Tuesday 26 September 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 40.

Belinswae. Winter...

"What are we supposed to do now?" demands the villager "Leave and head south" replies Mira Reinholt the mage, who looks at the group of villagers on the dirt road, just outside the place they call home, which is being put to the torch behind the Vexilian mage in exile.
"I'd head down the coast as far as Falnic" says the once powerful mage "Then what?" says the villager who has come forward as the spokesman for the others "Tell them that a bunch of dwarves have come south into Belinswae, destroying everything in their path" replies the mage Reinholt, who gestures to the village behind him.
Just then, another of the houses goes up in flames when a couple of the dwarven warriors find a cask of lamp oil, and smash it open, then throw it along with a burning torch into that house.
"Which you can see is happening" says the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands, who continues with "And which is happening because your Justifiers have invaded their clanholds in the Stone Hills".
The villager looks bitterly at what's happening to his and the others homes, and the mage, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster, steps closer to him, and quietly says "Be glad you and the others are still alive" Mira Reinholt adds "If this was a human army that came marauding through your homeland, you'd be dead, and your women would be raped".
The villager, a man in his forties, short like most people living in Belinswae, looks up at the taller Southlander, then slowly nods his head in understanding.
Then he turns and makes his way back to where the other villagers are on the dirt road.
After he has a few quiet words with them, they get underway, heading south on the road. Taking what little possessions they could gather and put in their carts and wagons before being forced from their homes. Most are on foot as they walk into the teeth of the wind that's blowing in from the coast just a few miles to the west, on what's a fairly cloudy winter's day here in the northwest part of Belinswae.
The exiled Vexilian mage looks at a child wrapped up in a ragged cloak, sitting on the back of a cart, looking forlornly at the only home he's ever known going up in flames.
Then the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, to be found anywhere in the Southlands, turns around and walks away.
Mira Reinholt eventually stops next to a building that's yet to be put to the torch. It's the local chandlerly and store. That some of the dwarven warriors are taking anything of worth from. Mostly food supplies and equipment they can use.
The highly skilled swordmaster looks down at the two dead bodies, villagers who thought they would rather fight they see their homes destroyed.
Shur Kee the monk is standing over them, quietly chanting a prayer for the dead in the language of his homeland, the kingdom of Wah Lee, which lies far to the east, on the other coast of the continent, nearly ten thousand miles away.
The mage Reinholt looks to his right, where the warriors Ompal and Garkil come and stand next to him. "Some people will always fight, even when given the chance to leave free with their lives" quietly says Ompal "Aye, that's the truth" says Garkil, who looks at the dead villagers, two of five who tried to defend their homes, and were killed for their efforts "Poor dumb bastards" adds Garkil in a murmur, as he shakes his head.
As the three of them watch as the short statured monk in the odd looking, conical shaped hat continues to chant, the warrior Ompal clears his throat, then quietly says "Mage there be something me and the other lads be wanting to say".
The exiled Vexilian mage who knows Ompal is referring to the original war party he's been with since first pushing into northern Belinswae. Has been expecting this for the past week as they've headed further south into Belinswae.
Infact he was expecting it a lot earlier, not now when they're almost into the central coastal area of the region that's ruled by the Justifiers.
"It's just that" says Ompal, who struggles for a moment at what to say, and finally breathes a sigh of relief, when the mage Reinholt tells him "Go ahead Omp, I've got a feeling i know what you're going to say" the Vexilian mage in exile then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "I am a spellcaster after all".
Ompal, who along with Garkil, led the war party that the Southlander was originally with, grins, then says "Aye that you are, ain't no one doubts that" then after clearing his throat again, the dwarven warrior adds "It's just that swordmaster Varl is chief Lomi's second" he briefly pauses then adds "And we've got to respect that".
"Aye mage" says Garkil, who looks down at his heavy boots, before he adds "Though Omp and myself, and the rest of lads who were with us from the start when we came south, would rather be still at your side, than be with this lot".
Mira Reinholt, who has the hood of his cloak off his head, lifts it up and covers his head, then nods as he says "I know, and i thank you for it". Nearby, Shur Kee the monk falls silent after coming to the end of his chant, he remains where he is as he looks over at the Southlander and the two dwarves.
