Monday 9 December 2019

The Lost Ones 27.

Summer. Solma. Dreese.

The next morning, and standing in the hilltop village. A village that's destroyed, where most of it's burnt to the ground. Along with a lot of the trees around the brow of the hill.
Tovis the war engineer, who was the one most responsible for the destruction of the village at the top of the large hill in the interior of the island of Solma. Looks northwards as the sun rises in the east across the ocean.
"Can you see them?" asks Tovis the war engineer.
"Hmmm not sure" is the reply of Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who is standing on a pile of rubble, looking away to the north.
A few moments later, as the young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, where he served in the army of a baron Harkonin. Takes out the brass, cylindrical eyepiece that was given to him by lord Farque.
The halfling who was a former air sailor in the forces of the Viceroy, says "There they are".
Jarjin Littlefoot as he points, continues with "Dalin is most likely with them".
The war engineer, who is a captain in the armies of the lands Farque, looks through his eyepiece, then nods his head, as he catches glimpses of the forward elements down in the tropical forest, heading towards the north coast of Solma.
On that shoreline, the Viceroy's forces here on Solma. Well, those that are left after the days of constant fighting.
Are getting onto boats and ships, fleeing the island of Solma. As the Sultan's army and personal guards, have all but driven them from the island that's been a stronghold for them.
On the water north of the island, there's already a number of boats and ships heading further north in the island chain.
As the Viceroy's forces here on Solma have been all but defeated.
"I expect that fat fuck the Sultan to make an appearance this morning" says the halfling, who in actual fact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Jarjin Littlefoot.
The war engineer from the Southlands nods his head in agreement with the hobbit who previously served in the Viceroy's forces.
For they know the Sultan of Dreese has been on his flagship with his cadre of spellcasters, and a fair few of his personal guards. On the beach along the south coast of the island. That his army took that first day they attacked the enemy here on Solma.
He always makes an appearance when the enemy is near defeated on many of the islands they've fought on recently, since leaving the mainland of Dreese.
After the group were basically forced to join his war against his younger brother the Viceroy. Because the Sultan had control of Mira Reinholt the mage.
Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman looks to the southeast, and in the morning light, he spots the Sultan's fleet. Most of which was moored off the south coast of Solma, is now on the move on what feels like it's going to be another warm tropical summer's day here in this part of the island chain off the coast of the mainland of Dreese.
The former air sailor looks behind them, and a few moments later, so does the war engineer.
And they watch lord Farque and Beldane the cleric making their way through the destroyed village towards them.
The four of them are the only ones here on top of the hill.
As the Sultan's army and personal guards. Well those who have survived the fighting here on Solma. Are making their way northwards. Many of them are going around the large hill, that thrusts up out of the tropical forest that's down below.
"The fat fucking cunt is heading this way" says lord Farque when he and Beldane the cleric join Tovis the war engineer and Jarjin Littlefoot.
"His ship has just lifted off" adds the undead warlord.
While Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson looks southwards. But, with even his naturally enhanced eyesight, is unable to see the Sultan's airship. As the beach along the south coast of Solma is obscured as there's too many hills in the way, here in the interior of the island.
"The all conquering hero will make a fucking appearance" sourly continues the heavily armoured deathlord, who has made it no secret what he thinks of the Sultan of Dreese.
Most of the soldiers in the Sultan's army, along with his personal guards. Know that the mercenary they call the dead man, who is essentially their commander.
Doesn't particularly like their supreme ruler, the Sultan. Nevertheless they follow him and his orders. As their supreme ruler, by his own actions. Has effectively put the undead warlord from the Southlands, in charge of his army and fleet.
Not that the Sultan knows that he was manipulated into doing so by lord Farque.
Who has drastically changed his plans after he and the rest of the group were forced to join in the Sultan's efforts against the Viceroy.
As their terms of hire, were to help bring about the defeat of the Viceroy's forces. And to bring the Viceroy infront of his older brother the Sultan.
Which lord Farque still has every intention of doing. Not to mention to defeat all of the Viceroy's forces throughout the Sultanate of Dreese.
The heavily armoured deathlord who senses the Sultan's airship heading north from the the south coast of Solma, says to Tovis the war engineer "Can those crews of yours find their way?" followed by "Or do you have to babysit them to the north coast?".
"They'll be fine" replies the young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands "They know what to do" adds the war engineer.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque glances at Beldane the cleric and says "Send us there" followed by "We can walk the rest of the way to the coast".
The fighting cleric nods, and after he borrows the eyepiece that belongs to Tovis, and he looks to where the lord of the death realm has pointed.
The member of the church of Glaine, who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell in the Southlands.
Creates a gateway which they all go through. The lord of the death realm first, while the spellcaster Beldane is the last to go through it.
They're on a road just south of the north coast of Solma. Also on the road are the Sultan's soldiers and personal guards. Who are running towards the coast, which is about a half a mile away.
Already on the coast now, is the forward elements of the army. Who have once again engaged the enemy.
Those who are putting up a fight, as rear guards. So that their fellow soldiers and sailors in the Viceroy's forces. Can escape from the island of Solma, and head north.
"Might as well walk" says lord Farque to the others, the undead warlord who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, then adds "No use getting mixed up in all of that".
As they can all hear the sounds of fighting coming from less than a mile away on the coast.
The lord of the death realm, who also has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates to, The Destroyer.
Senses Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy amongst the forward elements fighting against the enemy.
