Sunday 28 October 2018

The Hire 42.

The Southern Reaches. The Duchy Of Phelm. The Kingdom Of Nastell...

Teabagger the goblin Cunt looks over at his general and frowns. It's around midday, and in the heat of the middle of the day, the large ork is lying under the shade of a nearby tree.
And from the loud snores coming from that direction, it definitely sounds like the ork warleader is fast asleep.
While down on the road below, the rest of the army is passing by pretty quickly, as they continue to pursue the defeated army of duke Hargen in this part of the duchy of Phelm.
The commander of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque looks over at DumbDumb. The fairly large goblin is holding a fairly large hammer.
A hammer to the head a number of times usually being the best way to wake up the general.
And from the gleam in the eyes of DumbDumb, he can't wait to hit the sleeping ork a number of times to wake him up.
DumbDumb looks over at his commander, and gestures with his hammer towards the big, burly ork who is fast asleep nearby beneath a tree.
Teabagger shakes his head no, and DumbDumb looks more than a little disappointed that he has to continue to wait.
The goblin commander looks at his sleeping general, and sighs. Then he looks down to the road below, hoping to spot the others who have gone off on an errand.
The small, bright green goblin slightly winces as he sees that it's the war machines and siege towers now passing by on the road.
And behind them are just the supply wagons with the camp followers, who are the last of the army, with the exception of the rear guard.
Teabagger guesses that the entire army led by field commander Tamric Drubine, who didn't suffer too many losses in the battle throughout the night. Will pass this site by the early afternoon.
The goblin commander just hopes he and his battalion, along with his general of course, will have moved on by then.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt looks up and the down the line of march. As he does so. Youdead who is standing nearby, points to further along the road that's taking the army further south into the duchy of Phelm.
The commander of the goblin battalion, who is one of a small number of the original goblin army from the kingdom of Melaurn, in the very south of the Southlands. That their general took leadership of, over a decade now.
Grins as he spots a number of the battalion hurrying back this way along the road. Then he slightly frowns as he notices that they don't have what they were sent off to get.
Those up the hill waiting with him, notice this too. And a few of them mutter and grumble. Until a look from their commander shuts them up.
After the others hurry up the hill, with many of them tripping up. Over themselves, and each other. As they make their way up the hill.
Teabagger the goblin cunt asks them "Where the hell is it?".
"Back that way" is the reply of Supershitty Shitface, who waves south along the road, and the line of march as the army continues after the fleeing remnants of duke Hargen's army they defeated in battle.
"Well it's no fucking good there is it" says Teabagger, who like a number of the battalion, pretty much all of them infact. Swear a whole lot more now that their general is back with them.
"It's too fucking heavy" says Supershitty Shitface, who is one of the officers in the battalion. The short, but stocky goblin. Who has patches of black across his dark green face, continues with "We went forward and got a wizard to do it, and it's frozen solid. So much so, it's not even melting in this heat".
"Couple of the others are keeping an eye on it" adds Poohead the Fourth, who dryly continues with "Not that anyone would take it, since they know who it's for".
They all nod, then the small, bright green goblin who commands the goblin battalion in the Farqian mercenary army, nods over to the sleeping ork beneath a tree, and says "Time to wake him up".
DumbDumb with his hammer, hurries over to where their general is asleep beneath the branches of a tree.
The large goblin only trips over his own feet the once as he rushes over to where the ork warleader is fast asleep. And as the others follow after him. DumbDumb starts hitting the sleeping ork in the head with his hammer.
After a while, and their general is still to wake. The others join in, kicking and punching the big, burly ork who is snoring loudly as he continues to sleep.
Teabagger has to wave away Cuntface the seventh. Or eighth. He isn't to sure. Who has got his spear, which he's all too willing to stab into one of the closed eyes of the sleeping ork.
Cuntface, the eighth as it turns out. Steps back with a look of disappointment on his face. While the others continue to hit their general.
