Thursday 9 June 2022

The Thick Of It 68.


They make their way out of the third and final rift that Losmena the sorceress casts. First through are the mercenaries who have come with them.
They appear in a quiet lane, a few hundred yards to the north of the grounds where the buildings used by the ruling council are located.
There's over eighty of the mercenaries, close to a hundred to be more exact, who once they're all out of the rift.
They split into two groups, and head to a couple of the counting houses. Many of which are located in this area of the city of Kuradum.
As the last of the mercenaries are heading out of the lane. Appearing in it after coming through the rift, are soldiers in the army of the rebel leader, the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
They pour out of the rift, unhindered by anyone in this area of the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
Once the last of the soldiers has made their way out of the rift, and some of then have already moved off.
Heading for their destination. Which isn't all that far away from here.
As it's in one of the quiet neighbourhoods, here in this part the city of Kuradum.
Some of his personal guards come through next. They're followed by his assistant, subcommander Phogarn.
Then the man himself, comes out of the rift next.
He looks up between the buildings on either side of the lane, and sees that the weather here in the capital, this winter's morning, is sunny and clear.
He moves out of the way, and more of his personal guards come through the rift.
Then finally Losmena the sorceress makes her way out of the rift that she has cast.
Along with two other rifts she's cast at the same time, to other parts of the city of Kuradum.
"No one close by" quietly says Losmena the sorceress, referring to other practitioners of magic.
After nodding his head, councilman Hirrye gives the order to move out.
And the soldiers lead the way, for a short distance, going the same way some of the mercenaries went.
Until they turn left, into a narrow street that goes southwards. As they do, the councilman, his assistant, and the powerful sorceress. Followed by the rebel leader's personal guards, work their way towards the front of the more than a hundred rebel soldiers who are making their way through this part of the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
As they turn right into an alleyway, the attractive teenage spellcaster comes to a sudden stop, and puts up a hand for the others to stop as well.
"What is it?" quietly asks councilman Hirrye as he stands beside the sorceress who is fighting for his cause.
"I'm not sure" quietly says Losmena with a slight frown upon her attractive looking face.
The practitioner of magic, can't sense any other spellcaster nearby. Infact the only thing she does sense that's fairly close. Is her own rift spell, which she has left open like the two others here in the city of Kuradum.
Though Losmena can't sense anything. She does get the feeling that something's not quite right.
And that something could happen if they keep going the way they're heading.
Looking towards the mouth of the alleyway, and the street beyond it. The sorceress slowly shakes her head no.
"Back up, and head the other way" quietly says the powerful spellcaster, who follows that with "It'll be longer, but I'll feel safer if we go that way".
The so called duke of Kuradum, a title he bestowed upon himself, nods then quietly says to the others "You heard the sorceress".
Councilman Hirrye follows that with "We'll go the other way" he then adds "Come on, get moving".
"Any idea what it was?" quietly asks the leader of the rebel movement, here in the city-state of Kuradum.
"I'm not sure" quietly says the practitioner of magic, who continues with "Just one of those feelings you get, you know?".
The councilman, well ex councilman to be exact. Nods his head in understanding.
Then he nods again, when his assistant, the subcommander Phogarn quietly says "We'll have to cross the street to the back of it".
As they and the hundred or so soldiers go through a series of alleyways and lanes, where they encounter not a single person.
The rebel leader quietly says "I know". The so called duke of Kuradum actually prefers this deviation in their plans.
As he only agree to the first option, because it would of made more of a statement if they barged in through the front doors of their destination.
This way, from the backside, they'll get to where they actually want to go, a whole lot quicker.
Next to the ex councilman, his assistant Phogarn, once again asks him "Think they've changed anything?".
"Our contacts say no" quietly says the leader of the rebellion against the ruling council of Kuradum.
"And from experience, I'd say no too" adds councilman Hirrye, he continues on with "Remember i was in charge of the treasury, and we did the same thing they'd been doing for centuries".
The subcommander nods as that was his experience too. As he first got to work with, then know councilman Hirrye.
When he and a detachment of soldiers from the local garrison here in the city of Kuradum.
Were assigned to guard duty at the council's treasury for half a year about a decade ago.
When Hirrye was first put in charge of the treasury of the city-state of Kuradum.
The two of them have been the best of friends ever since. And it was Phogarn who was the first person to defect, and join councilman Hirrye's rebellion.
There's about twenty soldiers infront of them and the ex councilman's guards.
And after they turn right into another lane, this one quite short, the soldiers come to a stop.
As across the street at the end of the lane, is the backside of the treasury building.
By far the largest building in this part of the city, infact the large building, is probably the largest building to be found north of the grounds where the city council buildings are located.
"Clear?" quietly asks the rebel leader as he looks at the attractive teenage sorceress next to him.
After subcommander Phogarn says to some of the following soldiers who have come to a stop "Get ready to go by, and cross the street".
"All clear" quietly says Losmena the sorceress in reply after she briefly closes her eyes and senses.
Looking at his assistant Phogarn, councilman Hirrye says to the subcommander "Give the order".
The rebel officer nods, then looks ahead to where the soldiers at the end of the short lane, are looking back at him in anticipation.
Subcommander Phogarn gives them the order to proceed. And the rebel officer, along with the rebel leader, and the spellcaster.
