Thursday 20 December 2018

The Hire 81.

Almaic. Phelm. Nastell...

Squad leader Barron and most of his squad find themselves waiting in the quarters of duke Hargen's personal guard for most of the afternoon.
With the prisoner, sir Tanvar. Locked in a storage room. Next to commander Berric's office.
The young man from further south in the duchy of Phelm, and his squad are given something to eat as they had no lunch.
And as the trio of mercenaries, Dalin the ranger. And the dwarven warriors, the McQuade cousins. Go off with the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Barron and the rest of the squad wonder around the guard quarters, or out in their yards. All of which, are on the west side of the palace grounds.
When he's out in one of the yards, the young squad leader stops and stares at what's behind one of the buildings used for training.
He looks at them for quite some time, before he finally makes his way back into the guard's quarters. And waits for the trio of non human mercenaries in his squad to return.
It's not too long before Dalin, along with Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade return. And the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, look a hell of a lot happier than they did when they left.
"I take it you got paid?" asks Barron the squad leader "Aye lad, that we did" answers Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "The commander kept his word, and it was himself who made sure the army paymaster paid the three of us".
"So you're staying then?" asks Barron "Aye" is the answer from Smawfri McQuade, the slightly younger and slightly shorter of the two dwarves then adds "For now".
His slightly older, and slightly taller cousin nods in agreement, then Smawfri says "Unless they don't pay us next time".
"Doubt there'll be a next time" murmurs Shawtus in the dwarven language, who continues murmuring in the same language with "The duke and his army haven't done a shit hot job stopping the enemy so far, i doubt they will here either".
Smawfri McQuade grunts in agreement, then he wonders over to the long table along one wall, that still has some food out. The more temperamental of the two temperamental dwarven warriors gets something to eat. As they now, along with the rest of the squad, wait.
"Wonder where we'll be a reassigned to?" quietly asks the young squad leader as the elven mercenary ranger Dalin sits down on the bench beside him.
"The defence of the city most like" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who refrains from grinning "I know that" dryly says the squad leader Barron.
The spy Tanith shrugs his shoulders, then says "Who knows" followed by "I don't think it'll be anywhere safe". The elven spy in the armies of Farque, who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen quietly tells the young squad leader "I don't think the leadership here in Almaic cares all that much for commander Berric".
"Oh?" asks Barron "We got a lot of unfriendly looks as we went through the palace to get to the army headquarters" explains the elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae.
"Aye" says Shawtus McQuade who sits down on the otherside of the young squad leader "I guess it's because he's a commoner, and the snot nosed nobles here at court aren't too fond of that" adds the slightly older, and slightly taller of the McQuade cousins.
"Makes sense i guess" quietly says Barron, who knows that duke Hargen's personal guard commander is quite popular amongst the common folk. Including the commoners in the duke's army. Which technically he and his company aren't part of.
Then the young squad leader glances at the locked door that the prisoner is still behind, and he quietly asks the elf and the dwarf sitting to either side of him "Did he say anything about the duke's heir?".
"Nothing specific" is the quiet reply of the elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae "But from what he and Ludoc, and that captain Ardel were discussing, they be up to something, grand like, is my guess" adds Shawtus McQuade.
Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by, whilst undercover in the duke of Phelm's army.
Quietly says to the young squad leader "Pretty sure they want to get it right when they tell the duke what happened" he follows that with "I wouldn't be surprised if we, or at least some of us are called forward in court as witnesses".
"Aye, it'll be the smart thing to do" says Shawtus McQuade, who sourly looks over at his slightly younger cousin Smawfri, who is busy stuffing his face. Though the slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains. Looks a little disappointed as he crams a breadroll in his mouth. Because there's no ale or wine that's been put out for them.
"Choke on that bread you bald headed prick" mutters Shawtus under his breath in the dwarven language, who then looks away from his cousin Smawfri, and says in the common language to the two sitting beside him on the bench "That deserting bastard is guilty as all hell, but he's still a nobleman here, as well as the duke's heir".
The dwarf, stocky and strong like all of his race, who hails from the west of the tallest mountain range in the Southlands, the Sunreach Mountains, quietly adds "Who knows what will happen in the duke's court when the commander makes the accusations of what he was doing along that road".
Barron nods in agreement, and as guards come and go from their quarters, the young squad leader changes the subject, as it's nothing that he can control, so he says to the two mercenaries "You see what's outside behind one of the guard's training yards?".
The elven spy, and the dwarven warrior shake their heads no, then Dalinvardél Tanith asks the squad leader who is from further south here in the duchy of Phelm "What is it?".
"Come and have a look" says Barron, the three of them get up, and Shawtus catches the eye of his cousin Smawfri, and nods for him to follow them as the young squad leader leads them outside.
The four of them step out the back of duke Hargen's personal guards quarters. And Barron heads to one of the nearest training yards.
They pass stables, and out buildings. Then once in the training yard. The young squad leader stops and points.
"Hell" mutters Smawfri McQuade "Two of them" murmurs Shawtus McQuade, who briefly pauses before adding "A frigate, and a destroyer by the looks of it. Not big enough for a full on battleship, and it's definitely bigger than a cruiser".
"Aye, that's what the bigger one looks like" says Smawfri McQuade, who like his slightly older, and slightly taller cousin, is a bit of an expert on airships.
Two of which, can be seen on the otherside of a long building, here on the west side of the palace grounds.
Both airship, which are part of the duke of Phelm's fleet. Are down on the ground, where they're anchored.
"Small one is at nearly a twenty fiver" says Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "And the destroyer is at least rated a fifty".
"Aye looks like it" says Smawfri McQuade, who then adds "Looks like they've got a full compliment too" he briefly pauses then adds "Well, on this side it looks like they do".
The slightly older of the two dwarven warriors grunts in agreement with his cousin. As they know what they're talking about when it comes to airships.
As they were the proud owners of one of their own. A dwarven dreadnought. The largest of any kind of airship in the skies of Volunell.
Unfortunately their airship, more than a decade ago in the southern kingdom of Melaurn. Was brought down, and destroyed when a dragon. And a certain elven princeling that Dalinvardél Tanith knows well. Were fighting during a war between nobles in Melaurn.
The two of them just used the massive dwarven airship as another place to fight. As it flew over a battle that was raging on the ground below it, during the middle of winter in that kingdom faraway to the south.
"Well, they'll be a surprise to the enemy when they attack the city" says Shawtus McQuade, Smawfri McQuade grunts in agreement.
"Haven't seen much in the way of air combat so far in the invasion" muses Barron "Good thing we haven't" says Dalin, who then dryly adds "It's not exactly safe for those of us on the ground".
"Aye" grunts the slightly older of the two dwarven warriors "You tend to get shot at" adds Shawtus McQuade, who then sourly says "Which isn't particularly fun, when it's a full broadside of magetubes".