Who eventually snorts, causing them all too back away, with the exception of Teabagger.
The goblin commander, who waves a hand infront of his face, as his general stinks more than usual. Because he's still wearing the hooded poncho some of the battalion made for him. Says to the large ork "Boss, i mean general, you awake?".
Grunting as he wakes, then yawning as he opens his eyes, Dorc da Orc says "Yeah cunt" as he looks at the small, bright, green goblin who is standing beside him.
"What is it cunt?" asks the ork weaponsmith who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
"Er the young commander will want a word with you" says Teabagger, Dorkindle grunts and closes his eyes and says "Tell Tam to get fucked" followed by "Wake me when there's more fucking fighting to do".
"Er the boss is here" says the goblin commander, who then adds "The boss, boss" he briefly pauses before continuing with "The big one, you know the one in the dark armour".
The large ork's eyes snap open, and he quickly sits up. The warleader of the ork race looks around, sniffing as he does so.
Then he scowls at Teabagger, and he says with a growl "No he not" followed by "You fucken lying cunt" then in the ork language he mutters "Me would fucken knows if that cunt was around".
"Er well he was here" says the small, bright, lurid green goblin who hails from the kingdom of Melaurn, who continues with "He spoke with the young commander, and the elf councilor" Teabagger momentarily pauses, then adds "As well as the knight".
"Fuck" mutters the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who then demands of his commander "Why you not wake me cunt?".
"We tried" says the goblin commander in a bit of a sour tone of voice. For he and a number of others tried waking their general earlier this morning when they saw the krean strikeship come in. All too no avail, as the big, burly ork couldn't be woken, no matter how hard they hit him.
And the krean strikeship took off a bit later, heading south. In the direction the fleeing enemy army has gone.
Dorkindle listens with a scowl upon his broad, green, brutish looking face as Teabagger explains to him "The big boss must of had something important to say, if he decide to come here himself".
The large ork from the very bottom of the world grunts in agreement to that, and grunts again when the goblin commander tells him "Best we find out what he said general".
"Fucken s'pose so" mutters Dorc da Orc, who scowls at the other goblins nearby, then he yells at them "Well what you ugly little green cunts waiting for" he continues with "Get fucken going with the rest of the army you assheads!".
Then as the battalion starts heading downhill, and the large ork gets up off the ground, Teabagger tells him "And general, we found some".
The ork who was named warleader of his race, quite a number of years ago now. Frowns as he wonders what the goblin commander means.
Then the eyes of the large ork go wide in pleasure as he realises what Teabagger is referring to, then he says "Why you not say so earlier cunt?" he then adds in his native tongue "Stupid fucken gob-a-lin".
Dorkindle sets off down the hill, then suddenly stops, and looks at Teabagger and says in common to him "Probably all fucken warms" he waves at the sun in the perfectly clear blue sky on what's a hot summer's day here in the north of the duchy of Phelm, and adds "Cause of that fucken cunt" he then mutters "Me not like it as much when it's fucken warm".
"It isn't boss, er general" says the small, bright green goblin who as they continue on down the hill again to rejoin the rest of the army, tells his general "We got one of the wizards to freeze it".
Dorc da Orc blinks in surprise at that, then with a grin on his face, and after he grabs Teabagger, who stumbles and is about to fall flat on his face, if his general didn't grab him, says to the commander of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque "Hurry up cunt" followed by "Don't want it to go to waste".
The battalion, and their general. Make their way forward along the line of march. For though goblins are accident prone. They can move quick when they want to. And they soon leave the war machines and siege engines behind. And are soon making their way through the foot soldier. Who are mainly from the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer.
The soldiers and hired mercenaries in the armies of the two robber barons. Quickly get out of the way of the goblin battalion and their ork general. Who started the battle last night against the army of duke Hargen in this part of Phelm. When they attacked the duke's battlelines from beneath the ground.
