Sunday 9 December 2018

The Hire 72.

The Kingdom Of Nastell...

They keep traveling throughout the day and into the night. Always heading south, though at times the one who is leading the way, heads southwest at times. As to continue to keep those who may or may not be pursuing them, from finding out where they are, and where they're going.
Commander Berric quickly learnt that though the young squad leader Barron might be in charge of those who he and the others have joined up with.
It's the trio of non human mercenaries in the small squad, led by the young man in his early twenties from the south of Phelm.
Who are actually making all the important decisions in the squad.
And the swordmaster who is the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who could rightfully take over, and be in charge of things.
Let's the trio of mercenaries who aren't human, to continue to lead things.
Especially considering they've kept the small squad led by Barron, pretty much intact since they came north to help defend Phelm from the enemy, who have come down from the foothills of the Colevar Mountains, to the north of the kingdom Nastell.
Besides from what commander Berric has seen of the elven ranger and the two dwarven warriors, since he and the others have been with them over the last two days.
They've earned the right to lead, as they've always found them fresh water on these hot summer days here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
As well as fresh food. Either by hunting and gathering. Or by finding abandoned farm houses and cottages. Or empty woodsmans huts in the stretches of forests they've predominantly traveled through.
As they've kept away from any main roads as they've headed further south into the duchy of Phelm.
Duke Hargen's personal guard commander is waiting with the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade.
It's early morning, and they're waiting at the edge of a copse of trees. For the elven mercenary ranger named Dalin to return, as he's gone ahead to scout by himself.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae has told the swordmaster Berric that he can scout way easier without any of the others being too close. As they make far too much noise for his liking.
The commander can well believe it. For apart from the McQuade cousins who can be fairly silent when they want to be, or when they're not bickering at one another in their own language.
The squad led by Barron, and those half a dozen with commander Berric, not to mention the swordmaster himself. Are fairly noisy in comparison to Dalin, even when they're trying to be quiet.
For the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard hasn't even heard the elven ranger approach at times. Or hear him leave at other times.
He's near dead silent when he moves about.
Berric glances at the dwarven warriors who are from the Sunreach Mountains. Who from what the squad leader Barron has told the swordmaster. Have killed more of the enemy than the rest of their squad combined.
And from what the mercenary ranger Dalin has quietly told the commander of duke Hargen personal guard, that he believes them to be leaders of their clan. Or more likely former leaders. Who through events they won't speak of. Have ended up being mercenaries for hire.
The elven mercenary also informed the swordmaster Berric that it's probably best not to bring up at that infront of the McQuade cousins.
As they're touchy about certain things. Their past being one of them.
The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard can well believe it of them. As the dwarven warriors, are quick to anger about anything that annoys them.
They swear at their squad mates often, with the expectation of Dalin and Barron. And they've already started swearing at the others who escaped the city of Savariss with commander Berric, as well as the commander himself.
Who was taken aback the first time they swore at him. Telling him to shut the fuck up as he was quietly talking with Ludoc about something at the time.
The swordmaster who holds the highest position of any commoner in duke Hargen's court. Was going to open his mouth to say something.
When out of the corner of his eye he saw the young squad leader Barron shaking his head no at him.
The commander kept quiet, and a few moments later Dalin the elven mercenary ranger returned, telling them all to be silent. As their was a large farmhouse close by. With a number of people there.
Turns out it was the people from the surrounding farms who had all heard about the robber barons and their armies pushing into the duchy of Phelm, and the duke's army being defeated.
Who had gathered at that one farmhouse, and surrounding buildings, which they had fortified.
Dalin suggested they give it a wide berth. As the locals might attack them not caring who they were.
And though commander Berric would hate to admit it. The enemy would probably leave them alone if they came this way.
As they've shown no sign so far with their push into Phelm, of wantonly attacking any of the local populace.
They've got one thing, and one thing only on their minds. To defeat duke Hargen and his entire army. So that they can control the duchy of Phelm for themselves.
The swordmaster glances back through the trees, and is just able to make out the others in the distance waiting in the copse.
Then he looks at the McQuade cousins again, and wondering if he'll get a cordial reception. Or if they'll swear at him once more.
He decides to risk it, and Berric the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard quietly asks the two of them "Once we rejoin the rest of the army, will you remain fighting for the duke?".
"Of course" replies Shawtus McQuade, who the commander has figured out is the slightly more agreeable of the dwarven cousins from the Sunreach Mountains.
Though that isn't saying that much, as they're both quick to temper, about anything and everything. It's just that Shawtus isn't as hot tempered as his slightly younger and slightly shorter cousin, Smawfri.
"That's if he and his paymaster continue to pay us" dryly adds Shawtus McQuade with a sideways look at the human standing beside him and his cousin Smawfri.
"If not, we're out of here" continues the older of the dwarven warriors, his younger cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement.
Commander Berric has worked out that Smawfri, who is bald, and has a much longer and thicker beard than his slightly older cousin. Doesn't particularly like mornings. And that he tends to do a lot of grunting first thing in the morning, instead of a lot of talking.
"Not that we'll see a lot of pay days to come" quietly says Shawtus McQuade, who then dryly adds "Your duke and the rest of your army aren't going to last that long".
"You think so?" asks swordmaster Berric as he looks at the dwarven warriors whose clanhold is the western half of the Sunreach Mountains.