As well as the ex councilman's personal guards. Move to one side, to allow some of those following, to go ahead.
As those soldiers out infront, at the end of the short lane. Start hurrying across the street to the backside of the treasury building of the city-state of Kuradum.
"Wait" quietly says lord Farque as he holds up a gauntleted hand as they look southwards.
They've moved to the roof of the building to the left of the one they were on previously.
They're still opposite the treasury building of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
To be exact, opposite the north side, or what's more commonly called, the front side of the massive building across the street.
Now they've got a better view down the street that runs north, south along the east side of the treasury building.
And as they stand upon the southeast corner of the rooftop they're on.
They see rebel soldiers start to appear on the street that runs along the east side of the massive building that houses the nation's treasury.
Their view is partially blocked because of other buildings. Even so they get a good view of the rebel soldiers as they cross the north, south street along the east side of the city-state's treasury building.
"Wait" quietly says the undead warlord to the once powerful mage in the black hooded cloak standing next to him.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord slightly nods to himself, as he senses their prey getting closer and closer, about to come out into view.
On this cold, but clear and sunny winter's morning, here in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
"Notice the poles and sacks some of them are carrying" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque mentions to the spellcaster who is from the city-state of Vexil.
Mira Reinholt the mage nods in understanding, then quietly says "For the strongboxes".
The undead being, who also has the name of Draugadrottin that the people of his lands know him by.
Nods his full helmed head in agreement with the practitioner of magic who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
Then the deathlord of Farque quietly says "And it's even easier to carry out the notes of credit they'll find in abundance in there".
The mage Reinholt nods at hearing that. As he has had plenty of experience in doing the same thing these rebels are planning to do.
As he, along with lord Farque and Dorc da Orc. Would steal from numerous treasury buildings and counting houses right across the Southlands for a number of years when he was a younger man.
As they watch the enemy cross the street, and disappear from view behind the massive building that is the ruling council's treasury.
The undead warlord who has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates in the common language as, The Destroyer.
Quietly says to the mage who is in exile from the city-state of Vexil "They'll be coming out soon".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque, briefly pauses before continuing with "They've just stopped to let others go by".
After another pause, the large, heavily armoured deathlord says "They're moving again".
Draugadrottin pauses once again, then tells the spellcaster who is a member of his personal council "Now".
Mira Reinholt lets go off the mageglobe he's been holding in his right hand.
The living piece of magic, drops down off the roof of the building the two of them are standing on top of, and shoots down to the street that runs along the east sides of the treasury building.
After ushering more of the soldiers with them by, the self styled duke of Kuradum says "We'll go next".
Councilman Hirrye, his assistant subcommander Phogarn, Losmena the sorceress and the rebel leader's personal guards.
Make their way to the mouth of the short lane they've been waiting in, as soldiers in the rebel army cross over to behind the massive building across the street that houses the ruling council's treasury.
They briefly stop at the end of the lane, and the ex councilman says to three of his personal guards "You three first".
The rebel leader then tells his assistant and the sorceress "Then us".
Councilman Hirrye then tells his remaining personal guards "Then you lot".
He then adds "Make sure the rest following you, don't try to come over in one lot".
The senior most of his personal guards nods, then says "I'll make sure of it sir".
Then the man who plans to rule the city-state of Kuradum says to the trio he picked to go first "Go".
The three personal guards in question, leave the lane, one after the other, moving quickly across the street to the back side of the treasury building.
Then the ex councilman says to the army officer who is his assistant, and the attractive young sorceress "Our turn".
The other two nod, and it's subcommander Phogarn who leads the way out of the lane, and across the street.
He's followed by councilman Hirrye, then the sorceress Losmena as they head towards the back of the massive building that houses the nation's treasury.
Call it pure chance, or just the luck of the gods, or maybe even fate.
But as the young teenage sorceress follows closely behind the the ex councilman who wants to be duke of Kuradum.
She briefly spots a flash of light out of the corner of her right eye as they cross the street.
The powerful spellcaster quickly turns her head as the light she caught a quick glance of.
Stood out against the blue, clear sky on this cold winter's morning here in the capital city of Kuradum. It stood out because it was red.
Losmena briefly catches sight of it again as she looks up the street that runs along this side of the treasury building.
The sorceress fighting for the cause of councilman Hirrye sees that it's shooting directly towards the three of them crossing the street.
The teenage practitioner of magic can't really sense it being magical. Then in an instant she realises what can be notoriously difficult to sense, and also be extremely powerful.
And at the last moment, Losmena the sorceress shouts out a warning of "Watch out!".
To the ex councilman and the subcommander infront of her. As she does so, she quickly casts a spell. A spell that would be fairly safe to do under normal circumstances. But extremely dangerous with how she's about to do it.
The powerful sorceress casts the spell. And the next instant the red mageglobe reaches the middle of the street where they are, and explodes . . . . . .

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