Tuesday 11 December 2018

The Hire 74.

Phelm. Nastell...

The robber baron Gergus walks the streets of the town of Manlin, a town he's never been in before. Infact he's never been this south in the duchy of Phelm before.
The youngest of the five robber barons from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, who have banded together to wage war upon duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
Shakes his head at a number of things he sees here in Manlin. A fairly large town in the central region of the duchy.
For starters the streets are cleaner than they are in the northern city of Savariss. And the cobblestones on the streets are more even, and are smoother too. Though that might be due to age. As Manlin is older than Savariss by a couple of centuries.
The townhouses here are nicer too. And the smaller dwellings in the west of the town. Certainly look more pleasant than the poorer quarters of Savariss and the towns and villages in the north of Phelm.
The robber baron certainly knows he's in a more wealthier part of the duchy now. Especially with a lot of the farmland in the surrounding areas.
Where even the fields and pastures are only now turning brown from the hot summer sun. Compared to the north of Savariss, where the grass is already a straw looking colour. And has been for at least a couple of weeks.
Gergus is walking through the streets of Manlin this night with his new second Barrix, and a couple of his men from his army.
The army they're with, which is predominantly made up of the his army, along with the army of the robber baron Solamard. And is led by the Farqian field commander Leivyn.
As well as the army made up of mostly the robber barons Almard and Larimer's armies. Led by the young Farqian field commander Drubine.
Have stopped here in Manlin for the night. Though the majority of them are camped outside of town.
While the army that's comprised mostly of the robber baron Markell's army. Which is led by the Farqian field commander Talbot. Isn't expected to arrive until later tonight. Sometime just before midnight.
"Do you know exactly where?" asks the robber baron Gergus "Go on by this square with the churches and temples around it" is the reply of Barrix the second in command of the youngest robber baron's army "And it's down the street with the statue on the corner of it" adds Barrix.
Gergus nods his head, as they pass a couple of soldiers who are lighting the street lamps in this part of town. Which is empty of it's usual residents. As they fled when word spread to them that the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Had pushed into northern Phelm, defeated duke Hargen's armies twice in battle, and had taken the city of Savariss in less than a single night of battle.
And who have now come further south into Phelm than any other robber baron from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell, has ever done in the history of Phelm. Well since it was originally made one of the duchies in Nastell. When a robber baron of the past established Phelm as a duchy.
"Trust the taverns to be so near to the holy places" dryly says the youngest of the five robber barons. His second in command Barrix briefly grins, as he nods in agreement with him.
Gergus, who has known Barrix all his life. Is glad it was easy to pick a new second. Though he won't admit it openly. He's still grieving for the loss of his best friend Hammind, who was also his brother inlaw.
The robber baron, his second, and the two soldiers in his army following behind him and Barrix.
Enter the temple square, and cross to the street that has the statue on the corner of it.
They go by the statue, which is of the goddess Salindyl. A deity that's predominantly followed by farmers and those who work the land. As she's known as the goddess of the harvest.
They head down the street where most of the lamps have been lit, where a tavern is open for business.
Since Manlin is basically now under the control of the robber barons who are at war with duke Hargen.
Gergus and his men enter the tavern, where they find a number of men and women. Some of those in the mercenary army from the lands Farque who are in command of the robber barons and their armies.
But most being officers and others of importance in the armies of the robber barons Almard, Larimer and Solamard.
"Don't get drunk" quietly says Gergus to his two soldiers after they enter the tavern. Though when he looks to the counter, he suspects that won't be a possibility. As behind the bar it's a couple of soldiers in the Farqian mercenary army. Who along with a subaltern in that same army. Who is alongside the bar. Are making sure those in the tavern don't get drunk.
After all, they'll all be on the road again early in the morning. As they continue on their way southwards into the heart of the duchy of Phelm.
The robber baron Gergus nods his head when Barrix quietly says to him "Over there, the large table in the corner".
Gergus along with his second in command make their way to that table, where the three other robber barons who are in town. Along with their seconds, are sitting.
