Monday 17 September 2018

The Hire 15.

The Colevar Mountains. The Southern Reaches. The Border Region...

"Thank fuck we stopped" mutters Dorc da Orc, who then snarls "Don't stop ya lil' green cunts!" followed by "Keep fucken fanning!".
The two goblins who are in the shade beneath the tree with their general. Renew their fanning of him, with the pair of large feathered fans that the ork warleader found amongst the camp followers.
The big, burly ork who sits beneath a tree in the midday heat, looks towards the army that he and his goblin battalion are part of.
And though the large ork can count upon those in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who are part of this particular force.
He isn't so sure about the rest of the army, who are predominantly made up of the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer.
The ork weaponsmith, just from his inane sense of warfare. Isn't so sure he can count upon them in battle.
The fairly decent sized army, under the command of Tamric Drubine. Have stopped as it's particularly hot at the moment. They've stopped in a belt of trees along one side of the road they've been traveling along.
There's a dry, hot breeze coming over the nearby hilltops. Which far from making things cooler. Is making things warmer here near the border with the kingdom of Nastell.
Dorkindle's thoughts about the army he's part of, and the hot temperature of midday, is interrupted by one of his fan bearers saying "General, it's the commander".
"Which fucken one" mutters the warleader of the ork race, who looks to where the goblin to his right gestures, to see which commander is coming this way.
As the force has quite a few commanders. Chief amongst them being the field commander Tamric Drubine. Who is the person who is in charge of this particular army.
One of three armies leading the attack into the duchy of Phelm. While a fourth army, made up predominantly of the mercenary army from the lands Farque. And those undesirables in the armies of the robber barons. Which is further to the north of the three other armies.
Dorc da Orc grunts as he sees coming along this side of the road, the commander of his goblin army, Teabagger.
For though the big, feral looking ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world. Who is struggling in the heat of early summer here in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Is the general of his own army, made up entirely of goblins. Which is one of the battalions in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
He has one of the goblins be their commander. For the simple reason he's not with them all that often.
This is only the second time in over a decade he's been in their company. Until last week, he hadn't seen them in more than four years. When he was in the elven principality of Alínlae, when the group he was traveling with. Were searching for, and found the elven spy, Dalinvardél Tanith.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks scowls as he looks at Teabagger. Who was a mere teenager when he first met him in the kingdom of Melaurn over a decade ago.
Teabagger who is one of just about twenty or so goblins still alive from when the goblin army first took shape, and Dorkindle became their general.
Goblins being goblins, most of the original members of their army have died by accidents over the years more than they have during any war they've been involved in.
And Teabagger, who is a particularly small goblin, who is extremely bright green. So much so, that he badly sticks out amongst the rest of the goblin army.
Is extremely lucky to be alive, as he's more accident prone than most other goblins. And that's saying a lot.
The large ork who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. Is rather proud that his army, even in their miss matched armour. Are in the black tabbards of the armies of Farque.
Though as he looks at Teabagger, who is walking carefully, as he holds something in his hands. Has his tabbard bunched up, almost up to beneath his armpits.
Dorc da Orc shakes his head, and mutters in his native language as he watches the commander of his army "Messy green fuck" the large ork then silently adds 'You can fucken talk you fat cunt, you're the messiest green fuck of all time'.
"Whore was me fucken talkin' to you?" mutters the ork weaponsmith with a glare at the skull of his mother tied to his thick belt.
Then the ork, who like all of his extremely rare race, comes from the very bottom of the world. Frowns as he watches Teabagger. Dorkindle sniffs, then blinks in surprise as he realises what the small, bright green goblin is carrying.
"The fuck" murmurs the large ork in astonishment, who continues murmuring in that tone with "How the fuck he get that?".
"Boss" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt, which is the name given to him by Dorc da Orc "General" adds the commander of the goblin battalion within the Farqian mercenary army. "This for you" says the small, bright, lurid green goblin who is from the kingdom of Melaurn, the southern most kingdom in the Southlands.
