Wednesday 27 September 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 41.

Belinswae. Winter...

As Mira Reinholt the mage hands his bow and quiver to Shur Kee the monk. The dwarven warrior Ompal quietly asks the once powerful mage "Mage lad, you'd really be a swordmaster ain't you?".
"Of course i am" says Mira Reinholt the mage as he looks down at Ompal and Garkil, both of whom have seen the Vexilian mage in exile blow up plenty of things and people. But they've never actually seen him use his sword. Or his case, two swords.
"That's good to know" murmurs Ompal, who then looks over to where swordmaster Varl is standing near the tree that a crowd of dwarven warriors is gathering near.
"Better use this one" quietly says the highly skilled swordmaster from the Southlands as he glances down at the blade on his left hip.
The mage Reinholt takes the double bladed sword strapped across his back, and gives that to the acolyte in the order of Bru Li as well.
"Wouldn't be fair if i used that, right Shur Kee?" quietly says the spellcaster from south of the equator with a nod of his hooded head indicating the unique looking, air elemental designed sword he's just handed to the short statured monk.
"No it would not be fair" quietly says Shur Kee the monk who faintly similes. Then the once powerful mage takes off his long, winter cloak, folds it up, and hands it to Ompal.
The mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil, draws the sword from the scabbard on his left hip. He briefly looks along the black blade, that was scorched by dragon fire in the summertime.
The highly skilled swordmaster from south of the equator, then steps forward towards the large tree, and the waiting dwarven swordmaster, Varl.
"No killing blows?" says Mira Reinholt "Aye no killing blows" says the dwarven swordmaster Varl as they stand about a dozen paces apart, looking at one another.
There's silence from the gathered war party, the only sound is the wind through the nearby trees. And from the burning buildings in the village about fifty yards away.
"Ready?" asks the mage Reinholt, who says that in the dwarven language as that's a word he knows "Aye ready" replies Varl in the same language.
They move, with the spellcaster from south of the equator, circling away to his right, away from the tree. The Vexilian mage in exile wants better footing beneath him. To where the ground is flatter. He also doesn't want to trip on a hidden root near the large tree.
The dwarven swordmaster, who is the second of the Galve clan chieftain has the same idea. And he moves away to his left.
Varl who has his sword pointed down towards the ground, at an angle out and to his right side. Narrows his eyelids as he watches the human from the Southlands.
He sees that the mage Reinholt, has his sword pointed down towards the ground too. Though his sword, that has a curious blade that's entirely black, is more straight down infront of him that out to any side.
The dwarven swordmaster who is watching both the blade of the human swordmaster, as well as his foot movement.
Sees that indeed he is facing a formidable opponent. As his movements are assured, and his sword is steady in his hand.
Mira Reinholt knows he has the advantage of reach, being taller and having a longer weapon. Also figures he's probably quicker than the shorter dwarf.
But the once powerful mage knows that like all dwarves, Varl is stronger than he looks. And that the shorter broadsword he wields, will be heavy against his own blade.
The exiled Vexilian mage is just glad that the black bladed weapon that he wields. Is basically indestructible thanks to it being in the fire of a dragon during the summer. Infact it killed that dragon, when lord Farque briefly used it.
The mage Reinholt knows it won't be the blade that fails him. It will only be him, and him alone. Who'll lose this duel with Varl if he's not careful.
The spellcaster from south of the equator who is wearing hardened leather armour, knows that if hit, he's more likely to get badly injured compared to the dwarven swordmaster, who is wearing a mix of ringmail, chainmail, and leather armour.
Mira Reinholt stops moving, as does Varl, the two are facing one another. The dwarf at just a little over four and half foot tall, is almost a foot and half shorter than the human in the black leather armour.
They stare at one another, both unwilling to make the first move. Then as a restless murmur starts to build up amongst the watching war party.
Mira Reinholt grins, and a grin splits the bearded face of Varl. Then the two swordmasters move at the exact same time, towards one another, swinging their blades as they do so.
Shur Kee the monk closes his eyes. As he does he hears the weapons of the two combatants come together. It won't be the last time the longsword of Mira Reinholt connects with the broadsword swung by Varl.
With his eyes closed, the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, silently prays to the Jade Warrior that both swordmasters come out of this alive. Though he must admit, he would like to see his friend, the mage Reinholt come out of this, not just alive, but also victorious.
For Shur Kee knows that a lot is riding on this. Not just the respect of Varl towards the Vexilian mage in exile.
But also that the entire war party has to understand that it's the human swordmaster, and the tactics and decisions that he comes up with, that they must follow without question. Even though he's not the leader in name.
The monk, who is rather short for an adult human, though he's average height amongst the local populace here in Belinswae.
Listens to the exertions of the two combatants, and their weapons clanging, and sliding against one another when they connect.
It's easier to do so, as the gathered war party have hushed, and are watching in rapt silence.