The once powerful mage then says to Ompal and Garkil "I know you're only doing what's best for you and the others".
The highly skilled swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil knows that over the past week, they along with the original war party he's been with. Have been pressured by the larger war party that swordmaster Varl is in command of. Infact the dwarven swordmaster is command of all of them, even though they're doing what the mage Reinholt says.
They've been pressured not to be the human spellcaster's personal attack force. And that they're to join in with the rest of the larger war party from clan Galve who have pushed deep into the region of Belinswae.
Surprisingly, the third war party. Those led by young Tarong and old Kalend. Who brought Shur Kee south with them from the Galve clanhold.
Have remained silent on the matter.
Mira Reinholt wanting to know his standing amongst the entire war party of well over two hundred warriors. Isn't beyond some snooping, so to speak.
As he's cast a few spells here and there to see what's being said about him, and to find out the thoughts of various dwarves.
He knows that Ompal and Garkil, and the rest of his original war party, would like things to remain as they are. With them at his beck and call, carrying out his orders without having to go through swordmaster Varl.
As for the dwarven swordmaster and his war party. Most of the warriors amongst them couldn't care less that they're actually following the orders of the human spellcaster.
Not so Varl himself, who is more than displeased that they're actually carrying out the mage Reinholt's tactics. Whose idea it was to push south into the region of Belinswae. Well to be exact, they're orders from lord Farque. Who has told the once powerful mage what he wants done. And to extrapolate upon them as he sees fit.
As for the third group amongst the larger war party. Those led by Tarong and old Tharlo, they're pretty indifferent to the whole situation. Though they, especially Tarong and Tharlo, respect the decisions of the monk Shur Kee. Who unquestionably follows the lead of the exiled Vexilian mage.
Mira Reinholt who through spellcraft has found out why the dwarven swordmaster Varl doesn't like what's going on, says to Ompal and Garkil "Say, there's something you can help me out with" they look up at him expectantly, and he asks them "How good of swordmaster is Varl anyway?".
The once powerful mage has learnt that Varl doesn't like the fact, that he, the mage Reinholt is a swordmaster too.
After glancing at one another, Ompal says to the human in the black hooded cloak "He be pretty damn good". "Aye, best one in the entire Stone Hills" adds Garkil, who continues on in a slightly dry tone with "He be the only one in the Stone Hills as well". As dwarven warriors favour the axe and hammer, or even a mallet, less so a mace, over a sword. Though they all have knives and daggers they use in combat too. They're only back up weapons. For using a blade as a primary weapon, such as a sword. Isn't exactly frowned upon, but it's also not encouraged.
"Well, why don't we go and find out" quietly says Mira Reinholt, as the chandlerly nearby, is set alight by a few of the warriors.
Garkil and Ompal look at one another, then look at the human they've been following since he arrived in their clanhold "Aye let's" says Ompal, who Garkil nods in agreement with.
The three of them walk off, followed by Shur Kee the monk. Who expected something like this would happen.
The acolyte in the order of Bru Li who is a good judge of character. Has noticed over the past week, the resentment from the dwarven swordmaster Varl towards the mage Reinholt.
The Galve clan chieftain's second has questioned every decision the once powerful mage has made. Always doubting the tactics of the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil.
Who has brought them south into Belinswae with minimal losses and casualties, as they've destroyed villages, hamlets and towns, sending the populace they come across, fleeing southwards.
Facing little resistance from Justifier's guards, due to most of them being involved with the invasion of the Stone Hills.
Mira Reinholt glances back at Shur Kee as he thinks about something, the once powerful mage gestures the acolyte in the order of Bru Li forward.
"I might need your help with something Shur Kee" quietly says the exiled Vexilian mage as they head around the village that's being put to the torch.
"Of course friend Mira" says Shur Kee the monk as he walks alongside his travelling companion, the two dwarves, Ompal and Garkil who are on the otherside of the mage Reinholt pay attention to what the two humans are saying.
"What will you be needing?" asks the monk who is relatively short for a human, he could pass for a local if wasn't for his strange attire that he wears under his light coloured, wooly winter cloak, not to mention the odd shaped hat on his head.
"Just tell the truth Shur Kee, that's all" quietly says the spellcaster who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster "Of course, as i always do" says the physical adept, who still wears his sandals, even though it's a cold winter's day.
