Tuesday 27 August 2024

Soldier Of Gods 50.


The ground is a rust red colour, so is the sky, though slightly lighter. While the vegetation, what little vegetation that can be found, is an even darker red. 
It's another plane of existence. And walking through some hill country in this strange place. Is a large, heavily armoured figure. 
Lord Farque looks up at the red sky, and sees the sun, which is a pale reddish pink, almost white in colour. Probably the only thing he's seen here that isn't completely red. 
The undead warlord, slightly shakes his head. And sighs as the unfamiliar, though familiar figures and numbers stream across the inside of the visor of his full helm. 
As has happened a few times in the past, his full suit of armor, along with the full helm. Has changed shape on him. And looks nothing like it does on the normal physical world of Volunell. 
"Hmmm it's picked up a life sign" quietly says Lord Farque in the ancient language of his family, followed by "It says ten point two kilometers" he then silently adds, whatever the fuck that is. 
"About six miles or so my Lord" says Ryn the Sword of Power, who is strapped to the back of the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque. 
One of the quirks of this plane of existence, is that the Sword of Power's voice is heard out loud here. 
Which came to a surprise to both her and Lord Farque when he first entered this plane of existence a few weeks ago. 
The lord of the death realm grunts, then he sets off again after briefly stopping on the side of a hill. 
As he walks, the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque, who stands six inches over six feet tall, and weighs close to three hundred pounds. 
And the six foot long blade across his back, resume the conversation they were having before the undead warlord briefly stopped. 
"So if you and your kind didn't use this plane" says Lord Farque who continues with "Did the gods use it instead?". 
"They didn't use it either" says Ryn the Sword of Power, whose voice comes from the hilt of the weapon, which sticks up over the right shoulder of the undead warlord. 
"They had other ways of traversing the world and elsewhere" adds Ryn, who is infact the soul of a Greater Dragon, who inhabits the Farque family sword. 
The Greater Dragons being the creators of the world of Volunell. Just one of a number of worlds they've created over numerous galaxies, through untold years. 
"No one in antiquity bothered using places like this" states the Greater Dragon Ryn, who follows that with "Apart from those creatures that dwell here". 
Lord Farque, also know as Draugodrottin in his family's language, which is also the ancient language of command used to control his wardogs. 
Continually scans the sky and surrounding countryside, as does his helm. Well, whatever it is that's his helm actually is, at this time and place. 
The undead warlord who has the elven name of Des'tier, which means The Destroyer. Is fairly certain his helm in it's current shape can see and sense better than himself in this plane. 
The lord of the death realm on the physical plane of Volunell can sense life (and death). Well in excess of twenty five miles. Easily identifying everything and anything in that distance, in all directions. 
But in this strange place, not so much. He can only sense up to a couple of miles away at best. Which is better than nothing in his opinion. Considering what they've already encountered whilst here in this plane of existence. 
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque is just wondering if Ryn can identify the life form in the distance. 
When all of a sudden, the inside of his helm starts scrolling through something at speed. Draugodrottin narrows his eyelids as he looks at the corner of what Ryn called a HUD, or screen. That's on the inside of the all black visor of his reshaped full helm. 
The deathlord of Farque nods in understanding as he realizes what all the various images are, that's being displayed. 
"Seems it's trying to identify the life form" says Lord Farque, who after a few moments watches as the images finally halts on one. 
"Human" says the undead warlord who died at the age of twenty two, but has been around, so to speak, for over four and a half centuries. The lord of the death realm after a moments silence, adds "It's him". 
Des'tier increases his pace, going from a quick walk, to a jog as he heads down out of the hills he's in. 
As he runs through the red landscape, the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque is fairly certain this location looks like an area in the central region of the Southlands. Just to the south of the city-state of Phamal. 
The Sword of Power Ryn mentioned that this plane of existence, or realm. Is a shadow of the physical world of Volunell. 
The undead warlord can certainly believe that now. As he runs through this strange place, which is a shadow realm of the physical world of Volunell. 
