Sunday 6 January 2019

The Hire 82.

The City Of Almaic...

Pandemonium breaks out in the court of duke Hargen after the accusations leveled at his cousin and heir sir Tanvar, by commander Berric, the commander of the duke's personal guard.
Many of those in the large circular chamber are shouting and yelling, at each other, as much as they are at the commander.
Who stands there calmly, looking at the duke. Who has an incredulous look upon his face as he sits upon want is essentially a throne.
The senior most nobleman in the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell, stares at the commander of his personal guard. As well as his cousin Tanvar who stands there bound, and gagged.
The duke eventually lifts a hand for silence, and slowly the shouting starts to die down. As many of the gathered nobles get themselves under control.
After a while, and a semblance of order returns to the court. Duke Hargen says "Berric these accusations you make are hard to believe".
"True though my lord" says commander Berric, who gestures at the two witnesses he has brought forth from a side chamber, then at those behind him. Who include the small army squad, led by young Barron. Which includes the trio of foreign mercenaries. The McQuade cousins and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
"They all saw it my lord" continues the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who goes onto say "The only reason i didn't execute him with the other perpetrators is because he's your cousin and heir".
The duke grimaces, then he glances at one of those standing to either side of the large chair he sits upon "Melbar, is this true?".
"I shall find out my lord duke" says Melbar the court wizard, an older man, grey haired, plump, and in dark blue velvet robes.
The wizard, like commander Berric is one of the few commoners of the duchy to be part of duke Hargen's court. And as he looks at the nobleman who stands chained at the wrists, being held by two of the duke's personal guards.
He casts a spell upon the heir of the duchy of Phelm. After a few moments, the plump wizard grimaces, then quickly glances at the duke, and quietly says "The commander speaks the truth".
There's a moment of stunned silence, then suddenly the shouting and yelling resumes. With many of the nobility at court not believing the wizard. Who after all is common born, and not one of them.
"Silence!" yells duke Hargen, the large round chamber goes quiet as those who were shouting, both men and women, fall silent at the command from the duke of Phelm.
Then duke Hargen quickly glances to the third person to the right of his large throne like chair. A nobleman in red leather armour, who unlike others here at court. Has remained silent since commander Hargen came forward and made the allegations against sir Tanvar.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who has been watching this individual ever since the invisible, Narladene the ground pixie warned him about him.
Watches as the nobleman in his mid twenties, with dark hair, standing about six foot tall, who has a longsword at his left hip. Steps forward, stares at commander Berric, then at the bound and gagged sir Tanvar.
After a moment, he steps back, looks at the duke of Phelm, and nods his head yes.
Duke Hargen winces, as he sits there in silence. While those in court, well those who have been yelling and shouting. Stare at the heir of the duchy in disbelief, as he stands there in the grip of two of duke Hargen's personal guards.
After a while, duke Hargen stands and says "Court is finished for the day" followed by "Berric with me".
"Take the prisoner back to our quarters" quickly says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard to captain Ardel, as well as the experienced guard Ludoc.
"Always have him under watch" adds the commander who is also a swordmaster, he nods at the squad led by young Barron and adds "Have them watch him too" followed by "That's unless the army want them back".
The commander who is from the city of Savariss hurries away when the duke of Phelm impatiently nods for him to follow him from the large, circular chamber here in the ducal palace.
While many of those in attendance at court this afternoon, mill around in disbelief as they realise that the duke's heir is now guilty of the allegations brought by commander Berric.
Sir Tanvar is marched from court by members of duke Hargen's personal guard. Along with the small army squad led by the young squad leader Barron, who is from further south in the duchy of Phelm.
As they head back to the western side of the palace grounds, where their quarters are located.
Their commander follows after the duke of Phelm, who is flanked by two others in his personal guards.
Trailing along behind them are a number of those who were in attendance at court this afternoon. Including the wizard Melbar. As well as the nobleman in the red leather armour. Who has a young noblewoman walking with him, with her left hand on his right arm.
They all head to a large antechamber on the otherside of the palace from where court is held.
Once in the room, the duke starts pacing back and forth, as the others file in. The duke keeps glancing out the windows, which gives a pretty unobstructed view through the city to the east, all the way to the river, that runs along that side of Almaic.
