Sunday 23 September 2018

The Hire 19.

Dalbar Falls. The Duchy Of Phelm. Near The Border With The Unruled Lands...

It's the man made dam that breaks. Simply by a water elemental spouter being in the river, who tears up the stone and wood of the dam, shattering it apart with ease as he turns into a water spout in the middle of the night.
Water and debris rushes over, and down the weir. Across the small lake, and the river that normally wraps around the southern side of the large village of Dalbar Falls.
But this night, as the largest moon of Volunell, Ilnari rises into the night sky. The water and debris rushes over the banks of the river.
Predominantly on the western side of it, the side where the large village is located.
Those in the large village don't know what hits them. As the lake and river bursts it's banks. Slamming into the village, that's the largest settlement near the border with the unruled lands. Here in this part of northern Phelm. The northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
Water and earth, along with wood and stone from the destroyed dam. Slam into the buildings in Dalbar Falls. Smashing through and out of many of them.
Especially on the eastern side of the large village. A lot of the buildings there collapse. While others are completely ruined by the destructive wave of water and debris.
Dalbar Falls, which has been taken over by a battalion in the army of duke Hargen, the duke of Phelm.
Is destroyed along it's eastern half, the half that's closest to the river and the small lake which the large village is situated next to.
Even around on the south side of Dalbar Falls. Which the river runs by. Water and debris, if it doesn't bust through the river bank. It rolls over it, and smashes into the large village. Which is being used as a staging ground for the army of duke Hargen, in his war against the robber barons of the unruled lands, in the foothills of the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Phelm.
The water and debris, more of which comes from the destroyed buildings and homes on the east side of the village. Continues to run through Dalbar Falls.
In some places it briefly clogs up. Before continuing on it's way down lanes, and the trio of roads that runs through the large village.
The water and debris mainly goes along the east, west road. Which is almost a straight line through the center of Dalbar Falls.
Which in the normal course of events is a good thing. But not this night, as the water, and the muddy debris that comes along with it.
Passes quickly through Dalbar Falls. And once it's out of the west side of the large village. It slams into the camp that's been set up on that side of the largest settlement in this area of northern Phelm.
A war camp, that's on relatively flat ground. As it's located in a field directly up against the west of Dalbar Falls.
A field that's dry and hard thanks to the hot weather of the early summer, they've had here in Dalbar Falls.
As well as elsewhere in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, on the eastern side of the mountain range.
The dry, flat field is no hindrance to wave of water, mud and debris that smashes into the war camp.
Putting out camp fires, and washing away tents. Those who have already settled down for the night.
Are hit unawares of the wave of destruction. Just like the their rest of their battalion, who have taken over most of the village itself.
Soldiers go tumbling across the ground as the muddy wave of debris continues on it's destructive path.
The only way it slows down is because of the lack of water, as the level beyond the destroyed dam, has now dropped so low.
And because the very western end of the field. Starts to slowly go up hill.
But even then, the entire camp that's a staging ground for the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Is some way affected by the wave of destruction that's hit the large village of Dalbar Falls so unexpectedly this night.
On the very western edge of the camp, the tents there, and the horse lines are still intact. Though there's muddy debris all around them.
Many of it being bodies, both living and dead. That have been washed from the Dalbar Falls, and the otherside of the war camp. To end up here on the western edge.
The wave of destruction that appeared so suddenly. Ends just as quickly. Leaving those who are still intact and hale. In a state of shock.
While their fellow soldiers in the army of the duke of Phelm. Who are injured and wounded. Are in another state of shock as they lie there in the darkness amongst the muddy debris.
Then as those with their wits still about them. Start to move, and help those who are wounded and injured. Who are now calling out for help amongst the debris.
Arrows and bolts start flying from the darkness, to hit those who are on their feet. As the next stage of the attack upon the large village of Dalbar Falls, and the war camp next to it, gets underway.
With Ilnari, the largest of the three moons of Volunell, having joined Ovean, the smallest of them, in the night sky.
It's easier for those archers and crossbowmen in the patrol led by the cavalry commander Darid Parsen, to see their targets.
And the young cavalry commander who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque. Is one such archer.
Commander Parsen who was formerly a foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic. Retains the elven made longbow he had when he. Zubutai Timaginson, was in the body of Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, before he took over the body of Darid Parsen.
The ranger Hait who was brought up and trained by some of the warders in the elven principality of Envadarlen.
And like he was when he was Riley Hait. Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman is an expert archer.
And even though when he was originally Zubutai Timaginson. He was an excellent bowman. But he no where near the skill that the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen possessed.
A skill that he retains as Darid Parsen. Like all skills and knowledge he has acquired from being in numerous bodies since he first died as Zubutai the barbarian hordesman.
He retains every skill he had the opportunity to acquire during each stay in the bodies he has been in over the years.
The cavalry commander sends a shaft flying from his elven longbow, which takes an enemy soldier. Who is climbing over some of the debris in the destroyed war camp, in the throat.
Dropping him, to lie dead next to the injured soldier who he was moving towards, to help pull him out from beneath some of the muddy debris.
"Keep at it" quietly orders Darid Parsen the cavalry commander to the other archers and crossbowmen with him on the western side of the field where the enemy have made their camp.
The cavalry commander who also happens to be a member of the personal council of lord Farque, quietly continues with "And make sure you pick your targets carefully".