"That's for fucking sure" mutters Smawfri McQuade, both his cousin Shawtus, and the spy Tanith, who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae, whilst embedded in duke Hargen's army.
Nod in agreement with what the slightly younger of the McQuade cousins just muttered.
They look at the two warships for a little while, speculating what the two vessels will actually do. And coming to the conclusion they'll be used to attack the enemy army, more than any airships that the enemy from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains might bring with them to Almaic.
They then make their way back into the quarters of duke Hargen's personal guard. And it's not to long before commander Berric and a number of others return to the quarters.
"Get the prisoner" says Berric the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard to a couple of his men.
And as they go off and get the nobleborn prisoner, the commander who is also a swordmaster, says to Barron "You and your squad will come along with us".
The young squad leader nods in understanding, as the guard commander mentioned earlier in the afternoon. That it would be best to go to the duke at the end of the day at court, with the accusations of what sir Tanvar has been up to.
Accusations that are going to be more than a little explosive to say the least. Considering the nobleman they captured in the farmhouse during the middle of the night. Is the younger cousin and the heir to the duke of Phelm.
As sir Tanvar, who is a captain in the army of his cousin duke Hargen. An ineffectual captain in the opinion of commander Berric, who has always thought captain Tanvar is nothing more than a coward.
Is brought out from storage room next to the commander's office. And gagged again as he's more than likely to speak out of turn when he's brought forth to court.
Swordmaster Berric says to the experienced guard Ludoc "You and two others go and get the witnesses" followed by "Wait in that chamber next to court we picked out earlier".
"Yes commander" says the guardsman Ludoc, who signals to two of his fellow guards to follow him.
After those three exit the guard quarters, commander Berric says "Right then, let's go to court".
Outside in the marshalling yard infront of the quarters of duke Hargen's personal guard. Waits captain Ardel and the balance of the duke's personal guard here in the city of Almaic, who aren't on duty.
The commander and his captain lead the way across to the main building of the palace, where the duke's court is located.
Barron and his squad find themselves immediately behind the bound, and gagged prisoners, and the pair of guards holding him by the arms. Who are right behind the swordmaster Berric and captain Ardel. Who has been leading the duke's personal guard here in Almaic whilst the commander was absent.
Following behind Barron's small squad is the rest of the duke's personal guard who aren't on duty this afternoon.
As the commander and the captain quietly chat about something, Smawfri McQuade quietly says "Well this is going to stir some shit up, that's for sure" as he walks beside his slightly older and slightly taller cousin Shawtus, directly behind Barron and Dalin.
Both the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, and the young squad leader from further south here in the duchy of Phelm, nod in agreement with what the younger of the two dwarven warriors just said.
Then they enter the palace proper. And head towards the court of duke Hargen of Phelm.
They walk down a long straight hallway, and commander Berric, the swordmaster from the city of Savariss in the north of Phelm sends one of his men ahead. To the large doors up ahead, that have palace guards standing on this side.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard looks back at those following him, and he quietly says "Keep a watch out, anything could happen".
The swordmaster who is the highest placed commoner in the court of the duke of Phelm nods at the prisoner as he quietly continues with "Make sure no harm comes to him before sentence is given" the commander silently adds in a dry tone, that's if he's even sentenced.
"Like i said, anything could happen" quietly says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Dalinvardél Tanith and the young squad leader Barron share a look. While behind them, the McQuade cousins mutter away at one another in the dwarven language about something.
By the forest gods, what the hell are we about to get ourselves into? Dalin thinks to himself, who then silently adds, nothing good i bet.
The elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army, just hopes his cover isn't broken in some way as they get closer to the chamber where the duke of Phelm's court is held.
They get to the open doors to the court, and though the palace guards there all looked surprised at seeing sir Tanvar bound and gagged. Their most senior member, nods to commander Berric as the swordmaster enters court.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard quickly looks away to the right when he enters court, and he sees the door to one of the side chambers open, and the guard he sent forward, standing there. Who slightly nods when he sees his commander look his way.
"Hell, i think they noticed us" quietly and dryly says Smawfri McQuade from behind Dalin and Barron as almost everyone at court, turns and looks at them as they all enter the large circular chamber.
Including duke Hargen, who is sitting upon what can only been called a throne. Which is up a half a dozen steps, against where the wall further to the right, is briefly straight along the wall that's otherwise curved.
The duke of Phelm, who briefly spoke to the commander of his personal guard just after his return, and is glad that he survived the battle of Savariss, and has made his return to Almaic, the capital of the duchy.
Briefly smiles at the appearance of his personal guard commander at court, at the end of a long day's session.
Then the smile that quickly appeared, quickly disappears. As the duke notices the bound and gagged figure amongst his personal guards who have just entered court.
It's sir Tanvar, a younger cousin of his. Who also happens to be his heir, until the duke's young son comes of age. As it's tradition here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. That you have to be a certain age before being named heir to a duchy.
A look of surprise crosses the face of the duke at seeing his younger cousin, who has been missing since the defeat of one of his armies in the north of the duchy before the battle of Savariss, is alive and well.
Then of shock, which turns to outrage that Tanvar, who is a captain in the army of Phelm, is bound and gagged, and is being held securely by two his personal guardsman.
It's pretty much the range of emotions that crosses the faces of a lot of those at court, most of whom are the nobility here in the duchy of Phelm, at the appearance of sir Tanvar, the duke's heir.
Who though not popular with the common folk. Nor that much with the nobility to be fair. But he is still one of them. A noble, who is being held by the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who is a commoner.
There's a few moments of stunned silence in the large, circular chamber, which is suddenly broken, by duke Hargen loudly demanding "Berric, what the hell is going on here?".
"Here we go" mutters Smawfri McQuade to his cousin Shawtus, and the mercenary ranger Dalin and the young squad leader Barron.
Dalinvardél Tanith slightly nods his hooded head in agreement with what the slightly younger McQuade cousin just said.
Then as duke Hargen loudly says "Explain yourself Berric!" followed by "Why is my cousin bound like a common criminal?".
The spy Tanith suddenly hears the familiar voice of Narladene the ground pixie whisper into his left ear in the elven language "Beware of that man, third to the left of the throne".
Dalin's eyes quickly dart that way, and sees a dark haired nobleman, in his twenties, almost six foot tall, wearing dark red leather armour, with a longsword at his left hip.
The elven spy's eyebrows go up in surprise when he hears Narladene whisper in his left ear "Appearances are deceiving, he's a sorcerer" . . . . . .