Next to the monk from the far eastern coast of the continent. The two dwarves Ompal and Garkil share a look. Both lifting their eyebrows in surprise. For that they see that Mira Reinholt, though a mage, is indeed a swordmaster, and a highly skilled one at that.
They watch, as the spellcaster from south of the equator. Is quicker than swordmaster Varl. Though the strikes of the dwarven swordmaster are heavier.
With the mage Reinholt often taking his sword in both hands, as he parry's away the broadsword of the much shorter dwarven swordmaster.
Ompal then Garkil glance sideways at the one they call brother, the monk named Shur Kee. Who stands there with eyes closed, not watching the duel between the two swordmasters, but listening to it.
Ompal looks at Garkil, who slightly shrugs his shoulders. Then the two dwarven warriors who have been with the mage Reinholt since he first came to the Galve clanhold. Go back to watching the duel between the human and dwarven swordmasters.
Young Tarong eyebrows rise up in alarm, for though the swordmasters agreed on no killing blows. They're not exactly holding back, and any significant strike they might land, will cause serious injury.
Tarong who is standing amongst some of the war party who left clan Galve last, and brought Shur Kee the monk south into Belinswae with them.
Looks at old Kalend standing beside him, and gives him a nudge with his elbow, and nods towards the two combatants who are doing their best to maim one another.
The old warrior who taught clan chief Lomi Galve the hammer and axe. Nods in understanding as he watches the two swordmasters try to do their best land a disabling blow on one another.
There's a cut down the left arm of Mira Reinholt, the leather armour has been split, and he's bleeding from the upper part of the arm.
He's just glad that cut wasn't on the lower part of the arm. As that's his automaton arm, and it would be hard to explain that while it looks like it's been cut, it probably wouldn't be bleeding.
He wonders if the permanent Greater Illusion spell cast by Helbe the elven thief, that's been locked to the lower part of his left arm, would actually bleed.
Finding out in the middle of a duel where a dwarven swordmaster is trying to cause him serious harm, isn't exactly the best time to find out.
As for swordmaster Varl, there's a cut across his forehead, that has blood running down the right side of his face, some of it getting in his right eye.
It was caused by his own blade, that he just got up in time, to parry a double handed blow from his human opponent. Which forced his broadsword back, with the edge coming back and cutting his own forehead open.
Though the duel between the two swordmasters seems evenly matched as they swing their swords at one another. Blocking and parrying one another's blades.
One of them has a slight advantage. And that's the spellcaster from south of the equator.
For though Varl has fought humans recently with the Justifier's guards who have invaded the Stone Hills. It's his first time at fighting humans in nearly two centuries.
While for the highly skilled swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands, he has fought numerous dwarves over the last sixteen years since he first started learning the sword at the age of fourteen.
In both battle, and in duels. So he's familiar with fighting much shorter dwarves. While for swordmaster Varl, this is the first serious human opponent he's faced since he was a youngster.
And besides, the slight advantage the mage Reinholt has had. Has been helped that he's sparred against two people who have taught him numerous techniques is fighting shorter opponents such as dwarves.
They being lord Farque and Dorc da Orc.
The once powerful mage who truth be told, knows he could of made things easier on himself if he used his double bladed sword, instead of the sword with the black blade.
Isn't adverse to fighting dirty in duels, infact it's pretty much the only way you can survive training against Dorc da Orc, who doesn't really spar against you, he's actually trying to kill you.
Mira Reinholt steps in close to the shorter Varl, who has the advantage when the two of them get close.
That doesn't concern the mage Reinholt, who doesn't swing his sword, instead he punches with the hilt of the black bladed sword, catching the dwarven swordmaster in the face.
Varl staggers back with a bloody nose, and his eyes watering. He just gets his broadsword up, and it's hit by a powerful double handed swing by his human opponent.
The dwarven swordmaster's weapon goes flying from his hands. And Mira Reinholt swings his longsword again. Turning it at the last instant. The flat of the blade whacks Varl on the right arm.
The dwarven warrior drops to his knees, groaning in pain with a broken right arm. He briefly closes his eyes, then quickly opens them and looks up as he feels the point of the human swordmaster's blade at his throat.
"Are we done?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage as he looks down at the dwarven swordmaster who is on his knees, clutching his broken right arm with his left hand.
Varl who grimaces in pain, is silent for a few moments, finally nods his head, then says "Aye, we're done".
The highly skilled swordmaster from south of the equator nods his head, then takes the point of his sword away from the throat of the dwarven warrior who is the second of the Galve clan chief.
"Good" says the once powerful mage who returns the sword with the black blade to it's scabbard, then the swordmaster Reinholt, leans down, touches the broken right arm of the dwarven swordmaster and heals it with a spell.
Varl, who feels slightly tired, moves his arm that a moment ago was broken, then he looks up at the human swordmaster standing over him, who tells him "Have the war party ready to depart".
Mira Reinholt turns and walks away saying "We're done here". Meaning both the destruction of the village, and any future questioning of his tactics and decisions from now on . . . . . .

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