Sunday 30 September 2018

The Hire 24.

The Border Region. The Southern Reaches. The Colevar Mountains...

The senior wardog handler Jessup jumps onboard the krean strikeship the Fídiablo. And nods to one of the officers looking out the side of the wheelhouse.
A moment later and the sleek looking mastless airship lifts off from the ground, rising up through the falling rain. Jessup heads below deck, to the cabin that his lord and ruler is in.
The undead being makes his way down a passageway, and when he gets to the end of it, he rolls his eyes.
"Out of the way Hammer" mutters Jessup the senior wardog handler to the massive shape that's lying infront of the door he wants to go through.
Jessup, even though he's their handler. Knows he has very little say in what the wardogs of Farque actually do.
He has some control over the living wardogs, especially when they're young.
But when it comes to the undead ones. They do as they please. And only listen to him when they want to. Or ordered to by their master.
The massive undead wardog Hammer cracks an eyelid, even though he wasn't sleeping.
Then after looking at Jessup for a few moments, he finally decides to roll onto his back. So that the senior wardog handler can get between him and bulkhead, to get to the door.
Jessup squeezes around the massive canine, even though he's the only person apart from their master, they won't bite or tear apart if you touch them. Along with children who might accidentally touch them.
Even so, he rarely touches them. Especially the undead ones. Of which Hammer is one of seven.
And after Jessup opens the door to the cabin, and he enters. He's confronted by a second undead wardog, Axe.
Who is sitting in the way of the door, with his back to it. The senior wardog handler can't even slip around the massive canine who stands well over six and half foot tall at the shoulder, and like his brother Hammer, weighs in excess of fifteen hundred pounds.
"Axe you big dummy, get out of Jessup's way" says lord Farque in the ancient language of command as he sees Axe is blocking the senior wardog handler from properly entering the cabin.
The massive undead canine moves to one side, and Jessup enters the cabin. Where lord Farque sits behind a small desk, while the undead scout Dargaven stands at one of the portholes in the cabin, which he's looking out of as the krean strikeship they're on heads south.
"They'll pay up for the coming week then?" asks the undead warlord who rules the nation that's named after his family.
Jessup, who was just speaking with the paymaster of robber baron Markell's army before coming onboard. Who conveniently, is with the trailing army, that's led by General Halvane, and the bulk of the Farqian mercenary army.
Nods his head and says "As scheduled my lord, tomorrow" the senior wardog handler, who along with his lord and ruler, as well as the undead scout Dargaven, and the wardogs Hammer and Axe.
Are the only undead from the lands Farque to have accompanied the mercenary army from their lands. Who have been hired by five of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, who have decided to wage war upon duke Hargen, the duke of Phelm, the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
"More likely to have problems with Almard and Larimer" adds the undead wardog handler, who continues with "I wouldn't be surprised if they've contacted their paymasters, and told them to take their time with the next scheduled payment".
"If they do, they'll find out the consequences" quietly says the heavily armoured deathlord. Both Jessup and Dargaven slightly nod to that.
As they know their lord and ruler will withdraw his forces leading the armies of the robber barons Larimer and Almard if they don't pay up. And won't support them in anyway in their campaign against duke Hargen unless they hand over the next scheduled payment.
The Farqian mercenary army, like centuries past. When there was multiple mercenary armies from the lands Farque. Over twenty of them when lord Farque, Jessup and Dargaven were still alive.
Are true mercenary armies. They only fight when they're paid. If a scheduled payment is missed. They'll withdraw from the campaign they're on. Even if it's in the middle of a battle.
You either pay up as scheduled. Or face the consequences if you don't.
And if you have ulterior motives in not paying. Like planning to turn on them after they've won a battle, or war for you. So that you don't pay them. They'll turn on you in an instant.
Something they'll gladly do for free. As they did numerous times in the past. When the three in the cabin, and the two undead wardogs were still alive.
Lord Farque, along with Jessup and Dargaven all sense one of the crew hurrying from the wheelhouse up on deck. Heading below deck, and the cabin they're in.
The three of them also sensed one of the navigators up in the wheelhouse, communicating by spell, over a long distance with one of the spellcasters in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
After glancing at the other two undead, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin by the people of his lands, quietly says "Something's happened".
As it was the sorceress Kerris who was in communication with one of the navigators onboard. And she's with those in the Farqian mercenary army led by field commander Leivyn.
"Hammer move" says the lord of the death realm to the undead wardog out in the passageway on the otherside of the closed cabin door.
A few moments later, and there's a knock on the door, and the undead warlord calls out "Enter" in the krean language.
"My lord, a message for you in the wheelhouse" says the krean crew member who enters the cabin.
With a nod of his full helmed head, Des'tier as he's known by to an older generation of elven kind, says "We'll be up shortly". "Yes my lord" says the krean air sailor before he exits the cabin.
A little while later, and the three undead along with the undead wardogs Axe and Hammer are up on deck.
And as the two massive canines sit out on the flat mastless deck in the rain, the trio of lord Farque, Jessup and Dargaven enter the wheelhouse.
They're greeted by captain Kalrisian and senior navigator Nienub, the lord of the death realm nods his full helmed head in reply to their greeting, then he says "You've received a message from the sorceress Kerris?".
"Yes my lord" is the reply of senior navigator Nienub, who for a krean, is relatively short at just six foot tall. But his features, are more dragon like than many of the other crew onboard.
"The sorceress says" adds the senior navigator of the Fídiablo, who then goes onto explain the message he got from the sorceress in the Farqian mercenary army, who is with the force led by field commander Leivyn. The army that's the furthest east of the three that have pushed into the north of the duchy of Phelm, the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
Fuck, Draugadrottin thinks to himself as he listens to what the senior navigator has to say. Then the deathlord of Farque, along with the two other undead. Silently discuss things by way of mindspeech of the undead as the krean spellcaster continues with what he has to say.
The undead warlord glances at Dargaven, and slightly shakes his head no at a silent suggestion from the undead scout.
Then after the navigator Nienub finishes explaining the message he received, the lord of the death realm asks the krean spellcaster "Did the sorceress know when they went missing?".
"She was told by the spouter Zaneff that it was just before dawn" is the reply of the strikeship's senior navigator "And they think they might of gone even further east to get away from the enemy?" asks the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"Yes my lord" says Nienub the navigator, who continues with "That is what both the spouter Zaneff, and councillor Parsen believe".
Des'tier nods his full helmed head, then falls silent as he contemplates things.
After a while, captain Kalrisian asks the large, heavily armoured deathlord "Would you like us to change course my lord?" followed by "Southeast to this Dalbar Falls?".
After a few moments, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says "No stay on course" followed by "Though more to the east than due south".
"Yes my lord" says the captain of the krean strikeship Fídiablo.
Then the undead warlord along with the senior wardog handler Jessup, as well as the scout Dargaven step outside.
"Think they're still alive?" quietly asks Jessup once they're out on deck "Not sure" is the quiet reply of lord of the death realm, who is too far away to sense if those who are missing, are in the lands of the living, or if they're now dead.
"No great loss if that robber baron Gergus and his second are killed" quietly says the undead scout Dargaven, who then dryly adds "Apart from the inconvenience".
Then the scout, who like his lord, wears a full helm, though he is in light leather armour, quietly says "But Lis dead".
"Yes" quietly says Draugadrottin as he interrupts the undead scout, the heavily armoured deathlord follows that with "That wouldn't be good" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque then silently adds, definitely not good after all the time and effort it took to find her, then train her.
"You sure you don't want me to go and search for them?" quietly asks Dargaven who silently suggested the same thing when they were in the wheelhouse a little earlier.
"I'm sure" is the reply from lord Farque after a few moments of silence "We've still got other things to do" adds the lord of the death realm.
Then the large, heavily armoured undead being glances at the wardogs Hammer and Axe. Hammer who is running up and down the mastless deck, snapping and biting at the falling rain.
While Axe lies near the wheelhouse, on his back, legs in the air, with the sound of snoring coming from him.
Draugadrottin looks at both, Jessup and Dargaven, and tells them something by way of mindspeech of the undead.
"Probably find them quicker than Dargaven or i could" quietly says the senior wardog handler, next to him, the undead scout nods in agreement, and does so again when Jessup dryly adds "That's if they don't get distracted".
"I'll send just the one" says Draugadrottin "Which one my lord?" asks Jessup "Axe" is the reply from the heavily armoured deathlord which causes his senior wardog handler to slightly wince.
"He'll find them if they're living or dead" quietly says lord Farque, who then tells Dargaven "Inform captain Kalrisian to head southeast for thirty miles or so as quickly as possible before he returns to course" the lord of the death realm continues with "It's already late afternoon, it'll be dark by the time we drop off Axe".
"Yes my lord" says the undead scout who makes his way back to the wheelhouse, while the undead warlord makes his way over to where the massive canine, Axe is lying infront of the wheelhouse of the strikeship the Fídiablo.
Jessup stands back as his lord and ruler of the lands Farque speaks in the ancient language of command to the undead wardog Axe.
And though the senior wardog handler knows phrases in that particular language. He can't follow what the conversation the heavily armoured deathlord of Farque has with one of his wardogs.
The massive animal lies there on his back, with one eye open watching his master as he speaks to him.
Axe understands his command, and wags his stubby black tail, and yips and growls in response to his master.
Behind the faceplate of his full helm, the undead warlord wryly smiles as he looks at Axe, who is the laziest of all the undead wardogs, whether they're undead or alive.
Though out of them all, he's the most destructive in battle, even more so than his brothers Hammer and Anvil.
And set a task, he's the most sticktoitive of the lot. Even more so than his sisters Lightning and Spear.
A little later, and in the rain that's fallen all day, it's dusk approaching nightfall when the strikeship Fídiablo slows down after traveling more to the east and south than directly south.
Lord Farque after sensing, and finding that he's still too far away to sense Lisell Maera, either that or she's dead.
Snaps his fingers and brings the wardogs Hammer and Axe to heel beside him.
Then as the krean strikeship drops in altitude in the fading light, the undead warlord quietly says in the ancient language of command to Axe "Find Lis and those with her, and bring them to safety". Axe barks, and wags his stubby black tail as he sits there next to his master.
Then as the sleek, dark, mastless airship gets closer to the ground, Axe stands up and leans into his master, who pats him along the neck and top of the head.
The massive animal growls in contentment, then when the Fídiablo is about sixty feet from the ground. Axe leaps over the port side of the deck towards the ground.
Lord Farque gives Hammer a pat after he lets out a whine when his brother disappears over the side.
Then the lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his full helmed head to Jessup who is standing nearby with Dargaven.
The undead wardog handler signals to the captain and crew in the wheelhouse who are watching.
A moment later, and the Fídiablo is rising up in the air, and is turning due south. Heading back on it's course that will take it to the army led by field commander Tamric Drubine.
While down on the ground, the undead wardog Axe is just a blur of movement in the fading light of dusk. As he runs to the southeast, on his task to search for, and find Lisell Maera who has gone missing after the battle at the village of Dalbar Falls that the enemy was using as a staging ground . . . . . .

