Monday 24 September 2018

The Hire 20.

The Staging Grounds Of Halvíc. The Duchy Of Phelm. The Kingdom Of Nastell...

Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy slipped away from his squad during the middle of the night. Only returning to them before dawn.
The spy in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Went about creating some havoc here in the staging ground, in and around castle Halvíc. While his squad, remained in the town, also called Halvíc.
After dropping a couple of small glass vials into a well between the town and the large camp site in the fields next to Halvíc. As he did yesterday afternoon in a well within the castle itself.
The spy who is originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he served in the household of one of the more prominent nobleborn families of his homeland.
Then moved onto where the war machines and siege towers are located at the edge of the staging grounds.
And even though there were some guards on duty throughout the night. They were looking out and away from their warcamp. Not inwards. After all, they aren't expecting any attacks from within their own camp.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Placed little vials, these ones made out of metal, due to the caustic nature of what they contain.
Within the wheel wells, and where the axles affix to the wheels. The weight of the war machines such as the catapults and trebuchets. Along with the siege towers. When they move, will be enough to crush the small metal vials, which will release their contents.
The elven spy who can move about in silence at nighttime. Not just due to his race's light and surefooted ability. But also his training over the years. And at close to three hundred years of age, he's had a lot of training over the years.
The spy Tanith from the principality of Alínlae. Which is the closest nation to the kingdom of Nastell. Being less than two hundred miles to the southeast of the southern border of the kingdom.
Then moved onto some of the horse lines, that are predominantly on the southwest side of the farmland, that's being used as a staging ground for the army of duke Hargen in this area of his dukedom.
Dalin with skill and experience, moved amongst the hobbled horses. And used an extremely sharp dagger to slightly cut into their tether lines.
He only made slight cuts into the tie lines. As he didn't want the mounts to break their lines too soon. As he preferred that they'd run amok early in the morning, compared to the middle of the night.
The elven spy in the armies of Farque, then returned to the town that sits outside of the walls of Halvíc castle.
There he made his way to the home that his squad was given to use for the night. He knows they were only given it, because they gave such important and detail information about the robber barons armies, and their movements of late.
Or more precisely, what Dalin wanted the area commander of duke Hargen's army, and his staff to know. Which is the complete opposite of what the robber barons armies, who are now led by the mercenary army from the lands Farque are actually doing.
The spy Tanith gets back to his room within the house he's sharing with the two dwarven mercenaries, the cousins Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade, before the two of them get back from a night of drinking and carousing in the town's taverns and inns.
The dwarven mercenaries, who like Dalin. Are paid fairly well by duke Hargen's paymaster. Haven't had an opportunity to spend their coin, until they got here to Halvíc yesterday.
And by the state the two of them are in when they return to the room they share with the elven mercenary, who they think is just a ranger from the principality of Alínlae.
They've obviously spent a lot of their hard earned coin. As well as whatever else they've got with them, that they already had before joining the duke of Phelm's campaign against the robber barons of the unruled lands, in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Dalin who feigns sleep as the dwarven cousins return. Hears them chuckling, and murmuring to one another in their native language, as they fall onto their camp beds on the otherside of the room.
The spy who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen. Might know only a smattering of the dwarven language. But he can definitely tell that the dwarven mercenaries from the Sunreach Mountains. Who have some history with those Dalinvardél Tanith knows well.
Had a good time drinking and gambling. Taking a fair bit of coin from others in the army of duke Hargen who are here at the staging grounds of Halvíc castle.
After getting a little bit of sleep, then waking up just after dawn. With a grin upon his youthful looking face after his morning ablutions.
Dalinvardél Tanith opens up the window shutters and says in a cheerful tone in the common language "Wake up you two, we're leaving soon".
A groan comes from the bed of Shawtus, while a muffled "Piss off" in dwarven, which Dalin understands. Comes from the camp bed of the other dwarven mercenary, Smawfri.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae, kicks the bed of Smawfri. Then chucks a discarded cloak at Shawtus as he says "Barron has got our orders, we're to head back north".
Groans come from the two dwarven warriors, and the spy Tanith tells them "Not so hot out their this morning too" followed by "Looks like it's raining".
A bleary eyed Smawfri, who obviously had quite a lot to drink last night. As his cousin Shawtus did too. Is about to tell Dalin to fuck off. When a shout from the squad leader Barron comes from elsewhere in the large house they were given for the night. Telling the squad members to assemble for breakfast as they're to leave soon.
One bright eyed elven ranger, and two groggy looking dwarven cousins. Make their way to the kitchen a little bit later to get something to eat. As a couple of the squad have been cooking since waking up just before dawn.
Then after eating, they join the rest of the squad out on the covered porch that runs along the front of the house. Looking out at the grey sky this morning, as a fairly constant drizzle falls.
"Great, marching in the fucking rain" loudly mutters Shawtus "At least it isn't hot" says the squad leader Barron in reply, who then tells the squad, who along with himself, and the trio of non human mercenaries, number fifteen.
"We're to head north again with a number of other squads and patrols" the squad leader continues with "Not so much to the northeast this time, more directly to the north. Apparently the enemy have another army in that direction".
That must be the army led by Tam, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, as he knows that there's three armies of the combined forces of the robber barons of the unruled lands to the north of Nastell.
That are leading the attack upon the duchy of Phelm, and duke Hargen's fairly substantial army.
And those three armies are led by the trio of field commanders in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. With the center one led by Tamric Drubine. While the one to the east, which Dalin has already interacted with. Is led by field commander Leivyn. While the one furthest west, is led by field commander Talbot.
