Tuesday 31 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 59.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

"What the hell?" mutters Justifier Sammacin after he and his guards appear on the east wall of the city of Falnic.
"Down!" shouts a sharp eyed guard who grabs the young wizard and pulls him down. Just in time too, as an arrow passes overhead. One of the other guards isn't as lucky, as he's skewered by a yard long shaft that's shot from outside the city.
"Elves!" shouts another of the guards, who lying there on top of the wall, is looking down at the street below. Where he sees other Justifier's guards fighting elven soldiers who have entered the city.
Justifier Sammacin who has a fair idea whose elven soldiers they are, mutters "Damn you Kaellin, what have you done?" as he looks down at the street below.
And in the flickering light of a nearby building that's been blown up, and is burning, he sees the shorter figures of the human guards, fighting the taller figures of the elves from Maladimbáh, who the young wizard correctly guesses, are soldiers in the army of lord Walashàele.
"Sir across the way there" says the guard who hauled Justifier Sammacin down, the wizard who is the youngest Justifier in all of Belinswae, looks to where the guard is pointing.
The wizard spots a group of Justifier's guards carrying away the unconscious figure of the witch Lovis.
Sammacin knows that she's only unconscious and not dead, for the simple fact that he can still sense his fellow Justifier.
"There's an elven magic user around" says the wizard Sammacin who holds his power within himself so as not to give himself away "Keep an eye out, and be careful" adds the young Justifier, who nods to a nearby set of steps that go down off the top of the wall, and says "Head down, and we'll see what we can do to help out the others".
In a building opposite the east wall of the city, not far from the destroyed sally port that's still being held by elven soldiers and mercenaries from the principality of Maladimbáh.
The elven noble Galacithàné Walashàele looks out of a second storey window, and murmurs "Now where have you got to?" as he sensed another of the local spellcasters, a Justifier by the power he felt, turn up in the area, then suddenly disappear.
He knows the Justifier is holding his or her power within themselves, as they didn't teleport away.
The younger cousin of lord Walashàele who can hear fighting within the building he's in, senses the other spellcaster, who he attack, when he blew up a building down the street, is moving away.
The elven noble guesses that she must be unconscious, for over the centuries he's been able to spellcast. He's learnt to distinguish the difference between when a practitioner of magic is awake and active, or sleeping, or if they're knocked out. All three feel different to him when he senses another spellcaster.
"Sir down the street, to the south along the wall" quietly says one of the two members of his cousin's personal guard who is with him "Coming down a set of steps" adds the guard who continues with "Those guards are in different uniforms".
Galacithàné Walashàele looks southwards down the street that slightly turns to the south as the wall slightly curves inwards as it heads in that direction.
The elven noble spots the Justifiers guards pointed out by the member of his cousin's personal guard, and sees that indeed they are in different tunics than the defenders on the east wall that the elven soldiers in his cousin's army, and the elven mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh are fighting.
The elven magic user slightly frowns when the guard beside him quietly says "Third one from the front, the one in the long cloak, he's not wearing armour, and he's got no weapons beneath that cloak".
The younger cousin of lord Walashàele can't tell that, but he takes the guard's word for it.
"Spellcaster?" murmurs Galacithàné Walashàele, who then says "Spellcaster" when a gust of cold air sends that particular individual's cloak flapping, and he spots what looks like to be robes underneath.
Figuring that it must the Justifier he sensed turn up a little while ago, who must be either a sorcerer or a wizard.
The elven spellcaster has to make a decision. For he's been ordered by the human mercenary, who along with that large green fellow has hired his cousin's army to attack the city of Falnic. The two who have devised and planned the attack.
That there's one Justifier of Falnic who must not be attacked no matter what. A young wizard by the name of Sammacin. For what reason, he has no idea. But it's an order from those two that must be obeyed.
He looks fairly young, Galacithàné Walashàele thinks to himself as he watches the Justifier and his guards come down off the steps, and head in this direction, towards the main gates in the east wall, and a bit further along from that, the destroyed sally port, where soldiers and mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh, continue to enter the city.
"Might as well find out" mutters the elven noble, who then reads the mind of the local spellcaster to see who he is. The elven magic user sourly smiles then mutters "Damn it".
"Sir?" asks the guard next to lord Walashàele's younger cousin "Nothing" says the elven spellcaster, who lets out a loud breath, then mutters in the noble elven language "They said don't kill him, they didn't say anything about not taking him out".
Then Galacithàné Walashàele casts a fairly powerful mind stun spell upon the young Justifier by the name of Sammacin. He slightly grins as the wizard drops as if pole axed.
The elven noble and the two members of lord Walashàele's personal guards with him, watch as a number of Justifier Sammacin's guards pick him up, and carry him away, off the street, away from the fighting around and near the main east gates of Falnic, and the destroyed sally port a bit further along from it.
As the unconscious wizard Sammacin is carried away, a bracelet he wears on his right wrist starts to glow. One of his guards carrying him across the street to a side street, notices it, but doesn't say anything.
The next instant, a bright white light forms from the bracelet that's made of a mix of metals, creating a ball of light, about the size of a small melon. Justifier Sammacin's guards almost drop him, as the ball of light appears, then suddenly shoots up into the night sky.
"What's that?" murmurs Galacithàné Walashàele to himself in the noble elven language as he senses the ball of light form, and sees it, then watches it head up into the air.
Harmless, the elven magic user thinks to himself as he senses that it's only light, though it will expand, most likely in an explosion.
The younger cousin of lord Walashàele shrugs, and continues to keep an eye out, as well as sense, for any other local spellcaster who might show up in this part of the city.
As his job tonight is to eliminate them if they show up, and try to hinder any of the soldiers in his cousin's army, and the mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh from entering the city of Falnic.
The ball of white light gets to about five hundred feet above the ground, where it explodes. Illuminating the night sky over much of the eastern part of the city.
It can be seen from all parts of Falnic if one is looking that way. Even out to sea, where the ships out the furtherest on blockade duty, are able to see it in the night sky above Falnic.
One person who sees it, is on the south wall of Falnic, who with an officer in his army, is looking down at the nearly destroyed south gates, calling out to those removing the rubble beside the gates. To block the opening with anything they can find, wagons, carts, boxes, anything.
The mage Kaellin looks up when one of his senior guards, Barsol says "Sir to the east" followed by "In the sky".
The Justifier looks that way, and he sees the night sky over the east of the city light up when the ball of light explodes.
"Shit" mutters Justifier Kaellin who glances down at the bracelet he wears on his right wrist. It's a brass coloured bracelet that's made out of mix of various metals. A bracelet that he, along with only the Justifiers of Falnic wear, none of the other Justifiers of Belinswae have them.
It has a signal spell in it, that's released when the wearer is rendered unconscious by magic or by other means, against their will.
It so another Justifier of Falnic can find them and come to their aid in times of duress, such as now in what's turned out to be a battle.
Sammacin, the mage Kaellin thinks to himself, as he knows that the young wizard is the only Falnic Justifier in that part of the city.
The spellcaster who led the invasion of the dwarven clanholds in the Stone Hills this winter. Who has had his disagreements with the young wizard who opposed the invasion of the Stone Hills.
Senses for Sammacin, and finds him in the east of the city, not far from the east wall if his best guess is correct. He also senses the Justifier Lovis nearby, who like the young wizard, isn't casting either. He figures the witch is unconscious too.
The mage Kaellin might have his disagreements with young Kaellin, but the wizard is a protector of the city, and though Justifiers of Falnic don't often work together. When it comes to the protection of their city, they will support one another, and come to one anothers aid.
Justifier Kaellin looks down the street he's above, and spots the wizard Davarn giving commands to guards in the clear up of the main gates in the south wall of the city.
"Fuck it" murmurs the mage Kaellin who has never thought that highly of the other Justifiers from outside of Falnic, he turns to his senior guards Barsol and Yarmeed and tells them "We're going" he looks at some of his other guards on top of the wall with him and adds "Gather around".
Then the fairly powerful mage tells his officer "Continue helping the others clean up here" he then adds "And send messengers to our barracks, and rouse those not already on night duty".
"I've sent them already Justifier" says the officer "Good man" says the mage Kaellin, who then nods his head for the others to step away, then once they're around him, the mage who is the most powerful of all the Justifiers of Belinswae looks to the east of the city, that's still illuminated by the white light spread across the night sky in that direction.
Justifier Kaellin teleports himself and his senior guards Barsol and Yarmeed, as well as half a dozen others, heading east across the city.
The mage doesn't make the same mistake that both the witch Lovis and the wizard Sammacin made. He doesn't teleport directly to the east wall of the city, near the main gates.
He teleports to a rooftop over a hundred yards from the wall, and more to the south than to the east.
There he and his guards look towards the east wall, where they can clearly see what's happening thanks to the white light in the sky, that's lit up the night above this part of the city.
Justifier Kaellin who knows the night sky will be illuminated by signal light for at least a half a turning of a sand glass, frowns and mutters "What the hell?". When Yarmeed is first to spot what's happening, and says "Elves" as they see that there's elven soldiers fighting Justifier's guards on parts of the east wall.
The mage, who like all of his kind, is quick to temper, and to lash out with vast amounts of power. Shows maturity, and does the unexpected for one of his kind, he holds his power within himself.
Justifier Kaellin knows that there's an elven spellcaster around somewhere. An elven noble who is vastly more experienced than himself when it comes to spellcraft in battle, who easily took out both Justifiers Lovis and Sammacin.
"Move" orders the Justifier, who continues with "Off the roof" as he nods to their right. Barsol and Yarmeed are already moving, and they're the first to run, then jump across the small gap to the next rooftop.
Justifier Kaellin jumps over as do the other guards, and they follow Barsol who calls out "Over here" as he finds a set of steps that lead down to the ground, and the street below.
"Now where did you get to?" the elven noble Galacithàné Walashàele murmurs to himself as he sensed another Justifier turn up in the area, though further to the south than actually near the east wall of the city.
This Justifier the most powerful one so far, a Justifier he immediately recognised, as he's met him.
Now where are you mage? the elven spellcaster thinks to himself, as he's a little surprised that Justifier Kaellin is hiding himself, after all he is a mage, the most powerful and the most brash of all the human spellcasters.
The elven noble glances up into the lit night sky and spots a wyvern with a small squad of Justifiers guards flying overhead. He could easily bring it down as those on it shoot crossbows, and throw spears at some of the elven soldiers and mercenaries who have made it to the top of the east wall of Falnic after entering the city through the destroyed sally port.
Galacithàné Walashàele leaves it alone, for he has more important things to do. Besides if he did bring down the wyvern, it will give away his location, which he doesn't want to do.
Turning to the pair of his cousin's personal guards, the elven noble says "We're going" they head to the door on the left that leads to a set of steps that go down into the lane next to the building they're in.
"We're going to hunt that mage who visited us in the autumn" adds the younger cousin of lord Walashàele as they step outside, and head down the steps to the lane below "And kill him" continues the elven noble from the principality of Maladimbáh . . . . . .