Thursday 27 September 2018

The Hire 23.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm. Dalbar Falls & Beyond...

During the night, the battle of Dalbar Falls went more or less as expected. Until chaos broke out as a relief column from the south. From the staging grounds at Halvíc castle to be exact.
Turned up early in the morning, just before dawn. Where they found their warcamp, as well as the large village of Dalbar Falls, had come under attack from a force in the armies of the robber barons from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
An impromptu battle took place in the rain that began falling. Rain that got heavier and heavier. Which turned the already chaotic scene at Dalbar Falls into more chaos.
In that ensuing chaos, the force led by the cavalry commander Darid Parsen got split.
With many of them fighting in and around the large village itself, and in the war camp,
While others fought the enemy across the river that ran around the south side of Dalbar Falls.
A river that had dropped significantly during the night. Due to the man made dam being destroyed, that set of the wave of destruction that came down the weir, and across the small lake. And swept through the village of Dalbar Falls, and the warcamp that had been set up beside it.
The call for a withdrawal could be heard in the early morning before dawn. Unfortunately for those who were attacking duke Hargen's men across the river to the south of Dalbar Falls.
Going back across it, wasn't so easy. As the constant rain that had been falling. Had lifted the water levels once more.
Added to that, a rather viscous, not to mention, particular large water serpent. Had emerged from the river when the levels were low.
Which attacked anyone and everyone. Not caring who fought in who's army.
It mauled and killed soldiers from both sides of the campaign. Men in the army of duke Hargen. And soldiers in the robber barons armies. As well as those in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who are leading the armies of the five robber barons, who have joined together to wage war upon the duke of Phelm, duke Hargen.
Hearing the calls for withdrawal, which were in both the common and elven languages. Lisell Maera who was across the river to the south of the village of Dalbar Falls.
Was lucky to get away with her life. As the very annoyed water serpent. Almost caught her, and mauled her to death.
The twenty foot long creature, with it's dark green iridescent body, which resembles a large eel. But with a lizard like head, and snout.
And four short, stubby legs. Which it enables it to walk on dry land. Something it's kind doesn't particularly like doing. But will do, especially when the water in it's territory, has dropped to below levels of comfort for it.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is a runner in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Was knocked over by the thick tail of the water serpent.
As was a soldier in the army of robber baron Gergus who was with her.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Tried to scrambled away, as the water serpent turned on the stunned soldier from the unruled lands who was with her.
The creature bit into his right leg, and picked him by that leg, shaking it's head like a ferret worrying a rat to death.
The soldier minus his right leg, was flung away. While the water serpent swallowed the leg it tore off, whole.
Then the creature, with droplets of water spraying from it's nostrils. Turned towards Lis, as she was scrambling away on her rear end.
As she was trying to flee, the only reason the runner in the scouts and rangers battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Knows that she survived the encounter with the irate water serpent.
Was because the river that was steadily rising again because of the constant rain. Came up over the side of the bank, swept over the water serpent. And struck Lis, washing her away from the creature that was trying to kill her.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury. Tumbled and rolled across the ground a good fifty feet or so before coming to a stop.
The runner in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, soaked and breathing heavily. Soon had her wits about her.
And quickly looked back in the direction she came from. To where the water serpent was near the river.
And in the light of the two moons that were descending as the night was coming to an end, and dawn approached.
She heard the water serpent hissing, and growling first. Before she saw it, tumbling and thrashing about, as it rolled  around in an uncontrollable manner as water picked it up, and hauled it back towards the river.
Lisell Maera blinked in surprise as she tried to figure out what was happening.
Then she realised what was happening as the twenty foot long creature was lifted up higher by a wide spout of water, that hauled it back into the river. Then swept it down the river, away from the village of Dalbar Falls.
Still tumbling and rolling about, with no control of itself at all. Smashing into the rocks along the base of the river, as well as slamming into the river banks as it was swept downstream.
Lis knows that it was the water elemental spouter Zaneff who saved her life. First by washing her away from the water serpent.
Then by picking it up, and returning it to the river, then sending it downstream.
The attractive young woman in the mercenary army from the lands Farque knows that Zaneff must of been waiting for the water level in the river to rise before he could act.
She also knows the water elemental, who like her, also belongs to the scouts and rangers battalion in the Farqian mercenary army,.
Has nothing to fear from the water serpent. For Zaneff is immune to anything when he's in his natural state. With the exception of fire, and fire based magic.
Lis wouldn't be surprised when dawn arrives, that the battered and bashed body of the water serpent will be found dead somewhere downriver by someone.
The runner in the mercenary army from the lands Farque got up, and looked towards the soldier in the army of robber baron Gergus who was with her.
Even though it was still fairly dark, she could tell the soldier from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell was dead from blood loss.
Then as she was about to move off, she heard something behind her. And all of sudden hands grabbed her.
She was in the process of pulling out one of her daggers, when a vaguely familiar voiced hissed at her "Run".
She was turned around, and in the darkness of the waning night, she caught a glimpse of Hammind, the second to baron Gergus.
The attractive young woman who hails from the largest city-state along the coast of the Southlands, followed the axe fighter. Who gestured away to their left, to the east.
Not far away, amongst some trees, they joined the robber baron Gergus himself, and one other soldier in his army, by the name of Pabell, who had a limp due to a slash from an enemy's sword.
The robber baron quickly, and quietly informed Lis that the area was crawling with the enemy, who were the relief column that had come up from the south.
And that the best way for the four of them to get away, to the otherside of the rapidly rising river which was unable to be crossed.
Was to head east, and go around the destroyed weir, that gives the village of Dalbar Falls it's name.
In that direction are a number of fords, and even a couple of foot bridges. While the enemy had taken the main bridge nearby that crosses over to the badly damaged village.
And there's nothing else downstream for at least a couple of miles. And no one wanted to go that way. As all four of them saw the water serpent being swept away in that direction.
They moved off, and that's when the chase by the enemy began. That saw them run through the falling rain, into dawn and the early morning, and beyond.
"Few more stragglers coming in" quietly says Kalleb, beside him, Darid Parsen the cavalry commander nods his head as they look back to the south, in the direction of the village of Dalbar Falls, which is now out of sight as they've moved away to the north, back towards the border.
Looking through the rain that's been falling all morning, infact it's been falling since well before dawn.
The second in command of the patrol, quietly asks his commander "We still wait?".
"We wait" is the quiet reply of Darid Parsen as they two of them converse in the elven language, a bit further away from the rest of the patrol. Well, those who survived the battle at Dalbar Falls, and it's aftermath.
And though the robber baron Gergus, along with his second, Hammind who is also his brother inlaw. Being missing is a blow. Especially once word of them being missing reaches his army.
It's Lisell Maera going missing is what the cavalry commander keenly feels.
For the attractive young woman from the city-state of Vexil, was originally searched for and found for reason.
And though Darid Parsen is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque. He isn't privy to all that the undead warlord plans.
Just that the cavalry commander, who was once a foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic. Knows that Lisell Maera is important in some way.
And that the fact that he, along with others are responsible for her safety. Even during a time of war.
"By the tundra gods, he'll fucking kill me if something happens to her" quietly murmurs the cavalry commander in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra.
"Councillor?" asks Kalleb, who recognises the southern tundra dialect, but doesn't understand it apart from a few basic phrases.
"Just thinking out loud" quietly says Darid Parsen in the elven language.
Then the cavalry commander, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, by the name of Zubutai Timaginson. Who just happens to inhabit the body of Darid Parsen.
Looks away to their right, where one of the lookouts, who is using the cavalry commanders, leather wrapped cylindrical eyepiece, quietly says from the tree he's standing beneath "Varric is coming in at run, he's got another straggler with him".
Both the cavalry commander and his second, look down the hill through the falling rain and the trees. And soon spots the scout Varric, with one of the soldiers in the army of the robber baron Gergus with him.
Heading up the hill, through the trees.
When the scout, comes to a stop when he reaches them, he's breathing heavily. Nevertheless, Varric says "The last one" as he indicates the soldier from the unruled lands, who stumble away to join the others of the patrol who are waiting nearby.
The scout Varric then adds "Zaneff should be here soon" followed by "I saw him a little earlier, he's been discouraging them from coming this way".
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his head in understanding. As he knows the scout Zaneff, the water elemental, will be killing any of the enemy, who attempt to come north from the badly damaged village of Dalbar Falls, and the warcamp the enemy had there.
"How many do you think came up from the south before dawn?" quietly asks Darid Parsen as he looks at the recently arrived scout.
"I'd say at least a hundred and fifty" is the response from Varric, who continues with "Zaneff will know for sure".
The young man who hails from the Lé Dic fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic nods his head. Then he along with his second Kalleb, and the scout Varric, wait in silence for the other scout in the patrol. The water elemental spouter, Zaneff to show up.
It's not too long before Zaneff appears. The scout shows up right infront of them, as a roughly man shaped figure of water in the rain.
None of them see the change. But one moment there's a man shaped figure of water infront of them. The next it's the human appearance of the water elemental who is standing infront of them. Fully clothed, in his light armour, and the black tabbard of the armies of Farque.
Unlike the three actual humans. The water elemental stands out in the falling rain, while they stand beneath the branches of a tree.
"What's happened?" says Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin in the elven language, who along with his second Kalleb, and the other scout Varric, listen to what the scout Varric has to say.
They listen in silence as they listen to the water elemental spouter who hails from one of the villages along the coast of the lands Farque.
Zaneff explains what happened during the early morning, and how a force of nearly two hundred of the enemy. Came upon them after the battle of Dalbar Falls.
Hell, it's fucking lucky so many of us got away at all, Darid Parsen thinks to himself as he continues to listen to the scout explain what happened, and what's happening now.
After the water elemental finishes speaking, the cavalry commander after glancing at his second Kalleb, asks the scout Zaneff "You didn't see Lis did you?" he continues with "She's missing".
Then as an afterthought, Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman adds "So is that robber baron Gergus".
"What?" says Zaneff the water elemental spouter, who asks "They didn't make it back?".
The cavalry commander shakes his head no, and the water elemental tells him "I saw them and a couple of others when i dealt to that water serpent that popped up".
Darid Parsen didn't see the water serpent himself. But he heard from a few in the patrol who did. Who said the creature attacked anyone it could get a hold of.
Zaneff quickly explains how he swept Lisell Maera to safety as he returned the water serpent to the river, which he then sent downstream.
"I thought they would of gone east, and circled around that way to cross the river again" says the scout in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who continues with "After all that robber baron knows the area fairly well".
"They didn't" quietly says the cavalry commander who is from the kingdom of Druvic, who slightly grimaces at the complications of the robber baron Gergus being missing or dead. Not to mention that Lis is either missing or dead too.
After a moment's silence, Zaneff says "Hell, they must of been spotted and are being pursued" he pauses then adds "You want me to go and see if i can find them?".
Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson quickly thinks about something. And though he could send the water elemental to look for Lisell and the robber baron Gergus. There's a chance the scout might not find them.
So he says "No" after making up his mind about something. And since he knows there are those who can find Lisell Maera and the robber baron Gergus, no matter if they're alive or dead.
He looks at the water elemental who can travel quicker than any of them on horseback, especially on a rainy day like today, and tells him "Go immediately back to the army, get one of the spellcasters to inform the strikeship Fídiablo that Lis along with the robber baron are missing" he then adds "The lord must be told" . . . . . .

