Monday 8 October 2018

The Hire 30.

The Battlelines. The Border Region. Northern Phelm...

Making his way back to his men, the squad leader Barron pauses and looks across to the enemy to the north, on what is a relatively clear morning here in this part of northern Phelm, as the constant drizzle of the last two days has finally gone.
The squad leader shakes his head, and continues on his way, followed by a couple of his squad.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy looks up from the log he's sitting on when the squad leader makes his return.
The elven spy in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen. Glances over at the dwarven cousins, Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade.
Both of the dwarven warriors who hail from the Sunreach Mountains. Notice the look from the elf, who they think is just a ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae. And they shrug their shoulders.
Well, whatever it is, we're about to find out, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy thinks to himself, as the squad leader Barron, calls out "Gather around men!".
They're on the western fringes of the warcamp behind the frontlines of duke Hargen's army. Well the part of the duke's army that's in this area of his duchy.
Apparently another fairly substantial sized part of the army of the duchy of Phelm is further west in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Facing another enemy army from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell, who have moved south into the duchy of Phelm, the northern most duchy in the kingdom.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. And also the name he goes by here, in the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Gets up off the log he's been sitting on, while the cousins McQuade, Shawtus and Smawfri. Get up off the ground, and with the rest of the squad, gather around their leader infront of the tent that Barron has been using since they arrived into camp yesterday. With the other squads and patrols from the staging grounds at Halvíc castle.
Most of the three hundred and fifty soldiers, many of them mercenaries. Who left Halvíc castle, and the staging grounds there. Arrived in camp yesterday morning. With the exception of those with dysentery, caused by the water they drank from the wells at the staging ground, that the spy Tanith fouled.
While most of the war machines, are still on the road back to Halvíc castle, and the town around it's walls. As many of them are in various states of disrepair, also due to the efforts of the spy who is originally from the elven principality of Alínlae.
Infact two of the war machines didn't even leave the staging grounds at Halvíc castle. Those two toppled over basically as they first got underway.
Leaving just two others, two catapults, that actually got to the warcamp and join the others already on the battlelines. While the other eight others from the staging grounds at Halvíc castle. Are strung out on the road between here and there.
"Right men, we've finally been given our positions" says the squad leader Barron "Probably in the middle at the very front" says Smawfri McQuade in a sour tone of voice.
The squad leader wryly smiles, then says "We're not" he continues with "We're on the left flank, here on the western side" Barron, who is from the south of the duchy of Phelm then adds "In the trenchlines, though slightly uphill".
"That's something i guess" dryly says Shawtus McQuade, his cousin Smawfri nods in agreement. Then the two of them look at the elf they think is a mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae.
He just shrugs to show what he thinks of the position their squad is being placed in. Presumably with the other squads under patrol leader Margen.
"Gather your gear if you're not already equipped" says Barron, who continues with "The commanders think there's a chance the robber barons and their army will attack today" he then adds "We're going into the lines".
The squad once they've got all their gear and equipment. Make their way forward through the warcamp, heading to the frontlines.
Dalinvardél Tanith, like everyone else in camp. Has figured out the commanders of duke Hargen's army in this location in the duchy.
Have decided to take a defensive stand. And to hold, and not let the enemy from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell. Any further south into the duchy of Phelm.
From all appearances, the duke's army in this part of the duchy, which is steadily growing throughout the days they've been camped here.
Easily outnumbers the army of the robber barons, that's just under two miles away to the north of their position.
In some of the only fertile farmland, not just in this part of northern Phelm, but in all the north of the duchy under the rule of duke Hargen.
They get to the trench they've been assigned to without incident. Finding that on either side of them, are other squads under the command of patrol leader Margen, who led them north from the staging grounds at castle Halvíc.
They're in their trench just a short time, when Dalin suggests to the McQuade cousins "Let's have a look around" as he gestures to the trenchlines infront of theirs.
The dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains agree. And they along with the spy Tanith. And two others in their squad, head downhill.
They pass a viewing platform that's been built to their left. The elf and the two dwarves can clearly see the army from the unruled lands, that's positioned a little under two miles away to the north.
As the two other squad members wander off, the trio of non humans weave their way downhill.
"The killing ground down there infront of us is good enough i suppose" is what Dalin hears Shawtus McQuade say to his cousin Smawfri, both of whom are walking infront of the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
"Not so sure about that way to the center" adds the slightly older and taller of the two dwarven cousins, who gestures away to the right.
"Aye" says Smawfri McQuade, who then adds "They'll have to be really bunched up in that direction if that lot want to thin out their numbers quick smart".
Then the dwarven warriors slip into the language of their race. Which the spy Tanith can't really follow, apart from the odd word here and there. And the occasional well known phrase.
The elf, who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in the principality of Alínlae.
Instead looks to the north, and wonders when Narladene the ground pixie will make another appearance. As she has visited him a couple of times since he arrived yesterday morning.
