Sunday 10 February 2019

The Hire 105.

The City Of Almaic. The Duchy Of Phelm...

"We should probably go forward a bit and see what's happening" says Tovis the war engineer "Sounds like a plan" says Larris the sorcerer, who is the young engineer's second in command.
The war engineer glances back at Shur Kee the monk, who nods his head in agreement.
And the three of them set off, making their way forward. Followed by the scout, subaltern Jaxs. Who along with Shur Kee. Has been the young engineer's shadow ever since the battle began.
They've just moved two of the larger trebuchets forward, and closer together. Those two war machines are bombarding a section of the enemy battlelines. Where the city of Almaic, has spilled out beyond where a wall would be, here on the western side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Those two large trebuchets are targeting a number of enemy war machines that are amongst the buildings, and streets that are outside of the city proper.
As they make their way through the ranks of those who have still yet to advance. Tovis asks his second in command "What time do you reckon it is?" as he glances up at the clear blue sky, on what's another hot summer's day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
"Hmmm" murmurs the sorcerer in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who continues with "I'd say it's closer to midday than it is midmorning now".
"I agree friend Larris" quietly says Shur Kee the monk from behind the younger men, as he walks beside subaltern Jaxs. Who though is a scout officer in the Farqian mercenary army. She is also an assassin, who has trained under Helbe the elven thief.
Tovis nods, then quietly says "The field commander will order the big push soon".
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, where he was the war engineer to a baron Harkonin, continues with "The bulk of the army will head forward to help the front ranks and the forward elements who have already engaged with the enemy".
The sorcerer Larris, who is one of the more powerful spellcasters in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. An army that's in command of the forces of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains. Who have banded together to wage war upon duke Hargen of Phelm.
Says to the others "Don't worry, it'll pass well overheard" as they see a fireball that's been cast by an enemy spellcaster, heading more or less this way, on it's way to the war machines back, behind them.
The Farqian sorcerer, who like the war engineer is in his early twenties. Cast a barrier spell, about thirty feet above the ground. Which the incoming fireball, skips off. Sending it higher into the air, which will make it fly clear over the war machine it's targeting.
After glancing back at the fireball, that has careened upwards, and will miss his war machines. Tovis says "Over there" as he gestures away to their right "There's someone I've got to check on" adds the young engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic.
They make their way over to a wagon that's been brought forward from the rear elements and auxiliaries, where the camp followers have the supply wagons.
It isn't one of the ballista mounted wagons. But a normal covered wagon, which is guarded by black garbed Farqian soldiers. Who keep any of the robber barons soldiers and mercenaries away from it.
"Could you bring him out for a moment" says Tovis the war engineer to one of the Farqian soldiers. Who after glancing at subaltern Jaxs, who slightly nods her head yes. Says to the young engineer "Yes of course captain".
The young engineer, who holds the rank of captain in the Farqian mercenary army, nods and steps back. And two of the other Farqian soldiers, hop up into the back of the wagon.
A few moments later they help a bound at the wrists figure, down out of the back of the wagon.
They unbound his wrists, and after rubbing them. And after looking at the young engineer. He turns and looks at the city of Almaic.
"I'd never thought I'd see the capital Almaic under attack" quietly says the enemy guard captain Gallene.
"It could be worse" quietly says Tovis, who with the captain of the palace and city guard in the city of Savariss, has moved away a little bit from the wagon and the others.
"It could be the capital of your kingdom that's actually under attack" adds the war engineer who is now in the armies of Farque, when previously he was in the army of one baron Harkonin in eastern Druvic.
"Well, when you put it like that" dryly says the prisoner who was captured during the battle for the city in the north of the duchy of Phelm, the city of Savariss.
Tovis faintly smiles, then quietly asks the captain of the city guard in Savariss "You think they'll hold us out?".
"Of course" is the confident reply of captain Gallene, who after a slight pause, dryly continues with "Though if they can, is entirely a whole other matter".
The young engineer nods in agreement with that assessment from the prisoner, who is looking ahead. To where the forward elements and the front ranks of the army led by the Farqian field commander, Talbot. Have engaged with those defending this side of Almaic.
