Wednesday 18 December 2019

The Lost Ones 34.

Summer. The Maldin Hill Range.

Dorc da Orc roars, then chuckles as he frightens away some of the villagers who are fleeing as they're under attack from a group of mercenaries.
The large ork runs down the path he's on, sniffing as he does so. Then trips and smashes head first into a house that's just be lit on fire.
The ork warleader goes through a wall, and falls into the house that's filling with smoke.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grimaces in disgust at his own clumsiness.
Then he gets up, and runs right through the next wall in the house, and out of it. Right into the two mercenaries from the lowlands and the coast who have set just set the house on fire. And are standing there watching their handiwork. Wondering what all the roaring and shouting is about.
Dorkindle who is a general in the armies of Farque bowls the two men over. Instantly killing one from the impact, and leaving the other on the ground groaning in pain, as his ribs and back are shattered.
"Get some" chuckles Dorc da Orc, who turns left onto another path. And continues to make his way down through the hillside village. Killing any of the mercenaries from the lowlands and the coast he runs across.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic leaps over a wheelbarrow with small casks in it. He lifts the shield of Saint Mar-che as he continues down the path he's on.
And a crossbow bolt careens off the magical shield, that's one of the holiest items in his order. Which he stole a number of years ago.
The large, heavily armoured knight sprints down the path. And smashes into the enemy crossbowman who is trying to reload his weapon.
The former paladin's magical shield slams into the mercenary. Knocking the man down, smashing the man's nose apart, and knocking out some of his teeth.
And as he lies there dazed on the ground. He gets a kick in the side of the head from one of the nobleborn knight's steel boots.
Which either knocks him out or kills him. The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, isn't sure. As he's already taken off down the path again.
"Saint Mar-che!" sir Percavelle Lé Dic shouts again as he spots more of the mercenaries from the lowlands and the coast, as he hurries down through the hillside village.
The member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che sourly smiles behind the faceplate of his full helm. As he hears his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc, roaring somewhere away to his right.
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic. Was hoping that the enemy had killed the large ork. But no such luck as the two of them make their way down through the hillside village.
"It's still flying" says Saanea the witch as she looks towards the airship she hit with a blast spell.
She doesn't have many destructive spells. But a blast spell is the most powerful one she knows.
And the one she just cast, clipped a ward that suddenly appeared under the twin masted vessel.
Missed the vulnerable keel, and went up through the underside of the hull instead.
The pretty looking hillwoman who once more is holding her power within herself. Looks at Lisell Maera the messenger who tells her "Move".
The attractive looking young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is reloading her quick firing crossbow after shooting at one of the mercenaries who wandered down the trail below the village to see what's happening.
Nods away to the right and adds "There" followed by "Whoever their spellcaster is, they'll know you're about somewhere, and will be after you now".
As the witch who is from the very north of the Maldin Hills follows behind the messenger in the armies of Farque, as they head to below the orchard and vineyard.
Prepares to cast another blast spell at the airship which is circling away to the south of the village.
She waits for an opportune time to stop holding her magical power within herself again.
As she knows she's not powerful enough to destroy the ward that's protecting the keel of the twin masted vessel that the mercenaries from the lowlands and the coast are using.
As he runs up through the rows of vines in the vineyard. Shur Kee the monk leaps forward, kicking one of the mercenaries in the face who charges at him, swinging a sword.
The short, statured monk from the otherside of the continent. The far east coast to be exact, where his homeland the kingdom of Wah Lee can be found.
Avoids the swinging sword, and his right sandled foot smashes into the mercenary's face. Knocking the man down, and knocking him out.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, lands in a crouch. He gets up, runs a dozen paces. Then dives through a gap in the row of vines to his right.
An arrow shot at him by another of the mercenaries from the flatlands and the coast of the Southlands, harmlessly continues down the row that the physical adept was just in.
As he continues on his way up through the vineyard and orchard, that's just below the hillside village. That's come under attack this morning by a bunch of mercenaries, the five core members of whom. Want to carve out a large chunk of the Maldin Hills, to create a nation that they can call their own.
Over in the orchard, which is to the left of the vineyard as you look up the hill towards the village.
Tamric Drubine the field commander runs up through the various fruit and nut trees towards the village as the sun continues to rise this morning on what feels like is going to be another hot, and dry day here in the hill country.
The nobleborn teenager who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. And who is now a senior officer in the armies of Farque.
Has just cut down one of the mercenaries who has attacked the hillside village this morning.
And is heading towards two more, who have yet to spot him. As they look between the trees in the orchard, wondering what's going on.
As they've been told to expect little resistance from the villagers. And this morning's attack will be fairly easy, like the attack upon the village they did previously, further north, here on the west side of the range.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group. Runs at the two mercenaries who are from the lowlands and the coast.
