Tuesday 12 February 2019

The Hire 107.

In And Around The City Of Almaic...

As it nears midday, smoke drifts down the river Mareb from the numerous barges and rafts that have been put into the water.
They've well and truly gone by the bend in the wide river, and are getting closer and closer to the east side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
While to the west side of the city that's under attack. The bombardment continues upon the streets and buildings. That over the years have been built up outside of where a wall would've normally been built.
Both trebuchets and catapults are flinging their loads at the duke's soldiers and mercenaries who are defending that side of Almaic.
Meanwhile, to the north of the city. The battle has progressed the furthest. As the last battleline, just a hundred and fifty feet, or about fifty yards from the city. Has been taken by those who are attacking the city that's the provincial capital.
The long trench, and the fortifications that were built along it. Was penetrated first by a battalion of goblins, and their ork general. Followed by others in the advanced forces attacking this side of the city.
Now those upon the top of the north wall of Almaic. Are targeting that battleline as more and more of the advanced forces attacking the city, are entering it, and jumping into the trench.
As he walks behind his general through the long trench, Teabagger the goblin Cunt looks down and sees one of the battalion lying dead at the bottom of the trench.
One of the other goblins rolls him over, and they see it's Fuckhead the Sixth. The goblin commander rolls his eyes as he sees it's pretty obvious Fuckhead accidentally killed himself by falling on his own sword.
"Silly fucker" mutters Teabagger the goblin Cunt with a shake of his head as others pick up the dead goblin, and carry him away.
The commander of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque continues after his general. Who is walking hunched over, making himself less of a target for the enemy up on top of the north wall of Almaic. Which isn't all that far away now.
"Boss, er general" says Teabagger as be catches up to the large ork "What are we looking for?" adds the small, bright green goblin who is one of the original members of the battalion. Who formed in the southern kingdom of Melaurn. When their general took them under his wing, so to speak. During a war between neighbouring nobles over a decade ago.
"Fucken somethin' cunt" is the reply of Dorc da Orc as he continues his way through the long trench.
The big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world, pauses and looks back. As do the goblins following him. When one of the humans in the trench. Someone from captain Weldin's company calls out "Energyball coming in!".
Dorkindle looks towards the north wall of the city, and spots the energyball heading this way. And when he sees it's heading for one of the fortifications further back along the trench. The ork warleader continues on his way.
"Them cunts better get the fuck out of there" says the ork weaponsmith referring to those in the fortification targeted by the enemy energyball.
The large ork doesn't even look back as there's an explosion a few moments later when the energyball strikes the already damaged fortification.
After about another twenty five yards through that long trench, the ork general comes to a stop, and stands upright and looks out at the open ground, between this battleline, which is the last of them. And the north wall of Almaic, which is only a hundred and fifty feet away.
"There's the fucker" murmurs the warleader of the ork race, who has a grin upon his broad, green, feral looking face as he looks across what's now essentially the main killing ground between here and the city wall.
Teabagger stands upon a wooden bench that's fallen from one of the archers platforms. And looks out of the trench, trying to see what's got his general's attention.
The goblin commander spots it, and mutters "Oh hell" in the goblin language as he realises what the big, burly ork is intending to do.
"Boss, i mean general" says the small, bright green goblin in the common language "We're supposed to hold, and stay here" adds Teabagger, who continues with "Not actually go to the wall" as he looks at a magetube that's lying on the ground, less than fifty feet from the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"Me know that cunt" says Dorkindle, who continues on with "Me fucken come up with most of that fucken plan 'member".
The big, burly ork who is originally from the very bottom of the world, where the frozen climate even during summer. Is inhospitable to anyone who isn't an ork, adds "Besides, that not actually at the fucken wall, it's fucken infront of it" as he nods at the magetube that was blasted off the top of the wall during an explosion at the start of the battle, when a mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt came to the end of it's existence.
As arrows and bolts shot from the top of the wall come flying their way, because they've both popped up and are looking out of the long trench.
Dorc da Orc who is the general of the goblin battalion, which he refers to as his own army, says to the goblin commander who leads the battalion in his absence "Don't worry cunt, it'll be a piece of piss".
"I rather fucking doubt that" mutters Teabagger in the goblin language as he quickly ducks down, as arrows and bolts slam and skim across the ground right infront of the trench.
The small, bright green goblin who is originally from the kingdom of Melaurn, who is his mid to late twenties now, as he was a teenager when his general turned him and others into a fighting force that quickly became their battalion.
Looks up at his general who is growling in anger. Teabagger winces as he sees the large ork pull an arrow out of his face. Followed by a crossbow bolt out of the side of his neck.
The wounds are already starting to heal just a few moments after the arrow and bolt have been pulled free. As the rapid healing ability that the ork general, and for that matter all orks have. Takes quick effect.
After growling again, Dorc da Orc nods towards the magetube lying about fifty feet out from the north wall of Almaic, and says to Teabagger "Me just go and get that boom boom cunt, and bring it back here".
The goblin commander sourly smiles at the prospect of that. Oh not necessarily because his general will go out into the open by himself, and get peppered by the enemy.
But because he'll have a magetube at his disposal. Which more than likely knowing the large ork. Will be just as dangerous to their own side, as it is to the enemy.
"By the gods" mutters Teabagger in the goblin language, who like all goblin kind, isn't specifically religious or a believer. For the simple reason that they don't have a god, goddess or gods of their own to worship. As none of them wanted the goblin race as their followers.