Monday 30 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 58.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

Dorc da Orc runs through the destroyed sally port in the east wall of the city of Falnic. Looks around, and is a little disappointed there isn't anyone for him to kill immediately.
Until a number of Justifier's guards run in this direction from the nearby main gates.
"Dorc move you big lump!" shouts Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who is behind the large ork, a grunt comes from the ork warleader, who turns left to fight the oncoming guards, when the ranger Hait yells at him "Not that way, north!".
Dorkindle growls, and throws one of the axes he's holding, it takes the side of the head off one of the guards, and slams into the chest of the one immediately behind him.
Then the ork weaponsmith turns right, and starts going that way. He's followed by the mercenary ranger from south of the equator and a number of the elven soldiers and mercenaries who have entered the city with them.
Others who have come in through the destroyed sally port, engage the approaching guards, while more enter the city and hold the opening for more and more of them to come into Falnic.
The mercenary ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, runs ahead of the big, burly ork.
Then turns to the left, when he hears a familiar voice call out, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman along with the ork weaponsmith head towards a lane, where stands the elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith. A few people on the street, scream and run at the sight of the large ork, who roars at them.
"Good to see you" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy "And you" says the ranger Hait "This way" says the elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands, who leads them, and the following elves from Maladimbáh, further into the lane, then further into the city, heading north.
As they head north through the city, they hear an explosion from somewhere behind them, on the east wall by the sounds of it. One of the Justifiers of Belinswae, in this case the witch Lovis, has engaged in a magical battle with one of the elven spellcasters, who has come into the city, and stopped holding their power within themselves. The elven noble in this instance, is Galacithàné Walashàele, the cousin of lord Walashàele.
"What was that?" asks Justifier Davarn as they stand not far from the nearly destroyed south gates of Falnic "Lovis" says Justifier Kaellin "Something else there too" says Justifier Sammacin, the wizard who is the youngest of the Justifiers, not just of Falnic, but all of Belinswae, then adds "Felt different, foreign like to me".
The two older spellcasters, the wizard Davarn and the mage Kaellin share a look, then the Justifier, whose idea it was to invade the Stone Hills in the first place, says "Elven" Justifier Davarn nods in agreement.
The wizard Sammacin slightly grunts as that stands to reason, for he's never been in the same vicinity of an elven spellcaster who has cast. No wonder the spellcraft of the person he sensed and couldn't recognise felt different to him.
The three spellcasters look at one another, then the wizard Davarn looks at both of the Falnic based Justifiers and asks "What the hell is going on here?". "What do you mean?" asks the mage Kaellin "I mean there's an elven noble casting at Lovis, when recently you went off to Maladimbáh and failed to secure a treaty with them, not to mention there's an army of bloody nomads not that far away" says the older wizard who then adds "That's what i mean".
"He has point" quietly says the wizard Sammacin, the fairly powerful mage slightly scowls at his fellow spellcaster from Falnic, then says to the wizard from outside the city "They have nothing to do with one another" Justifier Kaellin briefly pauses, then adds in a slightly hesitant tone "I think".
"You think?" sourly says Justifier Davarn, who continues with "This along with that damn war of yours against the dwarves in the north" the older wizard who is one of the Justifiers from central Belinswae not involved with the invasion of the dwarven clanholds in the Stone Hills, then adds "You idiot, what the hell have you got us into Kaellin?".
The mage who isn't accustomed to other Justifiers speaking to him like that, as those from here in the city of Falnic, with the exception of Sammacin lately, usually defer to him.
Is a little taken a back by what the older wizard just said, he's just thinking of something to say, when a shout from up on the wall gets his, and the other two spellcasters attention.
"Fighting on the east wall!" calls down a guard up on the south wall, another who has just run along the top of the wall from that direction, adds "Justifiers there's an army out there!" followed by "To the east of the city!".
"Shit" mutters Justifier Sammacin "How did they get here so quickly?" murmurs a perplexed looking mage Kaellin "And why's an elven noble helping them out?" adds the wizard Davarn who senses Justifier Kaellin about to cast and tells him "Stay and deal with this" the older wizard waves at the nearly destroyed south gates and adds "It's obviously part of a coordinated attack on the city, I'll go and help Lovis out".
Justifier Davarn walks away, waving for his guards to join him, they soon disappear as he teleports them away, heading east through the city.
The two Justifiers of Falnic share a look, then the younger of the two says "You heard Davarn, deal to this" the wizard Sammacin continues with "We don't want them entering the city freely because of it" as he gestures at the main south gates, or what little is left of them.
The youngest of all of the Justifiers of Belinswae then says "I'll check on the defenses of the city" he's referring to the magical defenses. The wizard Sammacin then steps closer to his fellow Justifier of Falnic and quietly says to him "By the gods Kaellin, i hope to hell you haven't doomed us all with your actions recently".
Then the young wizard turns his back on his colleague and walks away, calling over some of his guards, who are on duty here in the south of the city.
Justifier Sammacin teleports them up to the top of the south wall, and starts to check on the spells near the badly damaged south gates, some of which were destroyed in the explosion that brought down the gates.
The young wizard recasts the spells, and heads eastwards along the top of the south wall, sensing another spell in the east of the city being cast by an elven magic user. A moment later the sound of an explosion comes from that part of the city, then a ball of firey debris can be seen in that direction, mushrooming up into the night sky.
Riley Hait looks back, and waves the following elven soldiers and mercenaries on, to keep following behind Dalinvardél Tanith who is leading the way northwards through the city of Falnic.
The going is fairly easy and quick, as they're predominantly going downhill as they head to the north wall of the city. They ignore the people on the streets, what few there is. They hardly encounter any patrols of Justifiers guards too.
For most, if not all, who are on duty tonight, are on the walls of the city, and at the gates due to the threat of the army from the Nomads Plains that's approaching the city.
The two small patrols of guards they do encounter on the streets, are quickly overwhelmed by the elven soldiers and mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh.
With Dorc da Orc wiping out most of one of the patrols of Justifier's guards all by himself, as he kills five guards fairly quickly as they stood there, shocked at seeing a large green creature come running at them, roaring loudly, brandishing a pair of large weapons.
The ranger Hait catches up to the spy Tanith, who gestures to a corner up ahead, and says "That way leads down to the gates". Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson nods as he recognises the area they're in here in the north of the city.
The human ranger who was brought up and trained by the elven warders of Envadarlen, looks back and says in the elven language "Archers forward" as the elves with longbows move forward, Riley Hait says to them in their language "You know which ones to take out first" he looks up, then adds "Some of you get up onto the rooftops when we get closer".
"What the fuck you cunts going on about?" demands Dorc da Orc in a growling voice, the ranger Hait tells him "Your plan" the large ork pauses for a moment, then he grunts in satisfaction and says "Good".
They continue on their way, moving quickly, they get to the street that runs parallel with a lot of the north wall of the city. Already the elven archers start shooting at the unsuspecting defenders upon the top of the north wall. Who like many in Falnic, are wondering what's happening in the east of the city this night.
They head down the street towards the main gates in the north wall of Falnic. That's their destination. As Dorc da Orc's plan calls for the three walls of the city to be compromised.
To have a breach in the south, east and north walls of Falnic.
And though the attack on the south wall was diversionary, the openings in the east wall, and hopefully in the north, is to allow as many of the army from southern Maladimbáh into the city of Falnic as quickly as possible.
The ork warleader who has devised the plan to attack the largest city in the region of Belinswae. Knew that without siege towers and engines, and for that matter even scaling ladders. That speed, as well as a surprise attack from within inside Falnic was the best hope of compromising the city before the army of tribal nomads turned up.
And though the elves from the principality of Maladimbáh are badly outnumbered by the Justifiers guards within the city. They have the advantage of speed and stealth as well as surprise, and the ability to see in the dark, to take out as many of the defenders of the city before they know what's happening.
"Wait up Dorc" says Riley Hait who gestures for the warleader of the ork race to stop, the large ork scowls, but he comes to a halt, and glances up at the buildings to their left, that some of the elven archers are getting onto the rooftops of.
"Might as well go" says Dalinvardél Tanith a little while later as he's extending the bow arms of his crossbow, the ranger Hait nods, then says "Let's go". "Get some" says Dorc da Orc who growls in anticipation as they get underway again.
They know what they have to do as they head towards the towers on either side of the main gates here in the north of the city. They're to open the gates, then foul the chains and mechanism that opens and closes the gates, then burn them if they have to. Just as long as they remain open. For those elven soldiers and mercenaries who are waiting on the otherside of the north wall of Falnic to enter the city.
The Justifier's guards at the base of the towers, and those standing duty at the gates start dropping when they're struck by yard long arrows shot from the powerful elven longbows of the archers who have set up on nearby rooftops.
"There goes any semblance of stealth" dryly murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith as infront of him and Riley Hait, Dorc da Orc is roaring and shouting "Fucken get some!" as they run at the Justifier's guards who are on gate duty here in the north of the city.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks is laughing as he swings his axe at the first guard who turns to face him, who has a stunned look upon his face as he sees in the flickering light of the nearby torches, at what it is that's bearing down upon him, swinging a massive axe, that ends up cutting him in two across the waist . . . . . .

