Monday 12 October 2020

To War 40.

Summer. The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"Come on youngster" murmurs Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy as he looks towards the town a couple hundred yards away.
It's one of the towns here in the south of the province of Moleau that escaped an attack presumably by the Corlindian nobleman, lord Milson of Mottman Deep.
Though it hasn't escaped an attack by elements of the first army of Farque, who are fighting on behalf of lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
The Karricawian nobleman who finds himself at war against the crown and king of Melaurn.
There's a cloud of debris mushrooming up into the late afternoon sky on the far side of the town.
While on the near side, the south side, an inn, it's stables, and the building right beside it, are in flames. Threatening to set the buildings near them on fire.
The enemy army camp just outside the southwest corner of the town is a hive of activity.
As their leaders were using that particular inn that's now a roaring blaze, as their command post.
While on the otherside of town, the north side. The only airdock in this part of the province of Moleau has just been destroyed.
Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Looks at the enemy camp, that's made up of various armies and forces from the province of Alindar.
From the nobility there in the province directly to the west of the province of Moleau, who have answered the call to arms from the king of Melaurn.
The elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae, where he served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland.
And who is now an officer in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Sees many of the enemy rushing from their camp, heading into town, to find whoever it is that's responsible for the attack upon the town.
One of whom has just run by the spy Tanith, heading back into the woods, to join the rest of the small company that the elven spy commands.
Now the elf, who is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque. Is waiting for the member of his company who has just destroyed the airdocks on the north side of the town, that's here in the very west of the province of Moleau.
"There he is, away to the east of town" quietly says the scout behind the tree to Dalin's right.
The elven officer in the armies of Farque looks to the east of town, and sees a small number of townsfolk fleeing what's just happened in their town.
"Smart lad" murmurs the elven spy as he spots the young teenage messenger, who just destroyed the town airdocks with a mage canister, is amongst the locals who are fleeing.
Then both the officer and the scout mutter "Shit". When they see a number of enemy riders make their way from the east side of town, heading after the fleeing locals.
Dalin nods his hooded head in agreement when he hears the scout murmur "Don't give us away".
Then the spy who hails from the elven principality of Laerel quietly says to the scout "Is he too far?".
Knowing exactly what his commander is referring to, the human scout, a veteran who has patrolled the borders of the lands Farque for the last fifteen years, nods his head yes, and quietly replies with "He's too far".
Referring to if either one of them with their longbows, could shoot the young messenger.
"Hope there's no spellcasters with those riders" quietly says Dalinvardèl Tanith, who briefly pauses before he adds "Or that those locals give him away".
The veteran scout winces when he hears that, then nods in agreement with the elven spy who commands their small company.
They watch as the enemy riders round up the fleeing locals to the east of town, amongst whom is the young teenage runner in the first army of Farque, who has just destroyed the town's airdocks.
As they watch the enemy riders gesture and yell at the locals, one of the townsman points at the young Farqian messenger.
"Fuck" mutters the scout, who then quietly asks the elven spy "Can you hear what they're saying?".
"Not really" is the reply of the spy Tanith, who continues with "Too much racket going on with this lot" as he gestures at the enemy camp that's a hive of activity.
Then the elf who is an officer in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque quietly adds "I can well imagine what's being said though".
The scout nods in agreement, and Dalinvardèl Tanith briefly grimaces as one of the riders reaches down and tries to grab the teenager from the lands Farque.
"Fight" loudly murmurs the elven spy as he wills the messenger to take on the enemy.
The scout nods in agreement with him again. As the best thing the young runner can do now is to fight and get himself killed, or fight and somehow escape.
"He heard you" quietly says the veteran scout as they see the messenger slam a dagger he had hidden up his sleeve, up into the throat of the enemy rider who just tried to grab him.
They watch as the youngster in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque, who can't be more than fourteen years old.
Drag the fatally wounded enemy soldier out of the saddle, and jump up onto the back of that horse, before any of the other riders can react.
He digs his boot heels into the flanks of that horse, that takes off running.