"And he's alive" says the deathlord of Farque, who follows that with "By some miracle". As the air in this shadow realm doesn't sustain human life. 
As he increases his pace, Draugodrottin muses "A spell perhaps?" followed by "One cast before entering this shithole of a place". 
As The Sword of Power has informed him that spellcasting is impossible in this particular plane of existence. 
"Maybe" replies Ryn who continues on with "Or something he has with him" she briefly pauses before adding "An item of some kind". 
The undead warlord grunts, and slightly nods as that's a definite possibility. Considering who we're dealing with. 
The lord of the death realm, is silent as he runs onto what can only be described as a dirt road, which he heads north along, or what he assumes is north. 
Des'tier who is running so quickly that he's almost a blur if someone saw him going by. Tells the Greater Dragon who inhabits his family's sword "He night be alive, but he's not moving". 
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque who can now sense the individual in question, leaps over a dried out river bed, where a bridge would normally stand in the physical world of Volunell. 
Lord Farque spots a number of buildings away to the right. A farmhouse, barn, shed and out buildings. 
He heads to it, as the human life form is somewhere in or near these buildings. Draugodrottin slows down and he jogs around to the back of what's a dilapidated farmhouse. Where he finds an individual lying face down on the red ground. 
"It's him alright" says the undead warlord, who then sourly adds "The fucking prick". The lord of the death realm kneels down beside the prone figure, who is dressed head to toe in black. With a torn black hooded cloak. 
The black clothing here is in stark contrast to the red surrounds of this particular plane of existence. 
"In his hand" says Ryn the Sword of Power, Des'tier grunts as he sees a gem clutched in the right hand of the unconscious individual. 
"Hmmm what spell is that?" muses Lord Farque as he senses the spell within the gem that's been activated. 
"Sustain?" continues the undead warlord as he both looks and senses the spell gem. "Stasis" replies Ryn who follows that with "It's what's keeping him alive here". 
"Must be one of Helbe's spell gems" says the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque, who continues on from that with "No fucking way he knows such a spell to put in a gem". 
The Sword of Power is in agreement with the lord of the death realm, who she has known all of his life, so to speak. 
Ryn tells Draugodrottin that it's more than likely the unconscious individual will die if he loses contact with the spell gem. 
The deathlord of Farque is just wondering what to do. When his armour, which is actually an ancient nanite infused space suit, that belonged to the very first Farque. Comes up with a solution. As a series of figures and words come up on the HUD. 
"Seems there's too much nitrogen and not enough oxygen in the air to sustain human life in this realm" says Lord Farque, who continues with "Well, that's what my suit says anyway". A section of the armour, the inner part of the right forearm pops open. 
"Er?" says Draugodrottin, who continues with "What the fuck is that?". He sees the word "Breather" pop up on the HUD in the inside of his helm's visor. 
"I believe that's a breather" says Ryn, who follows that with "Take it, and place it over his mouth and nose" she then adds "It will affix to him, and make it possible for him to breathe". 
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque does exactly that. And the black clad individual, though still unconscious, begins to breathe for himself. 
Des'tier is just about to mention something to The Sword of Power, when an alarm goes off within his helm. Something he's become accustomed to since entering this plane of existence. 
"Shit" mutters Lord Farque as he stands up, he continues with "Lifeform approaching" he follows that with "Make that lifeforms, it's a cluster of them". As he looks at what the HUD in his full helm shows him. 
Looking down at the unconscious figure on the ground, Draugodrottin shakes his head, then draws the Sword of Power from across his back. 
As he does, Lord Farque sourly says "You asshole Mira, look at all this fucking shit I've had to do to find you" followed by "And now even more shit to keep you alive" . . . . . . 

Sunday 25 August 2024

Soldier Of Gods 49.


Tamric Drubine the field commander accepts the surrender of the city-state of Tuledare. When one of the city council's senior bureaucrats realized who it was that has entered the offices. And why they entered. He thought it best to surrender as quickly as possible. 
