Sunday 15 December 2019

The Lost Ones 31.

Summer. The Lowlands To The West Of The Maldin Hills.

Brossic the flatlander, the crew leader. Looks over at his fellow mercenary, Grunna.
The sorcerer from the coast nods his head to the flatlander, or lowlander as they're often called.
"We'll take all you've got" says Brossic the leader of the crew of mercenaries.
"Very well" says the shopkeeper, who continues with "I'll send them over to your ship straight away".
"That will be appreciated" says Brossic, who is from further north on the lowlands, here to the west of the hill country, known as the Maldin Hills.
The crew leader pays the shopkeeper, then along with the sorcerer Grunna, makes his way out of the shop.
"Get them?" asks Spranen the mercenary who is waiting for them outside.
"As much as they've got" is the reply of Brossic, who looks around then asks the mercenary from the large port town of Gilsom "Where's Halnard?".
"With Sharnd" says Spranen, who continues with "Keeping an eye on him".
The flatlander who leads the group of mercenaries, nods his head, then says "We'll go back to the ship".
And as the trio of mercenaries head through town, to go to their airship, that's moored to the south of town.
Behind them, the shopkeeper and his assistant is loading up a wagon full of crates and barrels. Containing what Brossic just purchased from the shop.
There's originally five of them, the mercenaries Brossic, Grunna, Spranen and Halnard. Along with the merchant Sharnd.
And though over previous weeks they've traveled just by themselves throughout the nearby Maldin Hills, on horseback and wagon.
This last week, they've traveled exclusively upon one of Sharnd's airships.
Which they've had to. Because there's a lot more with then now. As Brossic had to hire more mercenaries from here on the flatlands, and out along the coast of the Southlands.
So they could go about and finally bring their plans to fruition. As Sharnd, and the four of them hope to carve out their own little empire up in the Maldin Hills.
By destroying villages they think will put up some kind of resistance to their plans of nationhood.
And by taking over other villages, that they've scouted throughout the early part of the summer.
They've already badly destroyed one village in the northern part of the hill country.
And now they're down here in the lowlands, getting supplies. Before they head off to attack to another village up in the Maldin Hills, that lie to the east of the flatlands.
They plan to take a big swath of the northern part of the range, along the more populated, and more productive western side of the hill country. And make it into their own nation.
For though they know this has been tried many times before in the past, and failed.
But this time, after extensive scouting. Not just in the early summer. But in the previous spring, and the autumn before it. As that's the usual time you'll find traveling merchants plying their trade throughout the hill country.
They have a clear understanding now of which villages and towns up on the west side of the range. Will be more resistant to change, and foreign rule.
And it's those settlements and population centers that they will target.
They found the first village they attacked at the start of the week. Much easier to basically destroy than they thought it would be.
For the hillmen and women are good with their hunting bows. They're not exactly well organised, and are unable to hold off trained mercenaries.
Brossic, who leads the crew. And who comes up with the plans alongside Sharnd the merchant.
Knows that with the addition of nearly fifty other mercenaries from here on the flatlands, as well as from the coast.
They can make quick, decisive attacks upon the villages and towns up in the hill country they've targeted.
And that the locals up there, won't know what's hit them. Especially considering they're attacking those places from an airship.
The last thing the hillmen would expect to attack them. As airships fly over the Maldin Hills all the time, and everyday.
Either going to the nearby coast, or further inland to the east in the Southlands.
And that most people who have designs for nationhood in any unruled lands.
Tend to avoid a place like the Maldin Hills. Because of the dry and dusty conditions up there. And the fact that during the summertime, the hot weather in the hill country can be unbearable at times.
All the more reason, that both Brossic and Sharnd think this is the most opportune time to attack the local populace up in the northern part, along the west side of the Maldin Hills.
"That next village should be easy to take" says Sharnd the flatland merchant as he and Halnard the mercenary climb up onto the deck of the airship.
"They won't know what's hit them just like the last one" adds the merchant, who then calls out to the captain of the ship, that they'll be leaving soon, once the last of the supplies get here, and are loaded onboard.
"I'm not too worried about these first ones" says Halnard the mercenary, who like Spranen, hails from the large port town of Gilsom.
"It's the ones near mines that haven't been played out yet, that I'm worried about" adds the mercenary from the coastal town of Gilsom, who is the most cautious of the five of them.
Sharnd grunts in agreement to that, as like it or not, that is something he'd have to admit too.