Sunday 29 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 57.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

Dorc da Orc makes his way to the right. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and a number of the elven mercenaries and soldiers from southern Maladimbáh follow them.
The large ork stops nearly directly opposite the main gates on the eastern wall of Falnic.
And as the elven archers continue to pick off the defenders on top of the wall, who can't really see who's shooting them this night.
The ork warleader drops to a knee and waits "There's spells on it, who knows what will happen" quietly says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who saw the defensive spells upon the gate when he looked through the magical eyepiece that one of the elven officers has.
Dorkindle grunts in acknowledgment, but doesn't say anything as they look at the torch lit top of the east wall of Falnic. They're waiting for something.
And as they wait, the ranger Hait wonders when the first of the Justifiers in the city will turn up.
He expects pretty soon, though they're likely to check out what's happened at the main gates in the south wall first.
"What was it?" asks Justifier Lovis "I'm not too sure" says Justifier Davarn as they hurry down a street in the south of the city, with a number of guards in both of their armies, trailing after them.
The witch and the wizard were having dinner together at a nearby inn, when the explosion occurred in the south of the city. They're on their way to the main gates in the south wall, for that is where they sensed the explosion.
"Sammacin is there" says the wizard Davarn who senses their fellow Justifier, the wizard Sammacin has just got to the site of the explosion.
The two of them, along with their guards get there a short time later.
They find the main gates in the wall nearly destroyed, with one half in pieces, and the other half of the large gate, hanging perilously, about to fall down at any moment now.
The two Justifiers make their way over to their colleague, who is beside one of the gate houses, organising the clean up.
"We didn't sense a thing" says the wizard Davarn "Nor did i" says Justifier Sammacin, the youngest Justifier in all of Belinswae, looks at the other wizard and the witch and tells them "Must of been a device of some kind, and not a spellcaster" the young wizard then adds "Though what, i have no idea".
As magical devices and items aren't exactly common here in Belinswae, where the Justifiers have a tight control over such things, as well as spellcasters too.
The two older Justifiers nod in agreement, then the wizard who is not yet twenty two years old. Who before this winter, had a bit of a notorious reputation amongst the Justifiers here in Falnic. Whose attitude has completely changed during this winter, so much so that he didn't take part in the invasion of the Stone Hills like the rest of the city's Justifiers. Infact he was against the invasion of the dwarven clanholds north of Belinswae.
Says to the two spellcasters who are from outside of the city "Well whatever it was, we do know something" the wizard Sammacin briefly pauses before quietly adding "We've got the enemy within the city" he waves at the gates that have been all but destroyed and he says "You can't tell me that this doesn't have anything to do with that nomad army that's on it's way here".
"I agree" quietly says Justifier Davarn "So do i" adds Justifier Lovis, the youngest of the three Justifiers nods, and he's just about to saying something, when one of his guards up on top of the wall, calls down with "Sir, there's something happening along the east wall!".
"What is it?" calls up the young wizard as he looks up and sees that the guard in question is breathing heavily, as if he's run along the wall. Others with torches are hurrying eastwards along the top of the south wall of the city, as he shouts "Not sure sir, but it sounds like fighting".
The trio of spellcasters share a look, then the witch Lovis says "I'll go and check it out" she continues with "My guards are on gate duty there".
Sammacin, who as a Justifier of the city, is technically the one in charge out of the three of them, nods his head, then says "Do so" he follows it up with "Send word back of what it is".
"I will" says the witch, who then hurries away with her guards who were at the inn that she and the wizard Davarn were having dinner at. She heads to the nearest set of steps to the top of the city walls, from there she'll teleport herself and her guards eastwards through the city.
As the witch, who controls an area of central Belinswae that's north of the city of Falnic makes her way up the steps.
Justifier Sammacin says to the older wizard "We'll continue the cleanup here" the young wizard adds "We need to repair the gates as quickly as possible, what with that army from the plains less than two days away from here".
"Definitely need to do that, as well as recast the spells here" says Justifier Davarn, who then looks away to their right, as does the younger wizard, who quietly says "Kaellin". The older wizard nods as a rift starts to form next to the gate house. While up on top of the wall, the witch Lovis and her guards disappear as she teleports them away.
The elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith is almost sprinting as he heads east through the streets of the city. After destroying the main gates in the south wall of Falnic, there's something else he has to do tonight. After all, he has one mage canister remaining. He just hopes this one works out as well as the one that destroyed the south gates of the city.
Though he knows that the chances of that, are pretty slim with the remaining mage canister. As he knows what it can do, though if it'll be effective with what he wants done, is entirely up to chance, and the will of the forest gods in the opinion of the elven spy from south of the equator.
As he gets nearer to the east wall of the city, he can hear the shouting and yelling of the Justifiers guards on top of that particular wall, who are under attack this night.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands runs onto a street that gives him a good view of the top of the east wall.
And he spots a guard up there, get propelled backwards and fall to the ground from the force of an arrow hitting him in the chest, that's been shot from an elven longbow.
Dalinvardél Tanith, who is often referred to Dalin, sees the guards near the one who was just shot. Have ducked down, some of whom are peeking over the wall, trying to see who it is that's attacking them.
The Southlander hurries on his way to where the east gates are, running by people who have come out onto the streets to see what's happening up on the nearby wall.
The elven archers spread out more, as up on the wall, more of the defenders duck down for cover. Dorc da Orc who has kept pretty quiet so far, has a number of elven archers join those who have gone around to the north side of the city.
Apart from that, the large ork stays quiet as they wait, watching the main east gates of Falnic.
Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who has borrowed again the magical eyepiece from the elven officer in lord Walashàele's army.
Quietly says to the warleader of the ork race "Definitely spells on the gates" the ranger Hait who can see through the eyepiece as if it's clear as day, continues with "At least three if the colours they show up as are anything to go by".
"They are" says the elven officer next to the mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, the elf next to him continues with "Though with each colour, it might indicate a number of spells that are the same" he then adds "That's usually the case with defensive spells on a fixed location".
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods in understanding, then hands back the magical device to the officer in lord Walashàele's army.
"Hurry up ya cunt" growls Dorc da Orc breaking his silence again "Give him time" quietly says the ranger Hait as yard long shafts are shot from elven longbows nearby. As the defenders upon the top of the east wall of the city of Falnic are continually under fire from the archers from southern Maladimbáh.
"He has to go from the south of the city to here" quietly adds the human ranger who was brought up and trained by the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, the ranger Hait continues with "He'll be there".
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks just grunts to that as they continue to wait, while watching the main gates in the east wall of the city of Falnic.
Dalinvardél Tanith spots the main gates in the east wall, a crowd has gathered nearby, looking up at the top of the wall, where the guards on duty are under attack from bow fire from outside of the city.
Already people are calling out and shouting that the nomad army has arrived and is attacking the city.
Dalin slightly grins when he hears that as he makes his way through the edge of the crowd. He gets free of most of those who have gathered to watch what's happening, when he spots something.
"Shit" Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy mutters under his breath in his native language when he spots a Justifier, a woman. Along with about eight guards, suddenly appear next to one of the gate houses.
He figures she must be the witch Lovis who is from north of Falnic, whose guards are on duty tonight along the top of the east wall.
The Southlander walks quickly along the street that runs behind the wall near the east gates, which he passes as Justifiers guards keep the townsmen who have come out onto the street to see what's happening, from getting too close.
The spy Tanith goes by the main east gates, and stands at the corner of a building, there he spots the Justifier who has just shown up, hurrying with those guards with her. Into one of the towers, which they'll go up to get to the top of the wall.
Might as well, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, as it's probably the best time to do it now with the Justifier out of sight in the tower for the moment.
The elf who was once in the service of one of the noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, takes out the remaining mage canister from beneath his cloak. He looks from side to side, and steps back to the side of the building he's standing next to.
Dalin twists one end of the mage canister, then he throws the foot and half long metal tube as far as he can.
It sails over the heads off some of the people on the street, who are hurrying away as they see more and more guards fall from the top of the wall.
The mage canister hits the ground, and skips forward, before rolling up against the gate, though not the main gates. A gate that's guarded by just a pair of guards, who look surprised when they see what's rolled to a stop between them.
They're even more surprised when it explodes with a quiet, almost muted thud. They're further surprised with what happens next.
Over the noise of the shouting, yelling, and screaming from the top of the wall. They hear the slight thud of a quiet explosion. Even Riley Hait, whose hearing is no where near as good as Dorc da Orc's, or the elven soldiers and mercenaries from Maladimbáh, hears the explosion.
Then the sally port, the small gate about thirty yards to the right of the main east gates of the city, is blown outwards by a blast of water.
A pair of Justifiers guards are washed out through the hole where the sally port was, as water gushes outwards from the new opening in the east wall of Falnic.
"Now!" calls out Dorc da Orc, who is up and running, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger repeats the command in elven, as he too takes off. They're followed by soldiers in lord Walashàele's army, as well as elven mercenaries who the two from south of the equator hired in southern Maladimbáh.
The elven army led by the ork warleader and the human mercenary. Don't have siege engines, they don't even have scaling ladders. For starters, such things wouldn't fit through the portals they came through to get to Belinswae.
But more importantly, they weren't brought because the pair from south of the equator wanted the elven army from Maladimbáh to move as quickly as possible, and not be slowed down hauling siege engines around.
So they need another way to breach the walls of the city of Falnic. Having someone they trust already in the city, give them an opening. Is what they've been waiting for.
The elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith, who knows that the main gates of the city, are covered in spells, as is the top of the wall above them.
Knows that the second mage canister he has, wouldn't be able to blast open the large gates like he did with the first.
So he chucked the magical device that has a waterball spell within it. At the sally port to one side of the main east gates of Falnic. And though it too has a spell protecting it. It's not powerful enough to withstand something like a mage canister that hits it from the inside.
As people run in fright, and guards from the gate house towers to either side of the main gates, rush towards where the sally port was before it was blown outwards by a wave of water.
The spy Tanith steps further back against the side of the building opposite the now destroyed sally port.
The Southlander faintly winces as he's the only person in the city of Falnic who knows what's about to come through the opening in the east wall that he's just created.
Dalin rolls his eyes, and slightly shakes his hooded head, then faintly smiles as he hears it, just before he sees it.
There's a roar that can be heard, just before the large, green figure of Dorc da Orc comes through the opening where the sally port stood, the large ork with a weapon in each hand, shouts "Fucken get some!" as he enters the city of Falnic . . . . . .