Wednesday 19 December 2018

The Hire 80.

Phelm. Nastell...

Dorc da Orc scowls as another of the forward scouts rides back by them along the road. That's about the tenth one to ride by him and his battalion in the last little bit.
The large ork who is already in a foul mood, due to it being another hot, sunny day here in the kingdom of Nastell. Especially at this time of the day, the early afternoon.
Is in an even fouler mood because of what he smells somewhere up ahead of them on the road.
Then as he spots another rider coming back, most likely on his way to the first of the armies further back along the road from where the ork warleader and his battalion of goblins are.
Dorkindle has Teabagger the goblin Cunt stop the scout, to see what's going on up ahead on the road.
If the big, burly ork was already in a foul mood. He's absolutely disgusted when he hears what the scout in the Farqian mercenary army quickly tells the goblin commander Teabagger.
The ork weaponsmith who like all of his kind, is from the southern polar region of the world. Who is naturally angry to begin with.
Is even more angrier as he trudges ahead along the dusty road, in the early afternoon heat. Not even a flock of sheep in a paddock away in the distance to the right can distract him. As he stomps his way forward along the road at the front of his battalion of goblin soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
All of whom, including their commander Teabagger, stay a bit back from their general. Not just because he's in an angrier mood than normal.
But also because he reeks beyond belief. As the large ork still refuses to take off the poncho, that's made out of a side of a tent. That was made by a number of the battalion. When it rained for a few days earlier in the campaign. Back when they were still up in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
It hasn't rained since, and doesn't look like it will rain anytime soon. Even here in central Phelm, where a lot of the paddocks and fields are still fairly green. With some only starting to turn brown, or straw coloured now as the hot summer continues across the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
They make their way around a wide bend in the road, that goes by one of the very few hills of significant height here in the central region of the duchy of Phelm.
They only go about another thirty yards when Dorc da Orc suddenly stops and growls "Fuck" in anger as he sees what's up ahead.
Further ahead along the road, are most of the forward elements of the Farqian mercenary army. Who are at ease, off to the sides of the road.
Away to the left, or east. Is a river. The river Mareb to be exact. It goes in a wide bend as it flows from the east, then turn southwest.
And the road goes over the river. Well it did. Because the large bridge that's spanned across this part of the river for the last couple of centuries. Has been destroyed. Recently by the looks of it.
With a look on his broad, green, brutish looking face that's a mix of anger, hate and abject disappointment, as well as resignation.
The warleader of the ork race heavily sighs, and resumes walking, quickly followed by his battalion of goblin soldiers.
The big, burly ork who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. The matriarch he killed. Which was only fair, considering at the time she was doing her best to kill him.
Grunts when he spots the cavalry company of Darid Parsen off to the side of the road, closest to the riverbank where the bridge once stood on this side of the river Mareb.
The large ork who is from the very bottom of the world. Where in the frozen climate there, you would usually find an ork. As they're really not suited for the warmer climate further north of the southern polar region of the world.
Sourly smiles as he spots his rival sir Percavelle Lé Dic, is still with the cavalry company led by commander Parsen. Who Dorkindle will always think of as Zubutai Timaginson. Or at least someone pretending to be Zubutai the barbarian hordesman.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks has always thought that, no matter what body over the years, Zubutai the son of Timagin has inhabited.
"Someone should push that fucken knight cunt in the river" mutters Dorc da Orc, who then orders Teabagger to have the battalion fall out. As it looks like they're not going anywhere, anytime soon.
Then the ork warleader along with the small, bright green goblin who commands the battalion of goblin soldiers in the armies of Farque. Make their way forward to where commander Parsen, his second in command Kalleb, and other officers in the forward elements. Along with Shur Kee the monk, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Are standing where the foot of the bridge once stood on this side of the river Mareb.
"Hey cunt" says Dorkindle in greeting to commander Darid Parsen. The large ork nods to Shur Kee the monk, and completely ignores sir Percavelle Lé Dic who is off to one side, chatting with some of cavalry company he and the short, statured monk have been traveling with for the last few days.
Ignoring sir Percavelle Lé Dic who loudly says "I do say, has someone dug a privy trench, because all of a sudden things do pong, wot".
The warleader of the ork race says to the cavalry commander "Gonna need someone to fucken fix that cunt" as he looks at the remnants of the bridge. Which all that's left, are the base on either side of the river.
"Tovis and his engineers will be coming forward to rebuild it" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, who continues with "He and his corp have the equipment and material to fix such things".
"Should just have one the magicky cunts spell it new" mutters the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
"Magic doesn't exactly work like that Dorc" dryly says the cavalry commander, who in reality is a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen. Who previously was a foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic.
"Useless fucken magics" mutters the ork weaponsmith, who is the general of his own army. Well battalion really. Which is made up of nearly two hundred goblins.
Looking at the fairly wide river in disgust, Dorc da Orc who like all ork kind, totally abhors water, asks the cavalry commander "Any other fucken way across the cunt?".
Nodding his head, commander Parsen, who is also a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, points away to the southwest, the way the river flows, and says "There are, some of the scouts have gone on ahead to check on them".
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman continues with "And some of the armies can go that way, and approach the city of Almaic from the north and west".
Dorkindle grunts, as provisionally, that's the way he and his battalion will be going. Though all hasn't been determined as they've yet to see the enemy defensive lines around the city of Almaic. Or if they're even got any.
"Though others, and all of general Halvane's army will have to cross the river before it turns directly south and runs alongside the city" adds councilor Parsen who continues with "Because if we end up attacking the city, they'll have to cross across the river once more to take it from the east side".
"Fuck that" mutters the Dorc da Orc, who when the provisional plans to attack the city of Almaic was drawn up immediately after the city of Savariss was taken. Ruled himself, and his battalion out, from attacking the capital of the duchy of Phelm from the east.
Infact the three field commanders didn't even bother to think of letting him and his goblin battalion attack Almaic from the east. As they, and everyone else knows of his distaste of water. Or even being on water. As those who, or if they have to attack that side of the city, will have to do.
The warleader of the ork race looks in disgust at the former earl of Lé Dic. Who he hates almost as much as he hates water, and the sun. The things that orks hate the most in life. Along with dwarven kind who are their natural enemies. Because they hate getting wet. And they hate getting hot.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world looks beyond where the heavily armoured knight and some others are standing near the edge of the water. Then he grunts as he spots in the distance, who he could smell approaching.
"That girly coming this fucken way" says the ork general who gestures away to the west. And though the humans can see that someone is riding this way from that direction.
It takes a little while before Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson identifies the rider heading this way.
"Lis" murmurs the cavalry commander as they watch the messenger heading this way along the riverbank.
And when she gets to them, and reins in Lisell Maera says to the council member "Zaneff's found a spot that you might be able to ford".
The attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, who is now a messenger in the armies of Farque, continues with "Though only those who are on horseback" she then adds "He said something about him not being a courser, and it'll be difficult to hold the water back for even a short amount of time".
Commander Parsen slightly nods as he kind of understands what his lead scout Zaneff means, then Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin asks the messenger "How far away?".
"About two and half miles, just before the river turns directly south" replies Lisell Maera who is more commonly called Lis by those who know her well.
"Better than nothing" murmurs the cavalry commander, who then calls to the other officers of the forward elements, to attend him.
The member of lord Farque's personal council starts issuing orders, one of which is to find any water elemental coursers. Though he knows most of them who in the Farqian mercenary army. Are the contacts with the spies who have infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
And they're most likely further south. Even in the city of Almaic by now. Which is only about ten or eleven miles away to the southwest.
As riders and even others on foot in the forward elements start to move out, Darid Parsen says to the ork warleader "Dorc, you and your battalion head west after captain Weldin's patrol" as he points to the riders going directly west.
"You'll eventually get to another road" adds the cavalry commander, referring to the road that he and his company could of taken this morning, as it was near the farmhouse they stopped at.
"It leads to the north side of the city" continues the member of lord Farque's personal council.
Dorkindle grunts, then does so again, when Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman dryly says to him "Don't attack the damn city by yourselves".
Commander Parsen then says "They'll most likely have lines out from the city, watch and observe things until our armies get there".
"Yeah, yeah cunt" says the big, burly ork in an offhand manner.
The cavalry commander sourly smiles as he knows there's a distinct possibility that the large ork will completely disregard what he just told him to do.
"Should i send Percy along with you to make sure you do what i just said?" quietly says Darid Parsen.
While Teabagger the goblin Cunt winces, Dorc da Orc with a hurt look upon his face says to the councilor in an injured tone "What the fuck did me ever do to you cunt?".
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks continues with "Did me kill your mummy and shit on her?" followed by "Did me fuck your horsey silly?" as he points at the cavalry commander's mount.
"No, me done fucken none of that" says the big, burly ork who is from the very bottom of the world "So don't be a mean cunt, and send that fuckhead knight with me" adds Dorkindle, who then says in a threatening tone "If you do, he just might end up in that fucken river all dead like".
Looking up at the large ork who towers over him, Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson after rolling his eyes, tells the ork warleader "Well, do what i told you to do, then he won't have to come along with you".
The ork general scowls, and does so even more when the cavalry commander tells him "If not, he goes with you" the councilor continues with "And if he does, and he ends up floating in the river dead, I'll definitely tell you know who you did it".
"Who?" asks Dorc da Orc who briefly forgets who, you know who is, then he winces when he quickly realises who commander Parsen is referring to.
"Shitballs" mutters the warleader of the ork race "Exactly" says the member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who of course was who he was referring to.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks sourly grunts, then says to the cavalry commander "What me have to fucken do again?".
"I know boss, er general" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt as he speaks up, his general grunts then tells him "Go on then, go get the cunts, we going".
As the small, bright green goblin, who is originally from the southern kingdom of Melaurn, hurries away to get the rest of the battalion.
Dorkindle with a sour looking expression upon his broad, green, feral looking face, glares in the direction of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is ignoring him.
Next to the big, burly ork, the cavalry commander Darid Parsen slightly shakes his head, then says "Make sure you and your battalion do what i said".
The member of lord Farque's personal council then points at the the heavily armoured knight from the kingdom of Druvic, and tells the ork weaponsmith "If not, I'll send Percy forward to join you".
With a sideways look of disgust at the cavalry commander, the ork general mutters "You fucken pony humping bag of dicks".
Then Dorc da Orc says "Me will cunt". Then he stomps off to join his battalion, who have formed up, and are ready to head cross country to the west.
With one last look of disgust at the former earl of Lé Dic, as well as the river. The ork warleader and the battalion of goblins he's general of, move off to the west. Bound for a road in that direction that leads to the city of Almaic.
Darid Parsen watches as Dorc da Orc and his goblin battalion head off to the west for a while.
Then the cavalry commander eventually turns to his second in command Kalleb, and the messenger Lisell Maera, and says to the two of them "Right then, we've got things to do" . . . . . .

