Sunday 23 May 2021

The Find 41.


Within the giant hole in the ground. Also called the pit. The ancient city of Dalphene. More commonly called, The City of Ruins.
"That won't be bothering us anymore" says Mira Reinholt the mage, who briefly pauses before adding "Or anyone for that matter".
Next to him, his fellow councilor, Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit nods in agreement with him.
As they look to the west at the smoke that's continuing to rise up in the afternoon sky.
The once powerful mage who just destroyed the warship with a mageglobe, turns as lord Farque approaches.
The undead warlord wanted the airship destroyed for the simple reason those onboard shot at them a little earlier.
"That's out of the picture" says the mage Reinholt with a nod of his hooded head in the direction of the downed warship, that belonged to the mercenary captain, Jorkamin.
The undead warlord nods his full helmed head to that, then lord Farque says "No, not amongst them".
In reply to the spellcaster who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil asking him "They among that lot who were fighting nearby?".
"Pity" murmurs Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who has a feeling that finding the one they're searching for, isn't going to be easy.
The mage, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, looks up at the afternoon sky above the pit, and asks the heavily armoured deathlord "Anymore around?".
"Nothing" is the reply from lord Farque, or Draugadrottin which is another of his names, that the people of his lands know him by.
"No airships apart from a sightseeing one down at the southern end of the pit" continues the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who then adds "And no wyverns as well".
Mira Reinholt and Jarjin Littlefoot, both members of lord Farque's personal council, nod at that.
As the wyvern rider that has been circling on and off above the pit since yesterday afternoon.
Was killed a little earlier by Helbe the elven thief, causing the wyvern to take off. It headed north, with little to no chance of ever coming back. As wyverns tend to be fractious creatures. The tamed ones tend go to pieces if they've got no structure in their lives.
The three of them look back as some of the others in the group walk up to them.
There's Tamric Drubine the field commander, along with his lover, Saanea the witch.
With the young couple, is Tovis the war engineer. Who is followed by Shur Kee the monk.
Behind them is sir Percavelle Lé Dic, while at the back of the group is Dorc da Orc.
Somewhere out infront is Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, Lisell Maera the scout, and Beldane the cleric.
Meanwhile, there's also Helbe the elven thief, along with Narladene the ground pixie.
With the exception of lord Farque, no one knows where the two of them are.
Just that they're in the northern half of the pit, somewhere to the north of the neutral zone.
Popping her head up through the sandy ground, Narladene the ground pixie has a look around.
And spots a bunch of mercenaries run by, heading towards one of the ancient buildings in this part of the City of Ruins.
The naturally magical creature, who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains.
Follows after them, to see which mercenary company they belong to.
The tiny winged creature doesn't follow them for long when she hears that they belong to Hamblett's company.
The ground pixie moves off, and goes in search of Helbe the elven thief, who isn't all that far away.
Here a couple of miles to the north of the neutral zone in the giant hole in the ground, within which is the ancient city of Dalphene. Which is more commonly known by the name of, the City of Ruins.
The naturally magical creature finds the highly talented elven magic user coming out of an underground tunnel, that comes up into a fallen down ruin of a building.
"Who was down there?" quietly asks Narladene the ground pixie after she lands upon the right shoulder of the young elven noble who hails from the island principality of Laerel.
"Some of Jarnok's men" is the quiet reply of Helbe the elven thief, who informs Narladene that the tunnel is one of a number that leads to a underground chamber that Jarnok's mercenary company is using.
"I think his company, and the others will stick up more of a fight" says the highly talented elven magic user, who then adds "Now that Jorkamin's wyvern has gone, and his warship destroyed".
The two of them can see the column of smoke rising up into the sky to the southwest of where they are.
"Mira got that good" says the tiny winged creature to the elven masterthief she's attached to.
The elven spellcaster, who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel, nods his hooded in agreement with the ground pixie.
Then Helbe the elven thief, who is blurred and shielded, asks the naturally magical creature "Find any more of them?".
"Nope" is the reply of Narladene, who then asks the elven master assassin "You?".
The elf in the white hooded cloak shakes his head no, then murmurs "Never said it would be easy".
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel who is looking around in all directions then asks the ground pixie "Can you sense those two elves in his company?".
The rumours they've heard about Maygam's mercenary company, is that he's got a set of nefarious elven twins working for him.
Spellcasters from the principality of Alínlae, which makes them nobleborn.
The highly talented elven magic user has been unable to sense them, either one or both of them, something he finds more than a little odd.
As the grandson of prince Raendril of Laerel, usually doesn't have any problems sensing other spellcasters in the vicinity.
At least within a few miles of wherever he may be, as that's about the limit of his powers, and his ability to sense.
The ground pixie senses in all directions, and she finds ever single spellcaster in all of the City of Ruins.
The tiny winged creature soon finds the two elven magic users in question.
"That way" says the naturally magical creature from the Sunreach Mountains, who points away to the west.
"About half, maybe three quarters of a mile away" adds Narladene, who then suddenly frowns, and asks "Can't you sense them?".
As she knows the highly talented elven magical user from the island principality of Laerel, should be able to sense the nobleborn twins from the principality of Alínlae.
"I can't" says the elven masterthief, who points as he adds "I can sense those two wizards that way, and the other wizard back the way we came from".
The young elven noble from Laerel continues with "But i can't sense those two from Alínlae".
The ground pixie continues frowning, then senses again, locating the nobleborn elves who hail from Alínlae, the same principality that Dalinvardèl Tanith the spy is from.
