Sunday 4 October 2020

To War 34.

Summer. The Province Of Corlinda. The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"What did they want?" asks the vassal knight sir Deemus.
Lord Gormica of Salmah Forest tells him exactly what he spoke about with the elven envoy Helbe, and lord Farque himself.
Sir Deemus grimaces after his liege lord tells him what he spoke about.
Then he looks over at his fellow vassal knight sir Riknall, who also grimaces after hearing that from their liege lord.
No one says anything for a few moments, then sir Deemus quietly asks "What will you do my lord?".
"I'm not sure" replies lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who lets out a breath, a sigh really, before he adds "What a mess".
The two vassal knights, Deemus and Riknall nod in agreement with their liege lord.
The lord of Salmah Forest, the nobleman who has led the province of Karricaw to victory in the war against the province of Corlinda.
Rubs his chin as he thinks about things, then he quietly tells his  two vassal knights "Whatever we do, it's not going to be that great".
He let's out another sigh like breath, then he says "Though there is something we can do".
Lord Gormica looks at his fellow noblemen from the province of Karricaw as he adds "We can go and speak to my brother".
Before either vassal knight can ask him why, the lord of Salmah Forest says to them "Maybe he can shed some light onto who is responsible for the attacks up in Moleau".
Sir Deemus, the nobleman from the province of Karricaw who is closest to lord Gormica, sourly says "That's if he bothers to even meet you and talk about it".
The lord of Salmah Forest just grunts in response to that, then with a nod of his head to the door, lord Gormica says "Come on, let's go and see my brother".
They make their way out of the room, then out of the large house here in the city of Pirtgott, that the lord of Salmah Forest has taken over.
Outside, a detachment of the lord's soldiers join them.
They're also followed by a number of black clad soldiers in the first army of Farque.
Not knowing they're specifically trained members of the scouts and rangers division in the armies of Farque.
Assassins, whose training was completed by Helbe the elven thief.
Who have been tasked to guard the lord of Salmah Forest.
While he still hires the first army of Farque. Who have gained him the victory in the war against those here in the province of Corlinda.
They head through the city, making their way to the townhouse of baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
The city, the only one in either province of Corlinda and Karricaw.
Is in a weird state of flux at the moment. With both the first army of Farque, and lord Gormica in control of it.
Though baron Wilmot is here in residence. Even though he and his army were recently defeated in the conflict between the two warring provinces here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
The baron's army has been disbanded. And those of his men not part of the city garrison. Have returned to their hometowns, villages and farms throughout the baroncy.
The city, which no longer has it's central keep. Is getting on with life as it was before.
With little in the way of downturn when it comes to trading and commerce.
And though the residents of the city of Pirtgott. Were shocked to learn that their province of Corlinda was actually defeated in the recent war.
That hasn't stopped them from getting on with their lives.
Infact, in some ways. Many of the merchants based here in the city are doing better than they ever had.
As lord Gormica is buying up things left, right and center. To help rebuild his province of Karricaw.
He certainly has enough wealth to do so. After taking the fortunes of the nobility here in the province of Corlinda.
Including that of his own twin brother, baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
They make their into the plush neighbourhood just to the east of where the baron's keep once stood.
Gormica of Salmah Forest looks away to the left at his former home. Where he lived until he left a little over two decades ago.
Work crews, and labourers are clearing away the rubble of what was the baron's keep.
The stonework that's reusable is being sold. Infact the lord of Salmah Forest is buying quite a lot of it.
He can see the irony of using some of the stonework to help rebuild his own castle in Salmah Forest that was destroyed in the recent war between the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
They get to the baron's townhouse. A residence that's been in the family for centuries. Though hardly ever used.
Gormica can only remember coming here a handful of times in his youth.
And only spending a night there when he was child. As it was the home of his grandfather.
Who stood down as baron, in favour of his oldest son. Gormica and Wilmot's father.
Now the current baron of Pirtgott lives here. No doubt hating the fact that if he looks out some of the windows on one side on the second storey.
He can see down the street, where in the distance his keep once proudly stood in the center of the city.
The baron's guards at the wrought iron gates, allow lord Gormica, and the vassal knights, sir Deemus and sir Riknall to enter.
Though they won't allow the lord of Salmah Forest's men to come in with them.
Though they stand aside for the half a dozen black clad soldiers in the first army of Farque to follow after lord Gormica.
Who heads across the front courtyard, to the double front doors of the baron's townhouse.
There they're met by the baron Wilmot's majordomo. Who inquires to the purpose of their visit.
Lord Gormica of Salmah Forest tells him why. The majordomo pauses, then looks over at the black clad soldiers in the army occupying the city of Pirtgott. One of whom nods his head.
"I'll go and ask him immediately my lord" says the baron's majordomo.
"We'll wait out here" says lord Gormica.
The baron's man nods, and slips in through the half ajar door on the left.
The nobleman who led the province of Karricaw in the recent war between the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda shares a look with his vassal knights.
"Still think he won't see us?" quietly asks the lord of Salmah Forest.
Sir Riknall shrugs his shoulders, while sir Deemus quietly says "Maybe, maybe not" followed by "Not entirely sure my lord".
"We'll soon find out" quietly says lord Gormica, who continues with "I think he's starved for information, and he'll want to know what's going on".
Both of the vassals nod in agreement to that, then the younger of the two vassal knights, sir Riknall quietly says "Even with what could happen to his already damaged province, i think he'll be more than a little happy with the new turn of events".