Tuesday 18 December 2018

The Hire 79.

The City Of Almaic. The Duchy Of Phelm. The Kingdom Of Nastell...

It takes them a while to pass through the outer defensive lines. But they eventually enter the city of Almaic in the early afternoon.
It helps that commander Berric is so well known and recognisable, that they were able to go through the lines fairly easily, then enter the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
For though Almaic is more or less in the central region of the largest duchy in the kingdom of Nastell. It's actually in the south of Phelm, as it lies to the southwest of the river Mareb. The largest river that flows in the north of Nastell, that goes all the way down to the south in the kingdom.
The river is seen as a dividing line in the duchy, everything to the south is the south of Phelm, while everything to the north of it, is the rest of the duchy.
And that's important, for the south of Phelm is where all the power and wealth is found.
While the central region is predominantly farmland. And the north, including the northern city of Savariss is basically a buffer against those on the otherside of the border.
The south is where most of the nobility are from. And where most if not all, of the wealthy merchants live and work in Phelm.
And though Phelm might be the largest duchy in the kingdom of Nastell. The southern part of the duchy is the smallest area in Phelm. Though it has the largest population, and the most wealth. In comparison to the central and northern parts of the duchy.
They come in through the north gates of the city. With most of them on foot, with the exception of commander Berric, and the prisoner sir Tanvar, a younger cousin of duke Hargen.
The three others they captured in the farmhouse during the night. They hanged in the barn next to the farmhouse. Then dumped in the corrals with the rest of the deserters and road bandits they killed in the middle of the night.
While the two women who had been captured earlier in the night by those they killed in the farmhouse. They've brought south with them to Almaic, which lies just over fifteen miles from the farmhouse they left early this morning, well before dawn.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who has memorized all the defensive lines they've passed through to get into the city.
Walks with the dwarven cousins, Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade. Next to the swordmaster Berric, who has dismounted from one of the two horses they took from the barn next to the farmhouse.
Behind them is the experienced guard Ludoc and the squad leader Barron, who is leading the horse the bound prisoner is on.
While the two young women from the farmhouse, who were taken captive on the road as they fled south towards Almaic. Are walking amongst the rest of them who escaped the city of Savariss the night it fell to the enemy.
And though the streets in the north of the city, is full of soldiers and mercenaries to go along with all the city folk, and the others from further north in the duchy of Phelm, who have seeked refuge in the capital of the duchy.
No one so far has recognised the younger cousin of duke Hargen, and that his hands are bound infront of him as he sits upon the mount that is being led by the young squad leader Barron.
"Where too?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy "The duke's palace" is the reply of Berric the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
"Palace?" says Shawtus McQuade in surprise "The first duke of Phelm started building what's become a palace, he called it that too" explains commander Berric who then adds in a dry tone "The king at the time wasn't too pleased with that. And he forbade it being called that".
"I can well imagine" wryly says the slightly older and slightly taller of the McQuade cousins "But after a couple of generations or so, everyone up here in Phelm went back to calling it a palace, and have so for the last four hundred years" says the commander who is also a swordmaster.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called. It's also the name he's going by whilst in duke Hargen's army, which he's infiltrated.
Turns his hooded head, and pretends to look at the others following them. What he's actually doing is looking up at the top of the north wall of the city that's the regional capital.
The elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae slightly frowns as he sees what's on top of the north wall of Almaic. Something he wasn't expecting to see.
Then he looks forward again, as the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard says "Turn left here".
They make their way through the streets and lanes in the center of the city. A city that's more of an armed war camp than anything else. As there's far more soldiers and mercenaries here than there was in the north of the duchy, when they fought against the robber barons from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, who have invaded the duchy of Phelm.
"Where the hell was this lot when we were fighting those bastards up north?" says Smawfri McQuade in a disgruntled tone of voice, the slightly shorter and slightly younger, not to mention more temperamental dwarven warrior then adds in angry tone "Sitting on their arses drinking and eating most like".
Commander Berric winces, and behind them so does the experienced guard Ludoc, and the young squad leader Barron. For they know the reason why.
"Not many of the southern noblemen came north with the armies" quietly says the swordmaster from the city of Savariss, the commander who is the highest placed commoner in the court of the duke of Phelm, then adds "Men like lord Chesié are few and are far between".
"While the rest of their lordships are back down here sitting on their arses, while others go and die for them" says Smawfri McQuade in disgust, then the younger of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains adds "You and the others commander are fine enough in a scrap, especially the lad Barron here" as he briefly glances back at the young squad leader who is from further south in the duchy.
Then the disgruntled Smawfri says "But if your duke's paymaster doesn't pay up, me and my cousin Shawtus will be pissing off as so as possible, and bugger your duke if he doesn't".
"Tactful as ever asshole" mutters Shawtus McQuade in the dwarven language, his slightly younger and slightly shorter cousin ignores him, and as they exit a wide lane, and cross a street, Smawfri McQuade nods at the spy Tanith, and says "And i suspect Dalin here will piss off too if he's not paid".
The elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, and who now serves in the armies of Farque, who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army, nods his gray hooded head and says "I will if I'm not paid".
The elf in the gray hooded cloak who is posing as a mercenary ranger from his homeland of Alínlae, continues with "And we were due to be paid yesterday" he then adds "As that was two weeks since our last payment".
Commander Berric faintly winces as he knows the duke's army can't afford to lose experienced mercenaries like the trio of non humans, who are in young Barron's squad. Especially now, after he's seen what they can do in battle.
Not to mention they were the three who brought them safely south to Almaic after they all escaped the city of Savariss the night it fell to the enemy.
"I'll personally make sure you're paid" says the local swordmaster who commands duke Hargen's personal guard, who then adds "You have my word on it, whatever that's worth".
Smawfri McQuade just grunts, while his cousin Shawtus grunts a little more positively, and he nods too. While Dalin says "Fair enough commander" followed by "No doubt your word is worth something".
The spy Tanith looks around, and spots a nobleman and his guard walking the other way down the street, and he adds "Especially compared to some others you'll find here".
They continue through the streets of the city, a couple of times that get a view to the east of the city, where there's no wall. Where the river Mareb runs alongside Almaic. Where much of that side of the city is a river port.
While they can't see to the western side of the city. From what the spy Tanith has learnt from the others. Is that much of that side of the city isn't walled either. Unlike the north and south sides of Almaic, which are fully walled. Walls that are just as high, and as thick as the walls of the city of Savariss. Though newer, better constructed, not to mention sturdier. Able to withstand much more in the way of a heavy bombardment from enemy war machines, and even magic.
Once they get beyond the center of the city, and enter the slightly more quieter streets in the south of Savariss. They get their first view of the palace, where the duke of Phelm holds court, among other things.
"By Dovarn" mutters Smawfri McQuade, while his cousin Shawtus says "Hell, it is a palace" as they can see the duke's residence in the distance down a long street.
Commander Berric nods, and he looks back at the prisoner sir Tanvar, who the experienced guard Ludoc has now gagged too.
The swordmaster from the city of Savariss has spotted people as they've got south of the city center. Starting to notice the nobleborn prisoner, and recognising him as duke Hargen's younger cousin. Who also happens to be the duke's current heir.
"You think you might have problems when we get to the palace?" quietly asks Dalinvardél Tanith with a nod back at the prisoner on the horse behind them.
"Maybe" quietly admits the swordmaster Berric "Should've let me and my cousin kill him" sourly says Smawfri McQuade, who then adds "Would've saved you the hassle of dealing with him".
Though the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard would've liked to of done that. He has no real authority to execute a noble of the realm. Unless they are an immediate threat to the duke.
And from what he's found out. Captain Tanvar, who he's always thought of as a coward, and not cared for much whenever he's had anything to do with him in the past.
Was doing what he was doing out of pure greed. Him and his personal guard joined up with those road bandits, to steal from those who were fleeing the enemy, on their way to Almaic.
Commander Berric glances back at the two young woman walking with the others. One of whom looks to be only fifteen years old if that.
As he knows sir Tanvar who is captain in his cousin's army. Wasn't only stealing from those who they way laid on the road south to Almaic.
And from what the mercenary ranger Dalin says, was about to rape the youngest of the two woman when he interrupted the duke's heir in the farmhouse last night.
The swordmaster who commands duke Hargen's personal guard, knows they're going to cause a stir when they turn up at the palace, which isn't all that far away.
"Some of your men are on gate duty" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith to commander Berric, as he recognises the uniforms of duke Hargen's personal guards on some of those standing at the gates of the palace in the distance.
"They are?" says the local swordmaster slightly in surprise, who is unable to see those at the palace gates clearly, as they're still a bit too faraway for his human eyesight to see up close.
"They are" says the spy Tanith, who continues with "With i assume those who are the palace guards" he slightly shrugs then adds "I've never seen their uniforms before, so i assume that's who they are".
"That's them" says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who is slightly surprised at finding those of his company on gate duty. As he usually doesn't assign them to that. If ever at all.
He suspects the palace guard has been stripped of men. And that they've been placed into the army to help with the defence of Almaic. For that's about the only reason he can see those of his company on gate duty at the palace.
As they near the residence of the duke of Phelm, those of the duke's personal guard spot their commander, and cheer when they see that he and Ludoc are alive.
They're greeted like returning heroes when they get to the gates. Then they and the palace guards begin to notice the bound and gagged sir Tanvar upon the horse.
As they enter the palace through the gates, a couple of commander Berric's company walk alongside them, and one quietly says to the swordmaster from Savariss "Sir the duke has been worried sick about his missing cousin". The guard continues with "He'd thought he had been somehow captured by the enemy".
"No, something else" quietly says the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard "Did Ardell make it back?" asks the swordmaster Berric of one of his officers he put in charge of returning duke Hargen safely to Almaic.
"He did" replies the guard, who continues with "He's still commanding here" he briefly pauses then adds "Barely".
"What's this?" asks commander Berric in concern, who slows down, forcing the others behind them to slow as they cross the massive courtyard that lies directly infront of the main building of the palace.
"There's some at court who have been urging the duke to replace him, and name a new commander to his personal guard, since everyone thought you were dead" quietly explains the guard, who with half of the company, returned duke Hargen first to Savariss, then to Almaic. After the defeat in battle of his army that he was with, in the very north of Phelm.
"Hell, i wasn't gone for that long" mutters the swordmaster who commands duke Hargen's personal guard, who then shakes his head then quietly says "Only in times like these does decisions get made quickly at court".
Then the commander grimaces and shakes his head no, when the other guard asks him "Subcommander Omrick and the others sir, are they heading back too?".
"Some might show up in the next day" quietly says the local swordmaster who continues with "But i doubt it" he follows that with "The subcommander and most of our company died defending the city of Savariss".
Both of the guards swear under their breath, and the commander can only nod in agreement with their sentiments.
He then asks them a few questions about where certain people are, and what they're doing. He then tells them to go back to their duties at the main gates on the north side of the palace grounds.
As they head back to the gates, commander Berric quietly says to those at the front with him "Go around to the right side there".
"Where are we going?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith "To my company's quarters" is the reply from the swordmaster who is from the northern city of Savariss, who then quietly adds "There's some things we need to do before we see the duke".
The elven spy who has infiltrated the duke of Phelm's army nods, and does so again, as do the McQuade cousins, when commander Berric quietly tells the three of them "I haven't forgot your latest payment either. We'll get that sorted with the paymaster before we see the duke".
The spy Tanith looks at the palace of the duke of Phelm as they head around to the right side of the main building. He never thought he'd end up here of all places during the robber barons of the unruled lands of the Colevar Mountains, campaign against duke Hargen of Phelm.
Such is the life of a spy, finding yourself somewhere you least expect it, Dalin thinks to himself as he and the others follow commander Berric to the quarters of duke Hargen's personal guard, here in the palace of duke of Phelm in the city of Almaic . . . . . .

