Sunday 24 February 2019

The Hire 115.

The City Of Almaic...

The port side magetubes onboard the twin masted frigate in duke Hargen's small fleet, opens up.
They don't fire in unison. They fire over a few moments, as the warship slightly rises at an angle once it's over the boulevard, then the river Mareb along the east side of the city of Almaic. The capital city of the duchy of Phelm.
Magetube shots, some of which are easily sixteen foot wide. Streak through the smoke, easily burning it away when the balls of pure magical energy come into contact with it.
It's pretty much impossible not to see them. Even amongst those on the ground. Many of whom jumped in fright at hearing just over fifteen magetube firing within moments of one another.
One of those on the ground who didn't jump in fright at hearing the broadside from the nearby warship in the early afternoon, smoke shrouded sky.
Is Shawtus McQuade, who says "The smaller ship, the twin masted one". The slightly older and slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach mountains adds "The frigate".
Those at the end of the lane just off the boulevard, look up as Shawtus and Smawfri both point up to their right, as the first of the magetube shots comes into view. Followed by another, then another, and so on.
Going from their right to left, scorching away the smoke they come into contact with. Allowing those in the lane, and along the boulevard. To actually see a bit of what's happening.
Also watching the broadside that's just been shot from duke Hargen's airship over this part of the city. Is sir Yarrim the sorcerer. Who along with two of his personal household guards. Is upon a rooftop on a street, just back from the long boulevard that runs along the east side of the city of Almaic.
They watch the magetube shots burn away a lot of the smoke, first over part of the boulevard. Then over the Mareb river which the balls of pure magical energy start heading along.
The first few of the magetube shots are slightly lower, and are going downwards quicker than those following.
This isn't worrying to those watching. Well those, watching from the city side of the Mareb river.
Where the fighting amongst the smoke, along the riverfront and the docks. Briefly pauses as the combatants turn to see what's happening.
To make sure that none of those magetube shots come flying their way.
The fighting resumes fairly quickly once the shots have passed overhead. Magetube shots that are steadily dropping in height. As they were shot downwards at an angle.
Then the first couple of shots drop down below where the surface of the water would normally be.
Those in the army led by general Halvane in the Farqian mercenary army. Who are crossing the empty riverbed. Look up as the first of the magetube shots pass overhead.
The order to hurry comes from many of the officers crossing the dry riverbed.
Soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. As well as soldiers and mercenaries in the armies of the five robber barons of the Colevar Mountains. Who have invaded the duchy of Phelm, to wage war upon it and its duke.
Start rushing across the riverbed to the city side of the Mareb as they see the magetube shots are heading straight to the wall of water. That's holding back the Mareb along much of the east side of the city of Almaic.
Then as the port side magetubes upon the duke Hargen's frigate start firing again, though one by one now.
And a fireball, along with an energyball cast from the otherside of the river. Strike the bow of the airship. Doing no damage as the barrier spells cast by the practitioners of magic onboard, protect it from harm.
The first of the magetube shots strike the wall of water where the Mareb river has been stopped. First one, then a second, followed by a third magetube shot hit the wall of water. And disaster ensues.
The water elementals coursers in the Mareb river. Who have halted its flow here along the east side of the city of Almaic.
Stay in the water for as long as possible. As large explosions occur across the wall of water. On the normally steadily flowing river. That's fifty to sixty yards across on some parts of the river.
They stay in the water for as long as possible for the simple reason to give those crossing the dry riverbed. Enough time to get across to the city side of the Mareb.
Those going down the ladders to the riverbed, hurry back up. As do those who have just climbed down. While others who are already down in the dry riverbed race across to the otherside. And try to get up one of the scaling ladders to the docks and piers on the city side of the Mareb. Where on the riverfront, the docks and the wide boulevard behind them. Both sides of the campaign, are fighting one another.
Another magetube shot hits, quickly followed by two others. Then two more hit in unison. Striking the wall of water in pretty much the same place.
And as water fountains up into the air from the multiple explosions. The inevitable happens when another magetube shot hits and explodes, followed by another.
One of the water elemental coursers is unable to avoid the concussive effect of a magetube shot exploding right next to him. And he's killed instantly.
And though pure fire would of been more devastating. The magetube shots fired from the nearby frigate are bad enough.