After all no one else was going to, since the actual ruling council of Tuledare are no where to be found. 
And have been missing ever since the war between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal got underway. 
Once he's got the surrender in writing, Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, makes his way out of the room he's been in, and out into the main antechamber. 
Here on the west side of the massive circular building that houses the ruling council of the city of Tuledare, and where they usually do business. 
The young field commander spots Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who makes his way over to the young noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. 
"Nothing" quietly says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy in his native language, the spy who is a commander in the Armies of Farque continues with "They surrender?". 
"They did" replies Tamric Drubine the field commander who holds up the rolled parchment that has the surrender of the city-state of Tuledare on it. 
The young field commander who is in his early twenties, hands the surrender of Tuledare over to one of his adjuncts to keep it safe. 
Then Tamric Drubine says to the spy who hails from the elven principality of Alínlae "Really?" followed by "Nothing at all?". 
Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well nods his head yes, then quietly replies with "Nothing". 
"Hmmmm" murmurs the young field commander who is in charge of the war effort on behalf of the city-state of Phamal. 
Tam looks over to where his lover Saanea the witch is standing, alongside Beldane the cleric, and quietly asks the spy Tanith "Saanea and Beldane find anything?". 
"Nothing as well" says the elven spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland Alínlae. 
"Seems no one here has any idea where they've got to" continues Dalin, who follows that with "I've sent word to some of the infiltration squads to search their homes". 
The elven spy who is a commander in the Armies of Farque continues with "Some of them have staff, hopefully they might know". 
Field commander Drubine grunts, and for now he has to be content with the fact of the missing members of the ruling council of Tuledare remains a mystery. 
Tamric Drubine doesn't particularly like that, but he's content with it. And hopes they can find out what's actually happened to the members of the city-state's ruling council, sooner rather than later. 
Then the young field commander who is the son of a former Knight of Castle Drubine, which can be found in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, gives a few orders to some members of his staff. 
As they move off to carry out his orders, Tamric Drubine looks over at Dorc da Orc, who is sitting on the floor, with his back against the wall. 
Standing near the large ork is Shur Kee the monk, the honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council is keeping an eye on the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. 
The short statured monk is also keeping an eye on sir Percavelle Le Dic, who is further along from the ork warleader. 
The young field commander who is in charge of the war effort for the city-state of Phamal, is just glad to see the bitter rivals are for now, behaving themselves. 
Field commander Drubine knows that isn't always the case. For if the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, and the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks. 
Aren't constantly arguing, they're busy trying to incapacitate one another. Or just plain out trying to kill one another. 
So even a little bit of calm in their rivalry is a good thing in the opinion of the young field commander, who at this time leads the Fifth Army of Farque. 
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him personally, is just about to call over Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who is standing nearby with Zam the ex mercenary and Lisell Maera the scout commander. 
When one of his adjuncts comes over, and quietly tells him "Someone to see you field commander" and gestures to the open doorway that's the entry to the antechamber as he adds "Just out in the hallway". "Oh?" says field commander Drubine, who then continue on with "Who is it?". 
"A cleric from one of the churches here in the city" says the adjunct, who after a brief pause adds "He's one of us". 
Tam's eyebrows shoot up in surprise at hearing that, then he looks at Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy who he sees slightly nods. 
"You know this person?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine, Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, replies with a nod of the head, and he says "I do". 
The elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae looks around then spots the infiltration squad led by Maiya Garney the lead scout, who are near where Dorc da Orc is sitting on the floor. 
"So do you" says the elf who is a commander in the Armies of Farque, causing the eyebrows of the young field commander to shoot up in surprise again. 
"You met him when you were much younger" continues Dalin who follows that with "Though only briefly". 
The elven spy who is in charge of the infiltration squads here in the city of Tuledare, nods over to one such squad, who are standing near Dorc da Orc, and he says "He's the younger brother of the scout Garney". 
