Tuesday 8 January 2019

The Hire 84.

Near The City Of Almaic...

It's in the evening when the armies from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains come within sight of the frontlines of duke Hargen's forces defending the city of Almaic.
And it's immediately clear to those of the forward elements who get there first. That the duke and his forces are way more prepared, and are far more ready to defend Almaic. Compared to the hasty defence of the northern city of Savariss. Not to mention the two battles further north in the border region.
It's obvious that the defence of the capital city of Phelm is far more important than anything else. In particular to the nobility here, in what's essentially the south of the duchy.
For it seems even outside of the city, there's more soldiers and mercenaries at the disposal of the duke and his army commanders who have been tasked to stop the armies from the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains from taking the city of Almaic.
For the cavalry commander Darid Parsen, who is amongst the forward elements with his company. Is among some of the first to see the position of the enemy here to the northeast of the city.
Even though night has fallen, and the cavalry commander only has his natural sight to depend on. He can see much of the enemy lines here on the northeast side of Almaic due to the amount of campfires they've got.
Not just here, but elsewhere just to the north of the provincial capital.
As around him, his company and others in the forward elements start digging in. Darid Parsen looks at his second, Kalleb. Who hands him the magical eyepiece.
The cavalry commander, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen.
Looks through the leather wrapped, brass, cylindrical eyepiece. Which allows him to see in the dark with a faint green tinge to what he sees. Especially any light, which tends to briefly bloom green before one focuses on it.
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman looks directly towards the city of Almaic itself, which is just over two miles from his position.
"Well that north wall is a proper wall alright" quietly murmurs Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, who then adds "And sure enough the river runs along the entire east side of the city".
The cavalry officer who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, slightly nods his head, then quietly says "The information about the city we've got seems to be correct".
Commander Parsen briefly pauses as he looks along the top of the north wall of the city of Almaic, then at the enemy battlelines out here to the north of the capital city of the duchy of Phelm.
The councilor then adds "There's a shitload more of them here than what we faced up north along the border, and in Savariss".
"Think they've been holding out?" asks Kalleb the second in command of the cavalry company led by Darid Parsen.
The second, who like his commander, is speaking in the elven language, adds "Wanting to lure us down here, to a position of strength for them" Kalleb continues with "Let's face it, we've had it pretty easy so far. In little over the week, we've defeated them twice in battle. Taken their northern most city, and marched south to their capital with little resistance".
"I don't think so" quietly says Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson as he continues to look through the magical eyepiece "I just don't think many of them care that much for the northern region of the duchy. And in them, i mean the nobility. Who we know are concentrated here in the south of the duchy".
"Hell, who'd want to be duke in a place like this when the nobleborn act like that" quietly says Kalleb, who is from the hill ranges in the south of the lands Farque. A nation that's the largest in size in the Southlands, though sparsely populated for it's size. A nation that's located faraway to the south. Just to the north of the southern tundra. Where Zubutai the barbarian hordesman originally hails from.
"And to think one of those idiots wants to be the new duke here" sourly says the second in command of the cavalry company, who looks back behind them in the night. To the north and east, the direction the armies of the five robber barons of the unruled lands of the Colevar Mountains are approaching from.
"Now, now be nice about those who have hired us" says councilor Parsen, Kalleb snorts, and stays silent on the matter of the five robber barons who have hired the mercenary army from the lands Farque. The five robber barons, most of whom he thinks are useless. Or at least, next to useless.
Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin has the same opinion about them. Though he'd freely admit that both Gergus and Solamard are the two least useless. Not to mention, the least annoying of the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains. Who have banded together to wage war upon the duchy of Phelm, and it's ruler, duke Hargen.
Commander Parsen would also freely admit that neither one of them will be the new duke of Phelm after the Farqian mercenary army wins them their war against duke Hargen.
One of the other three robber barons. Almard, Larimer or Markell will be the new duke of the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell once the war for Phelm is won.
