Tuesday 20 October 2020

To War 46.

Summer. The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"Continue to keep an eye out for that lord Milson and his men as well" says lord Farque, who then adds "I want that fucker made an example of".
Both Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, and Beldane the cleric. Along with the captain of the Quick Gull nod in reply to that.
"That is all" says the undead warlord who then disappears. Well to be exact, the krean viewing spell of him that appeared in the captain's cabin a short time ago, disappears.
The three of them share a look, then the captain of the Quick Gull looks at the halfling and says "Shall we continue councilor?".
"Yes" says Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who then adds "Let's".
Then the three of them make their way from the captain's cabin, and make their way up onto the deck, of the small, sleek, single masted airship.
The Quick Gull, is certainly the oddest airship in the entire Farqian fleet.
It's a human designed vessel. Which isn't all that odd of a thing. But what makes it odd, is that it's more than halfway around the world from where it was built.
As the small, dark, single masted airship is from the far east coast of the continent.
From the Sultanate of Dreese. Which also happens to be the nation that Jarjin Littlefoot comes from.
What's also odd about the Quick Gull, is that it's entire crew is also from the Sultanate of Dreese.
Who after coming halfway around the world, when lord Farque and the members of the group with him at the time finally came back to the Southlands at the end of winter, the start of spring.
Decided to stay on in the Southlands, to be exact, the lands Farque. Where they've become part of the Farqian fleet. As well as become Farqians.
There's a small detachment of soldiers from the first army of Farque onboard at the moment.
Predominantly scouts and rangers, from that particular division in the first army.
As their mission at the moment here in the kingdom of Melaurn. In this war between lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and the crown.
Is to escort councilor Littlefoot, and the cleric Beldane. More specifically the fighting cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell.
As the powerful spellcaster is looking at, and memorizing much of the countryside that they fly over.
For the simple fact Beldane, has to see, and know where he cast a gateway too.
And the more he sees of the kingdom, in particular the warzone. The more places he can go throughout the provinces in this part of the kingdom where war has broken out.
As the captain heads up onto the slightly raised aft deck of the Quick Gull.
The fighting cleric, along with the halfling who is a member of lord Farque's personal council.
Head forward along the deck of the small, sleek looking single masted airship that's originally from the far east coast of the continent.
As they stand on the bow deck, at the very point of the Quick Gull, just behind the bowsprit.
And the cleric who is a member of the church of Glaine. A god predominantly worshiped in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Looks down at the ground just a hundred and twenty feet or so below them.
Memorizing as much as he can, as the Quick Gull moves at a steady ten knots, going westwards here along the border between the provinces of Corlinda and Moleau.
The halfling who isn't really what he appears to be. He's infact a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson. Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Jarjin Littlefoot.
Says to the powerful spellcaster originally from the kingdom of Nastell "Is it difficult?" followed by "From a height like this?".
As he suspects being down on the ground would be easier for the fighting cleric.
And the only reason they're doing it like this, is because it's quicker.
"Not really" says Beldane the cleric who can easily memorize what he sees of the countryside down below them. Because he's casting a spell to do so.
"It's about the same" continues the member of the church of Glaine, who follows that with "When i was sent out from the chapterhouse to go into western Nastell to spread the word of Glaine, i would cherish the days i could catch a ride on a passing airship to observe the land, and memorize it".
The powerful spellcaster, after a brief pause, dryly adds "It beats walking everywhere, or even going by horse as you memorize the landscape".
"Makes sense" says Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then asks "Do you remember everywhere you've been?".
"Pretty much" says the churchman in the halfplate armour, who continues on with "I just have to recall the area i want to go to, then various places in that area pop up in my mind".
"Neat trick" quietly says the halfling who is a former air sailor from the Sultanate of Dreese, a nation on the far east coast of the continent.
"Well, it's actually a spell" says the fighting cleric who lifts up his right arm, and gestures away to starboard.
The captain of the Quick Gull gives the order to turn to starboard. The helmsman does so. And the small, dark, sleek looking single masted airship starts heading northwards as much as westwards.
"That'll help" dryly murmurs the hobbit when he learns Beldane has a spell that helps him remember every place he's been to, and every place he's seen with his own eyes.
As a few wispy clouds drift by high in the sky above them, Jarjin Littlefoot looks away in the direction they're heading.
His eyesight, along with an elven ranger onboard. Is the best by far of those on the Quick Gull.
Making him an ideal lookout. And with the end of the bow slightly raised just before the bowsprit.
