Wednesday 20 September 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 36.

The Stone Hills. Winter...

"I don't know who's bloody worse" mutters the clan chief Baedin Kraelin "The knight" says old Tharlo, who then adds "Definitely the knight". Beside the old warrior Tharlo, Helnd nods his head in agreement, then he says "Though your cousin and his wife are close chief".
The clan chieftain grunts as they continue the march eastwards to the Omban clanhold.
The three of them are working their way up through the line of march, heading towards the front.
The clan chieftain is sick of walking near his cousin Barmil the delver, and Barmil's wife Fomar. Who are at the rear of the line. For obvious reasons, both are fat, and walk slowly compared to all the warriors.
Baedin Kraelin wants to be as far away from them as possible after spending all morning in their company.
Unfortunately far from them as possible in the line of march, is at the front. Where sir Percavelle Lé Dic walks with the clanless dwarves who follow him everywhere.
The dwarven clan chieftain who also happens to be a hammermaster, wonders how long it will be before the human knight annoys him once he's at the front of the line, he suspects it won't be long.
As he walks forward with Helnd and old Tharlo, the clan chief acknowledges the warriors who say his name, or call him chief as he passes. He does so with a nod of his head, or a quiet word, as they walk along a bare, rocky looking hilltop.
In the distance to the southeast, is the lonely mountain Išorkam Uñd.
They're heading further north of the isolated peak, into the heart of the Omban clanhold.
Baedin Kraelin is with three hundred of his clan's warriors, plus the clanless with sir Percavelle. They've been joined by a hundred warriors from clan Mard, whose clanhold they skirted the south of when they left the Kraelin clanhold after they finished pushing south to find any of the enemy who survived the battle of the redoubt a few weeks ago.
As the three of them walk forward, the dwarven hammermaster suddenly grins, old Tharlo seeing this, quietly asks his chieftain "Something funny chief?".
"Aye there is Tharlo my old friend" says the chief of clan Kraelin who continues with "Just thinking about that bloody madman and Fomar". Both Helnd and Tharlo grin too, with the old warrior chuckling as well.
Seems the she-dwarf Fomar is absolutely besotted to the large human knight, she thinks he's just the best. Much to the annoyance of her husband, the dwarven delver Barmil.
It doesn't help that the nobleman from south of the equator plays it up, being complementary to the she-dwarf, treating her like a lady of the court in his homeland of Druvic in the Southlands.
Though in the opinion of the clan chieftain, the large, heavily armoured knight is basically putting Fomar down the same time he compliments her.
He often refers to the only she-dwarf in the line of march, as my plump little sugar blossom. Her weight is often referred to in his compliments of her.
Baedin Kraelin almost burst out laughing when sir Percavelle addressed Fomar as his porky princess of the short folk.
Old Tharlo did burst out laughing at that, though he did so while he was hurrying away on some imagined task.
As for the she-dwarf herself, she's absolutely loving the attention from the human knight, who with the exception of herself, all the dwarves refer to him as the madman.
Not so much Barmil Kraelin, who with each passing day, dislikes the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che more and more. When before he was just indifferent to the heavily armoured knight from the Southlands.
The only saving grace the dwarven delver has, is that though his wife would like to be around the earl of Lé Dic all the time. They're just too fat and slow to keep up with the rear of the line of march. Let alone the front where sir Percavelle walks with the clanless.
The only time Baedin Kraelin gets any respite from either his cousin and wife, or the human knight. Is at times like now, where he's walking to and from either end of the line of march.
Or when he's stopped and giving orders for things to be done.
As they top the crest of the hill, and the strong wind buffets them for a bit this clear winter's day, before they start going down the northeast side of the rocky hill, that offers them a little bit of shelter from the wind.
He says to Tharlo and Helnd "Well at least they're good for something" the clan chieftain then adds "Even that she porker Fomar". For they know if the she-dwarf wasn't along, then Barmil wouldn't be with them.
And no matter how annoying the dwarven hammermaster finds his cousin the delver, he needs him along. As he's the most powerful spellcaster in the clan. And he's needed against the enemy, the Justifiers of Belinswae and their armies.
As they're going down the hill, the three of them who are walking quickly, get closer to the front of the line of march, as they do, the clan chieftain spots one of the forward scouts hurrying back uphill.
"Something's happened" quietly says the dwarven hammermaster "Aye chief" says Helnd, who along with old Tharlo, hurry down to the very front of the line of march.
"Make way!" calls out Helnd, warriors part for their chieftain, the clanless at the front of the line get out of the way too.