"Enough of them" murmurs councilor Parsen, who goes back to concentrating on the enemy. As he looks at their battlelines, then back to the city of Almaic itself.
Then as he looks along the top of the north wall of the city. The cavalry commander who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, where he was a foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic, slightly frowns as he notices something.
"What's that?" asks Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who hands the magical eyepiece back to his second, and adds "Along the top of the north wall?" he continues with "Looks like canvas coverings of some kind".
"Looks like it" quietly says Kalleb as he looks through the brass, cylindrical eyepiece and spots what his commander has described "I don't know" adds the second in command of the cavalry company.
After a few moments of silence, Darid Parsen asks his second in command "Any reports from our spies come in yet?".
"Nothing so far" answers Kalleb, who after brief pause, adds "That i know of".
Commander Parsen slightly nods, then he looks around at those in their company, who are busy digging in for the night.
"Where's Zaneff?" asks the cavalry commander who is part of the personal council of lord Farque.
"Gone to get a closer look at them" replies Kalleb who nods in the direction of the enemy lines. The closest of which, is just half a mile away.
"He should be back fairly soon" continues the second in command, who then adds "He said he was just going to take a quick look".
That indeed turns out to be fact. As the water elemental spouter who is the lead scout in the cavalry company. And the only member of the company not to have a mount.
Is soon standing infront of the two officers, quietly telling them about what he saw from his quick observation of the enemy who are defending the city of Almaic.
After he listens to the water elemental's quick explanation of the enemy's position that's closest to them.
Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson asks his lead scout "You see that on the top of the north wall there?" followed by "Looks like they're under canvas of some kind".
The water elemental spouter who doesn't need to look through the magical eyepiece to see what commander Parsen has described.
Slightly frowns as he spots them along the top of the north wall of Almaic.
"War machines of some kind perhaps?" says Zaneff the water elemental spouter, who after a slight pause, continues with "Though they've got catapults up there already, so why would they have something else under cover?".
Both commander Parsen and his second in command Kalleb nod to that, then the water elemental who is the lead scout of the squad says "You want me to go and have a closer look, and see what they are?".
The cavalry commander is silent for a few moments as he thinks about it, then Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin says "No, continue to keep clear of the city itself" followed by "I don't want you to accidentally get in the way of any of the spies and their contacts who are in there".
Even though Zaneff knows he wouldn't do such a thing. He can see the commander's wisdom on the matter. As the spies in the Farqian mercenary army who have infiltrated duke Hargen's forces.
Along with those who have been keeping in contact with them. And taking their reports back to the field commanders and other senior staff in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Are to have free reign wherever they are within the duke's forces. And it's best to wait for whatever they report.
"Whatever it is, it's probably not something healthy towards us" dryly says Kalleb, both the cavalry commander and the water elemental spouter nod in agreement to that as they look towards the city of Almaic this evening.
A little bit later in the night, and Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman is called to a meeting when the first of the armies, the one led by field commander Drubine starts showing up.
The cavalry commander who is chatting with Zaneff, who has just told him more of their advanced forcess are to the west, directly north of Almaic, have arrived. Who include captain Weldin's patrol, along with the goblin battalion led by Dorc da Orc.
When a messenger finds him, and informs him of the meeting.
Commander Parsen and his second Kalleb as well as Zaneff head back, going by their company. Where they bring sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who has been traveling with them. Along with them to the meeting. For the simple reason the cavalry commander doesn't want the former paladin doing something stupid. Like attack the enemy battlelines by himself.
As the army that's mainly comprised of the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer arrive and set up camp.
A pair of Farqian soldiers led them to where the young field commander Tamric Drubine has his command tent already up amongst the others who are from the lands Farque who are with this particular army that's come down from the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
They enter the large lamp lit command tent, and briefly pause as they see in one corner of the tent, the undead wardog handler Jessup sitting upon a camp chair.
The cavalry commander who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, who just happens to inhabit the body of Darid Parsen nods his head to Jessup. Before he and the other three make their way to the table that a number of others are gathered around.