The lord of Salmah Forest cannot but slightly wince at hearing that, for sir Riknall speaks the truth.
Corlinda has already lost, Wilmot won't care what could happen to it next, lord Gormica thinks to himself.
Then the trio of noblemen from the province of Karricaw turn back to the door, as the majordomo reappears, and opens them wide, and says "My lord, if you would follow me".
The lord of Salmah Forest and the two vassal knights enter the baron's townhouse.
And while two of the black clad soldiers in the first army of Farque remain outside.
The other four follow behind the noblemen from the province to the immediate east, the province of Karricaw.
The majordomo leads them down a hallway once they've gone through an antechamber.
And makes his way to an impressive set of carved doors. That lord Gormica knows was his grandfather's study.
The majordomo gestures at the doors, and says to the lord of Salmah Forest "The baron is waiting my lord" followed by "You may enter".
Before the nobleman who led the province of Karricaw in the recent war can open the doors.
A voice behind him and his vassal knights says "A moment lord Gormica".
It's the black clad soldier in the first army of Farque who nodded to the majordomo outside.
Who now gestures at the door, and glances at two of his comrades. Who step forward, one of whom, a young woman says to the three noblemen from the province of Karricaw "If you would stand aside".
Lord Gormica and his vassal knights do so, and she opens the door and enters, followed by her fellow soldier in black, who closes the door behind him.
Whilst the two others from the hired army from the lands Farque, remain out in the hallway with the trio of noblemen from the province of Karricaw, and the baron of Pirtgott's majordomo.
A couple of moments later, and the doors open, and the young woman in black reappears, saying something in a language the three noblemen, and the majordomo don't understand as she walks out into the hallway.
"You may enter" says the black clad soldier who lord Gormica figures commands the squad who accompanied him.
The lord of Salmah Forest nods, then along with sir Deemus and sir Riknall, walk through the open doorway.
Followed by the squad leader in black, while the young woman in the black armour, black tunic, and black surcoat remains out in the hallway.
When he enters what was his grandfather's study, lord Gormica is met by the other black clad soldier who came in first.
Who points to the far end of the long room, which Gormica of Salmah Forest, sees still has shelves of books along one wall.
The nobleman who led the province of Karricaw in the recent war with the province of Corlinda.
Then looks to the far end of the long room, and sees his twin brother Wilmot, sitting behind the large desk there.
The lord of Salmah Forest leads the way to the far side of the room. Where his brother sits, with barely suppressed hate in his eyes.
With the baron of Pirtgott, is his vassal knights sir Holjma and sir Crissen.
Both of whom are standing to the sides of the large desk the baron is sitting behind.
Lord Gormica stops infront of the desk, and after a moment's silence, he says "Brother".
"Brother" is the reply from baron Wilmot of Pirtgott after a few moments of silence.
There's nothing friendly about the greeting there between the twin brothers.
"My majordomo says you want to talk about something" says the baron of Pirtgott, who then adds "So talk".
The lord of Salmah Forest tells his brother the baron about the attacks up in the province of Moleau, presumably led by someone from here in the province of Corlinda. Who are passing themselves off as the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
And the subsequent response by the crown, and the king in the capital Calinar.
As he listens, baron Wilmot who had a sour look upon his face when his twin brother Gormica arrived.
Starts to slowly grin as he hears more and more of what's been happening recently up in the province of Moleau.
His vassals sir Holjma and sir Crissen slowly grin too as they hear what's been happening across the border up in the province of Moleau.
And when lord Gormica of Salmah Forest finishes speaking, baron Wilmot is straight out smirking.
"Well you're in the shit aren't you" says the baron of Pirtgott with a chuckle.
"I wouldn't want to be you brother" adds the nobleman who led the province of Corlinda in the recent war between the neighbouring provinces here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Any idea who is responsible?" asks the lord of Salmah Forest as he looks at his twin brother sitting behind the large desk.
"Absolutely none" replies the baron, who continues with "From what i understand, you've killed near every major nobleman in the province".
"As you did in Karricaw" retorts lord Gormica.
"True" says baron Wilmot with a shrug of his shoulders.
Then the baron of Pirtgott adds "So i have no idea who could be doing this".
The only nobleman the baron knows of here in Corlinda who is audacious enough to try what his twin brother has described, is lord Milson of Mottman Deep.
But Milson is dead, the baron thinks to himself, he then silently adds, isn't he?
The baron of Pirtgott then looks at his brother Gormica, and asks him "So what will you do brother?".
The lord of Salmah Forest just nods, then turns and says "We're going" to his vassals sir Deemus and sir Riknall.
As they walk away, baron Wilmot of Pirtgott bursts out laughing, and calls out to his twin brother "I thought so brother" followed by "Have fun in what little time you have left".
Back out in the hallway, lord Gormica shares a look with his two vassals, and as he's about to tell them, let's go.
The squad leader in black, who has been quietly talking in a foreign language to the other black clad soldier who was in the study with them.
Turns to the lord of Salmah Forest, and says "Lord Gormica".
The nobleman from the province of Karricaw turns to him, and says "Yes?".
"Your brother believes there's only one noble from here in Corlinda who is able to do what's happening up in the province of Moleau" says the black clad soldier in the first army of Farque, who then adds "A certain lord Milson of Mottman Deep".
Lord Gormica who doesn't ask how the Farqian soldiers know that, but presumes it's by magical means, then says "Thank you".
The lord of Salmah Forest looks at his two vassals, then tells them "At least we found out something, and this wasn't a complete waste of time".
Lord Gormica then leads the way along the hallway, knowing he still has a rather important decision to make.
Which may see the kingdom of Melaurn change forever depending on what he decides . . . . . .

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