The Kraelin clan chieftain gestures to one side when the near breathless scout reaches them, the hammermaster, along with Helnd and old Tharlo move away with the scout.
"Take your time lad" says Baedin Kraelin, who then adds "Get your breath back". "Aye chief" says the scout, who takes a few moments to compose himself.
As he does the clan chieftain glances over at sir Percavelle Lé Dic who is standing off to one side as the line of march has come to a stop when the dwarven hammermaster tells Helnd to call a stop.
The clan chief sees that the human knight from south of the equator is watching with interest, even though he's unable to understand the dwarven language.
Seeing that the scout has got his breath back, Baedin Kraelin asks him "What is it lad?". "Chief it's the enemy" replies the scout, who waves down the hill, and to the next one along, that actually has trees on it, though the trees are all wind swept, not to mention short and scrubby.
"They be on the otherside of that hill there chief" says the scout "They're to the east, on a track heading north, about fifty of them, the other lads out front are watching them".
"Must be part of a larger force somewhere" quietly says the hammermaster Kraelin "Aye chief" says old Tharlo, who continues with "Must be sending out larger squads to find ways into the heart of the Omban clanhold".
"Aye" adds Helnd, while Baedin Kraelin looks up into the clear sky of the late morning, and says "Pass the word to keep a careful watch for any of those damn wyverns they fly" the clan chieftain then says to Helnd "Give the order for a quick march".
"Aye chief" says Helnd "Lead the way lad" says the dwarven hammermaster to the scout, who turns and starts off downhill as Helnd calls out to resume the march, this time quicker than they have been marching so far this morning.
As Baedin Kraelin and Tharlo hurry downhill after the scout, the old warrior asks his chieftain "What be your plan chief?".
Just then, the dwarven hammermaster's plan goes striding by them. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic with his much longer stride, and his complete disregard for his own safety. Runs down the rocky hill at a breakneck pace. Only slowing down when he gets right behind the scout who is leading the way.
"Well we've got a madman" says the Kraelin clan chief, who continues with "He can lead the attack against them" the dwarven hammermaster then adds "We've got to wipe them out, and not let any of them get away and return to their army with word about us".
Old Tharlo nods his head in agreement, as what his chieftain has said is the prudent thing to do. And the fact that they can't let the enemy further into the Omban clanhold. As they've come this way, west of Išorkam Uñd, which is a stronghold in the lands of clan Omban.
It's just after midday when they get amongst the short, scrubby, wind swept trees on the next hill along.
They join a few of the other scouts, and they spot the enemy on a track about quarter of a mile away to the east.
One of the forward scouts informs his clan chief that the squad of enemy guards have just had a stop for the midday meal, and now they're on the move again.
The Justifiers guards are all on foot, which is the prudent thing to do. As footing here, even on a trail, is dangerous for mounts. Mountain ponies might be able to deal with the terrain in this part of the Stone Hills. But not the horses that some of the Justifiers guards from Belinswae ride.
Baedin Kraelin glances over at sir Percavelle, who he's persuaded to get low and get out of sight, and stay here amongst the short, scrubby trees. And not run off and attack the enemy all by himself.
The Kraelin clan chieftain wants the heavily armoured knight to lead the attack against the squad of Justifiers guards, just not before the dwarven hammermaster observes the enemy for a bit.
Baedin Kraelin is just about to tell Helnd to pick out some of the warriors to accompany sir Percavelle and the clanless who fight alongside him. When he frowns as he notices something.
The clan chief who is crouching down beside a tree that's almost bent over to one side, quietly says "Wait a moment". Old Tharlo looks at the hammermaster and quietly asks him "What is it chief?".
"They're not foot soldiers" quietly says the clan chieftain who then adds "They're wearing long cloaks and high boots". "Their armour is light too" adds Helnd who notices something else, then says "Those with shields, have got the small, round ones".
The Justifiers guards they've faced who have actually had shields, have either had the larger round ones, or the rectangular long shields. Then it's only the better equipped, experienced guards who do so. Not those who have been pressed into service.
"Their weapons look pretty good" murmurs old Tharlo, who then adds "Well kept and maintained" Baedin Kraelin nods his head, then realises something.
"They be fliers" says the Kraelin clan chief, he continues with "They've most likely been dropped off somewhere to the south, and told to head further north into the Omban clanhold".
He looks away to the south, across the hills and at the mountains, then he quietly says to Helnd and old Tharlo "What's a bet they're being watched?".