Councilor Littlefoot doesn't need a box or something similar to stand on. As he looks away to the northwest, looking for any enemy activity.
It's the elven ranger, up in the crows nest with one of the crew. Who spots it in the distance, and calls down "Airship to the northwest, starboard side!".
And after the captain of the Quick Gull calls out "How far!".
And the elven ranger up the mast replies with "About seven miles!".
The halfling who is a former air sailor, who served in the air fleet of the Sultan of Dreese, until he was killed in battle.
Nods his head, as he too spots the airship in the distance, away to the northwest.
"Definitely not one of ours" says Jarjin aka Zubutai the son of Timagin, who then calls back to the captain on the aft deck "A crown ship, or one of their allies!".
After the captain of the airship originally from the far east coast of the continent nods his thanks for that information.
The hobbit who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, says to the fighting cleric beside him "It's a warship".
"Figured as much" says the powerful Nastellian spellcaster, who slightly shrugs his heavily armoured shoulders as he adds "No use worrying about it until it gets closer".
The member of the church of Glaine then goes back to looking down at the ground. Memorizing the landscape in this area of the kingdom of Melaurn.
So if needs be, he can create a gateway to here. Or alternatively, away from here.
While Jarjin Littlefoot watches the enemy airship in the distance. Knowing that the Quick Gull can't really go up against any kind of warship.
True, the small, sleek looking, single masted airship, now has two ballista onboard.
In a midships, one on the port side, and the other on the starboard side.
They're the only offensive capabilities of the small airship, that's primarily been built for speed.
And though it can no way compare to any krean airship when it comes to speed, or for that matter, maneuverability.
It's still an extremely quick moving airship for one built and designed by humans. And one with just a single mast.
Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman knows that it's those onboard who have to make up for the Quick Gulls shortfall when it comes to offensive capabilities.
And amongst those onboard at the moment, it's primarily Beldane who is the one most capable in protecting them all. And also taking on an enemy warship.
Which the halfling councilor sees is now more or less heading in their direction.
As the fighting cleric continues to watch the land they're passing over, and memorizing it.
The hobbit who is a former air sailor from the far east coast of the continent.
Nods his head in agreement with the captain of the Quick Gull, who calls out "It's from the king's fleet!". As he's looking through a brass, cylindrical eyepiece that he's got one of the crew to bring up from his cabin.
"It's getting closer as we're closing the distance between it and us" quietly says the member of lord Farque's personal council.
The powerful cleric originally from the kingdom of Nastell, who is the only member of the group who travels with lord Farque.
Not to actually enter the lands that bare the name of the undead warlord.
Is loathed to stop what he's doing. But he does stop watching the land going by beneath them.
And looks away to the northwest, in the direction the enemy vessel is coming from.
"Hmmmm" murmurs the fighting cleric who is a member of the church of Glaine.
While Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman glances at the mace the powerful spellcaster has tied to a loop on his belt.
The former air sailor in the fleet of the Sultan of Dreese. Knows the magical weapon is powerful in it's own right.
And that it no longer acts independently. Taking away Beldane whenever it thinks he's in trouble.
Then Jarjin Littlefoot looks at the practitioner of magic who says to him "Probably best if i didn't cast that much" he follows that with "I can sense a couple of spellcasters onboard of it".
The halfling who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods in understanding.
Then the fighting cleric calls over one of the crew, and quietly talks to him about something.
Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson's eyebrows go up when he hears what Beldane says to the crewman who hurries away.
He returns a short time later, handing the powerful spellcaster a couple of things.
One of which is the captain's brass, cylindrical eyepiece. And the other is something he's retrieved from below deck.
"Here, you take this" says the cleric in the church of Glaine to the halfling who isn't exactly what he appears to be.
"What am i going to do with it?" asks councilor Littlefoot as he takes it from the fighting cleric.
"Hopefully use it" replies Beldane, who then looks through the brass, cylindrical eyepiece, and looks at the enemy warship that's heading towards them.
"Hell" mutters the hobbit from the far east coast of the continent as he looks at the mage canister he's holding in his hands.
"By the tundra gods" adds Jarjin aka Zubutai the son of Timagin in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra.
Then switching back to the common language, which is predominantly used onboard the Quick Gull, as the crew have only just started to learn the elven language.
The halfling who is a member of lord Farque's personal council then asks "What does it do?".
"How should i know?" replies Beldane with a shrug of his armoured shoulders as he continues to look at the enemy airship through the eyepiece.
