Thursday 20 December 2018

The Hire 81.

Almaic. Phelm. Nastell...

Squad leader Barron and most of his squad find themselves waiting in the quarters of duke Hargen's personal guard for most of the afternoon.
With the prisoner, sir Tanvar. Locked in a storage room. Next to commander Berric's office.
The young man from further south in the duchy of Phelm, and his squad are given something to eat as they had no lunch.
And as the trio of mercenaries, Dalin the ranger. And the dwarven warriors, the McQuade cousins. Go off with the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Barron and the rest of the squad wonder around the guard quarters, or out in their yards. All of which, are on the west side of the palace grounds.
When he's out in one of the yards, the young squad leader stops and stares at what's behind one of the buildings used for training.
He looks at them for quite some time, before he finally makes his way back into the guard's quarters. And waits for the trio of non human mercenaries in his squad to return.
It's not too long before Dalin, along with Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade return. And the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, look a hell of a lot happier than they did when they left.
"I take it you got paid?" asks Barron the squad leader "Aye lad, that we did" answers Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "The commander kept his word, and it was himself who made sure the army paymaster paid the three of us".
"So you're staying then?" asks Barron "Aye" is the answer from Smawfri McQuade, the slightly younger and slightly shorter of the two dwarves then adds "For now".
His slightly older, and slightly taller cousin nods in agreement, then Smawfri says "Unless they don't pay us next time".
"Doubt there'll be a next time" murmurs Shawtus in the dwarven language, who continues murmuring in the same language with "The duke and his army haven't done a shit hot job stopping the enemy so far, i doubt they will here either".
Smawfri McQuade grunts in agreement, then he wonders over to the long table along one wall, that still has some food out. The more temperamental of the two temperamental dwarven warriors gets something to eat. As they now, along with the rest of the squad, wait.
"Wonder where we'll be a reassigned to?" quietly asks the young squad leader as the elven mercenary ranger Dalin sits down on the bench beside him.
"The defence of the city most like" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who refrains from grinning "I know that" dryly says the squad leader Barron.
The spy Tanith shrugs his shoulders, then says "Who knows" followed by "I don't think it'll be anywhere safe". The elven spy in the armies of Farque, who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen quietly tells the young squad leader "I don't think the leadership here in Almaic cares all that much for commander Berric".
"Oh?" asks Barron "We got a lot of unfriendly looks as we went through the palace to get to the army headquarters" explains the elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae.
"Aye" says Shawtus McQuade who sits down on the otherside of the young squad leader "I guess it's because he's a commoner, and the snot nosed nobles here at court aren't too fond of that" adds the slightly older, and slightly taller of the McQuade cousins.
"Makes sense i guess" quietly says Barron, who knows that duke Hargen's personal guard commander is quite popular amongst the common folk. Including the commoners in the duke's army. Which technically he and his company aren't part of.
Then the young squad leader glances at the locked door that the prisoner is still behind, and he quietly asks the elf and the dwarf sitting to either side of him "Did he say anything about the duke's heir?".
"Nothing specific" is the quiet reply of the elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae "But from what he and Ludoc, and that captain Ardel were discussing, they be up to something, grand like, is my guess" adds Shawtus McQuade.
Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by, whilst undercover in the duke of Phelm's army.
Quietly says to the young squad leader "Pretty sure they want to get it right when they tell the duke what happened" he follows that with "I wouldn't be surprised if we, or at least some of us are called forward in court as witnesses".
"Aye, it'll be the smart thing to do" says Shawtus McQuade, who sourly looks over at his slightly younger cousin Smawfri, who is busy stuffing his face. Though the slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains. Looks a little disappointed as he crams a breadroll in his mouth. Because there's no ale or wine that's been put out for them.
"Choke on that bread you bald headed prick" mutters Shawtus under his breath in the dwarven language, who then looks away from his cousin Smawfri, and says in the common language to the two sitting beside him on the bench "That deserting bastard is guilty as all hell, but he's still a nobleman here, as well as the duke's heir".
The dwarf, stocky and strong like all of his race, who hails from the west of the tallest mountain range in the Southlands, the Sunreach Mountains, quietly adds "Who knows what will happen in the duke's court when the commander makes the accusations of what he was doing along that road".
Barron nods in agreement, and as guards come and go from their quarters, the young squad leader changes the subject, as it's nothing that he can control, so he says to the two mercenaries "You see what's outside behind one of the guard's training yards?".