Wednesday 26 September 2018

The Hire 22.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm. The Border Region...

"Do you think many of them escaped?" asks Tamric Drubine "From Dorc and his goblins?" says Helbe the elven thief, who shrugs then adds "Possibly" followed by "If any did, it would only be a few".
The young field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque nods his head as he looks through the rain, back in the direction to where the battle took place last night.
Then Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, looks at the young elven noble standing beside him, who says to him "If any did, it doesn't matter anyway" the elven magic user continues with "They know we're coming, so if they get confirmation of that, who cares".
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, nods his head, then murmurs "That's true i suppose".
And he nods again, when the elven masterthief from the island principality of Laerel tells him "What does matter, is what we do now, which will hopefully be something they don't expect".
Tam, who along with the elven princeling who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Are standing beneath the branches of a tree, as a downpour of rain sweeps across this area of the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains in the north of the duchy of Phelm.
The field commander in the armies of Farque in one aspect is glad for the rain, as it's dropped the temperature today quite considerably in comparison to what it's been recently.
Though he doesn't appreciate the heavy rain because it's slowed down the army he leads, as they push further south into the duchy of Phelm.
Gesturing up at the grey, rain laden skies, the nobleborn teen who is a former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin, asks the highly talented elven magic user "Can you do anything about all of this?".
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who is the envoy of the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who deals with the robber barons of the unruled lands, north of the kingdom of Phelm.
Shakes his hooded head no, then says "I'm no where near powerful enough to bring up a wind to move this along" he continues with "No one in our armies are, apart from maybe the navigators on the Fídiablo".
The member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then tells the young field commander "Even if i was, i wouldn't" the elven master assassin after a slight pause, adds "We can use this rain if it continues, and we run into more of them".
Tam lifts a questioning eyebrow, then listens in silence to what the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel has to say.
After awhile, and prince Helbenthril Raendril has explained what they should do if the rainfall continues and they run into another sizeable force of the enemy.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin quietly says "Let's hope this rain continues for another day or so, and there's more of them not that far away from here".
The young field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who is leading an army mainly comprised of the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer.
Is about to continue, when he spots someone make their way from the line of march down on the road, and head towards the trees, one of which the nobleborn teenager and the elven princeling are standing beneath.
Switching to the common language, as he and Helbe the elven thief have been conversing in the language of the elves, Tamric Drubine says "Percy" to the newcomer who joins them beneath the branches of the tree.
"Absolutely splendid day today is it not chaps?" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic who has a wide grin upon his face, which is visible as he has the faceplate of his full helm, wide open.
"I wouldn't exactly call it that" says commander Drubine in a slightly dry tone of voice.
"I would" declares the heavily armoured knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, in his usual boisterous voice, as he looks away to their right amongst the trees that way. As he does, the grin on his face, gets even wider.
Both the young field commander, and the elven envoy roll their eyes. For beneath one of the trees in that direction, sits a rather soaked looking, not to mention, a very angry looking Dorc da Orc.
The large ork who is sitting against the trunk of a tree, is scowling at the falling rain. Which he refuses to walk in. Which is why he, along with his goblin battalion. Are waiting amongst the trees off to the side of the road. Instead of being in the line of march with the rest of the army.
The goblins who couldn't care less about the rain. As they're pretty indifferent to all types of weather.
Have stayed with the ork warleader, simply because he's their general.
Who once again, after a fair few years mind you. Led them to a victory in a battle during the night. Against a decent sized force from duke Hargen's army.
"Yes, absolutely splendid wot" says the grinning former paladin, who speaks loudly enough over the heavy rain, for the nearby ork weaponsmith to hear him.
With a glance in their direction, Dorc da Orc growls something in the totally incomprehensible language of the orks, before he goes back to scowling at the grey skies above them.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's more commonly referred to by those who know him well. Might not know what the large ork just growled. But he assumes it's something derogatory. It was.
The large, heavily armoured knight from the kingdom of Druvic couldn't care less, and he chuckles then loudly says "Excuse me chaps, i shall join the others and continue the march south on this absolutely fantastic day".
The nobleborn knight, who is a member of the knights of the order of Saint Mar-che, after a pointed look in the direction of the ork warleader.
Makes his way back down the slight incline to the road. And rejoins those in the heavy foot battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque who he's been with since the combined army led by Tamric Drubine. Left the valley, in the southern reaches of the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell. That was used as a staging ground for the armies of the five robber barons who have decided to wage war upon the duke of Phelm, duke Hargen.
As Tam slightly shakes his head, and Helbenthril Raendril wryly smiles as they watch the former earl of Lé Dic rejoin the line of march.
Narladene the ground pixie, who has been out beyond the lead scouts of the army that commander Drubine leads. Lands upon the right shoulder of the elven princeling she's attached to.
The naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains. Who first met the elven magic user she attached herself to. In the kingdom of Druvic, well over a decade ago now.
Who makes herself visible to Helbe the elven thief as she normally does. Also makes herself visible to the young field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"As i was coming in, i spotted them heading forward along the line of march" says Narladene the ground pixie who speaks in elven "I guess they're probably looking for you" adds the tiny winged creature as she looks at the elven masterthief, whose right shoulder she stands upon.
"Probably" sourly says the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel, who along with Tam, knows exactly who she's referring to.
Forgetting about the robber barons Almard and Larimer for the moment. The elven master archer nods to the south with his hooded head, and asks the naturally magical creature "Find anything?".
"I did" replies Narladene, who continues with "Nearly twenty, closer to twenty five miles away to the south" the ground pixie follows that up with "The enemy" she briefly pauses, then adds "An army of them, looks to be more than ours" she briefly pauses once more, before finally saying "They're digging in".
Helbe the elven thief and Tamric Drubine share a look. Then the young field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque says "Well" he pauses before adding "Let's see if we can do something against them".
"Yes let's" says prince Helbenthril Raendril, who then adds "But first thing first, I've got to deal to something else".
The highly talented elven spellcaster, had spotted the two robber barons, Almard and Larimer. Along with the their seconds, and a few of their senior officers hurrying along the side of the line of the march.
"You do that" says Tam as he sees the robber barons and their hangers on, heading this way through the pouring rain.
"I'll just inform our senior staff as to what's going on" adds the nobleman teenager who is a field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
The two of them move away, with the elven envoy heading towards the robber barons Almard and Larimer.
While the young field commander goes to speak with his subcommanders and other senior members of his staff. One of whom is Dorc da Orc, whose job is to keep an eye on the nobleborn teenager who was appointed to the rank of field commander in the armies of Farque during the winter that's just gone by.
Dorc da Orc sourly grunts, then mutter "Fucken shitballs". After Tamric Drubine informs him of an enemy army larger than there's, over twenty miles away to the south. Then Tam moves away to inform others in his senior staff, in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
The large ork, with his back against the tree behind him. Who sits where the branches above him are thickest. The warleader of the ork race doesn't want to get any wetter than he already is.
Sighs, then goes to yell for Teabagger, who is the commander of his goblin army. But grunts, as he finds that the small, bright green goblin, has hurried over to his side, after seeing commander Drubine speak to his general.
"We going to rejoin the line of march, general?" asks Teabagger the goblin Cunt, which is his full name given to him by Dorc da Orc.
The big, burly ork who hails from the frozen wasteland, that's the southern polar region of the world. Grunts, then scowls up at the grey skies as it continues to pour down with rain this morning.
"Yeah" says the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, in a rather unenthusiastic tone of voice.
Teabagger, who knows exactly what's upset his general, says to the large ork "Wait here boss, er general".
The small, bright green goblin, who like all the other original members of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, hails from the kingdom of Melaurn.
Tells the big, burly ork "Me and the some others have got something for you".
Dorkindle, who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, grunts. And Teabagger hurries away. Only tripping over  just the once as he goes and gets something.
A short while later, and the goblin commander and a few others in the goblin battalion make their way to where their general is sitting beneath a tree. Dreading the fact that he's about to get soaked again.
For Dorc, like all ork kind. Absolutely hates water, and hates getting wet.
Teabagger as he returns to his general, trips over a couple of times with the three other goblins who are helping him to carry something.
"We made this for you general" says the small, bright green goblin when he and the others stand beside the warleader of the ork race.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, which is one of the twenty tribes of ork kind to be found at the bottom of the world.
Turns his head and looks at the quartet of goblin soldiers. Then frowns as he looks at what they're carrying.
"What the fuck is that?" asks the ork general of the goblin battalion within the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Dorkindle watches as they unroll what they've brought him. And he sees it's the side of one of the tents. One of the waterproof tents.
It has a hole in it, and around the hole, is more of the tent material, that's bunched up.
"See general" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt, who goes onto explain to the big, burly ork "You put your head in through this hole, and you drape it about you" the goblin commander then adds "Then you put this flap bit over your head like a hood on a cloak".
Dorc da Orc blinks a few times as he tries to imagine what Teabagger just explain. Then it finally dawns on the large ork to what it is, when the small, bright green goblin who commands the battalion, says "In some places along the coast where they get a lot of rainfall, they call it a poncho".
A grin splits the broad, green, feral looking face of the ork warleader. Then he barks in laughter, and says "Ha! You smart fucken gob-a-lins" followed by "Did you cunts make that?".
"Yes general" answers Teabagger, who then adds "This morning when we stopped".
Dorkindle chuckles again, then murmurs in the ork language once more "Smart fucken gob-a-lins".
Then he gets up, and with the help of the four goblins. Puts on the poncho a group of the goblins made out of one of the waterproof tents they flinched from the army of one of the robber barons.
Donning the poncho doesn't exactly go smoothly. As twice Dorc puts it on backwards. With his face, facing into the hood part, instead of out.
But after a lot of twisting, not to mention growling, shouting, as well as swearing in the ork, common and goblin languages.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, eventually gets the poncho on the right way.
It drapes down to just below his knees, and looks kind of ridiculous. As he resembles the side of a dark, green coloured tent.
But Dorkindle doesn't care, for when he steps out from beneath the tree he's taken shelter under since the rain started pouring down earlier this morning. He's relatively dry, with only his big, black boots, and his lower legs, occasionally getting hit by the rain drops.
"Fucken sweet" murmurs the large ork, who pulls the hood down further over the front of his big head, and grins as he adds "Me just like them cunts, Killer and the two tree fuckers".
Referring to Mira Reinholt the mage, Helbe the elven thief, and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. All of whom wear hooded cloaks.
Turning to Teabagger, and the three other goblins, their general who is still grinning, says to them "Go and get our fucken army".
He continues with "We gonna join back with these cunts" as he waves towards the army, marching south along the road just down infront of them.
"The enemy got a big army fucken that away" adds Dorkindle who gestures away to the south, before he adds "And we gonna fuck 'em up when we find them".
"Yes general" say the quartet of goblins, who then hurry away, to inform the rest of their battalion, that they're rejoining the line of march.
Dorc da Orc sourly smiles, and mutters "Fucken gob-a-lins" as the four goblins, in their rush to follow their general's orders. Trip each other up, and fall over one another in their haste to carry out his orders . . . . . .

