Monday 30 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 58.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

Dorc da Orc runs through the destroyed sally port in the east wall of the city of Falnic. Looks around, and is a little disappointed there isn't anyone for him to kill immediately.
Until a number of Justifier's guards run in this direction from the nearby main gates.
"Dorc move you big lump!" shouts Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who is behind the large ork, a grunt comes from the ork warleader, who turns left to fight the oncoming guards, when the ranger Hait yells at him "Not that way, north!".
Dorkindle growls, and throws one of the axes he's holding, it takes the side of the head off one of the guards, and slams into the chest of the one immediately behind him.
Then the ork weaponsmith turns right, and starts going that way. He's followed by the mercenary ranger from south of the equator and a number of the elven soldiers and mercenaries who have entered the city with them.
Others who have come in through the destroyed sally port, engage the approaching guards, while more enter the city and hold the opening for more and more of them to come into Falnic.
The mercenary ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, runs ahead of the big, burly ork.
Then turns to the left, when he hears a familiar voice call out, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman along with the ork weaponsmith head towards a lane, where stands the elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith. A few people on the street, scream and run at the sight of the large ork, who roars at them.
"Good to see you" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy "And you" says the ranger Hait "This way" says the elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands, who leads them, and the following elves from Maladimbáh, further into the lane, then further into the city, heading north.
As they head north through the city, they hear an explosion from somewhere behind them, on the east wall by the sounds of it. One of the Justifiers of Belinswae, in this case the witch Lovis, has engaged in a magical battle with one of the elven spellcasters, who has come into the city, and stopped holding their power within themselves. The elven noble in this instance, is Galacithàné Walashàele, the cousin of lord Walashàele.
"What was that?" asks Justifier Davarn as they stand not far from the nearly destroyed south gates of Falnic "Lovis" says Justifier Kaellin "Something else there too" says Justifier Sammacin, the wizard who is the youngest of the Justifiers, not just of Falnic, but all of Belinswae, then adds "Felt different, foreign like to me".
The two older spellcasters, the wizard Davarn and the mage Kaellin share a look, then the Justifier, whose idea it was to invade the Stone Hills in the first place, says "Elven" Justifier Davarn nods in agreement.
The wizard Sammacin slightly grunts as that stands to reason, for he's never been in the same vicinity of an elven spellcaster who has cast. No wonder the spellcraft of the person he sensed and couldn't recognise felt different to him.
The three spellcasters look at one another, then the wizard Davarn looks at both of the Falnic based Justifiers and asks "What the hell is going on here?". "What do you mean?" asks the mage Kaellin "I mean there's an elven noble casting at Lovis, when recently you went off to Maladimbáh and failed to secure a treaty with them, not to mention there's an army of bloody nomads not that far away" says the older wizard who then adds "That's what i mean".
"He has point" quietly says the wizard Sammacin, the fairly powerful mage slightly scowls at his fellow spellcaster from Falnic, then says to the wizard from outside the city "They have nothing to do with one another" Justifier Kaellin briefly pauses, then adds in a slightly hesitant tone "I think".
"You think?" sourly says Justifier Davarn, who continues with "This along with that damn war of yours against the dwarves in the north" the older wizard who is one of the Justifiers from central Belinswae not involved with the invasion of the dwarven clanholds in the Stone Hills, then adds "You idiot, what the hell have you got us into Kaellin?".
The mage who isn't accustomed to other Justifiers speaking to him like that, as those from here in the city of Falnic, with the exception of Sammacin lately, usually defer to him.
Is a little taken a back by what the older wizard just said, he's just thinking of something to say, when a shout from up on the wall gets his, and the other two spellcasters attention.
"Fighting on the east wall!" calls down a guard up on the south wall, another who has just run along the top of the wall from that direction, adds "Justifiers there's an army out there!" followed by "To the east of the city!".
"Shit" mutters Justifier Sammacin "How did they get here so quickly?" murmurs a perplexed looking mage Kaellin "And why's an elven noble helping them out?" adds the wizard Davarn who senses Justifier Kaellin about to cast and tells him "Stay and deal with this" the older wizard waves at the nearly destroyed south gates and adds "It's obviously part of a coordinated attack on the city, I'll go and help Lovis out".
Justifier Davarn walks away, waving for his guards to join him, they soon disappear as he teleports them away, heading east through the city.
The two Justifiers of Falnic share a look, then the younger of the two says "You heard Davarn, deal to this" the wizard Sammacin continues with "We don't want them entering the city freely because of it" as he gestures at the main south gates, or what little is left of them.