The big, burly ork practically snatches out of the hands of the goblin commander what Teabagger offers to him.
It's a small keg of ale, with the wooden barrel encased in a block of ice. Ice, which isn't melting in the heat of the day. Or if it is melting, it's doing so extremely slowly.
"How the fuck you get this ya little cunt?" asks the warleader of the ork race who is hugging the small barrel of ale to himself, enjoying how cold the ice feels.
"Oi ya fucken cunts, did me tell you to fucken stop" snaps Dorc da Orc at the pair of goblins with the large featherd fans, who have stopped fanning their general to gawk at the ice covered barrel he's holding.
As the two fan bearers resume their fanning, Teabagger says to the large ork sitting in the shade beneath the tree, off the side of the road "I got it from those following the army".
Dorkindle grunts as he realises the goblin commander is referring to the camp followers. Then he asks the small, bright green goblin "How you get it covered in fucken ice like this?".
"Magic" says Teabagger, who is quite proud he didn't trip and drop the ice covered barrel as he made his way forward to where his general sits beneath a tree.
"I got one of the robber baron's wizards to do it" adds the commander of the goblin battalion within the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt simply got it done by suggesting to the spellcaster, that he and his general and their battalion would march with robber baron Almard's army if the wizard didn't freeze the barrel of ale.
The wizard in the robber baron Almard's army quickly froze the keg of ale. As he along with everyone else in his army, definitely didn't want an army of goblins, and one bad tempered ork in their midst as they march to the border.
"Fucken sweet" murmurs Dorc da Orc with a large grin across his broad, green, brutish looking face as he looks at the frozen barrel of ale he's hugging, he then adds in a mutter "Fucken magicky cunts are good for something after all".
Tamric Drubine makes his way back along the belt of trees the army has taken shelter from in the heat of the middle of the day.
The field commander in the armies of Farque, who is accompanied by one of his subcommanders, and a couple of Farqian soldiers.
Occasionally stops and has a word with some of the soldiers beneath the branches of the trees.
Whether they're in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Or the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer. Or the other mercenaries the robber barons have hired.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin has a few words with them. Keeping their spirits up as they take shade from the pounding sunlight.
And though they have stopped for a break in the heat of the day. The main reason Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. Has had them stop, is that he has advanced scouts out, as they're so close to the border with the kingdom of Nastell.
The field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, is waiting for the return of those who are out scouting further to the south.
The son of a former knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin. Spots the shining armour of sir Percavelle Lé Dic deeper amongst the trees.
The young field commander decides to avoid the former paladin. As he doesn't want to be talked at. Which the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, tends to do.
Tam continues along the treeline, occasionally saying something to those he passes.
Then the young noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin who is in charge of this particular army in the war of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains. Against the duke of Phelm in northern Nastell, duke Hargen.
Spots the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Who have spread out amongst the trees.
Some of the goblins call him "Boss" as he walks by. And he nods to them, and says a few words of encouragement.
Tam has learnt they normally give people, specifically humans, quite descriptive names. Though they refer to him as boss. While they call lord Farque the big boss. And they call their leader, Dorc da Orc, the general.
After all, he's the one who over a decade ago. Formed them into a fighting force, into an army.
When anyone else in their right mind. Which he clearly isn't. Would never do. As goblins are accident prone to the extreme. And never make good soldiers. It's why they're never in the fighting arm of an army. And only grudgingly allowed in support roles in some armies.
That was until they met their general over ten years ago in the southern kingdom of Melaurn. In a war between nobles. That Dorc da
Orc and others, including sir Percavelle Lé Dic, took part in.
The young field commander in the Farqian mercenary army finds the ork general of the goblin battalion. Sitting beneath a rather large tree, that's still leafy unlike many of the others along the belt that's to the east side of the road.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin rolls his eyes, and slightly shakes his head as he sees the big, burly ork being fanned by a couple of the goblins in his army.