Monday 17 December 2018

The Hire 78.

Central Phelm. The Kingdom Of Nastell...

Lisell Maera with another messenger ride forward along the road, hoping to catch up with mounted patrol led by the cavalry commander Darid Parsen.
The attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, which lies upon the coast of the Southlands.
Suspects the other messenger is with her, just to keep an eye on her. She's right on that account. As the experienced messenger in the scouts and rangers division of the Farqian mercenary army is also an assassin who has trained under prince Helbenthril Raendril.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Knows that she's probably not going to be left alone ever since she went missing for a few days earlier in the campaign.
And that there will always be somebody with her. Which though reassuring, she does find a little annoying.
They soon come upon the rear scouts in the cavalry patrol led by commander Parsen. And as the morning sun beats down upon the central region of the duchy of Phelm.
They find that the mounted patrol has gone down a side road, that's more to the west of the main one that they, along with the following armies have been using.
Lis looks around, and sees that much of the fields and pastures here in the middle of the duchy, are still green. And if they are going brown, it's only recently that they've started turning.
A sure sign that water is more accessible here further south, than it is in the north of Phelm. Especially north of the city of Savariss. Where much of the southern reaches had turned brown at the very beginning of summer.
They meet up with one of the rear scouts, who informs them that the mounted patrol, which is one of the forward elements out infront of the following armies.
Are making their way to a farmhouse that the lead scout Zaneff found a little earlier. And suggested that commander Parsen and the others should check it out.
They continue along the road, until they spot the cavalry patrol at the farmhouse in question. Which is up a wagon track a hundred and fifty yards from the road.
As they ride towards the barn that you get to first, Lisell Maera and the other messenger start to smell the familiar smell of death.
And after they dismount, and hand their reins to a couple of the troopers. They make their way around the barn on foot. And find in the corrals next to it, dead bodies. Recently dead by the looks of it, for even in the heat of another hot summer's day here in north of the kingdom of Nastell. The bodies aren't too corrupted.
Lis with a hand covering her mouth and nose form the stink, nods her head when the other messenger quietly suggests that they most likely died during the night.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, takes one more look into the stock pens, and sees that though the enemy are amongst the dead. There's others with them, in various types of armour and clothing. But clearly not military in any way.
The two messengers move on, and Lis spots the heavily armoured knight sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and Shur Kee the monk. Standing with a number of the patrol in the shade of a few trees at one end of the farmhouse.
And as usual, the former paladin from the kingdom of Druvic, is talking above everyone else. About himself too. Which isn't unusual at all. As that's his favourite topic.
Lisell Maera nods to the short statured monk who notices her, and briefly waves to her.
The attractive young woman who originally hails from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is now a runner or messenger, in the armies of Farque.
Thinks that the physical adept's attire makes a hell of a lot of sense in the long, hot dry days they've experienced here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. And previously over the border, in the unruled lands in the foothills of the Colevar Mountains.
As the odd looking, but wide brim conical shaped hat Shur Kee wears, along with his thin white clothing, and the sandles he wears. Seems to be way more comfortable than what anyone else is wearing.
Especially in comparison to those in heavy plate armour, like sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Who Lis can't believe doesn't cook in his armour in this heat.
But the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic, doesn't complain at all about the heat. The messenger suspects that because he's been wearing heavy armour day after day, for decades. In all types of weather. From hot summer days to freezing cold winter nights. That he's grown completely accustomed to it.
She knows that's definitely something she couldn't do. For even in the light armour she wears. She gets hot on days like today. And that's even with the thin, black silk cloak she wears. Which is rather cooling, especially if there's a wind blowing at all.
Lis and the other messenger are stopped by Kalleb the second in command, who tells the other messenger to circle around to the north of the farmhouse to deliver his message to commander Parsen.
The attractive young woman who has noticed that none of the cavalry patrol are that close to the farmhouse. With the exception of those under the few trees about twenty five yards from the southern end.
Glances at the second in command of the patrol, and arches an eyebrow in question.
"The commander and Zaneff are working out what happened here" quietly explains Kalleb in the elven language.
Lisell Maera nods her head in understanding, for those two. The cavalry commander who is a member of lord Farque's personal council. And the water elemental spouter are the two most likely to figure out what happened here.
Especially when Kalleb quietly adds "None of our forward elements were here in the night when this happened" followed by "Zaneff was the first one to find this place a little earlier this morning".
"Any idea what happened?" quietly asks Lisell Maera in the elven language "Yes" replies the officer in the Farqian mercenary army, who then adds "But my thoughts on the matter might be completely wrong".
The attractive young woman from Brattonbury, whose mother was a street prostitute, and whose father was a sailor. Nods back to the corrals where the dead are, and quietly asks "How many of them?".
"Over thirty" is the reply from the second in command of the cavalry patrol, who continues with "And with what little from what i can make out, they were wiped out by a force of less than half their number".
Kalleb points away to the west, to some woods about two hundred and fifty yards away, then says "Whoever they were, they came from there during the night" he then adds "Zaneff found signs of a campsite in there".
The cavalry officer who is from the hills in the south of the lands Farque, whose ancestry is definitely of the barbarian hordes of the southern tundra, which is to the south of those hills.
Then tells the messenger as he points to corrals where the dead have been dumped "They attacked that lot in the middle of the night, when they least expected it".
Lisell Maera nods, and is about to ask something else, when the other messenger comes back around from the north side of the house, and says "Lis the commander wants to see you" he then adds "And you too subcommander".
Kalleb nods his head, and he and the young messenger who is part of the scouts and rangers division in the mercenary army from the lands Farque make their way around to the north side of the two storey farmhouse.
There they find commander Parsen, about twenty yards back from it, looking up at an open window on the second storey.
Lis takes a small rolled up missive from a hidden slit in the inside of the left sleeve of her tunic, and hands it to the cavalry commander and says "A message for you sir".
Commander Parsen nods, unrolls it. Then steps away to read it. Lisell who has seen the message, has no idea what it says. As it's written in a language she doesn't understand.
After nodding a few times as he silently reads the missive, the member of lord Farque's personal council steps back towards the other two.
"Here read this" says commander Darid Parsen to his second in command Kalleb, who he hands the message to.
As the born Farqian reads it, Lis gestures to the farmhouse, and asks the cavalry commander "What happened here?".
"In a moment" says commander Parsen, who in actual fact is a hordes barbarian outrider by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen. Who a year and half ago, was a foot soldier in the army of the lady Linara Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic. Until he died in battle. The same battle, that the previous person Zubutai the barbarian hordesman inhabited. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, was killed in.
"Well?" asks commander Parsen as he looks at his second in command "Wait a moment" says Kalleb who then adds in mutter "It's been ages since I've read my grandfathers language"
After a few moments, the second in command of the cavalry patrol nods his head, looks at his commander, and says "Interesting".
"That's one way of putting it" says Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman with a quick burst of laughter, then the member of lord Farque's personal council quietly adds "We'll have to wait and see what eventuates".
"Maybe they'll do us all a favour and kill each other off" quietly says Kalleb in a wry tone of voice "We've had this conversation before" says the cavalry commander, who then adds "If they do that, who'll pay us then?".
"I'm still working on that bit" sourly says the second in command of the cavalry company.
Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson just shakes his head, then he looks at the attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is now a messenger in the armies of Farque.
"As for what happened here" says commander Parsen to Lis "Zaneff can explain it better than i" he gestures at the farmhouse and adds "He's gone inside again to have another look".
They don't have to wait too long before Zaneff makes an appearance. He comes from around the otherside of the farmhouse as a cloud of mist that's roughly man shaped.
The next moment he's suddenly his human form, standing beside the cavalry commander, his second in command, and the messenger.
"Well?" asks Darid Parsen "I'm more than certain that lot over by the barn are deserters" says Zaneff the water elemental spouter "And the others with them?" asks the cavalry commander "Criminals most likely, probably road bandits they had joined up with".
"And those responsible for them ending up dead in those stock pens?" asks councilor Parsen who is fairly certain who is responsible, though not specifically who.
"The enemy" replies Zaneff "And i know exactly who it was too" adds the lead scout in the cavalry company with certainty.
Lifting an eyebrow in surprise, Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman says "Oh?" followed by "Explain".
The water elemental spouter, who hails from the coast of the lands Farque, the largest nation by size in the Southlands. Though population wise, it's no where near the largest.
Points behind them, and says "They come from those trees in the distance" he continues with "And they stopped probably thirty yards behind where we're standing right now".
"A few came forward while the others laid in wait out here. Two of those who came forward i could track easily, even though they were fairly light footed for their kind" says Zaneff, who then adds "A pair of dwarves who entered through the back door, around the side there, that leads into the kitchen" he continues with "They let off some flash powder inside, which had the obvious effect upon those inside".
"Nasty stuff that" murmurs Kalleb, Darid Parsen nods his head in agreement, then says to his lead scout "You said a few come forward?".
"The third i couldn't even track, no boot marks or foot prints anywhere" says the water elemental who points at the back wall of the farmhouse infront of them, and adds "Apart form small marks that lead up to that window" he continues with "That one climbed up that sheer wall to the window".
"How the hell did they do that?" murmurs Lisell Maera "Easy for a spy who happens to be an elf" says Zaneff the water elemental spouter.
"Dalin" says Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin immediately, the lead scout nods in agreement with his commander then says "The very one, I've no doubt".
"The enemy squad he's in has a couple of dwarven mercenaries" quietly says the cavalry commander who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"And they've also met up with" quietly says commander Parsen who then falls silent.
"With?" asks Lis "No one" replies the council member who knows exactly who else Dalinvardél Tanith is traveling with, thanks to the latest information from Narladene the ground pixie. Which the other messenger, just delivered to him.
Didn't sound like nothing, the attractive young woman from Brattonbury sourly thinks to herself with a slight shake of her head.
"No wonder they wiped out more than twice their number" says Kalleb, who continues with "Dalin and a couple of battle hardened dwarven mercs, they'd be a force to be reckoned with".
Especially those two crazy fucking dwarves, Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman dryly thinks to himself. As he knows exactly who the two dwarves in question are.
As he's fought against them in the past. And for a brief amount of time. When he, Zubutai Timaginson first died well over a decade ago. He was a member of the dwarven warriors crew, on their dreadnought. Infact he was briefly one of their cousins.
The cavalry commander slightly shakes his head at the memories, then he asks the lead scout "They head south to Almaic?".
"They have" is the reply of the water elemental who is the only one in the cavalry company without a mount "Left well before dawn is my best guess" adds the lead scout.
"With Almaic less than twenty miles away from here" quietly says councilor Parsen, who continues with "More like fifteen really" before he adds "Even on foot they'll be there soon enough, early this afternoon most likely".
Zaneff nods in agreement with his commander, then adds "Should we follow after them?".
"No" is the definitive answer from Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who continues with "Even if they don't make it to the city this afternoon, we must not get in the way of one our spies and their mission" the cavalry commander then silently adds, especially as Dalin is now traveling with the duke's personal guard commander.
"We'll head back to the main road and continue south out infront of the armies" says Darid Parsen who continues with "I suspect we'll start running into resistance the closer we get to Almaic".
The councilor then tells his second in command "Kalleb get the company moving, we'll head back to the main road".
Kalleb nods and moves off, while Zaneff disappears in a cloud of droplets, as he heads off without being told what to do, as he already knows he has to get out infront of the rest of the company.
While Lis and Darid follow after Kalleb, as they go and get their mounts, as the cavalry company led by commander Parsen will continue on it's way towards the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm . . . . . .

Sunday 16 December 2018

The Hire 77.


The squad leader Barron looks at commander Berric as he crawls forward to get beside the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard. Along with the experienced guard Ludoc.
The commander who also happens to be a swordmaster, shrugs his shoulders in reply to the enquiring look from the young squad leader in the army, who is from the south of Phelm.
Then they go back to looking at the farmhouse that's about fifty yards away from them.
Then squad leader Barron and commander Berric glance at the experienced guard Ludoc who just quietly said "I think Dalin just climbed straight up the side of the house and into that second storey window there".
Noticing the scepticism on the faces of the two beside him, Ludoc murmurs "Well that's what it looked like".
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard is just about to say something. When they clearly hear a loud bang from inside the farmhouse. Along with shouting, in familiar dwarven voices.
"Go" orders commander Berric, who is up and moving towards the farmhouse that's suddenly become a hive of activity this night.
"Move" says squad leader Barron to the others behind them as he gets up alongside the swordmaster Berric, and the experienced guard Ludoc. And rushes forward into the night towards the farmhouse that a number of deserters and road bandits are using.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy has just slashed the throat of a deserter open. And thrown a dagger at another. Taking that man in the right eye, dropping him.
The elf who is from the principality of Alínlae then kicks another in the groin, who is scrambling to pull his pants up, that he's just pulled down.
The spy Tanith then punches that fellow in the back of the head. Knocking him out. But keeping him alive. As he's an officer in the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
"Quiet" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy to the bound woman on the bed, in the room on the second storey of the farmhouse that the spy in the Farqian mercenary army, has climbed up into.
The woman who was just about to be raped. Nods her head as she looks at the tall figure in the gray hooded cloak who has just saved her life.
Then the spy Tanith, who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. And it's also the name he's going by whilst in the army of duke Hargen, which he's infiltrated.
Rolls his eyes, as he hears the loud bang from downstairs in the main room of the farmhouse. That's immediately followed by shouting in the dwarven language.
The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae. Assumes the shouting is swearing in some way.
As the two dwarven warriors downstairs tend to swear a lot when they're excited. Such as during battle.
Dalin rushes out of the bedroom upstairs, to head downstairs to help the dwarven warriors, who are cousins.
"Take that you human prick" growls Shawtus McQuade in the dwarven language as he slams his axe into the legs of another of the deserters here in the main room of the farmhouse.
"Damn smoke" mutters the slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains as he waves some of the smoke from the flash powder that went off, away from infront of his face.
Then he's shoved to one side by his cousin Smawfri McQuade who tells him in dwarven "Out of way you tall fucking freak".
"Bald headed cunt" mutters Shawtus at his slightly shorter and slightly younger cousin, who invokes one of the two gods of dwarven kind, as he shouts "Thaxel!".
Before slamming his hammer into the knees of a road bandit, who staggers by half blind, and half deaf from the flash powder package that went off when the slightly older dwarven warrior threw it down at the floor amongst those who were in the main room of the farmhouse.
Which they sneaked into through the backdoor, which brought them into the kitchen to the side of the main room.
Now here in the main room of the farmhouse, which was abandoned a couple of days ago by it's usual occupants. And tonight is being used by a group of deserters in duke Hargen's army. And road bandits they've joined up with.
Those who were affected by the flash powder, are staggering around. Blinking their eyes, or shaking their heads trying to clear it.
All easy targets for the dwarven cousins who were once co-leaders or chieftains of their clan.
While those who were on the edge of the flash powder package exploding. Which exploded with a rather loud bang too.
Are fleeing outside, out onto the porch that runs along one side of the farmhouse and beyond. Where they're suddenly attacked by those who have been lying in wait outside in the night. Who have now rushed the farmhouse once they heard the attack had begun.
Commander Berric swings his sword, neatly decapitating a deserter who ran out of the farmhouse, looking back at it, and not where he was going.
Next to the swordmaster from the city of Savariss, the experienced guard Ludoc throws a hand axe, that slams into the face of a road bandit, who has just staggered off the porch, half blind from the flash powder explosion that took place inside of the farmhouse.
While the young squad leader Barron, runs his sword into the guts of a half dressed deserter who has fled what's happening inside the farmhouse.
The fighting is over pretty quickly, especially inside. Where the McQuade cousins, along with the spy Tanith, who is passing himself off as just a mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae whilst he's in the army of duke Hargen.
Take out most of those who were inside the main room downstairs in the farmhouse.
Infact Dalin has to get the two dwarven warriors originally from the Sunreach Mountains, to calm down and restrain themselves.
After they kill nearly all of the deserters and road bandits who remained inside and didn't flee outside.
The elf who serves in the armies of the lands Farque, who has infiltrated the army of the duchy of Phelm. Wants some of them captured to answer questions. As it is, he's only able to save a trio of them. Along with the officer he knocked out in the bedroom upstairs.
The McQuade cousins, Shawtus and Smawfri. Were more than a little enthusiastic in their dealing with those in the main room of the farmhouse.
They've been busting for a fight ever since escaping the city of Savariss  which fell to the enemy, who have come down out of the unruled lands in the foothills of the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Nastell. And into the northern most duchy in Nastell, the duchy of Phelm.
After kicking a severed head out of the way, and as the last of the smoke from the flash powder going off wafts out the open windows and the door.
Shawtus McQuade says to his cousin "Think i saw some booze in the kitchen" the slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors looks up at the elf in the gray hooded cloak, and switching to the common language says "That got a lass tied up in the corner of the kitchen".
"The other is upstairs" says the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army "And an officer in the duke's army i knocked out" adds Dalin.
"Fucking deserter scum" mutters Smawfri McQuade making his thoughts on the matter clear, then the younger of the two dwarven warriors says to his older cousin "Let's go and get that other lass down here, and bring that traitor scum down too".
The more hot headed of the two hot headed dwarven warriors then adds in his native language "Then we'll get that grog before any of the lads find it".
"Aye sounds like a plan" says Shawtus McQuade in the dwarven language, who then switches to the common language and says "We'll just get those two down here Dalin".
Then as he goes to follow his cousin Smawfri up the stairs to the second storey, he suddenly stops and looks at the elf who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae.
"Dalin how did you climb the side of the house like that?" asks Shawtus McQuade "Eh?" says Smawfri McQuade, who pauses on the stairs and looks back down, and frowns as he didn't see what happened outside before they entered the farmhouse.
"Oh i just used these to climb up" explains the spy Tanith, who pulls forward from one of his sleeves, a pad with hook like spikes that fits into the palm of a gloved hand, and is secured with ties, that are wrapped around the hand.
"We use them to climb straight up trees and the like" adds Dalinvardél Tanith, who briefly pauses before continuing with "Like buildings too".
The older McQuade cousin chuckles, as he had an inkling that Dalin, who after he saw what he did to climb the side of the two storey farmhouse. Had an inkling he was more than just a regular, though highly skilled ranger. And what he just admitted, proves it.
"Get into any buildings not exactly that easy to get into?" asks Shawtus "A few" quietly says Dalin, who falls silent as the others start to enter the farmhouse from outside.
"I bet" dryly says the slightly older of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains. He continues on his way up the stairs, saying to his slightly younger cousin "Move you bald git".
"Ah shove it you tall prick" is the reply of Smawfri, who heads up the stairs, muttering to his slightly older cousin following him "By Dovarn what the hell were you two nattering on about?".
"Think our ranger might be a bit of burglar as well" quietly says Shawtus McQuade in the dwarven language as he and his slightly shorter cousin get up to the second storey of the farmhouse.
"Probably why he's a mercenary like us" adds the older of the two cousins who little over decade, co-led their clan. Smawfri grunts at the assumption from his cousin. Which though plausible, is totally incorrect.
Though the elven mercenary ranger isn't above doing a bit of burglary. But only if it's legitimately part of a plan in his actual vocation, which is a spy.
"Any trouble in here?" asks commander Berric as he looks around inside the main room at the carnage wrought by the McQuade cousins.
"You're kidding me right?" says Dalinvardél Tanith who then adds "With those two?" followed by "I had to get them to stop from butchering all of them".
The elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army, gestures at the trio tied up in a corner of the main room of the farmhouse.
Two road bandits, and a soldier in the duke's army, who deserted after the defeats in battle further north in the duchy against the enemy from the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
"Those two are upstairs getting an officer i knocked out" explains the spy Tanith who continues with "They're bringing him down, along with one of their captives".
"Speaking of which" says Dalin, who tells the young squad leader Barron "There's another in the kitchen tied up".
"Were they?" asks commander Berric "No" is the reply of the elven spy, who then adds "Though the one upstairs was almost".
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard breathes a sigh of relief, then nods for the young squad leader Barron to go and release the captive in the kitchen.
Then the commander, who is also a swordmaster looks at Dalin "This officer?" followed by "He look familiar?".
"No idea who he is" truthfully replies Dalinvardél Tanith who continues with "From his uniform I'd say he's a captain".
The local swordmaster who hails from the city of Savariss in the north of the duchy of Phelm winces. As that can really only mean one thing. The officer upstairs who Dalin knocked out is a nobleman.
As the only commoners of rank of captain or higher in the duke's forces, whether in the army or something else.
Is commander Berric himself. And his younger brother, the captain of the guard Gallene. Who either died in the battle for the city of Savariss, or was taken prisoner there. The swordmaster Berric fervently hopes it's the latter, and not the former.
The commander goes outside to confer with the experienced guard Ludoc about something. While the others start clearing the dead from out of the main room of the farmhouse.
For though the dwelling, and the barn outside is a little too close to a nearby road for Dalin's liking. He agrees with the swordmaster Berric that they might as well spend the rest of the night here.
When the commander of the duke Hargen's personal guard returns inside, most of the dead have been dumped outside, and the other captive has been brought down from upstairs. And is now in the kitchen with the other woman, and the young squad leader Barron.
The army deserter, the officer who was knocked out by the spy Tanith in the bedroom upstairs, has also been brought down to the main room by the McQuade cousins. Who are both grinning from ear to ear as they stand over the deserter who is still unconscious.
"They were a little rough with him bringing him down" dryly says Dalinvardél Tanith in a quiet voice to commander Berric.
"He's fine" says Shawtus McQuade "He didn't have a broken arm when i knocked him out" dryly says the elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
"Dropped him" says the slightly older of the dwarven warriors in a deadpan tone of voice "You tall folk are all arms and legs, couldn't get a hold of him properly" adds Shawtus McQuade.
The swordmaster Berric sourly smiles as both dwarves are far stronger than any of them. And the story of them dropping the deserter is highly unlikely to say the least.
"Dropped him?" says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "Hard" is the reply of Smawfri McQuade who is the one who actually broke the deserters arm, with his hammer.
"I bet" dryly says commander Berric, who continues with "Better see if you can wake him up".
"There's an indoor cistern in the kitchen" says the slightly older and slightly taller McQuade cousin, who continues with "Bucket of water should do the trick in waking this fella up".
Shawtus nudges his cousin, then nods to the kitchen. The two of them head that way, with Smawfri murmuring in dwarven to his cousin "We'll get that booze while we're at it". Shawtus nods his head in agreement with his slightly younger, and slightly shorter, not to mention bald cousin.
As the dwarven warriors head into the kitchen, commander Berric quietly says "Let's see who he is". As the unconscious deserter is on his face, with it turned away from the local swordmaster, and the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
The commander moves forward, crouches down, and rolls the unconscious deserter, who is clearly a high ranking officer over.
Dalinvardél Tanith lifts an eyebrow as the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard loudly mutters "Hell".
The elf who hails from the principality of Alínlae, who is posing as a mercenary ranger from his homeland whilst immersed in the army of the duchy of Phelm.
Steps forward and looks down at the face of the relatively young man who he knocked out in the bedroom upstairs. "Who is he?" quietly asks the spy Tanith as commander Berric stands up shaking his head.
"Sir Tanvar" is the quiet reply of the swordmaster Berric. Dalinvardél Tanith slightly frowns as the name is vaguely familiar to him. It must be on the list of important nobles in the duchy of Phelm he has memorized. He just can't recall who at the moment.
Though he immediately does when the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, after grimacing quietly tells him "He's a younger cousin of the duke" the swordmaster Berric then adds "And his heir until the duke's young son comes of age".
"Hell indeed" murmurs Dalin as they look down at the unconscious deserter lying on the floor . . . . . .

Thursday 13 December 2018

The Hire 76.

Central Phelm...