The youngest of the robber barons greets his fellow leaders from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains as he takes a seat at the table with them.
Gergus quickly looks around at the women in the tavern. All from the Farqian mercenary army of course. Hoping to spot the messenger Lisell Maera. But alas, he doesn't see her anywhere.
For he wants to see the attractive young woman he slept with when they were separated from the armies earlier in the campaign. And to speak with her again.
But her duties have kept her away from him. Though Gergus suspects she's been avoiding him too.
After Barrix gets them a couple of cold ales. As one of the Farqian soldiers behind the bar seems to be a spellcaster, who is pouring the drinks cold for those who want that.
Gergus says to the others at the table "Poor Markell will get in so late they would of closed this place by then". "That'll teach him for cavorting with all those spellcasters he's got" sourly says the robber baron Larimer. Who along with the robber baron Almard. Are the most conservative of the five who have banded together to wage war upon the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
While Gergus and Solamard, who happen to be the two youngest of the five. Are the two most easygoing of them.
And unlike Larimer and Almard. They weren't against the Farqian mercenary army taking over command of the campaign against duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm, when they were hired.
"I think all those war machines with that army he's in is the reason he's late" dryly says Gergus "This is true" admits Larimer, who then adds in a mutter "And all those damn spellcasters he's got".
The youngest of the robber barons just slightly shakes his head and enjoys his cold ale on what's another warm night here in the duchy of Phelm.
As he does he listens to the conversation of the others at the table. And it's not long before he hears something that he was expecting.
"Good farmland around here" says the robber baron Almard, who continues with "Especially compared to up north beyond Savariss".
Oh here we go then, Gergus thinks to himself as he's been waiting for something like this when they got together again. The first play for who will rule the duchy of Phelm once they finally defeat duke Hargen and his forces.
"Thinking of taking up farming are you?" asks Larimer, who along with Almard are the odds on favourites. With the people in the unruled lands at least. To be the next duke of Phelm. Who will increase the size of the duchy when one or the other adds the land they claim in the unruled lands of the Colevar Mountains as their own.
"I can see you grubbing in the dirt picking vegetables, and running around after a flock that's escaped from a paddock" adds Larimer, who along with Solamard and Gergus chuckle as Almard scowls at Larimer, who is the oldest of the robber barons from the unruled lands in the the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
The youngest of the robber baron doesn't think either Larimer or Almard would make a good duke of Phelm.
He knows deep down that either he or Solamard would a better job than either one of them as the new duke of Phelm.
Gergus even thinks Markell would be a better duke than Larimer or Almard. Though it will be near impossible for him to do so. As the part of the unruled lands he lays claim to. Is further north in the mountains than any of the other robber barons claims.
Gergus knows that he and Solamard have already been dismissed by the other three because of their age. Especially himself, as he is yet to reach thirty years of age. While Solamard is barely over thirty years old.
The other three think they're too inexperienced. Though all in the unruled lands of the Colevar Mountains knows that Gergus is the most daring and most adaptable of the five robber barons who have joined together to wage war upon the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
He just has to use those qualities to get what he wants.
"Maybe i will" says Almard who after a brief pause continues with "After all the people like to see their ruler get down and dirty like them".
Silence descends upon the large table in the corner where the robber barons and their seconds are sitting.
As that's the first utterance, out loud at least. Of any of the robber barons saying they will be the new duke of Phelm.
Larimer the oldest of the robber barons, looks at the two youngest robber barons sitting at the table and breaks the silence by asking them "So what do you make of that?".
Solamard slightly nods then quietly says "Well, we'll find out after the duke and his army are finally defeated won't we".
The robber barons Solamard, Almard and Larimer then look at the youngest of their number to see what his reaction is.
All Gergus does is shrug his shoulders, and takes another drink of cold ale from his tankard.
Which isn't what they were expecting. As the youngest robber baron is usually the most talkative of them all. And in talkative, that's really argumentative.
As Gergus is known to take the opposing view on things just for the hell of it, not necessarily because he disagrees with whatever it is.