Thursday 26 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 56.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

Walking across a section along the top of the east wall of the city, Mason says "When are we getting our relief?" he adds "It's nighttime already, and we've been on duty since before dawn".
"Don't know" says Mortiss his fellow guard in the army of Justifier Kolvene, the cleric from south of Falnic, who has brought most of his army north to the city to help defend it against the army of plain's nomads who have pushed into the region of Belinswae.
"Should be bloody soon" mutters Mason as he clutches his pike while the cold wind of the night whips across the top of the wall they're on. The two Justifier's guards are making their way towards one of the towerhouses on top of the wall.
On the way their, they stop where one of the torches is along the top of the wall, there they find their fellow guard Polmad, and he comes along with them. As there's plenty of guards along the top of the east wall, as well as the other city walls.
As they approach the tower, Polmad says "I see our replacements haven't come up yet" the tallest of the three continues with "That lot in the army of the witch". "No wonder they're late" says Mortiss, who then adds "Justifier Lovis isn't exactly known for discipline in her army" the two younger guards nod their heads in agreement.
Though Mason, the youngest of the three, doesn't really know much about the other Justifier's armies, he just goes along with what the two older guards say, and agrees with them.
When they get to the towerhouse, they find a number of their fellow guards in the army of Justifier Kolvene, huddled around the two braziers, keeping warm and out of the wind.
"Seems some of the others have got the same idea as us" murmurs Mason to Mortiss, the older guard sourly smiles as he looks around at the other guards who have gathered here in the tower a top the wall.
The three of them share a look, then Mortiss shrugs his shoulders, and makes his way over to the nearest group of their fellow guards. Mason and Polmad join them.
After chatting for a bit with their fellow guards in the army of Justifier Kolvene, Mortiss is just about to suggest to both Mason and Polmad, that they continue on their way along the next stretch of the wall.
When an officer comes up from the stairwell, and tells them "Our replacements are coming up, you're free to head down and return to our barracks when they start heading up".
The officer looks at all the guards in the towerhouse, and tells them "Straight to the barracks mind, no stopping off at the nearest tavern or alehouse" he continues with "Like it or not, we're in times of war, so no one's at the liberty to do what they want, we and in we, i mean the Justifiers, want you rested and ready for when the nomad scum arrive, not full up to your eyeballs with grog".
"Is that clear?" says the officer in a loud voice when he gets no response from the gathered guards. A chorus of "Yes sir" comes from them this time. And he nods in satisfaction, then says "Tell the rest of our men along the wall that our replacements are coming up" before he heads back down the stairwell.
A short while later and the first of the guards in the army of Justifier Lovis start coming up. And the trio of Mortiss, Polmad and Mason are amongst the first to head down.
There's some friendly jostling and ribbing from the Justifier guards in the two armies. With young mason saying to some of the guards in the army of the witch Lovis "Don't let the nomad filth get you in the night".
"As if" says one of the guards heading up the stairwell, who continues with "Everyone knows they're at least a day and half away from the city" he then adds "It's just a cold night on top of the wall for us".
"Well if it gets too cold, you've always got one another to keep yourselves warm" says Mortiss in a slightly dry tone, the guards in the army of the cleric Kolvene who hear that, laugh as they know what Mortiss is implying.
While the guards heading up through the tower who heard it, yell and shout at Mortiss and the others in the army of Justifier Kolvene.
Chuckling as they exit the base of the tower, Polmad says "Could do with a drink after a long day walking the top of the walls" and as more of their fellow guards come down, then out of the tower, he adds "But orders are orders, back to the barracks".
Both Mortiss and Mason nod in agreement, and they along with their fellow guards in the army of Justifier Kolvene, make their way to the barracks they're staying in while here in Falnic.
As they walk away into the night, young Mason glances up at the wall behind them. And spots a couple of guards in the army of Justifier Lovis who have just gone up, walking by one of the torches.
He wonders who'll be on the top of the city walls when the enemy arrive. Them or us? Mason thinks to himself, or one of the other Justifier's guards.
He shrugs his shoulders, and kind of hopes it's him and his fellow guards in the army of the cleric from south of Falnic.
As he walks away thinking this. Mason as well as the other guards who have just come down off the east wall of the city, and those in the army of the witch Lovis who have just replaced them. Don't know that the enemy are a lot closer than they think.
Infact the enemy is very close indeed, within some of them already within the city of Falnic.
As the guards change upon the top of the east wall, with hardly any of them actually looking in towards the city. Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy makes his way off the roof of the building that's almost directly up against the inside of the east wall of the city.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands once he's down at street level, heads south through the largest city in Belinswae. The spy Tanith who has seen who is not that far outside the city walls. Is heading to the south wall of Falnic. There he has something to do.
A little while later during the night, Dalinvardél or Dalin as he's more commonly referred to. Is in the back room of a rather seedy looking tavern. In an area of the city, where throughout the winter, a large number of people, have been taken from the streets, and pressed into the serving in one of the armies of the Justifiers of Falnic who have invaded the dwarven clanholds in the Stone Hills.
In the room is a small group of smugglers, and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy quietly says "Ready?" he's answered with nods. Then he quietly tells them "Remember run when you hear what i do".
"And what is it exactly we have to listen out for?" quietly asks one of the smugglers, one of the ones Dalin spoke with early this morning in an abandoned warehouse down near the harbour.
"A loud bang i suppose" quietly says the spy Tanith, who then silently adds, i think?
Then the Southlander says "Right, let's get going" and he along with the smugglers, make their way out of the back door of the rather ramshackle looking building that house the tavern.
They move off, and they're joined by other smugglers who have been waiting close by, who slip out of lanes and alleyways nearby. They all head in the direction of the main gates in the south wall of the city. In particular an inn that's fairly close to those gates.
As they head there, Dalinvardél Tanith follows them, walking with the smuggler who spoke, one of the one's he made the deal with in the morning.
As they walk, the elf who once served in one of the noble houses of his homeland of Alínlae, takes one of the mage canisters out from beneath his cloak.
"What's that?" quietly asks the smuggler as they walk out of a lane and turn onto a street, a fairly dark one, with very little lamps or torches lit down the length of it.
"What does it do?" adds the smuggler as he can just make out the black metal tube about a foot and half long that the tall figure of the hooded elf walking beside him is carrying.
"I'm not exactly sure" says Dalin who answers the smuggler's second question and not the first.
What the spy Tanith said is partially true. For he knows what the mage canisters will do. As lord Farque informed him of it. Even though both Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief couldn't tell him what it would do, or what the other one will do.
The mage Reinholt told the elven spy that the markings upon the mage canisters tend to wear off, especially older ones. That's if the mage who created it, actually bothered to mark it in the first place.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil freely admitted that a lot of mages don't mark the canisters they make, as they know what's contained in them. And too bad for anyone else who happens to use it.
The Vexilian mage in exile said he'd probably do the same thing if he put aside some time to make such devices.
Dalin might know what's in it, but he doesn't exactly know how effective, and demonstrative it'll be.
All lord Farque told him, was that he better run after activating it. Because it's a spell cast by a mage. Who like all mages, are overly powerful when it comes to magic, who tend to overdo things.
"Sounds like they've started" quietly says the elven spy from south of the equator who hears a fight break out in the distance, near the inn not far from the main gates in the south wall of the city.
The smuggler nods, and hurries forward, heading to the end of the street, while Dalin follows at a distance. The Southlander knows the fight will soon turn into a full on brawl between the smugglers, who are posing as drunk patrons from the inn.
The spy Tanith stops at the corner of a building and looks around it, down the street, to the left, is the main gates in the south wall. Further beyond it, he can see some of the smugglers fighting one another out on the street infront of the inn that way.
The elf from south of the equator sees guards on duty at the gate hurry towards the fracas when more smugglers hurry out onto the street and get involved in the fight.
As more guards on gate duty hurry towards the brawl, Dalinvardél Tanith glances up to the top of the wall. And spots other Justifiers guards peering down trying to see what's happening.
The elven spy hurries across the street to the base of the wall, there he walks beside it, heading towards the gates. He's walking in the dark, as the nearest lamps are just to the side of the gates.
Well Dalin, you're about to start a battle, the spy Tanith thinks to himself, as he takes the mage canister, twists one end, and throws it in the direction of the main gate in the south wall of Falnic. While the guards who have rushed to the brawl, wade in amongst the smugglers, trying to break up the fight.
The mage canister clanks when it hits the cobblestones on the ground, it does a few more times, then rolls about a five yards, before coming to a stop at the feet of a Justifier's guard infront of the gates.
As the guard who was watching the brawl down the street, looks down and frowns as he sees what's at his feet. Dalinvardél Tanith has already turned and is running.
The elven spy from south of the equator faintly winces as he runs, waiting for what will happen next. He doesn't have to wait long, less than a count of five.
For as the Justifier's guard goes to reach down and grab the unfamiliar looking black metal tube at his feet, the mage canister releases it's spell.
Dalin flinches as he runs when the large explosion rocks the night behind him. He doesn't bother looking backwards as he runs across the street towards a lane.
He figures most of the south gate of Falnic has been destroyed. It has. And that anyone directly infront of it, is now dead. They are.
One more to go, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself as he runs into the lane, after giving the signal for the battle of Falnic to begin.
Hearing the thud of explosion from within the city, Dorc da Orc grunts, next to him, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger nods to the elven officer in the army of lord Walashàele beside them.
The officer doesn't say anything, he just lifts a hand, then drops it. The elven archers lift their bows, aim at their targets upon the top of the east wall of the city. Nearly all of whom have turned and look to the south, the direction that the thud of an explosion came from.
And in silence, more than two thousand arrows are shot from the bows of the elven army who are facing the east side of Falnic.
On top of the east wall, the guard in the army of the witch Lovis. Who the guard Mortiss in Justifier Kolvene's army told him he had plenty of company on top of the wall tonight when things get cold.
Is looking away to the south as the guards near him are doing, as they ask what that loud noise was that came from that way in the night.
When he's the first Justifiers guard to get shot by an elven arrow, right through his face and head, sending him tumbling sideways off the top of the wall, to hit the street down below.
He's the first to be killed on top of the east wall of Falnic tonight. And he's definitely not the last to be killed as arrows rain down upon the unsuspecting defenders of Falnic . . . . . .