For though the goblins look a little ragged with all their mismatched armour and weapons. They're all wearing the black tunic of the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
And though at first the robber baron's men might of thought them a bit of a novelty, who they thought would be a bit of laughing stock.
Not so after the battle fought during the night. Where they not only got the battle underway. But also were the first to get amongst the enemy lines.
And eventually, with the their general. Caused the duke's army to break before dawn, and retreat. After they joined the attack on the eastern flank, where the enemy finally capitulated. And were forced into a retreat.
"Where they fucken at?" murmurs Dorc da Orc who is peering ahead as he and the goblin battalion walk quickly forward through the line of march.
That big burly ork, who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. Can smell what he wants somewhere up ahead. Then due to advantage of his height, he spots it on the side of the road. A hundred yards or so ahead. The ork warleader grins as he spots the pair of goblins sitting off to the side of the road.
"Fucken sweet" murmurs the large ork in pleasure when he gets there, as the two goblins get up off the ground. The large ork licks his lips as he looks at what they've been minding.
It's a large barrel of ale. And it's encased in a thick layer of ice. Which in the heat of the hot summer's day here in the southern reaches of the duchy of Phelm, doesn't seem to be melting. If it is, it's melting extremely slowly.
Dorkindle picks up the barrel, and hugs it to himself. Enjoying the extreme cold coming off it.
Then in act of patience not normally associated with the big, burly ork from the very bottom of the world.
He refrains from punching the ice across the top of the barrel to get into it. As he decides to keep the frozen barrel close to him, and drink it's contents later.
Tucking the ice covered barrel under his right arm, enjoyed the cold coming off it. The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, says to the goblins who are waiting "Right you cunts, let's get fucking going again".
As the battalion is set to get underway again, to head towards the front of the line of march, their general adds "And fucken thanks for this too" as he gestures at the ice covered barrel that's tucked under his right arm.
The goblin battalion and their ork general continue on their way, making their way forward.
Dorc da Orc notices there isn't that many of the cavalry in the advancing army. They must of gone further ahead, to harass the retreating army of the duke of Phelm.
He finds out soon enough, when he and his battalion, get near the front of the vanguard, where the field commander Tamric Drubine, and another of others are.
The large ork who has just passed, and ignored the two robber barons, Almard and Larimer.
Also passes sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is walking with the heavy foot in the Farqian mercenary army, who are with this particular army led by the young field commander, who is known by Tam by those who know him well.
The big, burly ork and the heavily armoured knight glare at one another as the ork general and his following battalion walk by.
There's no denying the rivalry between the two of them. Who flat out don't like one another.
And the two of them, who have spent many a year trying to kill one another. Ever since they first crossed paths in a war in the Sunreach Mountains nearly a dozen years ago.
Find it rather odd, that they're not at each other's throats now. As it feels totally foreign not to.
"Fucken dumb knight cunt" Dorc da Orc loudly mutters as he walks by. As sir Percavelle Lé Dic, says in his overly loud voice "Foul smelly disgusting beast".
The two of them then ignore one another once the large ork has walked by with his goblin battalion.
Then leaving most of the battalion just back in the vanguard.
Dorkindle along with Teabagger the goblin cunt, and some of the officers in the goblin battalion. Continue a bit further on, to the front of the line of march. Where Tamric Drubine, and most of his senior staff are.
The warleader of the ork race, who notices Helbe the elven thief isn't around. Nor can he smell Narladene the ground pixie anywhere near.
Nods his large head, and says in greeting "Hey cunt" to the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin who leads this army that's come south from the unruled lands of the Colevar Mountains, and made it's way into the kingdom of Nastell.
"Hey Dorc" replies Tamric Drubine, the field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque who then adds "Good you're here".
Then Dorc da Orc, enjoying the cold coming off the ice covered ale barrel tucked under his right arm, listens to what Tam has to say, as the young field commander explains the current situation, and their plans now that they have new information about the enemy.
Not just here in this area of the duchy, but elsewhere in the north of the duchy of Phelm . . . . . .

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