Sunday 29 October 2017

You Want A War? You've Got One! 57.

Falnic. Belinswae. Winter...

Dorc da Orc makes his way to the right. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and a number of the elven mercenaries and soldiers from southern Maladimbáh follow them.
The large ork stops nearly directly opposite the main gates on the eastern wall of Falnic.
And as the elven archers continue to pick off the defenders on top of the wall, who can't really see who's shooting them this night.
The ork warleader drops to a knee and waits "There's spells on it, who knows what will happen" quietly says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who saw the defensive spells upon the gate when he looked through the magical eyepiece that one of the elven officers has.
Dorkindle grunts in acknowledgment, but doesn't say anything as they look at the torch lit top of the east wall of Falnic. They're waiting for something.
And as they wait, the ranger Hait wonders when the first of the Justifiers in the city will turn up.
He expects pretty soon, though they're likely to check out what's happened at the main gates in the south wall first.
"What was it?" asks Justifier Lovis "I'm not too sure" says Justifier Davarn as they hurry down a street in the south of the city, with a number of guards in both of their armies, trailing after them.
The witch and the wizard were having dinner together at a nearby inn, when the explosion occurred in the south of the city. They're on their way to the main gates in the south wall, for that is where they sensed the explosion.
"Sammacin is there" says the wizard Davarn who senses their fellow Justifier, the wizard Sammacin has just got to the site of the explosion.
The two of them, along with their guards get there a short time later.
They find the main gates in the wall nearly destroyed, with one half in pieces, and the other half of the large gate, hanging perilously, about to fall down at any moment now.
The two Justifiers make their way over to their colleague, who is beside one of the gate houses, organising the clean up.
"We didn't sense a thing" says the wizard Davarn "Nor did i" says Justifier Sammacin, the youngest Justifier in all of Belinswae, looks at the other wizard and the witch and tells them "Must of been a device of some kind, and not a spellcaster" the young wizard then adds "Though what, i have no idea".
As magical devices and items aren't exactly common here in Belinswae, where the Justifiers have a tight control over such things, as well as spellcasters too.
The two older Justifiers nod in agreement, then the wizard who is not yet twenty two years old. Who before this winter, had a bit of a notorious reputation amongst the Justifiers here in Falnic. Whose attitude has completely changed during this winter, so much so that he didn't take part in the invasion of the Stone Hills like the rest of the city's Justifiers. Infact he was against the invasion of the dwarven clanholds north of Belinswae.
Says to the two spellcasters who are from outside of the city "Well whatever it was, we do know something" the wizard Sammacin briefly pauses before quietly adding "We've got the enemy within the city" he waves at the gates that have been all but destroyed and he says "You can't tell me that this doesn't have anything to do with that nomad army that's on it's way here".
"I agree" quietly says Justifier Davarn "So do i" adds Justifier Lovis, the youngest of the three Justifiers nods, and he's just about to saying something, when one of his guards up on top of the wall, calls down with "Sir, there's something happening along the east wall!".
"What is it?" calls up the young wizard as he looks up and sees that the guard in question is breathing heavily, as if he's run along the wall. Others with torches are hurrying eastwards along the top of the south wall of the city, as he shouts "Not sure sir, but it sounds like fighting".
The trio of spellcasters share a look, then the witch Lovis says "I'll go and check it out" she continues with "My guards are on gate duty there".
Sammacin, who as a Justifier of the city, is technically the one in charge out of the three of them, nods his head, then says "Do so" he follows it up with "Send word back of what it is".
"I will" says the witch, who then hurries away with her guards who were at the inn that she and the wizard Davarn were having dinner at. She heads to the nearest set of steps to the top of the city walls, from there she'll teleport herself and her guards eastwards through the city.
As the witch, who controls an area of central Belinswae that's north of the city of Falnic makes her way up the steps.
Justifier Sammacin says to the older wizard "We'll continue the cleanup here" the young wizard adds "We need to repair the gates as quickly as possible, what with that army from the plains less than two days away from here".
"Definitely need to do that, as well as recast the spells here" says Justifier Davarn, who then looks away to their right, as does the younger wizard, who quietly says "Kaellin". The older wizard nods as a rift starts to form next to the gate house. While up on top of the wall, the witch Lovis and her guards disappear as she teleports them away.
The elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith is almost sprinting as he heads east through the streets of the city. After destroying the main gates in the south wall of Falnic, there's something else he has to do tonight. After all, he has one mage canister remaining. He just hopes this one works out as well as the one that destroyed the south gates of the city.
Though he knows that the chances of that, are pretty slim with the remaining mage canister. As he knows what it can do, though if it'll be effective with what he wants done, is entirely up to chance, and the will of the forest gods in the opinion of the elven spy from south of the equator.
As he gets nearer to the east wall of the city, he can hear the shouting and yelling of the Justifiers guards on top of that particular wall, who are under attack this night.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands runs onto a street that gives him a good view of the top of the east wall.
And he spots a guard up there, get propelled backwards and fall to the ground from the force of an arrow hitting him in the chest, that's been shot from an elven longbow.
Dalinvardél Tanith, who is often referred to Dalin, sees the guards near the one who was just shot. Have ducked down, some of whom are peeking over the wall, trying to see who it is that's attacking them.
The Southlander hurries on his way to where the east gates are, running by people who have come out onto the streets to see what's happening up on the nearby wall.
The elven archers spread out more, as up on the wall, more of the defenders duck down for cover. Dorc da Orc who has kept pretty quiet so far, has a number of elven archers join those who have gone around to the north side of the city.