Tuesday 25 September 2018

The Hire 21.

The Border Region. The Southern Reaches. The Colevar Mountains...

"It's an army is it?" asks Mira Reinholt over the noise of the pelting rain "Definitely" is the reply of the scout who has made his way back to the army.
"How many do you think?" asks field commander Talbot as they stand beneath the branches of a tall tree.
"At least four thousand, maybe more" is the reply of the scout, which causes the mage Reinholt to slightly wince, and the field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque to mutter "Damn".
"That's nearly a quarter of the duke's entire army" says the once powerful mage, the field commander in the suit of dark, heavy plate armour nods, then says "And more than what we have".
The two of them, along with the scout are silent for a while as the heavy rain continues to fall.
Here at the western end of the battle front. Nearer to the actual mountain range, and not just the foothills of the Colevar Mountains.
The cool night previously, which at this time of the year in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains. Usually heralds a storm on the western side of the mountain range.
Has made it's way over to the eastern side of the range in the form of heavy rain this morning.
Which though annoying for an army on the march. It has significantly dropped the temperature this morning. In comparison to what it's been previously, so far this summer.
The field commander who is a born Farqian, glances at the mage who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Who slightly nods his hooded head to the large man in the heavy plate armour, who has a large hammer strapped to his back.
"Return to the rest of the scouting party, and continue to keep an eye on them" says the field commander to the scout, he follows that up with "Send someone back immediately if they start moving at all".
"Yes commander" says the scout in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who with a nod of his head, adds "Councillor" to the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil.
The scout moves away, taking the reins of his mount from a nearby ostler. He gets up into the saddle, and rides away along the road that heads south. Riding in the heavy rain, that has slowed the advance of the army from the unruled lands into the the kingdom of Nastell, and the duchy of Phelm.
The mage, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, waves over an adjunctant standing beneath the branches of the tree to the right.
"Go and inform Markell, that his spellcasters are not to cast until told otherwise" says the mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil, he continues with "That's an order from myself and the commander".
"Yes councillor" says the adjunctant, who after nodding to the field commander, hurries away to inform the robber baron Markell of the order from the mage Reinholt.
"There's more than a chance they've got spellcasters with them who can sense someone casting" quietly explains Mira Reinholt to the Farqian field commander.
"From nearly eight miles away?" asks Talbot in surprise, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster nods his hooded head, then says "Once i could sense someone casting from a dozen miles away".
The eyebrows of the field commander go up in surprise. He'd heard that councillor Reinholt was once extremely powerful when it came to magic. He just never realised how powerful until just now.
"Let's hope that they don't have someone that powerful in their midst" says the swordmaster Reinholt who continues with "If they do, and they're human, that usually indicates to them being a mage" Mira Reinholt then dryly adds "We definitely don't want that".
The field commander nods in agreement, then he waves over some of his senior staff who are standing beneath the nearby trees.
And he, along with the member of the personal council of their lord and ruler. Explain to them what's happening, and what they'll do. Now that they know there's a fairly decent sized enemy army that's camped just under eight miles away to the south.
It took them all yesterday afternoon and into the early evening to get by the badly damaged section of the road that crossed into the kingdom of Phelm, and it's northern most duchy, the duchy of Phelm.
Tovis the war engineer, who stayed with his crews as they got their war machines across the section of road nearly two miles long. That was hastily repaired by some of his engineering corp, and the spellcasters in the army of the robber baron Markell.
Makes his way quickly forward along the line of march as the rain comes down heavy this morning.
With the ground being so dry here in the early summer. And with the heavy rain just pelting down since before dawn.
There's a good chance, some of the road, where it isn't paved. And is just hard, packed dirt. Could be washed away, making it even more difficult for his war machines to continue behind the army, that's predominantly made up of the army of the robber baron Markell.
The young engineer in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who is originally from the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
Moves into the treeline along the left, or east side of the road that's brought them into the kingdom of Nastell.
Tovis quickly skirts around, and behind the trees, that the robber baron, his second, and some of his senior officers and his spellcasters are standing beneath the branches of. Watching the army marching southwards through the pouring rain.
The war engineer continues on his way, until he spots some of those in his own army, who are watching the progress of the force they've led down from the southern reaches in the unruled lands, to the southern reaches in the kingdom of Nastell, and the duchy of Phelm.
Tovis spots Shur Kee the monk, standing by himself beneath the branches of one of the trees.
The young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic faintly smiles, for the odd, conical shaped hat the short statured monk wears.
Makes perfect sense on a day like today. With any rain falling upon the acolyte in the order of Bru Li. Mostly running clear of him due to his hat.
"Morning Shur Kee" says Tovis the engineer "A good morning to you friend Tovis" replies Shur Kee the monk.
Who the young engineer knows, would think a cold, snowy day in the middle of a harsh winter would be a good morning. When one is alive and breathing.
Tovis knows the physical adept sees life a little differently than others around him. And that his calm and measured demeanour, often hides his enthusiastic outlook on life.
"You wouldn't happen to know where Mira and commander Talbot are do you?" asks the war engineer in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"They are that way" replies the short, statured monk from the far eastern coast of the continent, who points further to the south along the treeline that's off to the east side of the road.
"I shall accompany you" adds Shur Kee as Tovis sets off to where the mage and the field commander are.
The war engineer is just glad they're walking beneath the trees. For even though they're quite spread out in some places. As they are in a lot of places across the foothills that run from the unruled lands, down to here in the duchy of Phelm.
It sure beats walking out in the open, on the road, where the rain is more or less pouring straight down, since it began earlier this morning, before dawn.
Tovis spots the mage Reinholt and field commander Talbot beneath a tree, speaking with the senior staff of the Farqian army who are leading this particular army in the robber barons campaign against duke Hargen of Phelm.
The war engineer stands back, not wanting to interfere. When the once powerful mage spots him and the short, statured monk. And waves the two of them over to join him. As he steps away from field commander Talbot and his senior officers.
Noticing the slightly concerned look upon the face of the young engineer from the Harkonin fief in the kingdom of Druvic. The Vexilian mage in exile asks "What is it?".
Tovis quickly tells councillor Reinholt of the situation of parts of the road if the heavy rain continues throughout the rest of the day.
The spellcaster, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, listens in silence, then after Tovis finishes speaking, the mage Reinholt shrugs, then says "It doesn't matter" he continues with "The commander is about to give the order for the army to stop".
"Why?" asks the war engineer with a frown upon his face , he then adds "We only got going a little while ago, at dawn".
"There's a fairly decent sized enemy army just a little bit to the south of here" explains Mira Reinholt "How far south from here?" asks Tovis, who then then adds "And when you mean a decent size, how decent are you talking about?".
"Under eight miles away" says the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
"That's fairly close" murmurs Tovis "And there's more than four thousand of them" says the mage who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil.
The young engineer in the mercenary army from the lands Farque grimaces at that. While next to him, Shur Kee the monk faintly winces.
"A battle then?" asks the war engineer as he looks out from beneath the branches of the tree they're standing beneath, and looks out at the heavy rain that's falling this morning.
"More than likely" is the reply of the member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Who follows that up with "Though we'll try to thin them out some, before we get into a pitched battle with them".
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, nods his head as he sees the logic at what the mage Reinholt has just said.
Then he along, with the once powerful mage, and the short, statured monk. Look to where field commander Talbot has a sergeant at arms in the Farqian mercenary army, call out to the line of march to stop.
And to take shelter amongst the trees off to the side of the road.
"Wonder how long until you know who turns up" says Mira Reinholt in a slightly dry tone of voice.
The war engineer Tovis, who was just thinking the exact same thing. Nods his head in agreement with the exile Vexilian mage.
It's not too long afterwards, when they spot the robber baron Markell, his second, and a number of his spellcasters in his army.
Making their way along the treeline, towards where they, and commander Talbot and his senior officers are located.
The mage Reinholt sees the field commander dart a quick look at him, then slightly nod in the direction of the robber baron and those with him.
The highly skilled swordmaster rolls his eyes, then in elven he says to the field commander in a slightly dry tone "I'll speak to him".
"I knew i could count on you councillor" says commander Talbot in the same language.
The Vexilian mage in exile sourly smiles, then he quietly says to Tovis and Shur Kee in the common language "Stand to either side of me" as the robber baron and those with him approach them.
Mira Reinholt moves forward, getting in between the field commander and his senior staff, and the approaching robber baron and those he has with him.
The once powerful mage, with the young engineer standing on one side of him. And the physical adept standing on the other.
Speaks before the robber baron comes to a stop, and opens his mouth to say something.
"We've stopped because there's an enemy army just ahead" says the mage Reinholt, who then explains to Markell and those he's brought along with him. The size of the enemy army, and how far away they are from where they've stopped their own army.
After the Vexilian mage in exile has explained what is happening, the robber baron Markell loudly mutters "Fuck". While a few muttered comments come from those who have accompanied him.
"Indeed, fuck" says Mira Reinholt in a slightly wry tone, who then tells the frowning robber baron "Not to worry Markell".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster continues with "Commander Talbot, and war engineer Tovis and other senior officers in the field commander's staff are planning what we'll do to the enemy when we confront them".
The member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then says "I'm sure once they've finalised their plans, they'll quickly inform you of what's happening".
The mage Reinholt then adds "Until then, it's best you see to your men. To tell them what is happening, and to make sure that they're ready at a moments notice to get underway again if necessary".
"Of course" says Markell after a few moments of silence as he takes in what the mage from the city-state of Vexil just said "We shall do that straight away" adds the robber baron.
Then with a nod of his head, and a quiet "Councillor" to the swordmaster Reinholt. The robber baron Markell, along with those with him, turn and make their way back amongst the trees, to speak with their soldiers, who make up most of this particular army from the unruled lands that have made their way south into the kingdom of Nastell, and it's northern most duchy, Phelm.
"Get your war machines and equipment as forward as possible Tovis" quietly says Mira Reinholt to the war engineer.
Then after a slight pause, the once powerful mage who looks away to the south through the pouring rain, quietly adds "There's a pretty good chance we're going to be needing them" . . . . . .