Wednesday 25 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 55.

Belinswae. Winter...

It's late in the afternoon, and they come through the portal again, this time there's more than thirty of them. First through the portal as usual is Dorc da Orc, the ork warleader crouches down when he exits the cave, and he shuffles forward and hunkers down beside a boulder, where he looks towards the city of Falnic.
Riley Hait the mercenary ranger makes his way out of the cave that holds the structure the portal is within. He ducks down and makes his way over to the large ork, and kneels down next to him.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman looks back, and sees those who have followed him from out of the cave, have dropped down out of sight behind the rocks and piles of stones scattered across the hilltop. While the rest are still waiting within the cave.
The ranger Hait looks away to the southeast when Dorkindle grunts and nods that way, after awhile the human ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands.
Spots a trio of wyverns coming up from the south at speed, they pass a good five miles to the east of the hill as they continue on their way to the west, where the city of Falnic lies.
"They're in a hurry" quietly says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who continues in a dry tone with "Probably something to do with an army of ten thousand nomads heading this way".
Dorc da Orc grunts in agreement then says "Dumbfucks don't know about the other fucken army heading at them" the large ork softly chuckles, that always sounds like a large, angry, rumbling bumblebee to the ranger Hait.
"They gonna get a fucken surprise there" murmurs the ork weaponsmith, who grins then adds "Surprisey time soon ya fucken cuntholes". Riley Hait nods, and looks west out to sea beyond the city of Falnic, that the sun is heading over as it sinks towards the horizon.
"Now we wait" quietly says the mercenary ranger, who in actuality is a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, the large ork from the wolf tribe grunts, then says "We fucken wait".
As the two from south of the equator wait as the sun continues to drop down to the horizon in the west on this cool winter's day here in the west of Belinswae.
The ranger Hait glances at the large ork beside him, who is busy watching the walls of the city about five miles away. Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson has gone into war, and into battle a number of times beside the ork warleader over the years.
Though this will be the first time that it's just the two of them, and in a battle that Dorkindle has devised by himself, though with plenty of input from the mercenary ranger. As well as lord Walashàele, and the elven lord's senior officers.
"We're going to be badly outnumbered Dorc" quietly says Riley Hait when he finally breaks the silence "And probably still be when the nomads turn up".
"Probs" grunts the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks with a shrug of his massive shoulders, they've seen the amount of Justifiers guards who have arrived in the city of Falnic over the last couple of days. And yes, they'll be badly outnumbered when they attack the coastal city. But the large ork isn't particularly worried about that. Infact he's not that worried about anything.
"Nights soon" says the warleader of the ork race, who continues on with "Silly fucken humans won't be able to see proper then". The ranger Hait sourly smiles, as he's one of those silly fucken humans. But he understands the large ork's meaning. For when it's nighttime, the defenders of Falnic will be at a serious disadvantage in comparison to those who will be attacking it.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson looks back behind them, and spots Galacithàné Walashàele kneeling beside a pile of rocks looking towards Falnic too.
The Southlander gets the elven noble's attention, and nods. The cousin of lord Walashàele nods in understanding, and he moves off and has a quiet word with some of the other elves.
Some of whom start going down the side of the hill in the fading light of dusk, while a pair head back into the cave where the portal is located.
"I've sent them off" quietly says Riley Hait to Dorc da Orc, who grunts and says "Me hear" the large ork glances to one side, and sees a couple of the elves going down the side of the hill.
Already there's elves from the principality of Maladimbáh, between here and the city of Falnic. Predominantly the mercenaries the two from south of the equator hired in southern Maladimbáh, as well as scouts and rangers in lord Walashàele's army.
Keeping out of sight and waiting for nightfall. They'll be the first to act as they move on the city of Falnic.
The human ranger who was raised and trained by the warders in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, glances back and in the dim light of dusk, he sees elves coming out of the cave behind them.
"They're coming through" quietly says the ranger Hait, the big ork who is in exile from his homeland the Ork Range, glances over his shoulder and sees the elven soldiers coming from the cave.
"Right, let's go cunt" says Dorkindle to Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman as the sun finally sinks below the horizon in the west, as the army of lord Walashàele starts to come out of the portal that's brought them from the Nomads Plains.
The large ork and the mercenary ranger along with a number of elves make their way down the hill, on the opposite side from the town that's down next to the road, that the hill stands behind.
The ranger Hait occasionally glances at the large figure beside him, who is  softly chuckling, and when he isn't doing that, he's muttering away to himself in the total incomprehensible language of the orks.
As for the elven soldiers, and the small number of mercenaries with them, they're silent as they quickly head downhill.
Once off the hill, and in the cover of darkness that is the early evening, they head north and west to the city of Falnic, while more and more soldiers from lord Walashàele's army continue to come through the portal in the cave up on the hill.
They head cross country, keeping well away from the road that runs southeast from the nearby coastal city. Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson is just glad the ork warleader beside him isn't loudly complaining that he has to walk to where they're going. The prospect of battle has got the large ork in a good mood if his continued chuckling and muttering is anything to go by.
It's a mile north of the hill the hidden portal is located that they first stop. Where they're met by some of the elven mercenaries from Maladimbáh, who came out of the portal over the last two days.
"Just a small patrol, they don't have many out in the evenings, especially not now since they've sealed the city" quietly says one of the mercenary squad, who speaks in the common language for the benefit of Dorkindle, who obviously can't understand elven.
The ranger Hait nods his head as he looks at the bodies of half a dozen Justifier's guards lying on the ground. They're the first to be killed in the battle of Falnic, they won't be the last.
After the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks kicks one of the dead bodies, they head off again, making their way through the darkness to the nearby city. With just one of the three moons up in the night sky at the moment, as is often the case early in the evenings in winter.
There isn't much light to see by. Well that's if you're human. For Dorc da Orc and all of the elves, their night vision makes it look like the middle of the day to them. And in Dorkindle's case, if it was complete darkness, he'd be able to see then as well, thanks to his ork thermal vision, which picks up the heat, however minute, coming off things, and people.
Nearly three miles from the hill they observed the city of Falnic from, they drop down into a shallow ravine. Like a lot of the ground around here, it's dry. With straw coloured grass, and small stunted shrubs. To go with the dry, gnarly looking trees that are dotted about.
It's in the nearby groves of orchards and vineyards, where you see most tree cover. Though none of them are within a couple of miles of Falnic.
But in comparison to the dry, arid plains to the east of the region of Belinswae where the nomad tribes live. The land here in central Belinswae, near the coast, is absolutely lush, and teeming with life.
There's a large number of elven mercenaries in the shallow ravine, as this is one of the rendezvous points. They're continually being joined by soldiers in lord Walashàele's army who are making their way from the portal on the hilltop to the south and east.
The two from south of the equator look over the edge of the ravine, and an officer in lord Walashàele's army comes over, and quietly says to the ranger Hait "Here, look through this" and hands him, an eyepiece.
Well that's what the mercenary ranger thinks the brass, cylindrical tube is when he looks through it.
He jerks his head back when he looks through one end, for though it is an eyepiece, Riley Hait sees the city of Falnic that's now less than two miles away, clear as if it's the middle of the day. He also sees something else.
"What's all those hazy colours?" asks the Southlander "Their defenses" replies the elven officer, who then adds "The magical one's".
"No shit" murmurs Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson in astonishment in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, the mercenary ranger who is impressed by the magical eyepiece, offers it to the large ork beside him, and says "Dorc look through this".
The big ork who was named warleader by lord Farque a number of years ago, grunts as he takes the brass, cylindrical eyepiece from the human ranger "The fuck" murmurs the ork weaponsmith as he looks through the magical eyepiece, he sniffs a few times, then asks "Is that their magicky shit they got on this wall?".
"Sure is" says the Southlander "Fucken cheaters" mutters Dorkindle, who is never fond of things magical, unless it's of benefit to him, or something he can use.
"Spread the word to keep clear of those spots, until our spellcasters can deal with it" quietly says Riley Hait to the officer in the army of lord Walashàele "I already have" says the elven officer. Who like the two from south of the equator, know that the elven nobles with them this night, are holding their powers within themselves so that they go undetected as they make their way towards the city of Falnic.
As for lord Walashàele himself, as well as his daughter Jalindílth. They're not here at the moment, as they're not coming through the portal that's brought the elven army from the Nomads Plains. They're arriving later, and by other means.
After taking the magical eyepiece back from the ork weaponsmith, the mercenary ranger looks through it again, then he hands it back to the officer "To the next rendezvous point, that farm house" says the ranger Hait.
Dorc da Orc is already on the move, and heading there, Riley Hait scrambles out of the shallow ravine and follows the large figure of the ork warleader. The elven soldiers and mercenaries move out to. Making their way to the farm where more of the mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh are waiting.
The buildings on the farm are some of the closest structures to the city of Falnic, which is less than half a mile away. And when the ranger Hait gets behind the barn, he rolls his eyes when he hears Dorkindle murmur "Here pretty sheeps, Dorc wants to fuck ya" as he looks over at a large pen that only has a handful of sheep in it.
"No one home i gather?" quietly asks the ranger Hait "They left days ago" says one of the elven mercenaries who was already waiting at the farm, he continues with "Their wyvern patrols stop off here, and they feed the last of the stock here to their creatures".
The ranger from south of the equator nods his head, then sits down on the stone wall of the pen, and looks towards Falnic, and it's walls, that are dotted here and there along the top with torches.
"Time to wait again" quietly says Riley Hait to the elven officer with the magical eyepiece, and the mercenary who was waiting here at the farm, who the mercenary ranger put in a position of command of some of the elven mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman repeats this to the ork warleader "Me know" says Dorc da Orc as he knows that have to wait for all of the army of lord Walashàele to turn up and get into position. Then they have to wait for something else, from within the walls of Falnic.
As they wait, Dorkindle eyes the sheep in the large pen with bad intentions. They must know something threatens them, because they've scampered to the otherside, as far away as possible from the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks.
Dorc da Orc sourly grunts, and he sits down on the ground, with his back to the wall of the pen when the ranger Hair quietly tells him "Don't go raping those damn sheep, they'll hear you up on the walls of the city, with the sound you usually make, and the sounds animals make when you do that to them".
"What's the point of having a fucken war if ya can't have some fucken fun doing it" sourly mutters that ork warleader in huff, the mercenary ranger just rolls his eyes, and doesn't say anything in response to that as they continue to wait for the elven army from southern Maladimbáh to get into position . . . . . .

