Tuesday 29 January 2019

The Hire 98.

Almaic. Phelm. Nastell...

They're in flat metal tubs that have been placed on various rafts and barges, that have been put into the river Mareb by those in the army that's come down from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, led by general Halvane from the Farqian mercenary army.
The wax bushes, or Keros bushes as they're called by elven kind. Are lit, and the rafts and barges they're on. Are pushed out from the riverbank opposite to the city of Almaic.
They're pushed out from the bend in the river to the northeast of Almaic, the capital city of the duchy of Phelm, which is in northern Nastell.
Thick white smoke starts coming off the slow burning wax bushes, as they start floating southwards along the river, that runs along the east side of Almaic.
Further south along the largest river in all of northern Nastell. Where it runs along the side of the city of Almaic. On the boulevard that's right next to the river, here on the east side of the city.
They look up at the tower they're next to, when one of the lookouts calls out that he sees in the distance to the north along the Mareb river. That there's smoke on the water.
The trio of non human mercenaries in the small squad all glance at one another after looking up at the top of the tower, and the lookouts up there.
Then Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy makes his way forward onto the dock infront of them. And walks out onto the pier, that goes out about seventy feet into the water.
The elf who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, where he served in the household of one of the more prominent noble families there. Who is now serving in the armies of Farque. Who  has infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
Ignores the yelling from the other squad leader Kamnix, telling him to get off the pier. As he looks northward along the river without the nearby tower getting in the way.
Looking back at those along the edge of the dock, in particular the small squad who he arrived here in Almaic with. A small squad that is led by young Barron. And which the the dwarven warriors, the McQuade cousins, Shawtus and Smawfri are a part of.
"Smoke on the water alright" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy to the watching squad "A floating smoke screen by the looks of it" adds the spy Tanith who has already survived a couple of battles, where the army he has infiltrated, was soundly beaten by his own side of the conflict.
There's a loud splash in the water just beyond the end of the pier where a boulder shot from one of the catapults on the otherside of the river has just hit.
Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by whilst ensconced in the army of duke Hargen.
Ignores the large spray of water further behind him as he walks back to the edge of the dock, and rejoins the small squad he's a part of.
As the nearby catapult shoots back at those on the otherside of the river,
And ignoring the squad leader Kamnix, who after glaring at the spy Tanith. Wanders away down the boulevard.
The elven spy who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from his homeland says to the young squad leader Barron, and the McQuade cousins "From what i could just see around the bend in the river in the distance, is that they've got quite a few rafts and barges in the water".
Dalin, who along with Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade, has informed young Barron that the enemy forces have got river craft loaded with wax bushes, then quietly adds "That smoke will be a while getting this far down the river".
The elf who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, gestures at the river as he continues with "It isn't exactly flowing as quickly as it was at dawn when we got here".
The spy Tanith knows exactly why it isn't. Water elementals. Predominantly coursers. Who are in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Who are now controlling the flow of the Mareb river as it goes by the city of Almaic.
"Why exactly will they need all that smoke?" asks Barron the squad leader, he continues with "I know to screen what they're up to across the river, but the spellcasters we've got here will be able to pierce it, and see what they're doing over there".
"Aye lad you got the gist of it" says Shawtus McQuade who is watching the enemy across on the otherside of the river.
"But these magic men we've got can only do so much" adds the slightly older and slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains.
"And word won't get to everyone along the riverfront here, of what those buggers across the river are getting up to" continues Shawtus McQuade.
His slightly younger cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement as he looks to the south of them. Where at the next tower along, a spellcaster is positioned.
"I don't think we've exactly got the cream of the crop of the spellcasters with us" quietly says Smawfri McQuade, who then adds "If you know what i mean".
The slightly younger and slightly shorter, not to mention the more temperamental of the two McQuade cousins quietly continues with "Added with these city guards we've been lumped with, I'd say this section of the riverfront we're to defend isn't expected to last very long if the enemy manage to cross the river".
His slightly older, and slightly taller cousin Shawtus grunts in agreement. While Dalinvardél Tanith nods his hooded head in agreement with that assessment.
The young squad leader from further south in the duchy slightly winces at that. For their small squad, along with the larger squad, which is from the household of sir Yarrim the sorcerer, and is led by squad leader Kamnix. Along with a bunch of city guards.