The elven spy, and the dwarven warrior shake their heads no, then Dalinvardél Tanith asks the squad leader who is from further south here in the duchy of Phelm "What is it?".
"Come and have a look" says Barron, the three of them get up, and Shawtus catches the eye of his cousin Smawfri, and nods for him to follow them as the young squad leader leads them outside.
The four of them step out the back of duke Hargen's personal guards quarters. And Barron heads to one of the nearest training yards.
They pass stables, and out buildings. Then once in the training yard. The young squad leader stops and points.
"Hell" mutters Smawfri McQuade "Two of them" murmurs Shawtus McQuade, who briefly pauses before adding "A frigate, and a destroyer by the looks of it. Not big enough for a full on battleship, and it's definitely bigger than a cruiser".
"Aye, that's what the bigger one looks like" says Smawfri McQuade, who like his slightly older, and slightly taller cousin, is a bit of an expert on airships.
Two of which, can be seen on the otherside of a long building, here on the west side of the palace grounds.
Both airship, which are part of the duke of Phelm's fleet. Are down on the ground, where they're anchored.
"Small one is at nearly a twenty fiver" says Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "And the destroyer is at least rated a fifty".
"Aye looks like it" says Smawfri McQuade, who then adds "Looks like they've got a full compliment too" he briefly pauses then adds "Well, on this side it looks like they do".
The slightly older of the two dwarven warriors grunts in agreement with his cousin. As they know what they're talking about when it comes to airships.
As they were the proud owners of one of their own. A dwarven dreadnought. The largest of any kind of airship in the skies of Volunell.
Unfortunately their airship, more than a decade ago in the southern kingdom of Melaurn. Was brought down, and destroyed when a dragon. And a certain elven princeling that Dalinvardél Tanith knows well. Were fighting during a war between nobles in Melaurn.
The two of them just used the massive dwarven airship as another place to fight. As it flew over a battle that was raging on the ground below it, during the middle of winter in that kingdom faraway to the south.
"Well, they'll be a surprise to the enemy when they attack the city" says Shawtus McQuade, Smawfri McQuade grunts in agreement.
"Haven't seen much in the way of air combat so far in the invasion" muses Barron "Good thing we haven't" says Dalin, who then dryly adds "It's not exactly safe for those of us on the ground".
"Aye" grunts the slightly older of the two dwarven warriors "You tend to get shot at" adds Shawtus McQuade, who then sourly says "Which isn't particularly fun, when it's a full broadside of magetubes".
"That's for fucking sure" mutters Smawfri McQuade, both his cousin Shawtus, and the spy Tanith, who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae, whilst embedded in duke Hargen's army.
Nod in agreement with what the slightly younger of the McQuade cousins just muttered.
They look at the two warships for a little while, speculating what the two vessels will actually do. And coming to the conclusion they'll be used to attack the enemy army, more than any airships that the enemy from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains might bring with them to Almaic.
They then make their way back into the quarters of duke Hargen's personal guard. And it's not to long before commander Berric and a number of others return to the quarters.
"Get the prisoner" says Berric the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard to a couple of his men.
And as they go off and get the nobleborn prisoner, the commander who is also a swordmaster, says to Barron "You and your squad will come along with us".
The young squad leader nods in understanding, as the guard commander mentioned earlier in the afternoon. That it would be best to go to the duke at the end of the day at court, with the accusations of what sir Tanvar has been up to.
Accusations that are going to be more than a little explosive to say the least. Considering the nobleman they captured in the farmhouse during the middle of the night. Is the younger cousin and the heir to the duke of Phelm.
As sir Tanvar, who is a captain in the army of his cousin duke Hargen. An ineffectual captain in the opinion of commander Berric, who has always thought captain Tanvar is nothing more than a coward.
Is brought out from storage room next to the commander's office. And gagged again as he's more than likely to speak out of turn when he's brought forth to court.
Swordmaster Berric says to the experienced guard Ludoc "You and two others go and get the witnesses" followed by "Wait in that chamber next to court we picked out earlier".
"Yes commander" says the guardsman Ludoc, who signals to two of his fellow guards to follow him.
After those three exit the guard quarters, commander Berric says "Right then, let's go to court".
Outside in the marshalling yard infront of the quarters of duke Hargen's personal guard. Waits captain Ardel and the balance of the duke's personal guard here in the city of Almaic, who aren't on duty.
The commander and his captain lead the way across to the main building of the palace, where the duke's court is located.