Monday 24 September 2018

The Hire 20.

The Staging Grounds Of Halvíc. The Duchy Of Phelm. The Kingdom Of Nastell...

Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy slipped away from his squad during the middle of the night. Only returning to them before dawn.
The spy in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Went about creating some havoc here in the staging ground, in and around castle Halvíc. While his squad, remained in the town, also called Halvíc.
After dropping a couple of small glass vials into a well between the town and the large camp site in the fields next to Halvíc. As he did yesterday afternoon in a well within the castle itself.
The spy who is originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he served in the household of one of the more prominent nobleborn families of his homeland.
Then moved onto where the war machines and siege towers are located at the edge of the staging grounds.
And even though there were some guards on duty throughout the night. They were looking out and away from their warcamp. Not inwards. After all, they aren't expecting any attacks from within their own camp.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Placed little vials, these ones made out of metal, due to the caustic nature of what they contain.
Within the wheel wells, and where the axles affix to the wheels. The weight of the war machines such as the catapults and trebuchets. Along with the siege towers. When they move, will be enough to crush the small metal vials, which will release their contents.
The elven spy who can move about in silence at nighttime. Not just due to his race's light and surefooted ability. But also his training over the years. And at close to three hundred years of age, he's had a lot of training over the years.
The spy Tanith from the principality of Alínlae. Which is the closest nation to the kingdom of Nastell. Being less than two hundred miles to the southeast of the southern border of the kingdom.
Then moved onto some of the horse lines, that are predominantly on the southwest side of the farmland, that's being used as a staging ground for the army of duke Hargen in this area of his dukedom.
Dalin with skill and experience, moved amongst the hobbled horses. And used an extremely sharp dagger to slightly cut into their tether lines.
He only made slight cuts into the tie lines. As he didn't want the mounts to break their lines too soon. As he preferred that they'd run amok early in the morning, compared to the middle of the night.
The elven spy in the armies of Farque, then returned to the town that sits outside of the walls of Halvíc castle.
There he made his way to the home that his squad was given to use for the night. He knows they were only given it, because they gave such important and detail information about the robber barons armies, and their movements of late.
Or more precisely, what Dalin wanted the area commander of duke Hargen's army, and his staff to know. Which is the complete opposite of what the robber barons armies, who are now led by the mercenary army from the lands Farque are actually doing.
The spy Tanith gets back to his room within the house he's sharing with the two dwarven mercenaries, the cousins Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade, before the two of them get back from a night of drinking and carousing in the town's taverns and inns.
The dwarven mercenaries, who like Dalin. Are paid fairly well by duke Hargen's paymaster. Haven't had an opportunity to spend their coin, until they got here to Halvíc yesterday.
And by the state the two of them are in when they return to the room they share with the elven mercenary, who they think is just a ranger from the principality of Alínlae.
They've obviously spent a lot of their hard earned coin. As well as whatever else they've got with them, that they already had before joining the duke of Phelm's campaign against the robber barons of the unruled lands, in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Dalin who feigns sleep as the dwarven cousins return. Hears them chuckling, and murmuring to one another in their native language, as they fall onto their camp beds on the otherside of the room.
The spy who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen. Might know only a smattering of the dwarven language. But he can definitely tell that the dwarven mercenaries from the Sunreach Mountains. Who have some history with those Dalinvardél Tanith knows well.
Had a good time drinking and gambling. Taking a fair bit of coin from others in the army of duke Hargen who are here at the staging grounds of Halvíc castle.
After getting a little bit of sleep, then waking up just after dawn. With a grin upon his youthful looking face after his morning ablutions.
Dalinvardél Tanith opens up the window shutters and says in a cheerful tone in the common language "Wake up you two, we're leaving soon".
A groan comes from the bed of Shawtus, while a muffled "Piss off" in dwarven, which Dalin understands. Comes from the camp bed of the other dwarven mercenary, Smawfri.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae, kicks the bed of Smawfri. Then chucks a discarded cloak at Shawtus as he says "Barron has got our orders, we're to head back north".
Groans come from the two dwarven warriors, and the spy Tanith tells them "Not so hot out their this morning too" followed by "Looks like it's raining".
A bleary eyed Smawfri, who obviously had quite a lot to drink last night. As his cousin Shawtus did too. Is about to tell Dalin to fuck off. When a shout from the squad leader Barron comes from elsewhere in the large house they were given for the night. Telling the squad members to assemble for breakfast as they're to leave soon.
One bright eyed elven ranger, and two groggy looking dwarven cousins. Make their way to the kitchen a little bit later to get something to eat. As a couple of the squad have been cooking since waking up just before dawn.
Then after eating, they join the rest of the squad out on the covered porch that runs along the front of the house. Looking out at the grey sky this morning, as a fairly constant drizzle falls.
"Great, marching in the fucking rain" loudly mutters Shawtus "At least it isn't hot" says the squad leader Barron in reply, who then tells the squad, who along with himself, and the trio of non human mercenaries, number fifteen.
"We're to head north again with a number of other squads and patrols" the squad leader continues with "Not so much to the northeast this time, more directly to the north. Apparently the enemy have another army in that direction".
That must be the army led by Tam, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, as he knows that there's three armies of the combined forces of the robber barons of the unruled lands to the north of Nastell.
That are leading the attack upon the duchy of Phelm, and duke Hargen's fairly substantial army.
And those three armies are led by the trio of field commanders in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. With the center one led by Tamric Drubine. While the one to the east, which Dalin has already interacted with. Is led by field commander Leivyn. While the one furthest west, is led by field commander Talbot.
"They better not be putting us with another of those ass backwards patrol leaders like we had before" says a grouchy sounding Smawfri who voices all of their concerns. With the exception of Dalin. Who is rather hoping their squad will be assigned to another incompetent patrol leader.
"Let's hope not" quietly says the squad leader Barron, who then seeing that everyone has their packs, and equipment, he adds "Alright then, let's get moving".
They step out into the drizzle, and though it's fairly warm this early in the morning. It's no where as hot as it has been at this time of the day over the last few weeks of the start of summer.
Barron leads the way, heading to the rendezvous point with the other squads and patrols they'll be traveling with as they head back north towards the border.
They make their way through the west of the town of Halvíc. And as they make their way to the edge of town and out.
They see a fair few of their fellow soldiers. Either hurrying to the privy trenches that have been dug. Or they're already at the trenches.
"Good thing we're leaving now" says the squad leader who continues with "Looks like some of the lads have got food poisoning of some kind".
"Or they've drunk some foul water" adds Dalinvardél Tanith, which is infact what's happened. As he poisoned the well that's nearby. As well as one in the castle of Halvíc itself.
"Damn fools" quietly says Barron who walks in the front of the squad with the elf he thinks is a mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae.
The squad leader who hails from the rich farmland in the south of the duchy of Phelm, quietly says to the spy Tanith "A lot of them are dirty buggers who don't keep things clean".
Although only in his early twenties, Barron who has been a squad leader in duke Hargen's army for nearly two years, continues with "If they get the squirts here in camp, imagine how bad some of them will be out in the countryside to the north".
"Not a pretty sight I'd imagine" says Dalinvardél Tanith who the young squad leader has relied on to keep himself, and his squad. Alive and out of harm's way whenever they're in the same vicinity as the enemy from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom.
"That's for sure" dryly says the squad leader from southern Phelm, who points the way ahead. To the north side of the warcamp.
As they head that way, Barron hears a commotion coming from the far side of the camp, the western side.
"What's happening over there Dalin?" asks the squad leader, who knows the elf who is taller than him, has far superior eyesight and hearing compared to any human.
The spy Tanith who doesn't even have to look in that direction to know what's going on. After all, he's the one responsible for it.
Looks away to the west, then tells the squad leader "Looks like a lot of the cavalry mounts have broken free from their tie lines".
With the shake of his head, the squad leader says "Some of the ostlers have been a bit lax" then winces when Dalin tells him "Maybe at least a couple of hundred mounts are loose".
"Hell" mutters Barron, as they and the squad he leads, continue walking through the steady drizzle that's falling this morning over this part of the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains in the kingdom of Nastell.
They met up at the rendezvous point with the other squads and patrols they'll be marching with. They join up with three other squads. All larger than their's. And put under the command of a patrol leader by the name of Margen.
Who the two dwarven cousins, voice their quick opinion of him. Loudly stating that he better not be an idiot who leads them into danger. That only they, and the elven ranger Dalin are able to get them out of.
Barron winces, and quietly tells the spy Tanith to walk with the extremely hungover dwarven cousins. And keep them quiet, and far away from their new patrol leader as possible.
Dalinvardél Tanith nods, and drops back to walk with the dwarven mercenaries who hail from the eastern end of the Sunreach Mountains. The longest mountain range in all the Southlands.
"Nothing like a march in the rain to clear one's head eh elf" sourly says Shawtus McQuade as they set off from the warcamp that's the main staging ground for duke Hargen's army in this part of his duchy.
The elven spy in the armies of Farque, nods to that. While the other dwarven warrior, Smawfri. Just sourly grunts in agreement with his slightly older, and slightly taller cousin.
The spy Tanith asks the two dwarves what they got up to last night. And though they're both in a foul mood this morning. They do cheer up slightly when they explain to him. That along with the copious amounts of drinking last night. They won quite a lot of coin in card games.
From a number of soldiers and officers. Some of whom, they've spotted amongst the force of about three hundred and fifty they've joined up with, to travel north to the border with the unruled lands.
The spy Tanith nods as he listens to the dwarven cousins. And though he keeps some attention on what they're saying.
He's actually thinking about how he'll get in contact with someone in the robber barons armies they're heading off to confront.
Now that he'll be moving out of the area where he's been in contact with one of the water elemental coursers in the armies of Farque, who has been in the area considered to be the eastern end of the battle front in the war between duke Hargen and the robber barons of the unruled lands.
As they march north, and after seeing a few of the escaped horses running by to the left of them. A commotion can be heard back in the warcamp that's the staging ground for the duke's army in this area of the duchy.
"Hmmm what's going on back there?" says Shawtus McQuade who looks back, but can't actually see what's happening because he's too short, and there's another squad walking directly behind them.
"Dalin you see what's happening?" asks the slightly older and taller of the dwarven warriors, who along with his cousin Smawfri, are looking back towards the staging ground.
"Looks like they're having trouble moving one of the catapults there" says the spy Tanith who knows exactly what trouble they're having, because he caused it.
"Aye i see it now" says Smawfri McQuade who has stepped to one side so he can get a better view "It being on a bit of a tilt like" adds the younger McQuade cousin who continues with "They keep moving it like that, and the damn thing will fall over sideways".
"One of the axles must of gone" says Shawtus McQuade, who like his cousin is an expert on war machines.
"Shoddy workmanship for something like that to happen" adds the older of the two dwarves from the Sunreach Mountains "Aye, some buggers didn't build it properly" says the younger of the two dwarven cousins.
Infact they did build it properly, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, the elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army then silently adds, i just wrecked it for them.
The spy Tanith who placed metal vials of wood burning acid within the wheel wells, and on the axles of many of the war machines and siege towers here at the staging ground of castle Halvíc.
Looks forward, and with the squad he's part of within the army of duke Hargen that he's infiltrated. He continues walking through the steady falling drizzle, heading slightly west and to the north. As they make their way to the border region with the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell . . . . . .

Sunday 23 September 2018

The Hire 19.

Dalbar Falls. The Duchy Of Phelm. Near The Border With The Unruled Lands...

It's the man made dam that breaks. Simply by a water elemental spouter being in the river, who tears up the stone and wood of the dam, shattering it apart with ease as he turns into a water spout in the middle of the night.
Water and debris rushes over, and down the weir. Across the small lake, and the river that normally wraps around the southern side of the large village of Dalbar Falls.
But this night, as the largest moon of Volunell, Ilnari rises into the night sky. The water and debris rushes over the banks of the river.
Predominantly on the western side of it, the side where the large village is located.
Those in the large village don't know what hits them. As the lake and river bursts it's banks. Slamming into the village, that's the largest settlement near the border with the unruled lands. Here in this part of northern Phelm. The northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
Water and earth, along with wood and stone from the destroyed dam. Slam into the buildings in Dalbar Falls. Smashing through and out of many of them.
Especially on the eastern side of the large village. A lot of the buildings there collapse. While others are completely ruined by the destructive wave of water and debris.
Dalbar Falls, which has been taken over by a battalion in the army of duke Hargen, the duke of Phelm.
Is destroyed along it's eastern half, the half that's closest to the river and the small lake which the large village is situated next to.
Even around on the south side of Dalbar Falls. Which the river runs by. Water and debris, if it doesn't bust through the river bank. It rolls over it, and smashes into the large village. Which is being used as a staging ground for the army of duke Hargen, in his war against the robber barons of the unruled lands, in the foothills of the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Phelm.
The water and debris, more of which comes from the destroyed buildings and homes on the east side of the village. Continues to run through Dalbar Falls.
In some places it briefly clogs up. Before continuing on it's way down lanes, and the trio of roads that runs through the large village.
The water and debris mainly goes along the east, west road. Which is almost a straight line through the center of Dalbar Falls.
Which in the normal course of events is a good thing. But not this night, as the water, and the muddy debris that comes along with it.
Passes quickly through Dalbar Falls. And once it's out of the west side of the large village. It slams into the camp that's been set up on that side of the largest settlement in this area of northern Phelm.
A war camp, that's on relatively flat ground. As it's located in a field directly up against the west of Dalbar Falls.
A field that's dry and hard thanks to the hot weather of the early summer, they've had here in Dalbar Falls.
As well as elsewhere in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, on the eastern side of the mountain range.
The dry, flat field is no hindrance to wave of water, mud and debris that smashes into the war camp.
Putting out camp fires, and washing away tents. Those who have already settled down for the night.
Are hit unawares of the wave of destruction. Just like the their rest of their battalion, who have taken over most of the village itself.
Soldiers go tumbling across the ground as the muddy wave of debris continues on it's destructive path.
The only way it slows down is because of the lack of water, as the level beyond the destroyed dam, has now dropped so low.
And because the very western end of the field. Starts to slowly go up hill.
But even then, the entire camp that's a staging ground for the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Is some way affected by the wave of destruction that's hit the large village of Dalbar Falls so unexpectedly this night.
On the very western edge of the camp, the tents there, and the horse lines are still intact. Though there's muddy debris all around them.
Many of it being bodies, both living and dead. That have been washed from the Dalbar Falls, and the otherside of the war camp. To end up here on the western edge.
The wave of destruction that appeared so suddenly. Ends just as quickly. Leaving those who are still intact and hale. In a state of shock.
While their fellow soldiers in the army of the duke of Phelm. Who are injured and wounded. Are in another state of shock as they lie there in the darkness amongst the muddy debris.
Then as those with their wits still about them. Start to move, and help those who are wounded and injured. Who are now calling out for help amongst the debris.
Arrows and bolts start flying from the darkness, to hit those who are on their feet. As the next stage of the attack upon the large village of Dalbar Falls, and the war camp next to it, gets underway.
With Ilnari, the largest of the three moons of Volunell, having joined Ovean, the smallest of them, in the night sky.
It's easier for those archers and crossbowmen in the patrol led by the cavalry commander Darid Parsen, to see their targets.
And the young cavalry commander who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque. Is one such archer.
Commander Parsen who was formerly a foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic. Retains the elven made longbow he had when he. Zubutai Timaginson, was in the body of Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, before he took over the body of Darid Parsen.
The ranger Hait who was brought up and trained by some of the warders in the elven principality of Envadarlen.
And like he was when he was Riley Hait. Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman is an expert archer.
And even though when he was originally Zubutai Timaginson. He was an excellent bowman. But he no where near the skill that the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen possessed.
A skill that he retains as Darid Parsen. Like all skills and knowledge he has acquired from being in numerous bodies since he first died as Zubutai the barbarian hordesman.
He retains every skill he had the opportunity to acquire during each stay in the bodies he has been in over the years.
The cavalry commander sends a shaft flying from his elven longbow, which takes an enemy soldier. Who is climbing over some of the debris in the destroyed war camp, in the throat.
Dropping him, to lie dead next to the injured soldier who he was moving towards, to help pull him out from beneath some of the muddy debris.
"Keep at it" quietly orders Darid Parsen the cavalry commander to the other archers and crossbowmen with him on the western side of the field where the enemy have made their camp.
The cavalry commander who also happens to be a member of the personal council of lord Farque, quietly continues with "And make sure you pick your targets carefully".
Because his second, Kalleb. Is leading the bulk of their force into the large village and camp from the north side of the field.
With those who are led by Kalleb. Are the robber baron Gergus, and the small squad from his army.
They're at the rear of those entering the Dalbar Falls and the camp from the north.
With them is one of the scouts in the cavalry patrol led by commander Parsen, Varric. As well as the runner, Lisell Maera.
The two of them are with the robber baron and his men, for the simple reason to keep an eye on them. And that they do what they're told to do.
As those attacking Dalbar Falls from the north move in. Varric the scout, who is at the front with the robber baron and his men, turns towards the village itself.
Lisell Maera, or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Is at the rear, making sure that all of the robber baron's men head in the right direction.
So far, they all are. Lis suspects that most, if not all of them are in shock after seeing what happened. With the wave of destruction that swept through Dalbar Falls and the camp in the field to the west of the large village that the enemy had set up.
And though their entire force led by Darid Parsen was easily outnumbered by at least six to one this night by the enemy.
The wave of destruction that was created by the other scout in the cavalry patrol. The water elemental spouter, Zaneff. Has definitely even things up.
In the lead, the scout Varric cuts down an enemy soldier who comes stumbling around the side of a building that's fairly intact, here on the north side of the large village of Dalbar Falls.
While the robber baron Gergus, plunges his sword into the back of another of the enemy who is crawling along the ground in a dazed state.
"Keep close as you move through this side of the village" quietly orders the scout Varric, who continues in a quiet voice with "Keep in sight of one another".
As the squad of a dozen in the robber baron's army, along with the robber baron Gergus himself, and his second, Hammind. Move forward, accompanied by the scout and the runner in the armies of Farque.
Varric glances back and catches the eye of Lis, she hurries forward. And the scout with a nod in the direction of Gergus, and the robber baron's second, Hammind. Who is also his brother inlaw.
The scout quietly tells the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury in the elven language "Keep a close eye on those two" he continues with "Wouldn't do if either one of them to come to any harm".
Sourly smiling, Lisell Maera dryly says in the same language "Thanks".
"Any time" quietly says Varric in a cheerful tone, then the scout in the mercenary army from the lands Farque adds "Just make sure they're still alive after tonight".
Lis nods her head, then she follows after the robber baron Gergus, and his second Hammind. Who along with a couple of others in the robber baron's army. Have moved to check out another of the buildings here on the north side of Dalbar Falls.
Though it's damaged on one side, the south side. It's still fairly intact. As the wave of destruction that swept through the large village. Predominantly flowed along the east, west road that runs through the center of Dalbar Falls.
They take a couple of the enemy by surprise, who are looking around. Wondering what the hell just happened here in the large village that they're using as a staging ground in the war against the robber barons of the unruled lands, in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Neither of the enemy soldiers had a weapon on them. And they're easily cut down by Gergus, and his brother inlaw Hammind the axe fighter.
The robber baron looks back, and finds that the runner Lisell Maera has accompanied him and those with him.
She nods at another building across the lane from them that's still, more or less in one piece. While the home or building next to it, on the east side has basically collapsed. And the one on the west side of it. Has a lot of debris piled up around it.
The robber baron nods in understanding, and he leads the way across the lane. Their footing now isn't so good. As mud and silt, along with bits of debris, covers the lane.
And they move carefully as they cross the lane.
When they get to the two storey building that's still in one piece. Lis holds up a hand. The runner or messenger in the mercenary army from the lands Farque has heard voices on the otherside of the building.
As the five of them gather close, the attractive young woman who is originally from the west coast of the Southlands, whispers to the robber baron "Sounds like quite a few of them around there".
Gergus the robber baron nods, then quietly says "We'll have to go around this side here" he continues with "Too much debris clogging up the otherside, we'd make too much noise going that way".
Lisell Maera is in agreement, and nods for the robber baron to lead the way around the side of the building.
Gergus and his brother inlaw Hammind do so. Moving quietly along the side of the building. Followed by the two others in the robber baron's army, and the runner in the Farqian mercenary army.
Gergus gets to the corner of the building, he can clearly hear a number of the enemy around the corner. He takes a quick peek around the corner. Then pulls his head back.
"There's at least a dozen" the robber baron whispers to Lis "And others are climbing down from the top floor" adds Gergus in a whisper.
Realising that the enemy must of been using the two storey building, which is an inn, as barracks.
Lisell Maera is about to tell the robber baron something, when a shout comes from around the corner.
Gergus takes another peek around the corner of the building. And from the light of a lamp one of the enemy is holding. He sees what's got their attention.
"They've spotted some of the others coming up the road" whispers the robber baron to Lis, Hammind and his two soldiers.
Lisell Maera taking immediate command, whispers "Wait a few moments, and we'll take them from behind as they rush to confront the others".
The robber baron Gergus nods his head in agreement, and then he peeks around the corner again.
And as a few more of the enemy climb down from the collapsed balcony on the second floor, as the front door of the inn is blocked by debris. To join their fellow soldiers who are moving down the road to confront others in the robber baron's army they've caught sight of.
Gergus glances back at Lis and mouths the word "Now". "Go" whispers Lisell Maera, and the five of them hurry around the corner and attack the enemy from behind, before they realise what's happening.
It's the first taste of combat for Gergus and his men, in their campaign against the duke of Phelm, duke Hargen and his army.
It won't be the last either, as the fighting this night in the large village of Dalbar Falls gets underway in earnest . . . . . .

Thursday 20 September 2018

The Hire 18.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm...