As the powerful spellcaster signals for the captain of the Quick Gull to have the small, dark, sleek looking, single masted airship to gain in altitude.
He tells the hobbit who is a former air sailor "What does it say on the end?" followed by "There should be at least some runes there".
Councilor Littlefoot looks closely at the end of the two foot long metal canister. The end that you turn to activate the magical item.
"Hmmm something was embossed on the metal there" says Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then adds "But it's been worn away".
"Typical" dryly murmurs the member of the church of Glaine.
Who is slightly surprised that the mage canister was actually marked. As more often than not, the mages who make them. Don't even bother marking them. To show what spell is contained in the black, rolled steel canister.
The powerful spellcaster looks back at the captain on the aft deck, and signals for him to increase speed.
Orders are given, and more sail is put on, reefed and tightened. And the Quick Gull picks up speed. Soon going in excess of twenty knots.
As he stands there holding a magical device that definitely has something rather destructive in it.
Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson says "Too small for a frigate, and it's not really a cutter". As he looks at the warship in the king's fleet.
The hobbit, who retains much of the knowledge he had when he was actually Jarjin Littlefoot the air sailor, continues with "A packet ship, rated to about eighteen i say".
As he once again looks through the brass, cylindrical eyepiece, Beldane the cleric nods in agreement with the member of lord Farque's personal council.
As the enemy vessel does indeed look like it carries about eighteen magetubes.
"Get ready to activate it, then throw it through" quietly says the powerful spellcaster originally from the kingdom of Nastell.
"Throw it through what?" mutters the hobbit from the far east coast of the continent.
"A gateway" says the member of the church of Glaine, who follows on from that with "I guess i could teleport it over, but that wouldn't be as accurate".
"What are we waiting for then?" asks councilor Littlefoot as the enemy vessel, which has definitely noticed the Quick Gull.
Has put on some more sail, and is quickly closing in on the small, dark, sleek looking, single masted airship that is originally from the Sultanate of Dreese.
"The closer i am, the less time it takes me to cast and form it" explains the fighting cleric in the halfplate armour, who then adds "And the less time it will give those two spellcasters onboard to react".
The halfling from the far east coast of the continent nods at the logic of that.
Then Beldane calls back to the captain and the helmsman on the aft deck "Hard to port on my signal!".
The captain of the Quick Gull acknowledges that with a nod of his head.
Then in the elven language, the Nastellian spellcaster says "Step back, and get ready to activate it".
The cleric in the church of Glaine then dryly adds "Make sure to throw it through after it forms".
Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman wryly says "I will".
Then the practitioner of magic looks through the eyepiece again, then casts. As he does, he lifts his left arm up to signal the captain.
The Quick Gull turns hard to port. As it does, a gateway quickly forms infront of Jarjin Littlefoot and Beldane the cleric.
The halfling who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Finds himself standing at that angle where one can actually see through the gateway, which as usual is completely black in colour.
And Jarjin aka Zubutai the son of Timagin sees that the otherside of the gateway is horizontal.
It's about eight feet above the deck of the airship in the king's fleet that's approaching the Quick Gull.
As the hobbit who isn't exactly what he seems to be. Twists the end of the mage canister.
He sees a startled crew member on the enemy vessel, looking up at the gateway that's suddenly appeared just above him.
Then Jarjin Littlefoot throws the magical device through the gateway that Beldane has cast.
It falls by the startled crewman on the enemy warship. And falls down into an open hatchway, to below deck.
That's the last that councilor Littlefoot sees of it. As the fighting cleric drops his spell, and the gateway vanishes.
They look over at the airship in the king's fleet that's only half a mile away at best.
When suddenly a loud explosion rips through the front half of the packet ship in the enemy fleet.
The entire bow section of the warship away to starboard, to the northwest, is shattered apart.
And red and green flames roll back through the rest of the enemy airship.
Shooting flames up through hatchways and ladder openings, and out through portholes.
As the doomed vessel, covered in flames, starts breaking apart, and quickly drops down out of the sky towards the ground.
Beldane the cleric nods when Jarjin Littlefoot the councilor says in a slightly dry tone of voice "Well, that did it".
They're silent as the burning shell of the enemy warship plows into the ground.
Then the fighting cleric says "Right, back to what we were doing". And he goes back to looking down at the countryside below, and memorizing it.
On what's another warm day here in this part of the kingdom of Melaurn . . . . . .

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