Dalinvardèl Tanith continues with "Jovan is his name if I recall" followed by "A cleric in the church of Kaēvin". 
The adjunct nods in agreement with the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, who is now a commander in the Armies of Farque. 
Tamric Drubine grunts, then he quietly says "Guess I better speak to him" followed by "And best we get going, we've got plenty more to do before the end of the day". 
The young field commander calls over the others in the group, and those of his staff who won't be dealing with the bureaucrats, here in the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Then the young noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin makes his way out of the large antechamber. 
Out in the hallway, he finds the young cleric waiting for him. The younger Garney sibling in still a teenager by the looks of it, only seventeen or so is what Tam guesses. 
The young cleric in the half plate armour, is accompanied by a small group from his church, the church of Kaēvin. 
"What can I do for you cleric Garney?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander as he looks at the teenager, who probably only left the Lands Farque a year or so ago. 
As all clerics and magic using priests and priestess from that nation are sent into exile at the age of sixteen. For obvious reasons, considering who rules the Lands Farque. 
Though such individuals are a rarity, as they've basically been bred out of the populace of said nation. 
And young Jovan Garney is one of just a handful of such, who has been sent into exile over the last dozen years or so. 
"Field commander Drubine" says Jovan Garney the cleric by way of greeting as he slightly bows to the young noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now one of the senior most officers in all the Armies of Farque. 
"It's concerning the safety of the populace here in the city" adds the powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin. 
Tamric Drubine is silent for a few moments as he looks at the teenage cleric who hails from the Lands Farque. 
Then the young field commander, who is only in his early twenties, nods then says "Very well". The overall commander of the city-state of Phamal's forces in the war against the city-state of Tuledare, continues with "Walk with me". Tam follows that with "Your people may follow behind my staff". 
Jovan Garney slightly bows to the young field commander again, then he says "Thank you field commander". 
The powerful young spellcaster in the church of Kaēvin informs his fellow church members to follow along behind the others. 
Then the fighting cleric in the half plate armour hurries to catch up to field commander Drubine who has already set off. 
Once they're out of the damaged hallway, and around the corner and into the next hallway, where Jovan Garney has caught up to Tamric Drubine. 
Does the powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin, explain to the field commander in the Armies of Farque, what's the problem in the city of Tuledare. 
For though it's fairly calm and quiet on the streets of the capital city, the cleric Garney doesn't believe it will be so for much longer. 
Tamric Drubine is quiet as heads back through the massive circular building that's the headquarters of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
As next to him, the teenager originally from the Lands Farque, explains to him what's the problem at the moment. Or what's more precisely, what the problem will soon be. 
And it's once they're in the long curving hallway that takes them back around to the front of the massive structure, that the young field commander finally speaks. 
After slightly raising a hand for the fighting cleric beside him to stop speaking, which he does. Tamric Drubine tells Jovan Garney "Not to worry cleric Garney" followed by "That's already been taken care of". 
The young field commander quickly explains that some of the Fifth Army of Farque will enter the city of Tuledare to make sure that order is maintained in the city of Tuledare. 
Relieved to hear that, the powerful young cleric says to the young noble originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin "Thank you field commander". 
Tam nods, then he asks the powerful practitioner of magic "So tell me, how did a young cleric from the Lands Farque end up here in the city of Tuledare". 
During the rest of the walk through, then out of the massive circular building that's the headquarters of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
The cleric Garney quickly explains to field commander Drubine how he came to be living and working in the city of Tuledare. 
Once they're outside again, where there's still a number of people from the various churches and temples of the city, along with the magic order of Tuledare, waiting on the steps. 
Does Jovan Garney fall silent. Not because of those on the massive steps in front of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
But because of what he sees that's in the square, just in front of the massive circular structure that houses the ruling council. 
It's a Krean scoutship, which is hovering just above the ground, and as they head down the steps after field commander Drubine quickly explains to those waiting outside, that the city-state of Tuledare has surrendered, and the war is over. 