"Stop staring at that damn fire" says a sergeant at arms as he walks by a group who are around one of the cook fires in camp.
"It'll wreck your night vision" adds the sergeant at arms, who has had to admonish a number of squads this evening, for doing the same thing, more than once in some instances.
The sergeant at arms is just about to tell the cooks to hurry up, and put the fire out, even though it's a cool night tonight. Especially in comparison to the hot days they've endured lately.
When all of a sudden there comes shouting from the perimeter line to the north of camp.
As everyone around the cook fire look in that direction, they quickly hear the sounds of weapons upon weapons.
"What the hell?" mutters the sergeant at arms as he realises what's happening, then he shouts "To arms!". Which is echoed by others throughout the camp.
"Move!" yells the sergeant at arms to those around the cook fire. He kicks out at a couple of them who are slow to get going.
The sergeant at arms then frowns as he hears yelling and shouting to the north, in a language he doesn't understand.
Though he thinks it sounds like the goblin language. As there's quite a few of them who live near the estate of his lord, in the very south of the duchy of Phelm.
Then the sergeant at arms who starts moving, suddenly freezes as he hears a blood curdling roar, that definitely doesn't come from the voice of a human, or a goblin for that matter.
He frowns again, as he's certain he hears over the sounds of fighting and shouting, someone yell "Get some!" in heavily accented common.
The sergeant at arms draws his sword, and gets moving. Moving north through the camp, shouting at the soldiers to get moving as they're under attack from the enemy.
Then from the light of a nearby camp fire, the sergeant at arms spots some fairly short figures running in this direction out of the darkness.
It takes him a moment to realise, as he's briefly in shock at seeing them. That they are indeed goblins.
The enemy have goblin soldiers, who would of thought it, the sergeant at arms thinks to himself in surprise.
Then he spots something large. Infact, he catches wind of it first. For the simple reason it stinks. Then he hears it, because it roars. The same roar he heard earlier. Though now that it's closer, it's a hell of a lot louder.
Then he finally sees it in the darkness, that's occasionally lit by nearby camp fires.
Whatever it is, it's large. Big and burly, easily over seven and half foot tall. He doesn't know how heavy it would be. But he figures it would be a lot.
And as he and other soldiers in camp run towards it and the smaller goblins. He's pretty sure it's green in colour.
He also sees it rear back, then throw something, shouting "Get some!" in heavily accented common, in a deep, growling voice.
Then the sergeant at arms is struck by something, that hits him in the chest, and flings him backwards through the air.
The sergeant at arms, who is dead before he hits the ground. Is one of the first casualties in the first major engagement in the war between the army of the duke of Phelm, duke Hargen.
And the forces of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, to the north of the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
The sergeant at arms whose lord is a vassal of duke Hargen. Might be one of the first to die in the major confrontations between the opposing sides of the war. He won't be last, especially not tonight.
As the war camp of one of duke Hargen's vassals, comes under attack not by any of the robber barons armies from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
But by a battalion within a mercenary army that the robber barons have hired. A mercenary army that is now in command of the robber barons campaign against duke Hargen of Phelm.
"Teabagger you dumbfuck get out the way" growls Dorc da Orc as the small, bright, green goblin trips up infront of him.
"I'm not Dumbfuck, he's over there" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt as he tries to get to his feet.
His general isn't listening to him. He's too busy grabbing the enemy spear that's about to skewer the bright, green goblin on the ground.
The large ork yanks the spear out of the hands of the enemy soldier in duke Hargen's army. Then with a punch, Dorkindle smashes in the face and front of the skull of the enemy soldier, who drops to the ground dead, falling on top of Teabagger who is trying to get up.
As the little goblin struggles to get out from beneath the dead enemy soldier lying on top of him.
His general has flung away the spear, sending it whipping through the air towards more of the enemy who are running from the tents in this direction.
Most of them don't see the spear that whacks into them, sending them to the ground.
"Dumbfuck" growls the ork warleader who grabs the dead body on top of Teabagger, and biffs it away. Then he grabs the small, bright, green goblin. Lifts him up, and stands him on his feet.
"Told you general, Dumbfuck is" says Teabagger, who falls silent when the big, burly ork growls at him and says "Fuck up".
"And fucken stay behind Dorc" adds the ork weaponsmith who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
Teabagger, who has never really been that good in combat. He's enthusiastic and willing, but that's about it. Scrambles around behind his general, though not too close, as the large ork reeks this night.
"Get 'em ya little gob-a-lin fucks!" calls out Dorc da Orc, who continues to make his way through the enemy camp.
The warleader of the ork race, who suggested to the young field commander Tamric Drubine. That he and his goblin army should attack the first decent sized amount of enemy the army came across.
At night too, which he and the goblins have an advantage over this particular force of the enemy, who are all human.
Stomps over a tent, bringing it down. He's followed by the commander of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, Teabagger.
Dorkindle looks away to the right, and sees one of the goblins with a bow. Letting off arrow after arrow from his weapon.
Arrows which surprisingly don't hit any of his fellow goblins. But hit the enemy. Dropping each and every single one of them to the ground.
Either with a fatal shot, or one that severely wounds it's target.
After grunting in surprise, the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks asks Teabagger "Hmmm is that cunt a fucken Deadeye?" as he gestures away to the right at the goblin archer.
"Yes general" is the reply if the goblin commander, who follows that up with "That's Deadeye the Seventh" Teabagger briefly pauses, before continuing with "Or eight" he then  adds "I'm not entirely sure".
"Fucken figures" mutters Dorc da Orc in his native language.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. A matriarch that he actually killed.
Kind of remembers the first Deadeye over a decade ago. As he named him, or renamed him to Deadeye. Like he did the rest of the original army of goblins that he took over in the kingdom of Melaurn.
And he recalls a Deadeye Five, or a Six. He's not entirely sure. Who he met in the elven principality of Alínlae.
"The fucker can shoot, that's for sure" murmurs Dorkindle in the ork language, then the ork warleader who takes a hammer from his weapon harness. Rolls his eyes, as Deadeye finally sends an arrow askew.
The yelp, and swearing in goblin is the indicator of who he hit. And the fact a rather dark green looking goblin goes running by hollering in pain, with a goblin fletchered shaft sticking out of his rear end.
The general of the army of nearly two hundred goblins, rolls his eyes, and mutters "Fucken gob-a-lins".
As he figures some of the casualties on their side tonight will be self inflicted. And not from the enemy, who number about three hundred in and around this camp they've set up not far from the border with the unruled lands north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Then warleader of the ork race slams his hammer down into the back of an enemy soldier, who has been wounded by one of the goblin soldiers. And is trying to crawl away between some of the tents.
The big, burly ork who hails from the bottom of the world, grins as he hears the snapping of the spine and back of the enemy soldier on the ground.
Dorc da Orc continues on his way, followed by Teabagger. As off to one side, flames rise up into the night sky as a fairly large tent is set on fire by one of the goblins. Who doesn't fight with weapons. But with a pair of burning torches, one in each hand.
