Sunday 19 June 2022

The Thick Of It 72.


"Keep shooting at them!" calls out commander Tracklen, who follows up with "Don't let them get those ladders to the wall!".
As the enemy continue to attack the east side of the city of Kuradum. Paying particular attention to the only set of gates on this side of the wall. And the sections of the wall to either side of them.
A number of the defenders who were on the south wall of the capital city of Kuradum.
Have made their way around to the east side of the largest city in the nation.
Now that nearly half of the enemy's army have either made it around to the east side of the capital of the city-state, or are making their way around to that side.
The commander of the forces loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum is glad of that.
As there weren't too many defenders on top of the east wall of the city to begin with.
The senior most officer in the loyalist army is about to make his way along the top of the wall.
When his adjunctant Morris, says to him "That thing's still up over there" followed by "They're still coming out of it".
The loyalist army commander turns and looks to the south wall of the capital city.
And sees in the distance that the rift that appeared there earlier. Is still on the section of the wall above the second set of the three gates that can be found along the city's south wall.
And that the enemy, those forces of the rebel leader, councilman Hirrye. Continue to make their way out of the magical doorway on top of the south wall of Kuradum.
Commander Tracklen sees that the fighting around the rift, is heaviest behind it. On this side, the near side.
Probably because that large ork is on the otherside, where the enemy first make their way out of the rift.
"They'll have to deal with that themselves" says the commander to the adjunctant.
"We've got our own problems to deal with" adds the senior most officer still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Just as commander Tracklen says that, an enemy scaling ladder hits up against the top of the wall. About thirty yards further down the wall from their position.
The commander and his adjunctant hurry along the top of the wall, to where a pair of city guardsman are trying to push the ladder away from the top of the wall.
Tracklen gets there first, and swings his sword at the head of the enemy soldier who has just appeared at the top of the ladder, and is attempting to climb up onto the top of the wall.
The blade slams into the side of the rebel soldier's neck, and he falls off the top rung of the wooden ladder, with blood spraying in all directions.
Before he falls upon a couple of his fellow rebel soldiers at the base of the wall, waiting to climb the ladder.
The adjunctant Morris has grabbed one of the polearms the city guards are using to push the top of the scaling ladder away.
Commander Tracklen helps the other guardsman, grunting in effort as he pushes with all his strength.
As there feels like there's at least three or four enemy soldiers on the ladder, climbing it to the top of the east wall of the city.
"Bloody hell" mutters the loyalist army commander who grunts once more, and they finally push the ladder straight up.
Then with a shove from the four of them, momentum does the rest, and the scaling ladder, and those on it, fall backwards to the ground.
The adjunctant Morris takes the bow he's been using, quickly takes an arrow out of the quiver on his hip, and puts the shaft to the bow.
He draws the weapon back as he leans over the low section between two of the crenalations in this section of the wall.
And he releases the string, letting the arrow fly. Sending it slamming into the back of one of the rebel soldiers attempting to pick up the fallen scaling ladder.
As the adjunctant does that, the pair of city guardsmen and the army commander pick up a large, heavy wicker basket full of rocks and stones.
They get it up onto the low section of the wall, and they tip it's contents out, and off the top of the wall.
The rocks rain down upon the enemy soldiers at the base of the wall. Hitting those too slow to get out of the way. Including the trio who were climbing the ladder, and are now on the ground, injured from their fall.
Commander Tracklen winces as he sees the head of one of the rebel soldiers down below. Shatter when it's hit by a particularly large rock.
Then after the adjunctant Morris, who is a subaltern in the loyalist army.
Shoots another of the enemy soldiers trying to pick up the fallen scaling ladder.
This one in the back of the neck, instantly dropping the rebel soldier.
Those trying to retrieve the ladder fall back, abandoning it for now. Especially when a loyalist soldier with a crossbow joins them and shoots off a bolt. Which strikes another of the enemy soldiers near the fallen ladder in the small of the back.
As that enemy soldier with the crossbow bolt in the lower back, lies there on the ground, hollering in pain.
The senior most officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum takes a quick look around.
"Hell" mutters commander Tracklen when he spots something that's just come across the bridge away to the east of the city.
Pointing that way, the senior loyalist officer says to his adjunctant "You see that?".
The subaltern Morris, who comes from one of the more wealthy families here in the city-state of Kuradum.
Looks towards the bridge that crosses the river, and he winces when he spots a battering ram that's been carried by a troop of mounted enemy soldiers.
"That'll be here soon" says the adjunctant Morris, the loyalist army commander nods in agreement with that, then he looks around and spots a young runner in the city guard nearby.
After waving over the runner, commander Tracklen tells him "Spread the word, i want all archers and crossbowmen to target those with that battering ram".
The loyalist army commander, who is of the opinion that the gates here on the east side should be able to withstand the enemy battering ram.
Also knows that anything could happen during a battle. And you can never be too sure.
"I want it to be a blood bath for that lot using it" continues the commander of the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
As the runner hurries off to spread the word, the adjunctant Morris who has taken an arrow from his quiver, and has it against the belly of his bow.
Says to his commanding officer "If they're going to do something out of the ordinary, this would be the best time". Referring to those in charge of the defense of the city of Kuradum. The mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Who informed commander Tracklen before the battle got underway. That they had something in reserve for the enemy.