The once powerful mage smiles, as that was the answer he was hoping for, then the spellcaster from south of the equator murmurs in the elven language "Now which one do i use?" as he puts a gloved hand on the hilt of the sword at his hip.
They make their way to where most of the warriors are waiting as the others burn the last of the buildings in the village. The mage Reinholt leads Shur Kee, Ompal and Garkil towards a large tree that a number of the war party are beneath, quietly talking amongst themselves.
The Vexilian mage in exile walks straight towards swordmaster Varl who is chatting with a couple of others. It's obvious where the human spellcaster is heading, and the dwarves in his path, are quick to get out of his way.
As everyone in the entire war party from the Galve clan who have pushed deep into Belinswae, almost to the central area of the region ruled by the Justifiers, know that there's tension between the two swordmasters, one human and the other dwarven.
Mira Reinholt, never one to beat around the bush, and always to the point, stops right infront of the dwarven swordmaster, standing so close that Varl, who stops in mid sentence what he was talking about to the other two warriors. Has to take a step back, and look up at the Southlander who looks down at him.
"There's something we need to do" says the mage who is in exile from his homeland the city-state of Vexil "Oh?" says swordmaster Varl, who with a raised eyebrow, asks "And what's that mage?". The dwarven swordmaster doesn't say the word mage with scorn, but he also didn't say it with much respect either "Draw that sword of yours and find out" quietly says Mira Reinholt.
The dwarves gathered on this side of the village were quiet when they saw the human spellcaster walk up to swordmaster Varl, now they've all gone silent.
The only sounds come from the wind that's blowing through the nearby trees, and the noise of the burning buildings in the village that's being put to the torch.
Then eventually the the dwarven swordmaster breaks the silence by saying "And why would i do that?" he then adds "Mage" this time with hardly any respect in saying it.
"You know exactly why" quietly says the mage Reinholt, who then takes a few steps back, before he continues with "Shorty". Obviously an insult, as it's intended to be.
Varl scowls, as does quite a few of the other dwarves, mainly from the larger war party that the dwarven swordmaster led before they joined up with the others from clan Galve.
"Well?" says the spellcaster from the Southlands, who continues with "Are you just going to stand there like an idiot, or are you going to draw that blade of yours?".
Varl puts a hand on the pommel of his sword, and is about to take a step forward as he knows what the human in the black hooded cloak wants. When he stops and frowns, then he says "Aye, you'd like that wouldn't you" the dwarven swordmaster then adds "How will i know if this is fair like?" he then says in a slightly disparaging tone "You do be a mage, who can use spells to his advantage".
"I won't" says Mira Reinholt, who nods his hooded head to where Shur Kee stands nearby with Ompal and Garkil, and he adds "The monk Shur Kee he will know if i cast or not".
"That's rather convenient" says the dwarven warrior who is the second to the Galve clan chief, Lomi Galve "He's a human, who happens to be your friend" adds the dwarven swordmaster.
"This may be so" says Shur Kee who speaks up, the short statured monk continues with "But friend Mira speaks the truth swordmaster Varl, i will know if he casts or not, and i shall speak up about it if he does".
"Can't very well trust either of them" loudly mutters the dwarven swordmaster in his own language, which Mira Reinholt is slowly learning, but only knows basic phrases. While Shur Kee has no idea about the dwarven language.
After a few moments of silence, a voice says in the common language "Varl you can trust brother Shur Kee to do what he says". It's old Tharlo, who has made his way over to the large tree with Tarong and a few others in the war party who brought the acolyte in the order of Bru Li south with them from the Galve clanhold.
"He speaks the truth" says old Tharlo who then adds "And i trust him" beside him, the young warrior Tarong nods his head in agreement.
Swordmaster Varl might be clan chief Lomi's second, and his best friend. But old Tharlo is the one who taught their clan chief the hammer and the axe. Who still calls their clan chieftain lad, and on occasion, idiot. Infront of others too, knowing he'll face no repercussions.
Swordmaster Varl slowly nods, then he looks at the human spellcaster and says "Very well" then he draws his sword from it's scabbard, and he adds "Let's do this".
"Yes, let's" says Mira Reinholt with a nod of his hooded head . . . . . .

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