Dalin knows that the army less than two miles away to the north, is predominantly made up of the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer.
And that it's led by the young field commander Tamric Drubine, and others in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. The same army, that the elven spy is part of.
With a glance at the two dwarven warriors walking infront of him. The spy Tanith knows who is also with the army led by young Tam.
Dorc da Orc and his army of goblin mercenaries, who are now a battalion within the armies of Farque.
As the three of them stop beside a trench towards the base of the hill, and climb up onto the palisades running infront of it.
Dalinvardél Tanith who has been counting the number of soldiers in each trench they've passed as they've made their way downhill.
Looks at the McQuade cousins, as Shawtus who has reverted back to the common language, says to him "Here Dalin, you hear that stupid numpty over there, he's telling his mates that the enemy have got goblin soldiers in their ranks" followed by "And that they're led by some monster of some kind" as he gestures to their right along the bulwark.
"I rather doubt that" quickly says the spy Tanith, who hopes the two dwarven cousins don't remember, that they themselves have actually fought goblin soldiers, led by a monster. Over a decade ago, in the southern kingdom of Melaurn.
Infact, they're the same goblin soldiers, and monster. Who are in the army, standing less than two miles away to the north.
"They might have goblins in their camp, for menial tasks, like carrying things and such" says the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, who continues on with "Nobody in their right mind would give a goblin a weapon, they're a danger more to themselves, and everyone around them, than those fighting against, if they had weapons".
"Aye that's the truth of it" says Smawfri McQuade in the common language, who gestures in the same direction along the palisade as his slightly older, and taller cousin gestured did a few moments ago, and adds "That numpty is talking out of his ass".
"Oi!" calls out a squad leader further along the palisade when he spots the trio of non humans standing along the end of it "Clear off!" adds the squad leader.
"Oi!" calls back Smawfri McQuade, who then adds "Why don't you fuck off you dickhead!".
The squad leader is briefly flummoxed at that, while those down in the trench behind the palisade. And those on the bulwark, watch on with interest at the confrontation that's just kicked off.
The squad leader in the army of Phelm, who is definitely not accustomed to being treated like that.
Opens his mouth, to shout something in retaliation. When one of his squad on the bulwarks, grabs him by the arm, and quickly and quietly whispers something into his ear.
Apparently words has spread amongst the army, or at least down to the frontlines on the left flank of the army.
Of the fractious and violent dwarven mercenary cousins. And the elf, who is a lethal ranger, who apparently has killed every enemy their squad has come across. And kept their entire squad alive and hale as they scouted out the border region over the last two weeks.
Dalin has done almost all of that, though he hasn't harmed a single person in the armies of the robber barons of the unruled lands of the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
The squad leader grimaces, and looks away, looking back at the enemy army located to the north.
"Prick" says Smawfri McQuade, his cousin Shawtus nods in agreement, as the two of them take their hands off their weapons, which they took a hold of when the nearby squad leader yelled at them.
The silence along the rest of the palisade, and down in the trench behind it is broken. And the soldiers, many of whom are mercenaries, go back to what they were chatting about before the brief confrontation between the squad leader and the trio of nonhuman mercenaries.
"Anyway" says Dalinvardél Tanith, who briefly pauses before continuing with "What we were just discussing" he follows that up with "I don't see any goblin soldiers over there, do you two?".
"Nay not a one" says Shawtus McQuade, who like his cousin Smawfri, has to peek through the gaps in the wooden palisade as they stand upon the bulwarks, looking to the north at the enemy lines.
They're too short to look over the lower parts of the wooden palisade, where archers and crossbowmen will stand, when the enemy attack.
"If they've got goblins with them, they be in the camp, on the otherside of the hill they're on" says Smawfri McQuade, who like his cousin, believe that what Dalin has suggested, is more than likely true.
"Probably tending the wagons and carrying water around" says the older of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, Shawtus continues with "Even then, i bet the little green buggers are more of a hindrance than they are a help".
"Aye that's for sure" adds Smawfri McQuade, who like pretty much all dwarven kind, and for that matter most other people, are of the opinion that goblins are good for absolutely nothing.
And that having the accident prone goblins around, are a complete waste of a person's time and energy.
Dalin, who knows how destructive the goblin battalion is that's in the camp just to the north across the intervening farmland. Especially now that they've been reunited with their general, the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc.
Suggests to the McQuade cousins, that they check the next trenchline along, heading in from the flank, towards the center of the frontline.
Agreeing that, that's a fine idea. Especially considering it takes them by the squad leader who yelled at them, and who Smawfri yelled back at.
The dwarven warriors who are cousins, lead the way inwards along the bulwarks made predominantly of dirt and rocks, that was dug up during the making of the trenchlines.
The squad leader ignores the three of them as they pass by behind him.
Smawfri grins down at the soldiers in the trench as they watch the three of them, walk behind the squad leader who is ignoring them, who the short tempered dwarven warrior nods his head sideways at.
Quite a few of the soldiers down in the trench chuckle and smile when Smawfri McQuade does that.
The shorter of the two dwarven cousins grins through his beard. While next to him, his cousin Shawtus grins too. While behind them, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, starts counting the amount of soldiers in the next trench along that they're approaching . . . . . .

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