At the last moment, they spot him, and turn to confront him. By then the young field commander has cut down one with his longsword.
And he's kicked the other in the groin. The mercenary drops to his knees groaning. And gets the pommel of the nobleborn teenager's weapon punched in his face.
The man slumps onto his side, where field commander Drubine slashes him across the back of the neck with his longsword.
Tam then dashes over to a large citrus tree, that he stands behind when he spots more of the mercenaries hurrying down to the orchard and vineyard.
As they make their way down to the lower part of the large village. Brossic the lowlander, who has just told a trio of the other mercenaries to hurry into the orchard and vineyard to see what's happening in there. And Grunna the sorcerer turn and look back up the path they've come down.
And see a pair of the mercenaries they've hired from down in the lowlands.
"There's a damn knight up there, killing everyone who gets in his way" says one of the mercenaries from the flatland, which the lowlands is often referred to.
The other mercenary with him, who looks frightened to death, nods his head in agreement as he darts a look back up through the village.
"The hell?" mutters Brossic who leads the crew of mercenaries, who have decided to set up a nation of their own here in the Maldin Hills.
Next to him, the sorcerer Grunna frowns, then murmurs "A knight?".
"Yes!" says the mercenary who spoke up, who then adds "A damn knight!".
The other mercenary, who looks frightened beyond belief. Continues on his way down the path, running by Brossic and Grunna.
The mercenary crew leader is just about to turn and admonish him. When the mercenaries Spranen and Halnard come running down the same path.
With Spranen the mercenary calling out "There's a big bloody troll up there killing everyone!".
"A troll?" says Brossic in shock, while next to him, Grunna, who looks just as shocked, murmurs "A troll?" followed by "And a knight?".
"Yes a fucking troll" says Spranen as he and Halnard, both of whom are from the large port town of Gilsom, stop beside Grunna and Brossic.
The leader of the crew of mercenaries waves the mercenary who informed him about the knight, onwards down the hill, telling him to go into the orchard to see what's happening in there.
Then Brossic nods his head, when Halnard, the most cautious and level headed of them, quickly says "We've got to see what's happening".
"Up on the ship, so we can see things more clearly" says Brossic the lowlander, who looks towards the twin masted vessel, that's sustained a small amount of damage.
They see the airship, which is away to the south of the hillside village, has turned back.
And upon it's deck, those few mercenaries who remained onboard. Have their bows and crossbows aimed towards the vineyard, and orchard. Which some of the crew are pointing at.
"Get us onboard" says Brossic to the spellcaster Grunna, the sorcerer nods his head.
Then after he senses, and is unable to locate the witch he knows is in the vicinity. He teleports the four of them onto the airship that belongs to Sharnd the merchant.
"What the hell is going on down there?" demands Sharnd the flatland merchant when the other four suddenly appear on deck.
The merchant, who along with Brossic, comes up with the plans for what they'll do, as they attempt to carve out their own nation here on the west side of the Maldin Hills, then says "There's some people down in that orchard and vineyard attacking our men".
Sharnd who is looking more than a little livid, then shouts "And some bastard attacked my ship!". Which is clear to see, as there's a hole in the deck near the bow, where a blast spell came up from beneath the airship, punching through the hull, and up through the vessel. Though missing the vulnerable keel which Grunna has warded with a barrier spell that he's still got protecting it.
"Calm down will you" says Brossic who continues with "We've got things under control" the leader of the crew of mercenaries then silently adds, i hope.
They look overboard, towards the vineyard and the orchard, as well as the village itself.
"There" says Spranen the mercenary from Gilsom, who points at the orchard "That bastard there, see him?".
"I see him" says Brossic who spots the tall young man, in what appears to be half plate armour, who has a longsword in hand.
The leader of the crew of mercenaries from the lowlands and the coast, is just about to shout out to the archers still onboard, to shoot at the stranger in the orchard.
When next to him, Halnard says "There up in the village" quickly followed by "On the otherside, through the smoke there".
The other four look to where he points, and a few moments later, a shocked looking Brossic says in a tone of total surprise "That is a troll" followed by "I think?".
It's like no troll he's ever seen before. It's not as tall as any troll he's ever seen. But it's far bulkier, and a more mean looking troll that the mercenary from the lowlands has seen previously.
And nor has he seen a troll covered from head to foot in weapons. Like the one on the far side of the large village has.
It's just run through a backyard fence, and into a small stable. Where it briefly pauses, and looks like it's contemplating something as a pair of horses go running away.
After it looks at the fleeing horses, it continues on it's way. Heading down through the terraced village. Not stopping as it runs in through an open backdoor. Disappearing for a few moments, before reappearing as it runs out through the front door of the house.
A front door that was closed. Which it runs through without any effort at all.