Duke Hargen occasionally winces as he keeps looking that way, as he knows in couple of days, hopefully longer. That the enemy will be on the otherside of that river, and elsewhere around the city, that's the ducal capital.
The door closes, and the duke of Phelm finally stops pacing. He leans against the wall to the right of the windows, and looks at the commander of his personal guard.
"Hell, this is all we need" bitterly says duke Hargen, who continues with "And at this time, with the enemy moving further south towards us here in Almaic".
"Best to get it dealt with as soon as possible my lord" says swordmaster Berric, who continues with "And to name a new heir before the robber barons and their armies show up".
The duke of Phelm sourly smiles, then he glances at sir Lamard, his chamberlain. The older nobleman, who didn't indulge in the yelling and screaming at court as most of the nobility did.
Nods his head in agreement with what the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard just said.
"I suppose so" murmurs duke Hargen, who then says in a sour tone of voice "Considering there's a chance i might not survive the upcoming battle for the city".
A few of those in the antechamber here on the east side of the palace loudly disagree with that last bit from their duke.
But he holds up a hand to bring them to silence, then says "It's true" followed by "We haven't been able to stop them from rampaging south ever since they crossed the border from the unruled lands".
"There's a pretty good chance we won't stop them here in Almaic" adds the duke after a slight pause.
"And whose fault is that?" says a voice that speaks up for the first time.
Commander Berric turns and looks at sir Alfred. A burly man, nearly fifty years old, from further south in the duchy. Who was the one who has spoken. And who is staring at the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
The swordmaster from the city of Savariss knows the burly looking nobleman didn't come up with that on his own.
The suggestion was probably put forth to him by the nobleman standing beside him.
Sir Yarrim, the nobleman from the southern border region of the duchy of Phelm.
Commander Berric knows he's a fine swordsman. But what makes the nobleman in the red leather armour deadly, is that he's also a sorcerer. A pretty powerful one from all accounts.
Standing with the powerful nobleborn sorcerer, is the lady Elaine. The younger sister of duke Hargen. Who is more than likely, the one to be named as his new heir.
For though woman don't usually ascend to the ducal throne, here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. That doesn't mean they can't.
And there's also the fact, she's the only relative of duke Hargen over the age of sixteen. The age that one has to be to rule a duchy here in the north of the kingdom.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard looks at sir Alfred, whose tone was accusatory if there ever was one. And he tells him "Well, don't look at me sir Alfred".
The swordmaster from the city of Savariss in the north of Phelm continues with "I'm not in the army".
Commander Berric briefly pauses, before he adds "Though i recall seeing your own men with the armies up north fighting the enemy sir Alfred, but i don't recall seeing you up there".
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard looks around at the other nobles who have gathered in the antechamber here on the east side of the ducal palace, and he says "Infact i don't recall seeing any of you up there. Even though i fought side by side with many of your men".
There's a few sideways glances by some of the nobles, but there's even more angry stares from them directed at commander Berric, for him saying that.
The swordmaster, looks over at the duke who slightly shrugs. As is often his way in the smaller meetings he has with members of his court. As he prefers to let them discuss things before he makes a final decision.
Here we go, commander Berric thinks to himself as sir Yarrim steps forward, which is often his way when he wants to speak.
"That maybe so swordmaster" says sir Yarrim, who is softly spoken, which is against all appearances. As the sorcerer in the red leather armour has a pointed, almost cruel look to his features.
"But many of us have other responsibilities to attend to here in Almaic, and in our own lands" adds the nobleman who also happens to be a spellcaster.
"Well excuse me if i couldn't give a rats ass about your responsibilities sir Yarrim" says commander Berric who continues with "Because there's a good chance my oldest son, along with my younger brother are both dead fighting the enemy, while others remained here in the south, attending to their" he briefly pauses before adding "Responsibilities".
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guards then says "Hell, even sir Tanvar fought against the enemy before he fled and went rogue" the swordmaster from the northern city of Savariss then adds "That's more than can be said about others here".
As sir Yarrim goes to put a hand on the hilt of his longsword, duke Hargen says "That's enough Berric" followed by "And you too Yarrim".