Tuesday 24 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 54.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

It's nighttime, and on the rooftop of a building just on the inside of the east wall of the city of Falnic. The elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith looks eastward, then south, where in the distance are a number of low hills.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands is completely still as he watches for sometime. And eventually both his night vision and his natural farsight picks up something that no human, without the assistance of magic, would ever see.
Near the crest of one of the hills about five to six miles away to the east and south, Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's often referred to, spots a figure. The elven spy from south of the equator sees the figure in the distance in the night, make a couple of arm movements, pause then do a few more, before disappearing out of view off the crest of the hill.
Tomorrow night it is then, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy thinks to himself after watching Riley Hait the mercenary ranger disappear from view off the hilltop in the distance.
The spy Tanith slightly frowns, then nods his head as to the timing of things. He like a lot of people in the city, almost everybody actually.
Has heard about the army of tribal nomads coming up the road from the southeast to Falnic. Who are expected at the city in at least a couple of days, maybe even three.
Though what the city of Falnic doesn't know, with the exception of Dalin. Is that another decent sized army will be here tomorrow night, and attacking it, much to the surprise of the inhabitants, and the Justifiers and their guards defending the largest city in the region of Belinswae.
The elven spy who has been watching patrols leave the city, either on horseback or on wyvern during the day. Makes his way down off the roof, going down a trapdoor, and working his way down, then out to the lane on the right of the building.
The Southlander who thinks that there's too many buildings here in the east of the city, built too closely to the wall. Makes his way northwards through the city. Keeping well clear of the main east gate of the city. As there's now large squads of Justifiers guards on duty at all the gates of the city.
The spy Tanith stops at a boarding house that he's using as one of his safe houses. There he picks up something he has in storage.
The elf from south of the equator heads off, and once he's in the northern quadrant of the city. He makes his way to a tavern.
The establishment, like the streets outside, isn't particularly busy. As the residents of Falnic know that there's an army marching on their city. So most of them are in their homes, scared witless at what might happen.
People have tried to escape the city since this morning when the Justifiers ordered that the city be sealed. That none of the residents could leave. And the only people who could enter, are incoming guards, and farmers and traders bringing in their produce and wares. They're the only one's who are allowed out of the city too.
Some people have tried to leave by sea, but the blockade on the harbour has been intensified.
Even smugglers will find it difficult to slip away tonight from port, they'll more than likely use their safe haven that's nearby. And make their way to and from the city on foot, instead of sailing directly into port.
Dalinvardél Tanith puts a small purse of coins on the bar, that the tavern keeper scoops up. The hooded elf waits a few moments, and after the proprietor serves a customer, he follows the tavern keeper into the storage room behind the bar.
As the tavern keeper rolls a barrel out of the storage room, Dalin makes his way down into the cellar. He doesn't need any light to see by, and walks to the back wall of the cellar.
There he moves a barrel to one side, opens the hidden trapdoor it was covering, and goes down the ladder, closing the trapdoor above him.
Once in the sewers below, the spy Tanith goes left, while above him, the tavern keeper has come down into the cellar, and pushed the barrel back into place over the hidden trapdoor.
The elf who once served in one of the noble houses of the principality of Alínlae, heads downhill, westwards in the sewer, down to the harbour, where most of the sewers of the city empty out.
Dalinvardél Tanith is just glad for a human made city, the sewers of Falnic are pretty well maintained. Seems the Justifiers, or more likely the lesser spellcasters they have in their armies. Keep the sewers clear and running, burning away any build up and debris. And fixing any damage when it occurs.
The elven spy makes his way along one of the raised walkways on either side of the sewer, glad he won't get his boots wet, or get muck on them.
He has an uneventful walk down to the harbour, coming out in an abandoned warehouse. Which until the start of winter, belonged to a dwarven merchant. Who escaped Falnic with his family thanks to Dalin when the Justifiers of Belinswae invaded the Stone Hills.
In a back room of the warehouse, which the dwarven merchant once used when he was too busy to go home. The elven spy uses for the same purposes. Dalinvardél Tanith takes off his cloak and boots, puts what he took from the safe house, into a storage box next to the bed.
He gets into bed, and goes to sleep, fairly early considering all the late night's he's had throughout this winter in Falnic. He has a busy day tomorrow, and even a busier night.
The spy Tanith is up early in the morning, he washes, then dons his clothing and armour, covering them with his cloak.
He secures all his weapons beneath his cloak, including the ones he's had stored here in the abandoned warehouse. Finally he takes what he placed in the storage box last night, unwrapping the thick cloth, and looking at the two identical things that was wrapped up.
"By the forest gods i hope to hell they can't be sensed" Dalinvardél Tanith murmurs to himself, he's been told that they can't be, by both Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief. And by lord Farque himself, who confided to Dalin that he can sense them easily enough, but spellcasters won't be able to, until they're activated.
The Southlander takes one of the black metal, foot and half long tubes, and places into a loop on the inside of his cloak, that goes down his left side, beneath his arm. He does the same for the other one, on the otherside of his body.
He glances at the two mage canisters tucked under his arms beneath his cloak, and rolls his eyes at the thought of carrying them around all day as he plans to. The spy Tanith then shrugs, and murmurs to himself "Got things to do Dalin".
The elven spy, makes his way out of the abandoned warehouse, and heads to a nearby inn that he'll get a bite to eat. The streets, lanes, alleyways and squares, even here near the docks, aren't particularly busy for this early in the morning.
People are afraid, and are sticking indoors, even though weather wise, it's a cool but clear start to the day.
The thought of an army of tribal nomads from the plains, at the walls of the city in a couple of days, has the townsmen of Falnic in fear.
After getting something to eat and drink, Dalinvardél Tanith makes his way from the inn, and walks to the nearest dock. In the early morning light, he watches a few fishing boats leave port, stopping near one of the blockade ships out beyond the harbour, before continuing on their way out to sea.
He sees a cargo vessel being loaded up, and he looks across the harbour, to the docks and piers in the busier southern part of the port, and spots a merchantman coming into dock.
The spy Tanith glances up, and watches a pair of wyverns sweep across the harbour, circling east. The guards on the backs of the wyverns, are no doubt heading southeast, to watch the progress of the army from the Nomads Plains that is heading towards Falnic.
After watching the goings on in the harbour, the elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands heads off. He has a meeting with a couple of his contacts in the smugglers community this morning, for he has something for them to do.
"Are you bringing people in and out of the city?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith a little while later in the backroom of a brass and coppersmiths shop "Not by sea" says one of the two smugglers the elven spy is meeting with "Even during the night it's too damn risky" adds the smuggler, the other smuggler sitting beside him, nods in agreement.
"Take it you're using your boltholes instead?" asks the spy Tanith, who continues with "Safer to move by foot then?". "It is" says the second smuggler "Though not during the day, too damn dangerous with the Justifiers who have come into the city over the last few days" adds the first smuggler, a swarthy man who is a captain of a small, single masted cutter.
The second smuggler, who works in the office of the navy of Falnic, the only organization in the city that the Justifiers all contribute equally to, says "More guards are coming in, both on land and by sea, as well as on the backs of wyverns" he continues with "Even from the war up in the Stone Hills from what I've heard, though those on foot and by horse won't be back here for a number of days yet".
"Seems the nomads have got them all worked up" says the elf from south of the equator "I wonder why" dryly says the first smuggler, the ship's captain.
Dalin knows that these two, like all the smugglers of Falnic, and for that matter elsewhere up and down the coast of Belinswae. Even though they're townsmen, their dislike of the nomads of the dry, arid plains to the east. Isn't as vehement as most other townsmen throughout the region.
Infact most smugglers, as well as the criminal community in general in Falnic, couldn't care less about the continuing animosity between townsmen and nomads.
"Well since you lot aren't exactly busy getting people in and out of the city, or transporting stolen goods at the moment, there's something i want you to do" says the Southlander "Oh what's that?" asks the smuggler who works in the office of the navy.
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae takes out a rather large pouch of coins and puts it on the table between them, then he explains what he wants done.
As the smugglers check out how many coins, and what colour they are in the pouch. Their eyebrows lift up in surprise as they see how much gold coins are contained in the pouch.
Their eyebrows are raised again, and they share a look when the hooded elf sitting opposite them finishes explaining what he wants done.
"You want us to do what?" asks the first smuggler, the captain of a small cutter "You heard" says Dalinvardél Tanith "We heard alright" says the ship's captain, who then adds "We're not getting involved in any battle that's likely to happen".
"You're not" says the elven spy, who continues with "Everyone knows the nomads are a couple of days away". "This is true" quietly says the second smuggler, the first nods his head agreement, and Dalin tells them "I want a distraction, a fairly decent sized one, because of something I'm going to be doing".
"And that is?" asks the smuggler who works in the office of the navy, the elf from south of the equator replies with "You'll find out when it happens".
Both smugglers sourly smile, and the spy Tanith nods at the large pouch of coins on the table between them and says "That's half, the other half will be paid after you do it" he takes out another large pouch of coins and shows them.
"We'll do it" immediately says the smugglers, almost in unison too, Dalinvardél Tanith nods, pockets the second pouch of gold coins, pushes the first one towards them, and says "Done" as he leans forward and shakes their hands.
"Done" says the first smuggler "Done" adds the second after they shake the hand of the elven spy.
Well, the battle for Falnic has just begun, Dalin thinks to himself, for what he's just done will set into motion the battle for the city tonight, and not in a couple of days time when everyone in Falnic expects the army of nomad tribesmen to turn up . . . . . .