As the water elemental Zaneff quietly confers with a subaltern and one of the ranger captains about what he has observed of the enemy's battlelines. As they look over a number of maps detailing the area around the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Darid Parsen says "Captain Weldin's company and Dorc's goblin battalion have arrived further to the west" he continues with "Arrived a bit later than what i expected".
"They had good reason" dryly says Mira Reinholt the mage, who then tells why the goblin battalion, and captain Weldin's patrol turned up late to where they've been assigned to watch the enemy. The cavalry commander sourly smiles once his fellow councilor tells him what happened.
"I hope you dropped him in that river" says commander Parsen "I did" replies the once powerful mage, which gets a few chuckles from those around the table, especially sir Percavelle Lé Dic who loudly guffaws at hearing his rival the ork warleader took an unexpected dunking in a river.
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, then looks at the young field commander Tamric Drubine and asks him "So, what are your plans?".
They already have a provisional plan for an attack upon the city of Almaic. With the three armies led by the trio of field commanders in the Farqian mercenary army attacking the north and west sides of the capital city of the duchy of Phelm.
While the fourth army, the largest of the armies that has invaded Phelm. Which is led by general Halvane, will attack the east side of the city, from across the river Mareb, which runs along that side of Almaic.
Commander Parsen listens in silence to what Tamric Drubine has to say. Now that they've started to get detailed reports of the enemy's positions around the city. As well as their capabilities within the city.
The young field commander, along with his fellow field commanders Leivyn and Talbot. As well as general Halvane. In conjunction with their senior staff. Including the councillors Reinholt, Parsen and Raendril. Will come up with the detailed attack upon the city which is just a little over two miles away from the tent they're in.
"I see no reason why we can't take the city" says Tamric Drubine after explaining what he will do, the teenage noble from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now a field commander in the armies of Farque, then adds "Though with the amount of resources and men they have here, it won't be as easy as when we took Savariss".
Everyone agrees on that, then the young field commander, who is commonly called Tam by those who know him well, adds "What i am worried about, is what will happen after we've taken the city, and captured or killed the duke".
The son of a former knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin briefly pauses before he continues on with "We've basically got a number of armies here who might all turn on one another as the robber barons squabble over who will be the next duke of Phelm".
In the silence that follows that, a voice speaks up from a corner in the command tent, it's the undead wardog handler Jessup who says "Don't worry about that".
The undead being continues with "They're paying us to win this war against duke Hargen of Phelm, so that's what we'll do".
Jessup, a man seemingly in his late forties, who wears the heavy leather armour of a foot soldier, briefly pauses then quietly says "Now if one of them is willing to continue paying us with what comes next" he briefly pauses again, before slightly shrugging as he adds "Well, who knows what will happen".
There's silence in the command tent as those gathered around the table glance at one another. Then after slightly nodding, it's the mage Reinholt who resumes the previous conversation, as he says to commander Drubine "You'll have to confer with Leivyn and Talbot, and the general with what you'll exactly do to take the city".
As the conversation continues. Darid Parsen who noticed that Helbe the elven thief isn't in attendance. Nudges his fellow councilor, Mira Reinholt, and quietly asks him "Where's the royal thief?".
The cavalry commander thought the elven princeling might be watching over Tovis the war engineer. But someone mentioned that Shur Kee the monk is with the young engineer. While Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson spotted Lisell Maera outside of the command tent with a number of other runners and messengers.
The spellcaster who is in exile from his homeland the city-state of Vexil, nods his hooded head in the direction of the city of Almaic, and quietly says to his fellow councilor "He's gone to meet his little friend in the city".
The once powerful mage who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster then quietly adds "And to check out what's going on in there".
Commander Parsen slightly nods his head, as he should of expected that's what the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel would be up to.
He just hopes the elven masterthief doesn't get distracted whilst in Almaic. Distracted as in going off and stealing something when he should be observing the enemy forces within the capital city of the duchy of Phelm . . . . . .

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