The sorcerer takes his hand away from his weapon, and steps back after nodding to the duke.
Who withholds from sourly smiling, as he knows it's most likely his own sister Elaine. Who goaded the sorcerer Yarrim, along with sir Alfred to speak up.
Elaine, who not yet eighteen. Who to the nobility, and the common folk alike. Is the very picture of nobleborn femininity. Attractive, quick of wit, and attentive.
But the duke knows otherwise. As he's always known his younger sister would like to be more. And likes to have more.
So much so. She has been caught by his personal guards in bed with a number of army officers, and nobles alike over the last few years. Just so that she can get what she wants.
Though for the last few months, she has attached herself to sir Yarrim. So much so, that the duke a couple of weeks prior to him going north with his armies.
Gave a decree that lady Elaine and the sorcerer Yarrim were officially courting with a view to marriage.
The duke of Phelm doesn't know how long it will last. But so far it has. Which is a bit of a surprise to the duke whose duchy is under attack from the robber barons across the northern border.
The duke who knows that he has to make a quick decision dealing with his next heir, says "My sister Elaine will be the new heir of Phelm".
The attractive young woman nods her head to her older brother, who continues with "Until my son Jarric comes of age in another six years" the duke then silently adds, that's if any of us live that fucking long.
"Elaine you will be officially named the heir after we've dealt to Tanvar" quietly says duke Hargen, who looks at the commander of his personal guard, and asks him "What do you suggest?".
"Hang him" replies swordmaster Berric, who then adds "Either publicly in one of the city squares, or privately in one of the yards here in the palace" he follows that with "But hang him, it's what he deserves".
The duke looks at his chamberlain sir Lamard, who says "If your cousin the captain is guilty, then i agree with the commander, hang him".
"He's guilty" says the duke of Phelm, who looks first at his magical advisor, the wizard Melbar. Then at sir Yarrim the sorcerer, both of whom nod their heads in agreement that sir Tanvar is guilty of the allegations brought forth from commander Berric.
Slightly grimacing, duke Hargen looks at the swordmaster from the city of Savariss, and quietly says to him "Sir Tanvar shall be hung from the neck until he dies" the duke briefly pauses then adds "Do it here at the palace".
He looks around at those who have gathered here in an antechamber on the eastern side of the ducal palace, and says to them "I want as many of those at court this day, to attend the execution of my cousin Tanvar".
That duke of Phelm continues with "We'll have the town criers spread the word once the execution has been completed".
Commander Berric nods, then he asks the duke "How soon my lord?". As he knows the sooner the execution take place, the better.
"As soon as possible" replies the duke of Phelm, who then adds "Once we've finished up here".
The meeting in the antechamber on the east side of the ducal palace continues a little bit longer. Mostly discussing the defence of the city. Though since few of the military commanders are present. The meeting doesn't continue on for too long.
Once the duke calls the meeting to an end, commander Berric is one of the first to exit the antechamber. He makes his way along the hallway outside, where he spots Ludoc walking this way.
The swordmaster from the city of Savariss, glances back, and sees sir Yarrim and the lady Elaine, who have just walked from the antechamber. Looking in this direction as they quietly chat with sir Alfred. And unlikely trio as you'll ever find. Apart from the fact that all three are ambitious. And that the lady Elaine has slept with both men. Even though sir Alfred is nearly three times her age, and is married, and has grandchildren.
Commander Berric looks ahead, and as the experienced guard Ludoc comes to a stop infront of him, he quietly tells the guard who escaped the city of Savariss with him when it fell to the enemy "He's to be hanged".
"When?" asks Ludoc "As soon as possible" is the quiet reply from the swordmaster, who then adds in a slightly dry tone "In other words, when we can get a crowd gathered here in the palace to watch it happen".
They walk around the corner at the end of the hallway, and Ludoc quietly asks his commander "The new heir, who you thought it was going to be?".
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard nods his head yes, but gives a hand signal to the experienced guard to remain silent on the matter, as they pass through the main building of the palace of the duke of Phelm.
"Hell, and i thought fighting the robber barons was tricky" murmurs Ludoc as they head back to their company quarters on the west side of the palace grounds.
Commander Berric nods his head in agreement with what the experienced guard just murmured . . . . . .

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