Monday 23 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 53.

Belinswae. Winter...

The dwarven war party can hike long distances during a day. Especially in fairly benign terrain here along the coast of Belinswae, compared to what they normally face in the Stone Hills.
For the two humans in the war party, they just can't compete with the stamina of the dwarves from clan Galve. So a few times a day, they cheat.
With Mira Reinholt the mage teleporting himself and Shur Kee the monk. Either to keep up with the war party. Or to get ahead of them, as the mage Reinholt does in this instance.
The two of them, the once powerful mage and the short statured monk make their way up onto the road the spellcaster from south of the equator teleported them beside.
The practitioner of magic, who was once able to teleport in excess of ten miles, far further than most human spellcasters. Can barely teleport the two of them over five hundred yards.
Looks back up the to the low hill they've come from, and sees the first of the war party, those few on horseback, come into view.
"They'll catch up soon enough" says Mira Reinholt the mage as they continue southwards along the road "The way they walk, it won't be long at all" adds the Vexilian mage in exile, next to him, the acolyte in the order of Bru Li, nods his head in agreement.
The road is empty, apart from the odd wagon or cart that's been abandoned. They've seen more of them over the last day or so, as people flee the so called marauding dwarven war party from the Stone Hills.
Most of the local populace who are fleeing to the city of Falnic and further south, haven't even encountered the war party from clan Galve.
They're leaving their homes due to rumour and hearsay, from what they've heard from the people of those towns and villages the dwarven war party have actually gone through. Those they've forced from their homes, and burnt their towns and villages down.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster knew that they only had to do that a handful of times, and know that word of that would spread down the western coastline of Belinswae fairly quickly. It was what he was hoping for.
As they approach some woods, the mage Reinholt notices something, then gestures ahead on the road, and says "Seems someone ran into some of the Justifiers guards" he then adds in a dry tone of voice "And got something they didn't expect".
Shur Kee the monk who has been looking away to their right, to the west, where the Great Western ocean is in view. Looks ahead to what the once powerful mage has spotted, the physical adept from the otherside of the continent slightly grimaces at what he sees.
As a cool wind comes in off the sea, no where near as freezing as it is up in the Stone Hills. They approach a wagon on it's side, still in the traces are a pair of dead horses. Most of the contents that was in the wagon bed, are strewn across the ground.
There's carrion birds pecking at the flesh of the dead horses. They take to wing, squawking in indignation as the two humans approach.
Further beyond the wagon and horses, lies a shattered cart. Next to it lies a body of a man, half covered in torn up bolts of cloth. A pair of ravens that were pecking at his face, fly away when they hear the two adventures coming closer.
Mira Reinholt looks at the dead man, and wonders what he sold his life for. Probably food, and something to drink, the spellcaster from south of the equator thinks to himself.
The highly skilled swordmaster, who has traveled far and wide since he was exiled from his homeland of Vexil at just seventeen years of age. Has been in untold wars and conflicts ever since. And he's seen people underestimate those who they think normally protect and look after them in times of peace, act completely differently in times of conflict.
Soldiers, troops, guards and mercenaries, unless they're highly disciplined, and have good officers. They'll take what they want from the local populace. And what they take more often than not, is food and drink.
"The idiot" mutters Mira Reinholt as they pass the dead man, a cloth merchant by the looks of it, who is covered in golds worth of his wares, that is scattered across the ground. Who was probably killed for the food and drink he had in his cart, that he refused to give over.
When the Southlander spots the coin purse still attached to the belt of the dead man, he knows that he was more than likely killed for something like food or drink, things that soldiers, in this case Justifier's guards, can readily use.
"What was that friend Mira?" asks Shur Kee the monk, who has been quietly murmuring a prayer for the dead as they've approached the corpse next to the road, then walked by him.
"Nothing" replies the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, then the mage, who was the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil, takes out from his cloak, a map of the area of Belinswae they're in.
While behind them, the carrion birds settle back down on the two dead wagon horses, and the corpse near the shattered cart, and resume their ghastly feast. Soon they'll be disrupted again, as the first of the dwarven war party, those handful on horseback, approach the woods.
Looking at the map as they walk, Mira Reinholt says to the physical adept from the far eastern coastal kingdom of Wah Lee "There's another fishing village not too far away" the highly skilled swordmaster from south of the equator points this out to the short statured monk, then points at something else on the map, and adds "And a town about four or five miles further south of that".
"Should we try there?" asks Shur Kee "Might as well" says the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, the mage Reinholt rolls up the small map, and returns it to the inner pocket of his cloak he took it from.
The Southlander looks back, and through the trees, he spots the dwarven war party on the road, approaching the woods. The exiled Vexilian mage who has a plan for quickly getting to the city of Falnic, rubs his chin, and quietly says "I wonder how good that lot are at sailing?".
Later in the day, after midday, the two humans, stand with a handful of the war party, on top of a seaside cliff, looking down to a town a few hundred yards away to the south of them.
"Busy looking place" says the dwarven swordmaster Varl, everyone nods, as they see vessels either leaving the port town, or approaching it. There's vessels of all sizes at dock and out at sea. Many of them far larger than the handful of small fishing skiffs they saw in the village a couple of miles north of here just before midday.
"Don't be seeing any Justifiers guards down there" says old Kalend who continues with "That dunny not mean there ain't none of the blighters about".
The old warrior who taught the hammer and axe to the clan chieftain Lomi Galve, dislikes the Justifiers of Belinswae and their guards even more as they've traveled south towards Falnic. As they've seen what the Justifier's guards have, and have not been doing.
"Prosperous looking too" quietly says Tarong "Aye, that it is" says the dwarven swordmaster, who looks at his equal in rank with the sword, and asks him "You be going down to check this town out?".
"I will" says Mira Reinholt, who nods at Shur Kee and continues with "We'll go down there and see how things are" the once powerful mage casts a spell upon himself and the short statured monk, changing their appearance by way of an illusion spell.
Then the mage Reinholt, who can't sense any spellcasters down in the town below, says to the dwarves "Keep an eye out on us" then he takes a hold of the physical adepts right arm, and teleports the two of them, down behind a house on the edge of the seaside town.
They look around as they make their way through town, and as they head towards some of the piers, the spellcaster from south of the equator reads the minds of a few people.
When they stop next to a dock and watch the unloading of a small, single masted vessel, Mira Reinholt points to nearby dockside tavern, and quietly tells Shur Kee "In there" and in barely a whisper, the highly skilled swordmaster tells the physical adept "This town's a smugglers den" Shur Kee's eyebrows rise up in surprise at hearing that.
They enter the tavern, they illicit a number of stares, nothing threatening or lingering. Probably because the illusion spell the once powerful mage has cast upon himself and the short statured monk, makes them appear pretty benign and fairly trustworthy.
The adventurers make their way to the bar, and the exiled Vexilian mage orders a tankard of ale. While the acolyte in the order of Bru Li asks for a mug of hot water.
As Shur Kee crushes up some dried leaves he takes from a small pouch from under his cloak, and drops it in the hot water. The mage Reinholt has a quiet word with the tavern keeper.
A little while later the tavern keeper introduces the two of them to a sailor, who in turn leads them to a corner table, where sits four sailors, who are quietly talking to one another, as they sip their drinks.
Mira Reinholt quickly reads their minds, and finds out that they're all smugglers, three of them are ship's captains, while the fourth is the first mate of another vessel.
"Looking for a hire are you?" asks one of the sailors, a captain of a twin masted cutter "Something like that" replies the Southlander, who continues with "We need to get to Falnic".
"No can do" says the captain who is doing all the talking, he continues with "Due to the blockade they've got on the harbour down there, only the Justifiers navy, and ships whose home port is Falnic, like their fishing fleet, are the only one's allowed in and out of the harbour".
Shit, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster thinks to himself, as he senses by way of a spell, that the cutter's captain is telling the truth.
The mage Reinholt reaches beneath his cloak and takes hold of a spell gem within a hidden pocket in his cloak. He's a little depleted in power at the moment, so he drains some of the power in the gem, and replenishes his depleted stores after casting quite a few spells today.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands reads the mind more thoroughly of the captain who has been talking . The once powerful mage slightly nods at what he finds out, then he asks "Say, if i wanted to get fairly close to Falnic, but not actually there, would you happen to know a way?".
There's silence from the sailors at the table as they all glance at one another, then another of the ship's captains says "Maybe there is". "Maybe" adds the captain of the cutter "Then maybe that's where we would like to go" says Mira Reinholt.
After another moment's silence, the captain of the cutter, who has been doing most of the talking, says "It's not exactly cheap to sail to Falnic, or i should say close to it" he then adds "Even though it isn't exactly that far away from here".
"That's alright, we've got enough to pay" says the spellcaster from south of the equator, who continues with "Whatever the price is".
The four sailors, smugglers all, share a few looks, then the captain of the cutter asks the two adventurers "Just the two of you then?".
Mira Reinholt the mage and Shur Kee the monk glance at one another, before looking at the other four at the table with them, then with a slight grin upon the face that disguises what he really looks like, the Vexilian mage in exile says "Not quite" he follows that up with "A few others will be coming along with us too" . . . . . .

Thursday 19 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 52.