He also senses Helbe the elven thief, along with Narladene the ground pixie. Onboard the airship the Quick Gull. Some eighteen miles north of Solma, heading to the next island of significance in that direction.
Hoping to find any sign of the Viceroy. Who is obviously not on the island of Solma.
Infact, from the information they've gathered from some of those they've taken prisoner.
The Viceroy of Dreese, well former Viceroy to be exact. Wasn't even on Solma when the Sultan's forces showed up here nearly a week ago.
He had left sometime before that. At least a few days previously.
As his forces continue to fight against those of his older brother, the Sultan of Dreese.
They walk off the road, and head through some trees, towards a beach. One of many along the north shore of the island of Solma.
There's fighting on the beach, as there's a small dock at one end of it, along with a fishing village.
The villagers left sometime ago. And the last of the Viceroy's forces able to get on a boat, have just left too.
While their comrades, who were either left behind, or willingly choose to stay behind.
Are fighting the Sultan's forces on the beach. While more of their numbers, are burning the dock. So that the Sultan and his forces are unable to use it.
Lord Farque has no intention of getting involved in the fighting, and the others stay with him.
Though the heavily armoured deathlord orders both the Sultan's soldiers and personal guards, who come this way.
To hurry down onto the beach, and to help those who are already fighting the enemy on the beach, and at the dock in the fishing village.
"That way!" calls out Des'tier to some of the Sultan's soldiers, who have just got off the road, and are hurrying in this direction.
The soldiers follow the lord of the death realm without question. And run off towards the village, and the dock that's now, well and truly on fire.
While the undead being along with the four others, stand beneath some palm trees. Watching the last of the fighting here on the island of Solma. On what's another warm summer's day here in the tropical islands off the coast of the mainland of Dreese.
A little while later in the morning, they hear the sounds of explosion after explosion. From other beaches and coves, here on the north shore of Solma.
The Sultan of Dreese and his flagship have turned up. And the supreme ruler of Dreese. Has unleashed his cadre of spellcasters upon the last of the enemy fighting a rear guard action, here on Solma.
He's also unleashed them, unwittingly. Upon his own soldiers and personal guards. Who get caught up in the actions of the twenty or so spellcasters under the control of the Sultan of Dreese.
Spellcasters, for the most part. Who had no experience in combat whatsoever before the Sultan went to war against his younger brother the Viceroy.
Because of the Viceroy's attempted coup against his older brother, a coup that ultimately failed.
As Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who has been fighting in the next cove over.
Makes his way along the beach, as he's spotted the others standing beneath the palm trees, just up behind the beach.
The Sultan's flagship comes into view above the beach as it's circled from the east, after the cadre of spellcasters onboard attacked the last of the enemy who were putting up a fight here on the island of Solma.
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae joins the others beneath the trees.
And they all watch the large airship head to the west end of the beach, then slowly drop down to the sands below.
The beach is long, and the Sultan's flagship touches down a little over a hundred yards from where they're standing.
A hundred yards the closest that lord Farque, along with Beldane the cleric can be to the Sultan of Dreese.
If they, along with Helbe the elven thief, and Narladene the ground pixie get closer than a hundred yards to the supreme leader of the Sultanate.
Then he'll kill Mira Reinholt the mage, who he has under his control, and part of his cadre of spellcasters.
"He'll set up camp or not?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
"A gold piece says he does" adds the elf from the Southlands, which lies over twelve thousand miles away to the west.
"That's not much of a bet" says Tovis the war engineer, who continues with "Considering he likes to gloat and preen after every victory".
"True" murmurs the spy Tanith, who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, until he joined the group.
"It doesn't matter what the fat fucking prick does" says lord Farque as many of the soldiers and personal guards on the beach, and in the village at the east end of the beach.
Hurry towards where the Sultan's airship is putting down. They're cheering the appearance of their supreme ruler as once again, he graces them with his appearance.
"We're getting the army loaded onto the ships as quickly as possible, and getting the fuck out of here" adds the undead warlord, who nods his full helmed head to the soldiers, who spot him as they hurry along the beach, and they briefly stop and nod to him, almost bowing.
Even some of the Sultan's personal guards do this as they acknowledge the foreign mercenary who leads them in all but name.
"Go and talk to him and the waking skeleton he calls a herald" says Draugadrottin to the spy Tanith.
"He'll want to speak to you no doubt" adds the the heavily armoured deathlord, who continues with "Most likely to moan and bitch about how many of his men he's lost taking Solma".
As without doubt, this has been the toughest and bloodiest battle so far in the war between the Sultan and his younger brother the Viceroy.
"Just tell him, that's the way war is" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who could of won the battle for the island of Solma a lot quicker, and easier if he had wanted to, but he didn't.
As he wanted the Sultan's forces to suffer substantial losses here on Solma. For reasons of his own, as he has ulterior plans to get Mira Reinholt the mage free from the control of the Sultan.
"Then tell the fat cunt that we're leaving straight away, whether he stays here celebrating the victory or not" says the lord of the death realm.
"Most likely him wanting to celebrate another victory" says Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
"He's not going to like it if his army just gets up and leave" continues the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
"I know" quietly says lord Farque, Dalin looks at the deathlord of Farque, then he nods his hooded head, before he sets off along the beach to where the Sultan's flagship has landed.
"Come on" says the heavily armoured deathlord to the others, he continues with "Let's get them loaded onto the ships". As the fleet starts coming into view after making it's way around from the south side of the island of Solma, an island that's no longer a stronghold of the Viceroy, and is now back under the control of the Sultan of Dreese . . . . . .

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