"Sir wake up" quietly says the squad leader Barron as he shakes the left shoulder of Berric, the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
The local swordmaster who feels like he's only just closed his eyes to go to sleep. Opens them, and finds the young squad leader from the south of Phelm kneeling beside him.
"What is it?" asks commander Berric, who then mutters "And what time of the night is it?".
"After midnight" is the quiet reply of Barron, who then quietly tells the commander "You better come along sir".
Swordmaster Berric grunts, then he gets up off his cloak that he's been sleeping on, then looks around.
They've made camp this night by a brook in some woods, at the edge of a farm.
They could of stayed in the nearby farmhouse, which has been abandoned. But it is a little too close to a road. Which from the looks of it. Has had a lot of recent traffic on it.
Duke Hargen's personal guard commander, who suspects they'll see the city of Almaic some time in the middle of the upcoming day.
Sees that the others have been woken up, or are being woken. He also notices that the trio of non humans aren't anywhere around.
And he looks at the squad leader Barron, who quietly tells him "This way commander"
The swordmaster who is from the city of Savariss in the north of the duchy of Phelm, gestures to Ludoc to come along with him. And the two of them follow after Barron, who leads them to the edge of the woods.
There they find the dwarven cousins Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade, who are standing near some trees, looking towards the farmhouse which is about two hundred yards away.
"We've got company" quietly explains Shawtus McQuade pointing towards the nearby farmhouse, which has a barn off to one side, and a couple of corrals for sorting out stock, next to the barn.
Even with two of the moons in the night sky, commander Berric would normally have difficulty seeing the farmhouse. But not tonight, as there's light coming from the dwelling, from within it, as well as from a couple of lamps that are on the porch, that runs along one side of the farmhouse.
The local swordmaster along with the experienced guard Ludoc, can make out figures on the porch. But they can't identify them. They also spot of couple of people, walking from the barn to the farmhouse.
And after a couple of moments, commander Berric is certain he hears a horse in the barn whinny, before settling down.
"Who are they?" quietly asks the swordmaster who is the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "Soldiers" replies the slightly older and slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors, who are from the Sunreach Mountains.
"The enemy?" quietly says Berric the swordmaster in surprise, who thought they were well clear of any of the following enemy.
"Ours" quietly says Shawtus McQuade, which causes both commander Berric, and the experienced guard Ludoc, to sharply look at the slightly taller McQuade cousin. Who then tells them "They're with some others as well".
"Who?" quietly asks the local swordmaster, who then notices that Dalin, the elven mercenary ranger isn't anywhere to be seen.
"And where's Dalin?" quietly adds the commander who is the highest placed commoner in the court of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Pointing at the nearby farmhouse, Shawtus McQuade calmly says in a quiet tone "He's there, getting a closer look at who they all are".
"Hell" mutters the swordmaster from the city of Savariss "He'll be fine" quietly says Smawfri McQuade as he speaks up, the slightly younger and slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors then quietly adds in dry tone "Any of them won't be if they run into him".
Shawtus McQuade grunts in agreement with his cousin, then quietly says "If you haven't guessed, the ranger is the deadliest one of us all, he's got nothing to worry about" he then waves in the direction of the farmhouse as he quietly adds "They on the other hand, definitely do if Dalin gets in his mind to do something". Shawtus McQuade briefly pauses, before he continues on with "Even if they are on our side".
"And the others with them?" asks the commander of duke Hargen's guard "No idea" quietly replies Shawtus McQuade, who then adds "That's why Dalin is having a closer look".
The dwarven warriors, who were formerly the co chieftains of their clan, until an escapade of their's, which saw them end up in a war between nobles in the southern kingdom of Melaurn went disastrously wrong.
Fall silent as they continue to watch the farmhouse a couple of hundred yards away. The trio of humans, Berric, Ludoc and Barron are silent too as the look towards the farmhouse.
It's just a little while later, and Smawfri nudges his cousin Shawtus, and gestures away to the left of the farmhouse. The slightly older McQuade cousin looks that way, and grunts, then he quietly tells the others "He's coming back".
The swordmaster Berric doesn't spot the elven mercenary ranger until he's less than twenty yards away, and only then it's because he's watching where the dwarven warriors are looking.
Once the elf from the principality of Alínlae stops infront of them, commander Berric quietly asks him "Who are they?".
"Deserters" is the quiet reply of Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. The local swordmaster looks at the elf he thinks is just a mercenary ranger in shock, then he says "Really?" followed by "We're only fifteen miles or so from the Almaic, are you sure?".
"I'm sure" quietly says the elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army who has infiltrated duke Hargen's forces "Survivors from the battles up north in the foothills" adds the spy Tanith.
As Smawfri McQuade mutters something rather uncomplimentary about deserters in the dwarven language, the swordmaster Berric quietly asks the elven spy "Who are the others with them?".
"Criminals i guess, road bandits" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by, whilst here within the army of the duke of Phelm.
"They've banded together to way lay those fleeing from further north in the duchy" quietly explains the elven spy who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from his homeland of Alínlae while he's in duke Hargen's army. "They're doing a pretty good job of it over the last few days by the sounds of things" quietly adds Dalin.
"Bastards" mutters Ludoc, who is one of the more experienced members of the personal guard of the duke of Phelm.
Looking towards the nearby farmhouse, the spy Tanith quietly says "A few more of them just rode in after the others" Dalinvardél Tanith briefly pauses before adding "They've got some people with them".
"People?" asks the local swordmaster with a frown upon his face "Women" quietly answers the elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae.
"Women?" murmurs the young squad leader Barron "Willingly?" asks commander Berric "Definitely not willingly" is the reply of Dalin who then adds "They were bound and gagged".
"Fucking hell" mutters Ludoc, while commander Berric says "We have to do something".
After briefly glancing at the McQuade cousins, Dalinvardél Tanith quietly says "Sure" followed by "Just that there's over thirty of them, which is more than twice our number".
"Fucking hell" mutters the experienced guard Ludoc again, while the local swordmaster after faintly wincing, quietly says "We still have to do something".
The spy Tanith glances at the two dwarven warriors again, and Smawfri McQuade just shrugs his shoulders, while Shawtus McQuade quietly says "Might as well" followed by "The three of us can easily take care of half of them".
The slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains looks at the trio of humans and says "I'm sure you lot and the others can deal to the rest".
"We're about to find out" quietly says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who then tells Ludoc "Quick, get the others".
As the experienced guard hurries back into the woods to get the rest of their party, who all escaped the city of Savariss as it fell to the enemy.
Dalin tells the McQuade cousins, swordmaster Berric and squad leader Barron "Well, there's two less of them we have to worry about".
The elven spy in the mercenary army from the lands Farque who has infiltrated duke Hargen's forces, then says "Had to take out two of their sentries on this side, when i almost accidentally ran into one coming back"
"Accidentally?" says Smawfri McQuade in surprise, who then adds "You?".
"He was an elf" dryly says the spy Tanith, who continues with "A mercenary in the duke's army like myself" Dalin then adds in a mutter "Only saw him at the last moment".
"Well, that's two we don't have to worry about" quietly says Shawtus McQuade "Good" murmurs Smawfri McQuade.
The others get to them fairly quickly, then Dalinvardél Tanith leads them all out of the woods. Heading out the way he came back from the nearby farmhouse. On a bit of a circular route. For if they went straight towards the farmhouse, those on the porch that runs along one side, might spot them approaching.
The elven spy is out front, followed by the dwarven warriors. While the others follow them, since even as they try to move as silently as possible. They're still no where near as silent as the trio of non human mercenaries. Especially the elf who they think is a mercenary ranger, who they can't see, let alone hear.
The swordmaster Berric who is side by side with the young squad leader Barron. He can just make out the two short figures of the McQuade cousins who are just a little bit further infront of him and Barron.
And about fifty yards from the farmhouse, which they're now approaching from the north side. The local swordmaster Berric sees Shawtus McQuade raise a hand for those following to halt.
"Stop" quietly murmurs commander Berric to Ludoc who is behind him and the young squad leader Barron.
The experience guard murmurs that to those who are following him, and they all come to a halt.
The swordmaster from Savariss, and the young squad leader from the south of the duchy move forward and join the dwarven warriors.
Where Shawtus McQuade murmurs to the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "When you hear things kick off, you lot rush the place".
The slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors who hail from the Sunreach Mountains, which are over two thousand miles to the west of the kingdom of Nastell, points to the nearby farmhouse, and quietly adds "Go around to that side with the porch, no doubt a bunch of them will run out from that side once they realise they're under attack".
"Will do" quietly says commander Berric who along with the young squad leader Barron, is leaving things up to the dwarven warriors and the elven ranger.
"Good lad" murmurs Shawtus McQuade, the local swordmaster then quietly asks him "Where's Dalin?".
It's the slightly younger and slightly shorter, Smawfri McQuade who quietly answers with "There" as he points at the farmhouse, followed by "He just killed another one".
Then the older McQuade cousin quietly says to the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "Right we're off" when he sees Dalin gestures for him and Smawfri to come forward.
"Remember when you hear things kicking off, rush the place" adds Shawtus McQuade, who along with his younger cousin Smawfri, then hurry forward towards the farmhouse, to join the elven spy who they all think is just a mercenary ranger.
While commander Berric and squad leader Barron, both of whom have crouched down, wait with the others as they get ready to attack those who are in the farmhouse.
Shawtus, then Smawfri McQuade hop over the dead body of a deserter, then come to a stop up against the north side of the two storey farmhouse, where the spy Tanith stands.
"The back door is around to the right here" whispers Dalinvardél Tanith who knows he can speak as quietly as possible as the dwarves can hear him perfectly fine.
"Go in through that way and take them by surprise, there's about a dozen of them downstairs in the main room" adds the elven spy from the principality Alínlae.
"And you?" adds Shawtus McQuade who immediately grasps that Dalin didn't mention himself.
The elf who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from his homeland of Alínlae, points up at a window above and to the right of them, about twenty feet up, and whispers "I'm going in up through there".
Smawfri McQuade looks more than a little sceptical, and his older and slightly taller cousin lifts a questioning eyebrow as he looks up at the elf in the gray hooded cloak.
"Trust me" whispers Dalinvardél Tanith "If you say so lad" whispers the older of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains.
"Besides, they're dragging one of their captives up there right now" whispers the spy Tanith who then adds "Listen".
The McQuade cousins do, and nod when they hear what Dalin just described.
"Get going" whispers Shawtus McQuade "Here, take this" whispers the elven spy who places a small, paper wrapped bundle, the size of an acorn into the right hand of the older McQuade cousin.
"Throw it at the floor infront of them" whispers Dalin "What is it?" asks Shawtus in a whisper.
"Baledíl" whispers the spy Tanith, who continues with "What you lot" referring to dwarves. "Call flash powder" adds the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
"Hell" mutters Smawfri McQuade, while his slightly older, not to mention slightly taller cousin whispers to Dalin "What kind?" followed by "The noisy kind or the foul smelling one?".
"Noisy" whispers Dalinvardél Tanith "Well the others will definitely get the signal to attack" dryly whispers Shawtus McQuade who then tells his cousin Smawfri "Let's go".
They move off, heading around to the right side of the farmhouse to enter through the back door.
As they do, Shawtus looks back and sees Dalin has bent down, and adjusted something on his boots, now he's backing up. As he does, he pulls something forward from both of his sleeves, and quickly wraps straps around both of his hands.
The elf then runs forward, and leaps up, and basically sticks to the wall with amount making much of a sound. He then starts climbing the flat side of the farmhouse, going up towards the open window.
As he and his cousin Smawfri go around to the back of the farmhouse, Shawtus McQuade suddenly gets the feeling that Dalin isn't just an ordinary mercenary ranger.
His thoughts are disrupted by his younger cousin Smawfri who has stopped next to the back door, whisper to him in the dwarven language "Ready?".
"Aye" whispers Shawtus in the same language, and when his slightly younger and slightly shorter cousin takes a hold of the door handle, he whispers to him in dwarven "Go" . . . . . .

Wednesday 12 December 2018

The Hire 75.

The Kingdom Of Nastell...