They just never told the loyalist army commander exactly what it was, or when they would do it.
Tracklen thinks now would be an opportune time to do so. Especially considering that the rebel army attacking the city is basically split in two.
With half attacking the south wall of the capital city. And the other half either attacking the east side, or are making their way around to the east side of the city of Kuradum.
Beldane the cleric who has left the battle, and the city of Kuradum. Makes his way down a path through some trees, in the company of a couple of black clad Farqian officers.
The fighting cleric in the church of Glaine, who hails from the kingdom of Nastell.
Peers through the trees, then nods his head when one of the Farqian officers quietly tells him in the elven language "Just up ahead cleric Beldane".
The churchman in the halfplate armour is quiet as they continue along the path.
Until they finally come to a stop, when the path heads downhill to a nearby village.
Waiting outside the village, on it's eastern outskirts. Waits an army of nearly ten thousand.
Made up of mostly the loyalist soldiers who evacuated from the northern town of Gensa.
The northern walled town that the Farqian mercenary army burnt to the ground with most of councilman Hirrye's northern forces still inside of it.
There's a few hundred black clad soldiers from the Farqian mercenary army, mostly scouts and rangers who are waiting with them.
"This will take a while" says Beldane the cleric to the two officers from the lands Farque with him.
The fighting cleric who worships the god Glaine, a god predominantly worshiped in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
As they look down at the waiting army, says to the two officers in the black armour and the black cloaks "Even though i can make a gateway wider than most, it'll still take time to get them all through".
One of the black clad Farqian officers nods, then he says "Not too worry" followed by "They might surprise you in how quickly they go through".
The officer, who is a ranger, gestures at the waiting army down next to the village, and he says "We've been drilling them for the last week, ever since we got here from Gensa".
The ranger officer from the lands Farque continues on with "I'll think they'll make short work of it".
His fellow Farqian officer, a scout. Nods his head in agreement with him as the three of them look down at the army waiting on the eastern outskirts of the village.
It's a village to the northeast of the city of Kuradum, about thirty miles from the capital.
Not all that far to travel by gateway, which is how Beldane the cleric got here.
"Has our lord or field commander Drubine picked a spot?" asks the ranger, who is the more senior of the two officers.
"They have" is the reply from the powerful spellcaster who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell.
Who has no official position in the armies of Farque. A nation he's never stepped foot in. As he, as a cleric. Is banned from the lands Farque.
The fighting cleric in the halfplate steel armour then explains to the two Farqian army officers. What they'll do, and where they'll do it.
They're not particularly surprised as they were pretty much expecting something like it.
Especially when Beldane the cleric tells them "They've basically split their forces in two". Followed by "Well, they were when i left".
The member of the church of Glaine, continues with "The south wall of the city which they initially attacked".
The powerful practitioner of magic then adds "And the rest around on the east wall, or they're heading that way".
"As our lord planned it" quietly says the scout officer in the armies of Farque.
The ranger officer, and the fighting cleric nod in agreement with him.
Then the more senior of the Farqian officers says "Let's get down there".
He gestures at the waiting army, who are standing in the sunshine of what's a cold, but sunny winter's day here to the northeast of the city of Kuradum.
And he says "They're rearing to go" followed by "And truth be told, so am i".
The Nastellian cleric in the halfplate armour and the two officers from the lands Farque.
Make their way down the rest of the path to the village and the waiting army.
As they approach, the fighting cleric works out where the best place will be.
He doesn't have to, as the scout officer quietly tells him "It'll be over there cleric Beldane".
The powerful cleric looks to where the junior of the two officer points, who then tells him "It's where we've been training them" followed by "It'll make things easier for them".
As they walk to that area in a marked off field to the east of the village, they're joined by two other officers, and a trio of sergeant at arms, all from the lands Farque.
"Get ready for the signal, we'll be going soon" says the ranger officer, the two other Farqian officers and the sergeant at arms hurry off to where the army is waiting.
As they do, the ranger officer asks the churchman who travels with his lord "I understand you can do a gateway three or four wide".
"I can" says Beldane the cleric, who follows on from that with "With so many, I'll do it three wide".
The fighting cleric then adds "It'll more stable than one that's wider, not to mention it can last longer".
Both of the Farqian officers nod at hearing that, then they come to a stop at the edge of the marked off field.
The ranger officer points to a spot about a dozen feet to the side of them, and he says "There if you please cleric Beldane when i give the command".
"Of course" says the spellcaster from the kingdom of Nastell, who has learnt that the Farqian armies are efficient more than anything else. It's what makes them so dangerous.
The two black clad officers share a look, then the senior of the two quietly says "As our lord wills it".
"Our lord wills it" is the reply from the scout officer.
The ranger officer then gives a hand signal to the Farqian officers and sergeant at arms with the waiting army.
"Now if you please cleric Beldane" says the senior of the two black clad officers from the lands Farque.
The fighting cleric in the church of Glaine nods, and he starts casting as the army starts moving.
With the city of Kuradum just thirty or so miles away, the gateway that Beldane casts, even though it's wide enough for three to enter at once, doesn't take long to appear and stabilise.
As it does, the army that's on the move, break into their formations, and break into a run.
Creating three columns on the run, heading towards the gateway cast by Beldane the cleric, that will take them to the city of Kuradum, and the battle that's taking place there . . . . . .

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