That the powerful young spellcaster blinks in surprise when he spots what's just come up on deck of the mastless Krean warship. 
The cleric Garney has seen one before, it's a Farqian wardog, which flops down on the deck in front of the low wheelhouse, which is located at the stern of the airship. 
The powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin quickly senses the massive canine with a certain spell, and he slightly nods to himself when it's head lifts and it glances this way. 
Then thinking of something, Jovan Garney says to the overall commander of the Fifth Army of Farque "Excuse me field commander". 
And with a nod of his head towards the Krean scoutship and the massive animal on deck, that he knows isn't alive, the fighting cleric asks "Is my Lord here?". 
Seeing the cleric in the church of Kaēvin look at the Krean scoutship, and at Hammer the undead wardog who has come up on deck. 
Tamric Drubine briefly stops, then tells him "No, he's not here". The young field commander pauses for a moment or two, before he continues down the massive steps, as he does, Tam slightly winces then says "He's elsewhere" . . . . . .

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Soldier Of Gods 48.

The City Of Tuledare. 

"Come along" quietly says the young cleric Jovan Garney when he sees the last of those up ahead. Members of the infiltration squad led by his sister Maiya Garney. Round the corner and make their way into the next halfway. 
Here in the west side of the massive circular structure that's the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Not that there's any members of the ruling council present, here in their headquarters. As they've gone missing. 
And haven't been seen or heard of since the war between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal got underway. 
As they get to the corner, and look around into the next hallway, the experienced guardsman Oldham grimaces at what he sees. 
The powerful young cleric originally from the Lands Farque nods his head in agreement with the guardsman Oldham who says "Damn, what a mess". 
The powerful young cleric who hails from the Lands Farque, is pretty certain Dorc da Orc is the one who mostly took care of whoever it was down at the other end of the long hallway. 
At the moment some of field commander Tamric Drubine's staff are going through the dead, checking them. 
Whilst Jovan's sister Maiya, and her squad are standing near the open doorway at that end of the long hallway. 
The experienced guardsman Oldham steps back, as does the young cleric, and Oldham quietly asks "Should we wait father?". 
"Probably best if we do" is the quiet reply of Jovan Garney the cleric, who follows that with "Or at least until the last of them make their way out of the hallway". The experienced guardsman nods his head in agreement with that. 
Then the two of them, once again take a peek around the corner to see what's happening down at the other end of the long hallway. 
Maiya Garney the lead scout shakes her head as she looks down at one of the dead bodies. A man who is missing his head. 
The lead scout who commands one of the infiltration squads in the Fifth Army of Farque can't see the head anywhere. 
And suspects it's been totally obliterated by something that one of the spellcasters did. Or more likely something that the ork general, Dorc da Orc did. 
The lead scout nods her head, when one of field commander Drubine's staff members, an adjunct who was searching the bodies, says "Just mercs" followed by "Nothing special". 
He nods to the open doorway, and continues with "A few of them survived, the field commander has taken them for questioning". 
Maiya Garney the lead scout nods again, then she says to her squad "Come along" followed by "Let's go". 
The lead scout in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque leads her squad through the open doorway. 
The doors of which have been totally obliterated by the spellcasting that took place just a short time ago. 
It seems to be an antechamber of some kind, and the scout Garney sees a trio of the mercenaries, sitting up against one of the walls, guarded by a couple of field commander Drubine's personal guards. 
She sees Beldane the cleric has been speaking with them, and he's just gotten up from kneeling by the trio of captured mercenaries. 
And now makes his way over to where the young field commander Tamric Drubine is standing, talking to what looks like a couple of the local bureaucrats. 
Maiya Garney looks around and sees a number of open doors, for rooms and offices connected to the antechamber. Other local bureaucrats are standing at the open doorways, intently watching what's going on. 
The lead scout quietly says to sergeant Blufont "Looks like the field commander has made some progress" the attractive young woman continues with "Maybe one of this lot has got the authority to surrender". 