Apart from that, the large ork stays quiet as they wait, watching the main east gates of Falnic.
Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who has borrowed again the magical eyepiece from the elven officer in lord Walashàele's army.
Quietly says to the warleader of the ork race "Definitely spells on the gates" the ranger Hait who can see through the eyepiece as if it's clear as day, continues with "At least three if the colours they show up as are anything to go by".
"They are" says the elven officer next to the mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, the elf next to him continues with "Though with each colour, it might indicate a number of spells that are the same" he then adds "That's usually the case with defensive spells on a fixed location".
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods in understanding, then hands back the magical device to the officer in lord Walashàele's army.
"Hurry up ya cunt" growls Dorc da Orc breaking his silence again "Give him time" quietly says the ranger Hait as yard long shafts are shot from elven longbows nearby. As the defenders upon the top of the east wall of the city of Falnic are continually under fire from the archers from southern Maladimbáh.
"He has to go from the south of the city to here" quietly adds the human ranger who was brought up and trained by the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, the ranger Hait continues with "He'll be there".
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks just grunts to that as they continue to wait, while watching the main gates in the east wall of the city of Falnic.
Dalinvardél Tanith spots the main gates in the east wall, a crowd has gathered nearby, looking up at the top of the wall, where the guards on duty are under attack from bow fire from outside of the city.
Already people are calling out and shouting that the nomad army has arrived and is attacking the city.
Dalin slightly grins when he hears that as he makes his way through the edge of the crowd. He gets free of most of those who have gathered to watch what's happening, when he spots something.
"Shit" Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy mutters under his breath in his native language when he spots a Justifier, a woman. Along with about eight guards, suddenly appear next to one of the gate houses.
He figures she must be the witch Lovis who is from north of Falnic, whose guards are on duty tonight along the top of the east wall.
The Southlander walks quickly along the street that runs behind the wall near the east gates, which he passes as Justifiers guards keep the townsmen who have come out onto the street to see what's happening, from getting too close.
The spy Tanith goes by the main east gates, and stands at the corner of a building, there he spots the Justifier who has just shown up, hurrying with those guards with her. Into one of the towers, which they'll go up to get to the top of the wall.
Might as well, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, as it's probably the best time to do it now with the Justifier out of sight in the tower for the moment.
The elf who was once in the service of one of the noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, takes out the remaining mage canister from beneath his cloak. He looks from side to side, and steps back to the side of the building he's standing next to.
Dalin twists one end of the mage canister, then he throws the foot and half long metal tube as far as he can.
It sails over the heads off some of the people on the street, who are hurrying away as they see more and more guards fall from the top of the wall.
The mage canister hits the ground, and skips forward, before rolling up against the gate, though not the main gates. A gate that's guarded by just a pair of guards, who look surprised when they see what's rolled to a stop between them.
They're even more surprised when it explodes with a quiet, almost muted thud. They're further surprised with what happens next.
Over the noise of the shouting, yelling, and screaming from the top of the wall. They hear the slight thud of a quiet explosion. Even Riley Hait, whose hearing is no where near as good as Dorc da Orc's, or the elven soldiers and mercenaries from Maladimbáh, hears the explosion.
Then the sally port, the small gate about thirty yards to the right of the main east gates of the city, is blown outwards by a blast of water.
A pair of Justifiers guards are washed out through the hole where the sally port was, as water gushes outwards from the new opening in the east wall of Falnic.
"Now!" calls out Dorc da Orc, who is up and running, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger repeats the command in elven, as he too takes off. They're followed by soldiers in lord Walashàele's army, as well as elven mercenaries who the two from south of the equator hired in southern Maladimbáh.
The elven army led by the ork warleader and the human mercenary. Don't have siege engines, they don't even have scaling ladders. For starters, such things wouldn't fit through the portals they came through to get to Belinswae.
But more importantly, they weren't brought because the pair from south of the equator wanted the elven army from Maladimbáh to move as quickly as possible, and not be slowed down hauling siege engines around.
So they need another way to breach the walls of the city of Falnic. Having someone they trust already in the city, give them an opening. Is what they've been waiting for.
The elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith, who knows that the main gates of the city, are covered in spells, as is the top of the wall above them.
Knows that the second mage canister he has, wouldn't be able to blast open the large gates like he did with the first.
So he chucked the magical device that has a waterball spell within it. At the sally port to one side of the main east gates of Falnic. And though it too has a spell protecting it. It's not powerful enough to withstand something like a mage canister that hits it from the inside.
As people run in fright, and guards from the gate house towers to either side of the main gates, rush towards where the sally port was before it was blown outwards by a wave of water.
The spy Tanith steps further back against the side of the building opposite the now destroyed sally port.
The Southlander faintly winces as he's the only person in the city of Falnic who knows what's about to come through the opening in the east wall that he's just created.
Dalin rolls his eyes, and slightly shakes his hooded head, then faintly smiles as he hears it, just before he sees it.
There's a roar that can be heard, just before the large, green figure of Dorc da Orc comes through the opening where the sally port stood, the large ork with a weapon in each hand, shouts "Fucken get some!" as he enters the city of Falnic . . . . . .

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