"You think?" says Helnd as he and old Tharlo look south, trying to locate any hidden wyverns that are on the ground. "I do" says the clan chieftain, who continues with "If they got one of those eyepieces that humans need to see long distances, or a spellcrafter about, they will definitely be observing this lot".
"A trap?" asks old Tharlo, who continues with "To draw us or any of the Omban lads out?". "Could very well be" says Baedin Kraelin, who then tells Helnd "Spread the word, have everyone look for any those beasties that are grounded" he pauses for a moment as he thinks about something, then he adds "And have that lump of a cousin of mine get up here".
"Aye chief" says the warrior Helnd, and as he moves off, the clan chieftain says in the common language "Percy lad, come over here". The heavily armoured knight mutters to himself as he basically has to crawl to keep low, as he makes his way over to where Baedin Kraelin and old Tharlo are. The clanless warriors Marl and Lommy follow him.
Sitting down next to the Kraelin clan chief, sir Percavelle Lé Dic lifts up the visor of his full helm and says "Pray tell what are we waiting for" the heavily armoured knight from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands adds "Myself and just a few of you short fellows should be able to deal with this rabble down yonder".
"No doubt" dryly murmurs old Tharlo in dwarven, Baedin Kraelin says to the human knight "Notice anything about these guards Percy?" followed by "Look at them closely".
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che frowns, then squints as he looks to where the enemy are in the distance. And after a moment, he says "Hmmm these villains don't seem to be foot soldiers, have the look of light calvary to me".
"Aye they're riders alright" says the dwarven hammermaster Baedin Kraelin, who continues with "But they don't ride horses, they ride those wyvern beasties".
The earl of Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic, looks up into the sky, then at the surrounding hills and mountains, especially to the south. He then says "Do you see any of those foul creatures about?" the human knight from south of the equator then adds "Me thinks this could be a trap to lure you short fellows out".
Baedin Kraelin knows that for all that sir Percavelle is a foolhardy idiot. He is extremely smart when it comes to battle and tactics. And is quick to perceive what's happening. Though this still won't stop him from doing something completely dangerous.
"Aye you got the right of it Percy lad" says the clan chieftain who then adds "It could very well be a trap" he gestures towards the Justifiers guards and adds "They're not exactly walking fast for all that they're in enemy territory" the heavily armoured knight nods in agreement.
Just then Helnd returns, followed by Barmil Kraelin, the dwarven delver is breathing heavily as he trudges towards his cousin Baedin.
"My stout friend, you look a bit lost for breath there" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic to the dwarven spellcaster, the Southlander continues with "One suggests one should shed a few pounds, then one wouldn't wheeze and whistle like a faulty bellows so much".
After insulting the dwarven delver, the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che grins as he adds "Now where is that lovely, but oh so stout maiden who you're married to" sir Percavelle with the grin wide upon his face, adds "She's as beautiful as she is wide, and she is very beautiful after all".
The delver directs a sour look at the human knight, then Barmil Kraelin asks his cousin Baedin in dwarven  "What's happening?". The clan chieftain waves in the direction of the enemy, and explains to him what's happening, and what he thinks.
The dwarven spellcaster nods in understanding, then he looks around at the nearby hills and mountains, looking further away as he casts a spell.
"They're being watched" says Barmil Kraelin, who points to the south and east, and adds "Up that mountain, there's a cave, a pair of wyverns are there with their lead riders and others" he points to a hilltop to the left of that mountain and continues with "There's a spellcaster on the otherside of that hill, must be with another wyvern or wyverns".
"A Justifier?" asks the older of the two cousins "Don't think so, they tend to be more powerful" replies Barmil Kraelin, who then adds "A hedge wizard, or an apprentice sorcerer most like".
"A trap then" quietly says Baedin Kraelin "Aye cousin" is what the dwarven delver tells him, he continues with "We haven't been spotted yet, this tree cover is keeping us out of sight for the moment". The clan chieftain is silent for a few moments, then he says "Ah well, might as well set off this trap like".
Then he tells both his cousin Barmil, and the warrior Helnd what he wants done.
As Helnd moves off to give out orders, the dwarven hammermaster switches to the common language and says to the heavily armoured knight sitting close by "Percy lad, there's something i want you to do". "Oh?" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic "I want you to attack that lot down there" says Baedin Kraelin who then adds "Though after i have some of the lads do so".
The Kraelin clan chieftain says "This is how i want it done" the hammermaster Kraelin then explains his plan for attacking the squad of fifty or so Justifiers guards just a quarter mile to the east of them . . . . . .

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