Monday 21 January 2019

The Hire 93.


"What's happening over there?" asks Smawfri McQuade who after standing on his tippy toes, looks up at Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy beside him.
"Can't see shit" adds the slightly younger, not to mention slightly shorter of the two McQuade cousins.
"Nothing much" is the reply from Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who looks around the tower they're next to, and looks north along the Mareb river, to the otherside of it.
"Though i think they're up to something further to the north" quietly says the elven spy who serves in the armies of Farque, who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army. And finds himself here in the city of Almaic. Surrounded by armies, that are led by Farqian mercenary army.
The elf who hails from the principality of Alínlae, where he once served in one of the more prominent noble houses, looks over at their squad leader Barron.
"Should we go up and get a better look?" asks the spy Tanith who nods up at the top of the tower beside them.
Barron the squad leader sourly smiles, then says "We've been ordered to stay down here, and not go up".
Looking at an indignant Smawfri McQuade, the young squad leader from further south in the duchy of Phelm, says "That includes you three as well".
The slightly younger, and slightly shorter of the McQuade cousins sourly mutters something in the dwarven language, then switching back to common, he asks the young squad leader "Says who?".
"Kamnix" is the reply from Barron, Smawfri McQuade sourly smiles again, then mutters "The prick" followed by "He's got a high opinion of himself hasn't he?".
The dwarven warrior who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, where his family's clanhold is located, looks around then says in a voice that carries "As do all of sir Yarrim's men".
Barron winces, then quickly says "There's your cousin coming back" as he spots Shawtus McQuade coming back along the boulevard that runs along much of the east side of the city of Almaic.
Smawfri McQuade sourly smiles after he turns the other way, and spots his cousin coming back to the tower that their small squad is beside.
And before the young squad leader can ask the slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors what he found out, Smawfri McQuade asks his cousin Shawtus "What did you find out?".
"Not much really" says Shawtus McQuade as he stops beside his cousin Smawfri "We've got a spellcaster now" adds the slightly taller of the dwarven warriors who hail from the Sunreach Mountains.
"Oh?" says the slightly younger of the two cousins, who though bald, has a longer beard than his older cousin.
"Who?" asks the squad leader Barron "Some magic user in the duke's army" replies Shawtus McQuade, who gestures back the way he's come from, and adds "He's positioned himself in the next tower along".
"That's something i guess" quietly says Barron, whose small squad of twelve. Has joined with a larger squad of over sixty from the household of sir Yarrim. To protect this stretch of the boulevard and docks along the east side of the city of Almaic.
A stretch that includes the two towers, and also a pair of catapults. Not to mention the docks and piers here that are sticking out into the Mareb river.
They've also been joined by a number of the city guard. Who Barron has told his small squad. Are fine enough dealing with drunks and brawlers on the city streets. But are in no way to be trusted upon during an actual battle.
"The magic user, a fellow called Gribbon" says the slightly taller of the McQuade cousins, who continues on with "Said we might get some of the reserves in the army to help us out if they attack this part in force".
"I'll believe that when i see it" sourly says Smawfri McQuade, his slightly older and slightly taller cousin grunts in agreement. Then Shawtus McQuade as he looks across the river, asks "What are they up to?".
"Nothing much directly across from us" is what Dalinvardél Tanith says, which is true enough.
"Though they're up to something further to the north, where the river bends away from the city" adds the elven spy, which is also true enough.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by whilst imbedded into the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Sees no reason to lie, and misled those he's with concerning the army across on the otherside of the river.
They for the most part can see for themselves. Apart from the McQuade cousins. Who even with their naturally enhanced sight. Find it difficult to see directly across to the otherside of the river from down here at street level. For the simple reason the riverbank on the otherside is higher than the city side of the river.
With the two of them being both under five foot in height. They're about a half foot too short to get a good view of the army on the east side of the river Mareb.
"We could go up the tower again" quietly says Shawtus McQuade to his cousin Smawfri "Like we did before, when we got a pretty good view of them".
The slightly shorter and slightly younger of the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains sourly smiles, then says in a tone that matches his smile "We're not allowed to, none of us are".
"Says who?" asks Shawtus McQuade with a frown upon his face "That squad leader Kamnix" sourly replies Smawfri McQuade.
"The prick" mutters the slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors. His cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement with him.