The Stone Hills. Winter...

"Damn flying demon" loudly mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he stares at the wyvern he's infront of, the heavily armoured knight looks around then loudly declares "I've changed my mind and decided to ride all the way to that city" the earl of Lé Dic from the kingdom of Druvic, continues with "I shall find myself a trusty steed, with four legs and hooves that shall carry me there quicker than one would think".
"Get on the wyvern Percavelle" says lord Farque from near the next wyvern along, the undead warlord then tells the nobleborn knight "If not I'll hog tie you, and have it carry you in it's claws".
"Saint Mar-che" mutters the knight from the Southlands "It'll be fine Percy" says Tamric Drubine as he walks up, the heavily armoured knight sourly smiles, then shuts the visor of his helm with a clang, and climbs up on the back of the wyvern as if he's being hauled to the executioners block.
Tam grins and scampers up onto the back of the wyvern, followed by the dwarves who are flying with him and sir Percavelle this morning.
Nearby, the wyvern that Lisell Maera is the lead rider on, lifts off with the dwarves with her. The wyvern that Helbe the elven thief is the lead rider on is already in the sky flying south.
Other wyverns are taking off too, as all the captured wyverns that they've taken from various Justifiers armies, take as many dwarven warriors as possible south.
Lord Farque looks around once he's airborne, there's just over thirty captured wyverns, either in the sky or lifting off, each carrying about a dozen to fifteen warriors. The four hundred or so dwarves are heading south, out of the Stone Hills, to the region of Belinswae.
The heavily armoured deathlord looks away to the west, where on such a clear winter's morning, he gets a good view of the remnants of Justifier Maxime's army, that's been constantly harassed by the warriors of various clans as they continue south out of the foothills.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque then looks away to the east, in the direction of Yalkin clanhold. He looks to the south of there, and in the distance where the foothills eventually taper away, he spots the army of Justifier Kaellin on the march south.
Even though they're thirty miles away to the southeast, the deathlord of Farque can see that the army of the Justifier whose idea it was to invade the Stone Hills in the first place. Is fairly disciplined for first thing in the morning, on what's a clear, but cold and windy day here in the mountains and foothills that are home to the dwarven clans of the Stone Hills.
The lord of the death realm knows that the mage Kaellin isn't with his army at the moment. And has gone away to the south by way of rift. The undead warlord figures that Justifier Kaellin is already in the city of Falnic by now, probably getting there late yesterday afternoon or early evening.
Lord Farque looks back to one of the following wyverns, and slightly shakes his full helmed head when he spots sir Percavelle Lé Dic clinging onto the back and saddle of the wyvern that Tamric Drubine is the lead rider of.
The heavily armoured deathlord can clearly hear the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic loudly complaining to the nobleborn youngster infront of him about the way he's flying the damn winged demon.
Lord Farque gives Tam the hand signal for a dive, the former heir to castle Drubine obliges. And puts the wyvern he's flying, into a dive. Making it spin as it does so. The nobleborn youngster from south of the equator who called out in the dwarven language to hold on. Grins as behind him, sir Percavelle starts yelling and shouting even louder than he previously was as he held on for dear life.
Tamric Drubine never knew the earl of Lé Dic could swear so much. As the wyvern rapidly drops in altitude in a spinning dive. The nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin quietly chuckles to himself as behind him sir Percavelle continues to swear and yell, mostly about the parentage of the wyvern, and anyone stupid enough to fly them. Tam has never heard the heavily armoured knight say the word fuck so many times so quickly.
Further up in the sky, and further ahead, lord Farque has the wyvern he's on, put on a bit of speed. The large winged creature increases in speed by having a higher wing beat.
It's wings snap out straight once it goes between two of the other wyverns. One of which, Jarka Mard is the lead rider of.
The youngest son of the Mard clan chieftain waves as lord Farque and the wyvern he's on, soars by. The undead warlord lifts a gauntleted hand in return as the wyvern he's on continues it's way forward.
The lord of the death realm looks away to the west, where about five hundred yards away, is Lisell Maera and the wyvern she's the lead rider of.
With the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury is a number of dwarves from clan Kraelin. Including the delver Barmil and his wife Fomar. The two rather chunky dwarves look decidedly sick as they sit, strapped into the saddle. Sitting further behind the pair is Barmil's cousin, Baedin Kraelin the Kraelin clan chieftain.
The undead warlord spots Karne the axe thrower, sitting directly behind the husband and wife. The large dwarven warrior has a wide grin upon his bearded face as he looks at the two overweight dwarves sitting infront of him who are turning pale in the face as they try not to throw up their breakfast.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque has the wyvern pick up speed again, to catch up to the wyvern that's out infront of all the others, leading the pack south over the mountains and foothills.
It's not long before the wyvern that the heavily armoured deathlord is on, comes alongside the large winged creature that's out leading the way.
Helbe the elven thief looks over at the other wyvern that the lord of the death realm is on. The young elven noble from the principality of Laerel casts a spell.
"What is it?" asks Helbe the elven thief who speaks in the royal elven language for lord Farque's ears only.
"When we stop for the midday meal, i want you to head east for a bit and check on their other armies who could be heading south too" says the undead being who is also known as Draugadrottin by the people of his lands, the undead warlord who is also speaking the royal elven language, for prince Helbenthril Raendril's ears only thanks to the spell cast by the elven magic user, then adds "They could be withdrawing en masse now that they know Belinswae and the city of Falnic is under threat from elsewhere".
The elven masterthief who has also seen the army of Justifier Kaellin in the distance to the southeast making it's way out of the foothills, nods his hooded head in understanding.
The elven princeling then tells the heavily armoured deathlord on the wyvern to the left "With the way that mage Kaellin took off yesterday, i wouldn't be surprised that they're withdrawing across the entire range".
"Hopefully" says lord Farque, who then dryly adds "After all that was the fucking plan" on the other wyvern, the elven master assassin chuckles for though it's taken some time, the undead warlord's plan of driving the larger armies of the Justifiers of Belinswae out of the Stone Hills, it seems to be working.
They stop just after a midday with little that happened during the morning. Only seeing a pair of wyverns away to the west, who were also heading south. They belonged to another of Justifier's who is withdrawing from the Stone Hills, as word of the threat to Belinswae and the city of Falnic in particular, continues to spread.
Helbe the elven thief after a quick bite to eat, heads off to the southeast with only Narladene the ground pixie for company.
Those dwarves who were on the wyvern with him during the morning, are dispersed amongst the other wyverns that have the least amount of dwarven warriors on them.
After the meal, the flight of wyverns who have stopped on a serious of hills. Lift off, and continue on their way southwards to Belinswae.
One of the last winged creatures to get in the air again is the one that Tamric Drubine is the lead rider on. For the simple reason that sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who until this morning refused to go on one of the captured wyverns. Refuses to get on this one, for the rest of the day. He'd rather walk all the way into Belinswae and the two hundred miles or so to the city of Falnic, than fly on a wyvern again.
The heavily armoured knight only scrambles onto the back of the wyvern when Tam points out lord Farque circling back after taking off, when he notices that they've yet to lift off.
The earl of Lé Dic from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands would rather hang on for dear life on the back of the wyvern. Than be trussed up like an animal for slaughter, and carried in the front claws of the wyvern as they continue on their way southwards to Belinswae.
Once all the wyverns are in the early afternoon sky, the lord of the death realm looks away to the southeast. He spots the wyvern Helbe the elven thief is on in the distance. The elven magic user and the wyvern he's flying are already about ten miles away, and getting further away to the east.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril reaches the road that the bulk of the army of Justifier Kaellin will come down later today. As he flies above it, the elven magic user casts a few spells down onto the road, hiding them from other spellcasters, knowing that the mage Kaellin will of left a few of his spellcasters behind with the bulk of his army.
The young elven noble from south of the equator tightly grins as the spells will delay the army that attacked deep into the Yalkin clanhold. Taking a number of the prosperous mines within the clanhold, until they started withdrawing after finding out what's happening in Belinswae, and the threat to the city of Falnic.
The elven master assassin, who has Narladene the ground pixie on his right shoulder, continues on his way to the east and south.
After mid afternoon, the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel in the Southlands, spots another army of a Justifier. One Justifier Mangin by his best guess. Who are away to the northeast of where he is when he spots them.
As he has the wyvern circle, wishing that he was flying upon a griffon that elven nobles usually fly upon. He sees that the enemy army about ten miles away to the northeast, are heading south, winding their way through the foothills, on their way back to Belinswae.
The elven princeling from south of the equator continues on his way, heading more directly eastwards than southwards.
By the time he eventually turns back to the west late in the afternoon. The elven masterthief spots another Justifier's army away to the east. This one doesn't seem to of pushed too far north into the mountains this winter. But it too is heading back south through the foothills towards Belinswae.
The young elven noble flies southwest late into the evening, and eventually, with the help of Narladene, who can sense a lot further than he can. He finds where the flight of captured wyverns and those who are riding upon them, have stopped for the night.
They've stopped at an abandoned free folk village in a valley just where the foothills of the Stone Hills ends, and the region of Belinswae begins.
A valley that actually has trees in it, a stark contrast to the rocky hills and peaks found throughout the Stone Hills.
After landing, and the wyvern promptly falling asleep after he hops down off it, the elven magic user makes his way to a house that Narladene points out to him in the village. A little while later the elven masterthief enters the house.
"There's two more armies further to east of that mage Kaellin's one" says Helbe the elven thief to lord Farque who is sitting at the table in the main room of the house.
"They're withdrawing and heading south too" adds the grandson of Prince Raendril "Good" says lord Farque with a nod of his full helmed head.
Then the undead warlord, who is sitting at the table with a yawning Lisell Maera, and a sour looking sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who are eating their dinner after flying late into the night, says to the young elven noble "Get something to eat".
Helbe the elven thief nods, and makes his way over to the fireplace where Tamric Drubine is getting himself another plate of stew from pot on the trivet over the fire. The young elven noble, like the three living human beings is famished after a long day and night of flying . . . . . .