Are to defend the riverfront and boulevard between two of the watch towers that are dotted up and down the edge of the boulevard, along this side of the city of Almaic.
There's also a pair of catapults from the army between these two particular towers. Though their crews also from the duke's army. Are commanded by a couple of engineers in the engineering corp in duke Hargen's army.
"They're getting closer" says Dalin in a nonchalant manner as a boulder shot from an enemy catapult on the otherside of the river. Comes crashing down on the end of a pier, a bit further south from them. Not far from the tower that's directly to the south of them.
"Great" sourly says Smawfri McQuade in the dwarven language, he continues in that language, and tone with "I can't wait to get bombarded by all that fucking shit".
His slightly older cousin Shawtus grunts in agreement, then after looking around, says in the common language "Not much in the way of cover around here, unless we take shelter in the buildings across the boulevard".
Shawtus McQuade continues on with "Don't think that Kamnix will take to kindly to us doing that, so we'll just have to keep a careful eye on those war machines they've got across the river".
He then nods as his slightly younger, and slightly shorter cousin mutters "At least the bastards have got no trebuchets over there".
Dalinvardél Tanith nods his hooded head in agreement to that. But the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army. Knows that what's install for those defending the east side of the city of Almaic is going to be a hell of a lot worse than a bombardment from any trebuchets they could of faced.
The spy Tanith knows that he'll have to keep a careful watch on things. Especially if he wants to get out of this battle alive. Which indeed, he certainly wants to do.
Meanwhile, within the city of Almaic itself. The swordmaster Berric, and those with him. Including the experience guardsman Ludoc. Have left the grounds of the church of Glaine. And are returning to the ducal palace.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who along with Ludoc. Survived two battles against the enemy already this summer. One of which was the battle for the northern city of Savariss.
Glances over at Ludoc, who has just spotted a pair of city guards hurrying through an nearby lane, looking a little nervous as they glance this way.
"There'll be a bit of that" quietly says Ludoc with a nod of his head in the direction those two city guards went.
"Not reporting to duty once they've seen what's really going on" adds the experienced guardsman.
Berric the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard nods in agreement, then quietly says "It can't be helped". The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard quietly continues with "They'll end up fighting once the enemy enters the city".
"You think they will?" quietly ask the experienced guard Ludoc, the commander who is also a swordmaster, nods then says "With the way things have gone so far this summer, i wouldn't be surprised if they do".
Commander Berric, who also happens to be the highest placed commoner in the court of duke Hargen of Phelm, continues with "After the battles along the border, then at Savariss, which fell in just a night. They're more than likely to do so. Even with the size of the force the duke has here". Ludoc slightly nods to that, then mutters "Damn".
The swordmaster who hails from the northern city of Savariss quietly tells the experienced guard "It won't be easy for them, and it'll take them some time to do so".
Commander Berric briefly pauses as they round a street corner, then he continues with "Though even then, they might not actually take the city".
"I hope not" murmurs Ludoc as they continue on their way back to the palace of the duke of Phelm, after observing the battle from the highest point in the city. The old bell tower in the grounds of the church of Glaine.
The streets are near empty compared to a normal summer's morning here in the city of Almaic.
They see very few people about, as word has spread throughout the capital of the duchy of Phelm that the armies of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, who have invaded the duchy of Phelm, have begun the attack upon the city of Almaic.
A magetube in the distance firing from the top of the north wall of the city, reiterates that the battle here in the city is well and truly underway.
They don't see too many more people on the streets as they return to the ducal palace. They see a squad of city guards, heading east. On their way to the boulevard that runs between the city proper and the riverfront that way.
And they also see a mounted messenger in the duke's army riding north from the palace.
Apart from that, they just see a handful of people on the streets. Which are usually busy in the mornings, before the heat of midday and the early afternoon. When people normally retreat indoors, to get out of the heat and have a long lunch.
The commander and his men, who are not part of the army. Whose sole task is to protect the duke of Phelm.
Feels constrained with what he's able to do. Though with the way things have gone so far this summer, he suspects before the battle for Almaic is over, he'll take command of something as they defend against the armies of the robber barons from north of the border, who have banded together to wage war upon the duchy of Phelm and it's duke, duke Hargen.
