmith as he looks back at his bitter rival, the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic.
And he finds sir Percavelle Lé Dic standing there, with the visor of his full helm up, grinning as he looks at the ork who is a general in the armies of Farque.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, goes to take a step towards his bitter rival.
When he stops, as he spots the former paladin is holding the sword of knockdown in his right gauntleted hand.
"Cuntface" growls the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who then turns to confront more of the enemy who have come through the rift.
That's been placed here on top of the south wall of the city, near the middle of the three sets of gates that can be found on this side of the city.
"By the gods" mutters Beldane the cleric who is looking to cast a spell at the enemy, but is unable to because of who is in the way.
The fighting cleric who has just yelled out to both sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Dorc da Orc, to get out of the way, to no avail.
Turns to his left, and says "I can't do anything else with those two idiots in the way".
Knowing exactly who the powerful spellcaster is referring to, Tamric Drubine the field commander rolls his eyes, before calling out "Dorc, Percy get out of the way!".
The young noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now a senior officer in the armies of Farque, then shouts "Pull back, and move to the side!".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, briefly pauses as he sees he's being ignored, then he yells "Now!".
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who heard that from field commander Drubine, mutters "Oh bother" followed by a "Wot".
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the southeast of the kingdom of Druvic, rolls his eyes.
Though he does step back, and out of the way, to one side, up against the crenalations there.
And for his troubles, an enemy arrow shot by a rebel archer just across the river.
Clangs off the full helm of the tall, large heavily armoured knight. Causing Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
To stagger to the side, muttering "Saint Mar-che". Before righting himself, next to a crenalation.
As for the former paladin's bitter rival, the war leader of the ork race.
He ignores the order from field commander Drubine, until Tam yells at him again with "Dorc you big fucking lump, get out of the way of the rift!".
"Fucknuts" mutters Dorkindle who has just kicked a rebel soldier in the legs, shattering them.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world does take heed of the young field commander's words.
The large ork takes a few steps back, and one to the side, so he's up against a crenalation, here on top of the wall.
"Finally" dryly says Beldane the cleric, who now has an unobstructed path towards the rift that's here on top of the city's south wall.
The member of the church of Glaine, a god predominantly worshiped in the north of the fighting cleric's homeland, the kingdom of Nastell.
Has been reluctant to use his powerful mace, as it still has a mind of it's own at times.
So he now casts a spell of his own at the enemy who are coming out of the rift.
The rebel soldiers, who for the most part, have either gone down the nearby steps, or gone back around the rift, when they catch sight of Dorc.
Now the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world, is no longer standing right infront of the rift.
The soldiers in the army of the rebel leader, the self styled duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Start hurrying in this direction when they make their way out of the rift.
The cleric in the half plate armour casts, and one after another, as they appear out of the rift.
The enemy soldiers start dropping after taking just a few steps, one after another they fall flat on their faces unconscious, as the sleep spell cast by the powerful cleric takes effect.
Though a few take a couple extra steps, staggering to one side, and fall off the top of the wall to the cobblestones of the square over forty feet below.
"The more of them that come through, the less time that spell will last" says Beldane the cleric.
Tamric Drubine the field commander nods, then says "It's stopped the flow of them for a bit, that's good enough".
The young noble who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, then adds "Just tell me when it's going to stop".
The fighting cleric nods that he will, then field commander Drubine calls out "Dorc, Percy get ready to attack them again!" . . . . . .

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