Both the elven spy and the human scout nod in satisfaction, as they see the young teenage messenger is heading to the northeast away from town, and away from where the rest of his company are. Being chased by the rest of the enemy riders as he does so.
Sharing a look with the scout, the spy Tanith quietly says "He either gets away, or they catch him and hopefully kill him" followed by "Either way we can't do anything for him".
They both hope the runner escapes, but if he is caught. The enemy quickly kill him, as they don't want the teenage Farqian tortured and questioned. Or even worse, handed over to an enemy spellcaster who can read his mind.
"We better get going too" quietly says Dalinvardèl Tanith, the elf in the grey hooded cloak nods at the enemy camp as he adds "Looks like someone there kind of knows what they're doing".
As enemy riders, and others on foot, are spreading out, searching for whoever it is that's responsible for the attack upon the town they're using as a staging ground, as they prepare to travel onwards to the province of Corlinda.
Seeing a number of the enemy from the province of Alindar, heading in this direction towards the woods.
The spy Tanith, along with the veteran scout, turn and run back through the trees.
And so begins a chase through this part of the western Moleau, that goes well into the night.
The company under the command of Dalinvardèl Tanith is relatively small, just twenty of them, including the two runners, or messengers who undertook the attack upon the town that the enemy are using as a staging ground.
And like all of the small companies actually deep in enemy territory, all of them are in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
And the reason why the two youngest members of the company undertook the attack on the town.
Is because they're the least likely to draw attention to themselves. And can easily pass as locals here in the kingdom of Melaurn.
Far more easily compared to their comrades in the small, fast moving company. Who like most such companies, are on foot.
The spy Tanith has his company spread out as they flee southwards through the woods.
They all know they're not to fall into the hands of the enemy. And the best thing you can do if you are caught, is to fight, hoping to kill as many of them as they kill you.
Dalin who has been in numerous wars in his lifetime, knows that though lord Farque and his first army are far superior to the enemy when it comes to ability, and more importantly tactics.
They have one major disadvantage, a fairly distinct disadvantage too. And that's that the crown, and the king of Melaurn have far superior numbers than they do. Infact substantially more numbers.
As the king of Melaurn doesn't just have his own army. He can also call upon his allies throughout the entire kingdom of Melaurn.
As he has done with a number of the nobility from the province of Alindar. Which is to the south of the province of Calinar. And directly to the west of the province of Moleau.
With the superior numbers the crown has. Lord Farque, general Salmic, and the three field commanders, one of whom is Tamric Drubine.
Have had to be creative in their tactics, as they fight on behalf of lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
Who after leading the province of Karricaw in it's recent border war against the province of Corlinda in the early part of summer.
Now finds himself in opposition to the crown and king. As they didn't take too kindly to the war spreading out beyond the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
The first army of Farque are undertaking various attacks upon the crown's forces, and their allies. Who come from many of the provinces throughout the kingdom of Melaurn.
Though not all of the provinces, as there are a few nobles who aren't happy with the current king who rules Melaurn.
For Dalin knows that apart from themselves, there's just lord Gormica's own army who are opposing the crown.
And the only ally they have at the moment, is a rather reluctant ally at best.
As it's baron Wilmot of Pirtgott in the province of Karricaw. The twin brother of lord Gormica.
The baron who led the province of Corlinda in the recent border war with the province of Karricaw.
Who lost that war earlier in the summertime in the south of the kingdom to his twin brother Gormica. After the sunsets, Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as more often than not he's referred to by the others in the group.
Has an advantage over those who are trying to find him and his company.
He can see in the dark, while they can't. Unless there's a spellcaster with them.
And also with it being nighttime, their pursuers are a lot more cautious and circumspect.
Though there is a lot of them. As a number of patrols, both mounted and on foot, have gone out from their camp.
A camp that the spy Tanith guesses, had nearly two thousand soldiers in it, waiting to head southeast into the province of Corlinda.
The spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he served a similar role he has now in the armies of Farque, in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland.