And the section of the wall of water that, that particular courser was holding back. Erupts outwards, spewing forth the water he was holding back.
Another of the water elemental coursers in the Farqian mercenary army tries valiantly to hold back that part of the wall of water along with her own. But she's unable to. Especially as another of the magetube shots hits nearby. Sending her swirling through the already turbulent water.
And since the water elementals coursers have been working in perfect unison to hold back the Mareb river. When one fails, due to being killed. They all fail.
And the wall of water can no longer be sustained. And the river Mareb resumes it's normal flow. All at once, all at the same time after the initial surge from part of the wall of water.
The Mareb roars back to life along the east side of the city of Almaic.
Thousands upon thousands of tons of water. Slams forward, sweeping away everything in its path as the Mareb flows once more. That includes those who are in the riverbed, still trying to cross it.
Soldiers and mercenaries, whose armies are attacking the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm. Are swept away. Many are killed instantly by the pure force and weight of the water hitting them as the rush across the riverbed.
Those climbing up the ladders on both sides of the Mareb are struck by the water. Smashing apart the scaling ladders, and those climbing them.
The water rushes forward, heading south, as the Mareb resumes it's course. Sweeping away those who try to avoid the oncoming water, which tears down the course of the river.
Very few of those who were trying to cross the Mareb. Get out alive when the river resumes its natural course.
Those that did, were on the scaling ladders, on both sides of the Mareb. Furthest south in comparison to the other scaling ladders that their fellow soldiers and mercenaries were hurrying up, trying to get out of the riverbed.
With the magetube shots continuing to slam into the water that's now flowing again. Magetube shots that have burnt away a lot of the smoke that was in their path.
Many of those on both sides of the river, catch sight of what's happening. They see the water rushing by at force as the Mareb river resumes to flow.
Among those who see, are the small squad led by the young squad leader Barron. And from where they stand at the mouth of a lane off the long boulevard that runs down the east side of the city that's the provincial capital.
They more or less see what's happened. Or to be exact, see what goes by them along the Mareb river.
They didn't see the wall of water collapse, and the Mareb initially resume its flow.
They do see it rush by the spot that they look out from. And even the humans in the small squad can see through the thinner looking smoke.
And see the bodies and debris rush by, as the Mareb resumes it's flow southwards.
"Poor bastards" mutters Smawfri McQuade of the enemy who have been swept away to their violent deaths. His slightly older and slightly taller cousin Shawtus nods his head in agreement with him.
As does the other nonhuman member of the small squad. The elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith. Who knows that some of the dead that he sees being swept away are from his own army. He might of known some of them. He's pretty certain of that.
"They're not going to like that" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, the McQuade cousins, who hail from the Sunreach Mountains glance at him, and slightly nod.
"Expect a retaliation" quietly says the spy Tanith to the young squad leader Barron, who is from further south in the duchy.
"Aye" says Shawtus McQuade in agreement with the elven spy who he, and the rest of the small squad thinks is a mercenary ranger from the principality of Laerel.
"Aye" adds Smawfri McQuade, the more temperamental of the two dwarven warriors, whose clanhold is in the Sunreach Mountains, continues with "They'll definitely want revenge for all that".
As he waves towards the Mareb river which has resumed its course. Where bodies and debris bob up and down in the water, as they're swept away southwards along the river that runs down the east side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm. The duchy that's the northern most duchy, not to mention the largest duchy in the kingdom of Nastell.
On a rooftop of a three storey building a couple of streets back from the long boulevard that runs down the east side of the city of Almaic.
Sir Yarrim the sorcerer watches the Mareb river flow again. The nobleborn spellcaster whose estates are on the southern border of the duchy. Nods his head when one of his personal household guards with him, points away to the south at the river, and says "Not many of them trying to cross would of survived".
The second most influential noble in the duchy of Phelm behind duke Hargen himself. Sees through the clearer air. The bodies and debris being swept southwards as the Mareb river resumes its normal course.
The powerful sorcerer faintly smiles at the destruction the warship has brought about. Sir Yarrim looks away and up to the right. And watches the twin masted airship heading upwards, and cross the Mareb river.
He slightly nods as he realises the frigate is now going to fire upon the enemy who are still upon the otherside of the Mareb river.