After a moment, Narladene looks sharply at the elven princeling she's attached to, studying the shield spell that he basically always casts.
"Well, i never" murmurs the naturally magical creature, who then says "They're shielded".
Helbe the elven spy blinks in surprise, for the shield spell he has upon himself, is one he invented, and has yet to teach anyone else it.
"Spell?" asks the highly talented elven magic user who unlike most other spellcasters, has invented numerous spells over the years.
When most spellcasters, don't even create or invent a single one in their entire lifetime.
"No" is the reply of the ground pixie, who continues on with "They both have items that approximately do the same thing" she then adds "Similar to that trinket Mira had".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril grunts as he recalls the necklace, and the artifact attached to it that the mage Reinholt used to have.
Taken from him a couple of years ago, when half the group went through the rift/void spell that Vexilian mage accidentally cast.
Sending them to the far east coast of the continent, to the Sultanate of Dreese.
Where the once powerful mage was taken captive by the deranged, and power mad leader of that nation.
"Linked by the feel of it" explains Narladene, who follows that with "Making it twice as powerful as it normally be".
"Interesting" murmurs the elf, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Who then slightly frowns when the tiny winged creature attached to him, quietly says "Both of them are far more powerful than you".
The young elven noble who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
Isn't all that surprised at that, as he isn't a particularly powerful spellcaster.
Knowing that many other nobleborn elves are far more powerful than him when it comes to magic.
The elven master archer frowns in earnest, when the ground pixie quietly tells him "They're probably twice as powerful than they actually are" followed by "I've heard of twins who are spellcasters in the past, and they work in unison with ease, doubling their powers".
"How powerful would that make these two?" asks the elven princeling from Laerel.
"As powerful as Beldane" replies Narladene, who follows that with "Probably more so".
Helbe the elven thief winces when he hears that, for Beldane the cleric is an extremely powerful spellcaster.
The most powerful practitioner of magic in the group by far. True, he's no where near as powerful as Mira Reinholt before the mage lost the vast majority of his powers.
When he went offworld a number of years ago through a rift/void spell he accidentally cast.
All the same, the cleric in the church of Glaine is still an extremely powerful spellcaster.
"That's not good" murmurs the elven master assassin, who follows that with "Especially since i can't sense them".
The ground pixie nods her head in agreement, then she quietly asks the young elven noble from Laerel "You want me to tell Farque about it?".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril thinks about it for a few moments, then replies with "You probably should".
The elven masterthief continues with "I might have trouble dealing with them" he briefly pauses before he adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "He won't".
After quickly looking back at the others following him. Lord Farque leads the way to where he feels the spy Tanith, the scout Maera and Beldane the cleric have stopped just ahead.
The undead warlord takes around about way to get to them, to avoid anyone else in the vicinity.
He finds them in the shell of one of the ancient buildings, here about two and half miles to the north of the neutral zone in the giant hole in the ground.
Within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, or as it's more commonly called, the City of Ruins.
"What is it?" asks the lord and ruler of the lands Farque when they meet up with the three who have been out infront.
"There's a tunnel entrance in the corner of there" quietly says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven thief, who follows that with "We saw a couple of mercs a little earlier go down it".
The large, heavily armoured deathlord, who can sense everything living or dead, as well as all magic.
Has sensed all manner of people in underground tunnels that riddle this part of the City of Ruins.
The undead being who has the elven name of Des'tier is just about to ask Mira Reinholt to create one of his clear mageglobes, that is an equivalent of a viewing spell, and send it down the nearby tunnel.
When he senses Narladene the ground pixie heading quickly this way from the west.
"A moment" says the lord of the death realm who steps through what's left of a wall, and out the side of the ancient building.
Draugadrottin doesn't have to wait long, for the naturally magical creature who is invisible to the others, is soon hovering beside his full helmed head.
"What?" quietly asks the undead warlord in the ground pixie language.
The tiny winged creature informs the large, heavily armoured deathlord about the elven twins in Maygam's mercenary company.
The lord and ruler senses away to the northwest, and quickly locates the elven nobles in question.
Des'tier lifts an eyebrow as he carefully senses them, then he quietly says "Those two aren't quite right".
"What do you mean?" quietly asks the ground pixie who is one of the hidden members of the group.
The other being the massive sword strapped to the back of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"Sense them again" says the undead warlord who then adds "Carefully" followed by "Those amulets or whatever they're wearing aren't the only things that are linked".
Narladene does what lord Farque says, and her eyebrows lift up in surprise when she senses what he's discovered, which she didn't notice before.
"How's that possible?" asks the tiny winged creature from the Sunreach Mountains.
"Who the fuck knows" says Des'tier, who after looking up at the sky, and notices it's getting late in the afternoon, continues on with "Go and check that lot out".
The lord of the death realm then says "Be careful, they might be able to do things other spellcasters can't" followed by "Like detect your kind".
Narladene is just about to ask him how, when the deathlord of Farque quietly tells her "The house mages in my youth used spells that detect movement to locate your kind".
Knowing that Narladene, like all pixies and sprites is immune to magic, lord Farque quietly says "They'd detect the movement you make through the air, ground or water not actually your kind".
The naturally magical creature blinks in surprise when she hears that, then she mutters "Shit". As she realises that could indeed detect her . . . . . .

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