For once they take on the towns and villages up the Maldin Hills, that are located near mines that are still being worked.
Then their job will get a lot more difficult. As you'll find just as many foreigners, as you will hillmen in those places.
And many of those outsiders, will know how to fight. Making their task all that more difficult, as they attempt to carve out a large section of the hill country, and make it their own.
"Get it?" asks Halnard as he looks down overboard.
"We did" is the reply from Brossic the lowlander, as he along with Grunna and Spranen have made their way back to the airship, that's on the south side of the town.
The crew leader gestures back in the direction they've come from. To where a horse drawn wagon is heading through town, towards the airship that's moored just outside of town.
"We got as much as they had" says Brossic, who is a typical flatlander, the same colouring as those who live up in the Maldin Hills.
But those down here in the lowlands tend to have darker hair, like many on the coast do.
Though the main difference in appearance between those from the hill country, and down in the flatlands.
Is that lowlanders tend to be more taller than those who live up in the Maldin Hills.
Halnard nods to that, then he heads aft, to go and inform Sharnd, as the merchant has gone to speak to the ship's captain about something.
As he does, the three other mercenaries, Brossic, Grunna and Spranen climb up the netting along the port side of the twin masted vessel.
And after the wagon turns up with what Brossic last purchased from within town.
And the barrels and crates are carefully craned up onboard of the airship that belongs to Sharnd the merchant.
The crew of the vessel prepares to depart. And in little time, the twin masted airship is lifting up into the sky on what's a warm summer's day here in the lowlands. And it heads eastwards to the Maldin Hills in the distance.
Not knowing that little more than a half a dozen miles to the north, there's what appears to a bird of prey, a falcon to be exact.
That's circling in the air, with eyesight even far more keener than what a falcon normally has.
Watching the airship that's just left the lowland town, and is heading east to the nearby hill range.
It's also been watching who is onboard the twin masted vessel that's on it's way to the Maldin Hills.
"It's definitely them" says Saanea the witch who has stopped, and now stands there with her eyes closed.
"The ones you've described" adds the pretty looking hillwoman who is the latest member of the group.
"How many with them?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander as he watches the spellcaster from the Maldin hills.
"There looks to be about forty or so other mercenaries onboard" says Saanea, who continues with "There's probably more below deck".
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin nods to that, then does so again when Saanea says "Probably that many in the ship's crew too".
The young field commander in the armies of Farque then looks at Lisell Maera, then Shur Kee the monk.
He then looks at sir Percavelle Lé Dic and finally Dorc da Orc.
All of whom, including the large ork. Have stopped, and are watching the witch who they recently found in the southern half of the Maldin Hills, over on the east side of the range.
"They've taken off" says Saanea, who briefly pauses, before continuing with "And they're going back to the hills".
The pretty looking hillwoman opens her eyes, and looks at field commander Drubine as she adds "As you suspected they would".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, nods to that.
For he has already made the decision to turn back to the Maldin Hills, and over the morning, and during the previous night.
They've headed east back across the flatlands, towards the dry and dusty hill range known as the Maldin Hills.
Even before Saanea's familiar caught sight of their quarry, and the airship they're using.
"Off to attack another village or town up in the hills, no doubt" says Lisell Maera the messenger.
"No doubt" quietly says the nobleborn teenager who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others. Knows that they shouldn't really get involved. After all, their task was to find Saanea the witch, and that's what they've done.
But the young field commander in the armies of Farque feels obliged to, after spending time in the village up in the Maldin Hills, which was attacked, and nearly destroyed recently.
The young man who is a senior officer in the armies of Farque. Always thought it was odd that a traveling merchant would show up with his wagon and team of horses. Along with well armed and armoured hired mercenaries as guards, during the summertime.
When all the locals said this isn't the time to see them. As traveling merchants usually ply their trade in the spring and autumn in the Maldin Hills. When the weather is lot more cooler than the hot summers endured up in the dry, and dusty hill range.
"Continue?" asks Lisell Maera in the elven language.
"Continue" says Tam in the same language.
The messenger or runner as they're sometimes referred to, nods her head to that.
For though she knows they shouldn't really get involved. After all, they've found the witch they were searching for.
She seems to think the decision by field commander Drubine to go after those responsible for attacking the village they had previously stayed in, is the right thing to do.
In the common language, the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, says to the others "We'll continue on to the hills".
