Wednesday 25 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 55.

Belinswae. Winter...

It's late in the afternoon, and they come through the portal again, this time there's more than thirty of them. First through the portal as usual is Dorc da Orc, the ork warleader crouches down when he exits the cave, and he shuffles forward and hunkers down beside a boulder, where he looks towards the city of Falnic.
Riley Hait the mercenary ranger makes his way out of the cave that holds the structure the portal is within. He ducks down and makes his way over to the large ork, and kneels down next to him.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman looks back, and sees those who have followed him from out of the cave, have dropped down out of sight behind the rocks and piles of stones scattered across the hilltop. While the rest are still waiting within the cave.
The ranger Hait looks away to the southeast when Dorkindle grunts and nods that way, after awhile the human ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands.
Spots a trio of wyverns coming up from the south at speed, they pass a good five miles to the east of the hill as they continue on their way to the west, where the city of Falnic lies.
"They're in a hurry" quietly says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who continues in a dry tone with "Probably something to do with an army of ten thousand nomads heading this way".
Dorc da Orc grunts in agreement then says "Dumbfucks don't know about the other fucken army heading at them" the large ork softly chuckles, that always sounds like a large, angry, rumbling bumblebee to the ranger Hait.
"They gonna get a fucken surprise there" murmurs the ork weaponsmith, who grins then adds "Surprisey time soon ya fucken cuntholes". Riley Hait nods, and looks west out to sea beyond the city of Falnic, that the sun is heading over as it sinks towards the horizon.
"Now we wait" quietly says the mercenary ranger, who in actuality is a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, the large ork from the wolf tribe grunts, then says "We fucken wait".
As the two from south of the equator wait as the sun continues to drop down to the horizon in the west on this cool winter's day here in the west of Belinswae.
The ranger Hait glances at the large ork beside him, who is busy watching the walls of the city about five miles away. Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson has gone into war, and into battle a number of times beside the ork warleader over the years.
Though this will be the first time that it's just the two of them, and in a battle that Dorkindle has devised by himself, though with plenty of input from the mercenary ranger. As well as lord Walashàele, and the elven lord's senior officers.
"We're going to be badly outnumbered Dorc" quietly says Riley Hait when he finally breaks the silence "And probably still be when the nomads turn up".
"Probs" grunts the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks with a shrug of his massive shoulders, they've seen the amount of Justifiers guards who have arrived in the city of Falnic over the last couple of days. And yes, they'll be badly outnumbered when they attack the coastal city. But the large ork isn't particularly worried about that. Infact he's not that worried about anything.
"Nights soon" says the warleader of the ork race, who continues on with "Silly fucken humans won't be able to see proper then". The ranger Hait sourly smiles, as he's one of those silly fucken humans. But he understands the large ork's meaning. For when it's nighttime, the defenders of Falnic will be at a serious disadvantage in comparison to those who will be attacking it.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson looks back behind them, and spots Galacithàné Walashàele kneeling beside a pile of rocks looking towards Falnic too.
The Southlander gets the elven noble's attention, and nods. The cousin of lord Walashàele nods in understanding, and he moves off and has a quiet word with some of the other elves.
Some of whom start going down the side of the hill in the fading light of dusk, while a pair head back into the cave where the portal is located.
"I've sent them off" quietly says Riley Hait to Dorc da Orc, who grunts and says "Me hear" the large ork glances to one side, and sees a couple of the elves going down the side of the hill.
Already there's elves from the principality of Maladimbáh, between here and the city of Falnic. Predominantly the mercenaries the two from south of the equator hired in southern Maladimbáh, as well as scouts and rangers in lord Walashàele's army.
Keeping out of sight and waiting for nightfall. They'll be the first to act as they move on the city of Falnic.
The human ranger who was raised and trained by the warders in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, glances back and in the dim light of dusk, he sees elves coming out of the cave behind them.
"They're coming through" quietly says the ranger Hait, the big ork who is in exile from his homeland the Ork Range, glances over his shoulder and sees the elven soldiers coming from the cave.
"Right, let's go cunt" says Dorkindle to Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman as the sun finally sinks below the horizon in the west, as the army of lord Walashàele starts to come out of the portal that's brought them from the Nomads Plains.
The large ork and the mercenary ranger along with a number of elves make their way down the hill, on the opposite side from the town that's down next to the road, that the hill stands behind.
The ranger Hait occasionally glances at the large figure beside him, who is  softly chuckling, and when he isn't doing that, he's muttering away to himself in the total incomprehensible language of the orks.
As for the elven soldiers, and the small number of mercenaries with them, they're silent as they quickly head downhill.
Once off the hill, and in the cover of darkness that is the early evening, they head north and west to the city of Falnic, while more and more soldiers from lord Walashàele's army continue to come through the portal in the cave up on the hill.
They head cross country, keeping well away from the road that runs southeast from the nearby coastal city. Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson is just glad the ork warleader beside him isn't loudly complaining that he has to walk to where they're going. The prospect of battle has got the large ork in a good mood if his continued chuckling and muttering is anything to go by.
It's a mile north of the hill the hidden portal is located that they first stop. Where they're met by some of the elven mercenaries from Maladimbáh, who came out of the portal over the last two days.