And like his cousin Shawtus, he glares at the closest of those in the larger squad, who are from the army of sir Yarrim. A sorcerer, who happens to be in relationship with lady Elaine. The younger sister of duke Hargen. Who as of last night, is the duke's new heir.
The young squad leader Barron looks quickly at the spy Tanith for help. As he hopes the McQuade cousins don't cause any fuss with those in the larger squad. As it looks like they might do. As both of the dwarven warriors are glaring at those in the larger squad who are closest to them. All the while, muttering away to one another in their native language. Which is never a good sign. And which Barron knows probably involves a lot of swearing too.
The elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army who has infiltrated duke Hargen's forces. Glances quickly around, and spots something.
Then Dalin quietly says to the pair of dwarven warriors "Oi you two".
Getting their attention, the spy Tanith nods his hooded head for the McQuade cousins to follow him.
The elven spy who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from his homeland of Alínlae, heads across the boulevard followed by the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, who were once the co chieftains of their clan.
"Get on up" says Dalinvardél Tanith who jumps up into the back of one of the wagons that brought the meals a little earlier, just after dawn.
From the wagon bed, the elven spy looks down at the McQuade cousins and grins as he says "Need a hand up?".
The dwarven cousins look at him in disgust. Which only causes him to grin even more. They ignore his offered hand. And climb up into the wagon bed by themselves. Though they both grunt and swear a bit in dwarven as they help each other up into the back of the wagon.
"That's fucking better" says Shawtus McQuade, who along with his cousin Smawfri can now clearly see across to the otherside of the river, and the army over there.
"Hmmm" murmurs Smawfri McQuade, who says to the spy Tanith "You're right Dalin, they've not up to much directly across from us".
"They are there though" says the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army, who points away to the north on the otherside of the Mareb river. Where in the distance it turns away to the east.
Smawfri, then Shawtus McQuade grunt as they look that way. Then the slightly older, and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains says "Quite a few of those rafts and barges are up there. Some already in the water".
Shawtus McQuade slightly pauses, before continuing with "Think they'll put in there and use the current to come down river to the city?" he then adds "They'll be harder to hit than if they try to directly cross".
"Maybe" says Dalin who knows exactly what's going to happen when the army led by the Farqian general, general Halvane. Which is on the otherside of the Mareb river. Attacks this side of the city of Almaic, which is the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"Makes better sense than trying to cross the river directly" says Smawfri McQuade, both his cousin Shawtus, along with the spy Tanith nod in agreement with the younger of the McQuade cousins.
The dwarven warriors then quietly chat to one another in their native language as to what they think the enemy will do.
While next to them in the back of the wagon, Dalinvardél Tanith looks at those who will fight alongside them and their small squad led by young Barron.
After a few moments, Shawtus McQuade notices this, and asks the elf he thinks is a highly skilled mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae "What is it Dalin?".
"That lot" says the spy Tanith who gestures across the boulevard, first at those in the larger squad from sir Yarrim's army. Then at the contingent of city guards who are milling around. Not really sure what to do. Or what's expected of them.
"None of them exactly inspire confidence in anyway" says Dalinvardél Tanith "Aye" says Shawtus McQuade "Aye" adds Smawfri McQuade in agreement.
The slightly taller and slightly older of the dwarven warriors says "Most of those lads don't exactly know how to hold their weapons do they" as he watches the city guards across the otherside of the boulevard.
The spy Tanith, who is hooded this morning, nods his head in agreement. Then he quietly tells the McQuade cousins "We might need to take charge of them" he slightly pauses then adds "Even their company sergeant doesn't look like he knows how to handle his sword".
"Aye looks like it" says Shawtus McQuade, Dalin nods then says "At least with us in charge of them, that squad leader Kamnix might leave us alone".
The dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains grunt in agreement with that. For though young Barron has been made the second in command of this stretch of the defence of the city.
The squad leader Kamnix has made in painfully clear he isn't having Barron help him in anyway.
"At least those catapult crews are army and know what to do" says Shawtus McQuade, who then adds "I think they'll ignore that Kamnix and do their own thing".
"At least we can fucking hope so" says Smawfri McQuade, both his cousin Shawtus, and the spy Tanith agree with that.
Dalin looks directly across the river again, and he spots something then says "Their forward elements across from us are pushing towards the  edge of the bank over there".
