Monday 1 October 2018

The Hire 25.

The Duchy Of Phelm. The Kingdom Of Nastell...

"Anything else?" asks Berric, the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "Nothing else commander" replies the messenger who has just rode in from the north.
"Very well, get something to eat and drink" says the commander who continues with "Then get a fresh mount, and head back north".
Berric glances out of the gate house, then says "Seems the rain has slacked off since yesterday, the ride north should be a bit easier for you".
"Hopefully commander" says the messenger, who after a nod from the commander of the duke's personal guard, makes his way from the gate house.
"That's three over the last day, and one of those was by airship" quietly says Berric to his subcommander Omrick, who nods and quietly says "General Yarmane and lord Chesié have their hands full".
"That's for sure" quietly says the guard commander, who after a few moments silence, nods for the others to follow him out the back of the gate house.
Commander Berric is followed by his subcommander Omrick, and two others who are in the personal guard of duke Hargen.
They leave the gate house in the north wall of Savariss, and make their way through the streets of the walled city, that's the northern most city in the kingdom of Nastell. And the seat of power of duke Hargen.
And though there's a slight drizzle across the city at the moment this morning. It looks like it's going to clear fairly soon, and the rest of the day will be cloudy but fine.
The cooler temperatures from yesterday remains as well. Though if tomorrow it dawns fine and sunny. The hot temperatures they've endured so far in the early summer, will no doubt likely return.
The four of them head to the center of the city, where castle Savariss is located. For like a lot of cities and towns in the kingdom of Nastell. Especially in the north, the town or city in this case has built up around a castle. Which it's also been named after.
The city of Savariss lies in the bottom third of the duchy of Phelm, at the very end of the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains. Those foothills of the mountain range that come down from the unruled lands, into the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
The last of the foothills, lie just a couple of miles north of the gates of the walled city.
Savariss the city, holds about thirty thousand people in normal circumstances. But with the duchy at war, and the duke having an army of twenty thousand soldiers, that's growing everyday with the addition of new mercenaries.
There's been an increase in the population of the walled city. With many villagers and townsmen from further north in the duchy. Making their way south to the city of Savariss, and the protection of it's walls.
The guard commander, his subcommander and the two other soldiers in the personal guard of the duke with them. Almost have to shove their way through some of those in the streets this morning, as they make their way back to the castle,
Then once they're in the clearer lanes and avenues in the more affluent neighbourhoods closer to castle Savariss.
Subcommander Omrick quietly asks his commander "What do you think of these sightings of this strange airship in the border region?".
"Not much" says commander Berric who continues with "If we take everything at face value from what the villagers who have fled south say, we'd be chasing at shadows" he then adds "If word comes in from the general, or lord Chesié that it's real, then I'd be worried".
"We are missing a few ships though" quietly says Omrick, who physically is the complete opposite of his commander.
The subcommander is a large man, nearly six and half foot tall, whose bulk is as much fat as it is muscle. He's bald, and wears heavy armour to go along with his bulk.
While commander Berric, is a slim man in his late thirties. Barely five foot nine inches in height, who wears the lightest of armour to go with his slim blade, which is a rapier. Unlike the broadsword and axe that his subcommander wields.
Appearances can be deceiving, for everyone in the duke's army, and for that matter in the city of Savariss knows who the deadlier of the two is. And it isn't the subcommander.
"That is a worry" murmurs commander Berric at the reference to the missing airships in duke Hargen's fleet, then the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard quietly says to his subcommander "Once we go, we'll get some of the men to look into that".
Walking next to Berric, his subcommander nods in agreement. Then the rest of their walk through the ever decreasing drizzle to castle Savariss is in silence.
Commander Berric and his company who are the personal guards of duke Hargen. Have so far kept out of the war against the robber barons of the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell, who have banded together to attack the duchy of Phelm.
For the simple reason the duke has yet to enter the war directly. As so far he's left the defence of Phelm to his generals and those of his nobles he's placed into positions of importance in the army of Phelm.