"Just a small patrol, they don't have many out in the evenings, especially not now since they've sealed the city" quietly says one of the mercenary squad, who speaks in the common language for the benefit of Dorkindle, who obviously can't understand elven.
The ranger Hait nods his head as he looks at the bodies of half a dozen Justifier's guards lying on the ground. They're the first to be killed in the battle of Falnic, they won't be the last.
After the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks kicks one of the dead bodies, they head off again, making their way through the darkness to the nearby city. With just one of the three moons up in the night sky at the moment, as is often the case early in the evenings in winter.
There isn't much light to see by. Well that's if you're human. For Dorc da Orc and all of the elves, their night vision makes it look like the middle of the day to them. And in Dorkindle's case, if it was complete darkness, he'd be able to see then as well, thanks to his ork thermal vision, which picks up the heat, however minute, coming off things, and people.
Nearly three miles from the hill they observed the city of Falnic from, they drop down into a shallow ravine. Like a lot of the ground around here, it's dry. With straw coloured grass, and small stunted shrubs. To go with the dry, gnarly looking trees that are dotted about.
It's in the nearby groves of orchards and vineyards, where you see most tree cover. Though none of them are within a couple of miles of Falnic.
But in comparison to the dry, arid plains to the east of the region of Belinswae where the nomad tribes live. The land here in central Belinswae, near the coast, is absolutely lush, and teeming with life.
There's a large number of elven mercenaries in the shallow ravine, as this is one of the rendezvous points. They're continually being joined by soldiers in lord Walashàele's army who are making their way from the portal on the hilltop to the south and east.
The two from south of the equator look over the edge of the ravine, and an officer in lord Walashàele's army comes over, and quietly says to the ranger Hait "Here, look through this" and hands him, an eyepiece.
Well that's what the mercenary ranger thinks the brass, cylindrical tube is when he looks through it.
He jerks his head back when he looks through one end, for though it is an eyepiece, Riley Hait sees the city of Falnic that's now less than two miles away, clear as if it's the middle of the day. He also sees something else.
"What's all those hazy colours?" asks the Southlander "Their defenses" replies the elven officer, who then adds "The magical one's".
"No shit" murmurs Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson in astonishment in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, the mercenary ranger who is impressed by the magical eyepiece, offers it to the large ork beside him, and says "Dorc look through this".
The big ork who was named warleader by lord Farque a number of years ago, grunts as he takes the brass, cylindrical eyepiece from the human ranger "The fuck" murmurs the ork weaponsmith as he looks through the magical eyepiece, he sniffs a few times, then asks "Is that their magicky shit they got on this wall?".
"Sure is" says the Southlander "Fucken cheaters" mutters Dorkindle, who is never fond of things magical, unless it's of benefit to him, or something he can use.
"Spread the word to keep clear of those spots, until our spellcasters can deal with it" quietly says Riley Hait to the officer in the army of lord Walashàele "I already have" says the elven officer. Who like the two from south of the equator, know that the elven nobles with them this night, are holding their powers within themselves so that they go undetected as they make their way towards the city of Falnic.
As for lord Walashàele himself, as well as his daughter Jalindílth. They're not here at the moment, as they're not coming through the portal that's brought the elven army from the Nomads Plains. They're arriving later, and by other means.
After taking the magical eyepiece back from the ork weaponsmith, the mercenary ranger looks through it again, then he hands it back to the officer "To the next rendezvous point, that farm house" says the ranger Hait.
Dorc da Orc is already on the move, and heading there, Riley Hait scrambles out of the shallow ravine and follows the large figure of the ork warleader. The elven soldiers and mercenaries move out to. Making their way to the farm where more of the mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh are waiting.
The buildings on the farm are some of the closest structures to the city of Falnic, which is less than half a mile away. And when the ranger Hait gets behind the barn, he rolls his eyes when he hears Dorkindle murmur "Here pretty sheeps, Dorc wants to fuck ya" as he looks over at a large pen that only has a handful of sheep in it.
"No one home i gather?" quietly asks the ranger Hait "They left days ago" says one of the elven mercenaries who was already waiting at the farm, he continues with "Their wyvern patrols stop off here, and they feed the last of the stock here to their creatures".
The ranger from south of the equator nods his head, then sits down on the stone wall of the pen, and looks towards Falnic, and it's walls, that are dotted here and there along the top with torches.
"Time to wait again" quietly says Riley Hait to the elven officer with the magical eyepiece, and the mercenary who was waiting here at the farm, who the mercenary ranger put in a position of command of some of the elven mercenaries from southern Maladimbáh.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman repeats this to the ork warleader "Me know" says Dorc da Orc as he knows that have to wait for all of the army of lord Walashàele to turn up and get into position. Then they have to wait for something else, from within the walls of Falnic.
As they wait, Dorkindle eyes the sheep in the large pen with bad intentions. They must know something threatens them, because they've scampered to the otherside, as far away as possible from the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks.
Dorc da Orc sourly grunts, and he sits down on the ground, with his back to the wall of the pen when the ranger Hair quietly tells him "Don't go raping those damn sheep, they'll hear you up on the walls of the city, with the sound you usually make, and the sounds animals make when you do that to them".
"What's the point of having a fucken war if ya can't have some fucken fun doing it" sourly mutters that ork warleader in huff, the mercenary ranger just rolls his eyes, and doesn't say anything in response to that as they continue to wait for the elven army from southern Maladimbáh to get into position . . . . . .

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