"They better not be putting us with another of those ass backwards patrol leaders like we had before" says a grouchy sounding Smawfri who voices all of their concerns. With the exception of Dalin. Who is rather hoping their squad will be assigned to another incompetent patrol leader.
"Let's hope not" quietly says the squad leader Barron, who then seeing that everyone has their packs, and equipment, he adds "Alright then, let's get moving".
They step out into the drizzle, and though it's fairly warm this early in the morning. It's no where as hot as it has been at this time of the day over the last few weeks of the start of summer.
Barron leads the way, heading to the rendezvous point with the other squads and patrols they'll be traveling with as they head back north towards the border.
They make their way through the west of the town of Halvíc. And as they make their way to the edge of town and out.
They see a fair few of their fellow soldiers. Either hurrying to the privy trenches that have been dug. Or they're already at the trenches.
"Good thing we're leaving now" says the squad leader who continues with "Looks like some of the lads have got food poisoning of some kind".
"Or they've drunk some foul water" adds Dalinvardél Tanith, which is infact what's happened. As he poisoned the well that's nearby. As well as one in the castle of Halvíc itself.
"Damn fools" quietly says Barron who walks in the front of the squad with the elf he thinks is a mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae.
The squad leader who hails from the rich farmland in the south of the duchy of Phelm, quietly says to the spy Tanith "A lot of them are dirty buggers who don't keep things clean".
Although only in his early twenties, Barron who has been a squad leader in duke Hargen's army for nearly two years, continues with "If they get the squirts here in camp, imagine how bad some of them will be out in the countryside to the north".
"Not a pretty sight I'd imagine" says Dalinvardél Tanith who the young squad leader has relied on to keep himself, and his squad. Alive and out of harm's way whenever they're in the same vicinity as the enemy from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom.
"That's for sure" dryly says the squad leader from southern Phelm, who points the way ahead. To the north side of the warcamp.
As they head that way, Barron hears a commotion coming from the far side of the camp, the western side.
"What's happening over there Dalin?" asks the squad leader, who knows the elf who is taller than him, has far superior eyesight and hearing compared to any human.
The spy Tanith who doesn't even have to look in that direction to know what's going on. After all, he's the one responsible for it.
Looks away to the west, then tells the squad leader "Looks like a lot of the cavalry mounts have broken free from their tie lines".
With the shake of his head, the squad leader says "Some of the ostlers have been a bit lax" then winces when Dalin tells him "Maybe at least a couple of hundred mounts are loose".
"Hell" mutters Barron, as they and the squad he leads, continue walking through the steady drizzle that's falling this morning over this part of the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains in the kingdom of Nastell.
They met up at the rendezvous point with the other squads and patrols they'll be marching with. They join up with three other squads. All larger than their's. And put under the command of a patrol leader by the name of Margen.
Who the two dwarven cousins, voice their quick opinion of him. Loudly stating that he better not be an idiot who leads them into danger. That only they, and the elven ranger Dalin are able to get them out of.
Barron winces, and quietly tells the spy Tanith to walk with the extremely hungover dwarven cousins. And keep them quiet, and far away from their new patrol leader as possible.
Dalinvardél Tanith nods, and drops back to walk with the dwarven mercenaries who hail from the eastern end of the Sunreach Mountains. The longest mountain range in all the Southlands.
"Nothing like a march in the rain to clear one's head eh elf" sourly says Shawtus McQuade as they set off from the warcamp that's the main staging ground for duke Hargen's army in this part of his duchy.
The elven spy in the armies of Farque, nods to that. While the other dwarven warrior, Smawfri. Just sourly grunts in agreement with his slightly older, and slightly taller cousin.
The spy Tanith asks the two dwarves what they got up to last night. And though they're both in a foul mood this morning. They do cheer up slightly when they explain to him. That along with the copious amounts of drinking last night. They won quite a lot of coin in card games.
From a number of soldiers and officers. Some of whom, they've spotted amongst the force of about three hundred and fifty they've joined up with, to travel north to the border with the unruled lands.
The spy Tanith nods as he listens to the dwarven cousins. And though he keeps some attention on what they're saying.
He's actually thinking about how he'll get in contact with someone in the robber barons armies they're heading off to confront.
Now that he'll be moving out of the area where he's been in contact with one of the water elemental coursers in the armies of Farque, who has been in the area considered to be the eastern end of the battle front in the war between duke Hargen and the robber barons of the unruled lands.
As they march north, and after seeing a few of the escaped horses running by to the left of them. A commotion can be heard back in the warcamp that's the staging ground for the duke's army in this area of the duchy.
"Hmmm what's going on back there?" says Shawtus McQuade who looks back, but can't actually see what's happening because he's too short, and there's another squad walking directly behind them.
"Dalin you see what's happening?" asks the slightly older and taller of the dwarven warriors, who along with his cousin Smawfri, are looking back towards the staging ground.
"Looks like they're having trouble moving one of the catapults there" says the spy Tanith who knows exactly what trouble they're having, because he caused it.
"Aye i see it now" says Smawfri McQuade who has stepped to one side so he can get a better view "It being on a bit of a tilt like" adds the younger McQuade cousin who continues with "They keep moving it like that, and the damn thing will fall over sideways".
"One of the axles must of gone" says Shawtus McQuade, who like his cousin is an expert on war machines.
"Shoddy workmanship for something like that to happen" adds the older of the two dwarves from the Sunreach Mountains "Aye, some buggers didn't build it properly" says the younger of the two dwarven cousins.
Infact they did build it properly, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, the elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army then silently adds, i just wrecked it for them.
The spy Tanith who placed metal vials of wood burning acid within the wheel wells, and on the axles of many of the war machines and siege towers here at the staging ground of castle Halvíc.
Looks forward, and with the squad he's part of within the army of duke Hargen that he's infiltrated. He continues walking through the steady falling drizzle, heading slightly west and to the north. As they make their way to the border region with the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell . . . . . .

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