Barron and his squad find themselves immediately behind the bound, and gagged prisoners, and the pair of guards holding him by the arms. Who are right behind the swordmaster Berric and captain Ardel. Who has been leading the duke's personal guard here in Almaic whilst the commander was absent.
Following behind Barron's small squad is the rest of the duke's personal guard who aren't on duty this afternoon.
As the commander and the captain quietly chat about something, Smawfri McQuade quietly says "Well this is going to stir some shit up, that's for sure" as he walks beside his slightly older and slightly taller cousin Shawtus, directly behind Barron and Dalin.
Both the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, and the young squad leader from further south here in the duchy of Phelm, nod in agreement with what the younger of the two dwarven warriors just said.
Then they enter the palace proper. And head towards the court of duke Hargen of Phelm.
They walk down a long straight hallway, and commander Berric, the swordmaster from the city of Savariss in the north of Phelm sends one of his men ahead. To the large doors up ahead, that have palace guards standing on this side.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard looks back at those following him, and he quietly says "Keep a watch out, anything could happen".
The swordmaster who is the highest placed commoner in the court of the duke of Phelm nods at the prisoner as he quietly continues with "Make sure no harm comes to him before sentence is given" the commander silently adds in a dry tone, that's if he's even sentenced.
"Like i said, anything could happen" quietly says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Dalinvardél Tanith and the young squad leader Barron share a look. While behind them, the McQuade cousins mutter away at one another in the dwarven language about something.
By the forest gods, what the hell are we about to get ourselves into? Dalin thinks to himself, who then silently adds, nothing good i bet.
The elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army, just hopes his cover isn't broken in some way as they get closer to the chamber where the duke of Phelm's court is held.
They get to the open doors to the court, and though the palace guards there all looked surprised at seeing sir Tanvar bound and gagged. Their most senior member, nods to commander Berric as the swordmaster enters court.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard quickly looks away to the right when he enters court, and he sees the door to one of the side chambers open, and the guard he sent forward, standing there. Who slightly nods when he sees his commander look his way.
"Hell, i think they noticed us" quietly and dryly says Smawfri McQuade from behind Dalin and Barron as almost everyone at court, turns and looks at them as they all enter the large circular chamber.
Including duke Hargen, who is sitting upon what can only been called a throne. Which is up a half a dozen steps, against where the wall further to the right, is briefly straight along the wall that's otherwise curved.
The duke of Phelm, who briefly spoke to the commander of his personal guard just after his return, and is glad that he survived the battle of Savariss, and has made his return to Almaic, the capital of the duchy.
Briefly smiles at the appearance of his personal guard commander at court, at the end of a long day's session.
Then the smile that quickly appeared, quickly disappears. As the duke notices the bound and gagged figure amongst his personal guards who have just entered court.
It's sir Tanvar, a younger cousin of his. Who also happens to be his heir, until the duke's young son comes of age. As it's tradition here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. That you have to be a certain age before being named heir to a duchy.
A look of surprise crosses the face of the duke at seeing his younger cousin, who has been missing since the defeat of one of his armies in the north of the duchy before the battle of Savariss, is alive and well.
Then of shock, which turns to outrage that Tanvar, who is a captain in the army of Phelm, is bound and gagged, and is being held securely by two his personal guardsman.
It's pretty much the range of emotions that crosses the faces of a lot of those at court, most of whom are the nobility here in the duchy of Phelm, at the appearance of sir Tanvar, the duke's heir.
Who though not popular with the common folk. Nor that much with the nobility to be fair. But he is still one of them. A noble, who is being held by the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who is a commoner.
There's a few moments of stunned silence in the large, circular chamber, which is suddenly broken, by duke Hargen loudly demanding "Berric, what the hell is going on here?".
"Here we go" mutters Smawfri McQuade to his cousin Shawtus, and the mercenary ranger Dalin and the young squad leader Barron.
Dalinvardél Tanith slightly nods his hooded head in agreement with what the slightly younger McQuade cousin just said.
Then as duke Hargen loudly says "Explain yourself Berric!" followed by "Why is my cousin bound like a common criminal?".
The spy Tanith suddenly hears the familiar voice of Narladene the ground pixie whisper into his left ear in the elven language "Beware of that man, third to the left of the throne".
Dalin's eyes quickly dart that way, and sees a dark haired nobleman, in his twenties, almost six foot tall, wearing dark red leather armour, with a longsword at his left hip.
The elven spy's eyebrows go up in surprise when he hears Narladene whisper in his left ear "Appearances are deceiving, he's a sorcerer" . . . . . .

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