But all the same, he believes in their existence. And occasionally says a prayer to them. Usually when his general is about to so something totally idiotic, which is often, like he's about to do now.
"Boss, i mean general, i don't think it's a" is what Teabagger gets out before he falls silent as his general looks down at him and scowls.
The small, bright green goblin sourly smiles, and is resigned to the fact the ork warleader is about to do something totally stupid. Which without doubt, will lead to even more stupidity.
The goblin commander then rolls his eyes as his general chortles then says "Get some" as he goes to climb up out of the trench.
Teabagger, who has absolutely no intention of following the large ork out onto the open ground just infront of the north wall of Almaic. Hears a familiar thud come from somewhere on top of the nearby wall.
The small, bright green goblin then blinks in surprise as his general is suddenly flung backwards with force. Smacking back first into the other wall of the trench. Before sliding down to his rather ample rump, and slumping over to one side.
"The fuck?" says Teabagger after a stunned moment of silence, as he and some others of the battalion close by, stare at their general.
Then the small, bright green goblin looks to one side, and sees a heavy longspear, a missile from a ballista, which he heard firing. Sticking out of the top of the back of the trench.
The goblin commander hurries to his general, as do a number of others in the battalion. Well at least those who don't trip over themselves or each other.
"Boss, boss" says Teabagger in a tone of panic as the large ork isn't moving. He along with a few other goblins, give their general a shake. And after actually moving him a bit. The big, burly ork from the very bottom of the world, groans then opens his eyes.
Dorc da Orc takes in a breath, and wheezes as he finds he's winded.
The ork warleader can't even get out a decent sounding growl, and instead he gasps "Cunt" as he tries to get his breath back.
Then with the help of Teabagger and a number of the other goblins, he's able to sit upright, with his back against the trench wall.
"That fucken smarts" mutters the large ork when he eventually gets some of his breath back.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks then taps his chest with the knuckles of his right hand, and then he grins.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt nods in understanding, as he knows his general wears a large piece of black armour that covers his chest, and most of his ample stomach, beneath the rain poncho that he's wearing.
The goblin commander knows that it can stop basically anything, including magical spells.
The small, bright green goblin who hails from the southern kingdom of Melaurn. Doesn't know what exactly that piece of armour is. But in the past, when his general has been badly hit like what's just happened to him now. He's heard the ork warleader call it his goods dragony armour.
"What the fuck was that?" asks the ork weaponsmith who winces as he tries to get up, he decides to give it a bit of time, so that he feels a bit better, before he tries to stand up.
"That" says the commander of the goblin battalion who points to the nearby missile that was shot from an enemy ballista up on the top of the north wall of Almaic.
Dorkindle turns his head, and grunts when he sees the heavy longspear that struck him down.
The warleader of that ork race then says to the goblins "Get that fucken spear for me". Then as a few of them pull the missile out of the ground, others help their general to get up.
Even though he's a little unsteady on his feet, the large ork stands there, glaring up at the top wall of the city of Almaic.
"Here general" says a goblin named Assfacedick who along with four others in the battalion, hands the heavy longspear to the big, burly ork who is a member of the wolf tribe, who dwell at the very southern tip of the southern polar region.
Dorc da Orc takes the missile, and grunts as he feels how heavy it is. The ork weaponsmith immediately knows it has a iron rod down through the entire length of it. And now knows why it hit him so hard, so much so it briefly knocked him out, which isn't exactly an easy thing to do.
"That one there boss" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt who hastily adds "General" as he points up to the top of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
The small, bright lurid green goblin has just pointed up at one of the ballistas on top of the north wall of Almaic. It's just been reloaded, and it's crew are looking at another target to shoot at, never thinking the last one they just shot at and hit, would survive.
"Fucken cunts" growls Dorkindle, who hefts the missile to get it's weight and balance. Then the big, burly ork who is battered and bruised from getting smashed down by the ballista shot. Winces as he throws the ten foot long heavy longspear with force up at the top of the north wall of Almaic.
He throws it almost as hard as it was shot at him. And though the spearhead is bent back almost in two after it struck him. It flies straight and true to the top of the wall, that's nearly fifty up, and about a hundred and fifty feet from the long trench the ork general and his goblin battalion are in.
The missile slams into the ballista it was originally shot from. Shattering both the heavy longspear, and the heavy weapon to pieces.
Some of the crew, along with nearby soldiers and mercenaries. Are pelted by flying debris. Injuring some, and badly wounding others. While one of the crew is killed instantly. As a shattered piece of the missile, goes through his throat and neck, decapitating him.
"Them cunts won't be using that fucker again" says the ork warleader in satisfaction, while many of the battalion cheer and clap after seeing what their general just did.
Dorc da Orc who grimaces as he rolls his massive shoulders, and stretches his back muscles. Who is definitely feeling sore after being struck by a missile shot from an enemy ballista.
Then looks to where the magetube is lying out in the open, on the ground, just fifty feet out from the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, wipes his sweaty forehead with the back of his right hand, as he looks at the magetube, then up to the top of the north wall of Almaic, then back down to the where the heavy magical weapon is lying out on no man's land.
"Hmmmm" murmurs the large ork as he contemplates what to do. While next to him, Teabagger the goblin Cunt glances sideways at him, and is glad his general is now showing a bit of caution. Something he rarely, if ever does.
The goblin commander hopes it will last for quite some time. But knowing his general as well as he does. He figures this feeling of caution from him probably won't be for very long at all . . . . . .

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