The youngest of all of the Justifiers of Belinswae then says "I'll check on the defenses of the city" he's referring to the magical defenses. The wizard Sammacin then steps closer to his fellow Justifier of Falnic and quietly says to him "By the gods Kaellin, i hope to hell you haven't doomed us all with your actions recently".
Then the young wizard turns his back on his colleague and walks away, calling over some of his guards, who are on duty here in the south of the city.
Justifier Sammacin teleports them up to the top of the south wall, and starts to check on the spells near the badly damaged south gates, some of which were destroyed in the explosion that brought down the gates.
The young wizard recasts the spells, and heads eastwards along the top of the south wall, sensing another spell in the east of the city being cast by an elven magic user. A moment later the sound of an explosion comes from that part of the city, then a ball of firey debris can be seen in that direction, mushrooming up into the night sky.
Riley Hait looks back, and waves the following elven soldiers and mercenaries on, to keep following behind Dalinvardél Tanith who is leading the way northwards through the city of Falnic.
The going is fairly easy and quick, as they're predominantly going downhill as they head to the north wall of the city. They ignore the people on the streets, what few there is. They hardly encounter any patrols of Justifiers guards too.
For most, if not all, who are on duty tonight, are on the walls of the city, and at the gates due to the threat of the army from the Nomads Plains that's approaching the city.
The two small patrols of guards they do encounter on the streets, are quickly overwhelmed by the elven soldiers and mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh.
With Dorc da Orc wiping out most of one of the patrols of Justifier's guards all by himself, as he kills five guards fairly quickly as they stood there, shocked at seeing a large green creature come running at them, roaring loudly, brandishing a pair of large weapons.
The ranger Hait catches up to the spy Tanith, who gestures to a corner up ahead, and says "That way leads down to the gates". Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson nods as he recognises the area they're in here in the north of the city.
The human ranger who was brought up and trained by the elven warders of Envadarlen, looks back and says in the elven language "Archers forward" as the elves with longbows move forward, Riley Hait says to them in their language "You know which ones to take out first" he looks up, then adds "Some of you get up onto the rooftops when we get closer".
"What the fuck you cunts going on about?" demands Dorc da Orc in a growling voice, the ranger Hait tells him "Your plan" the large ork pauses for a moment, then he grunts in satisfaction and says "Good".
They continue on their way, moving quickly, they get to the street that runs parallel with a lot of the north wall of the city. Already the elven archers start shooting at the unsuspecting defenders upon the top of the north wall. Who like many in Falnic, are wondering what's happening in the east of the city this night.
They head down the street towards the main gates in the north wall of Falnic. That's their destination. As Dorc da Orc's plan calls for the three walls of the city to be compromised.
To have a breach in the south, east and north walls of Falnic.
And though the attack on the south wall was diversionary, the openings in the east wall, and hopefully in the north, is to allow as many of the army from southern Maladimbáh into the city of Falnic as quickly as possible.
The ork warleader who has devised the plan to attack the largest city in the region of Belinswae. Knew that without siege towers and engines, and for that matter even scaling ladders. That speed, as well as a surprise attack from within inside Falnic was the best hope of compromising the city before the army of tribal nomads turned up.
And though the elves from the principality of Maladimbáh are badly outnumbered by the Justifiers guards within the city. They have the advantage of speed and stealth as well as surprise, and the ability to see in the dark, to take out as many of the defenders of the city before they know what's happening.
"Wait up Dorc" says Riley Hait who gestures for the warleader of the ork race to stop, the large ork scowls, but he comes to a halt, and glances up at the buildings to their left, that some of the elven archers are getting onto the rooftops of.
"Might as well go" says Dalinvardél Tanith a little while later as he's extending the bow arms of his crossbow, the ranger Hait nods, then says "Let's go". "Get some" says Dorc da Orc who growls in anticipation as they get underway again.
They know what they have to do as they head towards the towers on either side of the main gates here in the north of the city. They're to open the gates, then foul the chains and mechanism that opens and closes the gates, then burn them if they have to. Just as long as they remain open. For those elven soldiers and mercenaries who are waiting on the otherside of the north wall of Falnic to enter the city.
The Justifier's guards at the base of the towers, and those standing duty at the gates start dropping when they're struck by yard long arrows shot from the powerful elven longbows of the archers who have set up on nearby rooftops.
"There goes any semblance of stealth" dryly murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith as infront of him and Riley Hait, Dorc da Orc is roaring and shouting "Fucken get some!" as they run at the Justifier's guards who are on gate duty here in the north of the city.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks is laughing as he swings his axe at the first guard who turns to face him, who has a stunned look upon his face as he sees in the flickering light of the nearby torches, at what it is that's bearing down upon him, swinging a massive axe, that ends up cutting him in two across the waist . . . . . .

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