The McQuade cousins who once co led their family's clanhold in the Sunreach Mountains. Look across to the otherside of the Mareb river. And see what the elf they think is a mercenary ranger, has just described.
"A feint maybe" murmurs Shawtus McQuade "Maybe" says his cousin Smawfri, who gestures away to the left and right on the other riverbank, then adds "Others in their front ranks are pushing forward too".
"This is it then, they're going to attack this side of the city" says the slightly older, not to mention slightly taller of the dwarven warriors who are cousins.
"They certainly seem to think so" says Dalinvardél Tanith who gestures across the boulevard to the closest of the two catapults. Where the crew leader is calling out orders.
"That Kamnix doesn't seem too pleased does he" quietly says Smawfri McQuade with a soft chuckle, as he points at the squad leader from sir Yarrim's army.
Who looks more than a little annoyed that the catapult crews are taking it upon themselves to retaliate against the enemy who are approaching the otherside of the river, which is only fifty yards away, or a little over a hundred and fifty feet.
The nearer of the two catapults flings it's shot of rocks and stones through the air, across the river Mareb, to the bank on the otherside.
The enemy soldiers and mercenaries who have come down out of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, and have invaded the duchy of Phelm, in northern Nastell.
Well, those in the front at least. Scatter as the catapult load goes well over two hundred feet, and comee crashing down upon those, who are too slow to get out of the way.
Up and down the long boulevard that runs along much of the east side of the city of Almaic. Catapults, and even a few trebuchets, are firing upon the approaching enemy upon the otherside of the river Mareb. Which is essentially a giant moat along the east side of the city that's the capital of Phelm.
"Well our part of the battle is certainly underway" says Shawtus McQuade, his cousin Smawfri nods in agreement, as does Dalinvardél Tanith, who points at the next tower directly to the south, and quietly tells the dwarven warriors who hail from the Sunreach Mountains "Keep clear of that tower".
The thick, bushy eyebrows of the McQuade cousins go up in surprise, and the spy Tanith quietly tells them "It'll definitely be a target, and come under heavy attack".
The elf who is from the principality of Alínlae, where he served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland, continues with "That magic user is there, he'll draw their attention for sure".
Both of the dwarven warriors grunt at that, then Smawfri McQuade sourly says "Forgot about that with spellcasters". He continues with "Every one of their's will be trying to kill the ones on our side".
"That is annoying" mutters Shawtus McQuade, who briefly pauses as the other catapult nearby, flings it shot across the river at the front ranks of the enemy.
While up and down the boulevard that runs along the east side of the city of Almaic. Archers, those with longbows at least. Are now shooting at the enemy. Some of whom are shooting back.
"They don't exactly have that many war machines over there" continues Shawtus McQuade, who follows that with "So i don't know what they're trying to achieve by pushing forward like this".
"Whatever it is, it's got something to do with that" says Dalin who points away to the north along the otherside of the Mareb river, where in the distance it curves away from the city that's the provincial capital.
The dwarven cousins from the Sunreach Mountains look that way too, and see that more barges and rafts have been put in the water.
Where they're out of range of the battlelines to the northeast of the city. And definitely out of range of anything along the east side of Almaic.
"What's that they're loading on them?" asks Shawtus McQuade "Looks like bundles of shrubs and bushes" murmurs Smawfri McQuade.
"You're right Smawfri" quietly says Dalin who knows exactly what they are "Look like wax bushes, what we elves call Keros bushes" says the spy Tanith who then adds "I think you dwarves call them that, or something similar too".
The McQuade cousins quickly glance at one another, then at Dalin. Shawtus says "Smokescreen". "Smokescreen" adds Smawfri "Smokescreen" says the elven spy.
As the Keros bush can burn without flame, emitting a thick, dense, white smoke.
"By Thaxel" mutters the slightly older of the two dwarven warriors, before he says in slightly sour tone "Now all we have to figure out is what they'll be bloody well hiding".
"That's true" says Dalinvardél Tanith, who then points across the boulevard from the wagon they're on the back of, then adds "But for now, we should get back and help young Barron".
The McQuade cousins grunt at that, and they jump off the back of the wagon behind the spy Tanith, and follow after him as he crosses the boulevard to rejoin their small squad.
As one of the nearby catapults fires another shot at the enemy across the otherside of the river, on this warm summer's morning in the duchy of Phelm . . . . . .

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