They arrived at Manlin late. Sometime just before midnight. Though they still leave early in the morning. And once again they're the last of the three armies led by the field commanders in the Farqian mercenary army to get underway.
As they have the war machines and siege towers with them. Not to mention most of the supply wagons.
Also with the trebuchets, catapults, wagon mounted ballista as well as the siege towers. Is a covered wagon with the other wagons carrying equipment.
Though the covered wagon is carrying something completely different. In the back, beneath the cloth covering, are prisoners of war.
There's only six of them, and they're all important in some way or another. Though one is far more important than the others. And that's the swordmaster Gallene. Who is the captain of the castle as well as city guard in Savariss. Well, that's when duke Hargen still held it. As the northern most city in the kingdom of Nastell, is now in the hands of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, who have invaded the duchy of Phelm.
As the wagon he and the other prisoners are in the back of moves out. Captain Gallene enjoys the early morning breeze, which is quite cooling this morning. Especially as the cloth sides of the covered wagon have been rolled up so those in the back of the wagon can enjoy the breeze.
And though their guards allow them to walk pretty much whenever they like. They're to remain in the back of the wagon until they and the rest of those at the rear of the army, get clear of the town of Manlin.
The captain of the guard looks away to the east. Where he knows somewhere in the distance. On a road that's out of sight some eight or nine miles away.
Is the fourth army that's come down out of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, and entered the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell, the duchy of Phelm.
And that army is far larger than any one of the three armies that are using the road that's gone through Manlin, and heads further south into the heart of Phelm.
Gallene the swordmaster then looks ahead, and spots a rider coming back from the war machines and siege towers infront.
It's the young engineer named Tovis. Who seems to be in command of all the war machines and their crews. Who usually spends some time riding beside the prisoners. When they're either in the back of their wagon, or when they're walking.
After the young engineer greets those in the wagon with a good morning. He suggests to captain Gallene to hop out of the wagon, and walk.
The local swordmaster glances at the nearby guards who are mounted. And one, a female soldier, nods her head yes since they're now clear of Manlin.
After hoping down out of the saddle, and after the prisoner gets out of the back of the wagon.
Tovis the war engineer quietly says to him "Good to have a bit of a breeze this morning" followed by "Not so hot because of it".
The guard captain who was born and raised in the city of Savariss nods his head in agreement. For though the day once again has dawned clear and sunny, it's not as hot as it's been recently, thanks to the constant breeze that's blowing at the moment.
Captain Gallene who figures the war engineer wants to talk about something, remains silent as he knows the young man, who he has learnt, is originally from the kingdom of Druvic. Will quickly get to what he wants.
And after a few moments of silence as they walk off the side of the road, keeping pace with the wagon that the other prisoners are in the back of.
Tovis the war engineer asks him "How well do you know the area around Almaic?".
Suspecting it would be something like that, captain Gallene says "Well enough i suppose" he continues with "Though I've only been there a handful of times, the last of which was a few years ago".
The swordmaster who is from the city of Savariss, doesn't know central and southern Phelm as well as the north. Infact he's only ever been in the rest of the kingdom a few times.
And only once to the nation's capital. Where he visited the king's court with his family, when he and his brother Berric were children.
He's been over the border to the north, into the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, far more times than he has the rest of the kingdom.
"What's the lay of the land like around there?" asks the young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, who is now part of the armies of Farque.
The captain of the castle guard in Savariss knows it's best to answer truthfully, considering one of the spellcasters amongst his captors could easily read his mind and find out the information they want.
So that's what he does, he tells the war engineer how the land is around the city of Almaic, the capital of Phelm, the largest duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
He tells of the topography, the woods near it, as well as the streams and rivers near the largest city in the duchy. Not to mention all the roads which lead to and from Almaic. Those are what the local swordmaster remembers most clearly of Almaic and it's surrounds.
Tovis listens in silence as the captain of the guard who was taken prisoner during the nighttime battle for the city of Savariss. Details everything he knows about the land surrounding the city of Almaic which is their destination.
And though the prisoner has only been there a handful of times in his life. The young engineer doesn't miss the fact that he gives a pretty thorough description of the land surrounding the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
The war engineer who is originally from eastern Druvic, where he once served a baron Harkonin. Slightly nods when the local swordmaster comes to the end of describing the surrounds around Almaic.
As it pretty much matches up with the information Tovis already knows about the provincial capital. From what the Farqian spies who have infiltrated duke Hargen's army have informed their contacts.
"So that river just to the east of the city, is why that side doesn't have much in the way of a wall?" asks Tovis, who holds the rank of captain in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who is the commander of the engineers corp.
"Yeah that's basically a port over there" says Gallene the swordmaster, who continues with "A lot of river trade comes up from the very south of Phelm, and elsewhere in the kingdom" he then adds "So a lot of the east side of the city is docks and warehouses along the river front".
The guard captain who was born and raised in the city of Savariss shrugs his shoulders, then says "No use putting a wall up there, as it will only make trade more difficult" he continues with "And the river acts as a natural defence anyway, like a giant moat really".
The young man originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who is not yet twenty three years old, nods his head then says "Though that doesn't explain why a fair bit of the west side of the city doesn't have a wall".
"Too lazy to put one up i guess" quietly says captain Gallene, who then quietly tells the war engineer in the Farqian mercenary army "Though i actually suspect that no one wants to pay for it" the local swordmaster then adds "They've had centuries to do so, but duke after duke hasn't bothered to fully wall that side of the city".
Tovis slightly nods as that makes sense in a way, then he nods once more when the captain of the city guard of Savariss quietly tells him "You notice that the north and south sides of the city are completely walled, and have been for ages" he continues with "And over the years they've done plenty of work to improve them, like strengthen them, and make them higher. Infact the last time i visited Almaic they were working on the north wall again".
The guard captain, who like his older brother Berric, the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, is a swordmaster, like their father before them. Quietly tells the young man walking beside him "You can tell who they really fear by that" he follows that with "Those from further south in the kingdom, and those who are to north of them, outside of the kingdom".
Tovis is silent for a few moments, then he eventually says "I guess some rulers are like that i suppose" then with a sideways look at the prisoner walking beside him in the early morning sunshine, as the breeze continues to blow, the war engineer quietly says to him "So that essentially makes the north of the duchy nothing more than a buffer against those from outside of the kingdom".
He gestures ahead of where the war machines and siege towers are. Where they can see some of the robber barons soldiers and mercenaries on the road further infront, and he says "Like that lot".
"Didn't do much of job of being a buffer" mutters Gallene with a slight grimace upon his face. Not just because of the enemy marching ahead of him. But also because of the young engineer's description of the north of Phelm, where he's from and lived all his life.
Just a buffer between the more prosperous central and southern regions of the duchy, including the capital Almaic. Against those in the unruled lands across the border, north of the kingdom.
Suspecting what the prisoner is thinking and feeling, Tovis quietly tells him "I think things would be a little different if you and the people in the north of Phelm weren't exactly the same people as those from across the border".
The guard captain who was taken captive during the battle for the city of Savariss slowly nods to that. As he knows that the vast majority of the people in northern Phelm, especially north of Savariss.
Are the exact kind of people you'll find across the border in the unruled lands of the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains. After all, the foothills known as the southern reaches comes down into northern Phelm quite a bit. Only ending five miles from the north wall of Savariss, easily within sight of the northern most city in not just Phelm, but all of Nastell.
Captain Gallene who knows of many families who have members on both sides of the border, quietly says to the young engineer who is one of his captors "I suspect you're right" the local swordmaster then silently adds, i don't have to like it though.
As he, like many others in the north of Phelm, know that they're seen as just an afterthought to the rest of the duchy. Since the land up there closer to the border is harsher and rougher. With a lot of forests dotted all over the foothills that are the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains. Not exactly prosperous land, considering there's also very few mines in the foothills on this side of the border too.
"Things will change once one of them takes over" says Tovis, referring to one of the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, who are at war with the duke of Phelm.
"They'll expand the duchy north beyond the current border when one of them becomes duke" adds the young man who commands the engineering corp in the Farqian mercenary army, he continues with "Making Phelm even larger, and more prosperous, what with all their gold and ore mines they've got up there".
The local swordmaster faintly winces when the young engineer walking his horse beside him quietly says "You know this is why the king hasn't done anything against this invasion into his nation" followed by "An even stronger vassal here in the north, who will add riches to the crown's coffers. What more could he ask for?".
Captain Gallene sourly smiles at that assessment from the young engineer, which he knows, is also the truth.
Then the prisoner after slightly sighing, says "True enough i suppose" then after a brief pause he continues with "Though that's not going to give any comfort to those who are going to die fighting over Almaic, from both sides too" the local swordmaster then adds "Not to mention those who have already died in the conflict".
"Such is the way of war" murmurs Tovis, which has been said to him numerous times by those more experienced than him in the Farqian mercenary army.
The two of them continue to chat as the early morning progresses, and the sun rises higher into the clear summer's sky.
As the day starts to warm up, and the constant breeze that's been blowing since they left Manlin, starts to die down.
The local swordmaster looks up, and spots another rider can be seen coming back down the line of march.
Captain Gallene doesn't recognise her, but the war engineer Tovis does.
"They probably want me for something" quietly says the young engineer to the prisoner, who nods in understanding.
"Engineer" says the subaltern Jaxs who barely gives the local swordmaster and the other prisoners in the back of the wagon a glance.
Though she does look at all their guards, who are mounted. And who like her, are assassins who have trained under the tutelage of the councilor, prince Helbenthril Raendril.
"Councilor Reinholt and the field commander would like a word with you" adds the tall, athletic woman in the tight leather armour, who is part of field commander Talbot's senior staff.
"Told you" quietly murmurs Tovis to the prisoner walking beside him. Then the young engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic, hops up into the saddle of his horse, saying to captain of the castle guard from Savariss "I might chat to you later" he briefly pauses, and shrugs as he adds "Or maybe not, it all depends really".
The prisoner nods, then he watches as the war engineer, and the subaltern ride away, heading further forward along the line of march.
The swordmaster Gallene watches them for a while, then he hops back into the back of the wagon that he and the other prisoners are traveling in.
While two of the others, with permission from their guards. Hop down off it, and walk alongside as they stretch their legs, as the journey south into the heart of Phelm continues.
As they ride forward towards the front of their army. Tovis the war engineer asks the subaltern riding beside him "What do they want?".
"To discuss the deployment of your war machines and crews when we get to Almaic" is the reply of the subaltern Jaxs.
Slightly frowning, the young engineer who hails from the Harkonin fief in the kingdom of Druvic, says "We're not expected to get there until late tomorrow night, or early the following morning more like".
Shrugging her shoulders, the assassin says to the commander of the engineering corp in the Farqian mercenary army "That's what they told me" then Jaxs asks the war engineer "Did you find out what you needed from the prisoner?".
"I did" replies Tovis "Then there you go, i suspect it has something to do with that" says the assassin whose task is to keep an eye on the young engineer when he's not around either the councilors, Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief.
"If you hadn't noticed they like to plan things out in advance" dryly says the subaltern, the war engineer faintly smiles and nods in agreement.
Then he slightly frowns as hears Jaxs murmurs something in elven, a language Tovis is still learning.
Though he's pretty sure she murmured "Especially since my lord is watching things from afar".
The young engineer has suspected that lord Farque has been watching the progress of the campaign all along. From afar, probably onboard the krean strikeship, the Fídiablo.
And with what Jaxs just murmured, now he knows it to be fact . . . . . .