They all nod to that, with Dorc da Orc adding a grunt in the affirmative, as they agree with the decision by the young field commander.
"Will you be able to teleport again?" asks Tamric Drubine as he looks at the pretty looking hillwoman who he is attracted to.
"I'll need a bit of time before I'm able to again" is the reply from the spellcaster who hails from the nearby hill country.
"It is quite draining looking through the eyes of a familiar when it's quite some distance away" adds Saanea the witch.
"No worries" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who continues with "Just tell me when you're able to again".
After the hillwoman who is in her early twenties nods, the young field commander says to the others "Let's get moving".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Sets off, and leads the way again. She's quickly followed by sir Percavelle Lé Dic, then Shur Kee the monk.
And Tamric Drubine and Saanea the hillwoman who walk side by side.
And eventually Dorc da Orc who isn't struggling as much with the warm morning, as it's no where near as hot as it would be up in the Maldin Hills.
They head southeast towards the nearby hill country, as the mercenaries they're after are heading there too. Though they and the airship they're using, is somewhere further to the south on the lowlands.
As they walk quickly, and as Lisell Maera is now way out infront as she's broken out into a run.
Field commander Drubine glances at Saanea the witch beside him, who has just quietly asked him "Do you think we can make a difference?" followed by "There is maybe forty or more of them, not to mention the crew onboard that airship" the pretty looking hillwoman then adds "While there's just the six of us".
The spellcaster from the Maldin Hills has never been in battle before, and the only conflict she's experienced, is fistfights amongst some of the younger herders up in the hill country.
And the only real harm she's seen caused by one person to another, is when a farmer shot an arrow into the leg of a miner, who he had accused of stealing from him.
"I know the odds seen a little against us" says Tamric Drubine as they walk quickly across the flatlands towards the Maldin Hills.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin gestures towards those infront of the two of them, then nods his head back at the ork warleader who is following them, and he says "But you'll be surprised at what so few of us can accomplish".
The young field commander in the armies of Farque looks at the witch from the Maldin Hills, who he is attracted to, and tells her "And i wouldn't be surprised at how much you'll be able to accomplish too" followed by "You just don't know it yet".
"You think so?" asks the pretty looking hillwoman in a slightly hesitant tone.
For she has always been a confident and positive person. Headstrong one could describe her. Who has always ended up doing what she's wanted to do.
But this, confronting a large group of mercenaries, who no doubt will try to kill her and the others. Is something she has never experienced before. And is something she never thought she would experience.
"I think so" says the Tam, who smiles to try and put the witch at ease, as he adds "I think you'll surprise yourself at what you can accomplish".
Field commander Drubine knows that Saanea was picked for a reason by Helbe the elven thief and his powers of foresight.
To do with what she can help lord Farque and his strategies for his mercenary armies to be hired throughout the Southlands.
And that she just doesn't know her own potential yet. And that something like this, taking on a large group of mercenaries traveling on an airship. Will no doubt bring that potential to the forefront.
"Nice to know someone thinks so" quietly and dryly says the pretty looking hillwoman, who doesn't know that the young man walking beside her, is totally enamoured with her.
"You'll be fine" says field commander Drubine with a chuckle, the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin then adds "Trust me".
They continue walking until late in the morning, when Saanea eventually says she's able to teleport them all again.
She does so, a couple of miles at a time. Doing so a handful of times, so that they end up just a mile or so from the first rolling hillocs of the Maldin Hills.
They stop for a quick bite to eat, as they do. The witch gets in contact with her familiar, which is following at a distance, the airship and the mercenaries onboard it, who they're after.
"They're still away to the south" says Saanea the witch after she opens her eyes, she then adds "They should reach the edge of the hill range sometime later this afternoon".
Tamric Drubine nods, then says "We'll head south here" followed by "It will be quicker here down in the lowlands, than up in the hills".
The young field commander in the armies of Farque continues with "Then we'll head into the hills" he follows that with "Hopefully we can get to them before they attack another village or town up in the hills".
Tamric Drubine briefly pauses before he continues with "If we can't get to them before then, we can still make a difference once we find them".
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin has no doubts that they can deal with the mercenaries who attacked the village they were living in previously.
He knows it will be difficult, as there's only the six of them. But it's six very different individuals, whose skills, and in the case of some of them, their experience. Is something the airship of marauding mercenaries have never encountered before, or even thought they would ever encounter . . . . . .

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