Wednesday 16 January 2019

The Hire 90.

Almaic. Phelm. Nastell...

Over on the east side of the city of Almaic. They glance at one another as they hear the sound of explosion away on the north side of the city.
"That wasn't a magetube firing that time" says the squad leader Barron "It definitely wasn't" says Shawtus McQuade, who has just come down from the top of the tower with his cousin Smawfri, along with Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
Away to their right, a catapult is being rolled across the boulevard, and is being placed closer to the docks.
As the enemy can now clearly be seen to the east of the city, across the Mareb river. Now that the first light of the morning is upon the duchy of Phelm, and the rest of the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
"What did you see up there?" asks the young squad leader with a nod of his head to the top of the tower beside them.
"They've got a few war machines" is the reply of the slightly older, not to mention slightly taller of the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains. His cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement with him.
"What they do have is a lot of barges and rafts" adds Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, the McQuade cousins nod in agreement with the elf they all think is a mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae.
"Hell, they'll be sitting ducks if they try to cross the river like that" quietly says Barron, who continues with "Even i know that".
They fall silent as the squad leader Kamnix, whose larger squad their small squad has been added to. Walks over to them after speaking with an officer at the base of the tower.
"We're to help protect this tower" says Kamnix, a gruff looking fellow, fairly short, who is in mid thirties, and who along with the rest of the larger squad, is part of sir Yarrim's forces.
He gestures at the nearby catapult and continues with "Along with that catapult and the next one along".
The squad leader who is part of sir Yarrim's household, looks at the small squad, who number a dozen, including the trio of non humans. Who have survived intact a battle near the border with the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Along with the battle for the northern city of Savariss. Who have made it safely south, to the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"I know you lot survived the battles up north" adds the squad leader Kamnix, who follows that with "But here in Almaic, we're to stop the enemy for good unlike what happened up north". He briefly pauses, before asking "Understood?".
"Understood" is the reply from Barron who answers for the rest of them.
"Good, make sure you do" says Kamnix, who then makes his way to the nearby catapult that's being prepared to fire upon the enemy once they come into range across the river.
"Fucking blowhard" mutters Smawfri McQuade in dwarven to his cousin Shawtus who grunts in agreement.
Then the slightly younger, and slightly shorter of the dwarven warriors quietly continues in common with "I bet he's never even been in a battle" followed by "Probably only scraps his lord's had with their neighbours".
Then they turn and look to the otherside of the boulevard as army wagons and carts start showing up, and a sergeant at arms starts calling out that food has arrived.
"Might as well, since we didn't get anything to eat when we left the palace" says Barron "And who knows when will get fed next" adds the young squad leader who is from further south in the duchy of Phelm.
They look over and see Kamnix wave at them and the others in the larger squad to go and get something to eat.
They cross the boulevard to do so, as they do, they hear thuds in the distance, around on the north side of the city.
"Magetubes again" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy when Barron glances at him "Less this time compared to the first volley" adds the elven spy in the armies of Farque who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
The young squad leader looks back behind them, to across the otherside of the Mareb river, where the enemy are. And though only their forward elements are anywhere close to the river, that acts as a moat along the east side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Barron, even with his limited human vision. Can see the bulk of the enemy army to the east, making it's way towards the river Mareb. Which is about fifty yards wide along this stretch of the river.
The young squad leader from southern Phelm looks forward again. Then goes in search of something to eat from the wagons and carts laden with food. More of which is arriving all the time. As supplies, for now at least. Are abundant here in the city of Almaic.
After getting a round loaf of bread, and a wedge of cheese. As well as some fruit. The spy Tanith spots a familiar figure amongst those around one of the wagons further away to the left.
Dalinvardél Tanith, who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by while ensconced in the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Moves away from the others, pretending to check out one of the other wagons, to see what he can find to eat there.
The elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, where he once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland.
Stands beside the figure in the white hooded cloak. Who is elven like himself. And appears to be a mercenary ranger like himself too.
"Care to elaborate what's going to happen?" quietly asks Dalin in the elven language as they stand at the corner of a building behind one of the army wagons on this side of the boulevard, as the sun starts to rise in the sky to the east.
"Not particularly" is the quiet reply of Helbe the elven thief in the same language, who flashes a grin as next to him, the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army sourly smiles.
Then the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, quickly details the plan of attack upon the city of Almaic. Paying particularly attention to what is planned along this side, the east side of the city that's the provincial capital.
The spy Tanith listens in silence as the elven magic user quickly explains things to him. As well as suggesting a number of ways to escape the city of Almaic when things are expected to get more than a little chaotic.
"I'll keep that in mind" murmurs Dalin in his native language "Keep safe" quietly says the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel in the same language, which isn't his native language. As it's his second language, due to the fact the royal elven language, sometimes known as the noble elven language, is his native language.
"And don't get killed" dryly adds prince Helbenthril Raendril "I could say the same thing to you" sourly murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith.
The elven masterthief, who is the younger of the two elves. Has already turned, and is walking away down the street to the side of the building they're infront of.