"Who the fuck is that cunt over there trying to burn everything, and everyone?" asks the ork weaponsmith "Oh" says Teabagger, who then adds "That's Burns".
Burns has a tendency to set himself on fire at times, and anyone who happens to be near him, not just the enemy.
The goblin commander doesn't mention that to his general. Who is chuckling as he watches Burns, repeatedly smack an enemy soldier with one of his burning torches.
"Ha! Silly fucken gob-a-lin" chortles the large ork, who has decided he likes the goblin Burns.
With his hammer, the general of the goblin battalion within the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Points to a thick grouping of the enemy, some of whom, he sees are wearing heavy plate armour.
"Fucken knights" mutters Dorkindle, who then yells out to those goblins who are close by "Attack!".
Listening to their general, the goblins who are near him. Rush the large group of the enemy, who have moved back within their camp, and are trying to set up a defensive line.
The goblin soldiers, in all their miss matched armour, and using every type of weapon one can think of. Though they're all in the black tabbards of the armies of Farque.
Smash into the line of the enemy. Well, at least those of them who don't trip up. Either over themselves, or one another.
Dorc da Orc leaps over one of the goblins who has tripped over himself. And smashes into the enemy line. Immediately breaking it as he knocks down two of the enemy soldiers, and sending a third spinning away to the left, to eventually fall down.
The big, burly ork who was named warleader of his race a number of years ago by lord Farque.
Roars at the enemy, many of whom back away, or to be exact, scramble away from the seven and half foot tall, over seven hundred and fifty pound ork from the lands of the wolf tribe in the southern polar region of the world.
A large grin splits the broad, green feral looking face of the large ork as one of the enemy doesn't back away. But comes forward to meet his challenge.
It's a knight in a suit of full plate armour. Though he isn't wearing his helm, as he left it behind in his tent when he heard his army's war camp being attacked this night.
"Get some ya cunt!" shouts Dorc da Orc as he moves forward to confront the knight in the army of duke Hargen of Phelm. Behind the big, burly ork. Teabagger the goblin Cunt, with sword in hand. Is as always, ready to help his general.
Even though the ork weaponsmith would rather not have the small, bright, green goblin helping him at all.
"Well" quietly says Tamric Drubine, who after a pause adds "I take it things are going well?".
"Moderately so" is the reply of Helbe the elven thief as they listen to the sounds of combat in the night, somewhere further to the south of them.
The field commander of the army that has crossed over from the unruled lands into the duchy of Phelm in northern Nastell.
Gave Dorc da Orc the go ahead to attack the first substantial sized force of the enemy they come across.
And from where he leans against a tree just off to the side of the road. The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin can hear the fighting a couple hundred yards away to the south, between the battalion of goblins led by the ork warleader, and the enemy they've encounterd this night.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. Looks sharply at the young elven noble who is standing near the next tree along.
"I thought you said you got rid of their spellcaster" hurriedly says commander Drubine after hearing an explosion in the night.
"I did" replies the elven magic user who hails from the island principality of Laerel. Then the elven masterthief nods his hooded head, then says "Ah" followed by "That's right" he continues with "The goblins have got some mage canisters".
The son of a former knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin winces, then asks the elven princeling "How many?".
"A few" is the noncommittal reply from Prince Helbenthril Raendril of Laerel.
"Hells" mutters the nobleborn teenager who is a field commander in the armies of Farque.
"There goes another one" quietly says the highly talented elven spellcaster as they hear a loud thud in the distance. Then Tam murmurs "Huh would you look at that".
For in the distance to the south, they see something resembling blue sparks, but looking more liquid like, fountain up into the night sky for a few hundred feet above the trees, before it comes raining back down from where it came from.
"What's that?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine, who along with Helbe the elven thief, and a handful of scouts in the mercenary army from lands of Farque, who are nearby. Are out infront of the rest of the army, predominantly made up of the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer, which Tam leads.
"Water" says the young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who after a brief pause adds "I think".
Dorc da Orc roars in anger as he's absolutely drenched. The large ork grabs Teabagger, who was knocked off his feet by the explosion. While a few of the other goblins, are regaining their feet after being swept away by the rather large explosion of water. Which knocked down everyone who was caught up in it, with the exception of the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
"Stop letting off those fucken magicky things!" yells Dorkindle who jumped in surprise when the first mage canister went off.
The large ork who is absolutely disgusted that he's soaked, growls then mutters "Where the fuck did they get those magicky things?".
Teabagger the goblin Cunt stays suspiciously silent on the matter. For his general didn't know that his battalion has a supply of mage canisters. Not to mention some other magical items the goblin commander hasn't told him about.
The ork weaponsmith wipes water from his face, and shake his head to get some of the water out of his top knot.
Then he sourly smiles as he figures the goblin who activated that mage canister is probably dead. For instead of activating it, and throwing it at the enemy, then getting out of the way.
It, like the first goblin who set of a mage canister. Activated it by twisting one end, then ran into a large group of the enemy.
"Fucken gob-a-lins" mutters Dorc da Orc, who then looks away to the right. To see the big, dark green goblin named Burns, well big for a goblin at five foot, eight inches tall.
Standing there crying as he looks at his two torches, that have been put out, and are totally ruined as they're water logged.
The big, burly ork from the bottom of the world rolls his eyes, then shouts out "Keep attacking them!" quickly followed by "But no more of those fucken magicky things ya cunts!".
"Fuck" mutters Dorkindle with a scowl upon his face as an instant after he shouted out that order.
A fiery red explosion occurs a couple hundred feet away towards the otherside of the enemy camp, when another of the goblins with a mage canister, a metal tube that's just over two foot in length. Activated it, and ran into a group of enemy soldiers who were trying to flee from the fighting.
The large ork rolls his eyes again, as a suddenly delighted Burns goes running by across the now soggy ground in this part of the camp.
Heading for the tents that have caught on fire due to the latest explosion.
"Get your fucken army under control" Dorc da Orc growls to Teabagger, the ork warleader continues "There's still more of these fucken cunts we gotta kills dead".
"But it's your army, you the general" says the small, bright green goblin.
"So" says the ork weaponsmith, who continues with "What the fuck is that gots to do with anything?" he then adds "Besides, you the fucken commander, so get to fucken commanding".
"Yes boss, i mean general" says Teabagger, who looks around, seeing many of his fellow goblin soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who were knocked down in the watery explosion, falling over and tripping as they try to stand.
Wanting to get things in order, Teabagger takes a step and immediately slips over on the sodden ground, and falls flat on his face.
Dorc da Orc rolls his eyes, sighs, then picks up the small, bright green goblin, and stands him up "Fucken gob-a-lins" mutters the big, burly ork in his native language . . . . . .