The experienced sergeant in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque nods in agreement with the young woman who commands their squad. 
"With none of the ruling council about, this could get messy in the future" quietly says sergeant Blufont, who follows that with "What's to stop them from turning up sometime later on, and kicking things off again?". 
The lead scout grunts when she hears that, as what the company sergeant is saying, could possibly come to fruition. 
"The Phamalians don't want to rule here" quietly says sergeant Blufont, who follows that with "They just want peace, and their fair share of the unruled lands between here and there". 
The scout Garney nods in agreement with that, then she along with the experienced sergeant, and the others of their squad. 
Step to the side, and out of the way, when the rest of field commander Drubine's staff, who were out in the long hallway, going over the dead bodies, make their way into the antechamber. 
Here on the west side of the massive circular building that houses the headquarters of the ruling council of the city-state. On what's a cold autumn morning here in the capital city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout nods towards another of the walls, where the ork general Dorc da Orc is sitting, chewing on something. 
Standing next to the large ork is the honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council, Shur Kee the monk and Zam the ex mercenary. 
While a disgruntled looking sir Percavelle Le Dic sits further down from the ork warleader, about thirty feet from the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who is his bitter rival. 
Meanwhile Saanea the witch, Beldane the cleric and the woman named Malisse are standing with field commander Drubine. 
There's no sign of the elven spy Dalinvardèl Tanith, who the scout Garney figures is going through the rooms attached to the antechamber they find themselves in. 
With a nod of her head to where they are, Maiya Garney quietly says to sergeant Blufont "Over there with the general and the councilor". 
The lead scout in one of the infiltration squads that were sent into the city of Tuledare before the attack upon the capital city actually got underway, continues with "I doubt the field commander wants us close" she then adds "Our best bet is with the general and the councilor". 
The experienced sergeant grunts in agreement then quietly says in a dry tone of voice "Though I doubt we'll get anything useful from the general". 
Maiya Garney can't help but briefly grin as she leads her squad over to where general Dorc da Orc and Shur Kee the monk are. 
Meanwhile out in the long hallway, at the other end from the doorway leading to the antechamber, Maiya Garney's younger brother Jovan Garney, a cleric in the church of Kaēvin quietly says "Come along then". 
After he sees the last of field commander Drubine's staff make their way through the large open doorway at the other end of the hallway, from where he is with a small group from his church. 
The experienced guardsman Oldham quietly says to the powerful young spellcaster "Not that I want to tell you what to do father". 
Father being the form of address for a cleric in the church of Kaēvin. Even though Jovan Garney is only seventeen years old. 
"But what exactly are you going to say to them?" quietly adds the experienced guardsman who has been in the church since he was a boy. 
"Just that there needs to be some order in the city" quietly says the powerful young practitioner of magic, who is already one of the more important members of his church, not just here in Tuledare. But right across the Southlands. 
"Things are fairly calm out on the streets at the moment" continues the fighting cleric who hails from the Lands Farque. 
"But we both know that will change fairly quickly with none of the city guards around" adds Jovan Garney, who has only been in the city-state of Tuledare for less than a month. 
Both the experienced guardsman Oldham and the younger one Sammit nod in agreement to that, as does the priestess Saleane, who is listening to the conversation between Jovan Garney and the guardsman Oldham. 
Then the powerful young cleric in the half plate armour sets off down the long hallway, with the small group from his church, following closely behind him. 
The cleric Garney hops over a fairly large hole in the floor, and as the others from his church follow him. 
The powerful young practitioner of magic wonders how they'll be received by those from his homeland, who are up ahead, through the open doorway that he is leading his fellow church members towards. 
By Kaēvin I hope this goes smoothly, Jovan Garney the cleric thinks to himself as he walks towards the antechamber that field commander Tamric Drubine and those with him, have gone into. 
Here in the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare, located in the center of the capital of the city-state . . . . . .