Tuesday 20 August 2024

Soldier Of Gods 48.

The City Of Tuledare. 

"Come along" quietly says the young cleric Jovan Garney when he sees the last of those up ahead. Members of the infiltration squad led by his sister Maiya Garney. Round the corner and make their way into the next halfway. 
Here in the west side of the massive circular structure that's the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Not that there's any members of the ruling council present, here in their headquarters. As they've gone missing. 
And haven't been seen or heard of since the war between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal got underway. 
As they get to the corner, and look around into the next hallway, the experienced guardsman Oldham grimaces at what he sees. 
The powerful young cleric originally from the Lands Farque nods his head in agreement with the guardsman Oldham who says "Damn, what a mess". 
The powerful young cleric who hails from the Lands Farque, is pretty certain Dorc da Orc is the one who mostly took care of whoever it was down at the other end of the long hallway. 
At the moment some of field commander Tamric Drubine's staff are going through the dead, checking them. 
Whilst Jovan's sister Maiya, and her squad are standing near the open doorway at that end of the long hallway. 
The experienced guardsman Oldham steps back, as does the young cleric, and Oldham quietly asks "Should we wait father?". 
"Probably best if we do" is the quiet reply of Jovan Garney the cleric, who follows that with "Or at least until the last of them make their way out of the hallway". The experienced guardsman nods his head in agreement with that. 
Then the two of them, once again take a peek around the corner to see what's happening down at the other end of the long hallway. 
Maiya Garney the lead scout shakes her head as she looks down at one of the dead bodies. A man who is missing his head. 
The lead scout who commands one of the infiltration squads in the Fifth Army of Farque can't see the head anywhere. 
And suspects it's been totally obliterated by something that one of the spellcasters did. Or more likely something that the ork general, Dorc da Orc did. 
The lead scout nods her head, when one of field commander Drubine's staff members, an adjunct who was searching the bodies, says "Just mercs" followed by "Nothing special". 
He nods to the open doorway, and continues with "A few of them survived, the field commander has taken them for questioning". 
Maiya Garney the lead scout nods again, then she says to her squad "Come along" followed by "Let's go". 
The lead scout in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque leads her squad through the open doorway. 
The doors of which have been totally obliterated by the spellcasting that took place just a short time ago. 
It seems to be an antechamber of some kind, and the scout Garney sees a trio of the mercenaries, sitting up against one of the walls, guarded by a couple of field commander Drubine's personal guards. 
She sees Beldane the cleric has been speaking with them, and he's just gotten up from kneeling by the trio of captured mercenaries. 
And now makes his way over to where the young field commander Tamric Drubine is standing, talking to what looks like a couple of the local bureaucrats. 
Maiya Garney looks around and sees a number of open doors, for rooms and offices connected to the antechamber. Other local bureaucrats are standing at the open doorways, intently watching what's going on. 
The lead scout quietly says to sergeant Blufont "Looks like the field commander has made some progress" the attractive young woman continues with "Maybe one of this lot has got the authority to surrender". 
The experienced sergeant in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque nods in agreement with the young woman who commands their squad. 
"With none of the ruling council about, this could get messy in the future" quietly says sergeant Blufont, who follows that with "What's to stop them from turning up sometime later on, and kicking things off again?". 
The lead scout grunts when she hears that, as what the company sergeant is saying, could possibly come to fruition. 
"The Phamalians don't want to rule here" quietly says sergeant Blufont, who follows that with "They just want peace, and their fair share of the unruled lands between here and there". 
The scout Garney nods in agreement with that, then she along with the experienced sergeant, and the others of their squad. 
Step to the side, and out of the way, when the rest of field commander Drubine's staff, who were out in the long hallway, going over the dead bodies, make their way into the antechamber. 
Here on the west side of the massive circular building that houses the headquarters of the ruling council of the city-state. On what's a cold autumn morning here in the capital city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout nods towards another of the walls, where the ork general Dorc da Orc is sitting, chewing on something. 
Standing next to the large ork is the honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council, Shur Kee the monk and Zam the ex mercenary. 
While a disgruntled looking sir Percavelle Le Dic sits further down from the ork warleader, about thirty feet from the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who is his bitter rival. 
Meanwhile Saanea the witch, Beldane the cleric and the woman named Malisse are standing with field commander Drubine. 
There's no sign of the elven spy Dalinvardèl Tanith, who the scout Garney figures is going through the rooms attached to the antechamber they find themselves in. 
With a nod of her head to where they are, Maiya Garney quietly says to sergeant Blufont "Over there with the general and the councilor". 
The lead scout in one of the infiltration squads that were sent into the city of Tuledare before the attack upon the capital city actually got underway, continues with "I doubt the field commander wants us close" she then adds "Our best bet is with the general and the councilor". 
The experienced sergeant grunts in agreement then quietly says in a dry tone of voice "Though I doubt we'll get anything useful from the general". 
Maiya Garney can't help but briefly grin as she leads her squad over to where general Dorc da Orc and Shur Kee the monk are. 
Meanwhile out in the long hallway, at the other end from the doorway leading to the antechamber, Maiya Garney's younger brother Jovan Garney, a cleric in the church of Kaēvin quietly says "Come along then". 
After he sees the last of field commander Drubine's staff make their way through the large open doorway at the other end of the hallway, from where he is with a small group from his church. 
The experienced guardsman Oldham quietly says to the powerful young spellcaster "Not that I want to tell you what to do father". 
Father being the form of address for a cleric in the church of Kaēvin. Even though Jovan Garney is only seventeen years old. 
"But what exactly are you going to say to them?" quietly adds the experienced guardsman who has been in the church since he was a boy. 
"Just that there needs to be some order in the city" quietly says the powerful young practitioner of magic, who is already one of the more important members of his church, not just here in Tuledare. But right across the Southlands. 
"Things are fairly calm out on the streets at the moment" continues the fighting cleric who hails from the Lands Farque. 
"But we both know that will change fairly quickly with none of the city guards around" adds Jovan Garney, who has only been in the city-state of Tuledare for less than a month. 
Both the experienced guardsman Oldham and the younger one Sammit nod in agreement to that, as does the priestess Saleane, who is listening to the conversation between Jovan Garney and the guardsman Oldham. 
Then the powerful young cleric in the half plate armour sets off down the long hallway, with the small group from his church, following closely behind him. 
The cleric Garney hops over a fairly large hole in the floor, and as the others from his church follow him. 
The powerful young practitioner of magic wonders how they'll be received by those from his homeland, who are up ahead, through the open doorway that he is leading his fellow church members towards. 
By Kaēvin I hope this goes smoothly, Jovan Garney the cleric thinks to himself as he walks towards the antechamber that field commander Tamric Drubine and those with him, have gone into. 
Here in the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare, located in the center of the capital of the city-state . . . . . .

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