"Fucking hell, look at that thing" mutters Halnard, Brossic can only nod in agreement at the sentiment that was said, by the mercenary from the port town of Gilsom.
"And there's the knight" says Grunna who points and adds "There, on this near side of the village".
As they briefly spot a large, heavily armoured knight quickly follow two of the other mercenaries into a house, shouting something as he does so.
"What the hell is he shouting?" mutters the sorcerer from the coast of the Southlands.
"Saint Mar-che or something" is the reply of Spranen the mercenary who hails from the large port town of Gilsom.
Brossic grimaces as he catches sight of the knight run out the other door of the house he went into. There's no sign of the two mercenaries he chased into the house.
The leader of the crew of mercenaries, the core members of which, have plans to carve out their own nation here on the western side of the hill country.
Then looks back down at the orchard and vineyard, which the twin masted airship is now over again.
Brossic shouts out to the archers who are near the bow "Shoot that fellow down there!".
He then looks up the mast, to where one of the lookouts in the crow's nest calls down "There's another in the vineyard!" followed by "He's wearing the strangest damn hat I've ever seen!".
As the four main mercenaries and the merchant look to the vineyard, to see if they can spot the person in question.
Gunnar the sorcerer suddenly senses the witch again. And the spellcaster from the coast of the Southlands doesn't wait this time.
He instantly casts a fireball, sending it to where he senses the witch, somewhere down at the edge of the orchard.
As he does, Grunna shouts "Hard to port!" as he's sensed the witch cast another blast spell, that's coming up towards the airship that Sharnd the merchant owns.
"Run!" says Lisell Maera the messenger when she sees what's heading down in their direction.
The attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, shoves away Saanea the witch who has just cast another blast spell at the airship, which is a lot closer now.
The messenger or runner as they're sometimes referred to, runs one way, deeper into the orchard.
While Saanea the witch runs the other way, as a fireball comes hurtling down to where they were just standing.
As she does, the latest blast spell she just cast, heads up, and hits the underside of the airship again.
In the orchard, Tamric Drubine looks up, and sees how close the airship is now. Then as he sees a fireball come from it, going down to the bottom edge of the orchard.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque sees the twin masted vessel get rocked by Saanea's latest blast spell.
Wood goes flying as the hull is hit, and the spell which hits square on this time. As the witch didn't even bother trying to hit the keel as it's too well protected.
Goes upwards, pretty much unimpeded, through the airship, and up and out through the top deck, near the bow.
Two of the archers in the bow are blasted overboard, and a third almost goes over the port rail. And is only caught by the tunic by a quick thinking crew member, as the twin masted vessel veers sharply away to port, which is west.
As the fireball hits the ground and explodes, narrowly missing Saanea the witch who is running downhill.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, looks quickly away to his right, where he spots Shur Kee the monk in the vineyard.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin briefly blinks in surprise.
As he sees the physical adept leap up, and scissor his legs around the head and neck of one of the mercenaries.
Then the short, statured monk flips himself backwards. Dragging the mercenary forwards with momentum. And the man is almost whipped forward, head first, followed by the rest of his body, until he comes to a sudden stop as his head smashes into the ground.
Tam winces, then slightly shakes his head, as he sometimes forget what Shur Kee is capable of, and that's when the acolyte in the philosophical order isn't even using his strange powers. Which is what the young field commander wants him to do now.
"Shur Kee!" calls out Tamric Drubine, who then adds "It's getting away!" followed by "See if you can hit it!".
The short, statured monk looks around, and spots field commander Drubine on this side of the orchard, and sees what he's pointing at.
The physical adept, who is the living incarnation of the Jade Warrior, Bru Li. Nods in understanding as he sees the airship heading west, away from the village.
A few moments later, and onboard the twin masted vessel, Gunnar the sorcerer who has spotted the witch out in the open.
Suddenly frowns as he sees a strange looking ball of energy come up from the vineyard, heading towards the stern of the airship.
He can't sense anything magical about it, nor can he sense another spellcaster in the area apart from the witch.
Nevertheless, he's worried about it, and he shouts at the captain and the helmsman "Don't let that thing hit us!" as he points at the strange looking ball of white energy.
Then Grunna grunts, and nods his head yes, when Brossic says to him "Is that the witch?" followed by "Out in the open, down from the orchard?".
The sorcerer from the coast of the Southlands goes to cast at her, this time something quicker than a fireball, a lightning bolt.
He's just about to cast it, when something comes out of the sky, and almost hits him in the face. He ends up on his rear end, on the deck. Blinking in surprise, as he's pretty sure he was just dive bombed by a bird of all things. A bird of prey, a falcon by the looks of it.
As the strange ball of white energy, about nine feet wide, narrowly misses the stern of the airship as it limps away to the west, away from the Maldin Hills, and out towards the lowlands . . . . . .

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