"We know so" dryly says the slightly older of the McQuade cousins, his younger cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement as he peers ahead in the direction that the elven mercenary ranger Dalin went.
"Oh and why's that?" quietly asks the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Shawtus McQuade snorts before he answers with "Because of how easily that lot rolled over your duke's armies in the foothills up north" he continues with "Then taking Savariss, in just one night".
Once more, the slightly younger and slightly shorter cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement with his cousin. Both of whom were the leaders of their clan. That was up until a little over a decade, when they went on a disastrous expedition far to the south, ending up in the kingdom of Melaurn. Where their massive dwarven dreadnought was destroyed. Their uncle Maddee passed away. And most of those who traveled with them. Not just fellow clan members. But also many adventurers from all walks of life. Ended up dead as they all hunted after an individual who they all wanted dead.
Commander Berric is silent for a few moments as he contemplates what the dwarven warrior just said, then once again he quietly asks "Do you really think that?".
Shawtus McQuade sighs then he looks up at the swordmaster, who isn't a particular tall man himself and quietly tells him "Look commander, you seem like a decent fella" followed by "But this army of your duke's isn't that good".
The slightly older, and slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, nods back into the copse where the others are waiting, and he quietly says "The lads in our squad are fine enough, and young Barron is a more than adequate leader, infact he's better than most we've seen in the duke's army". Shawtus McQuade briefly pauses before he continues with "But let's face it, they'd all be dead if it wasn't for us and Dalin".
"Aye" says Smawfri McQuade who finally speaks up "They'd do all right if they had more competent patrol leaders and officers in charge of them" quietly adds the slightly younger and and slightly shorter cousin, who continues with "But they don't, so this is the mess they find themselves in now".
The more hot tempered of the dwarven warriors who hail from the Sunreach Mountains looks the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard up and down, and then says "You seem to know what to do, and know how to handle that sword of yours" Smawfri McQuade then adds "But from what young Barron has mentioned, you're not actually in the duke's army".
The swordmaster Berric nods his head, as he has more or less been thrust into battle because of the defeats the duke's army have had.
When fighting in battle is not his job. His job is to command the duke of Phelm's personal guard.
"I'm not" quietly says commander Berric who continues with "But someone had to help lead the retreat down from the southern reaches".
The McQuade cousins glance at one another, then Shawtus quietly says "Pity you aren't actually in the army, they might of had one more leader who actually knew what they were doing" the older McQuade cousin momentarily pauses before adding in a slightly dry tone "Though you might of ended up dead just like the others who led the armies".
"There is that" wryly says the local swordmaster, who then adds "Which would of sucked for me".
The two dwarven warriors chuckle at hearing that form the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, then Smawfri McQuade says "Aye it would of".
The bald headed dwarven warrior is about to continue with something, when suddenly his cousin Shawtus holds up a hand for silence.
A few moments later after listening, the slightly shorter, and slightly shorter of the dwarven warriors grunts in understanding. "He's coming back" quietly explains Shawtus McQuade to the swordmaster Berric.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who has just spoken with Narladene the ground pixie, makes his way back to where the others are waiting for him at the edge of a copse.
The only reason the spy Tanith went ahead, was to talk with the naturally magical creature in private. Not to scout as he told the others.
He knows they've got nothing to worry about. As they've basically entering the more settled region of central Phelm now.
The elven spy in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army, goes over what the ground pixie has told him. And what some of the plans, well what she knows at the moment, are the plans for the armies that have come down from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, and pushed into the duchy of Phelm, the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
The elf who hails from the principality of Alínlae, and who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from his homeland. Spots the McQuade cousins and commander Berric waiting at the edge of the copse of trees. He hurries across the fairly open ground and joins them.
"Anything?" quietly asks Shawtus McQuade "Nothing really" replies Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who continues with "I can see a fairly large town in the distance".
"That would be Manlin" quietly says the swordmaster Berric, who continues with "There's a fairly large garrison there".
"Not anymore" says the spy Tanith, who then adds "They've gone". The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard nods as he figured as much. As the garrison at Manlin would be useless against the overwhelming numbers of the robber barons armies.
"The residents of the town are leaving" says Dalinvardél Tanith who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well, it's also the name he's going by whilst ensconced in the army of the duchy of Phelm.
"They're clogging up the main road that leads south from town" adds the spy Tanith, who points away to the west, and says "There's another road that way which leads south".
Commander Berric nods as he knows of the road, but he's not overly familiar with it.
"It looks fine enough to travel on" says Dalin who continues with "And i don't think the enemy will swing all the way out this way to use it".
Infact he knows they definitely won't be using it. For the most part they'll be using the one that leads to the town of Manlin.
The elven spy looks at the McQuade cousins. First Shawtus nods and says "Aye". Then secondly Shawtus nods, then grunts in a positive manner.
Then the trio of non human mercenaries look at the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who after a moment, quietly says "Sounds like a plan then".
Dalinvardél Tanith nods his hooded head, then quietly tells the swordmaster "Go and get the others, and join up with us".
Berric nods, and hurries back into the copse to get the others. While Dalin and the McQuade cousins set off, as they continue on their way further south into the duchy of Phelm . . . . . .

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