But that's about to change with duke Hargen deciding to head north to the war. And wherever the duke goes, his personal guards go too.
And commander Berric, his subcommander Omrick and those in their company, will accompany the duke north into the warzone.
As the drizzle continues to lessen, the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, and those with him. Enter castle Savariss by a postern gate.
The commander and his subcommander make their way to the central keep. While the two others who have been with them this morning. Head off towards their barracks, to make sure the company's preparation for departure is continuing.
As they, along with the duke himself, and others in his household who are traveling north, are expected to leave early tomorrow morning.
Berric and his subcommander Omrick enter the central keep, and make their way to the state room, that the duke has been using as his headquarters since the robber barons of the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom, decided to work together and attack the duchy of Phelm.
Commander Berric, and his subcommander enter the state room which is a hive of activity.
They stand to one side for the moment. As they see the duke is busy in conversation with a number of his military leaders who are here in Savariss.
The slim, and relatively short commander along with the rest of the duke's personal guard. Are in a unique position. For they're actually not in the army of the duchy. They're solely in existence for the protection of the duke. Or whoever else may hold the ducal seat of Phelm as appointed by the king in the capital.
Even the castle guard, whose captain, Gallene, is the younger brother of commander Berric. Is in the army, and will be sending a number of his battalion north when the duke leaves tomorrow.
Though for all that, Berric like previous commanders of the personal guard of the duke and previous nobles who have held the ducal seat.
Isn't above influencing what the army of Phelm does, and the decisions the duke makes. For though he's just the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, Berric has a lot of influence with the duke, and others here at the ducal court.
Gallene, the captain of the guard tries not sigh as he listens to an officer under the command of general Yarmane drone on about something.
And though the general, who is north near the border region. Is a more than capable military leader. Many of his officers, especially those who have remained behind here in Savariss, aren't exactly military geniuses.
Remained behind? Gallene the guard captain thinks to himself, who then silently adds, more like Yarmane left some of this lot behind, with good reason.
The captain of the castle guard would of probably done the same thing if he was in the general's position. He would of left a number of his staff behind too.
For quite a few of the general's officers are from the ranks of the nobility. And true some of them might be fine warriors in battle. None of those the general left behind, are exactly what one would describe as military experts.
The captain of the guard, like the general isn't of the kingdom's nobility. It's why lord Chesié, one of Phelm's noblemen who is actually a more than capable military leader himself, is north with the general.
Spots his older brother Berric has entered the state room that duke Hargen is using as his headquarters.
The older sibling is with his subcommander Omrick, standing quietly off to one side, out of the way of everyone else in the large room. Which is usually used for receptions for visiting nobles from elsewhere in the kingdom of Nastell.
Captain Gallene, who like his older brother, isn't particularly tall, and is slim and athletic. Is nearly a decade younger than his brother the commander of the duke's personal guard.
And while Berric is dark of hair. Gallene has fair hair. Though if you look at the two of them side by side, there's no denying that they're brothers.
Gallene who like his older brother, had to fight his way up the ranks of the battalions he's in. Are the first siblings not of noble birth, to lead not just one, but two of the most important positions in the duchy of Phelm.
With Berric in command of the personal guard of the duke. While Gallene is the captain of the castle guard. And though the younger brother is in the army of the duchy, and the older brother technically is not.
No other family not of the kingdom's nobility, has ever held such important positions in the military of the duchy of Phelm.
Gallene looks over at his older brother and catches the eye of the commander of the duke's personal guard.
Then with a slight nod of his head in the direction of the officer droning on in a monotone voice. The guard captain rolls his eyes.
Which causes commander Berric to suppress a grin. Not so his subcommander, Omrick. Who grins from ear to ear when he catches sight of the younger brother Gallene rolling his eyes, to show what he thinks of what the army officer is talking about.
"That brother of yours" murmurs subcommander Omrick to his commander.
"I know" murmurs back commander Berric, who continues in a murmur with "Be quiet, or you'll make me laugh, which wouldn't do".
The subcommander slightly shakes his head, then murmurs "And to think, i used to think you were the sour one".