And through the smoke that's been thinned out quite considerably. The sorcerer Yarrim sees that there's still a large number of the enemy across on the otherside of the Mareb.
Not to mention that there's an awful lot of them over here on the city side of the river. On the docks, and on the long boulevard. Fighting the soldiers, mercenaries and city guards who are defending the provincial capital.
The magetubes on the duke's warship, one of two vessels that were lying in wait within the palace grounds. Fire again, this time upon the enemy across on the otherside of the Mareb river.
And as a bolt of lightning strikes the airship, lightning that cascades around it thanks to the barrier spells protecting the frigate.
The magetubes, on the port side again, fire at their own pace upon the enemy from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains who have invaded the kingdom of Nastell, and its northern most duchy, the duchy of Phelm.
As catapults that have been brought forward to the edge of the river, launch loads across to the city side of the Mareb. The first of the magetube shots slams into the army led by general Halvane, and explodes.
It's followed by another, and another. As the duke's frigate starts circling as it's now over on the otherside of the Mareb river.
Sir Yarrim nods in appreciation as he sees that the captain of the warship will soon be firing upon the enemy from behind them, as the airship's magetubes bring down destruction upon the enemy.
Then the powerful sorcerer who is in a relationship with the lady Elaine, who is the younger sister of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Senses one of the enemy casting. And though it's a little difficult, for even him to sense what the spell is. As multiple magetubes firing tend to overshadow everything else that's magical in the area.
He slightly frowns as he senses it's a dispel spell. Not particularly large, though it is pretty powerful.
He doesn't know where it's directed. But he assumes the airship. Which it turns out is correct. As he also senses another enemy spellcaster, casting an energyball. Which he sees leave the ground across on the otherside of the Mareb river. And head up towards the circling warship.
"Shit" mutters sir Yarrim the sorcerer as he realises that two of the enemy spellcasters are working in unison as they attack the duke's frigate.
The nobleborn spellcaster from the southern border of the duchy doesn't know if they'll be successful. As the dispel spell, because it isn't particularly large, could hit anywhere on the warship.
Sir Yarrim doesn't bother getting in contact with his fellow sorcerer upon the airship. For the simple reason he doesn't want to distract him.
Instead the powerful sorcerer casts a large fireball, and sends it across the Mareb, to where he can sense the two enemy spellcasters who are working in unison.
Sir Yarrim then quickly looks up at the warship that's over on the otherside of the Mareb as he sees the energyball is going to hit it. He wonders if it will be successful and go through the barrier spells protecting the frigate. It is.
As the dispel spell, hits the warship, where two of the barrier spells are overlapped, as it's protecting the most important part of the vessel. The magical keel.
And though the dispel spell wasn't that large, it was powerful enough to dispel a small section of the barrier spell over the hull and keel of the frigate. Though large enough for a four foot wide red energyball to go through, and slam into the keel and explode.
Wood and flames go flying in all directions. As a chunk of the magical keel is destroyed. And though the chunk isn't particularly large. Any damage to the magical keel of any airship. Is a serious matter. As it's the keel of a flying vessel that keeps it afloat in the air.
The frigate is immediately jarred to starboard, and starts listing that way. And it suddenly starts heading that way, away from the enemy army it was firing upon. A couple of magetube shots go up into the early afternoon sky, before the heavy weapons below deck stop firing as their airship is suddenly out of control.
"Hell" mutters sir Yarrim as the frigate heads away from the enemy army, and the city, heading southeast, trailing smoke from the damaged underside.
The powerful sorcerer knows that the captain and his crew will have to try and set their vessel down on the ground as best as they can. Or at least try and not to have it crash so heavily. The only good thing about it is that they're not flying all that fast as he head away from the battle.
As his fireball hits amongst the enemy across on the otherside of the river. Which he senses missed the two spellcasters he was targeting who got out of the way.
The sorcerer Yarrim knows that the duke's frigate is now out of the battle, as it's damaged keel won't keep up in the air for much longer.
Still, the nobleborn sorcerer knows that the warship has been successful, as it's got the Mareb river flowing again. Severely blunting the attack of the enemy upon the east side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
And though sir Yarrim doesn't know it yet, but it's also blunted the overall attack on the city of Almaic by the enemy . . . . . .

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