Because his second, Kalleb. Is leading the bulk of their force into the large village and camp from the north side of the field.
With those who are led by Kalleb. Are the robber baron Gergus, and the small squad from his army.
They're at the rear of those entering the Dalbar Falls and the camp from the north.
With them is one of the scouts in the cavalry patrol led by commander Parsen, Varric. As well as the runner, Lisell Maera.
The two of them are with the robber baron and his men, for the simple reason to keep an eye on them. And that they do what they're told to do.
As those attacking Dalbar Falls from the north move in. Varric the scout, who is at the front with the robber baron and his men, turns towards the village itself.
Lisell Maera, or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Is at the rear, making sure that all of the robber baron's men head in the right direction.
So far, they all are. Lis suspects that most, if not all of them are in shock after seeing what happened. With the wave of destruction that swept through Dalbar Falls and the camp in the field to the west of the large village that the enemy had set up.
And though their entire force led by Darid Parsen was easily outnumbered by at least six to one this night by the enemy.
The wave of destruction that was created by the other scout in the cavalry patrol. The water elemental spouter, Zaneff. Has definitely even things up.
In the lead, the scout Varric cuts down an enemy soldier who comes stumbling around the side of a building that's fairly intact, here on the north side of the large village of Dalbar Falls.
While the robber baron Gergus, plunges his sword into the back of another of the enemy who is crawling along the ground in a dazed state.
"Keep close as you move through this side of the village" quietly orders the scout Varric, who continues in a quiet voice with "Keep in sight of one another".
As the squad of a dozen in the robber baron's army, along with the robber baron Gergus himself, and his second, Hammind. Move forward, accompanied by the scout and the runner in the armies of Farque.
Varric glances back and catches the eye of Lis, she hurries forward. And the scout with a nod in the direction of Gergus, and the robber baron's second, Hammind. Who is also his brother inlaw.
The scout quietly tells the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury in the elven language "Keep a close eye on those two" he continues with "Wouldn't do if either one of them to come to any harm".
Sourly smiling, Lisell Maera dryly says in the same language "Thanks".
"Any time" quietly says Varric in a cheerful tone, then the scout in the mercenary army from the lands Farque adds "Just make sure they're still alive after tonight".
Lis nods her head, then she follows after the robber baron Gergus, and his second Hammind. Who along with a couple of others in the robber baron's army. Have moved to check out another of the buildings here on the north side of Dalbar Falls.
Though it's damaged on one side, the south side. It's still fairly intact. As the wave of destruction that swept through the large village. Predominantly flowed along the east, west road that runs through the center of Dalbar Falls.
They take a couple of the enemy by surprise, who are looking around. Wondering what the hell just happened here in the large village that they're using as a staging ground in the war against the robber barons of the unruled lands, in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Neither of the enemy soldiers had a weapon on them. And they're easily cut down by Gergus, and his brother inlaw Hammind the axe fighter.
The robber baron looks back, and finds that the runner Lisell Maera has accompanied him and those with him.
She nods at another building across the lane from them that's still, more or less in one piece. While the home or building next to it, on the east side has basically collapsed. And the one on the west side of it. Has a lot of debris piled up around it.
The robber baron nods in understanding, and he leads the way across the lane. Their footing now isn't so good. As mud and silt, along with bits of debris, covers the lane.
And they move carefully as they cross the lane.
When they get to the two storey building that's still in one piece. Lis holds up a hand. The runner or messenger in the mercenary army from the lands Farque has heard voices on the otherside of the building.
As the five of them gather close, the attractive young woman who is originally from the west coast of the Southlands, whispers to the robber baron "Sounds like quite a few of them around there".
Gergus the robber baron nods, then quietly says "We'll have to go around this side here" he continues with "Too much debris clogging up the otherside, we'd make too much noise going that way".
Lisell Maera is in agreement, and nods for the robber baron to lead the way around the side of the building.
Gergus and his brother inlaw Hammind do so. Moving quietly along the side of the building. Followed by the two others in the robber baron's army, and the runner in the Farqian mercenary army.
Gergus gets to the corner of the building, he can clearly hear a number of the enemy around the corner. He takes a quick peek around the corner. Then pulls his head back.
"There's at least a dozen" the robber baron whispers to Lis "And others are climbing down from the top floor" adds Gergus in a whisper.
Realising that the enemy must of been using the two storey building, which is an inn, as barracks.
Lisell Maera is about to tell the robber baron something, when a shout comes from around the corner.
Gergus takes another peek around the corner of the building. And from the light of a lamp one of the enemy is holding. He sees what's got their attention.
"They've spotted some of the others coming up the road" whispers the robber baron to Lis, Hammind and his two soldiers.
Lisell Maera taking immediate command, whispers "Wait a few moments, and we'll take them from behind as they rush to confront the others".
The robber baron Gergus nods his head in agreement, and then he peeks around the corner again.
And as a few more of the enemy climb down from the collapsed balcony on the second floor, as the front door of the inn is blocked by debris. To join their fellow soldiers who are moving down the road to confront others in the robber baron's army they've caught sight of.
Gergus glances back at Lis and mouths the word "Now". "Go" whispers Lisell Maera, and the five of them hurry around the corner and attack the enemy from behind, before they realise what's happening.
It's the first taste of combat for Gergus and his men, in their campaign against the duke of Phelm, duke Hargen and his army.
It won't be the last either, as the fighting this night in the large village of Dalbar Falls gets underway in earnest . . . . . .

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