The spy Tanith, then makes his way back to the others. Who have crossed back over to the otherside of the boulevard, to eat their early morning meal. On what feels, and looks like will be another warm summer's day here in the duchy of Phelm, in northern Nastell.
As he slices the bread and cheese with his belt knife as they sit upon the dock, Dalin listens to the conversations of those around them.
Next to him, the McQuade cousins are muttering away at one another in the dwarven language. While others in their small squad are quietly talking about whether they'll survive this battle. As they did the previous battles further in the north of the duchy against the armies of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains. Who have banded together to wage war upon duke Hargen and his army.
From what Helbe the elven thief explained to him about the plans to the attack the city of Almaic.
The spy Tanith suspects very few of them will survive the battle that's already got underway this morning. Definitely on the north side of the city, and maybe along the west side of the city too.
The elf originally from the principality of Alínlae, who is now in the armies of Farque. Hears many of those in the larger squad discuss how they think the battle will go.
And as he eats the bread and cheese he's sliced, Dalinvardél Tanith slightly nods his head as to what Smawfri suspected earlier. That most of those in the larger squad they've joined up with, sound like they've never been in a substantial battle before.
The elven spy glances at Shawtus, who is looking southwards along the boulevard, slightly frowning as he does so.
"What is it?" quietly asks Dalin "A bunch of high muckedy mucks just went into the next tower along" is the reply of the slightly older dwarven warrior.
Both the spy Tanith and the other dwarven warrior look that way, as Shawtus McQuade quietly continues with "Pretty sure one of them is this lot's lord".
"Yarrim?" quietly ask Dalin "Aye, that's the one" is the quiet answer from Shawtus McQuade, who then adds "And i think the new heir too".
They watch the next tower further south along the boulevard, about sixty or so yards from them.
And in the early morning light of dawn as they hear more magetubes upon the north wall of the city firing again.
They see sir Yarrim and a number of others appear on the roof of the tower to south of them along the docks.
"The sorcerer alright" quietly says Dalin who then adds "He sticks out in that red armour like anything".
Both of the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains grunt in agreement with the elf, they think is a highly accomplished ranger. Who is a hired mercenary like themselves.
The elven spy in the armies of Farque who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army then quietly says "That's his lady love with him, the duke's younger sister, the lady Elaine".
"Aye that's her alright" quietly says Shawtus McQuade, who then adds "Yeah that's him" in reply to the spy Tanith saying "That other with them is sir Alfred i think his name is".
"They must be expecting a fair bit of trouble around on this side of the city" quietly says the older McQuade cousin "Especially considering the battle has already started away on the north side of the city" adds Shawtus McQuade.
Dalin just nods his hooded head to that, then as the young squad leader Barron sits down beside the three of them.
A number of those in the larger squad led by Kamnix, spot their lord upon the roof of the next tower to the south. And start calling out his name, and begin cheering and clapping for him.
"They seem to like him" quietly says Barron to the trio of the non human mercenaries "Aye that they do" says Shawtus McQuade, who looks around then quietly adds "Though many others don't seem to".
As they see others nearby, many of whom are getting their breakfast from the wagons and carts across on the otherside of the boulevard.
Are ignoring the trio of nobles upon the roof of one of the towers alongside the docks. Many of which stick out into the Mareb river.
"Well, whatever their feelings for him are" quietly says the young squad leader who hails from further south in the duchy of Phelm, who continues with "Apparently he's a powerful sorcerer, so he wouldn't be out here for no reason".
Probably because the army approaching this side of the city, is a hell of a lot bigger than the three other armies already attacking the city, Dalinvardél Tanith dryly thinks to himself.
The elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army continues to watch the trio of nobles, and the others with them, upon the roof of the tower to the south of where they are along the riverside docks here in the city of Almaic.
And after a while the lady Elaine makes her way down from the roof of that tower, and leaves with an escort of guards. Presumably to return to the duke's palace.
A little bit later, after Dalin, the McQuade cousins and Barron have finished their meal. They see sir Yarrim and sir Alfred, along with others exit that tower.
Sir Yarrim the sorcerer looks in this direction and calls out "Kamnix make sure you hold this part of the docks!".
"I will sir!" shouts back Kamnix, the nobleman from the southern border region of the duchy gives a friendly wave to the squad leader who is a member of his household.
Then he, along with sir Alfred and the others with them. Turn and head south along the boulevard that's runs down much of the east side of the city. To check on the defences there.
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae and the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains glance at one another, then they look at their young squad leader.
"I doubt we'll see him in battle here, unless things are desperate or he thinks he can actually make a difference" quietly explains Dalin, Shawtus McQuade grunts in agreement, while Smawfri McQuade mutters something rather unpleasant in the dwarven language about the sorcerer, sir Yarrim.
Barron slightly nods, then after looking in the direction of the nobles walking south along the boulevard. He glances towards the squad leader Kamnix, who is standing nearby talking to some of the others in the larger squad.
"I bet he doesn't even know his lord has left him here to fend for himself" quietly says Barron "That's a bet you'd get no return on if you made it" sourly says the slightly older and slightly taller, Shawtus McQuade.
Dalinvardél Tanith nods his hooded head in agreement, then as they continue to hear the sounds of magetubes firing, and explosions from the north side of the city.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae, who is now in the armies of Farque, stands up and takes an apple from a pocket in his cloak, as he says "Might as well get ready".
The spy Tanith takes a bite of the apple, then nods across to the otherside of the river Mareb and says "They'll be in range fairly soon" . . . . . .

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