They get back to the palace grounds, which are more in the south of the city, than they are in the very center of Almaic.
Just as a messenger rides in from the western side of the city. He's one of only a few to do so this morning.
And as he approaches from behind, the swordmaster Berric calls out to him "What's happening out there?".
"They're continuing their bombardment of our lines out there commander" says the messenger who immediately recognises the swordmaster, the commoner who is highly placed in the court of the duke.
"They were moving their trebuchets forward again when i left" adds the messenger, commander Berric nods, and waves the rider by, who continues on his way to the main building of the palace.
It's the same building that the swordmaster and his men are heading to. And once inside, the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard finds the duke and others in the antechamber that's being used as a planning room.
The commander sees the messenger from the west of the city, talking to a couple of officers.
While he spots the duke is in conversation with his chamberlain, sir Lamard.
The swordmaster who hails from the northern city of Savariss. Looks around and spots a number of other important personages in the duke's court.
Notably the duke's younger sister, and new heir, the lady Elaine. As well as sir Alfred. The nobleman in his mid forties, wearing heavy armour. Who is the former lover of the much younger lady Elaine.
Her current beau, sir Yarrim the sorcerer doesn't seem to be in attendance at the moment.
And as they cross the antechamber to where the duke is, the swordmaster Berric quietly asks the experienced guardsman Ludoc "You see sir Yarrim anywhere?".
Ludoc looks around, carefully looking at everyone in the large antechamber, then shakes his head no, and quietly says "He's not here".
And where are you sorcerer? commander Berric thinks to himself, the common born member of the duke's court, knows that sir Yarrim won't shirk from any responsibility. Also knows that the nobleman, whose estates are along the southern border of Phelm. Doesn't willingly put himself in a situation unless there's some advantage to himself. Or if he wants to make a point about something.
The swordmaster from the city of Savariss, knows that out of all of those in the current court of the duke of Phelm. It's the nobleborn spellcaster, sir Yarrim who is the most opportunistic.
Who he wouldn't put it past him, that he has designs upon the ducal seal of Phelm. Which is even more evident to commander Berric, now that the sorcerer's lover, the lady Elaine is the new heir to duke Hargen.
And you helped him get into that position, the swordmaster Berric sourly thinks to himself, who unwittingly did so by bringing sir Tanvar, the younger cousin of the duke, and his former heir, to court. And laying charges against him, which ended in sir Tanvar being executed, just last night. When he was hanged out in one of the courtyards on the western side of the palace grounds.
"Berric you're back" says duke Hargen when he sees the commander of his personal guard, the duke of Phelm, the northern most duchy in the kingdom of Nastell, continues with "What did you see from up in the old bell tower of Glaine?".
The swordmaster reports what he and his men saw from up in the old bell tower in the grounds of the church of Glaine.
And though they saw the fighting was heaviest to the north of the city. Then a little bit less so to the west, where the enemy was concentrating on bombarding the duke's battlelines with their war machines.
The swordmaster Berric tells the duke of Phelm that he suspects the enemy will make their major push from the east side of the city, even with the wide flowing Mareb river between them and the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
After the commander explains things as he sees it, he quietly asks the duke "Where's sir Yarrim?" as he looks around at the others in the large antechamber.
Duke Hargen tells the commander of his personal guard about the mageglobe that got through the wards around the palace. Which exploded just inside this very building. Though doing no damage, apart from knocking down those who got caught up in it.
And how sir Yarrim the sorcerer has gone to find the enemy spellcaster responsible for it.
Commander Berric shares a look with the experienced guard Ludoc. For they too were caught up in a mageglobe explosion, in the battle along the border. And that explosion killed everyone with the exception of them and lord Chesíe, who would be killed later on during the battle for Savariss.
The fool, he's been lured into a trap, the swordmaster Berric thinks to himself referring to sir Yarrim. The commander might not know an awful lot about things magical. But from what he's seen, and been told. If a mage wants to kill you, they will. If not, they're drawing you into a trap of some kind, as some of the spellcasters in the duke's army learnt the hard way along the border to the north.
And which by what duke Hargen has just told him, commander Berric believes sir Yarrim the sorcerer is about to learn . . . . . .

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