Sends a few of the company along a game trail he finds, as the woods have thinned out, and there's a road somewhere to the east of them.
The officer in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque has the veteran scout with him as they continue more or less to the south.
Dalin who hears some of their pursuers in the distance behind them, looks over at the scout who has stopped nearby, and quietly said in the elven language "Two of them haven't come by". Referring to two of their company of twenty.
The elven spy closes his eyes as he listens carefully, he's silent for quite sometime, then he opens his eyes, and looks at the veteran scout, who is patiently watching him.
"They're being chased" quietly says the elven officer in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
The scout slightly grimaces, but he remains silent as he waits for what his company command decides to do.
Dalinvardèl Tanith then nods his hooded head to the left, and quietly says "To the road". He then tells the veteran scout "Be prepared for anything".
The scout nods in understanding as he realises what they might have to do.
Then he takes off running, following behind the elven spy, who with his far superior vision and hearing, leads the way.
The spy Tanith picks the best route possible so the following scout doesn't have to be too cautious following him.
There's only one of the moons of Volunell in the night sky at the moment. Though a second is peeking up over the horizon to the east.
The elven officer, who is part of the group who travels with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque slows down as he approaches the road.
And he quietly says to the veteran scout who comes alongside him "I think one of them might be injured".
The elf who hails from the principality of Alínlae, then adds "Sounds like he keeps falling back".
They get to near the road, where they both take their longbows, and string them without even looking at what they're doing.
"They're off the otherside of the trees" quietly says Dalin who can hear what's happening, but not see anything yet.
"Riders are on the road, and in the trees chasing them" adds the elven officer who continues with "Shoot their mounts as much as them".
Then the spy Tanith steps out onto the road, and taking an arrow from his quiver he puts it to the belly of his longbow, draws it back, and releases.
The cloth yard shaft slams into the chest of the lead rider a few hundred feet away to the north along the road.
The other riders near him, are a hell of a lot more cautious as they can't see anyone on the road up ahead.
Dalin nods his hooded head to the right, and says to the veteran scout "There's one of ours" followed by "You should be able to see him soon".
The scout nods, and eventually spots movement amongst the trees in that direction.
And quietly calls out in the elven language "Keep going". When the spy Tanith quietly tells him to call out to their oncoming company member.
"Shoot to my left" quietly commands Dalin who has let another arrow fly "You're bound to hit something" adds the elven spy.
The veteran scout does so, and after letting three arrows off in quick succession. He's rewarded with the scream of a horse in pain, along with a clearly human shout of pain as the horse topples over, pinning the legs of it's rider.
"Fuck" mutters Dalinvardèl Tanith as he spots something through the trees.
"Keep shooting along the road" commands the elven officer who then takes off running, going into the trees on the otherside of the road.
Dalin has gone just forty yards, when he comes to a stop, and sees the remaining member of the company.
Who has just been taken, and put up onto the back of one of the enemy riders mounts, after being bludgeoned.
The spy Tanith can clearly see the bleeding right leg of the black clad Farqian soldier, where he's broken off the arrow that's in it.
The elven officer lets the arrow to his longbow fly. And he almost snarls as the shaft takes another of the enemy riders in the throat, who just moved infront of the one Dalin was aiming at.
That spooks the others, and with shouts they turn, heading back the way they've come from.
The spy Tanith downs another one, who is directly behind the one he's aiming at again.
Then realising he has no other option as there'll soon be too many trees in the way.
Dalin puts another yard long shaft to his longbow, notches it, and draws it back in one motion, and murmurs "May the forest gods forgive me". Just before he lets the arrow fly.
The elven officer in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque turns, and takes off after seeing his arrow hit it's target.
Dalinvardèl Tanith is quickly back on the road, and quietly says to the veteran scout "Let's get going".
As they run along the road with the commotion of the night getting further behind them, the scout quietly asks his company commander "Is he?".
"He is" quietly replies Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy.
The veteran scout nods in understanding, as he knows the elven officer has just killed one of their own soldiers . . . . . .

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