After waving for those who have accompanied him to stand back, the field commander crunches down beside the ork warleader, and the goblin named Teabagger, who commands the goblin army.
Commander Drubine, is about to say something, when he blinks in surprise after he notices something.
"How did you get that?" asks Tamric Drubine as he points at the ice covered barrel that the ork weaponsmith is cradling in his arms like it's a baby.
The large ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world, chuckles then nods at Teabagger, and says "This cunt here got it".
Tam looks at the small goblin, who is the brightest green imaginable. So much so, that the nobleborn teen from the kingdom of Sarcrin would never of thought anyone could of been that bright of a shade of green, until he met Teabagger.
"Boss it's like this" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt to the young field commander in the mercenary army from lands Farque.
The small, bright green goblin then explains to Tam how acquired the ice encased keg of ale.
Ingenious, Tamric Drubine thinks to himself as he listens to Teabagger. The young field commander who can't fault the wizard in baron Almard's army, for doing what he did.
Nods his head after the goblin commander explains how got the ice encased barrel of ale for his general.
Then he quietly says to the warleader of the ork race "We're nearly at the border" Tam quietly continues with "I'm just waiting for some of scouts come back, so i can decide what to do".
Dorkindle, who isn't sweating in this heat. As it's so dry and hot, that the ork weaponsmith's sweat is dried on him, basically before it even froms.
Grunts at what the young field commander says, then after repeatedly sniffing, the big burly ork says "Me can't fucken any smell enemies close by".
"That's something i guess" murmurs Tamric Drubine, who is about to say something, when the big, burly ork grunts in dissatisfaction, and sourly mutters "Fucken her".
A moment later, the ork warleader looks at a point on the road infront of them, Tam looks there too. And he spots Narladene the ground pixie coming towards them.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin glances at Teabagger, and the two other goblins. And sees that they haven't noticed the tiny winged creature.
He realises that the naturally magical creature hasn't revealed herself to them, or anyone else nearby.
Hovering infront of Tamric Drubine, Narladene the ground pixie quietly says in elven "He's found them".
"A sizeable force?" asks the young field commander in the mercenary army of Farque who immediately knows who has found who.
"A few hundred" is the reply of the ground pixie, who then adds "He's given your scouts their location".
"Did you see them?" asks Tamric Drubine who speaks in elven like the tiny winged creature. And when Narladene nods her head yes, the teenage noble from the north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, takes out a folded map he has tucked in his tunic. "Where?" asks Tam as he points at the map.
Dorc da Orc who can't understand the conversation between Tamric Drubine and Narladene the ground pixie. Leans forward and looks at the map the field commander has unfolded and put on the ground.
As the naturally magical creature who is visible to the large ork, points at a few places on the map.
The ork warleader grunts in understanding as he realises she's pointing out the nearest enemy.
"Dorc what say you?" quietly asks commander Drubine in the common language so the big, burly ork can understand.
"How many of the cunts?" asks Dorkindle "A few hundred" is the reply of Tamric Drubine, who points to a spot on the map about seven miles away to the south, across in the duchy of Phelm, in the kingdom of Nastell.
"Attack them in the night" is what the large ork says, he continues with "The fuckers won't expect it" the warleader of the ork race then adds "Wipe the assheads out before they know what's happening, and before they can tell any of their fucken buddies in the area we here".
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin can see the merits of the large ork's plan, but he can also see one major disadvantage.
"We don't exactly have a lot of night fighters" says the young field commander, who then adds "Not everyone can see in the dark like you Dorc".
A large grin splits the broad, green, brutish looking face of the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks. Who glances at Teabagger, then the two fan bearers.
Narladene has already rolled her eyes, before Dorc da Orc tells commander Drubine "Me got a whole fucken army that can see in the dark".
"Oh gods" murmurs Tamric Drubine with a wince, as he realises the first major action the army he commands is going to take part in. Will very likely be undertaken by Dorc da Orc and his goblin battalion . . . . . .

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