"Compared to Gallene i am" murmurs the commander of the duke's personal guard, who then adds "Now shut up" as Omrick clamps down on a guffaw as they see captain Gallene look in their direction, and silently yawn in an exaggerated fashion as he looks sideways at the army officer who is still droning on as he explains something.
Hell, that boy never takes much in the way seriously, commander Berric thinks to himself referring to his younger brother Gallene, who was always the jokester.
Though Gallene might be a jokester, Berric knows that the captain of the castle guard is probably the second best swordman in the city behind himself.
But more than that, Berric will readily admit, that his younger brother by ten years, is actually a better warrior or fighter in battle than himself.
For those who have seen Gallene in combat, often comment on how deadly the younger brother is on the battlefield.
It's why Gallene, will be personally leading those of the battalion of the castle guards, who will be traveling north with the duke tomorrow.
The brothers, sons of a traveling swordmaster who settled down here in the city of Savariss, and married a local seamstress. Have families of their own now.
Berric with three children, a boy and two girls. His oldest, his son, who is now eighteen. Is in the castle guards under the command of his uncle Gallene.
While the captain of the castle guard, has two young sons, one six and the other four. And even at their young age, they want to be like their father and uncle. Though secretly, Gallene hopes when they grow up, they go into some other trade, rather than taking up the sword like their father and uncle.
Commander Berric, whose son Poliss, won't be going north tomorrow with the others in the guard battalion of castle Savariss. For the simple reason his brother Gallene, has ordered him to stay behind with the others who will remain in Savariss. For which Berric is grateful.
Looks over at his younger brother, after Omrick beside him slightly nudges him to get his attention.
From the look on his younger brother's face, which commander Berric knows well. Captain Gallene is about to say something that will more than likely get everyone's attention.
"Hells" mutters Berric, while beside him, his subcommander Omrick, who grew up with his commander, grins as he knows the look on the face of the guard captain's face too.
"Fascinating" says the guard captain Gallene in an overly loud voice that interrupts the army officer, who for quite some time, has been explaining something to duke Hargen. The army officer, who is a nobleman from here in the south of the duchy, who probably hasn't even been into the north of Phelm, and the border region with the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom.
Frowns at the guard captain who has so rudely interrupted him. The fact that the captain of the castle guard isn't of the nobility, irks too. As there's more than a few nobleborn here in Phelm, are irked that not just one, but two non nobles, brothers too. Hold such important positions in the household of duke Hargen.
Turning to the guard captain, duke Hargen asks "And what's so fascinating captain?". The duke, a man in his early forties, who has held his ducal seat for the last twelve years. Knows the captain of the castle guard is a prankster, and likes to make jokes at the expense of others.
Wonders if captain Gallene is going to make a joke right now. So he's presently surprised when the guard captain says "All this" as he gestures at the maps on the large table that the duke and a number of his officers in his army, have been looking at, as they discuss things.
"Yes" says the duke of Phelm, who then adds "Do go on".
With a slight smile upon his face, the captain of the castle guard says "In the west there it doesn't mean so much" he briefly pauses before adding "Considering general Yarmane is facing an enemy army of nearly five thousand there".
There's a pause from the duke, a solid looking man just under six foot tall, who has short, greying hair.
Then as the army officers stare at the guard captain, duke Hargen asks "How do you know this?".
Captain Gallene points to his older brother, who told him earlier before he left the castle, that a messenger had arrived from the north, with probably confirmation that the first of the three enemy armies, have been sighted. Had come into the city at dawn.
"I do believe the commander has information on this" says the captain of the castle guard.
Taken slightly by surprise, as he didn't realise the commander of his personal guard was in attendance, duke Hargen says "Is this so Berric?".
"Yes my lord" is the answer from commander of the duke's personal guard who steps forward, commander Berric continues with "A messenger from the north arrived earlier, and informed me that general Yarmane has dug in, and faces an enemy army that has crossed over the border".
After a few moments of stunned silence, captain Gallene quietly says with a slight smile upon his face "Good thing we're going north tomorrow morning then" . . . . . .

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