"Looks like you lot are preparing to advance en masse" quietly says captain Gallene, who happens to be a swordmaster like his older brother, Berric. Who is the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard
Who at this time in moment, is inside the city of Almaic. Not knowing that his younger brother is being held captive just outside of the city that's the provincial capital.
"We are" quietly says Tovis who has spoken quite often to the prisoner ever since he was captured during the battle for Savariss.
Captain Gallene looks around, then back, behind them. And after a while, he slightly frowns. The swordmaster, whose father was a swordmaster, who taught him and his older brother Berric.
Has seen how large the overall force is that the robber barons of the southern reaches in the Colevar Mountains, have brought with them in their campaign against duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
And from what he can see, it's not even a quarter of them here on the western side of Almaic.
Where frankly, he'd have most of them, since this side of the city doesn't have a wall as such.
"You think the duke and his commanders will reinforce this side of the city, from elsewhere after we fully attack here to the west of Almaic?" asks the war engineer who is previously from the kingdom of Druvic, who now serves in the armies of Farque.
Still frowning, the local swordmaster quietly says "I'm not sure" he momentarily pauses, before adding "Why?".
"Because that's what we want them to do" is the quiet reply from Tovis, who then silently adds, especially from the east side of the city, along the riverfront.
The young engineer who has no qualms of telling the prisoner part of what's going on. For the simple reason the guard captain can only tell his fellow prisoners. And that he has no chance of ever escaping.
Slightly waves his hand about in the direction of the battlelines where both sides are engaged. And where shots from both sets of war machines, are passing over as the battle on this side of the city intensifies.
"We want to draw as many of the duke's forces in the city over to this side" quietly says Tovis, Gallene the guard captain slightly nods in understanding, then he says "They might" the captain of the Savariss city guard continues with "Especially if it looks like you lot will actually get into the city".
Gallene momentarily pauses before he adds "From the north side of the city i guess".
"Some" says the war engineer, who after glancing around, he quietly tells the prisoner "Though mostly from the east side of the city".
Captain Gallene blinks in surprise when he hears that, and he looks away from the battle, and looks at the young man standing beside him,
""Eh?" says the guard captain from the city of Savariss, the young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic just slightly smiles in response to that, and doesn't elaborate.
While the swordmaster Gallene wonders why the hell would they want to attack from the east side of the city, across the river Mareb.
The captain of the guard doesn't know much about the duke's army commanders here in the city of Almaic. All of whom are from the south of the duchy. As are most of the nobility who are helping to defend the capital city of Phelm. The northern, not to mention the largest duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
But he knows they would of concentrated most of their efforts of defending Almaic, on it's northern side, and here on the western side of the provincial capital.
For the simple reason it's not viable to attack Almaic from across the river Mareb, which basically acts as a giant moat along the east side of the city that's the capital of the duchy.
True, war machines along with archers can shoot across the river. But you can't send foot soldier across as there's no bridges. And they'd be sitting ducks if they were to use any kind of rivercraft to cross over to the city.
"So you want to draw the duke's men from the east side of the city, over to this side" quietly says the guard captain from the city of Savariss, who then adds "Now why would you do that?".
Once again, the young engineer doesn't elaborate, and instead says "Best we get you back" as he gestures at the nearby wagon.
Tovis then adds "Like I've told you previously, you'll probably be freed after the robber barons take control of Phelm" he continues with "Even though you hold an important position".
"You mean i used to" dryly says captain Gallene, the war engineer nods to that, then says "You are a commoner, and they hold no grudge against you" he briefly pauses before continuing with "If you were a nobleman it would be a different matter".
"That's for sure" murmurs the swordmaster from the north of Phelm. Who knows he's a fairly lucky position as a prisoner at the moment. Unlike some of his fellow prisoners with him in the wagon. Who are nobleborn, whose fates are already sealed if and when the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, to the north of the kingdom, take over the northern duchy of Phelm.
Tovis returns the enemy guard captain from the city of Savariss back to the wagon, where his wrists are bound again, and he's helped back up into the covered wagon.
Then the war engineer, along with his second in command Larris, Shur Kee the monk, and subaltern Jaxs, continue on their way, heading forward through the ranks of the army that's mostly comprised of the robber baron Markell's army, and is led by the Farqian field commander, Talbot.