Larimer then looks over at Almard and says to him "Like Solamard says, we'll find out once the duke and his army have finally been defeated".
With that, all conversation about who will rule Phelm once duke Hargen is finally defeated. Comes to an end for this night.
And they resume talking about other things. Notably about the progress of their forces heading further south into the heart of the duchy.
Though all four of them have now got it into their heads that each of them will now vie to be the new duke of Phelm once the campaign against duke Hargen and his army is over.
Which is exactly what Gergus wants. And is what he was hoping for when he decided to join the others this night, here in the town of Manlin for a drink.
The four robber barons and their seconds are just talking about how quickly all their armies are traveling south through Phelm, now that there's no opposition to them.
When suddenly the door at the front of the tavern, which is open to let in any wind that might come inside.
Slams all the way open, and bangs against the inside of the front wall of the tavern. And a massive, great hulking shape ducks down under the top of the door frame and enters the tavern.
"Hell" mutters Larimer as they watch the large ork general enter, followed by the small, bright, green goblin who is commander of the battalion of goblins in the Farqian mercenary army.
Both of whom head straight to the bar. Those Farqian soldiers and officers in their path have already got out of the way. While the robber barons men hurry out of their way too.
They also get quickly out of the way, as the stench from the big, burly ork, who is wearing a rain poncho of all things, is near unbearable.
Even from the corner table where the robber barons and their seconds are sitting, they can smell that the large ork reeks beyond belief.
"Beer, cunts" is what they hear the large ork say to those behind the bar, it then says "Oooohhhhh" in pleasure, when he notices that the drinks are cold.
After downing a couple of tankards, it waves a hand imperiously, and makes his way around the counter. He has a quick conversation with the Farqian soldier who must be the spellcaster. Then a few moments later, the ork general walks back around from the counter with the two large barrels of ale. Barrels that are slick with ice.
While that's been going on, the goblin commander and the other Farqian soldier behind the bar. Have been putting bottles of wine into a wooden crate.
The small, bright green goblin carries the crate, as be follows the big, burly ork, who crosses to the door, ducks down and exits the tavern with the frozen barrels of ale.
"I think they might of taken all the booze" dryly comments Gergus the robber baron.
This infact turns out to be true, as just a little while later, the Farqian subaltern next to the bar loudly says "Only a little bit of ale left" followed by "So this is the last call" he then adds "We'll be shutting this place down after you've finished the last of the grog".
Barrix hurries to the bar, and he's one of the last to get a drink. He returns to the table, and pours half of his tankard into the empty one of Gergus.
The two of them drink their cold drinks slowly, as the others at the table watch on, as they've run out.
"I'm out of here since they're going to close fairly soon" says Larimer the robber baron, his fellow robber barons Almard and Solamard agree. And they along with their seconds depart after Gergus wishes them a goodnight.
The robber baron Gergus, his second Barrix, and the two soldiers in the army of the youngest of the five robber barons, are amongst the last to leave the tavern.
Which is shut as they head back up the street they came down, as they go back to where they're staying this night in Manlin.
As they head to the house on the eastern edge of town they're staying in, Barrix quietly asks his lifelong friend "Go as you thought?".
"More or less" is the quiet reply of Gergus, his second in command slightly nods then quietly says "Since it's out in the open now, someone will try something for sure" followed by "We'll have to keep a close eye on you for protection".
"Most likely during battle someone will try something" quietly says Gergus, who continues with "If one of us suddenly drops dead for no apparent reason, i think that lot from the mercenary army will step in and do something" he quietly adds "It's apparent they want us all to survive the campaign, for the simple reason to keep paying them".
"Once the campaign against the duke is over though" quietly says Barrix as they walk through the streets of Manlin this night "They couldn't care less" adds the second in command.
"Then it's the five of us for ourselves as we sort things out" quietly says Gergus as he knows that once the campaign is over, the war to be the new duke of Phelm will truly get underway. Something he wants to avoid, as he wants to get out of all this, alive and in one piece . . . . . .

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