As they head forward, Tovis briefly stops and asks an officer in the Farqian mercenary army where the field commander and the rest of his senior staff are at the moment.
Once they find out, the war engineer, who is actually part of the field commander's senior staff as well, heads more to the right as they continue forward.
"Up there" says the sorcerer Larris as be points at an enemy fortification that's been taken over as they advance through the battlelines that have been taken by the Farqian mercenary army, who make up the forward elements, and front ranks of the army that's attacking this side of the city of Almaic.
They enter the fortification, which is still fairly intact. Unlike the one further ahead, and over more to the right. Which is smouldering after being burnt down a little while ago.
Tovis finds the field commander, and a number of his senior staff up on the archers platforms, observing the battle along this side of the city.
The war engineer and his second in command join them. While Shur Kee the monk, who is an honorary member of the personal council of lord Farque. And the subaltern Jaxs, who is an assassin as well as being an officer in the scouts division of the Farqian mercenary army. Remain down below, just beneath the platform that the other two have climbed up onto.
After greeting the field commander, then looking around and not spotting the robber baron Markell, or his second and any his other officers.
The war engineer asks the heavily armoured field commander "Where is he?".
"Back with his men" says field commander Talbot who knows exactly who the young engineer is referring to.
"Told him it would be best if he was back there since I'm going to command them forward fairly soon" adds the large, heavily armoured man who commands the heavy infantry in the Farqian mercenary army that's come north from their homeland, as they've been hired by the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, to help take over the duchy of Phelm for them.
Tovis nods when he hears that as he watches the battle along this side of Almaic continue to progress.
The war engineer then quietly asks the field commander "You think we'll get into those streets soon?".
Talbot, who isn't even sweating in his heavy armour, even though the day is hot, says "We will" he briefly pauses before continuing with "As for getting into the city proper, that might take a little longer than we anticipated".
"Oh?" says the young engineer in a tone of surprise, the field commander slightly nods, then quietly says "Some of the scouts have got in there, and they've reported that there's a shitload of them hiding out in those buildings there" as he points to where the city has spilled out beyond where a wall would normally be in comparison to the rest of Almaic.
"Seems they guessed right, and knew we would attack this side of the city in force" says the large, heavily armoured field commander who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "Which really isn't that much of a surprise, considering they've got no fucking wall on this side of the city".
Tovis faintly smiles at that, then the young engineer who originally hails from the kingdom of Druvic, tells the field commander about his conversation with the prisoner, captain Gallene.
After listening to what the war engineer has to say, the heavily armoured field commander says "So, he doesn't think we'll cross the river to attack the city".
He nods towards the city and continues with "I bet that lot don't think we will either" commander Talbot then adds "They're in for a surprise when we do".
The field commander in the Farqian mercenary army looks at the young engineer and tells him "Which is all the more reason we've got to draw as many of them away from that side of the city, over to this side".
Commander Talbot looks over at his second in command, who is on the next platform to the right, and tells him "Give the command" followed by "I want the bulk of Markell's army to advance".
"Yes field commander" says the second in command of this particular army, one of four that's attacking the city of Almaic. This one on the west side, two to the north of the city. As well as one to the east of Almaic, across the Mareb river.
The order is given, and a little while later, the army of the robber baron Markell, starts to march forward across the ground the forward elements and front ranks, who are from the Farqian mercenary army. Have already taken from the enemy.
Tovis the war engineer looks back, and sees that some of his catapults are moving forward now. And will soon be within range of the enemy. As the larger trebuchets already are. As they continue their bombardment upon the duke Hargen's forces on this side of the city, that's the provincial capital.
"I'm off to keep an eye on my crews and their machines" says Tovis the war engineer to the field commander, who nods at him before he leaves, and says "Don't get yourself too far forward captain".
"I won't" replies the young engineer, who along with his second in command Larris, climbs down off the archers platform, and rejoins Shur Kee the monk and subaltern Jaxs.
The four of them head back, to rejoin the rest of the engineering corp and the war machine crews as the bulk of the army starts advancing, as the battle for the city of Almaic continues to rage on . . . . . .

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